LANCASTER – A 44-year-old woman is facing multiple felony charges in connection with the human trafficking case against an alleged pimp accused of kidnapping a baby and abandoning the child in a shed in Palmdale.
Regina Renee Estorga is charged, along with 33-year-old Brandon Michael Wynn, in a criminal case that involves two women allegedly forced into prostitution and the 18-month-old daughter of one of the victims, according to court records. The complaint alleges that the crimes took place between July 15 and July 18.
One of the women was beaten and sexually assaulted at her home, then later kidnapped, doused with bleach and left tied up and naked in the desert, Deputy District Attorney Theodore Swanson said in a statement last month. Both Wynn and Estorga are charged in the victim’s physical assault and kidnapping, and Wynn is charged with sexually assaulting the victim, according to the criminal complaint.

Wynn is additionally charged with the kidnapping and attempted murder of the victim’s 18-month-old daughter, who was abducted from a Motel 6 and left strapped into a car seat inside a shed July 18 in the vicinity of Avenue T-8 and 40th Street East in Palmdale. [Read more here.]
Regina Estorga faces six felony counts — two counts of human trafficking to commit another crime and one count each of kidnapping, assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon – bleach, and pimping, according to court records.
Brandon Wynn is charged with two counts each of kidnapping, human trafficking to commit another crime and pimping, along with one count each of attempted murder, child abuse, first-degree residential burglary, forcible oral copulation, assault to commit a felony during the commission of a first-degree burglary, assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury and assault with a deadly weapon, bleach.
Wynn was arrested July 18, and criminal charges against him were filed July 21. That same day a warrant was issued for Estorga’s arrest, according to Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Estorga was arrested July 24 by officers with the Los Angeles Police Department’s Van Nuys Division, according to inmate records. She was arraigned July 27 and she pleaded not guilty to the charges, Santiago said. Estorga is due back in court Aug. 6, when a preliminary hearing is scheduled to determine if there is enough evidence against her to warrant a trial. She remains jailed on $360,000 bail.
Wynn’s arraignment was postponed on July 21 and then again on Aug. 4. His arraignment has been rescheduled to Aug. 6.
Bail for Wynn is set at more than $3 million.
Previous related stories:
Human trafficking, kidnapping, attempted murder charges filed in Palmdale baby abduction
Anon says
Does anyone know any news on this?
Revealed in time says
They are not going to tear him apart. He is fine and well taken care of
Jess says
I’m so glad I moved to Colorado from this horrid town of tweekers… That’s all the AV is now… A melting pot of meth heads and criminals like this take advantage of those suffering in that damn town. I hope they both get the electric chair.
none ya says
DO NOT FORGET HER PAST CRIMINAL RECORD IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THESE CHARGES. SO AGAIN IF U WERE NT THERE WOULD B SMART TO NOT CRITIZE REGINA . AS FAR AS WYNN HECK IDC I’VE SEEN HIM FROM A DISTANCE. SEVERAL TIMES. OFF BAT HE ENJOYED HIS JOB . N SO DID HIS lil sidekick that boy.that has not been mentioned any more,it’s kinda clear that youngster is no longer mentioned regina is now dragged into this. But bc I’m her bff doesn’t mean I dnt agree I. Justice . N honestly of she did which I’m SURE SHE DID NT WELL JUSTICE IS JUSTICE. . THE ANGELES WERE WATCHING THAT LIL GIRL..THANK GOD..
Anon says
Do you know anything about the case?
none ya says
I also confronted regina about the situation. I know he was trying to talk to regina several times n banged on her room door few times . Hiding around the corner of motel room basically harassing her. But again I’m on the 50/50 line bc I was not w her 24 7 but saw her n hung out for some drinks. If the 2 guys were caught at the same time . Shouldn’t regina have been in the car with them? Is my ?. Bc it was a little after the whole incident.MY OPINION. As far as her past history at times not every time people r at the wrong place at the wrong time or basically are involved IM SPEAKING FOR PAST HISTORY RECORDS SHE HAD. NOT THIS ONE . but THINK COMMON SENSE A SMALL % OF INCIDENT PEP ARE CHARGED BEING INNOCENT OR NOT INNOCENT BUT INVOLVED IN A SMALL WAY. MY POINT IS CRIMINAL REGINA IS NOT. IF AN AD WAS PUT ABOUT U N IT was all bs or a few misunderstandings a HOW THE HECK WOULD U FEEL OR THINK IF U READ WHAT PEP THAT DO NOT KNOW SH#* ABOUT U MAKE U LOOK N FEEL. N wth happened to the guy that was with brandon. The one in The car .. SO ITS CLEAR I N OTHERS TOLD REGINA IF SHE DID NT DO ANYTHING TO TALK TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT. WHAT A CRIMINAL HUH.. TO ACTUALLY DO IT.. CRIMINALS LIKE THESE HAVE NO HEART N GO ON THE RUN BC THEY R GUILTY. AGAIN WAS REGINA CAUGHT OR DID SHE TURN HERSELF IN ???JUST A THOUGHT.
Sophia Legere says
Hello Tell You What Regina Estorga is My Sister And I Know Her She Is Been Used Drugged Again She Is Lied She Took From Everyone ‘S Money And Stuff SheIs One Going Used DDrugged And She Want Sleep Or Get Drinks With Any Guy She Goes With Him And They Are Flip Out So Regina Estorga is My Sister And She Is Used Drugged Again And Stole Money From Someone .So Let Regina must Stay In Jail And No Bail Her out Thank You
none ya says
Look I know this women . First of all with all do respect never could I c her be involved but these days ig u never know . N yes if she has something to do w it than I agree on justice being done.. I am the only one that is regina’s bff. But if not mistaking I believe the toddlers mother was not a young girl . N would have more common sense. She got into this situation knowing who n what he did . SHE TOO SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH THE SAME CHARGES. I know for a fact regina one nite helped that mother out when that women not girl ran into her room (WHICH WAS NOT A DAY
Would not have helped her bc like regina didn’t know her…. my point is the mother should be charged n not play the FREAKING VICTIM. COME ON NOW. IF SHE RAN TO REGINAS SHE SHOULD OF N able to run to front office to call police.. THANK GOD THE TODDLER IS OK. N HOPING SHE IS NOT BACK W HER MOTHER WHO MAY REPEAT SAME STEPS AGAIN
Sophia Legere says
Hey Listen You We Talk About My Sister Her Name Is Regina Estorga.. tell You What Regina Has Been Flip Out Her Mind And She Has Been Take Drugged Again I Don’t Believe Her She Doing Getting Drugged And She Is Flip Out Her Mind Again Anyway My Sister Is Took Her Everything She Does Using Drugged All Times She Has Been Fooled Around With Her Friends So Let Her in Jail again I Don’t Believe Her She Is Lied Again She is Used Drugged And She Doing Again So.. Regina is My Sister And She Us one What She Used Drugged Again And Lied took Everyone’s stuff ..Thank You
Ryan says
Come on all we hear about is prison justice. If there was such a thing, This clown will just fall inline with the other 99.9% scum of human race that is in there, How do you think these guys are repeat offenders? You think they were taken care of the first time. BS Nothing will happen he and she will just cruise their time and get out with the same stupidity that got them there and return to what they know best. Automatic death penalty fixes this crap
Tony says
for automatic death penalty.
soapbox journal says
such wonderful, upstanding humans, Not, anything the courts do to these 2 is not enough punishment.
I hope this little girl can find a loving happy home with people to love and care for her.
Pretty Rose says
I can’t stop thinking of that little girl! Is there any way we can donate clothes, toys, shoes, money to that little princess??
Mary says
On behalf of the child, I am so grateful. No child deserved what she got – she was born into this world to be loved and to be taken care of and no one had the right to leave her for dead. It is my hope that this child finds an incredible adoptive family who will love and give her what she was never able to have, but yet, so deserves. Kids are the most precious humans beings on the face of this earth and it is our responsibility to love and care for them. They are not put on this earth to beat, to burn, to abandon, to molest, or to rape. They all deserve a very healthy normal life. I am sure this will be a “Life in Prison” case, the best place for this guy. He is a nuisance to society and I hope while in jail he changes his life around for the better. I don’t’ know what kind of life he had that brought him to this path in life, but I hope he can one day find healing and become a better human being.
Tony says
Yes Mary,
At least this animal is facing life, dont know about the woman but if she is found guilty, I hope she gets the same!
Two more criminals out of the streets make the AV little bit safer.
Tony says
Tony, sometimes guys come on here and say mean things. I am glad to see a man stand up for what is right and every time you post, it’s always with kindness. Thank you for being one of the sensitive guys that post here – not many men left that do so. This was such a tragic event for this little girl and I too hope they are both put away for life.
Big N says
Let’s see which charges actually stick. Either way, the inmates in gen pop have already been apprised of Wynn and his penchant for attacking women and hurting children; they are going to tear him apart, and rightfully so! Prisoners have rules, too, and you do not harm women or children. As far as the little girl goes, “may God bless that little Angel and allow her to be adopted into a loving, caring, safe, and nurturing home.” Amen.