Rafael Gomez Carranza of Lancaster was pronounced dead at Antelope Valley Hospital about an hour after the collision, according to coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter.
His companion, a 61-year-old female whose name was not released, “received injuries not considered life threatening,” Sgt. David Jennings of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station stated in a news release.
Both were struck around 6:20 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, on 40th Street West at Avenue J-8 in Lancaster, according to Jennings.
“Preliminary information gathered at the scene indicates the driver of a 2005 Nissan Maxima was travelling north on 40th Street West. He came to a stop at Avenue J-8 then continued north into the intersection,” Jennings stated.
“Two pedestrians were walking west on the north side of Avenue J-8. They entered the crosswalk at about the same time the Maxima entered the intersection. The Maxima struck both pedestrians in the crosswalk,” Jennings stated.
The Maxima’s male driver, whose name was not released, remained at the scene. He was not arrested or cited in connection with the collision, according to Jennings.
“Alcohol, drugs, nor speed appear to be a factor,” Jennings stated.
Investigators are asking anyone who may have witnessed this collision to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.
Ivonne says
What happened was very tragic to all involved…. A gofundme page was created by the family for medical expenses and to help with funeral costs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
timmy says
we obviously need a traffic circle at this intersection. somebody please inform r-rex of the situation….
Just Saying says
Too late, they already quietly slipped in a traffic circle at Challenger and L. It will be done in a few weeks.
Fred says
Eric. Very smart of you to say. I couldn’t of said it better. Us humans are quick to point finger. The investigation will continue and we will find out what happened. Till then you are all speculating. Best wishes. I’m really sorry for all involved. May god be with you all.
Philip says
Two elderly citizens: 68 & 61 years old, walking across the street, in a crosswalk, taking a morning stroll. Some Ass-hat plows them down and doesn’t get arrested or charged. It must have been an off-duty cop or a government official to get away with that. Let’s ask for accountability from our city. Because we all know if it was a Black/Hispanic/White/Asian driver with no money or clout, they would surely be arrested and charged with vehicular manslaughter.
I’m asking THEAVTIMES.COM to start an accountability forum for our community officials, who live on our dollars, to respond to us as they are paid to do. God knows we’re not going to city hall to be bullied by the mayor. Yes, you know which mayor I’m talking about.
Just Saying says
If this was a smaller intersection I would agree, but it looks like there are some other factors involved. This is a half completed huge intersection with no signal. The car is halfway into it before the roadway even starts on the right. This means the car would already be in the middle of it to strike them in the #2 lane. Looks like they may have stepped out when the car was well into the intersection. Kinda muddies the blame.
Sorry. says
He was headed north from a 2 lane section into a 2 lane section, the only uncompleted side is on the south east corner of J8 the were walking West on the North side of J8 so the intersection has no value to this accident. They A, stepped out or B, he performed a rolling stop or floored it to beat them instead of waiting. C, was not paying attention and was distracted
Kenneth says
Hey Philip your a piece of sh** we are all human and accidents happen too bad he didn’t plow your dumb ass down
Big Lou says
I drove by after it happened and looking at “the crime scene” I don’t think the driver made a complete stop. The impact was about 100 feet or less from the crosswalk. Had he hit them after a complete stop, he would have hurt them yes. But kill them? No. I think he hit them at a significant by either rolling or running the stop, or he floored it after he stopped. Maybe he was playing chicken with them. It seems there are no witnesses, so we may never know.
RLancaster says
They need to put a street light!
Tim Scott says
Lancaster can’t afford that kind of improvements. It would cut into the cash flow of Rex and his cronies.
Oscar says
This is not what happened at all for the AV press to even publish this is ridiculous they were hit hard enough they both flew yards away from the car and one of them passed away they guy who did this made a mistake and ran the stop sign not saying anything bad should happen or get charged I pray for him as well but the investigation is not over and I know the people who got hit and I know they would not walk in front of a car coming across the street
Eric says
But did you witness it? Look, sorry for your loss, wish the best for the parties involved. This reads like you are speculating from opinion.
Margaret says
If your crossing a “cross walk” … And you get “hit by a car” hard enough to die! Then the car has to be going a good speed.To be going a good speed your not taking of from being at a complete stop. Unless: a. You take off like a bat outta hell burning some rubber or B. You run the stop sign or C. Your on your phone (which is like a drug)not paying attention to life. Too many people in this world are in a hurry to no where… Slow down in life and open your eyes more.
Eric says
You are overestimating the toughness of the human body. You are severely underestimating the toughness of pavement. You aren’t even taking into account physics.
A car could nudge you while in neutral, and if you land on your head, that could be that for you. But hey, I’m going to butt out here, you all appear ready to lay blame.
Again, best wishes to all involved. It’s tragic.
Oscar says
Well first off they were both hit hard enough that the windshield was crushed in and spider webbed I did witness the aftermath and I saw everything before they tools the car away they both were yards away from the car and at least 20 yards from the crosswalk they weren’t just going out for a random stroll this is the same path they take every single morning at the same time, the car was going fast enough after they were already in the crosswalk the car stopped about 10 yards pass the crosswalk lines, I’ve been to quiet a few accidents as a firefighter and I’ve seen situations just like this and have experience with this as well. This is a route I take everyday from my house and I know you can not get enough speed from a dead stop to cause the damage I saw today
So please any witnesses come forward. And if you are the person who did this we know you have to live with this and we pray for you as well no one intended on this to happen and no one should ever have to go through this our prayers to you and your family as well.
Jeanette says
A car in neutral can nudge someone and they can land on their head, yetttt it can also cause more than minor damage to the vehicle? That doesn’t make sense. Take into account that this man wasn’t disabled and was Actually in great shape. It’s just pure negligence on the drivers part, who supposedly is a pilot in the air force.
Sorry says
The police already stated speed was not a factor. He could have dragged them though, I will say in that distance if he performed a rolling stop he could make 30mph by the other side they could hit the windshield and when he stopped the would slide off then hit the pavement.
maryacosta says
I have almost been hit by cars while crossing the street @ least 3 times. Crossing the street nowadays is like playing Russia rulet
jim B says
wow…. So Sad!! Praying for the family and they injured lady…