LANCASTER – Grieving family members and loved ones of Luis Antonio Morones Padilla held a press conference Friday, Dec. 11, outside the California Highway Patrol office in Lancaster. They spoke about the Dec. 7 traffic crash that claimed Padilla’s life and they reached out to the community for financial support to bury Padilla and to help provide for the children he left behind this holiday season.
The press conference was organized by the community non-profit Agents of Change.
“We are here today [Dec. 11] to appeal to the public to make sure that you come out and support us. We’ll be fundraising for the family and for the kids,” said Agents of Change President Dr. Miguel Coronado.
“If you are going to give to any charity this season… please think about this family,” Coronado added.
A fundraiser will be held from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. this Sunday, Dec. 13, at a Lancaster residence, located at 1162 West Ivyton Street. Tacos will be provided, and donations of any amount are welcome.
Luis Padilla died Dec. 7 after losing control of his car on the Antelope Valley (14) Freeway. He was thrown from his overturning vehicle and then struck by a big rig and another vehicle. [Read details of the crash here.]
Padilla had been rushing home to Lancaster to meet his family obligations, according to his fiancee, Karla Pineda.
“Luis was a good father, he was good man. He was trying to get home on time so I could get to work on time, and [he could] take care of the kids…. He texted me, ‘I’m on my way,’ and of course, he never got home,” Pineda said, through tears.
Padilla’s older sister, Araceli Morones, said they lost their mother only six months ago to lung cancer. The financial burden on the family has been compounded with Padilla’s passing, she said.
Another sister, Janeth Morones, urged the community to support an online fundraiser for Padilla’s funeral expenses. To support this effort, visit
Previous related story: Lancaster man killed in 14 Freeway crash
ese tinoco says
Puro Southsidex13 ese. Rip homes
M says
This is a sad story…but what I don’t understand is why people will take the time to say such stupidity! If you can’t say something positive towards this tragedy just keep your comments to yourself. Seems you have a lot of time in your hands to say hurtful things. But, like the saying goes GOD DON’T LIKE UGLY AND ALL NEGATIVITY IS UGLY!
A says
Just curious, do the Agents of Change engage the community before a tragedy occurs?
Rene M. Calderon says
Yes! Agents of Change, has raised thousands of dollars for countless victims of horrible accidents. AOC, also partnered with Antelope Valley Hospital and Eastside Union School district to bring awareness about drinking and driving. The program is in it’s second year. We plan to introduce it to other school district in the AV.
Furthermore, AOC, has partnered with Station 33, and the City of Lancaster, to provide Christmas presents and donations to the family of Mr. Padilla. Today, AOC, received a call from a generous donor, to help pay for the funeral expenses.
I you have any more concerns, please call any local law enforcement agency in the Antelope Valley, or public elected officials. You can inquire with them about the work Agents of Change do in the community.
Emma Lopez says
Just curious, did you stop by to donate money to the Padilla-Morones family? You are a miserable human being. A true hater!!!
Jason Wells says
“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the tater more than it injures the hated.” Coretta Scott King.
“People who hate you because of a mere jealousy over your success hurt themselves in disguise. This is because you carry an image of who they wish they had become. Don’t hate them back because they may also become like you one day and it will mean hurting that image you carry.” Israelmore Ayivor
“Rumors are carried by hater, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.” Nishan Panwar
Some people have so little going on in their lives, they would rather discuss your business.” Unknown
Remember, people only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade. _Unknown
“Insecure people put others down to raise themselves up.” Habeeb Akande
“A haters job is to hate you, and they stay on their job 24/7. So, if you’re expecting them to clock out, and leave you alone think again.” Sonya Parker
k says
they are southsiders do not support that crap
SMHx2 says
You ignorant waste of oxygen, may you never need help. You are repulsive- end of story and keep your venom to yourself, maybe you’ll end your misery soon!
Katt says
How about you go [removed] off, hope nobody supports your [removed] in time of need .
pirrurris says
K, what exactly are southsiders you ignorant POS? Go choke yourself.
karla says
God Bless you all and i am very sorry for your two recent loss.
mmg says
Condolences to the family that’s about it to get a drive like an idiot you shouldn’t be on the freeway other people’s lives are there
dusty says
google “affordable funerals” for options. You can lay your loved one to rest far less expensively than anyone will tell you.
R.D.S says
I was looking at the stars last night, and i suddenly felt -like that infinite ,beautiful endlessness , with all of its mysterious pretty twinkles ,was the only thing that makes sense. I suddenly felt total comfort out among the incomprehensible heavens. Every little light was a beautiful person telling me that everything is ok..and that it is more perfect and wonderful and complete, than i could ever even dream possible. And then one shot across the sky and literally proved this feeling. Then they all said stay strong and keep moving and just do your best.stay with the most highest creators love inside as much as you can…stay tough and everything will be ok…we will see when you get here. I believe them.
This is real and i felt compelled to share this story here.
God bless every and all beings here and there.
#theFiancesBESTIE says
Dr. Miguel S. Coronado says
Dear Citizens of the Antelope Valley,
Please come out and support Luis Padilla’s family. We really need your support!
The fundraiser will be held from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015, located at 1162 West Ivyton Street. Lancaster, CA 93534
Delicious Tacos will be provided, by Suarez Party Supplies.
Donations of any kind for Luis’s kids and family member would be wholeheartedly appreciate it!
For information about the fundraiser and donation, please contact Dr. Miguel S. Coronado. (661-466-6810.
Careful Driving says
Texting while driving?
billyG says
I hate to be the Grinch here but… we all have unexpected deaths in our lives… can we all just call a press conference? And how do we know where the money goes? its not like anyone will follow up….
Sal Padilla says
The press conference was held by the city, with a organization called Agents of Change. The family was invited to speak. All funds are going toward’s his funeral cost and to his wife and children.
sjgranai says
Wrong! Agents of Change is NOT the city.
It is one man who makes sure his face is in front of a camera any time a family has a tragic moment.
Mike C says
If you hate to be the grinch here then why be one. People like you are better off keeping their mouths shut and minding their own business. This family is going through it right now and your ignorant a__ goes and posts some crap like this. If your worried about where the money goes then don’t donate any you moron. You are more then welcome to call a press conference anytime you feel like it. Death or no death. Why don’t you hold a press conference for yourself asking for donations so you can have your brain worked on because it definitely needs it.
Karla says
Sorry stupid people like this one.. my prayer goes out to you and your family.
dumbandblind says
One very important advice for everyone…. get life insurance.
Katt says
Even if you have life insurance, it’s not a overnight thing, it’s a long process.
Just so you know.
Alisa Guzman says
Wow this here is to much to take in before the holidays. Payers and My family Condolences to This family at there time of need.
MJ says
Damn Mann I seen this on the freeway that morning and it was just so tragic and sad my heart goes out to the family I’m so sorry you guys have to grieve Like this…
Des says
My condolences to your family!!
M says
Goddamn it this is when the old saying applies, it’s better to be late than nothing at all. I’m not a religious man but I send out my condolences and good vibes. I lost the love of my life last year so I kind of understand the loss of such an important person in your life.
Blue Spectral Storm says
My condolences, M, for losing the physical manifestation of the love of your life, yet this person still lives, M, I assure you. What you do with that memory can have a profound effect upon that residual conscience apparition. So I suggest no fear in feeling that love again, in showing that love again for if fear quenches the fires of such love, then death will be of it.
monica sanchez carbajal says
I will keep u in my prayers and pray that u get the money u need may god bless u and ur family this holiday season .
Dr. Miguel S. Coronado says
Dear Citizens of the Antelope Valley,
Please come out and support Luis Padilla’s family. We really need your support!
The fundraiser will be held from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015, located at 1162 West Ivyton Street. Lancaster, CA 93534
Delicious Tacos will be provided, by Suarez Party Supplies.
Donations of any kind for Luis’s kids and family member would be wholeheartedly appreciate it!
For information about the fundraiser and donation, please contact Dr. Miguel S. Coronado. (661-466-6810.
Rosh says
Hi. I will try and make it. My condolences to the family. God bless
Cath says
I’m feel bad for this family.
Marlene Fitzgerald Rodriguez says
I was in my way to work when I saw this gentleman covered in white sheets and police officers everywhere! I am so overwhelmed every time I go to work and see accidents left and right…. My condolences to your family and may God hold you all in his hands!