The Expo offers a full day of entertainment, giveaways, free bingo, free health screenings and seasonal flu shots for seniors 62 and over. Health screenings will include bone density, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and more.
Event highlights will include the naming of the new “Senior of the Year” and the “Veteran’s Community Service Award,” which recognizes an individual or organization that makes a difference in the lives of those who have served their country. Winners and nominees will be recognized during an awards ceremony scheduled for 11 a.m.
Senior Expo 2015 will feature more than 100 vendor booths offering useful information, products and services. Again, this year, seniors, 62 years or older, will receive a free lunch served from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free shuttle services will be provided from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. between the city bus stop at Avenue H and the fairgrounds.
Those who bring a canned food item to donate to Grace Resource Center will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Gift Card courtesy of Antelope Valley Mall. In celebration of the 25th annual Senior Expo, 25 $100 Visa Gift Cards will be given away in a “scratcher ticket” drawing. The ticket booth will be located in the courtyard between the H.W. Hunter and Van Dam Pavilions. Winners can redeem their winning scratcher at the raffle booth located inside the Van Dam Pavilion.
Expo visitors may also enter for a chance to win one of 25 Silver Prizes by completing an entry form at the raffle booth located inside the H.W. Hunter Pavilion. Winners will be announced onstage at 12:25 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. Winners need not be present to win.
The Senior Expo is presented by High Desert Medical Group and Heritage Health Care. For more information, call 661-951-3046.
[Information via news release from High Desert Medical Group.]
rf says
City buses don’t actually run to the fairgrounds?? Seriously?
Tim Scott says
They run this shuttle when something is happening. There is no reason for a regular bus route to run to the fairgrounds, since when there is no event the fairgrounds is just a patch out in the desert and no one wants to go there.
AV Observer says
Now that Marv has control of AVTA and Lancaster runs the Fairgrounds, expect more “shuttle service” there. I’m surprised they don’t make every route pass through the BLVD.