Jesse Bo Grobler was arrested on suspicion of felony evading and vehicle theft; he also had an outstanding no bail warrant, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
“He then ran the plate of the vehicle and observed that [the] plate did not belong to a Honda Accord,” Jacobson said. “At that time he attempted to make a stop on the vehicle and the suspect failed to stop for our officer, which resulted in a pursuit. ”
The pursuit lasted about five to six minutes, Jacobson said.
“He was using the center divider and the shoulder to get around traffic as he was traveling, and he cut from the No. 1 lane across all lanes to exit here at Avenue J,” Jacobson said.
The chase ended when Grobler crashed the vehicle near the Avenue J off-ramp.
“Mr. Grobler exited southbound SR-14 at Avenue J at a high rate of speed, struck the raised concrete center divider and then collided with a cement light post. The impacts disabled the Honda, and the driver was taken into custody without further incident,” the CHP report states.
Suzie Carroll says
For the snitches involved, you will get yours when the paychecks stop coming from LASD and you have nobody else to give them. Then your [removed] will pucker and start your own high speed chase like you did last month! Only who are you going to call for help? Personally, if I see you and Sancho on fire, I’d just watch you both burn!
JE says
Why do you think someone snitched?
Former AV resident says
It’s just all kinda sad for me.Ex-felons really don’t get the help inside or after their release. I am not downing this young, but he still is somebody’s son and father. It’s tough on the victims of his recent GTA, they are now without a car. Tax payers are hurt by his recidivism. His family is hurt because they don’t have their son or father home for Christmas. Life is all about choices. We’ve all made both good and bad choices throughout our lives and some of is have paid the consequences for the bad ones. This young man made a deries of bad choices leading up to his arrest yesterday. He is exposed to some heavy consequences in the manner of time behind bars. I pray that he gets the help he needs this time and finds God in his life. Prayers to all. Be safe out there, tis the season for people doing stupid sh**. Be well, be safe and Merry Christmas, y’all.
Suzie Carroll says
Thank for saying what so many of us have not been able to, or who felt that they shouldn,t bother. But you are 100% correct, yes we did the crime, paid by doing the time, heard all the lies prior to release, thought that there would be help once we hit the street, swallowed our pride and asked for help so that our lives would turn around. It is sad to learn that all the crap was only to blow smoke up our Butts and slap our faces again. And then how do we, the felons that asked for help, well what do we do to survive? Yes we are happy to be back home, but are still a burden to our families and friends, how do you change without a job and a way to provide for your babies? Trust me it isn’t by living like we did before the prisons got us. The man you wrote about is family, he will be missed, we are sad this happened again, he is not an animal and has a good heart. I suppose when he gets home again, that unless there are sever changes made, people like him, maybe you or me, those of us that found a way to change, can speak for those on lock down so that when they are released again, maybe there will be some sort of help afforded to them so their lives aren’t wasted by making money for LASD, CDC, THE FEDS! Its not right or fair to taxpayers, remember it is their funds paying for it all and the paychecks for the law dogs. Since I don’t want this family to have this happen again, I will do and say what I feel even if I have to shout it to My God, I will until there is something positive to have these “felons” come home to. EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE HOPES AND DREAMS instead of bars and keys and nasty law enforcement to look forward to.
Flankaster says
Hey Suzie.. Here’s an idea. It’s not my original, but is sure is smart.
If you stop thinking the rules were made for everyone but you, when the rule referees (aka police) come around, you don’t have to worry about going to jail.
You obviously aren’t very good as a good criminal, because you got caught. So now your pissed off, and say that its everyone else’s fault that you wear the scarlet letter? Bull. You earned it, and so did poor Jesse Bo.
Tim Scott says
I recommend some research. There’s a well known urban legend about how “everyone in prison says they are innocent.” Go do some volunteer work and you will find out that is false pretty quick. While they are pending trial everyone protests their case, since that’s what they have to do, but once their case is settled most don’t bother to deny guilt. That’s when it gets interesting.
A whole lot of cases are “won” by the prosecution by virtue of plain blunt force. The prosecutor’s office holds ALL the cards. They have the budget to just wear out the defense. They have cops who are experienced witnesses, that in many cases are more than willing to lie because they know what lies are safe to tell. They have juries made up of people who generally don’t understand their function, in that they walk into the courtroom carrying “they wouldn’t be on trial if they weren’t guilty” rather than to make the determination they are actually there to make.
Which again, is not to say that inmates will usually deny they are guilty. The point is that our system doesn’t work as designed, and in many cases their conviction may have very little to do with their actual guilt…and when their conviction doesn’t connect to actual guilt it strikes you that you, who aren’t guilty of anything, could have been convicted just the same as they were.
Like I said, do some research. Unfortunately, be prepared to find out that our system of “justice” works more on the “tall grass gets mowed” principle than on any connection to crime prevention. You attract the attention of the system, you go to jail, and if you don’t, you don’t.
Suzie Carroll says
Ok, with that said, Happy Holidays to you and yours. And yes I did make a bad criminal si therefore I don’t have to deal with all that anymore. See creep, some of do change and get it right, no thanks to people like you. I suspect you had your butt on lockdown once or twice? Anyway, the AV Press had a story about Antonovich trying to set something in place just for the same reason. Trust I will be contacting his office. And since you seem heartless and/or a hater of J.B. please don’t add your negative comments because everyone deserves a chance to have a life. Thank you.
Flankaster says
>>standing ovation<<
lisa says
im gonna miss him nobodys perfect.
Kate says
I agree Lisa xoxox
B says
Not perfect and being a jackass jeopardizing the safety of others is two different things.
Robin says
Do t talk about his mother. She is not responsible for this man. He’s a grown man. Responsible for his own screw up life. He’s has a revolving door in and out of the system. But it on him and be a use of HIM. Not his mother….at this time in his life he’s a complete fk up. One day maybe he’ll get well.
Cali Palmdale says
Robin I hate to break it to you but these kind of people will never change the best thing to do is to lock them up for life or take them out they are like a time bomb sooner or later they will kill someone and find an excuse for there action. And there must have been something missing when he was growing up most of the time it starts at home with parenting I really don’t know and don’t want to know about this guys life but just saying no offense to anyone.
Craig says
What do you mean people like this will never change. I went to prison 6 different times. People do change if they want to, you havd to have people in your life and the desire to want that change. I now own my own business and i am doing ok. I try1
to help anybody i can when i can. But as you put it,, these people are still my friends. Maybe its you people who need to change
Cali Palmdale says
Craig I really congratulate you are 1 in 20k that really changed as you say yes I know it might be hard im sure you had a lot of help from family and the good thing is that you listen to there advise Couse remember no one can help you unless you admit you have a problem if you don’t accept help don’t matter who offers you help you wont listen and wont change . And am glad you have your own business im sure you had either lots of family support. $ but again don’t matter really happy for you keep it up and help as many as you can .
Suzie Carroll says
Amen to that Bro, small minded people are the people who won,t and probably never have helped anyone. You have to have heart and try to understand the situation. But I thank you for your comment and feeling. I am glad you were able to break the cycle, good job.
not better not worse says
look you make it sound like everything’s all perfect and dandywe get out of prison we can go to work a perfect little life b*******I’ve got a case of 2007 you think of me wants to hire me stillso much the better than one to get me a job if you’re so better than everybody elsewe all make mistakes in my sandwich because I’m just don’t10 of our past ones you have got caught can’t do s*** for a futureshave a good day
Suzie Carroll says
And I suppose you are the pot calling the kettle black? Get off your high horse Robin and realize you of all people have no right to talk. If you are without sin then cast that stone and stop putting your spin on the situation. Maybe some of your dirty little secrets need to come out and see how you like it? You do have Balls, I’ll give you that, but now go get your freak on cause you fool only yourself.
Dirtbag says
Ursine thing to talk about him but to talk bad about his family is wrong………. Flank aster why don’t u quit looking at child pornography ……I saw your charges too… tried to hide them well but…..I found them …!!!!!
Flankaster says
Uh.. what? You saw my charges too? If so, post them right here in this forum. Go right ahead with my encouragement and blessings. I’m not scared because I know they don’t exist.
So put down the pipe and get to a 12 step program. You need help, Dirtbag.
Suzie Carroll says
For those of you that provided a negativve comment about Mr. Grobler,
well due to the hater tone, well you must have been born under a rock. Do you personally know this man? As for the trailer bull crap, his family has never lived in one, have you? What is sad is that these men and women get out of prison, paid for their crimes by getting out, but it is the people and tax payers that bitch about money and the costs to lock them up, spread a bit of that Green to afford these Criminals with jobs or the ability to work. People like you keep them going back1
Spread Some Green says
We’re all going to spread some green for this guy in the form of Taxpayer dollars to pay for all the damage he caused.
Suzie Carroll says
I guess your lilly butt never had to go to court? Well they have this little thing called RESTITUTION, not to mention court costs. The restitution is paid when the person gets out and Lord willing, he’ll get a job. Bottom line , the money paid for the damages you are worried about, will be paid, and fyi, any money Jesse makes in prison and any money sent to him until he is released, get 55% taken on every dollar. So I don’t think you really need to worry about the damages. By the way, do you have any extra green that you could use to help the guy out? I’m just saying…
Basterbunny says
All im sayin is Jesse..this proves my point.. YOU CANT DRIVE FOR [removed] im going to miss you
Suzie Carroll says
Baster Bunny, there is no need to lau. gh at him, and besides he did damn good because he didn’t cause the damage that could have happened if he didn’t frigging know how to drive! So Big Bunny, if you think you can do better, instead of talking smack, put it on the road otherwise keep your comments to your hater self. Thank you andI hope I never run into you.
tech says
yea this moron almost hit me around ave d passin me on the right as I was test drivin a customer car. glad I didn’t have to explain that one, have fun with bubba dumbass! why even bother running theyre gonna get u no matter what
chrlrss says
And cue family and friends to go on & on about how wonderful of a guy he is… great friend, son, brother and don’t forget the kids, gotta have pictures of him with his kids.
Flankaster says
Glad that irresponsible turd didn’t kill anyone when he ran. Too bad the douchebag didn’t die in the wreck. Would have saved us thousands in court costs until his trailer park momma decided that Larry H Parker could get her enougb money to move on up to a double wide. Gotta love those trailer park Section 8 honeys…
billyG says
welcome to the world of meth.
bored av resident says
Ruh-Roh, Shaggy… looks like this ain’t Jesse’s first encounter with the coppers….
Eric says
Got to give it to Honda, if the driver walked away with no injuries, they built one hell of a car.
B says
Sorry but this is a case of this jackass getting lucky, nothing more.