Homicide detectives have released more information about the shooting death of a man that occurred Tuesday, March 31, outside Sky Burgers on the 1800 block of East Palmdale Boulevard. According to a press statement issued Wednesday afternoon from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau:
“Detectives have learned that at 9:36 p.m. the victim was at a local restaurant in Palmdale when he saw four Hispanic men attempting to steal his bicycle. The 41-year-old victim tried to intervene, but was physically assaulted by all four suspects. During the assault one of the suspects shot the victim multiple times in the torso. The suspects fled the scene and are still outstanding. The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. According to witnesses at the scene, the suspects appeared to be gang members.”
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500.

UPDATED 4/2/15: Homicide detectives have released the identity of the victim as 41-year-old Luis Amela, however, coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter said he could not confirm the identity because the case is “still pending next of kin notification.”
UPDATED 4/3/15: Loved ones have created an online fundraiser to “help us raise money to give Louis Amela a proper funeral,” according to the GoFundMe page. Anyone donating funds will be invited to the funeral, and a memorial floral arrangement will be put up in honor. To donate, visit http://www.gofundme.com/louisamela.
Editor’s note 4/3/15: Sheriff’s detectives identified the victim as Luis Amela; the coroner has not formally identified the victim pending next of kin notification; and loved ones have identified him as Louis Amela.
PALMDALE – A man in his 40s was shot to death outside a Palmdale restaurant Tuesday night, authorities said.

The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, near Sky Burgers on the 1800 block of East Palmdale Boulevard.
The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead, said Deputy Kelvin Moody of the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
The victim was a Caucasian man in his 40s, but his name is not yet being released pending next of kin notification, coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter said Wednesday morning.

A friend of the victim who asked not be named said the shooting involved an altercation over a bicycle, but homicide detectives have not yet confirmed this information or disclosed the events leading up to the shooting.
The victim was shot in the back and witnesses said the assailants fled the scene in a silver Dodge Neon, according to a Palmdale Station crime broadcast.
A description of the assailants was not immediately released.
The shooting remains under investigation, and no additional information was available Wednesday morning.
none says
Prayers go out too both families. i believe that this was gang related i dont think it was because of a bike who would want a bike if your rolling in a car thats ridiculous,come on now everybody knows. This is gang related because he also looks like a gang member and is also hispanic name tells it all but at the same time they like too switch up the stories they are making the story seem it was about a bike but thats really pathetic i dont think they would want the bike. I mean come on guys really….thats not true they had too be gang related and be enemies as well.but Prayers go out for both families. People can say this n that but in reality no1 knows anything what happend that day
G says
roommate says
this is getting crazy out here ! senseless lifes wiped away ! Luis , was my roommate. i will surely miss him. what a good guy, if only u could of held a conversation with him, the most intelligent young man you would ever want to meet . i can still hear his voice. had a smile that could brighten any room. you will be missed roommate ! he would help my son out, which i thought was pretty nice. YOU?LL BE FOREVER MISSED MY FRIEND ! yes i am black.. i can”t believe this. a [removed] bike ? REALLY !
American me says
Here we go again!!
the none sense of “go back to Mexico” people, we are all inmigrants and we are not going back Im already citizen of this beautifull country.
Whites, Blacks, Ispanics, Asians, we all should do more for the community instead of been fighting each other, report crime and lets educate our children so they be a good citizens not criminals.
I was born in Mexico, this doesnt mean This land belong to me because I am mixed and probably from the spaniards as many whites here are mixed from the europeans no one can claim this land but the true Native Americans.
John says
You’re confusing the terms of legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. I am not an immigrant because I was born in the United States. The children of any immigrant that are born in the United States are not immigrants, they are United States citizens.
Native Americans have no power to claim anything. Same as the Aztecs and other Native Americans, that the Spaniards and Portuguese had enslaved and killed, have no power to claim anything.
American me says
No, no.
Not confusing the terms! People like u arevthe one confused, every time u see news regarding Hispanics making a crime, people like u start commenting that they’re either Mexicans or Illegal Inmigrants with out knowing that they could be natural born USA citizens or somewhere else from America, do some research berore commenting things against Mexicans, and Im not dedending all Mexicans because of course there are some bad ones like on any other nationality, but there also some really good that come here to make a good living, WORKING! not just going to make a line at the welfare office.
Have a great life my friend!
And may this person rest in peace and may the law gets those criminals.
John says
I agree that some people who see the news regarding Hispanics, that commit a crime, they start commenting that they are Mexican or illegal immigrants. Hispanics don’t even have to commit a crime to be accused of being an illegal immigrant. I too think that is wrong, I have NEVER assumed that. At anytime.
I have not even commented anything negative about Mexicans.
Bernice says
Do you even know your history? Before you start saying Mexicans need to go to their country did you know Us Mexicans Where here first? Bet you didn’t know that huh? So don’t say [removed] if you don’t know [removed]. You White Folks need to go back wherever you guys came from if anything. [removed] people like you make us Mexicans hate you guys. Then you guys wonder why us Mexicans kill stupid people like you.
Shannon says
Well said ane Very true
finally truth speaks says
Finally thank you Anthony and Humam for teaching these ignorant idiots on here who think for some reason this was their land first and keep talking nonsense about sending the illegals back where they came from . I laugh at how they talk as if they are so highly educated ad if they know their history when they obviously dont know or have a clue. When they say send the illegals back home they are absolutely right because when they say illegals they are speaking of themselves and yes we should send u back home Steve and the rest of the racist biggots on here we are not the illegals here you guys are this was our land first bendejos!!!
Whose Land? says
Uh…who did belong to before there was such a place as Mexico? Before the Spaniards arrived? What was it, something like 10,000 years ago when people came across the Bering Strait?
John says
Mexico lost the Mexican-American war in 1847 when U.S. troops took Mexico City.
The Mexican government ceded to the United States the territories of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas and western Colorado in 1848 under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty was then ratified by the U.S. Congress.
The United States, a sovereign country, owns all that territory. Mexico and its citizens have no claim to it.
God Bless Hypocrites says
It wasn’t much of a war, The USA was the one who declared it.
It was a land grab. It’s hypocritical of the USA to tell RUSSIA that
it is wrong on UKRAINE.
Gowchong says
I’ve lived in the AV since 1956. The only time I left was for four years while I was in the military. I returned and have been here ever since. Back in the day, we could leave our doors unlocked as well as our cars. No one ripped their neighbor off. We all took care of each other. Things started changing in the late 70’s when everyone and their brother wanted to move up here and get away from the pollution and gangs in the LA basin. Today we have to alarm our cars, alarm our houses, alarm our dogs and pretty much everything we value. Creeps and thugs pretty much run freely as can be seen in the AV Times where we read about a beautiful young lady being murdered in Lancaster, and this poor individual being murdered within yards of where I grew up. Just isn’t a good place to be anymore. And that makes me sad. My home, the AV, is becoming a strange place to me. My children and grand children no longer have a safe place to live, but must always be on guard lest someone rob them of their phone.
Is it time to abandon this place I’ve called home for almost 60 years?
Autumn says
Yes I think so. I was born here here just over 30 years ago and I have watched it get destroyed by ignorance and crime. Listen to the local scanner to hear about the crime that is NOT in the news- it’s worse than what is reported.
thatonechick says
I listen to the scanners still and I’ve been away for years. In fact, I live on the east coast now. But I know that things have gotten pretty rough out there in the AV and I worry for my family who still live there.
Truth teller says
When a grown man rides a bicycle in your town, its for very few reasons… Doctors health program ( bieng at burger place nullifies health excuse) or they are a low life parolee, whom cannot obtain a drivers license due to past crimes committed. A drug addict who’s incapable of saving money to purchase a vehicle, or a thief who chose s to move slowly thru your town to get a good look at what canbe easily stolen, ive zero sympathy for this person, and don’t appreciate the misleading headline. Made to sound as if there was an innocent taxpayer victim, im willing o bet this guy had no job, headline could have read that past victims finally see justice due…. Perhaps the bike in question was stolen by this individual, and he was shot by owner trying to retrieve thier property… Either way, with the riddance of this parolee plus the incareration of the four shooters, palmdale will be a better place….
Really says
Sheesh, you just can’t fix STUPID! That is what most if you jerks are on here.
Who the bleep cares if he was an ex con or not, he was a human being and did not deserve to die, heard he just bought the bike brand new at Walmart 3 months ago. So what if that’s all he could afford, he did not deserve to die for being poor.
So then the bible guys that ride bikes out here are ex con poor drug abusing gang banger crooks in your eyes? Just can’t fathom your stupid reasoning for someone riding a bike!
My husband rides a bike and he makes great money, he enjoys riding!
You people should be at least sad a member of our race (the human race) was gunned down by cowards, maybe because he was winning the fight against 4 pu@@y wannabe gang bangers that think if you are losing you need to take out a weapon…losers!
You Racists make me sick, this post is ABOUT A GUY KILLED not what race he or his killers were, they could have been any race, violence is not restricted to ANY ONE RACE.
White people have committed just as many murders they just usually do it in numbers..serial killers, young mad kids,rich snob kids,KKK and skinhead gangs! Let’s not forget the Asian gangs, Italian Mafia, Armenian gangs, Motorcycle gangs and Russian Mafia….
The place we live in is what WE make it.dont like it do something about it!
pdale says
If these gang members shooting people I dont think that’s being wannabes..wanabees gang members are people that are from a hood and scared to do dirt (rob, kill, sell drugs, etc)
CC says
Your name should have been “stereotyper”. Not everyone who rides a bike is a lowlife. My husband rides a bike because I take the car to work. He’s not a thief, never done drugs and has never been arested. Don’t assume that all people who don’t make as much money as you and can’t afford 2 cars are all POS drug addict thiefs. AND if you can tell me how you know this man was a parolee, please do. Otherwise stop making assuptions based on his apperance. You’re not a truth teller, you’re an AV brat with their nose in the air.
whaaaat? says
Lmao….so what you’re saying is…. Both you’re husbands ride bikes for health benefits??? Just like what was posted…roflmao
Really says
YEP THAT IS WHAT I SAID. Now get your stupid a$$ off the floor and get A LIFE! As a matter of fact my husbands bike is a DENALI SPORTS BIKE! You make me sick, you can’t even post with the same name twice! Keep your stupid opinion to yourself about bike riders, Mexicans, African Americans and less fortunate people! You probably wouldn’t have a bike because your just to fat and lazy to get on one! BTW my husband also has ran many MARATHONS (26.2 Miles) for the last 6 years, bet you don’t walk a block!
Nancy P says
I call your story b s, unless, you are selling weed.
Really says
Nancy P…
who are you to judge the validity of anyone’s story? Maybe it is you that slings Shi+ to earn a living!
Done with Ignorant people like you that think only poor, unemployed lowlife, other then white people live in the AV And have to sell dope or steal and kill to make a living!
Sheesh, I am surprised you even have the means to post on this or ANY site… The drug business must have been good at one point if you could afford electronics that have Internet capability!
Mrs wonder says
Are you serious? I wonder if my bike my family got me for Christmas indicates that I am a parole or a immigrants or suspended license..? Hmm, I have never linked someone who rides a bike with automatic criminal…! This has got to be the most ignorant comment I have ever heard…Regardless if he was all that still doesn’t give anyone the right to kill him. Truth teller….ha ha ha..! Your name should be ignorant sob..no one innocent should be shot and killed behind their own bicycle no matter why they were riding it. You sound dumb as fuck. . Damn, I work at AVH born there in 1976 grew up on 16th east and pdale blvd and I am white…own 3 cars but love riding my bike..hope no one thinks like you. Deserve to die because I rode my bike to eat…sleep in hell
Trish says
How dare you disregard someones life like that louie was my best friend how dare you have some respect for his family and friends devistated about there loss u are about the [removed] I know RIP my friend im lost without you
thatonechick says
What a terrible thing to say. Heaven help you and your ignorance.
Educate the uneducated says
Wow the Antelope Valley is terrible. I once lived there and moved 5 years after the mall was built. I was 20 years old when I started to open my businesses and franchise chains and became a millionaire :) Thank god I live in Beverly Hills now instead of being with all these rats in the trash called the citizens of Antelope Valley. Good luck trying to survive fellas and remember anyone can do what I did. I started with $125 in my pocket with a lot of confidence and dedication. That’s all it takes!
Q says
What business is that
Son of the Anti Rex says
There have been some who have made millions living here. Well, they used to live here. Then they took their millions that they made off of businesses, cities, and school districts and bought private airplanes, fancy cars and mansions in Laguna and Santa Barbara.
God doesn't like ugly says
You blanket statement calling the citizens of the antelope valley rats in the trash.. So are you some how better than everyone else because with $125 in your pocket you grew a million dollar business? Not EVERY citizen in the AV is bad and don’t forget where you came from. God doesn’t like ugly, you can lose it all just as fast as you gained it.
LOL says
Arrogant….Much!? You sound like the other rats that have lived and moved away from the Antelope Valley but somehow seem to stay in tune with what is going on around here by looking into your daily AV Times news thread…LOL…If you are so rich and successful as you say you are…perhaps you can dig deep into that heart of yours that is covered up by your enormous ego and set up some local seminars to help teach some of us ‘rats’ that still live here how to be as successful as you state you are and help them with their own dream of opening their own businesses as well!?
kd says
Well said.I just wonder why he is even on this page if he is so much better then us.Lol FOH
Cali Palmdale says
People we can take our city back lets send complaints to city leaders EM gather march in front of city hall both Lancaster And Palmdale ask for a change lets crate a whole city neighbor hood watch lets take our city back make all the gang bangers and criminals feel not wanted so they can move out if you see someone who don’t belong in your street and they look suspect looking around at homes call the police or any criminal activity.take license plate down report them we can make it change but we need to stick together!!! we can make a change no more Sec 8
mr.rodgers says
he shoulda just gave them the bike, he wld still be alive. you all need to accept the fact that the av is extreemly racist and dangerous so be smart and stay safe. this guys pride got him killed. ive lived throughout the south and its dangerous every where stop pointing fingers at mayors and officials, its hummanity, so be safe be smart and stay alive.
Linda s says
I don’t understand your comment. Where does racism come into play? To compare the av with the south is (stupid). Did they like say, “hey, there’s a white guy, let’s steal his bike?”. I’m wondering why, when they were in a car, they felt like they had to kill someone for a bicycle.
ma says
Maybe he’s not referring to the the killing when he talks about racists, maybe he’s referring to the comments.
John says
and there’s no hope for humanity. To many stupid people breeding and being bad or non-existent parents.
This place needs nuked!
Wrong says
That’s absolutely bs!!! Your basically saying “common guys, let’s let these low lives run our city, not work and take what they want” if we do not stand up to these assholes they will just keep doing what they want!I’m sorry he lost his life and may he rest in peace, but at least he knew to stand up for his belongings that he prob worked for. these “thugs” think they can hide behind a gun and steal just so they don’t need to work.
Everyone's Mom says
I know it wasn’t racist because the suspects were Hispanic said to be gang members. The victim was also Hispanic. The paper says a white male which is wrong. I knew him. He wasn’t the kind of guy to just sit there and watch someone steal his bike. I wish he would have let them take it. No one should ever be MURDERED over a bike.
John says
Nope it wasn’t race. Little punk arse’s who were never taught to value life. Obviously they weren’t taught any values at all. Their parents should be shot in the back for spawning such worthless pos’s.
Bob says
ggm says
you fools they keep saying people are racist go look at the crime she interests log for AV Valley its all Latinos and Blacks so you need to shut the hell up I learn how to readand plus the only people with same race is on here are the two races good we’re doing the crimes so you guys are racist move out of the Navy go back to South Central or death back to Mexico I didn’t bite you here I don’t think anyone invited you here
Mark says
Don’t you think there is something wrong with the system. It clearly show that white people get better breaks in life. I’ve never been profiled as a criminal because I’m white. Trust me i could have done years with the things i was involved in through my 20’s. Look at the stats, in this country I believe the population is 13% black, and 40% of the prison population is Black. There has to be something wrong here. A lot of minorities don’t get the opportunities that white people get either through the legal system, as well as tax dollars through their communities. Open your mind and your eyes and see the bigger problem. We need to invest more resources into lower income communities. I hate closed minded people that don’t try to educate themselves on the bigger issues, just pass blame onto on entire race of people.
Anthony says
God bless you Mark
Mrs wonder says
Thank you…38 yr old white female born and raised in the Antelope Valley 1976..
lol... says
@ggm That’s right no one invited you here!!!! California was Mexico who do you think Vasquez Rock was named after???? Which goes back to the 1800’s. I don’t think you named Agua Dulce or Santa Clarita???
Eric says
Only the 1800’s? Why not go back farther?
You know, when “Mexico” was Native territory, and the Spanish (that’d be Spain) came uninvited and took it from them.
mig says
This place is getting bad its knowones fault but the people who are doing these things. All we can do is do our best and raise our kids proper. GOD BLESS THE FAMILY OF THE MAN WHO WAS SHOT.
sad says
really sad of how the av is getting!!!!!!! getting killed over a bike???? may this guy r.i.p.
Everyone's Mom says
Please everyone if you know anything about this murder call the Palmdale Sheriff. 661-272-2400. Please everyone watch for the Silver Dodge Neon. If you see one get the license plate number. They need to be brought to justice. We all can do our part to clean up the Antelope Valley. Thanks for helping.
Mark says
With four of them, at least one will brag to somebody. I think they’ll be found soon
rafa says
Dam was just getting food wtf is wrong with people … !
Garen says
Screw this deadbeat gang town, I’ve been raised here, but it’s being overrun by deadbeat loser murderers.
Saints says
So many people, all day everyday.. blaming the police for harassing people for no reasons!!!!!! People wake up, we do have criminals here.. they are every where.. we need to support our local police departments, without them crimes like this would happen a lot more often….hope this criminals get caught and punish.. regardless of their race.. they are not nedded in our society…..
Tony says
Agree with you, lets not focus on race instead lets try to do a better job for the future of our children.
I always said, criminals no matter their race should be put behind bars for good.
This crime could have never happened if only the so called civil rights were different, inmagine if cops will have spotted this criminals and stopped them, maybe cops would have detained them.
we have to change the way we think towards cops, of course not all cops are the same, we will find really bad ones but there also the ones that are trying to do their job and really protect the community.
apr1 says
Steve says
Hmmm, wonder if these “kids” are either some of the 13,000,000 Obama wants to present with amnesty, or maybe the children of illegals. Just what we need is more welfare children just waiting to go to jail.
omar says
Unfortunately palmdale has ignorant ppl like you. I bet you leave as far as the east can take ya.
I’m guessing only illegals kill
Your comment is way of the topic steve.
Humam says
@ Steve, Someone just lost their life and all you can come up with is are they illegals on welfare??? Are you for REAL? But let me give you a history lesson. California was Mexico ok for if you didn’t know…. Hint San Fernando, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara and San Diego… oh and yes Los Angeles…
To the family of the victim you are in my prayers. God Bless
Really? says
@Humam (did you mean human?) Anyway, are mexicans still whinning over that? What does that have to do with it? That’s like black people blaming all white people (of today) for slavery. We had a war over that too, remember?
Human says
As long as people are trying to send people home. Should I have my people build a Mayflower II…
Adam Black says
Check mate. Though it doesnt make sense that blacks and Latinos are still falling for white conditioning methods, leading to them killing and stealing from each other more than white people have for a long time. But.that’s what happens when people don’t know their history ; they act like they come from nothing because they know nothing of where they come from. I guess it’s to be expected when the parents are just as ignorant if not more. And they just keep popping out babies and spreading the ignorance. I doubt if there will even be a such thing as a black American in 200 years as they will have destroyed each offer just as whites and even latinos want them to since Latinos are ok with being subservient to white people. Both black and latino went from ruling their own land to being servants. Smh.
Mark says
Or I wonder if their family was here while California was still part of Mexico?
Bob says
Just another typical night in the sewer otherwise known as the Antelope Valley.
Lopan says
First come section 8…. Then the drugs and violence…
Anthony says
you do know that the first gang out here was the NLR (Nazi Lowriders) right? and drugs… lol the Antelope Valley has been full of meth labs for over twenty years. These problems are far from new in the AV and did not start with people moving out here from Los Angeles. The AV has its own set of unique problems that have been present for quite some time now. I’ve lived here for 22 years and have seen it change dramatically… there is no such thing as a city or town without crime, some just sweep it under the rug better than others.
OMG thank you! Finally, someone says it! Everybody out here says “the AV was such a good place before all the trash came in.” No, no it wasn’t. People just didn’t hear it or see it.
Born&RaisedAV says
Leave to the people that came here 20 years ago to start talking about the AV as if 20 years ago was when this city was founded. What you don’t understand is with such intellegent comments like these two posted, leads me to believe you guys were part of the trash that rolled into this valley. Despite what your know it all selves seem to think, your very wrong. I’m 39 years old and I can speak for those who lived longer then 20 years, and say this was nothing but farmers, ranchers, business owners, aerospace type of people that worked their butts off and didn’t rely on the government to pay for their nice new section 8 homes that people now a days thrash. It was a small town where everyone knew everybody. When a disagreement did occur it was a fist fight that ended right then and there. Nobody jumped in, no one was shot in the back for taking a bicycle. It wasn’t till your kind came out here and brought your garbage to our town before crap like this started. Nothing was ever swept under the rug. In fact i rocked this community and was the talk of the town when it all began to happen… So before you start spouting off about something you know very little about, get your facts straight first. Makes you sound really stupid if not.
Not my friend says
I moved away from Lancaster a few months ago. Today I went to a new Dentist in a new city. He asked where I used to live. I said a little town in the desert called Lancaster. When I said Lancaster, his eyes lit up and he commented how he loved going to Lancaster as a kid. His family traveled there to visit friends and the kids rode dirt bikes around the desert. He said there were big farms and ranches and everyone was so friendly. He was so envious of the kids that got to grow up there.
So true says
Born and raised here myself. The trash moved in to the AV in the later part of the 1980’s and kept on coming. People referencing the last 20 years don’t know diddly about what this place used to be.
bbg says
Thank you Born in AV
Susan says
Very True! I moved to Sun Village aka Littlerock. What a mess now. 1988 it was nice place to live. The original people from there were nothing but kind and hard working people. Now the gang members have moved in and made it to resemble their original towns. It is a shame. I moved out of there because we were not treated well. Caucasion children, blonde and green eyes were treated as outsiders. So keep it now and have fun with yourselves.
mr.rodgers@yahoo.com says
ppw was also one of the first gangs and i know a few ex members who tell lots of stories of crimes and crazy stuuf they did 20 years ago and you never saw it cuz u werent in the hood. the sherrifs out here took too long to crack down and now its too late. now they are in a never ending battle
Anthony says
And yet another AV baby that is in denial… and for the record, I have never been on section 8 or public assistance. I came to this ratchet AV because my parents working in Law Enforcement and Aerospace industry, then later joining the military myself and after a couple of tours across seas I got to come home to what developed to be one of the most racist communities in California; The Antelope Valley. But, I do love how you’ve proved me right with your post. Question… what have you done to improve the AV?
Anthony says
Furthermore, I hate to disappoint you, but the Indians and Mexicans first found and settled in the Antelope Valley. Just a little history lesson. Mid 1700’s since you AV babies want to discuss it’s history… lol
my 2 cents says
My 75 yr old Mother, who grew up in Inglewood, use to come to Palmdale in the ’50’s because her cousin and her boyfriend were in car clubs. There wasn’t a freeway back then and she says, they would stop half-way in Newhall for ice cream. Ahhhh, those were the days!
Mark says
I remember those day, I move to Palmdale in 1983. I was going into the 3rd grade. It was 10,000 people population. I remember thinking there’s not any litter or trash on the streets. Things did change fast, i remember when I was in 7th grade walking through PHS’s campus to a Friday night football game. I saw my first gang fight. It was a Crip and Blood. Honestly at the time i didn’t know what a crip or blood was. A friend had to tell me.
DJM says
25 years ago when I moved to the AV. It really wasn’t that bad. It’s when the mayor made the deal with city of LA to let the trash move here did it get bad. Of course the east side was always a getto. But still better then the sfv.
John says
DJM: You are exactly right. As a retired deputy sheriff I know many of the facts that you are relating to. There was a campaign in the early 90s when from Compton, Lennox, Lynwood and the greater South Central area, were offered housing in Palmdale and Lancaster in an effort to take their troubled youth away from the inner city. Up until the early 1990s there was essentially no trouble in the Antelope Valley. One of the stations I worked at, shared the same sheriff’s radio frequency with the Antelope Valley Station, Crescenta Valley, Santa Clarita and Antelope Valley were all on the same tactical and dispatch channels. We used to kid other deputies who worked A.V., chiding them over how slow their station was and the reason they worked the A.V. was so they could sleep all night.
In the late 1980s there was a recession and also with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the ‘peace dividend’ there were cutbacks in the defense industry, thus causing layoffs in the aerospace industry. With the recession and the loss of jobs in the aerospace industry, there were several foreclosures. Many of these foreclosures were in homes that were mortgaged through FHA funding. When these FHA funded homes were foreclosed, the titles ended up with the department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). At first, they simply put these houses back on the market and the homes were sold and bought as usual. Then all of a sudden, around 1994, these homes were boarded up and taken off the market(talk to any realtor that worked the A.V. in the late 1980s and 1990s, they will tell you the same). The reason they were taken off the market was because HUD had intentions of placing all of these foreclosed FHA homes in the inventory for Section 8 housing. Then around 1995/1996 the Section 8 plan started in earnest.
With the full cooperation of the Palmdale politicians(mayor, council members and city mgr.) the powers that be in HUD and high ranking brass in law enforcement agencies of the greater South Central area, the Section 8 program was put into action. Part of this program went as follows: If a troubled youth, one who continually had negative contact with law enforcement was arrested, his parent(s)(usually from a single parent family/no father in the home) were offered alternative Section 8 housing in the Antelope Valley. They were told that they could move their delinquent troubled child away from the inner city and move from the projects into a relatively brand new house. Another incentive from the City of Palmdale was to offer them a grant of $20,000.00 and a mortgage with a 2% interest; that’s $20,000.00 free money and only a 2% loan; with this huge grant and a relatively interest free mortgage, even people on welfare and perpetually on Section 8 could purchase a relatively new home. But the catch was, not everyone was offered this sweet deal, only those families with troubled youth or where the youth were parented by a troubled parent were offered the deal.
Shortly after this program was implemented, the crime in the A.V. went off the chart. The A.V. station up until the early 1990s was manned to handle a sleepy little, relatively crime free area. The deputy sheriffs in no time at all were overwhelmed and the A.V. became one of the hottest stations to work. It was no longer the place where most of the patrol units were parking their vehicles after 2:00 am and catching a few winks before sunrise. The deputies were chasing calls all night and working overtime to catch up on paperwork.
Families who thought they finally got their piece of the American dream in the mid 1980s were moving out of the A.V. in droves to get away from the crime wave that was purposely transferred up to the A.V.. People with perfect credit records, who never missed a utility payment, let alone a mortgage payment were leaving getting out of the danger zone. Folks like firemen, law enforcement officers, aerospace engineers and other professionals were casting their perfect credit records away and letting their homes go for the safety of their families. Within a few short years, housing values in the A.V. plummeted so far, even people with 50% equity in their homes were letting them go as they could not sell them.
If you think what I’m telling you is not true, like I previously said, go talk to some retired realtor who worked the A.V. in the 1980s and 1990s. Go talk to some cop or fireman who walked away from their East Palmdale home and took a tremendous credit hit for the safety of their family. Go talk to some retired civil servant who worked in Palmdale City Hall during this time period and they’ll tell the genesis of the crime in this area. Back in the 1980s, I would park my car almost anywhere in the A.V. and leave the windows down and the doors unlocked. We never locked our front door. In the same neighborhood where we never locked our front door, where the houses were new built in 1988, by 1997 our cars were stolen three times(by this time we were locking everything), our cars were burglarized two times and there were 8 shootings, several fatal in just a few block radius of our home. Almost everyone of our neighbors and us included had moved out, walked away from our homes by the end of the 1999. In less than four years East Palmdale, a hick town in 1988, became a suburb in name only. It essentially became sprawled out low income project with one of the highest homicide rates in Southern California.
Tom says
John told the 100% truth. The Mayor and city council members did exactly what he said and still doing it go look at that so – call Right Brothers Apartments section 8 will get you right in.
Section 8 Fantasy says
Not so. Section 8 began in 1974 and was in effect long before the influx of people to the AV. There was no housing campaign in Lynwood, Compton or anyone that came from the AV. If so, do show some proof. It is urban legend at best. Two recessions and people walking away from houses caused more damage than anything. Real estate crashed, “investors” bought the property and rented it out to people, many who came from the LA area. If you are going to blame people, blame those who walked away on their homes and left behind empty neighborhoods which soon became blighted. The walking away happened BEFORE the crime rate went up.
Dnice says
So true im 41 and was raised out here my granfather worked for Lockheed and moved his family out here from LA so that his kids wouldnt get into gangs.This place is tore up from the floor up.People saying u been here for 20 years yall have no idea.It was going down 20 years ago.
Say What? says
Say what? What mayor of what city “made a deal” with LA to move people up here? Are you serious? Any proof? A news story? Letter? Oh wait, I bet it is the same people who are sending the homeless to Lancaster on the train. Geez.
Everyone's Mom says
I moved here in 1978. That’s 37 years ago. Palmdale was a beautiful rual farming community. There were less than 15,000 people here. It was great, friendly and most of all very safe. Now there are several people here from down below. Section 8 has hurt the Antelope Valley very badly. I knew the man who was killed at Sky Burger. I coached baseball in Burbank when he was in middle school there. “RIP Louis”
David says
Thank you. He was a friend.
valleygirl says
I’ve lived here for over 50 years and can tell you this place has gone completely offtrack. Thank the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster and the County of Los Angeles for shoving the unwanted prison down our throats in the early 90s. Then be sure to send Jerry Brown a thank you card for dumping all his loser early prison release criminals here. They should never have been released in the first place.
APR1 says
Nancy P says
They don’t come by the house and drug test you and they have no control over how many criminals and druggies come to stay at the residence. There is no one doing checks and making a complaint is almost impossible. Code Enforcement won’t even go check on things at a Section 8 house for fear of being called prejudice.
Son of the Anti Rex says
Never fear. Rex declared war on section 8. All is well. He probably has the eye in the sky all over it. Victory is his.
Noelle says
Yeah right, it’s your lie tell it like u want too. That seems to be the only thing section 8 DOES allow.
Cali Palmdale says
People lets make something positive out of these to remember and honor all the innocent victims here in the AV I said innocent if you got killed and you where in the mix with gangs or any crime ohhh well. Ok people lets all plan some complaints send by mail or EM or get together in front of city hall both Palmdale and Lancaster and let out city leaders know we are tired and wont take it anymore make them check all section 8 do drug screens don’t honor any more sec8 and crate a whole city neighborhood watch if you see someone who don’t belong in you street keep an aye on them call police let them know there being watched and to all citizens it goes for all races thieves and criminals come in all colors. lets make all the low life’s feel not welcome here lets take our city back!!
nayshawn says
That Is SO PATHATIC !! HOW COULD THEY!! You Would Really Kill Someone Over A BIKE ! Now You Risked Your Whole Life A BIKE!
jake says
avmom says
Yes Randy they need to keep them open so idiot racist like you can leave.
John says
The Antelope Valley will make you racist. Just go to the post office or the DMV and see how these people act.
kris says
Really you gotta shoot a man getting food in the back over a biycyle? What a waste of air space you are …needles to say a CHICKEN [removed] ..coward …an yes she did give discription of all of them pretty [removed] when [removed] ambush a person over a bicycle…you will get caught ….they took a beautiful life away from her an his family n friend
for what a bike….he was a giving man trying to do the right thing in life an yet taken from all who loved him…very very sad the world is becoming…
Tax payer Leaving California ! says
I am a LONG TIME Resident my family came here in the early 1960’s
Sick of all this violence in the Antelope Valley ! My head and my heart just hurt POLITICIANS if your READING CLEAN IT UP OUT HERE!!!!
Crystal Rose says
Rest In Peace Louis “Louie” Amela
mark says
“The victim was a Caucasian man in his 40s” but they have no description of the shooter?
if his friend was there, he/she couldn’t give them anything? must of been a real bad a$$ to shoot him in the back.
Crystal Rose says
This is palmdale blvd were talking about how many cameras are there at each of these local businesses. It was at 930 pm for Pete’s sake. Hello this is so stupid. What is wrong with these kids. N young adults. This was a mans life! He was killed over a bike. Really a bike???
John says
Good chance the shooter was between 18 and 25 years of age, and a African American male. As that profile is usually the ones shooting people in the Antelope Valley.
It is within my rights to form a theory about a subject without firm evidence.
John says
Hispanics! Guess I was wrong.
CbxEx says
Because you’re racist?
John says
Lived here since 62′. The last 25 years of living in the Antelope Valley has made me evolve into a racist.
I’m comfortable with it, in fact I embrace it.
? says
John the retired deputy sheriff. wow…
anthony says
I’m sure wearing that badge helped… It’s sad that you served all that time helping people and then lost your way. Wondering how many people “fit the description” when you were on duty?
Cheryl says
Yeah your racist theory! Wrong this time.sorry to tell you there is trash in every race..AV isn’t the only city that’s changed…has just changed from an accepted Meth valley of skinheads to crime valley!
bbg says
Thank you Born in AV
The people who say races are the one person who race we people complain about look at the race is doing the crimes in the AV blacks and Latinos wake up when you say people are racist you must be a racist that Cheryl lady whatever your name is and that other idiot
John says
Yes I was wrong. I wish I was wrong more often when I attempt to profile the race of people committing violent crimes.
I hate this valley