LANCASTER – Antelope Valley pastors and civil rights activists will come together this Saturday to thank local public safety officials, and they want you to join them.
Themed “Honoring Godly Authority in our Community,” the event will take place at 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 7, at The Growing Valley Baptist Church, located at 44818 20th Street West in Lancaster. This event is free and open to the public.
Representatives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Los Angeles County Fire Department and the California Highway Patrol will be honored for their commitment to the Antelope Valley. Dr. Albert Nicholas of Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles will deliver a message based on Romans 13:1. Assemblyman Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) is also scheduled to attend.
Additionally, the event will feature praise dancers, toy giveaways and performances by a choir, according to organizers. View a flyer for this event here.
This event is being presented by the AV Pastors Fellowship and the Antelope Valley chapter of the NAACP.
“It was the desire of both the AV-NAACP and several African-American pastors to take a unified, proactive approach toward healing, reconciliation, and reconstruction of the relationship between our community, which lies within the greater Antelope Valley community, and our public safety servants,” stated AV-NAACP President Shunnon Thomas. “We need this, our youth need this, and it is long overdue. It never hurts to say thank you.”
“Anyone who believes in a better Antelope Valley really should be in attendance on this day,” Thomas continued. “It is monumental in the African-American community here in the AV that we would take such an approach.”
For more information on this event, contact Shunnon Thomas at 661-492-5355 or Pastor Jacob Johnson at 661-942-7322.
Icon says
Weren’t these two entities just at each other’s throats with lawsuits and allegations and such?
Tim Scott says
That just got resolved, but the actual at each other’s throats part was really a while ago. One could speculate that this “thank you” business is specifically for improvements that have been made as a result of the lawsuits/investigations.
:( says
Whose God?
Godly Authority, Godly says
Per Huffington Post. Police Misconduct cost the American people. Los Angeles 101million 2002 to 2011. Chicago 521 million 2004 to 2014. New York 348 million 2006 to 2011. Oakland 74 million 1990 to 2014. Boston 36 million 2005 to 2015. Mint Press News said Police Misconduct cost the Taxpayers over 1 Billion $$$$$$$ Since 2010. national association for the advancement of (COLOR PEOPLE) That’s a good name for you. The Theme of this crap is Honoring (Godly) Authority In Our Community .
Tim Scott says
If those numbers are accurate LA is surprisingly low compared to New York and Chicago, which are the only applicable comparisons.
Are you serious says
And i like to give HONOR and THANKS to the F.O.I for being in the streets doing the best they can receiving no State Local or Federal Pay.
Philip says
“Honoring Godly Authority in our Community?” Are you effing serious, Uncle Tom? What in the hell are you honoring, and who gave you the authority to call anyone Godly? It’s one thing to give accolades, but entirely another thing to give praise where praise is not due.
One thing is clear, Shunnon Thomas. You are being bent over by the “old boys” community. Whether it is on purpose or not, you are laying down for them, in the name of peace. This won’t stop juveniles from hating the police, and it won’t stop the police from beating them down when they are of age 17 or older. It will only make you look like a good fella, and we know how that movie ends.
The next time you take our Lord’s name in vain, whoever coined that ridiculous title aforementioned, remember the First Commandment.
Are you serious says
Phillip I wonder it they are using Church TITHE money to support this Godly cause.