LANCASTER – Two women and a toddler were killed Sunday night in a collision between an SUV and a car just outside Lancaster, authorities said.
The crash was reported around 9:19 p.m. Sunday, June 19, on Avenue D (SR138 West), just west of the Antelope Valley (14) Freeway.

A black 2016 Ford Escape was traveling westbound on Avenue D and a white 2013 Honda Accord was traveling eastbound on Avenue D, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
“The driver of the black Ford Escape made a left turn directly into the path of the white Honda Accord resulting in a broadside traffic collision,” the CHP report states.
The driver of the Honda Accord, 61-year-old Cheryl A. Harris of Lancaster, sustained major injuries in the collision and was transported to Antelope Valley Hospital, according to the CHP report.

The Ford Escape’s driver, 37-year-old Eric D. Johnson of Palmdale, was ejected from the vehicle and was hospitalized with major injuries, the CHP report states.
A 36-year-old woman from Chandler, Arizona, and a 37-year-old woman from Carson were passengers in the Ford Escape and died at the scene, according to the CHP. Their names have not yet been released because next of kin has not been notified.
A 1-2-year-old girl in the Ford Escape was taken to Antelope Valley Hospital where she was pronounced dead, the CHP report states.
The Ford Escape’s driver (Eric Johnson) was placed under arrest following the crash, according to the CHP report. The reason wasn’t spelled out.
“Additional circumstances regarding this traffic collision are still under investigation,” the CHP report states.
UPDATED 6/21/16: The deceased have been identified as 36-year-old Maisha Garrett of Paramount, 37-year-old Michelle Maxie of Chandler, Arizona, and Anaya Clayton, a 2-year-old girl from Arizona, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
The Ford Escape’s driver, Eric D. Johnson of Palmdale, was arrested for felony DUI, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Gil Hernandez.
SRivera says
The lady driving the Honda (Harris) was drunk and needs to be held accountable The police should be arresting her!!! She was reported swirving lanes prior to the accident!!! Harris, you are at fault!!!!
Just Saying says
Maybe she dropped hot coffee in her lap. Swerving has many causes besides drunk driving. If she was DUI, the officers would have determined that rather quickly.
sinaarivera says
As a mother whose son killed three people my sister and my neice and maisha’ dont u think you ought to call and say something’stupid ass savage drivin drunk’ill never see my sister or neice again and since hurt people hurt people i want his family to feel the pain we feel!!!!
soapbox superman says
I cant wait to see all these concerened people in court when the law decides based on facts…
Nisha says
Won’t have to wait long cause the court date is tommorow
Nass says
Michelle maxie name was michelle clayton. She wad cheating on me. This whole situation is rea merky. I am het husband. Renaldo clayton. Her whole family knew. Sneaking around doen here from arozona. Don’t believe nothing you hear
Nish says
You claim to be her husband yet here you are making ignorant,unfounded, and speculatory statements about Michelle!! How dare you !!! You should be grieving the loss of such a beautiful woman that was taken from us but instead choose to attack her character??? How about you tell the world that you are an abusive,uneducated, demon that cared soo little about her that you kept her isolated from her family and friends that loved her dearly ☕️!!!
MimiTheBSDetector says
I beg your pardon!!! If you are her so called husband, why are you online tarnishing her beautiful image with unfounded accusations? You sound more like a f*ck boy than a grieving husband you POS. She is not here to defend herself against your “Hooked On Phonic” statement so don’t you ever speak ill of her again. By the way, if she cheated on you, you probably drove her to do it with your bitter & disrespectful a$$. Stay off the Internet and get your life, you beige a$$wipe!!!
MimiTheBSDetector says
LALA says
Love you Michelle and I will always remember ur beautiful smile and the real person you was and your sweet baby girl but God doesn’t make mistakes so I will not question why u left so soon but God bless and rest well love lala….
Dana says
I heard that both of the drivers were under the influence while driving….both a terrible experience for everyone.
Aisha Jenkins says
Michelle was a SWEET, SWEET, SWEET woman! Always respectful and quiet at work. Sorry this happened to you, RIP. You’re now an Angel in heaven!
David Gladman says
Love you Chelle
Susie says
Maisha…..you were such a wonderful soul. I will miss our “Johnny Rebs” and peach pie. I am hearbroken……
[removed] says
I love how they delete the Facebook account of Eric to hide the proof that he is garbage. Thankfully we have screenshots and will forward to the DA, so they can show the world class citizen he is.
I hope you are locked up for the rest of your life.
Sasay says
He don’t deserve to ne in prison for the remainder of his life
TJ says
The EFF? What have you smoked? He deserves to be paralyzed AND locked up UNDER THE JAIL. with his B azz
Bresmith says
Tj you are so ignorant I just can’t with you. How could you just say something so harsh like that. You make no sense. I could understand if he did something like that Orlando shooting then say whatever you want but this was a pure accident and that’s all it was. But oh well God knows what happened none of you do so stop with all the unnecessary stuff your dating or hoping on someone.
Shane Falco says
I always enjoyed the people surrounded by and participating in the criminal lifestyle as a way of life who say “Only God knows…” Or “only God can judge”.
Well, actually we were created with common sense to know what’s right and wrong. We also can use situations like this to teach our kids “don’t do what that idiot did” anytime somebody commits a crime. It’s okay to tell your children that somebody is no good for society and to not end up like them.
Trust me, the AV is chock full of thousands of people and neighborhoods that can serve as a “cautionary tale” for others.
Toni Jones says
Eric was in the wrong to get a car drunk. Last time I checked both ladies were grown. They made a choice and I’m sure they knew he was drinking. So all of you throwing blame . God said we have free will. This is a tragedy but the blame goes all away around . This is very sad.
Toni Jones says
Eric was in the wrong to get a car drunk. Last time I checked both ladies were grown. They made a choice and I’m sure they knew he was drinking. So all of you throwing blame . God said we have free will. This is a tragedy but the blame goes all away around .
Tim Scott says
I know that this topic really leaves very little room for humor. I also know that it is really easy to make a simple mistake when writing passionately about something important. But I did have to laugh a little about “getting a car drunk.”
jordan johnson says
Eric has blood on his hands. Got ZERO sympathy for this fool. What about responsibility and accountability for yo actions? This is a tragedy that didn’t have to happen. And all the folks on here defending him and pitying him …. would you feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot? Why make him out to be the victim? Completely selfish, irresponsible, wreckless and a bitch move on his part. My homies know him from the hood and he gotta rap sheet long as can be. He shot one of my boyz bro many, many years ago. Wish he woulda learned from the last car accident last year. Now lives of innocent people are cut short because of his irresponsible driving.Very selfish act. Rest in peace sweet girls. And the lady fighting for her life, praying that you pull through.
Doejohn says
Who is defending him? Everybody knows it was a bad situation. Don’t need to down talk on nobody!
Rosa says
I will miss you and your beautiful smile Mica and precious Anaya. You, Anaya and your friend Maisha will be remembered by your family and friends. You will forever be in our hearts….RIP
Joe says
Was there any witnesses to the accident?
Jay says
I went to AVC the last two years and I probably almost got hit 300-500 times crossing crosswalks the past two years. The drivers in Lancaster are far, far worse than any drivers in the rest of LA county or Orange County. Thank god I’ll never have to go Lancaster ever again for the rest of my life.
Bettysue says
Was this baby or any of the victims properly restrained in the vehicle? I’m just curious on that. I realize that they don’t always save lives but it would be interesting to know if others are at fault too.
KayPee says
Driver was the only one not restrained
Niecy003 says
I was wondering about the crash rating on the Ford Escape 2016, I feel if they were restrained those airbags did the most damage. My opinion. It’s just so sad all around….HORRIFIC… MY PRAYERS GO OUT TO ALL THE FAMILIES… MAISHA…OH MAISHA…YOU WILL BE MISSED..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN….you’re another beautiful Angel ..added to my life…. You lived your life with Love, Laughter and Smiles….oh Maisha……rest in peace my friend…Twirl up there in the heavens like you did at that R. KELLY concert….the video you showed me….Gryl..you loved life, family and friends….because you are Love….Rest in Peace to all who went home to be with Lord….
KayPee says
My cousin was robbed of her life and killed on impact. I am so heartbroken and lost without her. I’ll never hear her laugh or see her beautiful smile again. She’ll never walk in my wedding and we’ll never vacation together. Please, do not drink and drive especially if a similar situation JUST happened to you only a year ago!!!!! Yea I saw the facebook history where you complained about spilling your drank and dropping your weed as a result of crashing. I don’t understand people…..learn from your mistakes, don’t repeat them and kill 2 of your friends and a child. Rest easy beautiful Queen Maisha.
Ericstepson says
Eric is like my step dad and for y’all to think he did this purposely y’all are crazy … Just saying and keep all the negative comments to yourself… Get well soon bro love you
BettySue says
For you to stand up and basically say that him driving while intoxicated was ok you are pretty ignorant! He took the lives of 3 people! Lives are forever changed!
Bresmith says
Are you dumb? This is a minor you are talking to! And it’s his step dad so how dare you talk down to him and no matter what you wasn’t there so stop with the negative comments that’s not gonna help everyone here is dwelling on the loss and everyone else involved! This is not the place to be posting negative stuff so you can keep that to yourself. No matter who is involved or who fault it is everyone lives is changed forever…so Betty sue probably a fake name need to get your ignorant ass up out the comments….
Bresmith says
Are you dumb? This is a minor you are talking to! And it’s his step dad so how dare you talk down to him and no matter what you wasn’t there so stop with the negative comments that’s not gonna help everyone here is dwelling on the loss and everyone else involved! This is not the place to be posting negative stuff so you can keep that to yourself. No matter who is involved or who fault it is everyone lives is changed forever…so Betty sue probably a fake name need to go somewhere ignorant!!
KHaus says
Hold up [removed] muthafucker you talking to a child…everybody’s mourning right now RIP to the lives that were lost…but the person you call your self talking to is my [removed] nephew…show some respect everybody’s in our prayers
Ericstepson says
Im not saying its ok but yall acting like he intentionally tried to take those lives
Shane Falco says
He intentionally drank and intentionally drove and he killed somebody. It’s like using a gun in a robbery and you end up shooting somebody. You may have just wanted to scare them in order to get the money…but you killed somebody during the commission of a crime. That’s murder.
If this guy had a prior pop and did it again then I hope he never gets out of prison.
Queen says
My heart is so heavy right now. Reading some of these comments are shameful…. one thing my friends (Maisha being one) and I share is accountability no matter which way the wind blows and no matter how hard the pill is to swallow… This is how we grow and learn and do better. My friend had a bright future, was happy, loved God and her family and she had dreams…. These dreams no matter how you slice it were snubbed by someone who made a poor choice behind the wheel repeatedly. This is not negative, it’s the truth… I am grieving for his family as well, this isn’t easy for anyone, but please do not justify this. Of course he didn’t intend to do this, but he did, and it wasn’t the first time. Carelessness on your own is one thing, it’s another ballpark if you are not convicted enough to take step back when you have other lives at stake. May God heal all of our hearts. I sincerely pray for all families and a speedy recovery to those who are still with us.
Bartjones says
“Queen” everyone is mourning from this situation, no one is justify anything. You people are pathetic! Just know God is watching all of you attacks a minor, and the whole situation that none of you were apart of…smh he will judge this situation and do what is best to handle it.
jordan johnson says
Eric has blood on his hands. Got ZERO sympathy for this fool. What about responsibility and accountability for yo actions? This is a tragedy that didn’t have to happen. And all the folks on here defending him and pitying him …. would you feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot? Why make him out to be the victim? Completely selfish, irresponsible, wreckless and a bitch move on his part. My homies know him from the hood and he gotta rap sheet long as can be. He shot one of my boyz bro many, many years ago. Wish he woulda learned from the last car accident last year. Now lives of innocent people are cut short because of his irresponsible driving.Very selfish act. Rest in peace sweet girls. And the lady fighting for her life, praying that you pull through.
KRF says
Maybe not intentional but very careless which doesn’t remove him of guilt!!
Sarahblank says
Just because someone drives and drink don’t necessarily mean that they are all at fault, this was a pure accident. It could have happened to anyone drinking or not drinking. Last I heard the white car collided with them meaning that car hit them. Stop blaming people look at all the facts! Another fact the other driver had alcohol in her system as well. Nobody need to be commenting anything unless sending condolences or prayers. Enough said.
KRF says
Then stop commenting especially with the stupidity of the white car colliding into him.. Well let me ask this.. Who was arrested at the hospital?
Sarahblank says
You make me laugh hahahaha just stop
Ericstepson says
I never said it was ok but keep yo negative comments to yo self.. i just put my comment because yall think it was intentional it wasnt like that and yall saying im ignorant but yall negative comments arent gonna bring the ppl thay lost they lives back so why say them….. I hope the lady in the hospital gets well and I love you eric bro
Ericstepson says
Dont reply to my comment im done here rip to the ppl who passed away and I hope the ones in the hospital get well
Tim says
Driving drunk and killing people is not an “accident.” It is criminal and hope he rots in jail for a long time.
Ericstepson says
I should’ve never commented… now all the craziness bouta happen
Cyndi says
@ Ericstepson… you are wise beyond your years.
Many losses due to bad decision. Family and friends of the “guilty party” (for lack of a better word) are still very affected by their loved ones actions.
Praying for peace for those who lost loved ones they will never see again; it’s simply tragic and I am so sorry for your loss.
Cyndi says
Also lifting up those who were transported to the hospital; praying for a full recovery… peace to your loved ones as well and wisdom for your doctors and care team!
The Truth says
@Joeybarnes like I said if his aunt doesn’t like it than she needs to stop him from getting on the Internet. And please understand the bible before you go around trying to quote it, because you are 100% wrong. Try reading the whole thing, instrad of picking out the parts hat justify what youre saying. Because there’s also other scriptures in there that tell you to judge righteously.
Now I’m not judging him, I’m simply telling this person, almost step child, aunt or whatever that people have a right to be concerned about drunk drivers because it affects everyone.
Whether he was in the wrong or not, only God knows.
Yes many people have drinks and then drive, but normal people don’t have drinks and drive with babies in the car. And normal people don’t brag about being drunk or using drugs on Facebook. You might want to check his Facebook before you start defending him because I can tell you right now, his Facebook is not in his favor and it definitely conquers with what this article states.
I feel bad for him, I’m sure regardless of what happened, I’m sure he was a great person. But if you get behind the wheel of a car, intoxicated, texting or speeding be prepared for the consequences.
The step son feelings getting hurt or attempts to justify his step father are not going to fly outside of his family. Welcome to the real world.
Joeybarnes says
I still feel like you need to stop talking you are writing way too much, you judgemental little person…
TheTruth says
But you read it! And took the time to respond, so I must be saying something right. His Supposed to be Step Son needs to learn something his supposed to be Step Father did not. “Be responsible, your mother can’t get you out of trouble, like you think she can”. He thinks he can come on here and say what he wants while his aunt and you jumps on here to baby him”
He needs to be taught he needs to be a man, not a baby. And since he obviously has no real man to teach him, it’s gone start on this internet. Now he know, take responsibility for your actions and what you say, your mama can’t save you.
Joeybarnes says
The truth, shut up. A real man wouldn’t be talking down on a child like that or saying the non sense that you are saying. And actually I did not read that long story book you wrote on here. I’m sure you can’t teach anyone anything I can just tell by how you act on here. Stop responding to me and worry about yourself and your life!
Bns says
Wrong. Betty SHE took her own life.and two others by making a left hand turn. It only takes in front of an oncoming car so she’s in the wrong
Starzowner says
He made a choice to drink and then drive and as a result of that decision 3 lives are gone. He is responsible for their deaths and DVD do it on purpose the minute he got behind the wheel!
Bresmith says
While your blaming others, why would the other people in the car allow him to drive if he was really that messed up? Stop pointing fingers and playing the blame game. Shut up and mind your business
Kp says
He probably claimed he was ok to drive. Maisha would never allow a drunk person to drive a child.
Bresmith says
He may have claimed that but they were hanging out all night and she seen how much he had consumed, but me personally not blaming anyone I’m just saying…
Queen says
They were NOT hanging all night. They were not with him all day either… not the point. KP is right, she would not have placed herself and especially a baby in that situation.
Bresmith says
Ok thanks for that info, I guess you know everything.
Queen says
Please get your facts straight. Maisha was NOT hanging out all night with Eric, Michelle neither. Maisha was with her Family for the majority of the day, spending Fathers Day with her awesome Father. She comes from a great Family. Prayers to the Garrett Family.
TJ says
Man his Facebook page is full of recklessness.. Regardless of they had been kicking it all night, he should’ve made a better decision as the one behind the wheel. The only person at fault is ERIC D JOHNSON Aka BURNTOUT.. Yeah, anyone that’s on their page bragging about drinking and driving isn’t at fault. If you were his real friend, you would’ve pulled his coattail about that accident from last year. Instead he was bragging about dropping the weed and drank.
Bresmith says
You don’t know who I am, never said I was a friend of anyone but all you people on here act like yhall never did nothing before like go somewhere you all doing illegal stuff just not getting caught for it!
The Truth says
I’m not here to judge or point fingers. But It’s everyone’s business when people are drinking and driving because they’re risking everyones lives. And if it were your mother in critical condition, because a car made an illegal turn (especially while intoxicated) you would be livid and see the other side to peoples Concern.
Just about everyone is a great person if you get past there exterior and learn there true heart. Most people don’t try to get in an accident. But that does not excuse you from being held responsible for something you did caused, especially while driving intoxicated of any level.
a person that would drink and drive is selfish. I don’t know the situation because I wasn’t there, but you are not making him appear to be any better of a person because you sound selfish if you can’t understand why everyone is bothered by people driving drunk. Especially considering this particular circumstance where and innocent baby and 61 year old lady are paying the price for it.
I don’t care if you are a child, you sound selfish and tell your aunt, were on the inverter and people are going to voice there opionon. And there is nothing she can do about it besides, stop you from getting on the Internet.
The Truth says
And just so that you know this is coming from a person that had a very close family member make this decision several times. But the last time he almost killed his self. Our family had 0 concern about the people in the other car, they were only concerned that my cousin does not go to jail. It was so sickening and pathetic to me so I stopped talking to my family, and I love my cousin with all my heart but wrong is wrong.l and it’s just not fair to other ppl.
The lesson here is that if you choose to drink/text while driving and it results into other petting getting hurt, no matter how great of a person you were, assume reposnibolity and be prepared to go to jail. Point Blank!
Judge says
Well said!
KayPee says
Preach!!!!! Stop enabling reckless behavior and call a spade a spade!!! He needs to be locked up and is too irresponsible to be behind the wheel of a car!!!
Queen says
Well said!
Joeybarnes says
“The truth” stop coming at a minor like that your disrespectful. He has the right to feel how he feels about his step father! It’s a bad situation all around we already know that! I’m sure everyone had drunk and drove before but haven’t been in a serious situation like this! Stop judging the bible says don’t judge! God knows everyone hearts…
Evan says
[removed] all that my cousin gone so [removed] everything else who ever taking up for that dude that already did the same [removed] then [removed] u too and if anybody got a issue my 6615834272 call me and we can link up on what ever level.R.I.P cuzzo .
Joeybarnes says
Evan, you sound dum…do you know what taking up for someone means?
Evan says
Let somebody take your people away that you love and you will know all understanding will go out the door and Mai was doing great things with her life and just for her I’m going to fall back on tripping but I hope the guy get life.
Joeybarnes says
Evan, I understand everyone side. It’s a bad situation, accidents happen. R.I.P to your cousin I’m sorry for you and your family loss. I don’t hope he life. Hope he heals up well. I’m sure he feels horrible about the whole situation especially considering they all been friends since kindergarten…but anyways stay up
KRF says
Turning into incoming traffic? If not him then who should be blamed Ford? Drinking and driving is against the law so yes he’s to blame but God is a forgiving God and only he can judge…
Joeybarnes says
KRF, your right only GOD can judge so stop judging.
Bresmith says
I know right these people are idiots!!
K.D says
Sorry to hear about your father as well as all the other’s who lost their lives in this tragic accident. Be strong and continue to pray and try not to get involved with the going back and forth with people, it will only make anyone’s healing process longer.
you want to try and move forward while praying for all the families and for a speedy recovery for the young man and the woman in the hospital. May God Bless all the families as they prepare to bury some and wait for other’s to get better. God Bless you all.
Red says
Of course your not able to see how reckless he was in driving intoxicated because who wants to believe their family could do such a thing. However after looking at his fb page; this dude lives a destructive lifestyle he was just in a major car accident last year, he smokes, and drinks regularly and brags about how his aka is “burntout”. im sure the only reason he didn’t die is because he under the influence and his body did not take the hit as hard. Eric [removed] up!!! He better pray to God the other driver doesn’t pass away because that will be four body counts and five lives changed. He was old enough to know better… Keeping it real the real victims is the other driver and the baby, because I can look at the last picture and tell he had no business driving. The two ladies who are deceased knew had to have known he wasn’t 100% but clearly didn’t know he was that bent… A major price to pay just getting in the car. RIP to the two ladies and the baby and condolences to all of the family and friends… May God bless the all who is hurting.
Hmr says
He got drunk willingly! Maybe he didn’t kill someone on purpose, but 3 people died including a baby because he made stupid and disgusting choices!
Go to jail go directly to jail!
No sympathy except for those that were the innocent victims!
When will people finally learn!!!
jordan johnson says
Yo daddy Eric has blood on his hands. Got ZERO sympathy for this fool. What about responsibility and accountability for yo actions? This is a tragedy that didn’t have to happen. And all the folks on here defending him and pitying him …. would you feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot? Why make him out to be the victim? Completely selfish, irresponsible, wreckless and a bitch move on his part. My homies know him from the hood and he gotta rap sheet long as can be. He shot one of my boyz bro many, many years ago. Wish he woulda learned from the last car accident last year. Now lives of innocent people are cut short because of his irresponsible driving.Very selfish act. Rest in peace sweet girls. And the lady fighting for her life, praying that you pull through.
KRF says
Maybe not on purpose but yet very ill responsible knowing he was drunk..
Tina Grant says
Praying for the families of all 3 in a situation like this we not it wasn’t intentional.. God sees an knows everything that we don’t ..can we jus pray for the families all of them are hurting right now prayer is the only thing that’s gonna ease the pain right now
Bill Morris jr says
Condolences to all sides. … …R.I.P to my 2 cousins Michelle and Baby Anaya
Daryl H says
If Mr Johnson was indeed under the influence, I hope they order him to get some serious counseling and aggressive therapy before he is allowed to drive again. As bad as this accident was, it may take some good counseling before he learns that driving while intoxicated is a crime with serious consequences. My heart is with him as he battles this problem with driving under the influence. His heart must be torn up over this tragic accident.
Keshia says
Wow.. I can’t believe this……My condolences goes out to their familes..God Bless!
Reeves says
The families of this tragic accident have asked for compassion and respect. The family member said it best. Keep your negative comments to yourself and allow both sides to grieve peacfully. Do not pass judgment. My deepest condolences to all those involved. God be with you through these difficult times. Rest in peace!
Tina Grant says
Red says
WOW, driving while under the influence with a car full of people… Lives gone, Lives changed! Lord have mercy on your people. Praying for the family of the decease.
Beverly says
MAI you were all light and love!!! I miss you already xoxoxoxo
Bca says
Very sad but you ignorant people in Palmdale and Lancaster you really need to learn how to drive
Iknowbetter says
They must all know how to drive where you’re from, huh?
It was a DUI, and I hardly think you are accredited to classify the people of Palmdale and Lancaster ignorant. Says the guy/gal who has no time for punctuation.
Hs says
Well , iknownbetter
Look at drivers deaths in Palmdale and Lancaster. They are very high. There are more deaths in Palmdale and Lancaster than any other part of Los Angeles City so the people up here don’t know how to drive. Last week I was on Avenue T ,. Going east towards 89th Street 4 pickup trucks full of Latins driving and passenger males.
You driving over the double yellow line on oncoming traffic ,
The other two trucks were driving down the shoulder in the dirt passing the cars in the eastbound Lane now you’re not going to tell me the people in Palmdale and Lancaster are stupid you need to Governor Brownfor giving idiots a driver’s license
jane says
Where do I begin? Palmdale and Lancaster are not part of Los Angeles City. If you cannot get the first part of your statement correct, how do you expect us to take the reset of your statement seriously? obviously we can’t considering you go on to spout racist statements regarding “Latins and passenger males”. So if you are a representative of the “people in Palmdale and Lancaster”, then yes, I believe the people in Palmdale and Lancaster are indeed stupid. And I’m still not sure when the job of issuing drivers licenses was taken from the DMV and given to the office of the governor?
Llo says
Palmdale and Lancaster are in the County of Los Angeles idiot
Kathy says
if you are a representative of the “people in Palmdale and Lancaster”, then yes, I believe the people in Palmdale and Lancaster are indeed stupid. And I’m still not sure when the job of issuing drivers licenses was taken from the DMV and given personally to Brown to handle?
Cathe says
There’s no way to drive well when under the influence
Main line says
Hopefully he’ll live a long life in jail. . ( protective custody)..pray for him yall. Two middle fingers for you bruh
Nerddy says
You really need to watch what you say little person, hahaha a deuces to you little man/woman
KIM says
I’m so sorry to the friends and family of those who died. That little baby girl had her entire life in front of her. Honest and real prayers going up to those in icu. It is a horrible situation on both sides. My friend Angela Goins was killed in Lancaster by a drunk driver. I believe it has been confirmed that he was drunk. He must get well, to pay for the innocent lives he took.
Bresmith says
You sound real dumb, have you thought about why the other people even allowed him to drive under the influence? The driver is not all at fault here, he must get well and pay for the innocence lives he took, stop talking. Everyone involved needs to be prayed for it was just all around a horrible situation.! Love and prayers out to everyone.!! Stay strong Eric, I know this wasn’t your intentions for everything to turn out this way!! R.i.P to the lost souls…
Family says
You hit the hammer on the nail I know my cousin wouldn’t ever want to hurt someone and especially their children those were his childhood friends
Bresmith says
Exactly! I can’t take these people with there judgment and negative comments and not looking at the big picture!! He’s hurting right now and all they could do is say negative things!!
Dylan says
I can’t believe you people defending your friend and loved one that murdered innocent people. He has a blatant disregard for his life and the lives of others. He celebrates his destructiveness on Facebook. If you don’t condone this type of behavior, you’re just as guilty. I would say that this natural selection at it’s finest but that’s a hard pill to swallow. On one hand, idiots like Eric will all eventually die because of their stupidity but the sad part is that they take innocents out with them. I hope society never has to deal with this monster again.
Hanna says
Dylan stop talking no one is condoling anything you wasn’t there to know the full situation and there is a difference between an accident and murdering someone but no matter what the case was it was a car accident, r.i.p everyone.! Everyone else get better
KRF says
What can be said positive about your relatives actions before getting in the car and the crash phase? Please give me the positives of this!!
Hanna says
KRF…LOL. Why are you coming on here commenting days later?? Nobody cares what you have to say and I mean nobody! Nobody from either family!! So just stop
Unmasking the Truth says
“The driver is not all at fault here” – that’s right, Eric didn’t choose to drink, instead someone held Eric down and poured liquor or drugs down his throat all night long. Then, they held a gun to head and forced him to drive while DUI. That’s right, Eric was not to blame, his CAR was. His car some how learned to drive on its own and intentionally rammed the other victim’s car which caused his vehicle to roll several times until everyone but him was crushed to death.
Eric is the victim here of stupidity – his own. He endangered the lives and KILLED three other people, including an innocent child. The next time there’s a fatality due to DUI, do us a favor and go to the scene of the accident and cradle the bleeding, mangled bodies whose necks are broken and lives are snuffed out. And then tell the world who is truly to blame, if you get it.
But wee already know what you will say, “it’s the car fault, it’s the speed limit’s fault!, it’s the narrow roads fault!, it’s the maniac drivers’ fault!, it’s the Antelope Valley drivers’ fault, stupid!” But are you ready for the truth?: IT’S THE DUI DRIVER’S FAULT!
It’s time to take RESPONSIBILITY for one’s own STUPID actions. It’s time to Stop making EXCUSES for crimes that are committed by Morons who DON’T really care about the SAFETY of others because in their own drug-induced, alcoholic high, they only PRETEND to care for the safety of others.
I do want Eric to heal so that he can remember and warn others that “Hell is having to live the rest of your life knowing that HIS carelessness caused THREE people to lose their lives.” That’s his punishment.
Bresmith says
Lol you sound funny, that’s must be how you really feel. If that was your friend of family, you wouldn’t be saying all this non sense lol..but good bye enough said…
duh! says
Actually it WOULDNT be my friends or family… because they don’t drink and drive. and god forbid, they did make that foolish, foolish, decision.. well then you can be damned sure that they would stand up and take responsibility for it. we all make mistakes… Own up to your s*** people. Stop trying to push responsibility on everyone else.
Bresmith says
Lmao! How do you know what he is or isn’t owning up to? Have you spoke to him? And you never know what your family and friends are doing so stop it….save it for someone who cares…
The Truth says
Based off his Facebook activity he would’ve never been driving me or any of my kids around. So somehow some bad decisions were made and they weren’t just on his end. I’m sorry that I have to be the one to put that out there, but take a look at his page and ask your self as a parent, would you have your child in the car with this man or even yourself.
I’m not going to bite my tongue because some ppl don’t like to face reality. I’m not trying to be harsh but get real, he’s not the kind of man you get in a car with.
Jayshell says
Maisha was my friend and I’m beyond broken. A beautiful woman taken too soon. I will miss her something awful.
Shayla says
This really breaks my heart. You will be missed Michelle. You he such a beautiful soul. Always smiling. Rest in peace.
Shayla says
Marlo Nicole says
Leave your condolences and all of the other negative comments inside for yourself. People are mourning the loss and injuries of people they care about. RIP Mai, I will miss your comments in my page. Prayers for all.
Kenneth Maxie says
Rest in peace, My two cousins and friend . I’m in total shock and I’ll always remember you, we love you. God Bless them and cover them keep them, comfort their souls.In Jesus Name, Amen. Kenneth O. Maxie and our entire Maxie Family.
POOH says
Rhonda says
My condolences to both families.
Isis Hodges says
Nancy says
It brings me sadness to hear such tragedy. Maisha was a good person, so friendly, and a great personality. Oh, and who could forget that great big smile of hers. Everyone in Torrance who had the pleasure to have worked with her is hurting right now. You will be missed dearly. My heart goes out to her family, my condolences. RIP Maisha.
Ana says
Awww Eric I hope u recover from this and I
Know it’s hard for everyone but God will ease all pain and understanding prayers to all the families and blessings to all
Kenneth Maxie says
God is a Merciful Being. and we are of his spirit. Now is the time for us to be in God’s Spirit. Grace and Mercy is the in the hearts and souls of all, find it now !! Amen.
Laketa says
Amen!!! Blessings to all of you
AVResident says
Eric Johnson was arrested. He was obviously DUI and to blame for this tragedy. This is no accident caused by maniac drivers. This was caused by a someone who chose to drive while under the influence of a controlled substance, otherwise he would not have been arrested. He is reaping and will reap the consequence of this the rest of his life, what is left of it. What is the message here? Don’t drive while intoxicated or high on drugs.
A says
AVResident, whenever something like this happens, there’s always that one internet person who likes to pipe up and say something dumb and take it all in a direction that’s negative for everyone (who is currently suffering from a loss and trying to stay toward the positive). While it’s HIGHLY likely that he was arrested for DUI, it’s also completely possible that he was arrested for other reasons like blatant disregard of safety, excessive speed, arrest warrants, them finding illegal contraband in car, etc. Only fools go around making conclusions as fact about things they don’t know…
AVResident says
It isn’t only HIGHLY LIKELY, it is true. And there’s always the Internet person who calls other people DUMB because they do not like to read the truth.
Lisa R says
I am the sister of the driver of the white Honda! I am looking at my sister lying in ICU. The driver of the Ford Escape who turned in front of my sister’s car is in the same hospital. His fa.ily is sitting in the ICU waiting room right along with mine. We are all in shock! No one wins in situations like this….pointing out who was at fault is not going to bring those who died back! My fa.ily is here, Eric’s family is here. God have mercy on all of us. The road to recovery is going to be long!
Mo says
T says
That’s very true and may God be with everyone one of you.
Love heals the hurt.
God bless you all.
Pretty says
Kenneth Maxie says
God Bless your sister and Family. We’re Praying for her total recovery without restrictions, in Jesus Name, Amen
jayshell says
my friend died Maisha died in that SUV and no words can express my hurt and anger right now. I pray your sister recovers and I pray that everyone involved gets answers and can forgive and move forward. Like you said NO ONE WINS and NOTHING will bring back Maisha Michelle or Anaya. RIParadise
Red says
My prayers are with you and your sister. I’m sorry for your tragedy and may God bless your sister.
Darlyn says
Amen!!! Prayers to you and your family as well as Eric’s family! Such a tragedy!! Rest in peace Maisha, Michelle and baby Anaya.
KJ says
Family says
Amen pointing fingers won’t help.
The Truth says
I Pray your sister has a full recovery. There are no wins but ignoring fault is not right either. And is the reason ppl like Eric continue to do the things he does.
Did the police determine both to be at fault? Because I would not be protecting no drink driver that caused an accident resulting in my sister in the hospital unless she was in the wrong or did something wrong.
I completely understand, this could have been sincerely an accident and nobody knows what went wrong. I’ve been in them and could not tell you what went wrong because it happen so fast and I did not have a clue what even happened. So I understand, I’ve been hit by a drunk driver and he was at fault and I have hit a car and I was at fault. But I leaned from them both.
And regardless who was wrong we can all learn from it to avoid future situations like this.
I hope your sister has a full recovery and Eric, I hope you get fair treatment. And that means if it wasn’t your fault then I hope you don’t get in trouble for something you did not do but if you were being irresponsible…….. Well I don’t know what to say
DeeDee says
At the end of the day 3 lives were lost, and 2 others with major injuries. There are 3 father’s who lost their daughter’s on father’s day. Now 3 sets of parents that will bury their children. If you have nothing nice to say, please have some compassion and keep your comments to yourselves.
My prayers go out to all families involved.
Jason Zink says
Very heart breaking, very sad that after 30 years calling for improvements to Western part of 138 that there has not been any by-pass lanes and center barriers put in on this stretch of road. The city of Lancaster and Palmdale should of made this a Priority over the 14 freeway improvements. Like the $10 Million spent on Ave I off/on ramps???? We need a New Freeway along AVE H-8 going West to Gorman. It would be shorter distance, quicker for West-side to go too AV Hospital ER and protect Antelope Acres rural lifestyle from traffic. Prayers go out to the families.
Shane Falco says
Actually we need less bottom feeder drunk drivers. This dudes Facebook was the proverbial cautionary tale of just how many like him float along the bottom with their “hustle” lifestyle. Better roads and freeways don’t protect you from the low income, section 8, habitual drunk and smoked out drivers.
Nyaperez says
Shane Falco….What the eff is this supposed to mean and what does this have to do with the accident? You sound dumb real dumb
Tim Scott says
Shane is so deeply entrenched in “if you aren’t like me you should just die” that it isn’t worth asking him any questions. Ignore him, or make fun of him. That’s really the only sensible options when someone presents such an unpleasant persona.
MoMo says
S.I.H. Michelle and , Maisha and Eric.
Maryahblue says
I am so sorry for everyone who lost their friends, mother and child in this accident. I live up the road from where it happened and could see the lights. Ave D is extremely dark at night and when there is oncoming traffic there are times those headlights can blind you and it is difficult to judge distance. Also a contributing factor is the speed limit is 55 and not many people actually do 55. The road is always patrolled my CHP and they make a killing. It is a two lane road. There has been plenty of times when I pull off to go home I am riding the dirt because the person behind me is speeding and they don’t pull over. Very dangerous road!! I have seen people speed and pass the semis on the road sometimes 2 at a time.
whatsthepoint says
Amen. That’s why you don’t see me driving Ave. D.
Laketa says
This really hurt my heart. Maisha you were such a light to us all. Im so glad i was able to have known you! Will always remember your sweet smile at AMR. Praying for your family. Rest in paradise… :'( -Laketa
Willena Johnson says
My heart aches..Maisha was a very sweet lady. I’m glad to have known her. .take your rest..Mai..untik we meet again
Willena Johnson says
Tanishia says
Maisha you were a beautiful person and you are missed so much already your big smile will be the memory I keep of you WPHS C/O 96
Shenitha Smith says
Awww…I will miss you dearly Maisha, you and your Best friend and good child will Rest on Paradise…gone to soon….keep smiling….
Maisha, will always be remembered… I am glad that she was a part pig my life….
Michelle says
I will miss you my Beautiful Maisha
Rest in Paradise. I love you
EBONY says
Deborah Jeffery says
People in this valley drive like a bunch of maniacs. I agree they are all impatient and have a “me first” attitude. They speed, cut people off, make illegal turns and u turns, then look at you like you are crazy. Unless the driver of the Escape was drunk or under the influence, I don’t understand why he would be under arrest. The SUV was clearly in the wrong if she made a left turn into the path of the oncoming Escape. That’s really sad. People need to slow down and have more consideration for other people on the road.
BB says
How can the SUV pull into the path of the Escape? The Escape is an SUV and the Honda Accord is a sedan. The Escape (SUV) pulled into the page of the Accord. Read the article before commenting.
BB says
ep says
I’m so numb maisha was my really good friend lord have mercy
Your Maker says
Did you even take the time to read the article. Sounds like you’re contributing to the “me first” attitude that you’re oh so against.
What does that even mean? ” Me first” attitude? Don’t you always put yourself ahead of everybody else? You breathe without thinking, “oh, maybe somebody with a greater contribution to human life needs this oxygen, since I can’t even decipher a simple article”
Darlene says
It’s not just here people drive crazy everywhere sadly others suffer my condolences to the families
The Maniac says
Yup everyone for yourself I’m that kinda driver could care less about u hypocrite people bet u drive the same at one time in your life talking like your a perfect driver get outta here fake!!
Kandyce says
Love you Mai
Mary J says
We love you and will dearly miss you! My prayers go out to your family.
gemini says
Condolences to the families.
destiny says
praying for those grieving families, it must be something in the Air, so many people dying in the AV..R.i.p to the deceased
bob says
IT must be the lack of care for others and a lack of patience. The “me first” attitude is what is killing people in this valley.
Two seconds to be first isn’t worth your life.
If he would have waited to turn (pulled off if too many people were behind him) three people would be alive today.
I saw cars making U-turns all over 138 yesterday because they kept missing their turns. A couple were extremely close to being hit.
rf says
Yes. The atmosphere is obviously to blame…
Donna Ball says
Prayers for the family. So sad.