LITTLEROCK – A delivery man was found shot to death inside his truck in Littlerock Tuesday night, authorities said.
The wife of Miguel Romero, 46, found him at about 8:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, in the 9800 block of East Avenue W-8; he had suffered a gunshot wound to the chest, sheriff’s officials said.

Romero’s wife told deputies her husband had been delivering corn in the area.
“The man was delivering some corn and when he didn’t return home… his wife came out looking for him,” said Lt. Steve Jauch of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s Homicide Bureau. “She had some idea of where he might be and she actually found him, she’s the one that called 9-1-1.”
A motive for the shooting was unknown, and no suspect information was released.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
[Information via City News Service.]
naj says
[removed] you, im his Son Yall don’t understand the Pain I feel after 20 years looking for him and a [removed] cower takes his life that way
Nina says
I’m so sorry for your loss. Did they ever find the person who did this?
Jane says
This is so sad and my heart goes out the family. I hope they find who did this and get them off the street. My prayers are with the family!
James says
All that stuff about a possible set up and who’s involve don’t matter because it’s just what you think(not based on actual knowledge) . What matters is catching anyone who had something to do with this. God bless the family of this man.
Jay says
I never post on sites but I knew shaggy. He was one of my dads good friends. No one is perfect. Every single person on here has made mistakes in their life so let’s not point fingers. I myself have been to rock bottoms and back. For those who say his wife set him up you must watch way too much TV. Turn off the tube pick up a book or be with your loved ones. He was a good hard working man one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met. The retards who love to gossip please hate on me and talk [removed] to me. I’ll take it for him. But let his soul rest. It could be you one day. My heart goes out to shaggys wife and daughters. Nothing but love here. Hate on me I can care less.
Ronald says
I knew shaggy since High School, I lost contact with him but we had some good times back in tha days. He was my friend, my heart goes to the family.
Kim says
And even if I did not get along with my husband or ex-husband and he was missing I would also go looking for him. I have been married 35 years and I worry about my husband also when he is late coming home from the 14 freeway and crazy drivers. This is part 2 of my story.
Kim says
I just ran over this story by mistake but I read it and my heart goes out to his family members. I agree please do not point the finger at her. Do you remember the story of Steve F riding his bike out to look at sunsets in East Lancaster and some jerk thought it would be funny to shoot him and kill him well we knew that family. This could also be the same thing someone shot him for no reason. This is a sad story and I am so sorry I pray they do back track his steps and see who saw him last if that helps them find the killer. They did find Steve F’s killer by back tracking. I will not say what Steve’s last name was but I will use his last letter ( F ). My heart is with you all and again I am sorry.
Sandra says
My heart goes out to this family with this great loss …prayers
That The Lord Most High will comfort their grieving hearts…
Jimmy says
it was a set up for sure, i think i know
Ronald says
Jimmi if you know do something then .
Pat says
What about Edwin mancio ?
Jo says
I am so pist off ! all of you ignorant f**** people need to keep your stupid comments to your selfs !!!!! What goes around comes around you evil people. Since you evil people are not detectives or educated people and don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all !!!! I know his wife the most beautiful, lovely friend I could have ever know . I’m with the family 150%
RIP Mr. Miguel
selina says
RIP to this man. my condolences to his family.
Jennifer says
People Clearly Were NOT Taught The Morals Of If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don’T Say Anything At “ALL” Especially When It Comes To Someone Being Brutally Murdered. How Dare Anyone Accuse And Point The Finger At His Wife Who Not Only Is His Wife Is My “FAMILY MEMBER” So My Family And I Would Be Appreciated If You Guys Keep ALL OF YOU NEGATIVE COMMENTS AWAY!
anonymous says
Clearly, her family member will be on her side. But being shot in an area with VERY few residents does not make me believe that some guy shot him for fun. This was a set up and she was part of it. My condolences for her child/ren but not to her.
Jennifer says
PEOPLE NEED TO STOP F******* ASSUMING! Assumption Doesn’t Get Anyone Anything! Respect Our Family Tragedy! If You Don’t Have Anything Nice To Say Then Don’t Say Anything At All Please!!! If This Was One Of Your Loved Ones You Would Want Others To Respect The Fact That They Have Passed! The Crime Scene Happened In Little Rock Yes That’s Correct Doesn’t Mean It Had To Be Someone From Little Rock It Could Of Been Anyone From The “ANTELOPE VALLEY” Committing A Crime Like This Out Here Little Rock And Lake Los Angeles Are One Of The Most Deserted Area Close By To Where Our Family Lives So At This Point It Could Of Been “ANYONE”.
saddened says
My heart goes out to this family. How sad. I’ve grown up in little rock my entire life and this is so ghetto. What is happening to our community? All of the “development” needs to go away. Give me back the empty fields and orchards. This was such a wonderful place to grow up when I was a kid.
My prayers are with the family tonight
RIp Miguel says
Ppl don’t be stupid and respect the family. The family needs support not gossip… He was a great family man. Delete all your comments his daughters don’t need their private lives to be out there in public! And who ever did it will pay. His daughters can’t lose another parents so stop saying she did it! If you knew him and his family you should know he was very private! HAVE RESPECT AND DIGNITY TO THE FAMILY!
J says
What is happening to our quiet little town? I have lived here since 2003 and it just seems to be getting more and more scary ! Time to get out of this place! Too bad, it used to be so nice here!
Johnny Trece says
I blame some of the people that come over to live here from the San Fernando Valley as well as the local tweekers.
linda says
You guys are stupid A.F!! Have some heart this lady just lost her husband she did not have nothing to do with her husband’s death… People are quick to point fingers just because she didn’t get along with him & she was the one that found him don’t mean that she had something to do with it… I hate my ex husband but he’s the father of my kids & I’m not going to kill him Just because I hate him! It wasn’t like she was going to get something buy killing him it’s obvious He didn’t have money so please Shut the F Up!! Get a life. My condolences to the family. May he rest in peace.
Tina Jolls says
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it was a set up !
Mike says
That’s [removed] up if he got shot for some corn. Must’ve been some good corn.
Smeang says
I don’t think she did it but I don’t think he was shot for corn either. What is she not saying . Was he really delivering corn or maybe most likely drugs. Either way a man is dead and his wife is grieving . My prayers will be for her and the family in this time of tragedy . And Littlerock has a killer out there.
j&j says
Drug’s really? Do you not see what he drove…? He drove a peace of crap that would brake down….. now why would he risk breaking down with drugs…. he delivered corn (feed) he didn’t take credit cards or checks he’d get paid in cash…. it was a robbery most likely…… the cops need to trace his steps back to were he was delivering…… sounds like a set up had to be some he knew why else would he pull over ….. at least in the picture looks like he’s pulled over….
Julissa says
You really shouldn’t make any assumptions. People die for less than corn now a days. May God rest his soul and give his family peace. I will admit it seems fishy, that his wife “found” him. As someone stated before, he may have told her where he was going beforehand. Nonetheless, a man has been killed and no one should take ANYONE’S life….
omg says
I know the wife didn’t do it and he is a friend of the family he was a good man goes by the name “Shaggy” I cant believe this…. I think it was people trying to steal from him or the location that he was delivering and they didn’t what it for that much money and did that ….
j&j says
Yes I’ve know him for years always talking about his daughters I to knew him as shaggy he would give you his shirt off his back his last dollar if he had it. He would always joke around with my brother and I we all became very close we’d call each other cousin…. we’d laugh when he’d pull in to action with his loud old truck…. are prayers go out to the family….. my brother and I will always remember you primo you will always be in all are heart’s…… you will be missed…….
baisy says
This man lives in lake LA , and sells miaz for animals and he does dilevery he only lived with his duaghters him and his wife never got along with each other the always fought she lives in pamdale as I know because my mom use to buy from him and he would tell her they fight a lot wife has something to do with it forshure . and its not corn its food scratch for animals
j&j says
It was different kinds….. it was corn cause That’s what my brother and I would buy from him rolled corn for hog’s….
Jennifer says
You Clearly Weren’t Taught By Your Mother To Not Speak On Behave Of Others Business! Just Because He Would Sale Miaz To Your Mother Doesn’t Give You Any Right To Accuse And Point The Finger At His Wife! We People Make The Mistake Of Venting To The Wrong People Like In His Case Telling Your Mother His Personal Business And That Information Ending Up Into Your Hands Because Look At What’s Coming Out Your Mouth! RESPECT OUR FAMILY TRAGEDY! It’s Not Your Place Or Anyone Else Place To Put His Personal Business That You Guys Might Know Of Heard About! For Crying Out Loud He Was Shoot To Death And Killed “RESECT” The Fact That He Has Passed And “RESPECT” What “OUR” Family Is Going Through! I Don’t Care What He Might Have Vented To Your Mom Or To You Just Learn To Not Speak About Others Personal Business Especially When It Comes To Someone Being Brutally Murdered! This Isn’t A Joke It’s Real Life!
Really says
I don’t think she did it. I think she had a good husband that told her where he was going to go deliver corn.
Johnny Trece says
This part of Littlerock has very few residents. There are two homes not far at all from the scene of the crime (according to google maps). Interesting case.
W8ml says
She did it forsure
Jennifer says
“MAKING ASSUMPTIONS” Believe Me Wont Get You Far In Life. Please If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don’t Say Anything At ALL! RESPECT OUR FAMILY TRAGEDY!
hcf says
She did it.