“After investigating the situation, we found that they actually were not mosquitoes, but rather crane flies,” Mellor stated. “Crane flies look similar to mosquitoes, but are quite a bit larger. The good thing is that they don’t bite or cause any diseases. But they can be very annoying, especially in large numbers.”
Weather conditions were just right for a bumper crop of these pesky insects to emerge from the ground. They usually don’t live very long and are anticipated to be gone in a couple of weeks. The AVMVCD recommends turning off outdoor lights at night, since insects are attracted to light.
Although these are not mosquitoes, the District advises residents to check their properties for standing water to avoid mosquito breeding. Due to recent high temperatures, mosquito activity has already been detected in some spots.
“We are gearing up for a busy season. We are picking up our sentinel chickens tomorrow and are starting our disease surveillance,” Mellor stated. “Now is the time for everybody to prepare by cleaning up swimming pools, removing standing water and vaccinating horses.”
The California Department of Public Health, as of April 3, reported West Nile Virus (WNV) activity from three counties in four dead birds and one mosquito sample. Last year, the Antelope Valley recorded WNV in two people, five dead birds, four mosquito samples and 29 sentinel chickens.
To stay up-to-date on new WNV activity in the Antelope Valley and any mosquito-related information, visit www.avmosquito.org, https://www.facebook.com/avmosquito or follow AVMVCD on Twitter @AVMosquito.
Tips to keep mosquitoes away and stay safe:
- Follow the 3 D’s (Drain, Dusk/Dawn, Defend/DEET).
- Check your property for any standing water from sprinklers or thunder showers.
- Turn on fans to keep mosquitoes away.
- Keep screen doors and windows in good repair and close them.
- Don’t use bug zappers near your patio – they attract more mosquitoes than they kill.
- Get FREE mosquito-eating fish (Gambusia affinis) for fish ponds, pools and horse troughs.
- Vaccinate your horses properly.
- Report stagnant pools and other backyard sources to the AVMVCD.
Report dead birds by calling 1-877-WNV-BIRD (877-968-2473) or online at www.westnile.ca.gov.
For further questions or services, contact the Antelope Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District at 661-942-2917.
Sherrie says
Nice to see this article because we really thought they were mosquitoes and nice to know they don’t bite or cause diseases as those were concerns. We’ve had 2 or 3 in our house in the past few weeks.
brandon says
Published some facts for once,had a storie written on me but they left out how i was an armed guard on my way to work on alleged road rage inciedent on November 12,also how the accuser is a three time criminal,or how the responding cop shot himself before he could get out of the car,and he was no rookie this was a veteran detective for Palmdale sheriffs Dept in his 50s.Next time do some investigating before you ruin an innocent mans name,a man who has helped and made arrest for lasd more than 5 dozen times in the last decade,someone who stopped a molestion in progress while a armed guard,who would you believe a armed guard without a criminal history or even a speeding speeding ticket or a three time criminal with an extensive criminal history.Hmm
Eric says
Curious about government waste? Ask yourself how much it cost for them to take that photo.
0.35 cents, four dead bugs, and what could easily have been taken with a cellphone. Overall cost, likely greater than $400.
AV Mosquito says
Eric – you will be happy to know that this picture actually WAS taken with my cell phone on my desk, with insects I already had laying around from our traps.
So no government waste at all.
Stinger says
Lol! Love it!
Johnny Trece says
This is why I don’t like to make any assumptions public.
Eric says
Then you are a trustworthy civil servant! Very happy.
If they can get a few other institutions to follow your lead, maybe they could shoot a pay raise. I’ve been privileged to see some areas of the world that lack proper pest control, and it can get nasty.
AV Mosquito says
I’m glad you changed your mind about us.
Thank You says
Thank you for the helpful information AV Mosquito. Educating the public is not government waste.
AV Mosquito says
You are welcome. We try our best to get information to the public.