PALMDALE – Sanitation District No. 20, which manages wastewater (sewage) for more than 125,000 people in Palmdale and adjacent unincorporated Los Angeles County areas, is proposing an increase in its sewer service charge rate. The District processes sewage at the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant, turning it into recycled water that essentially meets drinking water standards. The highly treated recycled water is available for a variety of beneficial uses – including municipal reuse and agricultural irrigation – that reduces the Antelope Valley’s dependence on imported water.
Despite cost- saving efforts, the cost of operating the community’s sewers, treatment plant and recycled water facilities has risen. So, it is necessary to consider an increase in the annual sewer service rate of $535. The proposed increase would be spread over four fiscal years with an annual increase of $15 in each of the four years. This equates to a 2.7 percent increase per year for four years.
Much of the proposed rate increase can be attributed to the increased costs of chemicals and energy needed to operate the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant.
“The rate increase will also strengthen the District’s financial position by building up its depleted cash reserves. This is critical since the District will seek to refinance debt used to pay for the recently upgraded treatment facilities that produce recycled water, a valuable resource especially during the drought,” stated John Gulledge, Head of the District’s Financial Management Department.
Pursuant to Proposition 218, the District has mailed out approximately 33,000 notices to property owners who use the sewer service system. The District will also hold a series of information meetings, which will be an opportunity for the community to get information about their wastewater management system and the proposed rate increase and to provide input on this matter.
Information meetings schedule:
7 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at Legacy Commons
930 East Avenue Q-9, Palmdale
7 p.m. Wednesday, May 6, at Palmdale High School Library
2137 East Avenue R, Palmdale
7 p.m. Thursday, May 14, at Palmdale Oasis Park Recreation Center
3850 East Avenue S, Palmdale
9 a.m. (tour)/11 a.m. (meeting) Saturday, May 16
Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant
39300 30th Street East, Palmdale
As part of the May 16 information meeting, there will be a 9 a.m. public tour of the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant and recycled water storage reservoirs.
A public hearing on the proposed rate increase is also scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Thursday, May 21, at Palmdale City Hall, 38300 Sierra Highway.
A protest to the proposed rate increase must be submitted in writing prior to the conclusion of the public hearing, it must be signed by the property owner and it must include the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN). The APN can be found on the front of the Proposition 218 Notice or on the Districts website (www.lacsd.org). A protest can be mailed to the District at P.O. Box 4000, Whittier, CA 90607-4000, or turned in at the public hearing. A scanned copy of the protest, including the property owner’s signature, may also be submitted via email to rates@lacsd.org.
Sanitation District No. 20 serves more than 125,000 people in Palmdale and adjacent unincorporated Los Angeles County areas, treating 9.4 million gallons of wastewater per day.
karma says
I really hope the only recycled water is the water where the purple piping is. To my knowledge I think all of our water is disgusting. And why is it that palmdale has to be guinea pigs. Why do u think there is so much going on around here. All the diseases and [removed]. We are straight drinking [removed] water
Annon says
will we ever get a break….
im confused. i am not using as much water in the house due to the drought, and im sure im not the only one. hence, less water going down the drain. And higher rates? Doesnt make sense. Less water down the drain+less electricity+less chemicals=HIGHER RATES it doesnt equate.?
Cisco says
Define municipal use. Is that code for drinking water coming from our faucets? Are you feeding us this stuff without our knowing?
William says
It is sold under the name ‘Budweiser’.