![Dory Peterson of the Anaverde Homeowner’s Association cuts the ribbon for the official opening of the Avenue S to Elizabeth Lake connector road. ( City of Palmdale.]](https://theavtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Avenue-S-Elizabeth-Lake-connector-road-now-open-1.jpg)
the official opening of the Avenue S to Elizabeth Lake connector road. ( City of Palmdale.)
PALMDALE — The City of Palmdale held a ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony Wednesday for the connecting road that links Avenue S to Elizabeth Lake Road.
The $13 million project took about eight months to construct after years of negotiation. It involved improving approximately 3 miles of roadway, installing a regional drainage structure for Anaverde Creek and some underground utility work.
The project was completed without using general fund money. The funds for the City’s portion ($5 million) came from an underlying surety bond company, while the funds from the Lehman portion ($8 million) came from a Community Fund Development (CFD) that was formed years ago.
“What makes this really special is that it is a testament to what can happen when people come together and look at the big picture,” stated Public Works Director Mike Mischel.
Mischel credited Lehman Brothers, Farallon Capital, Toro Enterprises, Brook Street, H&H, Rockne Construction and the Los Angeles County Fire Department as among the key partners who helped make it a reality.
“The most important thing to me is that this is a project that makes our community safer,” stated Councilmember Fred Thompson. “There is now much greater access for emergency response vehicles and personnel for our residents of Anaverde with this a second means of access in and out of the area.”

“Now that this road is completed, it opens the door for economic growth in our housing sector,” stated Councilmember Roxana Martinez. “Both the second phase of Anaverde and the first phase of Ritter Ranch are one step closer to being realized.”
Two of Southern California’s premier homebuilders are now active in the Anaverde development – KB Homes, currently selling homes, and Richmond America, currently processing building plans.
“In Palmdale, new homes are being built using the most up-to-date efficiencies in energy conservation and water usage,” Martinez said.
KB Homes President of Southern California Urban Operations Tom DiPrima echoed Martinez’ thoughts on water conservation, noting that homes built today “use 40 to 60 percent less water” than homes built a decade ago.
For more information on the project, contact the Public Works Department at 661-267-5300.
[Information via news release from the City of Palmdale.]
India Andrews says
I’m having a very hard time getting it up for more development in the Antelope Valley given the development that has happened hasn’t been so great. I feel sorry for the people of Leona Valley with Ritter Ranch moving forward. Here it comes to them. I expect a lot of them will take their livestock and their country lifestyle and look elsewhere just like people in the main part of the Antelope Valley picked up stakes in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. If you want to know when progress isn’t progress in the sense of making the valley better just look at the last twenty years in the AV.
R says
I’m liking the new road. I’ve been using it every day as a “scenic route” from Ana Verde to the west side.
Liza says
Now we have the road we need cyclist friendly bike lanes.
Tom says
I cruze threw the new road SWEET. It sure does feels good when you can SEE your Tax dollars. Developers will surely come running good job Palmdale.
TLav says
Yes and fixing the flooding that occurs during heavy rains along that stretch of Ave S
Ave. S Improvements says
The city should consider additional improvements on Ave. S by creating two lanes in each direction between 30th East & 45th East. Having the lanes narrow down to one lane between 40th & 45th and 30th to 35th East creates congestion and hazardous conditions with people cutting each other off.
John says
@Ave. S Improvements:
The Avenue S widening project from 30th St. East to 45th East is underway. We are currently finishing up on right of way acquisitions. Utility relocations will start later this year with full street construction to start in spring 2016. This is an $11 million dollar project.
William says
Just who is the ‘John’ fellow, who provides us with accurate, up-to-date information from time to time? Oh, the humanity!