LANCASTER – Are you interested in becoming a deputy sheriff? The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is offering its written exam this Saturday in Lancaster.
The walk-in written exam for deputy sheriff trainee will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds, located at 2551 West Avenue H in Lancaster. Applicants are advised to arrive by 9:30 a.m. at the Van Dam Pavilion. Parking lot access will be on Avenue H and 25th Street West. This is a walk-in test, so no appointment is needed.
“We are looking for intelligent men and women who possess a commitment to work hard, have a desire to help people, are of good moral character, and in good physical condition,” stated Deputy Miguel T. Ruiz, Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s Recruitment Unit. “If you possess these positive traits and more, come out and take the written exam. A great and secure career in law enforcement may be waiting for you.”
All applicants must be at least 19 and a half years old at the date of the test, have a qualified U.S. High School Diploma or G.E.D., be a U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident and have applied for citizenship, and have no felony convictions.
“I would really like to get some local candidates and help to make Palmdale Station really reflect our local community,” stated Captain Don Ford of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
For more information on the local testing opportunity, contact 1-800-A-DEPUTY or 661-949-6547, or visit
PhuckAV says
Now Hiring: Government stormtrooper revenue collectors that get to hide behind their little tax payer funded tin shield.
Thankful says
To each their own. I’m thankful to have our law enforcement officers. There are bad and corrupt people in all lines of work and citizens that are of all types. Just think of how it would be without them. Thank you all law enforcement officers! I appreciate what can be taken for granted.
Tim Scott says
Just think what it would be like with cops who are enforcing laws instead of badged thugs running amok.
PlzLeaveTheAV says
@timscott…..Was really hoping you would make one of your timscott remarks on this particular piece and true to form you did. Was hoping you would take this written test but your past failures in life prohibit it and or the lack of being a productive citizen. Thank You tim scott for being tim scott a dork and basically and idiot. #timscottdoesntmatter
Not an idiot says
Just think of what it would be like without leftist liberal law enforcement haters. Wow it would be paradise!!
victoria says
Always wanted to be a sheriff i passed it twice and CO test and u know why i didn’t get it cause im over weight …..yes iam over weight but i see so man sheriff out there that r not small themselves. ..i just wanted to protect and serve people .. make a little differce ..yes iam big but i know what i can leg press 500 pound …pick up my own body weight ..Ive never been in trouble with the law ,never have done drugs ..i just wanted a chance ……
Name says
I can physically surpasses Army Ranger fitness qualifiers. I can dead eye a 1 foot target with a 9 at 100 yards. I can speak three languages. I have a bs in electronics. I smoke marijuana. It does seem a tad unfair.
Mars says
323rd times the Charm…Give it a go..Good Luck..You never know..
AVSUX says
I’d serve time in prison before becoming a cop.
Tim Scott says
Claire says
Go for it! Don’t just talk about it, do it!
Yes says
Ha ha ha! I agree!