PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale has announced the names of the five winners for July in the “Ruth & Kery Are Everywhere Contest,” which promotes the City’s new public safety video series “This is How We Roll, Palmdale.”
Contest participants submitted photos of their “flat” Ruth and Kery in various locations.
The July winners were:
- Local business Hatsuki Japanese Restaurant at 2211 E. Palmdale Blvd.
- Chayse Gomez of Palmdale
- Stacey Andrews of Palmdale
- Maria Vargas of Palmdale
- Flavia Mendez of Huntington Beach.
Each winner received two daily passes to DryTown Waterpark.
Five more winners will be chosen for the most creative photos submitted in August. The last day to submit photos is Aug. 20. Contest participants are encouraged to submit photos of their “flat” Ruth and Kery in various locations.
“Go to to download your Flat Ruth and Kery with complete instructions and start taking pictures,” said Palmdale Crime Prevention Officer Kery German. “Post your pictures to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with #flatruthandkery or email them to
“How many places can you take Flat Ruth and Kery?” asked Palmdale Crime Prevention Officer Ruth Oschmann. “Send in your most creative photo submissions of Flat Ruth and Kery and you may be the next winner of two daily passes to DryTown Water Park.”
“This is How We Roll, Palmdale with Ruth & Kery” is a monthly show that provides valuable community information in a fun and humorous way. The first episodes include “Who Are We?,” “Community Safety Officers” and “The Bad Neighbor.” The program is available on Palmdale Channel 27 and the City’s YouTube channel, “CityofPalmdale.” View the latest episode here.
For more information, call 661-267-5181.
[Information via news release from the City of Palmdale.]