The fatal collision happened around 3:50 p.m. Thursday, April 14, on Avenue E, east of 70th Street East, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
A 20-year-old Rosamond man was driving a 2000 Acura Integra eastbound on Avenue E when he lost control of the car and crossed into oncoming traffic, directly into the path of a 2008 Honda Civic, the CHP report states.
The Civic was being driven by a 35-year-old Lancaster woman.
The driver was the sole occupant of the Honda Civic. The Acura Integra’s passengers — a 17-year-old boy and a 26-year-old Rosamond man — were transported to Antelope Valley Hospital with moderate to major injuries, according to the CHP report.
The traffic collision is still under investigation.
UPDATED 4-15-16: The deceased driver in the 2000 Acura Integra has been identified as 20-year-old Christian Navarro of Rosamond, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
UPDATED 4-15-16: The deceased female driver has been identified as Tamara Amber Hatch of Lancaster, according to coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter. Hatch was actually 35 years old, Winter said. Her 36th birthday would have been Saturday, April 16.
Jn says
June 20, 2016 at 8:51 pm
For all that had a lot to say (small g and lovefor tam and ALL Others ) the report is out go and read it. there was no drinking or drugs and no speeding involved in this accident now you can let them both RIP…….
I forgive you and I pray God will too!!!
I can’t belive how evil and hateful you all can be after we lost our loved ones!!!!
George says
Rest in Peace my little cousin! ! You will be missed.
FC says
Any update? Sorry for the loss on both families.
Kassandra marquez says
Aww miss u Chrissy u were one of the nicest people I ever meet… Just know that it wasn’t ur fault u lost control n u weren’t driving reckless for all the people talking [removed] if u don’t know what happen then shut the hell up RIP Chris
REPLY says
kassandra says
yea i do know what happen… if you have anything negative to say dont write back. it really shows how immature people really are… love u chris ur a a beautiful angel now rip
G says
Too bad, so sad he died. After living near that house. He always was speeding and playing loud music. Nights doing illegal drugs and drinking. Parents were fully aware and never did nothing. Life in the fast lane. Unfortunately I wish to know what his toxicology report came out yet. I am sorry for a loss of son, but especially for Tamara and her family.
Lovefor Tam says
He killed the best lady I ever met!!! If this is true…I am ever more super pissed off!
My life will never be the same without her in it. I am sad that he died, but because of reckless driving, he killed an innocent wonderful woman. Makes no sense to me. RIP Tamra!!
Angelica N. says
Maybe you should know facts first before bashing a person, two people in this accident have passed away and one person is no better than another so you need to watch how you speak/write about people when you clearly didnt know christian
G says
I hope the toxicology report will be available soon. Specifically on Christian Navarro, for Tamara’s family. Hopefully, Tamara’s family takes action, with the other 2 passengers in Christian car. All families should ask for a report. @ Angelica maybe using proper grammar could help. I had to slow down from reading and understand your opinion. However the facts are the facts. Christian Navarro was doing illegal drugs and drinking in the garage. Parents were fully aware and never did nothing. After living near the house and seeing Kern County Sheriffs pass by. I don’t know, but 1+1=2.
From an old neighbor. Sincerely, sorry for the loss of both people.
GD says
Your not an old neighbor you still live near them 99% know who you are so do everyone a favor and shut up.
DL says
B says
I agree. When will the toxicology reports be available? That will answer a lot of questions. I’m hoping the AV Times will update this story when the results are in. Sorry but it’s not just one video post. Perhaps the results will help ease some weight on Tamara’s family and friends hearts. As well as Chris’s family. The truth can’t be disputed when the reports come back. I honestly hope that the results are negative because no family should have to have that in their family stories and memories. RIP to Both.
SN says
your so funny . an old neighbor ? no you still live by us probably the same neighbor that stares at us through your window . you know nothing about him doing ” illegal drugs” or doing any drugs at all , seems like your assuming?
Jip Joe says
You have no clue what your talking about. This kid killed a wonderful person. He was reckless, simple as that and nothing you post can change what he did.
GD says
Were you there do know the survivors. NO you don’t so you cant say he was reckless.
DD says
You don’t know what happened so keep your rude ass comments to yourself! The same way your disrespecting Chris’ family, we can turn around and say evil things about her.. But NO! [removed] talking will not bring either of them back! So watch what you say cause karma is a bitch and she will come back and hurt you in the ones you hurt most.. So if you have kids, siblings, or close loved ones.. Be aware. Cause your heartless acts will come back and bite them in the ass.. Just be sensitive, since you were not there and cannot say what happened. We have family that did make it and can tell us what really happened. So keep your “thoughts” to your damn self. Please and thank you!!
REPLY says
waahhhhh waahhhhh waahhh!!! don’t paint him out as if he was an angel too. SHE’S ENTITLED TO HER OPINION RESPECT HER FOR IT!!
GD says
No one said he was an angel just shut the F*** up.
GD says
@Lovefor Tam he wasnt speeding or driving reckless before you say something do some research. If you dont know dont say anthing.
Lovefor Tam says
Apparently you did not read the part in the post that says “If this were true”. @GD…you were not there either so please do not act like you know what really happened!
GD says
I wasn’t there he was my nephew and the passenger is also my nephew. No one killed anyone.
Melanie says
He was not under the influence, You fail to realize that two people in his car survived and were able to tell the story. He hit two potholes and lost complete control of his car. Before anyone starts judging and making assumptions, maybe it would be good to have the facts. Nobody wins here. This is a huge loss across the board. Before you chose to post comments that are so heartless maybe you should ask yourself if you even know the truth and how your hurtful words could possibly make someone feel.
Tell The Truth says
Potholes??? How freakin fast was he going that potholes made him lose control?
Tim Scott says
Pothole grabs a front tire you lose control. Hopefully you regain control almost immediately, and most people do most times. But a 20 year old is probably not going to be a highly experienced driver. No one can actually walk in another’s shoes, or say with certainty “I could have handled that exact circumstance better.”
Better to mourn the dead and support the living.
Empath says
“Better to mourn the dead and support the living.” Words worth repeating!!
GE says
Any potholes in this half mile section of Ave E are filled. I live in the area and drive Ave E so the pothole excuse is no good. Not being able to maintain control of a vehicle is the same as pointing a loaded weapon at someone. One paid the ultimate price its just to bad an innocent one had to also pay
REPLY says
I agree with you “Better to mourn the dead and support the living”.
Laughing says
Told everyone on the election results that it is a shame how many large potholes Lancaster has. Blew out a new off road heavy duty rated tire on one years ago. The response from the city called it an act of God. Really!? I responded it was an act of bad city management, they needed to reimburse me and fix the roads everywhere, not just in wealthy areas of the city. Response, harass me and the owner of the house I was renting to a point where I decided to move out of Lancaster.
John says
It was not potholes. I just drove that stretch of road from 50th street east to 90th street east on Ave E. I did not drive it once, I turned around and drove it again.
There are no potholes there that will make you lose control of a vehicle. I believe that reckless driving and distracted driving was the cause of this terrible accident.
GD says
Your funny John. The potholes got filled by the city Friday. The potholes weren’t filled Friday when the family went to see the site. The family went back Saturday and the potholes were filled.
sn says
what an [removed]. what he did wads none of your business, nosey ass neighbors
B says
I agree. Lots and lots of posts showing him doing drugs and drinking all of the time. No matter what, that makes him at fault for killing a totally innocent person who did nothing wrong but being in the wrong place at the wrong time if the toxicology report comes back positive for either alcohol or drugs. I feel bad for the young mans death but I also feel overwhelmingly terrible for Tamara’s life who did nothing wrong. Love, strength, and comfort to those who lost a loved one in a senseless act.
GD says
seeing one video doesn’t mean he smoked and drank ALL the time take you opinion and shove it.
Lovefor Tam says
Well said!!!
GD says
It’s funny how living near his house gives you so much knowledge of what he did and what his parents knew. Smh.
Alanna M. says
God bless their family!! My parents would have died
In that crash if they hadn’t of got their order wrong at KFC!!
Ty so much lord!! I’m so so so thankful my family is still healthy
And alive and I can thank god!!
GD says
Alanna M I don’t understand your post did they know the people involved?
[removed] says
Wow god forbid u have a loveone gone! REMEMBER ME saying this 2 bad so sad ur an [removed]!!! much love [removed]
sn says
I forgive you , may the Lord forgive you too :)
Jn says
For all that had a lot to say (small g and lovefor tam and ALL Others ) the report is out go and read it. there was no drinking or drugs and no speeding involved in this accident now you can let them both RIP…….
I forgive you and I pray God will too!!!
I can’t belive how evil and hateful you all can be after we lost our loved ones!!!!
Muscle head77... says
I worked for Av towing and had my share of fatalities tows..I came from driving 15 years with AAA let me tell you that drivers up in the antelope valley are really reckless every one is in such a hurry to get no were speeding up passing up other drivers the speed limit is posted and it seems to be invisible. Lancaster,palmdale,Lil rock,pearl blossom,drivers tail gate and make others nervous seen it, accidents like this can be avoided there is also alot of kids with hondas that think the streets are race ways it’s sad this happens but careless driving takes innocent lives bottom line…
Boom Boom says
Yes. Road rage is terrible in AV. I’ve had plenty of people give me the middle finger because I didn’t move at 90 when the light turned green. I have been seeing a lot of people running red lights also. I had s green light the other day and I looked to my left and something said watch out that guy is not gonna stop. I slowed down and he went through the red light. It’s really getting bad in Lancaster.
tam says
Love your comment, especially coming from someone that I am sure has scene these accidents first hand. People just need to slow down. You won’t get there any faster if your dead!
Vickie says
Having been in insurance for many years first cars should not be Acura’s and other rice rockets. Kids assume themselves to be better drivers then they are. If, you do a survey of all the fatal accidents with young drivers you’ll find they were driving the same type of vehicles.
Danny says
Love how everyone tosses around the word accident bunch of idiots. This selfish ass killed another which could of been any one saying this was just a “accident” sure your tune would be much different.
Boston Ledger says
They need to repave E street and widen it all the way up to Sierra highway.30th street and ban semi trucks that travel that route daily. it seems to me like E street was not designed to handle the constant beating that is imposed by those big trucks.
Tim Scott says
Ave E was laid down as a part of the every mile grid back when there were less than fifty thousand people in the entire valley…technically it wasn’t designed for any traffic at all. But that can be said for a whole lot of roads in the rural areas that now get too much traffic. I’m thinking 50th East is probably a higher priority than Ave E. Unfortunately we can’t fix them all, at least not all at once.
Boston Tea says
We hate to lose loved ones Tim but something has to be done to improve certain parts of Avenue E that will make it safer for us to drive on. I drive down Avenue daily and constantly see semi trucks speeding down Avenue E and at time they tend to either drift towards the center line of over the center line. Hopefully it doesn’t happen but one day a major accident will happen somewhere on Avenue E that will involve a semi truck and multiple vehicles and by the grace of GOD there will be no deaths involved. I do agree with you that 50th Street is in dire need of repair to but I tend to believe that semi trucks use Avenue E more so than 50th street.
Tim Scott says
If the entire criteria is use by semis you may well be right. The main issue with 50th is the volume of cars, which already exceeds the capacity of the road at peak times. Add thousands of new jobs at Northrop to those peak times and the result is sadly predictable.
Anna says
I’m so sadden that Chris is gone! I remember when he came into this world… I had the privilege to record his birth. I will forever have fond memories of Christian. Till I see you again Rest in Paradise nephew. I will always love you.
B W says
R I P Tamara, I worked with her for a number of years on the F22 MOD Program @ Lockheed. Last I heard she had started with Northrop after being laid off from Lockheed. She always was baking cookies & cake for the guys @ work.
Mel says
We lost a big chunk of our hearts yesterday. I love you Tammers and I will miss you forever. Peace be with everyone no matter what the outcome.
RC says
Didn’t know Tamara well, she had just started working with me at NG. RIP Tamara
Nick says
You don’t know what you missed out on.
We worked together at Lockheed, and she would swing by my office at NGC when she was in the ice box….
She was amazing, and the world is less without her.
cameron says
I hired on with Tamara at Lockheed in 2008, she was always a pleasure to be around and will be missed. RIP
Tammy says
Damn RIP Tamara!! It was a blast hanging out with you! And I just saw you last week in Walmart!! You will be truly missed!! Sleep with the Angels in peace my love!!
SLP says
Condolences to the families…R.I.P. TH
sn says
r.i.p my brother ❤
LRM says
Adam, sorry to hear about her. I will not mention her name since it has not been released but wow. So sorry to hear about your roommate in the Honda. Based off everything you told me and her opening up her home to help you out right now…….no words. Glad your talking to the family.
Sonia says
My deepest condolences to the families that lost their loved ones. You will be in my prayers. May the Rest In Peace.
Sissy says
My heart goes out to both families
Melinda says
Another angel gone to heaven! My prayers & love are with the navarro family, Christian was & still is very special too me, he always had a way to make you smile, I will miss him deeply & hold all memories in my heart such a great kid!
Prayers to all the family’s
JustMe says
How are they sure he “lost control?” When driving at the right time, you can be blinded by the sun and no visor or sunglasses can help. I arrived shortly after it happened and could tell by the ladies response who ran from several cars behind me, that one of their family members died. My condolences to all parties/families involved. We must be more careful on that road day and night.
Aunt Julie says
My nephew was a great human being. He was so full of life , he was the life of the party and truly loved by everyone . Chris Passed away for all the wrong reasons. He was so excited to have his first car and was heading to go buy car parts to improve his car when this tragedy happened. Rest in paradise.
GD says
I can tell you he lost control because his cousin and friend were in the with him. He was my nephew.
Joseph says
So everyone is ignoring the fact that this young boy isnt the only one who died in fact he was the cause whether the sun or the road hes in control and he took two lives and almost 4 and its sad that noone speaks on it yes rip vut damn poor tammy innocent life i wonder if there was speeding involved on the young mans behalfi bet there was
GD says
Joseph you stupid… I didn’t know that hitting 2 pot holes and that causing your car to malfunction and loss control makes the driver at fault for losing his life and the other driver. I hope you never hit a pot hole.
Eric says
I pray for all of the drivers families through this difficult time. I did see that the mother mentioned he was working on his integra recently. Maybe something wasn’t put back on right and he lost control of the car. It’s happened to me before due to me not doing something right it’s scary because you can’t control the car.
Cassy says
R.I.P Chris. Gone but Never Forgotten. Prayers to your family im so sorry for your loss. Another young soul gone to soon.
Jn says
Thanks for all ur prayers
As his mom this is the hardest thing
In my life no words could explain
Teresa says
I’m so very sorry for loss. My heart goes out to you. All involved are in my prayers.
Erik Estrada says
Jen its me Erik, Jen, and Enriques son… im so sorry to hear about Chris… My heart goes out to you, Rudy, Tabi, Vanessa, Sam, and everyone else… My deepest condolences.
Love you guys.
Ana says
So sorry for your loss. My daughter Veronica went to school with him from first grade until freshman year. Our family sends our condolences.
ANNON says
Jen, This is Richard, Tommies roommate, I am so so sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences go out to you and your family. May Our Lord and Savior be with you and your family during this time. God bless you.
april says
My condolences. I’m sorry for your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you.
LP says
I’m so sorry Rudy for your family’s loss. I can’t imagine what you are going through. May he rest in peace.
Bonnie says
RIP Chris, you will be missed by many, Jen you and Rudy and family are in our thoughts and prayers we cannot begin to imagine the pain you are all going through, know we love you.
Jacque says
I was on the road at that time and stopped by the CHP from continuing on Ave E, I knew it was serious. My heart goes out to those who passed and their families. I pray for the families left behind and the injured. I also thank those first responders, for being there for everyone when needed.
CH says
Praying for the families and loved ones. Also prayers to the 2 that are injured, I pray for their recovery and families as well.
Connie Marquez says
So sad. My condolences to the families. May God rest their soul and give their loved ones courage and strength.
bill h says
Sounds like texting to me.
nrw says
Instead of making assumptions and accusations (which by the way are incorrect) how about either sharing your condolences to the families who lost someone they love or say nothing at all.
JN says
I’m chris’s mom don’t be so fast to asume his car malfunction he had been working on it.
Danielle says
So sorry for your loss. All of us in Rosamond are thinking about you and your family. Don’t listen to people who are mean, it’s a tragic loss.
anessa says
did his tire pop off
Danielle says
It was a tire blow out in the Acura… One of the passengers commented on another thread. It’s tragic.
Dolo says
Actually No it wasn’t texting. So unless you know keep your stupid [removed] comments to yourself.
biillie says
What a dork you are. People die and if you can’t say some
thing to help them, keep your fingers off the keyboard
There always has to be a resentful person. I absolutely hate when people have nothing to do but judge or criticize other. We should all pray and hope all these families have strength. This is the worst that can happen to anyone. RIP to the ones deceased and may god put his hands on the injured and heal them fast. Prayers for all.
NO TEXT says
I agree, there is no such thing as a car “loosing control” after repair, it will either NOT start, or NOT move, or even STUDDER . But not cross the road and kill an innocent person!
RIP, Tamara- Happy Birthday
Laughing says
Except those times when someone forgets to tighten bolts to specification and the part comes apart several miles down the road.
AVH EVS says
My condolences to both families,
You are ret@reded… Repairs also include parts that control the driving mechanism. Dumb @ss
GD says
your an idiot “no such thing as a car loosing control”. I hope you never hit a pot hole or skid on oil when it rains.
bill h says
Sounds like texting to me.
Sue says
Sounds like you’re an @$$hole to me.
bille says
I agree
sn says
I agree too
Ca says
I also agree
NO TEXT says
I agree, there is no such thing as a car “loosing control” after repair, it will either NOT start, or NOT move, or even STUDDER . But not cross the road and kill an innocent person!
RIP, Tamara- Happy Birthday
DL says
Jamie says
I worked in the AFB area …. i know that area very well feel very sad and concern .. Words cannot even begin to express my sorrow.
May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you
Lokomot1on says
My deepest sympathies to all the loved ones left behind. May God give you the strength to overcome this most difficult tragedy, my prayers go out to all those affected~!!!
Christina says
Your family is in my prayers. May God place healing on your hearts..
Cathe says
So sad for the loss of these lives. Praying for the peace of those left behind.
jkm says
It’s so frustrating to hear of these senseless accidents. Sad, so sad.
Tanya Mcginn says
My deepest sympathies to the loved ones of these people.
Oscar says
To the families I’m very sorry for your loss….. Prayers to all of you.
Maribel says
Thank you for your prayers may God bless you!
A says
May God rest their souls and comfort their loved ones. Lovingly remind your loved ones ( and yourselves) to be attentive and wise when behind the wheel.
Maribel says
Thank you God bless you
Timothy A Doyle says
so Horrible I’m so glad the A V have place all those flashing stop sign in the outlining areas I hope to see more. so sad it happen to often Tim D
Timothy A Doyle says
so sad these terrible accidents happen to often…