“Toe Tag Parole: To Live and Die on Yard A,” focuses on the 600 men living at the Progressive Programming Facility, who seek self-improvement and spiritual growth through education, art and music therapy, religious services and participation in peer-group sessions.
According to a press release promoting the documentary:
The film features interviews with three of the inmates – sentenced to life at ages 14, 16 and 17 – who describe growing up within the prison walls.
Ken Hartman, who beat a man to death at age 19 while drunk, and has been in prison for 36 years, says, “… I’m sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. It’s not better than the death sentence, because it is the death sentence.”
Although a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling found mandatory sentencing of juveniles to “life without the possibility of parole” unconstitutional, those previously convicted still have to serve their sentences. As the men of The Honor Yard say, “They will get out when they get their ‘toe tag parole,’” meaning death by incarceration.
“Toe Tag Parole: To Live and Die on Yard A,” was produced by the husband-and-wife team of Alan and Susan Raymond, who won an Oscar and Emmy for the 1993 documentary “I Am A Promise: The Children of Stanton School.”
An inmate serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole approached the warden in 2000 to request a dedicated yard for men serving life sentences intended to break the code of violence dominating prison life.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation subsequently transformed Yard A at the prison in Lancaster into the Progressive Programming Facility, which inmates call The Honor Yard.
The only one of its kind in the United States, the experimental prison yard is free of violence, racial tensions, gang activity and illegal drug and alcohol use, according to the filmmakers.
For HBO playdates for “Toe Tag Parole: To Live and Die on Yard A,” visit http://www.hbo.com/documentaries.
It seems like kids are very selfish these days, and think they are owed everything. Morality ,integrity, and a need to want to do better isn’t taught anymore. Parents aren’t on the level, everybody watches t.v. , plays video games, or is sleeping. I don’t know anyone who true my knows who the people closest to them are…or how there really feeling…nobody has time for each other or don’t feel like understanding.
Peter says
It a beautiful thing. Like an old friend…. Who wants to rob you..
valleygirl says
Having lived here since the mid-50s I remember when we voters repeatedly denied the ability of the City of Lancaster the right to build the prison. But the collective politicians brushed our concerns aside, as they always do, and built the damnation anyway, promising it would always house the lowest level criminals. Another lie, which is what we have come to expect from governing bodies who have flexed their will on the people living here. Never satisfied with a safe community in which to raise a family, they couldn’t stop their greedy selves from trashing this place for the sake of temporarily lining someone’s pockets. If this is what ‘progress’ is…they can keep it. Can’t wait to retire and get out of here.
Dan says
Having worked in a prison. No yard is free of violence race tension and drugs lol. Myth
Lisa langford says
Would you happen to know of businesses in the area (A.V) who hire paroles/ex felons? My son has been looking for a job since he got out last sept. He has a 3 year old daughter he would love to support but keeps getting turned down because of his past, he did his time and society still judges him,maybe you could mentor him and inspire him to keep moving forward in life and not be so didcouraged..
really? says
why do you want HBO to mentor and inspire your son? why is it someone else’s responsibility?
Lauralyn says
Often adult children do not listen to their parents as well as they listen to other adults. Residual teen oppositional behavior. I don’t think she was asking HBO specifically to mentor her son. I think this was a general plea to anyone out there in the area who might be able to try and make a connection with her son and assist him. Mentoring an adult child who has either a mild disability, a mental health issue, is recovering from a chemical addiction, or has had involvement with law enforcement, is very stressful and tiring for the parents. If someone out there has advice or assistance, why shouldn’t the parents reach out and find it?
Edie Norton says
I agree. No one says as a child , I want to grow up and be in prison. We need to educate and mentor these young men and women. The way we think as a teenager is not the way we think as an adult. I know that I too have regrets for decisions I made as a teenager. We should have programs in place that offer these young men a chance to start over., such as job skill coaching , employment assistance, etc. Everyone deserves a second chance and we should not judge, only God can do that. I am sure these young people can get lawn maintenance jobs or roofing jobs because some of those companies are grateful for the help.
Mrz.Ford says
My sons in the same perdictiment,,,, Made a mistake Nd now judged for the rest of his life!!!!! I understand if they had a long history of criminal background; why hire them, but its his first time!!!!!!
Plover says
I heard cotsco hires felons and parolees
Mary Ann says
When I lived in the AV, not that long ago, I remember hearing that Crazy Otto’s was a good place to get hired when you needed a second chance. I wish your son good luck in turning his life around.
Lisa says
Sears and Lowes have programs for felons to get work. There are some programs in the AV for finding work.
vee says
Sarah says
I currently work at paving the way foundation and we work specifically with convicted felons we offer certification classes resume workshops mock interviews and so many other opportunities for re entry. I am the job coordinator there I do research on companies that are felon friendly in the AV… I actually have a couple felons in my history as well so I know the struggle… But we are free to the public and homeless and are services are free as well…. He is more than welcome to come by and we would be more than happy to steer him in the right direction of employment. We actually just employed 11 guys today with one of the companies we work close with and only one of them didn’t have a criminal history..
Donald kimmel says
I just got of jail, and would like an opportunity
you can send me information to this email address which is my friends
av boy says
Commercial services unlimited
Mary says
Everyone in this life makes mistakes, including me. I am thankful that I have never been in jail, I sport no tattoos, I use not drugs, but I do have other sins that I carry around. Unless the person has violated children, and or is a violent felon, I believe there is hope for every human being and that everyone should be given that chance to fit back into society. I have always thought that ALL men should have to serve our country right out of school – I honestly believe that we would have less men in prison. Even those who serve our country do crimes but I do believe that if ALL men served, most would become better men for it. I do hope that your son finds a job – I know it hurts you so much to see him in the predicament that he is in. Never give up hope. My daughter had a friend who has only one arrest in his life (He is 30) and he and his brother got into a fight and the DA picked it up for threats. They gave him 1 year for this and thankfully had it sponged, but he worked on those fish boats and made great money – your son should look into that. He JUST got back from Alaska last weekend. Please encourage him to try this. Good luck to your son.
Tim Scott says
I’m curious as to why you say just men. Are women, in your opinion, so superior that they do not need this service in order to become better citizens, or are you saying that they are just so inferior that they have no service they could offer?
Meanwhile, commercial fishing does pay great money, but when you are recommending it it should always be mentioned that it has the highest on the job mortality rate of any job in America.
Claire says
Mary was addressing another commenter who was talking about her son, Tim. You talk too much, and you know the least.