LANCASTER – A 71-year-old Lancaster woman was killed when a suspected drunken driver crashed his pickup truck into her home and crushed her while she slept in her bed Sunday night, authorities said.
The crash happened around 10:55 p.m. Sunday, March 29, in the 1000 block of West Avenue J-12, according to Sgt. David Jennings of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.

Preliminary information indicated the driver, 25-year-old Aaron Daniel Benson, crashed his 2001 Toyota Tacoma into several parked cars on both sides of the street as he moved westbound on Avenue J-12 before slamming into the home, said Jennings.
“Alcohol appears to be a factor in the collision,” Jennings stated. “The driver (Benson) was booked at Lancaster Sheriff’s Station for vehicular manslaughter and felony driving under the influence of alcohol.”
The victim’s name has not yet been released pending next of kin notification, but neighbors Sunday night said the victim was an older woman who lived alone.

Monique, who lives about four houses down from the crash scene, said she came outside when she heard the crash.
“I seen a big ball of smoke,” Monique said, adding that neighbors ran into the home to render assistance following the crash.
“Two of them went inside the house looking for the lady because we know there’s an older lady that lives in the home by herself,” Monique said. “Then the driver of the truck emerged and he was freaking out, walking all over the place, didn’t know what to do… he was just pacing and holding his head and saying, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, what did I do.’”
The neighbor who searched the home said the victim was pinned underneath the truck.
“We moved a couple things, saw something that we thought was her, and we told the fire department to move the truck and it was her,” the neighbor said, before he was overcome with emotion.
The elderly woman, who was the only person inside the home at the time of the collision, was found in her bed, underneath the vehicle, according to Sgt. Jennings. She was pronounced dead at the scene by Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel, Jennings added.
Investigators are asking for the public’s assistance and are encouraging anyone who may have witnessed this collision to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.
Benson, a Lancaster resident, remains jailed in lieu of $1 million bail. He is due in court April 2, according to LASD inmate records.
This is the second time within the last year that a suspected drunk driver plowed into an Antelope Valley home and caused a deadly crash.
On Sunday, April 20, 2014, Roberto Rodriguez careened his Nissan Pathfinder through a first floor apartment on the 1000 block of East Avenue R in Palmdale. Giselle Mendoza, a 16-year-old Palmdale High School student, was killed as she slept in her bed. Rodriguez is currently awaiting trial for murder. [Read more here.]
Related story: Murder trial ordered in fatal Easter Sunday apartment crash
Sadly says
Bars on every corner, liquor stores everywhere, alcohol center-stage at Albertsons and right up front at Stater Bros and other stores. Almost every restaurant has a full bar. Jethawks serves numerous gallons of beer at every game. There’s plenty of booze at the fair. The main theme to many home parties, campouts, weddings, etc. is booze. This is society. It’s legal and it’s made to look attractive and cool. Yet everywhere we see the signs that say “drink responsibly”. Well doesn’t that go out the window after a few drinks. What are signs of being drunk? Let’s review:
Feeling of well-being and relaxation.
Lower inhibitions (doing or saying things you otherwise would not.)
Sensation of warmth.
Lowering of caution.
Loss of fine motor coordination.
Inability to drive a car or do complex tasks.
Slurred speech; too-loud or too-fast speech.
Lowered reasoning ability.
Weakened balance.
Loose muscle tone.
Slower reaction times.
Staggering walk or inability to walk.
Glossy appearance to eyes.
Blurry or double vision.
Weakened sense of hearing.
Loss of memory (short- and long-term.)
Skin may be cool to the touch (but the drinker may feel warm.)
Heavy sweating.
Dysphoria (anxiety, restlessness.)
Total mental confusion.
Slower pupil response. After more drinks: pupils constricted.
Slowed heart rate.
Slowed breathing rate.
Reduced blood pressure.
Nausea and vomiting.
Loss of consciousness.
We live in a world where booze is promoted, marketed, sold, and used to celebrate. It has become a symbol of being cool, being relaxed, being well-off (“I can afford the good stuff”). Remember: drink, celebrate, drink more, experience some of the above symptoms, and then “ACT RESPONSIBLY”. Wake up world! Aaron’s incident isn’t the first and it won’t be the last.
Greg says
The act responsibly part is NOT getting drunk. Especially so drunk that you can not make rational decisions, like waiting to drive, or finding a different way to your next destination.
In this case the person may be an alcoholic and not even realize it. That is a mental and physical disease that needs special attention by the person, and his friends and family.
sadly says
Greg, I agree. The thing is we have “pushers” on every corner. Someone stops to get just one drink and that turns into two and so on. The next thing you know, they’ve lost their ability to make rational decisions. It’s like setting out cookie jars in every corner of the house and expecting the kids not to eat them. The liquor industry wants people to crave and buy liquor and many people cannot resist the temptation. They also cannot control what they do after that first drink. Most of them do not think they have a problem, therefore they will not seek help.
Avisnotforme says
The comments here demonstrate Antelope Valley is full of hatefull trash who think they are perfect and have never screwed up when in reality these hypocrites are out doing the same thing every weekend and if they aren’t doing it every person they know is.
cmon says
No, actually were not getting into a vehicle knowing were drunk and slamming into an old lady while she sleeps. Maybe the AV isn’t for you because people out here have opinions about tragedies which could have been avoided. Better yet, if the av is not for you, you probably shouldn’t go to theavtimes.com. Just saying.
Danny says
Wish they would of shot him
Matt says
no kidding
FTAV says
Save the hand wringing river of tears for somebody else, hypocrites. Every bar and restaurant is filled every single day with people who have a drink and then drive home. These people are your friends, relatives, coworkers, and YOU’RE doing it too. You do it at the Fair, you do it at your Nascar races, you do it at Schooners, you do it when you go fishing, and you do it at your weekend BBQ’s. Give the fraudulent high horse moralism a rest.
FY says
I think you are referring to “drinking responsibly”, which is legal. What happened here is driving while under the INFLUENCE of alcohol, which is illegal.
Greg says
Not all of us have a drink when we are out socializing. Some of us are designated drivers. Some just decide it is safer not to imbibe alcohol at all if we are driving. So your blanket statement of all is not true, change it to ‘many of’ and it does fit perfectly. As another comment states though, there is a huge difference between responsible alcohol consumption and getting drunk.
Amber Young says
Some of the comments are simply ridiculous. For example “the best bar tender I know, you will be missed.” How the hell do you think the victim’s family and friends feel? Did you not think of that? How inconsiderate of you. Now as for Aaron, I’m sure he was a great guy and an upstanding citizen at one point, but if what some comments are saying is true and this is his second offense, he clearly has no regards for human life and unfortunately it may have taken killing someone for him to learn his lesson. My condolenses to the victim’s family, may she rest in peace.
alex vee says
Woooow… the lady was 71 yrs old, how much life did she have left? Aaron benson my friend m favorite bartender of all time had his whole life ahead of him. Maybe even opening up his own bar one day. So before calling me inconsiderate try looking at the REAL lost here… a great man n an awesome bartender… I miss him already
John says
Alex Vee you are a prime example of why the Antelope Valley is going down hill fast.
The poor women had more life a head of her then Aaron has behind him.
Mike says
This is either a joke or the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. So you’re saying that because she was 71, it was OK for this innocent lady to be killed, but the real tragedy is that the low-life repeat offender drunk driver who killed her will have to face the consequences of his lethally foolish and irresponsible choices?
And him being a “good bartender” somehow excuses killing an innocent person sleeping in her bed?
In fact, this murdering drunk-driver is actually the victim in this situation!
That's just sad says
You’re friend I don’t care what you say about him committed murder and all you can say was she was 71 years old what much of a life did she have left. You’re friend could have chose to NOT DRIVE DRUNK. Aaron Benson made the choice the loss here is someone is dead. She has family and friends just like Aaron is yours. You are Inconsiderate and just ignorant.
Gladys says
R u Effin Kidding me??… alex vee you are a waste of space… He shouldn’t have been drinking and driving and why did he continue to drive if he had already hit other cars!!!! Don’t drink and drive and the real loss was the life of a woman who was peacefully asleep, and her life was taken due to an inconsiderate [removed] who chose to drink and drive!! My grandmother will be 94 this May God willing and she still has many years ahead of her.. My condolences to the family of the victim.
aykm says
This is single handedly the stupidest most ignorant and absurd thing I’ve ever read on this forum. I hope you do miss him because the ONLY time you’ll ever see him again is from behind bars. And from judging your sick and I’m moral character you might end up right next to him.
cher says
When you approach 71… think about how much life you have left. Your opinion will be very different. Hope you make it that long.
Lae says
what difference does it make if the woman is 71, 41, or 21? she was someone’s family – a mother, a grandmother. it’s pretty damn clear that your “friend” aaron has ZERO regard for any other life on this planet but his own. and based on some of the comments, including yours, it’s obvious that aaron had problems with alcohol that definitely would’ve worsened if he opened his own bar.
Jeffrey says
Thats whats beautiful about a comment section you morons.. that you may comment on anything you like or dislike. That’s what makes our America great!!!! That we all have an open opinion about anything! If these guy feels his friends bad choice makes him be a better man. More power to him. It sucks a innocent life was taken but as alex vee see’s it his buddies life was as important too. Lets not judge anyone n continue to live FREE on the greatest country on this planet
John says
Use to be the great country on the planet.
Ernie says
This is a tragedy for everyone involved. I personally new Aaron and he was a good person
He was the type of guy that was always first to help some one. He wasn’t a scum or a low life,
He is a fried, a brother, and a son. What he did was not right. He ended someone’s life. But that doesn’t making a low life, or scum. He was the type of person that if he saw someone in need he was always there to lend a help. Unfortunately his life has taken him on a bad journey. No one here is worthy of judging.
FTAV says
Get off your high horses, hypocrites. Everybody drinks and drives at some point. Your mommy, your daddy, and you to have done it too. This kid just happened to take it to that be next level and couldn’t handle it.
Amber Young says
Um… how idiotic are you to say that everyone has driven home drunk once in their life? No. Just no. Believe it or not, some people are smart enough to know that they have had too much to drink so they don’t drive. It honestly sounds like you’re condoning what this young man did and you shouldn’t be. He deserves everything he’s getting because his dumb decision killed a lady. For you to say “he took it to the next level and couldn’t handle it” is freaking stupid. I really hope you don’t drink and drive but with the content of your comment, I wouldn’t be surprised if you do. I hope you don’t kill yourself or someone else someday.
Mary Ann says
FTAV, are you serious?
No, not everyone drinks and drives. Usually people who do have or are given a ‘wake up’ moment. It sounds like this young man already had one and didn’t hear it. His actions caused a DEATH. There is NO excuse for this as there are plenty of cabs to be called when you’ve been drinking.
Now, I have read on this thread that he had just finished working at Coach’s. Was he drinking at work? I know a lot of bartenders who drink on the job. It’s part of the culture. Did he throw back a few after work? Only way to tell is if the business had a recording device in the establishment.
We need to take drinking and driving more seriously, not less. More personal responsibility, not less.
I hope this young man can get his life together behind bars, understanding he, the family of the woman he killed and his own will always be changed by his actions and talk to as many auditoriums filled with teenagers about what he has learned and how you have to pay for your actions.
You sound like well, he made a mistake, we all do, let him go, who are we to judge?
Actions have reactions. Yes, this is a tragedy–a PREVENTABLE tragedy. That’s what makes this that much more inexcusable.
FTAV says
Save the hand wringing river of tears for somebody else, hypocrites. Every bar and restaurant is filled every single day with people who have a drink and then drive home. These people are your friends, relatives, coworkers, and YOU’RE doing it too. You do it the fair, you do it your Nascar races, you do it at Schooners, and you do it at your weekend BBQ’s.
Lae says
I never have and never will. because BOTH of my parents taught me that it’s wrong. I’ve never even driven buzzed, and if I’m driving and become tired, I stop driving.
And do you know why? Because I’m smart and know the consequences of driving drunk/buzzed/tired.
DM says
To Corrin…. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk…
Kt says
Shut up you don’t what exactly happen. He made his choice, now he’s paying the consequences. But so is his family and friends. I’m sorry for the victim and her family, they don’t deserve what happen cause of one adult who made his bad choices. Don’t blame those who knew him. Just because he was texting with Corrin, she wasn’t in front of him to stop HIS idiotic decition.
Debbie says
Sorry FTAV I am 59 years old and I have never driven at all when out drinking. So for you to condone what this idiot. You are a idiot!!!!!!! Very true Dm friends do not let friends drive.
iran says
I knew him too he was not a bad. Person yes he made a horrible mistake by drinking and driving and unfortunately he got himself into some big trouble
may the victim R.I.P my condolences to the family
VXSGuy says
RIP. The problem with society as a whole is treating Drinking and Driving as a mistake. It’s clearly isn’t a mistake. Drinking and deciding to drive even if you are buzzed driving is clearly a CHOICE. He didn’t make a mistake to drink he chose to drink. He didn’t make a mistake to drive, he made a choice to drive and because of his choice he has to suffer the consequences of his choice which clearly isn’t a mistake. I see in other threads this is his second DUI/DWI. So he made to two bad choices. He CHOSE and now someone’s mother, grandmother, matriarch of a family lost her life while she was sleeping. As a community we need to quit saying DUI/DWI is a mistake and say what they are CHOICES.
Michaela says
It is a choice and people make wrong choice everyday ! For all the people who are judging my bro let the tables be turned and see if your dumb ass is posting your opinion that does not matter to anyone ! Just the fact that you have time to post about people you know nothing about shows what type of idiot you are!
Hit me up if you know me !
Ehem says
Michaele, I have a feeling if the tables were turned VXSGuy would not make the CHOICE” to drink and drive.
Susie says
He is the [removed] should not been drinking and driving this woman die because of his poor choices and his dumb ass is gojng to jail for life I hope they out me on his trial I set him to where he never hurt noone again .
VXSGuy says
Know I don’t know you, just a concerned citizen. I’m not attacking Aaron’s character I was talking about his choices. You stated if the tables were turned would I make the same choice. I would not have made this choice because I have lost family, and coworkers to DUI drivers and seen careers and lives ruined for making the choice to drink and drive. From reading the previous threads I can tell Aaron held a special place in your life and you will defend him to the end. That’s what family’s are suppose to do. Ask yourself if an individual who was drunk and made the choice to drive and ended the life of your family member and you go to court and the individual says I made a mistake. Short synopsis of my stand. There was an individual that I worked with decided to get drink and drive. Prior to this he had been told by supervisors not to drink and drive and have a plan. Later that evening the individual left a party where he had a safe place and decided to drive home. There was DUI checkpoint set-up but it was in the process of closing down. A officer was picking up cones and when the driver noticed the DUI checkpoint he changed lanes and ran over and killed the officer. He didn’t even have a chance to react. The officer was due to get married 2 weeks later. The driver was due to have completed 8 years honorable service in the military. Results the driver is doing 17 years to life and he is due for a parole hearing soon. The officer was getting ready to start his family after 4 years with the Police department his fiancée devastated. I knew both the driver and the officer. Lives were changed and ended due a bad choice, not a mistake. I also lost a family member who was assisting a senior citizen with car problems. He was hit by a DUI driver. So if I had a choice I don’t think I would make that bad choice. AV has taxi’s and Transit system and I’m sure if he was that bad he could have called someone.
I’m employed full time and I read the paper to keep abreast of the changing times in the AV. I’ve only lived here 2 years but it has changed from what longer residents had called an ideal place to raise a family. By now you would figure things would get better based on the bad avoidable choices that people make everyday as you stated. A mistake is correctable a choice is a decision you’re stuck with. I met do disrespect to you Aaron but I’m not going to say it’s ok he made a terrible mistake. Both families have a lot to deal with. As for the officer’s you say are drinking at Schooners I would just make a casual citizen complaint. I’m sure IA will investigate.
lancasterlady says
I so agree with all you said…It is a CHOICE to do or NOT to do.
From a mother who lost her only child to a drunk driver, drinking and then driving will always be the wrong choice!! And that person’s choice will stay with me for the rest of my life, as Aaron Benson’s choice will stay with her family for the rest of their lives.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the lady’s family and friends.
frank eugene says
I don’t get it . Back in my drinking days I could never find my car, let alone start it when I was as drunk as Aaron.
shana says
Wow! Where not safe sleep or up in our homes anymore cause of drunk drivers. This world is coming to an end quickly. Smh
Tony says
well, let’s enjoy life while we can.
Anonymous says
Man this is terrible. I knew Aaron from his workplace and he always seemed like a responsible kid. Very nice, attentive, and respectful to everyone. He seemed like someone I would’ve been friends with. He made a terrible choice and I am sure if this young man can take it back, he would. A woman lost her life and a young man ruined his. Just horrible news for everyone involved.
h says
Hold the stablishments a countable for selling alcohol to overly drunk people.
A says
know your facts before your post things you know nothing about besides what’s on social media
Michaela says
[removed] The whole world makes [removed] mistakes ! My bro is a college grad and and Eagle Scout , he is not a burden on society! He did not mean for this to happen ! !! Stupid piece of [removed] !!! U guys talk all your [removed] and no one knows [removed]!! Get a job and get off the internet loser !
peurina says
you say get a job and get off the internet well I guess your speaking from experience right since you are also posting
right back at you says
It doesn’t matter if he graduated with a PhD or was an eagle scout, what matters is the fact that his poor judgement of turning on his vehicle and driving out of the parking lot, knowing that he had even the slightest buzz changed his and the victim’s life forever. If you drink and drive in the state of California and end up injuring or killing another person you will be held accountable regardless of if you are an outstanding citizen or a wanted crook. The court doesn’t make verdicts on what could of happened, it makes verdicts on what did happen.
Debbie says
You are you calling loser. Looks like you are the loser!!!! You are on the internet are you not loser!!!!!! LOL
alex vee says
Im gonna miss you Aaron… you was my favorite bartender at buffalo cafe’s…. Man you were really good at what you did…. what a lost….
Fran says
Well I guess he did it too well and took a life at the same time
Debbie says
alex vee you are ignorant fool!!!! A woman lost her life you idiot!!!!!! With that kind of thinking hopefully you will be in a jail cell right next to your favorite bartender. Hopefully before you kill a innocent person sleeping in their bed!!!! What a IDIOT you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
scoob says
Did this man work a chicken cafe @roger how in the hell is in high school and he 25 yrs old this fool is slow ass hell:(
scoob says
This guy serve me and my kid food in the sport bar. What a [removed]
scoob says
Did this man work a chicken cafe
drub says
Although I do not condone what happened and I am praying for the victims family, Aaron Benson is a great kid from a great family. He is deeply suffering from the result of his actions. It’s safe to say that he will live his life in regret and remorse. Good kid that screwed up big time. The victim did not deserve it but he has to live with it. He has a family too and believe me, they are deeply saddened for both sides and are suffering.
great post says
You’ve hit the nail on the head. More people ought to have a character like you. Thanks for posting.
Lae says
I doubt the whole remorse thing because this is his second offense. If he had any remorse at all and learned from his past, then it never would’ve happened the second time around.
Also, he’s 25 years old. Not a kid anymore. He’s a full-fledged adult with a past DUI offense. He knew better, but his arrogance and stupidity got in the way.
Santino says
I was there I saw it all I was the first one in the house looking for her you people are ridiculous I cannot believe this guy drive through old ladies house all you guys can say is a bunch of stupid racist s*** y’all are ridiculous get lives all of you she’s a sweet lady
John says
Live in the AV long enough and you’ll be a racist too
roger says
The aaron Benson i know was not the person you are describing. He was in jrotc and an honor student in high school. Do not paint a picture of someone you clearly have never met. Yes he made a terrible choice and he clearly knows he messed up but he didnt try to run like so many would after realizing what happened
doesn't matter says
Doesn’t matter if he ran or he didnt, the lack of judgment he made as soon as he stepped into the vehicle is the only determining factor in this whole incident. The fact that he was a good person and student is absolutely arbitrary to the idea that this single lapse in proper judgment will change his and the victims life forever.
ANGEL says
You guys are all jerks for the hurtful and cruel things you said about my friend. He is a great guy. We all making mistakes. I’m so sad this lady lost her life over a mistake my friend made, but he is human. I know he must feel so horrible for what he did. So instead of talking trash I think it would be better to support him during this time. I don’t want people to judge him based on this tragedy. He is one of the most kind, funny and nicest guys I ever met in my life. I am so sad for him, this lady and all families involved. Please let this be lesson to everyone in the city to not drink and drive. No one is exempt from these types of accidents from happening.
John says
Let this be a lesson to everyone to not drink and drive? WTH! Stop defending stupidity, Angel. How many more LESSONS do we need to realize that drinking and driving is dangerous.
Anyone that has half a brain is exempt from causing these types of accidents. BECAUSE THEY DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!
Mona says
Well your friend should of called you to get so he would not drive so if he was your friend u would of not let him drive into an old lady and kill her
william says
This is his 2nd dui, guess he did not learn his lesson. The hammer will come down hard my friend. R.I.P. to the lady safe asleep in her bed!
MARK says
Agree William, this was his second DUI One would think he would have learned the 1st time. he will have plenty of time to think about his actions. RIP to the poor women who thought she was safe in her bed.
Eye opener says
His first should have been an eye opener, and a blessing as well. The first time he didn’t hurt anyone, instead he was saved by the law and was sent to some classes to show you what can happen when you drive intoxicated given probation which he may still have been on. He was shown just what he did this day is exactly what can happen when you drive intoxicated. This one is no longer an eye opener, this was a life changer for the victim and for him. He will now spend most if not the rest of his life in prison. Let this be an eye opener for anyone who has driven buzzed or intoxicated.
Sandy says
I hope he gets a long time locked up
Oh you can bet on it says
He will sandy, he will.
Julie D. says
My son and his friend did a production of “Harvey” last year and I met this sweet lady on the day of auditions. She was so much fun to be around and was one of the best actors my son ever worked with. She was his beloved “Mrs. Chumley”. Rest in peace sweet lady. You did not deserve to die this way. May justice prevail and your murderer put away for what he has done.
benny says
RIP to the lady who never thought she would die after she went to bed at home by a irresponsible driver he shall pay for the choice he has made
N says
Well, speaking from personal experience, the guy who did this was a complete jerk. He was an aggresive, confrontational alcoholic and sadly, something tragic was bound to happen sooner or later as a result.
m says
Yep…what you say is true
Sad someone else had to pay for his idiocy…
Michaela says
You can not post your whole name [removed] ! You do not know my bro! It ironic how everyone has a opinion and really your stupid opinion does not mean a damn thing ! You do not know the story and yes Aaron is opinionated , loud and one sided but he is also a caring , loving , smart, honest , loyal and a lot of other things ! You know nothing about him so shut the [removed] !
His sis
no excuse says
There are absolutely no excuses for what happened here. His lapse in judgement will result in a lifetime sentence behind bars. Any person who drives under the influence will be held accountable for all actions resulting from such a horrible decision. God bless the victim and her family as they grieve during this very difficult time.
Michaela says
He deserves a life sentence for an accident ??? Child molesters and rapist only get 10 years?? You must live in the av to be posting this , so what about the police officers that drink at schooners and drive home ?? Are they bad too? Everyone [removed] up ! The police office that gave a DUI to my friend clearly drank and drove from schooners ! It’s ok for law enforcement to drive drunk ! Not only bad people choice to drink and drive ! And who are u to judge ??
bn says
He deserves a life sentence for KILLING someone, not just an accident.
no excuse says
I understand you are distraught and full of grief, however as I stated their is NO EXCUSE FOR DRINKING AND DRIVING AND KILLING ANOTHER PERSON. The court views this incident just as it would a point blank murder. Like I said, his lapse in PROPER JUDGMENT will and has changed the lives of him and the victim. And please do not refer to this incident as equivalent with Child molestation and rape because it isn’t. Taking the life of another person due to a lapse in judgment isn’t a light offense. Sorry to say, but he will likely never see the outside of a state penitentiary for a very long time.
Gladys says
accident??? This was not an ACCIDENT!!! He killed someone in their sleep… He made the decision to Drive while Drunk!!! clearly not an accident!!
shuvanii says
As a person who was nearly killed by a drunk driver years ago, I can honestly say RACE RELIGION GENDER AGE SEXUAL ORIENTATION does not matter. Drunk is drunk and to drive while under the influence of anything (including prescription drugs) is dangerous and the people who do it and injure or kill someone and/or damage property need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The woman who almost killed me had killed a four year old child while under the influence of something less than a year before she hit me. She did no jail time in either case.
Desert Flower says
Some people shouldn’t drink, no excuses for causing someone’s death.
Marshall says
What makes this so tragic is that this was preventable. You don’t have to drive drunk!! I’m sorry has not brought anyone from the dead yet, neither can I’m sorry dry the tears of the loved ones left behind. Whoever it was that committed this crime, you deserve prison. I have no sympathy for you.
kali says
congratulations white boy you just proved everyone who comments on Mexicans doing bad things and driving drunk but know they can put a zipper on their big mouth and understand white black Mexican and others all do crimes so stop being so [removed]
Really says
Really…. This has absolutely nothing to do with race. It has to do with some stupid SOB getting drunk then getting behind the wheel. This young man ruined his life by making a stupid choice. I will pray for him.
R.I.P Sweet Lady
jacqUE says
kali says
@jaque, im not worried if he was white im just saying that if it would of been a Hispanic in his shoes there would of been a lot of you guys that would rush to make negative comments so that’s just saying all it doesn’t matter what color you are there is bad people with stupid choices exist in all races.
Tony says
Everytime a spanic comits a crime people start talking and commenting sh..t like every spanic is the same.
too bad some lost their live but this tell us no matter what race we are criminals all over, and there the ones should be prosecuted no some that is trying hard to make a living and dont have a driver’s license.
R.I.P Lady.
Mrs wonder says
So sad of a story. I am very sad for all involved both sides..I must say I am ALSO GLAD HE WAS WHITE. So all the people who comment on here about the blacks and mexicans are doing all.this bad stuff around the AV can shut thier mouths…all they do is turn this into a tragic accident about race wars of the Antelope Valley..It always turns into because they were this color or that color..the sad thing is this innocent lady lost her life. Sad RIP
Did you say SPANDEX?
l says
This is so sad poor woman. This is the second time i hear this happening. First, last year a lovely teen in palmdale and now this. Is no one no longer safe in there own home!? RIP.
Tony says
Now all the racist come on and comment!
everytime blaming on the spanics if something bad happens, this proves you all that no matter what the nationality is people do stupid things.
Sheriff should concentrate more on catching drug and drunk driving instead of checking for driver license and detaining innocent people that are just trying to make a living.
just stand at he corner of 10th and Avenue I on the west side for few minutes and count how many driver you notice that are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Megan says
Tony – you’re speaking of detaining innocent people for a driver license, insurance etc that normally only happens at the DUI check points. Usually you don’t have a Driver license because you have a felony vehicular incident or multiple driving infractions. All of which need to be addressed and consequences paid. Those that are detained at the DUI check points for things other than DUI are just added bonus’ because obviously they aren’t allowed to drive for a reason and I would think it would be for a major offense such as DUI, reckless driving, etc. If you feel you lost the privilege of driving in error, appeal, if you feel you must drive to get to work, etc request a provisional license to do so. Otherwise, you messed up, you pay the price, take the bus!
John says
Law enforcement needs to follow the alcohol path and prosecute if he was over served at a bar, or drinking at a friends house.
This is getting ridiculous
avmom says
I totally agree. no one leaves my house driving if they have had a few beers. Take them keys away, if you have room in your home to have people spend time getting drunk, you have room for them to sleep there, or have a sober person take them home. These people should be held equally responsible whether it be at a bar, club or someone’s home. Sad now another family grieving for these people’s stupidity.
Sara a says
He was leaving work… As a bartender
corrin says
He was at coaches. He was already off of work.I talked to him 15 mins before the supposed time of the crash. :(
Paul Button says
i am writing from KCBS/KCAL, we have a reporter in the area. would you be willing to talk to her? You can call our assignment desk at 818-655-2299 thanks
h says
Hold the stablishment a countable
P says
It’s funny how everyone says hold the business responsible but they don’t know all the details where he went before and after he left and what he was or wasn’t on besides alcohol .. People really need to investigate before they accuse or blame anyone
L says
Before people comment they should really know the real facts instead of blaming or thinking he was over served anywhere.
avmom says
I suppose the first DUI was an accident also. A mistake is somethink you can prove. Killing someone is not! Tell this woman’s family your sorry your friend made a .com istake. That will go over well.
avmom says
@ L can you please state the facts for us.. You obviously have them, so please inform everyone so the nasty remarks could end and maybe we can praise him for what he’s done.