Andres Garcia pleaded not guilty to three felony counts of cruelty to an animal and one misdemeanor count each of assault on a peace officer and resisting a peace officer, according to Deputy District Attorney Daniel Rochmes.
Garcia is charged with inflicting serious injuries to two dogs, both Chihuahuas, the prosecutor said. One of the dogs had to be euthanized due to the severity of its injuries.
The incident happened during the early morning hours of Monday, Aug. 31, at a home in the 5800 block of Saint Laurent Drive in Palmdale.
Garcia’s family allegedly called authorities to the home around 12:50 a.m. because they were unable to stop Garcia from kicking and chasing the family dogs in the backyard, the prosecutor said.
When sheriff’s deputies arrived, Garcia allegedly charged at a deputy and swung one of the Chihuahuas at him, the prosecutor added.
Deputies said one dog appeared to have both of its back legs broken and several lacerations. Another was bleeding from the mouth and had an injury to its neck, according to the sheriff’s department.
Garcia faces up to six years and four months in jail if convicted, according to the District Attorney’s Office. He is due back in court Sept. 15 for a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence for him to stand trial.
Garcia’s bail was set at $60,000.
Previous related story: Palmdale man accused of animal cruelty
k says
Funny how human beings(who are capable of anything) can sue and do anything they want in defense to racism and it be justified, yet animals (defenseless) can be hit, burned, broken and abused & all they get is the person MAYBE charged with 2 or 3 things and possible jail time. Humans and animals might be nothing the same as far as “value” goes but it’s still disgusting bs. Throw him away for life after beating him, breaking his legs and leaving “lesions” around his neck.
Animal Rights says
“We CAN judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals!”
-Immanuel Kant
Animal Lover says
That statement is so true. How people treat animals says a lot about who they are. After Parris ordered the slaughter of all those dogs in Lancaster, it opened my eyes and helped me see more clearly why things are the way they are around here.
So Technically says
he is a murderer of that little dog since it had to be euthanized. High on something, so he can cop a ‘did not know what I was doing’ plea.
J says
Lol..all you people on here are ignorant and dont have the right side to the story first of all those are not even the charges he’s facing put go ahead an believe the article. Had ti waste my precious time just to update you guts on whats going on
Lo says
First of all my guts do not need to be updated. Secondly I don’t need to know his side of the story to understand what he did to those tiny dogs. I have been bitten by small dogs several times and that doesn’t warrant the reaction he had. In regards to the charges I’m sure it will play out.
dog defender says
Your response is inarticulate and full of spelling errors and poor punctuation. A reflection of your “ignorance” or are you high? As previously stated, we don’t need to hear any other side of the story. There is no excuse for cruelty or abuse of any kind. You must be a friend of the accused because you sound as dumb as he is.
J says
Maybe they should swing him around by his legs until they break…Hope he gets put away where he cannot harm anymore defenseless animals.
J says
Maybe you should pick your words wisely just remember theres always to side of the story so really stop speaking out of your ass and stop believing everything you hear
defender of animals says
personally I don’t care what other side there is to the story. this guy was hurting animals who are defenseless! they can lock him up and throw away the key and that would not be enough punishment for him. Are you actually defending this scumbag? and then you’re wanting to “meet up” with someone so that you can “show them”… have enough “precious time” for that?!? you’re the only one showing any ignorance here….. you’re a clod!
dog defender says
Wow, the defendant must have his friends posting such stupid statements about the other side of the story. Oh, and the number 2 is spelled two. Didn’t you go to second grade? Punctuation, people!
linda scott says
We need to once an for all to prosecute these abusive idiots. Poor dogs they are traumatized. Someone needs to be made the example, lets use this sucker. Four years not enough.
m says
What a SICKO. Lock him up and throw away the keys.
Animal cruelty is unacceptable!!
Mit Nosliw says
Sorry this isn’t Nazi Germany and people get trials. Fascist!
God says
He still is a sick f—- regardless!!!
m says
Yes, of course, pending trial…
Floyd says
Pending trial. Your probably just as sick as this coward. You people need be put down no trial.
defender of animals says
no you’re right this is not Nazi Germany, but many trials in this country don’t always turn out as they should because of weak soft hearted judges and incompetent foolish jurors. many of the sentences for animal cruelty don’t reflect the gravity of how horrendous the crime is! Maybe if things like that would change some of us could believe in our system of justice but until then I think he should be strung up and people could abuse him the way he abused those animals.
defender of animals says
You are right this is not Nazi Germany, but it is not fascist for us to want people like him to get what he deserves! Unfortunately trials in this country don’t always result in the conclusions that they should do to soft hearted judges or incompetent and uneducated jurors. Until that changes, our judicial system is not always the best way to see that offenders get punished properly, especially since punishments for animal abuse do not reflect the horrendous cruelty of what has been committed. these offenders are not sorry for what they do, they’re sick in the head and they deserve whatever happens to them in prison, but first of all they deserve to go to prison for what they’ve done, not get off with some silly probation or time served for a month in jail.
HEMi says
yeah if there is something convicts hate more than childmolesters it animal abusers he is gonna end up getting his legs broken, but everyone needs to be aware of this new synthetic looking pot it is making all the young kids behave in such a matter. I really think that’s what he is on they call it wax or spice and the get it really cheap at LIQUIOR stores
just me says
@HEMi – first off “wax” IS a product of marijuana, and you can’t buy it at a liquor store. “Spice” is a synthetic cannabis that contains no THC that’s why you can buy it at liquor store – bad stuff. Bath salts are like the worst. They are what the guy in Florida smoked when he was eating someones face.
justice system sucks says
get him off the damn streets. He’s a effin psycho. Serial killers tend to start on animals. I bet 100 dollars he’s convicted of something screwed up in the future and the courts are going to scratch their heads and wonder why the fvck anyone let him out.
m says
You are absolutely right. This is how the perverts and mass murders get their starts, as sickos.
m says
I wonder if this is the same guy that is torturing dogs (see lead article on AV Press today.)