![[Top row L to R] Steve Knight, Bryan Caforio, Kevin McCarthy, Wendy Reed. [Bottom row L to R] Scott Wilk, Johnathon Ervin, Tom Lackey, Steve Fox.](https://theavtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/June-2016-top-2-primary-election-results-district.jpg)
Voters across California headed to the polls Tuesday, June 7, for the Primary Election. In the June “top-two” primary, all candidates for a district office are listed on the same ballot and anyone can vote for any candidate running for Congress, State Senate and State Assembly, regardless of party preference. Only the two candidates who receive the most votes in each contest will move on to the November general election.The unofficial* election results are in, with 100% of the precincts partially reporting as of June 8 at 8:41 a.m. Below are the results from district races of interest to Antelope Valley voters.
25th Congressional District (includes most of the Antelope Valley)
- Steve Knight [R] ………. 49.0% (46,568 votes)
- Bryan Caforio [D] ………. 28.7% (27,332 votes)
Lou Vince [D] ………. 14.9% (14,197 votes)
Jeffrey Moffatt [R] ………. 7.3% (6,978 votes)23rd Congressional District (includes portions of Lancaster)
- Kevin McCarthy [R]………. 56.5% (51,298 votes)
- Wendy Reed [D] ………. 26.6% (24,158 votes)
Ken Mettler [R] ………. 12.7% (11,493 votes)
Gerald Morris [R] ………. 4.2% (3,853 votes)21st Senate District (includes the Antelope Valley)
- Scott Wilk [R] ………. 47.7% (50,616 votes)
- Johnathon Ervin [D] …….. 33.0% (34,962 votes)
Steve Hill [D] ………. 11.4% (12,047 votes)
Star Moffatt [R] ………. 7.9% (8,420 votes)36th Assembly District (includes the Antelope Valley)
- Tom Lackey [R] ………. 50.1% (25,764 votes
- Steve Fox [D] ………. 28.5% (14,661 votes)
Darren W. Parker [D] ………. 15.0% (7,711 votes)
Ollie M. McCaulley [D] ………. 6.3% (3,246 votes)
* Election results change throughout the canvass period as vote-by-mail ballots, provisional ballots, and other ballots are processed. It typically takes weeks to count and process all of the ballots. County elections officials must report their final results to the Secretary of State by July 8, 2016. The Secretary of State then has until July 15, 2016 to certify the results of the election.
[Source: California Secretary of State ]
Ervin for President says
Steve Hill is Satanist. Am I the only one who knows this??? The Time’s did a whole report on him!
Pirrurris says
So why in the world are are Republicans trying to cut military pensions by 20%, but not the pensions of the thugs with badges or fireman?
Why would any military person vote republican?
Joey B says
Military Times said their poll shows military personnel prefer Trump 2-1 over Clinton. The Pentagon approved a plan to reform the future troops military pension by. 20 percent. The budget proposal also adds cash for individual retirement investment accounts for all military regardless if they stay in for an 20 year career. On Nov. 20, 2014 Obama stated his support for the 20 percent cut for new troops.
Vote Republican across the board if you want change to better our USA.
Tim Scott says
The military, much like our local defense contractors, is an environment where “Republican=defense spending, vote for your paycheck” is indelibly printed on every mind in the place. If the military only favors Trump two to one he is the least supported Republican candidate in my lifetime, as far as the military vote is concerned.
Pirrurris says
Joey, so the military supports the POS thatmade fun of John Mccain for getting captured as a POW? LOL.
The military supports the POS that stated that the military troops stole money during the Iraq war? LOL.
The military supports the party that makes fun of gay setvice members? LOL.
And let’s not forget, 41 republican senators voted against the vaterans benefits bill.
Stop watching FOX News and following Alex Jones.
Pirrurris says
If Republican want to military retirement pensions by 20%, let’s also do itf or the thugs with badges and fireman.
Ley’s alsomake them vote andshow everyones picture that voted in favor.
Joey B says
Didn’t you read where I said the information came from The Military Times NOT Fox News. Also Obama (your hero) supports the cut and the proposed budget. What can you say about that. Hillary is the biggest hypocrite of all. She says one thing but does another. Hillary can lie better than anyone and all you leftist hang on every lie she spouts.
Harry Balls says
Why would any military person vote republican?
That’s easy to answer….. Because Democrate men are a bunch of spineless pussys.
pirrurris says
I am voting forBrian Caforio, and Steve Fox. How in the world do we have a republucan (Steve Knight) representing a district, where more than 75% of the contituents are minorities?
Vote democrat across the board..
Mike says
Because a majority of those eligible and willing to vote elected him. Duh!
That means
– registered to vote
– not on parole
– no warrants for their arrest
– not drunk or high on Election Day
– know there is an election taking place
– care enough to vote
Now do you get it?
William says
So, mike. Do you accept that a majority voted for President Obama TWICE and a majority will likely do the same for Hillary?
Let’s see how well you adjust to that.
But, I suspect you will be hopping mad for the next 8 years. It’s your thing.
Pirrurris says
Mike, you are absolutely correct.
Your racist Trump is inpiring many US citizens, that never voted before, to register and vote for democrats.
NLC says
Pirrurris says
NLC, i hope you don’t own a business and are supporting Drumf.
People are already boycotting Trump, and any business that supports this POS.
Trumps businesses are already feeling the backlash of his racist views.
Gregory Hernandez LLA says
Blossom13 says
@Historian or aka Copycat, koolaid. Interesting historical fact…what party elected a convicted pedophile to be third in line to the President? The GOP. .. Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert …remember. .now a Racist what’s next. Stop judging
Blossom13 says
R is for racist. TheracistDonaldDtrumpe?? Darrell Issa will lose, check the math, you’re next, until you are able to proceed to the future with ideas and leadership…talk about your idea’s not other’s personal hate.
Historian says
R is for Robert Byrd, Democrat, of the Ku Klux Klan. Robert Byrd Racist.
R is also for Republican, the party affiliation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Democratic Party has been the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.
pirrurris says
Historian, everyone knows that back in the day, the democrats were the racists, and the republicans were for civil rights.
The real question is, WTF happen to the republican party? Today, right now….the rapublicans are the biggest racist.
pirrurris says
Blossom, i concur. The racist republican party has gone batshit crazy.
Vote democrat across the board.
valleygirl says
Top Two…really? What a complete waste of tax payer dollars, time and resources. Uncalled for nonsense.
Tim Scott says
It’s called a primary for a reason.
pirrurris says
If you ask me, Bryan Caforio has a good chance of beating Steve Knight.
Reality says
Pirrius I hope you don’t gamble. Knight is going to crush him. He will have bipartisan support, with at least 55% of the vote.
Blossom13 says
@reality, which R will be Senator from the Great State of CA ? Karmala or Loretta? Think Bigger GOP
Blossom13 says
@reality, you work for Steve Knight, while we take the U.S. Senate, bye Supreme Court…Big Thinking again
pirrurris says
Really, your boy Knight sent out an anti immigrant mailer a few months back. I wonder what Caforio would do if he got a copy of that letter, in a district where more than 75 % of the constituents are minorities?
How in the world do we name high schools ( Pete Knight), after racists?
They say the apple does not fall far from the tree.
Pirrurris says
Reality, in a district where more than 70% of constituents are minorities, i highly doubit is going to be an easy win for Knight.
I hink Knight is more nerveous than a wet rat, and at great risk of losing his seat.
Tim Scott says
We are going to see a congressional campaign like we haven’t seen in a lifetime. Knight has been rated “the most vulnerable incumbent in the California delegation.”
Both parties are going to dump money into the district, which has not been the case in living memory. Old Buck was such a lock that usually he sewed it up in the primary. Last time the top two primary left us in November just choosing which Republican to send to Washington to follow the orders of the midwest crazies that run the party.
Gonna be interesting, no doubt about it, but thank goodness for the DVR and skipping commercials.
pirrrurris says
Tim, that is corrct.
And also the hypocrite Darell Issa.
William says
Does Knight endorse Trump or is he hiding?
Knight was an early supporter of voter suppression going back before the 2012 election. He’s worthless.
Pirrurris says
Knight would be sealing his faith if he comes out supporting the racist Trump.
That would be great news for Brain Caforio.
pirrurris says
I don’t undetstand why any minority, in the 25th district, would vote republican.
Historian says
Maybe they realize it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves and fought for civil rights, while Democrats like Robert Byrd were trying to hide their KKK past.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I always love the way GOP apologists want to claim a heritage from a century and a half in the past but never want to be held responsible for the disasters their policies caused in the last decade.
Joey B says
Tim Scott
What policy disasters are you referring to?
Tim Scott says
GOP policy: Democratization by invasion. Has not worked since the 1950s. Most recently demonstrated in that Bush/Cheney “beacon of Freedom,” Iraq.
GOP policy: America is the one superpower, unaccountable to anyone. Completely eroded US standing in the world. Again a gift from the Bush/Cheney cowboy administration and their open defiance of the UN.
GOP policy: Economic prosperity comes from making the rich richer, so they can make other people richer. We’ve been making the rich richer, pretty much uninterrupted, since the Reagan administration. How’s that working out? Remember “We are on the brink of a global economic meltdown,” and which president said it?
GOP policy: Social and cultural change is best produced, or prevented, by application of law and law enforcement. How’s that “war on drugs” working out? Notice that making it illegal to talk about birth control hasn’t ever seemed to prevent kids having sex? Notice that the more Wrecks Parris injects Christianity into government the worse it is for Christianity and government?
GOP policy: If business was just left alone and not bogged down in regulation they would be able to devote their efforts to behaving responsibly regarding the environment. This one is just so absurd on its face that I can’t even comment further.
GOP policy: What’s good for the Koch brothers, et al, must be good for the small business owner, so let’s do that. Again, this one is so absurd on its face that it is hard to comment further, but I’ll try. The greatest weakness of a true “free market” is that it contains inherent forces pushing towards monopolization, and thus its own destruction. That’s why capitalism actually requires a well regulated market to be sustainable. Literally EVERY TIME a Republican says “good for business” or “creates jobs” or “strengthens the economy” they are referring to something that STRENGTHENS the inherent force pushing towards monopolization. They are either totally ignorant of economics or bought and paid for; I can never be quite sure which.
That’s a good start, I think. Every one of those is certainly more current than “well, back in 1860 a Republican freed the slaves.”
Tim Scott says
Joey B…thanks for asking. I made a list. Hopefully the moderators will get around to approving it.
William says
Were you born yesterday, Joeykins?
Do you have amnesia about the disastrous bush years.
Heck, he wasn’t at the last 2 rnc conventions because he was so great.
Why do you continue to embarrass yourself here?
Pirrurris says
Tim, how hit the nail on the head. You just scratched the surface, of the many reasons why i would never vote republican.
Yeap, that stuff trickling down is definitely not money:).
Repubocrats Anonymous says
So there is no Democratic culpability in the housing crash? Ever hear of Barney Frank? Bill Clinton? The Democrats were just as guilty as the Republicans in that mess. Both parties have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund. Both parties need to clean up their acts.
pirrurris says
Historian, stop with your BS. Any efucaed petson knows, that todays republican party, is the racist party Hell, right now the racist republicans are trying to elect the racist Trump.
Mike says
Trump is not a racist, he’s a realist. 12 million illegal aliens means unemployment for Americans, overburdened social services, and proliferation of crime. Uncontrolled Muslim immigration means San Bernardino and Orlando. Yell “racist” all you want, it doesn’t change the facts.
Raquel says
Vote Hillary? Really you are telling people to vote for a hypocrite. Lying and cheating and taking Wall Streets money is what she does best. She claims to be a champion for women, what a joke. Clinton Foundation pays male Execs 38% more than women. She talks about income inequality while wearing a Giorgio Armani tweed jacket with a price tag of $12,495. She stated she and Bill were broke when they left the White House while having $30 million in the bank. Maybe that’s why she stole $200,000 in china and furniture and was forced to return it. This woman has no ethics or morals. She believes she is above everyone else. Hillary doesn’t have a clue about anything in life. Hillary is soft on Islamic terrorist just like Obama. If she gets elected our country will not be safe. Look at her past record as Secretary of State.
William says
I don’t believe a word you wrote. You have no credibility but apparently that doesn’t matter to ya.
And, what you wrote shouldn’t matter to anyone else.
Raquel says
Sorry if I hit a nerve. Believe it or not. Everything I wrote are real facts that can be verified. I understand that libs like to look the other way when it’s one of their own lying and cheating but you are wrong in thinking it doesn’t matter to anyone else. It does more than you think.
Tim Scott says
LOL…standard Republican argument.
“Sure, our policies have nearly destroyed the country, but look, Bill Clinton had SEX!!! And his wife doesn’t shop at WalMart!!! Obviously policies that destroy the country are the less important thing here!!!”
William says
Where are you sources/links, Raquel? Newsmax? Breitbart? Fox ‘news’.
Come on. You tell us, big girl.
“If she gets elected our country will not be safe.” Where can I confirm that ‘fact’ of yours so I can ‘verify’ it?
Like I said. I don’t believe a thing you wrote. But, obviously you do and that says a lot about you. You tell a lie in one thing and it destroys whatever little credibility you might have had which is doubtful.
Yeah. That’ll hit a nerve of yours to borrow your well-worn cliché.
Your turn.
Raquel says
Tim Scott, William one and the same. The democratic policies are ruining our country. If really don’t care who Bill Clinton has sex with. Hillary is a hypocrite. She says one thing but does another. This administration has taken away so many of our freedoms and continues to do so. So many lies, corruption and cover-ups. Obama is the one who has completely destroyed our country.
Raquel says
Ok big boy how safe was Bengazi when Hillary was Secretary of State? What did she do to keep them safe. Refuse requests for more security. How safe were her emails? How safe are we now under Obama and Hillary’s policies? Not safe at all. MSNBC just put out a poll showing the American people want Obama to refer to them as radical Islamic terrorist and do more to stop it from happening here.
William says
Don’t mess with me, Raquel as I’m way smarter than you are.
You are just repeating right wing bull re: Benghazi as I guess you don’t know any better.
Looks like I really hit a nerve with you. Good! You are full of nerve and I was bound to hit one of them.
BTW. You and the rest of the right wingers have been screaming ‘radical Islamic terrorists’ non-stop for years now. How come that didn’t make any difference?
William says
Raquel/Sarah Palin
One in the same.
William says
Come on, Raquel.
Impart some more of your copy and paste from Newsmax, er, I mean your insightful wisdom.
Remember, you said that what you write matters more than I think it does.
Practice saying “Madam President”, if you will. You’ll need it come next January.
Mikey says
Raquel, they just live in the past.1 in 5 in poverty.healthcare costs doubled.more than double people on welfare.spent more money than any other before him.gave iran nukes and erased the tapes.more mass shootings than any other before him.average wage in us down.and now your 5 yo girl gets to share a bathroom with a grow I man.but all they got is the past
pirrurris says
Rrrraquel, Hillary is way more qualified than the racist Trump, that does not se you and your kids as US citizens, because they are not white.
Only an idiot latino/a would vote for this POS.
William says
Putting aside your deflection, what was the grammatical error?
You wrote “…as I’m way smarter than you are” your grammar and writing skills surely prove you are not smarter than I.” Uh, smartypants, shouldn’t there be a period after “…are(.)” and “your” be capitalized indicating the beginning of the next sentence?
You poor thing. The nerve I hit must have rattled you so fiercely that you lost it. You’re too funny, big girl.
I guess you’ll reply in a day or two after you come back down off the ceiling.
You still haven’t named your sources, have you? Until such time, we’ll just ignore your claim of being factual and your so-called ‘facts’. It’s the right thing to do, y’know.
Laughing says
Raquel, what right from the Constitution have you had taken away from you?
William says
I musta hit Raquel’s last nerve by saying she copies and pastes from Newsmax or some other right wing site.
That’s all she’s able to do because thinking for herself isn’t in her.
Blossom13 says
@reality, I’ll bet you a dime and raise the Supreme Court, I still win.