PALMDALE – The city of Palmdale won the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery’s (CalRecycle) Program Innovation – Large Jurisdiction Annual Award for its use of the innovative MyWaste smartphone/tablet app.
The award was presented this month at the Statewide Used Oil and Household Hazardous Waste Conference hosted by CalRecycle. Palmdale’s MyWaste app was recognized for its usefulness in allowing residents to report issues to the city; guiding efforts to properly recycle/dispose of items; providing a means to track illegal dumping, and offering a calendar function to help keep track of various services provided.
“The MyWaste app has been a very helpful resource for our residents and we’re proud that it has received this kind of recognition by CalRecycle,” stated Administrative Analyst Ben Lucha.
Created in partnership with Waste Management, the app also enables residents to receive alerts of trash/recycling collection days, notifications for street sweeping and a forum for general questions regarding street sweeping and trash/recycling services, along with allowing the reporting of certain issues directly to the city staff who will handle it.
“Using the GPS function on their phone, residents can report graffiti, downed trees, broken sprinklers, flooding or other issues to the staff person who is responsible for handling it and pinpoint the exact location,” Lucha said.
“These new features are compatible with IPhones and Droids,” Lucha explained. “If you already have the app, all you need to do is open it and download the new content,” added Lucha. “If you don’t have the app, just visit www.cityofpalmdale.org/departments/publicworks/mywaste.html with your smartphone, select the appropriate icon and download the app free of charge.”
The “my-waste™” app is also available free via the App Store on IPhone and is available on Google Play for Droid.
For more information, contact Benjamin Lucha at 661/267-5300 or blucha@cityofpalmdale.org.
[Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.]
Bob says
Palmdale should be recycled.
Mark says
post of the day!
The only thing you can turn crap into is fertilizer.
William says
Then, move to Lancaster, Bob. They’ll love your kind over there.
moll flanders says
What a mean comment William, about the citizens of Lancaster! That makes you just like Bob.
William says
You should talk, moll flounders.
Aren’t many of the people posting here who live in Lancaster always complaining about minorities, immigrants, the homeless and/or those on any assistance? Bob would feel right at home in L-town.
Get off your high horse, moll, and clean up the mess it leaves behind. Aren’t you the one who said something about ‘more worser’ or ‘less better’ or some other strange use of the English language?
You just can’t help yourself, can you?
But, do post a reply. You are always entertaining in a peculiar sort of way.
You sound so much like ‘bird’. What happened to ‘bird’ anyway? She disappeared and you took her place.
Lancastarian says
The people of Lancaster are by and large nice people. Its the bullies and sheisters like Rex, Marv, Frank, and their ilk who make it such a dirty mess. If they would go away we would be so much better off.
William says
You are a republican, aren’t you, moll flanders?
More on that later.
If you don’t reply, I’ll assume you are as I know it’s embarrassing to admit it given their really poor performance the last decade or longer.
moll flanders says
I’m a supporter of Mayor Ledford, William. I’m not a supporter of Mayor Parris. Ruminate over that William, or not.
William says
You are ‘bird’ aren’t you?
She said almost the exact same words a while back.
And, if you’re not, you really don’t think for yourself when you sound like a clone of another person here.
There. I’ve ‘ruminated’ on you.
You are quite the ankle-biter, moll.
I notice you didn’t reply to bob’s ‘mean’ remark.
I think you’ve got the hots for me because I’m so much smarter than you are and you ‘want’ me. Really bad.
I sure don’t care for you, though.
William says
So, you are a republican, moll flanders.
You do realize that your GOP did an ‘autopsy’ after the 2012 election to improve their outreach to minority groups.
What a joke. The GOP has alienated nearly every demographic in this country but the top 1% who they worship as though doing so will make them rich too.
You know that’s true if you paid any attention to events outside the Antelope Valley. You have such a narrow view of the world.
So, your big accomplishments seem to be to criticize my comments here. Go ahead. I can handle it. I doubt that you can though. bird finally disappeared and then you appeared. Who will you be next week?
Like I said, you’re an ankle-biter.
William says
Geez, moll. I can hear the voices in your head all over town.
They must drive you nutty.
Please share some of what they say to you. I can’t wait.
Johnny Trece says
This is very good use of modern technology. My hat goes off to you.