By Lancaster resident Scott Hand
Air shows are a fun and informative way to spend a day. From airplanes to exhibits to aerial demonstrations, you can be entertained and educated all in the same day.
In order to make the most of your day at the air show, you must take some time to be prepared for the visit. Here are some simple pointers that can help you maximize the experience.
First, food and water are key parts of enjoying the day. Check with the air show organizers to see what is and is not allowed to be brought in. [View the list of permitted/prohibited items for the L.A. County Air Show here.]
While there, support the vendors selling food and drinks as well. Hydration is critical for your health. Dehydration manifests itself in such symptoms as headaches and swollen feet and can lead to heat stroke. Water is the best way to fight dehydration.

Next, bring a hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes and sunscreen. Outdoor air shows lead to a lot of sun exposure even when the sky is cloudy. Proper sun protection helps reduce the risk of skin cancer. Wear a hat and sunglasses. There will be a lot of walking to be done to fully enjoy the show, exhibits and vendor booths. A sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher and UVA and UVB protection is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
An open mind is vital for a great air show experience. Ask questions and pick up exhibit material to learn more about aviation. Air shows are a great way to educate kids and adults alike. Don’t be afraid to approach maintainers, pilots and aircrew to learn more about what they do. That is one reason why they are there. A camera is also recommended to help record some memories along the way.
For the aerial demonstrations, bring a chair or blanket in order to sit and watch the action. Standing to watch aerial performances can be tiring and hard on the body.
Bring hearing protection as well. A local drug store should have adequate hearing protection and foam ear plugs are not expensive. Do not forget this.
Be sure to pick up a map or program to better navigate the air show.

For a group or family, pick a rally point to meet back up throughout the day. For children, point out the Lost and Found area. If one is not provided by the air show, a First Aid station or a large aircraft on display are good options to consider if they get lost. Also point out law enforcement or security personnel to children. Decide on a location right away and make sure everyone knows. Also, be sure to listen to any safety instructions so injuries are avoided.
These tips will help you enjoy the day.
Air shows are awesome! Have fun and build memories with friends and family.
Enjoy the show!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
Editor’s Note: The Los Angeles County Air Show takes place from 9 a.m. to around 5 p.m. Saturday, March 21, and Sunday, March 22, at General William J. Fox Airfield, located at 4555 W Avenue G in Lancaster. Tickets for general admission to the Air Show are $20 for adults (ages 13 and up), and $15 for youth (ages 6-12). Parking is $10. For more information, a schedule of events, or to purchase tickets, visit www.lacountyairshow.com.
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William Nichter says
after working the Edwards show and the landings of the shuttle I learned one thing YOU CANT PLEASE EVERYONE so don’t try. They will always have something to complain about. Glad to see someone doing what Edwards could no longer afford.
Glenn says
$10 is pretty pricy for parking. Where does the money go?
Jason Zink says
$10 pays for Jet Fuel! think about it….. it’s a lot of money to fly a plane and maintain them and the pilot and crew need to eat, hotel and transportation.
Glenn says
$10 for parking on top of $20 admission. The one in San Diego is free. Why charge for dirt parking? Who gets the money?
Mrs M says
So parking is free San Diego, huh? Well you all need to take a look at the admission prices. Combine that with travel time and gas to SD, and $10 parking doesn’t seem so bad.
Glenn says
All things considered, I’d rather go to San Diego. I have and I will.
Jason Zink says
Go Volunteer next year then you will know, and be glad to pay to see them here instead of paying a few hundred to travel and see them in San Diego.
Really? says
@ Glenn – What was free? Watching the planes or parking? Because we were there recently, and toured the USS Midway. Parking was $20. The Aircraft Carrier (almost called it a boat!) cost $35 a piece, paid for in advanced and printed tickets. Raddison Hotel – one night $90. Then of course the was the rental car and gas and food and SHOPPING! Fun Fun Fun was had by all but we didnt see any flying planes. My point is does $30 for the day really sound like a lot?
Jong glen says
What a rip-off.
$10 parking!? says
Spensive to park on bumpy unmarked desert dirt, two miles away from the one and only entrance gate into the show… ALOT OF WALKING! bring water!