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Claire says
Atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Patriotism or Terrorism?
Tim Scott says
Weapons testing.
William says
It’s called “2 fer flinching”, Claire.
You’d think the first bomb would have brought about surrender but it didn’t. I could understand that as a kid in the 1950s.
Consider how long a battle it would have taken without using those 2 bombs to effect a surrender. How many American soldiers would have died before Japan would have given up as well as Japanese soldiers and civilians.
It was terrible to have to use those atomic weapons but the alternative wasn’t much better. And, the enemy at that time just wouldn’t surrender until a second device was used. What’s that tell you?
As for ‘patriotism or terrorism’, why do you ask such simple-minded questions? Why not ‘paper or plastic’ or ‘socialism versus democrat’. The world is too complex for your thinking. Your either/or view of the world isn’t mature.
But, that’s okay. It reveals much. You really think you’re saying something intelligent when you ask those questions, don’t you? Get yourself a dictionary if you are having difficulty understanding words in the English language.
Claire says
I don’t engage crazy.
Question Lancaster Authority says
I don’t engage crazy either, Claire. That’s why I stopped going to Lancaster city council meetings. But William did make a valid statement.
William says
Then why do you supply it, Claire.
Y’know, your ‘secular liberalism’ nonsense undermining the nation.
That’s right winger stuff. Crazy? Of course.
According to the Constitution and the Founding Fatheers, this was created as a ‘secular liberal’ nation. And, look what you did with it with that definition.
Tim Scott says
Good thing. You’d be stuck in front of a mirror.
William says
Now, now, Tim Scott. You be nice to Claire.
It’s my job to use her own comments to ‘undermine’ her ‘notion’ (no, not nation)
She makes it so easy.
Keep ’em comin’, Claire.
Tim Scott says
Sorry, that was just too much of a hanging curve to lay off.
Lady Liberty says
Claire I agree with you. We don’t need to engage crazy.William and Tim Scott are completely brain dead liberal cool aid drinkers.
William says
I knew it.
When the CEO of the AV Hospital resigned , I wondered if he was going to get a big severance package. Y’see, that’s the scam they appear to run.
He’ll get $475,000, a year’s salary. But, get this, his contract was changed to allow that severance if he retired, the day before he did so.
Now, he’ll go somewhere else and get another job and for 1 year get 2 paychecks. He probably already has one lined up.
This is what they do routinely. It’s an unusual occurrence if a CEO in such a position actually completes a contract before resigning or being fired.
The board is a mess. There is now confusion over whether he was fired or he resigned. The first report was that he resigned. What the heck?
I recall a similar buyout in the 90s with the hospital and can’t recall if there were several similar ones inbetween then and now.
When you’re a hosptial administrator or other such jobs, you have to keep moving from town to town since there aren’t a lot of openings in one town. The trick is to get your contract bought out early so you can double-dip on the paychecks with the next job.
Don’t you wish you could do that as easliy?
The AV Press doesn’t followup on these guys to see what they do next. Or, the board doesn’t look at their past employment history to see if they were bought out last time. It sure happens often enough to notice.
William says
Granny13, Claire and the ‘others’ who think conservationism is so great.
Look at the mess that Lancaster, the ‘Christian Community’ has been in for years as a bastion of conservative thinking and governing.
Lancaster is a microcosm of the GOP mindset. The rich ‘good ol’ boys’ do well while everyone else suffers from lack of services and desirable besinesses. And, there’s the added feature of a ‘ruler’ that will set out to destroy any opponents.
Then, there’s the lowered bond rating under republican rex parris. Lancaster is a perfect example of failed conservative policies. Over and over, rex’s plans fail to fulfill his big promises.
Do you want that for the entire country as well? We had it under Bush who left a huge mess for President Obama to clean up that you guys consistently deny/ignore/dismiss etc.
William says
Does anyone know what is happening with the proposed Walmart across from Quartz Hill High School?
I drove by there recently and there wasn’t even a sign posted on the property.
The issue has gone silent for many months now. Either it’s been abandoned or some fishy deals are being done behind the scenes which wouldn’t surprise anyone.
If Walmart gave up on the project now that they’ve built the Neighborhood store on Rancho Vista Boulevard, chalk that up to another failure for rex.
What kind of record can he run on next year, if he does run? I’m guessing being mayor isn’t so much fun anymore since all there is to do if handle problems and not create pet projects for rex to boast and brag about till they go kaplooey.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Do you mean the one where Rex’s Pal James Vose made $300k selling the property which was zoned residential and then when he became Planning Commissioner he voted to make it commercial? The one that hundreds of people showed up to protest but Rex ignored the will of the people and shoved it up their butts? The one where Rex said he “had” to do it? Let’s hope it never gets built and the good people of Quartz Hill and the thousands of students at Quartz Hill High School can have the kind of lives they deserve.
William says
Yeah, that one.
The one where Lancaster gets the sales tax revenue, if it’s built, but Quartz Hill gets the traffic and the problems.
What kind of ‘Christian community’ does that to its neighbors?
Question Lancaster Authority says
Apparently “love your neighbor” is not in his Bible.
William says
For rex, it’s “Love Thy $$$$$s”.
And, it shows.
wb says
William,for someone that lives in palmdale,why do you have the need to spread your hate,ig-nates,as rev al says,towards Lancaster?you have nothing worth listening to.just baseless rants of an old worn-out delusional lib,who lives only in the past.funny,how you make fun of the republicans.how many people does Hillary have to kill,before you don’t vote for her?how about the one you worship,barrack.remember when you replaced your painting of jesus,with barrack.keep you hate in palmdale,where you live.
Claire says
Most Americans are proud, selfish, greedy, arrogant, ungrateful, treacherous, and completely addicted to entertainment and pleasure. America is in a social, political, moral, and spiritual decline as well. Most people will not understand until it is too late. I mourn for the country that I was born in and that I still love. Hateful comments will abound because it is commonplace on social media. Most of us have a roof over our heads, running tap water, food in our bellies and a reasonable amount of money to provide a relatively comfortable life. Yet there is plenty of room to complain and be hateful toward one another. What a shame!
William says
Did y’all see ‘Trainwreck”?
No, not the movie. The fox/GOP debate starring Donald Trump and some minor actors.
They better be nice to him or he’ll run as a 3rd party candidate. Either way, the GOP loses.
Joey B says
William 24 million saw the debate. The most watched ever. It was great. Very informative. Several intelligent people to chose from. One down 8 more to go. Can’t wait.
William says
They watched it like they watch a trainwreck. I bet there were a lot of drinking games going on too.
Joey B says
I bet there are a lot of democrats taking notes. They could learn a lot on the constitution.
Tim Scott says
LOL… referring to a couple amendments by number hardly makes Huckabee a constitutional scholar. As for Rand Paul trying to school Christie…that was hilarious, but hardly educational.
William says
You mean from the party that if it doesn’t agree with a Supreme Court decision wants to ignore its rulings.
Yeah, that party.
You embarrass yourself. The Supreme Court was written into the Constitution to do what it does even if the GOP and you don’t like the results.
That comment of yours was pathetic.
William says
Let me guess, Joey B. You voted for Bush TWICE.
Do you expect us to buy what you’re selling here?
Same with some of the other right wingers on this thread.
Joey B says
William, let me guess you voted for Obama twice. Enough said!!
William says
@Joey B.
Did President Obama invade a country based on false information and do nothing after he received a warning a month before 9/11, crash the economy like we haven’t seen in most of our lifetimes, put 2 wars off-budget so he could hide them from the national debt numbers you guys keep whining about and so on.
You have no creds here. Keep that in mind.
wb says
William,congress invaded a country with bad intel.unlike your messiah,there was a vote.but thanks to barrack,we have issis,or issal as he calls it.more acts of terrorism on American soil,than any other before him,thanks barrack.gosh,whats next,illegal immigrints raping and murdering,no wait,too late
William says
“congress invaded a country with bad intel…”??
Did you really say that?
Cheney/Bush were determined to invade Iraq 9 months before 9/11 when they took office according to Bush’s former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neal.
Congress only gave Cheney/Bush ‘authorization’ to use force. Cheney/Bush were already planning to do it and 9/11 was just the excuse.
You’ve been brainwashed by right wing media and it appears to have worked well on you.
Did you really think there were WMDs in Iraq at the time? I DIDN’T. I was paying attention and knew it was a big lie all along. As did many others.
But, you were fooled, wb, and now you want to blame Congress. It was a republican majority Congress, at that. Is that what Limbaugh tells you to think?
Wb says
Yes william, congress took a vote, and voted for war.all the democrats and Republicans. But 13 years later, you still bring it up.unless you are barrack, you cant go to war without congress.but in your hateful small liberal mind, you have decided that bush was going to invade anyways.even though he didnt.btw, didnt american soldiers just get killed in Afghanistan? But wait your messiah said war was over, huh?
Tim Scott says
wb…you can quote all the Faux News revisionism you want, but no one but the dittoheads will ever agree with it.
Congress was provided with falsified data, inclining them to consider the vote. Then the public was stampeded by a president who used what had been the “bully pulpit” for some blatantly false fear mongering with the “smoking gun/mushroom cloud” speech. That stampeding public forced congress’ hand, and that was that.
It’s no wonder the dittoheads want to share the blame around, because there is just so much of it, but history, every member of the United Nations, and most Americans outside the Republican party are well aware of how Bush and Cheney got their war. Until the GOP purges every member of the GWBush administration that was part of this atrocity they should NEVER be entrusted with the White House again.
William says
Can’t you read, wb? Really?
Bush’s former Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neal, wrote a book about how Cheney/Bush were planning to invade Iraq starting the moment they took office in January 2001. And, were likely thinking about it well before the inauguration.
Bush et al ignored the President’s Daily Brief on August 6, 2001 warning that bin Laden was planning an attack on the U.S. What was done with that warning?
Even the Clinton administration warned the incoming Cheney/Bush team that bin Laden was a threat. What was done about that?
No, they were planning to invade Iraq even though Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11…….for the oil.
215 republicans voted for the resolution. It wasn’t a declaration of war. It was left to Bush to use diplomacy and work through the UN Security Council and use military force as a last resort, not the first. 6 republicans voted against it.
82 Democrats voted for the resolution and 126 against it so don’t try to make it seem like they are equally responsible. It was overwhelmingly supported by the GOP/fox ‘news’ and you, no doubt.
It is the biggest screwup in our history and it was left for President Obama to get bin Laden and pull our troops out of that mess in Iraq per the agreement signed by Bush before he flew the coop.
You on the right call people “hateful” FOR POINTING OUT THE FACTS. What’s that make you, wb?
Actually, wb, “What is the matter with you and your ilk?”
Going back further, Poppy Bush could have warned Saddam not to invade Kuwait but his diplomat, April Glaspie, told Saddam something like “We don’t have a dog in that fight.” Then, Saddam went ahead and invaded.
Both Bushes got us into wars with Iraq unnecessarily causing many American deaths, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths and over a trillion dollars added to the national debt.
You are so misinformed, it’s a wonder you can find the door to leave a room.
Were you fooled into thinking there were WMDs in Iraq or are you now going to tell us we found them?
You need to get an education, wb.
William says
They’re eating each other alive over at fox ‘news’.
Go to Megyn Kelly’s Facebook page and read all the angry comments by Trump supporters and former Kelly watchers.
There’s now a petition to have fox get rid of Kelly by right wingers.
Joey B. thinks it’s great stuff that 24 million watched the debate. I bet the RNC now wishes nobody watched it. Reince Priebus cut the number of debates way down to limit the exposure of the insanity of the GOP candidates as much as possible.
By this time next year, the GOP/fox ‘news’ thingy will be a puddle. A stale, stinky puddle.
They just can’t help themselves.
JustSayin says
“Even the Clinton administration let bin Laden go. What was done about that?”
William says
Oh, you mean, anytime Clinton did anything in his last few years “It was a distraction from Lewinsky”.
Well, he did warn the incoming administration about al Qaeda and since the GOP is the great hawks when it comes to defending this country, nothing.
You got nothing. Live with it.
William says
I love watching the ‘crazies’ that reply to us ‘libruls’ here. They reveal too much of the ugliness in their thoughts for all to see.
The more they comment, the worse they look.
William says
Claire, have you had an original thought today?
Here’s something to listen to while you search.
Please get back to us with that original thought. We’d love to hear it.
Lady Liberty says
William, always being a know it all. It must be a requirement to be a liberal. Stop living in the past. Get a grip man! You are completely fixated on the Bush family. Do you sleep at night with all your crazy liberal garbage swirling around in your head. You twist and distort the truth to suit your view of the world. Your ideaolgity is ruining America and America is sick and tired of it. That’s why Thrump is a head in the polls. Everyone is tired of career politicians with their lies and deceit in both parties.
Tim Scott says
LOL…trump is ahead in the polls because the 65-75% of the GOP that isn’t TOTALLY insane is currently split sixteen ways. It is totally amusing that the Trumpster has so thoroughly fired up the crazies, but his support will top out around 35% and once enough others drop out of the clown car for someone less crazed to consolidate support Trump will fall out of the lead.
William says
But, hey, Tim Scott. Do you think Trump’s supporters will line up behind a Jeb Bush or a Scott Walker or whomever?
If he doesn’t run as a 3rd party candidate, enough of them will probably stay home to hand the keys to the White House to Hillary……..or Bernie……..or Joe. Anyone but a republican.
24 million Americans saw that mess of a debate and I’ll bet Reince Priebus secretly wishes that none had seen it.
Go to Megyn Kelly’s Facebook page and read the nasty comments by Trump supporters. They ain’t happy.
And, they ain’t gonna go for anyone else if Trump doesn’t get the nod. That is so sad.
Tim Scott says
Unfortunately they are all locked into the same untenable GOP positions, so choosing between them on their minor differences is a moot point.
The solution to the immigration issue cannot be boiled down to three words, but in order to win the nomination a candidate is going to have to say “build a fence.” The seventy percent of voters who are NOT Republicans, in the general election, are going to demand to know just how that is supposed to work, leaving the candidate at a loss for words.
The solution to the seemingly endless conflicts in the middle east is not “we just need to invade the right place, third time’s the charm,” but in order to get the nomination that is the foreign policy position that the candidate will have to take. Again, the 70% of voters who are not Republicans are going to find this position absurd.
I admire Huckabee for having the courage to answer “how can you be electable with this unpopular position on right to choose?” with the honest “this is my position and yes I know it makes me unelectable.” Unfortunately for the GOP they are going to demand a similar disqualifier from whoever they nominate.
Add to that the party position on economic policy that everyone on the stage shares and must espouse (“yes, it has been discredited but I am still pretending that it works”) to get the nomination even though the other 70% will immediately point to 2008 and say “no freakin’ way” and the whole process, while entertaining, is revealed as pretty pointless.
Kasich looked good, because he bucked one of the party’s unacceptable positions. Rubio looked good, because he bucked another. Even Paul looks good at times, but only because he bucks yet another. At the end of the day the point is that to look REALLY good a candidate needs to buck pretty much ALL of them, and that candidate would be a Democrat.
Claire says
Can John Kasich break out of the GOP pack? He deserves to. Governor Kasich shined!
Tim Scott says
He is going to get branded as a RINO and run out of the race. Putting the people of his state ahead of party unity will be unforgivable in far too many Republican primaries. He was by far the most electable of everyone on the stage last night, but he has no shot at the nomination.
Lady Liberty says
Great debate. After MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews said Donald Trump looked more like a leader than Obama! Wow even the left is impressed.
William says
Kasich brags about expanding Medicaid in his state. It was part of the Obamacare legislation.
He brags about job creation, blah, blah, blah, like Rick Perry and some other governors whose states benefitted from the OBAMA ECONOMY.
They don’t tell you that it was Bush that crashed the economy in their states and that the overall economy improved under President Obama. Yeah, Ohio did it all by itself.
The GOP voters are so ignorant of the world around them. Not to mention their very short memories.
Lady Liberty says
The national dept is larger now than all other presidents combined. Our grandchildren are in big trouble. This country will be like Greece going bankrupt. Obama stole from social security to pay for Obama care. Everyone should read Mark Levin’s new book. “Plunder and Deceit”
Tim Scott says
I always wonder which national department you are talking about.
As for the national debt, the largest increases have come under Republican administrations, so for the Republicans to claim that as a campaign issue is remarkable, to say the least.
William says
@Tim Scott
Facts don’t matter to them ‘puglicans. No way. No how.
When they yap all day and all night about freedom, they mean ‘freedom from facts’. And, they are so right.
Back in 2009, when they were fighting President Obama on every single issue, EVEN THEIR OWN BILLS, I suggested that the Democrats seek advice from mental health professionals on dealing with the crazy idiots.
They were no longer the ‘loyal opposition’ but deranged in their hatred of the President and would put the country at risk just to bring him down. They shut down the government. They got our credit rating lowered for the first time. But, they forget that.
And, yet, there are people who comment here that act like that was normal, reasonable politics. Or, are simply are oblivious to those ‘facts’.
wb says
come on tim,stop making things up.barrack has increased the debt more than all the presidents,combined,in the history of this country.numbers don’t lie,but you do.its easy,you take the debt now,subtract where the debt was when he took office.the difference is his,but he still has over a year left.lets see if we can hit 20 trillion.oh,and lets not forget,he passed the largest tax increase ever,more than any other before him,combined.all on the backs of the middle class,its called OBAMACARE.whats next,tim,william,he created jobs?more math for you.take the so called jobs he created,now subtract the increase in welfare,disability and social security.oops,turns out he lost jobs.stop making things up
pirruris says
I am not a republican but I really liked John Kasich.
Tim Scott says
That is a clear indication that his chances of winning the Republican nomination are somewhere between slim and nil.
pirruris says
That’s true.
Tony says
Politics, Religion and Sports.
Three main topics that have sparkled many wars!
Claire says
Republicans are better informed, more intellectually consistent, more open minded, more empathetic and more receptive to criticism than their fellow Americans who support the Democratic Party.
Tim Scott says
Do you worry about being struck by lightning when you say things like this?
Lady Liberty says
Tim Scott, what is the difference between socialism and democrats? William can’t answer the question maybe you can.
Tim Scott says
Socialism, as a word in common usage, has come to refer to the kind of state ownership capitalism that was used in the Soviet Union, so it is basically an economic system. The closest example of this kind of economic approach that has even been mentioned in the US is single payer health care, which we don’t have.
Democrats are members of a political party. While that party tends to endorse economic policies that are less “free market” than the Republican party, on a world scale they are closer to such free market theory than pretty much any other country on the planet and don’t come anywhere near “socialism.”
I apologize for not being able to effectively address your question, but it is sort of like “what is the difference between coconuts and the south Pacific?” The two things are too different to really be compared.
William says
I answered the question with the dictionary definitions from Merriam-Webster’s online and they either are on some other thread or are still in moderation which is so slow.
The difinitions are so different from each other that your reply was spot on as to the question’s ridiculous nature.
Lady Liberty says
Socialism- noun
An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than individually.
Leftism, welfarism, progressivism, radicalism
All of the definition is exactly what the democrats promote and stand for
William says
A study has shown that viewers of fox ‘news’ are less informed than people who don’t watch the news at all. That must mean you, Claire.
Your comment was so totally untrue, it deserves some kind of an award.
Conservative brains are more sensitive to fear responses than liberal brains. That’s why fox ‘news’ is so successful with them as every story incites fear and outrage.
Conservatives are more ‘faith based’ in their beliefs and not just religious beliefs but everything else. They are rigid and uncompromising no matter what contrary evidence is shown them that their belief is incorrect from climate change to evolution to economic policy such as ‘trickle down’. The birthers are a prime example. They weren’t going to accept any evidence that they were wrong, wrong, wrong. And, they still don’t.
Claire, you’ve really gone too far this time and revealed a kind of ignorance that is remarkable in the 21st century with all of our access to information.
You go, girl. You and your ilk are why the GOP will lose the presidency in 2016.
Remember what your Bobby Jindal said about the republicans “We’ve got to stop being the ‘stoopid party’.” He meant you.
Claire says
I don’t watch T.V. and thank you for validating my comment. No open mindedness, not receptive to criticism, and so on.
William says
Where do you get your ‘information’, Claire?
Come on. What news sources do you depend on?
Claire says
Pew Research Center.
Tim Scott says
LOL…please provide a link to ANYTHING that Pew Research Center has said that supports your ridiculous claim about Republicans being better informed, or more open minded, or any of the other nonsense you spouted.
William says
Now, now, Tim Scott.
Claire likely gets her ‘knowledge’ from Breitbart, the Daily Caller or forwarded emails from like-minded ilk.
Y’know. THE TRUTH.
William says
You? Open minded?
I’m pretty sure you are very rigid on many issues.
-man-caused climate change
-science in general instead of religion or political ideology
-marriage equality
-voting rights
-raising the miniumum wage
-raising taxes on the wealthy
Let’s hear your open-minded views on the above.
Or are you afraid to state them?
A non-response will be telling.
Claire says
You’re the king of non-response. You’re not open minded enough for us to have a conversation. You will only pull the deflect card. I know the truth is uncomfortable for you. I understand and I feel empathy toward you.
William says
See, Claire. You were non-responsive.
What are you positions (open-mindedness) on the above issues or any current major issues?
Your ‘secular liberalism’ comment was almost word-for-word out of Bill O’Reilly’s mouth that he’s been spewing for years. Yet, you don’t watch teevee.
Did O’Reilly steal that from you? Or, are you just so embedded in the right wing bubble that you absorbed it unconsciously? You apparently don’t do your own thinking when your comments look like ‘cut and paste’ from the right wing media.
The more you comment, the more you reveal just how unthinking you are. Keep it up.
I am waiting for your next predicatable comment telling me about the TRUTH as only Claire knows it. LOL.
What is this TRUTH of which you speak, that krap about ‘secular liberalism’? It gave us the civil rights laws, and it is fighting now for voting rights being suppressed by your side. Before ‘secular liberalism’, this so-called ‘Christian nation’ had slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws and so on. Yeah, secular liberalism really ruined the fantasy country you think once existed.
I don’t pity you. I mock you and your ignorance. There is no other way with you.
Your turn. Give us your positions on those above issues.
Lady Liberty says
William, you want answers so here.
I believe in religion, you believe in science
I believe in God creation, you believe in evolution
I believe in traditional marriage, you believe in same sex
I believe in voting rights for al legally registered to vote, you believe in voting rights for anyone registered or not
I believe the minimum wage should be up to the states, you believe it should be controlled by the federal government
I believe in a fair tax for all, you believe in taxing the wealthy only
The difference between me and you is you want the federal government to control everything and I believe as the founding father’s wanted, less federal government and intrusion with the control going to individual states. Your ideas are socialism and that is how Obama is running our country. You are the one with a closed mind.
William says
Your big error Lady Liberty is your telling me that I ‘believe’.
Just because you ‘believe’ which is a very primitive human way of interpreting the world around us doesn’t mean that everyone ‘believes’. Ancient peoples ‘believed’ that the gods rode in chariots across the sky or sacrificed young virgins to appease them. You are no different. You believe things that can’t be proven and you no doubt want the government to enforce them for you. Right? Right.
Yet, without even asking me, you automatically assume that I ‘believe’ this and that.
I don’t.
Some things, I have a direct experience of and don’t even have to give them any thought at all such as gravity.
There is something called the ‘scientific method” that people called “scientists” use to test and prove theories or disprove them. When there is enough repeatable evidence and agreement among scientists who’ve done the work, I’ll generally ‘accept’ their informed opinions.
I don’t ‘believe’ their opinions. Science is ongoing and if new evidence is developed or discovered, scientists will revise their work.
I’ll bet you $1,000,000 that you cherry-pick from the bible if that is your source for your beliefs. You’ll dismiss or ignore what you don’t like. And, I’ll bet that everyone that shares your particular faith has a customized list of what they believe and disregard. What a foolish way to see the world.
At another time, you would have believed that the sun revolved around the Earth because that’s what the church said. So much for the TRUTH in religion.
But, go ahead and believe whatever you like. Believe you can fly and jump off the roof. Please. See how nonsensical ‘believing’ is.
Now that you’ve revealed yourself, I’m done with you. You talk about closed minds. Yet, you’re with the party that refuses to compromise. You won’t compromise on your beliefs which certainly shows that you have a closed mind. You won’t accept evidence that contradicts your beliefs. Right? That’s a closed mind.
William says
Clair thinks she’s open-minded. Comedy Central will be hiring her soon.
Lady Liberty says
Sorry William, I don’t cherry-pick the Bible. You talk about compromise on the republican side. What a joke. The dems won’t compromise on anything. Obama just goes around congress and the house. The deal with Iran is one example. He made side deals with Iran and told congress they didn’t need to know what they are. They just need to support it. Same with Obama care. Pelosi told the republicans you don’t need to know what’s in it just vote for it. If that’s your idea of compromise than you don’t have a clue.
pirruris says
Lady Liberty says
24 million watched Fox News last night to see the debate.
Tim Scott says
An astounding number. I was most amused by that being more people than voted in the Republican primaries in 2012…which means it is probably more people than have ever voted in a Republican primary season, though i haven’t checked that.
Trump may be the best thing to ever happen to voter turnouts.
pirruris says
Claire,you must think that we are living inHimabama. Fact of the matter is, your empathetic and open minded rublicans protested the undocumented children in Murrieta California. These are your prolife God loving hypocrite republicans. Your bible thumping republicans shoeld yhemselves with the bible but turn around and do the opposite. Do you rea
ly believe God would be sporting a gun if he was living with us? I thinkGod wpuld be for universal healthcare and for helping the poor.Please stop smoking that S^$$/^t. Your nonesense is for the birds.
Claire says
Since you’re a liberal William, then you must also side with a fellow liberal, (Peter Singer.) Or maybe you are more liberal than Professor Singer.
William says
You like to quote Stalin.
Here’s one from REPUBLICAN governor of Louisiana and GOP candidate for president, Bobby Jindal.
“We’ve got to stop being the STUPID PARTY.”
He means you and Lady Liberty, Claire. And, when is that going to happen?
You 2 are quite a pair.
William says
And, the 10th runner up in the Miss Fox News Pagaent is………..
Miss Ohio-John Richard Kasich
Oops, Rick Perry, Miss Texas
Forget Miss New York, Donald Trump. The highlight will be Miss New Jersey, Chris Christie, in the swimsuit competition. Miss New Jersey was the 8th and 9th runners up.
Another high point of the evening will be Miss New York’s talent which is shoveling manure at the audience.
Fans of this show will be swilling fine boxed wine by Sam’s Club as they prepare to start drinking for next year’s election now.
Frank Rizzo says
I took a ride by the new commuter apartments in Palmdale, the place was nasty and low lifes everywhere, what is up with all the homeless and creeps in Palmdale? One of them was screaming Willy down the street. Is it all the meth use?
Anon says
Probably just some of the BLVD panhandlers out for a walk. It gets pretty crowded on the BLVD….with panhandlers, that is. Shoppers and diners are elsewhere.
Eye In The Lancaster Sky says
Mayor R. Rex Parris has:
…told the Wall St. Journal that playing bird sounds on the BLVD lowered crime in the City
…called the BLVD better than Disneyland
…claimed construction of Palmdale’s power plant without further examination could be akin to the disastrous launch of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986
…called an African American candidate and military veteran Jonathan Ervin a “gang candidate”
…got into fisticuffs with David Abber at a local gym
…called the California Energy Commission’s environmental report on the Palmdale power plant “fraudulent”
…dressed up a doll at a BOOLVD press conference and called it Mayor Ledford
…said,”We’ve got this newspaper in town that thinks the Brown Act was enacted by God and that every time they can say that we violated the Brown Act they think they’re going to be elevated to heaven when the Rapture comes.”
…said, “We’re growing a Christian community, and don’t let anybody shy away from that.”
…said in regards to prayer at City Council meetings, “There has to be some reason that Lancaster is thriving when every other city in the country is failing.”
…described streets as “essentially a necessary evil.”
…said, “Lancaster Boulevard would not be what it is if I had not been to Europe a couple of times. Because, when they were saying it will never work because it’s cold in the winter, I was starting to buy into that a little bit until my wife showed me a picture of me in Paris in 5 degree weather reading a book on a park bench.”
…claims he is “black, Asian and white”
…stated “Bangladesh is going to disappear” and the Bangladesh will be “destroyed by a cyclone” in his lifetime
…said there aren’t very many “good restaurants in town”
…called the Metro Rider Relief program a “scam”
…wants the California High Speed Rail to wait a year because Elon Musk might have “something” next year.
…said that since the beginning of time people have been sent out to the desert to die
…claimed that 67 homeless people a day were being sent to Lancaster on Metrolink trains
Do you question his truthfulness, his intelligence or his sanity. Or do you question all three?
Tim says
He’s nuts.
G says
He is nuts and his lackey Marv is dumber than a mushroom. The Dumbnamic Duo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr fed up says
Every week is the same old crap about parris talking out his arse! How bout run for office in April, ( giggles)/nd change the system instead of just complaining about the same thing every week in the opinion page
Tim Scott says
Not eligible. I live in Palmdale. I would certainly hope the residents of Lancaster manage to overcome their cleverly designed electoral system and give Rex the boot though.
More Fed Up Than Mr Fed Up says
Every week Rex says or does something stupid, questionable or solely for his benefit so people comment. If you haven’t been to a Lancaster city council meeting stop by. You will see and hear for yourself what a dolt he is.
I have no interest in running for office but I will pledge my time and my money and my energy to support his opponent. Problem is, since Rex is a destroyer of people few will come forward to run.
Turd Ferguson says
Yes he is nuts.Yes he is nuts.But so is this post about LEAPS.But so is this post about LEAPS.It was on a blog.It was on a blog.
>>It’s been discussed numerous times here and in other online discussions that LEAPS is a fraction of the total LASD budget for Lancaster or Palmdale station. Additionally it is used for investigating suspects that would otherwise require taking a deputy off the street. So while it’s hard to see the tangible benefits of the aircraft it does in fact provide a force multiplier for deputies and investigators. While there isn’t a lot of information made available publicly, for operational security/safety reasons, the people who have been briefed on the program and provided a demonstration of how it is being used find it to be worth having.<<<
What a load of dung.What a load of dung.They wet their pants anytime LEAPS flies over a crime.They wet their pants anytime LEAPS flies over a crime.Then they try to make it sound like LEAPS solved the crime.Then they try to make it sound like LEAPS solved the crime.Which is pure BS.Which is pure BS.Like that post.Like that post.Like LEAPS.Like LEAPS.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.No to spending $90,000.00 a month for nothing.No to spending $90,000.00 a month on nothing.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.That is more than a fraction.That is more than a fraction.That is taxpayer money wasted.That is taxpayer money wasted.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Lancaster Voter says
Why has Lancaster been so silent about LEAPS? How many did they sell to other cities? Why hasn’t California City, Palmdale, Rosamond, Bakersfield, Santa Clarita, Victorville, etc. all jumped on the LEAPS bandwagon?
I know why. You know why. They know why. It is a miserable failure and a waste of our money.
Tim Scott says
As I understand it the company that makes the drones is doing well. I’m sure that Mayor Rex is just as willing to give them glowing endorsements as he was to spend Lancaster’s money providing them with proof of concept. Whether the thing actually accomplishes anything, ever, is secondary, at best.
Lancaster Voter says
LEAPS is not a drone. It is a Cessna 172 Skyhawk that requires a pilot. It is owned by Aero View LLC, which is a partnership with Spiral Technology owned by Steve McCarter and Frank Visco, one of Rex’s financial and political supporters. It costs the city $90,000 a month and they signed a 10 year contract. It was billed as an “aerial crime fighting tool” and has been anything but that. It was showcased to 15 cities all of which rejected this joke. Lastly, the propaganda from Lancaster said that “as the demand for LEAPS grows, the City will benefit from an influx of new jobs and tax revenues.” Pure crap. What a waste of $10 million dollars.
On the bright side, the contract is over in 6 years.
Tim Scott says
I looked that up and yeah, aircraft mounted monitoring thing company instead of drone company. My bad.
Lancaster Voter says
No harm, no foul Tim, as the greatest basketball announcer of all time Chick Hearn used to say. R.I.P. Mr. Hearn.
James P. Biddle says
Whenever there’s a large money contract, or no-bid contracts, you will see the names behind it are Frank Visco, Jim Gilley, or Scott Erlich (to name but a few.)
It’s the same ole’ old guard’ that gets the deals and have been since Lancaster became a city.
If you think leaps in worth the money, listen on a police scanner. You will rarely hear it being involved much. Yeah, it does occasionally come in handy, since the sheriff’s helicopter is not out here near enough. But is it worth the cost? No.
What is the purpose of leaps. Lancaster footed the bill for R & D. The plan is to license it to other cities and Rex and Visco pocket the profits.
This is just another (of several) scams that benefit the old guard.
Joe says
How true Mr. Biddle. large money contracts, no-bid contracts, ANY $ county real estate deals for Frank Visco, Jim Gilley, T. Rex, Scott Erlich, David Schaeffer, Steve McCarter and ALL the ass kissing good old boys, (and the middle man who was and still making it ALL happen Tom Shepos,) of the LA county real estate division, Frank Visco’s long time county “friend”/client . That’s why I left the Antelope Valley years ago to begin with. I could not get ANY contracts! Total corruption! Shepos, Gilley and Visco. Why was Shepos in the AV all the time? Doesn’t he have an office at the L.A. county?. Or other county clients?, Does anyone know this dirtbag?. Now I see Frank is expanding his turf to Quartz Hill,,,. Good luck to everyone who is trying to get any bids in Quartz Hill.
Shepos will make sure you won’t…
AV Observer says
if you want to see a complete raving lunatic spew idiotic thoughts, watch Lancaster Channel 27 on Time Warner Cable or at http://www.cityoflancasterca.org. What a kook. He knows nothing about science and less about history .
William says
Miami Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla), is suggesting that Trump’s campaign could be a Democratic scheme to hurt the Republican Party.
Even if that was true, it seems to be working. The funny thing is, Carlos is exposing the complete stupidity of the GOP voters who now have put Trump ahead in the polls. So, why is he complaining?
We have some folks here in the Antelope Valley who are stupid enough to want to vote for Trump. Why would a republican congressman complain that it’s a Democratic plot if the republicans like him?
And, these fools want to govern a country and they can’t even ‘govern’ their own party. What a big mess it will be next year.
The Democrats have to just sit back and let the fools self-destruct, right Granny13? Of course I’m right. It you can’t see what’s a-coming, you’re in for some big surprises.
Put August 6 on your calendar, Granny. That’s when the fox ‘news’ GOP debate is on. I can’t wait to come here and tell you about it and rub your nose in it. Thems your peoples. I’ll bet the audience applauding and booing to various comments will be another big embarrassment for you.
Tim Scott says
Okay, that’s hilarious. What hold does this knucklehead think the Democratic party has over Trump? Trump is definitely destroying the GOP, but it’s clearly a case of loose cannon, not a rival party plot.
Granny13 says
I can’t wait for the debates. Yes the Republican Party has a full house of candidates but at least we have a choice. You liberals are choosing between only two. A lying, master manipulator cover up entitled woman running off her husbands name and a male socialist who doesn’t have a chance. As you say William I can’t wait especially for the debates when Hillary finally decides to speak with the media present. Then she can’t rope them off!! It’s a bucket of popcorn fun.
William says
Hey, Granny13
It took ya over a week to come up with that terribly lame reply.
You just can’t admit that the clown car will open up on August 6 in the fox ‘news’ circus tent and 10 bozos will spill out.
What else could I expect from you? You’ve never written anything worth writing here ever. EVER.
August 6. I’ll be lookin’ for ya here after the GOP debates, if debate is even the correct word to describe that clown show that you find yourself at home in.
Granny13 says
William, so sorry looks like I hit a nerve! Sometimes the truth hurts.
William says
What are you talking ’bout Granny13?
The truth just bounces off you.
You’ve got a clown show coming August 6 and you don’t seem to realize it.
You project your ridiculous mentality on others quite a lot when you can’t address the content of their comments.
By your faulty logic I hit a nerve that caused you to reply to me, didn’t I? But, then you try to turn it around. Boy, are you simple.
Granny13. Meet bird and the others who think exactly like you.
William says
Lady Liberty/Granny13 are interchangeable like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman.
Don’t these folks think for themselves or is that against their religion whatever that may be?
pirruris says
Granny, thanks to thosr socialist…..you still have your social security.People like you keep voting for the same republicans that want to get rid of your social security. I am still waiting on the government to come after my guns. When are the death pannels going to be set up for seniors?
Granny13 says
Pirrirus, wrong, thanks to the socialist Obama they are now saying Social Security will run out in 2016. Obama stole from it to fund Obama care. There is nothing there but an IOU. Obama gives more than a half billion every year to Planned Parenthood. Republican’s aren’t racist we are just the party who believes in LEGAL immigration. A new pole out this morning shows the American people think the country is going in the wrong direction and is in big trouble by 62%.
Tim Scott says
If you are going to call someone else wrong you need to establish your own credibility…and rattling off a string of Faux News “facts” isn’t going to do it.
Social Security “full of IOUs” is the norm, and has been for decades. Ronald Reagan cut the income tax by a huge amount, mostly benefiting the wealthy. At the same time he instituted the biggest tax increase in the history of mankind to “save social security,” an astronomical increase in the payroll taxes taken out of every working person’s check. The ordinary worker saw their income tax drop and their SS “contribution” go up about the same amount. The treasury issued bonds that the SS administration bought, transferring the tax into the general fund so Ronnie could outspend the Soviets. Social Security is invested in US savings bonds, always has been, always will be. The whole “Obama stole from social security” line is such a crock that only the truly clueless Faux News dittoheads repeat it.
I could just as easily demolish everything else you just said, but with a dittohead there is no point. You would just spew another round of unsubstantiated sound bites that you don’t even understand.
Granny13 says
Tim Scott, I didn’t hear that on Fox it came out of the mouth of Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Mr. Matthews seems to be very disenchanted with Obama now. He also stated that our country has the potential to go bankrupt when our grandchildren grow up because of our dept. Maybe you should establish your credibility before you call out others.
Tim Scott says
Maybe it doesn’t matter which talking head you are blindly parroting.
Tim Scott says
To establish credibility in the anonymous world of the internet Granny, try consistently showing that you know what you are talking about. While people around here disagree with my opinions, constantly, no one can effectively dispute my analysis. Reagan did do the things I said. The interaction between the payroll tax, social security administration, and treasury department works exactly as I described, and anyone who does any research will find that out.
To NOT establish credibility, parrot nonsense spewed by a talking head on TV, and demonstrate that you have not checked into their soundbite for yourself. For example, continued soundbite quoting about the “national department” is never going to get you anywhere.
William says
Give us a break, Granny13.
If Chris Matthews came out in favor of President Obama on an issue, would you be quoting him here?
Of course not. But, you are using him as an authority on the President now.
You are a fraud.
rico says
Center on Race, Poverty, and Environment, files fracking discrimination lawsuit against California Governor Jerry Brown.
rico says
Mark Nechodom is first one in (“the Enterprise”), to resign, right after the racketeering lawsuit was filed against Governor Jerry Brown and oil companies. This is about California’s water.
William says
What on earth are you talking ’bout, rico?
You throw out a couple of short comments with no background, context or explanation.
Are you simply typing while asleep?
Anyway, it’s too late to backtrack now. You’ve already lost the discussion from the get go.
Tim Scott says
Took a bit to make the connection, but the lead attorney on this bit of frivolity is our very own scumbag in chief; Imperious Rex. No doubt these are shill posts coming out of his office, or perhaps his backside.
Son of the Anti Rex says
his shills are pathetic. whatever meager sum he is paying them it’s too much.
Son of the Anti Rex says
just another one of parris’s many lawsuits against deep pockets so he can make a cheap buck. or cheap millions of bucks. how much has this Cretan stolen from the public already? let’s hope gov. moonbeam kicks his litigious butt back to his cave in lancaster or laguna or wherever the heck he lives.
the frigging earth is 70 percent water. this isn’t about californias water. this is about a greedy, twisted, cunning, evil twit trying to fill his bank account so he can buy more buildings with his name on it. next thing you know he’ll be buying buildings with his wifes name, then his brothers name.
JustTweakIt says
I thought his brother was dead?
El Z. says
A Cretan is someone from Crete. I think the word you’re searching for was “cretin. “
Son of the Anti Rex says
Yes, El Z. You are correct. He is not from Crete, which is fortunate for the Cretans. He is a cretin, but only in the second definition of the word, not the first. He is not afflicted with cretinism.
Definition of CRETIN
often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism
: a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout
rico says
Kern County group files RICO lawsuit against Governor Jerry Brown and oil companies.
Welcome to Parris' Playhouse! says
Why does he continue? Why does that one article keep bothering me?
…his cowboy boots inched slowly forward as the birds chirped their song… *Vomits*
Why do we have mayor Parris?
How does this slide under the eyes of the sheeple? The Government? The MEDIA?!!
We had a drone before drones were the thing to protest! Hell, we pay $90000 every thirty days or some ungodly amount. We apparently get tasers from the waste management for our cops. The mayor gets to ride go carts on his private pee wee’s playhouses road. ALL OF THIS NOTHING HAPPENING FOR SUCH A LARGE PRICE! And who gets to enjoy it? NOT US!
Stupid is as Stupid Does says
Why does he continue? Because the voters in Lancaster are the most uniformed, scared, bullied and stupid voters around. We deserve everything we get because of him. He declared war on Section 8 and we got sued. He fought David Abber and got sued. We voted for moving elections to November and he ignored us. We told him we didn’t want a Walmart Super Center in our backyard and he told us to pound sand. He tried to sell us crazy business ideas like selling garbage that were complete failures. He tried to push birth tourism down our throats and got caught and stopped. He called one of our African American residents a “gang candidate” and got away with it. He has alienated us from our neighboring cities of Palmdale and Santa Clarita with his silly lawsuits to the point where people won’t come here because of him. He has sued businesses in our own city and then they left. He is suing our own VFW halls. He pushed his nutty spy plane on us and it is costing us $10 million.
We got what we deserve because we are stupid.
Tim Scott says
In fairness, the way elections are conducted in Lancaster displacing Rex would take a MASSIVE effort, not just the normal workings of democracy.
As for the media…Rex controls BY FAR the largest stream of advertising revenue in this valley. There is no way on earth that the Valley Press or any local radio station will dance to any tune but his.
William says
You really captured everything in one concise comment. Would that our local right wing in his pocket rag, the Valley Press, was as observant as you are.
The funny thing is that Palmdale and Santa Clarita are doing fine and will keep on doing fine while rex has pretty much ruined Lancaster for a generation or more.
It’s a city of over 150,000 with Walmarts and little more. A guy would have to leave town to buy a suit. It’s that poorly served.
How will it ever catch up as long as rex & co. are running things?
Not an idiot says
Hummmmm, Palmdale Mayor Ledford and Santa Clarita Mayor McLean are both republicans. Both doing great jobs for their city’s. William and Tim I guess all conservatives aren’t bad!
Tim Scott says
I’ve campaigned for as many Republicans as Democrats, and voted for more. I never said they were all bad. However, a lot of their economic policies have been demonstrated to be obsolete, and their recent foreign policy positions are frankly catastrophic. Doesn’t make them bad…as mayors…but I’d rather see them kept out of Washington.
William says
You are too. How can Palmdale and Santa Clarita be doing fine in President Obama’s FAILED economy according to the GOP?
Yeah. You guys are really something.
Actually, parris is more like the current republican party than Mayor Ledford and look at the mess Lancaster is.
Not an idiot says
Tim, what about the lack of foreign policy of Obama. It’s a disaster. He has made America known for turning its back on our alies. We are now laughed at and no longer known as a leader in the world. He turned his back on America by going to the UN for support on his Iranian deal. He circumvents our constitution on a daily basis. He has done nothing to strengthen our foreign policy. In fact he has completely destroyed it.
Rf says
I notice that Lancaster now has cycles lanes being installed on 15th West From J to the Blvd. Right outside a school/church which has hundreds of cars trying to pick up & drop kids off.. so of course it makes perfect sense to reduce the amount of road space available to motorized transport by 50%.
Makes just as much sense as it did when they were installed along Valley Central Way because we all know that people who go grocery shopping use bicycles to pick up a weeks worth of food, or go for a family meal at Black Angus etc.
Apart from the one day a year when Rex has his “Try to knock me off my bicycle” ride & has the LASD close down rods all over town to protect his entourage.. has anyone actually seen ONE cyclist use any of these cycle lanes? It has to be at least a decade since I saw anyone stupid enough to ride a bicycle in the desert heat. I did see one person pushing one about 3 years ago, but he was walking on the sidewalk.
Seriously, who the hell is pushing this brainless initiative?
Jason says
As someone who rides, I wish I knew who was pushing for these lanes in ridiculous spots. Maybe had they asked for cyclists opinions, they would know where we actually ride. Where they are putting these lanes makes zero sense as not many people ride those areas.
As far as riding in the heat, not a chance. Most of us are on the road at sun up to beat the heat.
Tim says
Who is pushing this brainless initiative? The same brainless wonder who gave us the $10 million dollar useless Eye in the Sky. The same brainless wonder who gave us Ecolution, which failed miserably. He’s the same brainless wonder who thinks bird sounds on the BLVD actually lowered crime, and the same Einstein that claims Bangladesh will be wiped out by a cyclone in his lifetime. The same genius who thinks his watery road coating will be sold to cities all across the Southwest. This is the same Mensa who declared “war on Section 8” and dragged the whole Vally into a lawsuit with the Department of Justice. Who is pushing this brainless initiative? Our All Knowing mayor.
anotherdummy says
Those bike lanes were intended more as a means of slowing the traffic down, not so much for convenience of bicycle riders.
AV Observer says
Be sure to tune into tonite’s Lancaster City Council meeting, commencing at 5 pm on channel 28 or via stream at http://www.cityoflancasterca.org. What a show we have for you this evening! Watch as Rex & Co. vote to approve a check ledger that contains a bill for $89,991 for Aero View LLC, owners of LEAPS, a.k.a. “The Eye in the Sky.” Marvel as Rex and Marv wax eloquently over the virtues of taking $50K from Lancaster’s Proposition A fund and magically ‘donate’ it to the esteemed Senior Citizens of Palmdale — and take pot shot after pot shot against the Palmdale city council. Ooo and ahhh when you watch them go into closed session to unravel the multiple lawsuits facing our fair city. It’s can’t missing viewing, folks. Grab some popcorn, pour yourself a adult beverage and hold on for Mr. Rexie-Toad’s Wild Ride.
Tim Scott says
Meanwhile, in news from what used to pass for the real world, as of today the first candidate to emerge from the Republican field with a clear lead in national polls of Republicans is…DONALD TRUMP.
Republican party leaders look with dismay upon the faithful, who once again seem absolutely possessed with a demand to reveal just how unelectable a candidate they want to nominate. Democrats are barely able to contain their glee at this revelation of the true face of the modern GOP. And the Republican echo chambers are (pardon the expression) trumpeting this calamity for the Republican party as some sort of triumph, which is only leading the party further out into the wilderness.
Granny13 says
Under this liberal biased racist president, “white lives don’t matter”. He makes public statements when a black person is killed. He even goes to people impacted and let’s them know how bad he feels for them. But a white young woman killed by a seven time felon who is an illegal alien living in a sanctuary city he doesn’t even comment on. In his seven years in office no wonder race relations have gotten so much worse.
William says
Granny13 likes to spout the stuff she hears on fox ‘news’. Has she ever had a thought of her own?
As for President Obama being divisive, another fox meme, which party has alienated blacks, Latinos, the LGBT community, union members, single mothers and many other groups? Everyone but the racists and the 1%ers.
Yes, Granny. It’s your party that has been so divisive the last 6 years and quit projecting it on the President or the Democrats and take responsibility for it yourself.
You comment reeks of racism.
Granny13 says
If I had my way I would clean house in Washington. Everyone from both parties would be gone. All we have is career politicians. They are all corrupt. What I don’t understand from you Tim and you William is why you call someone a bigot who disagrees with your philosophy. Yes I don’t agree with homosexuality but I’m not a bigot or a hater. It’s just my own opinion and I don’t force it on anyone. I don’t agree with amnesty for all the illegals but I don’t hate Hispanics. I think they are putting a huge strain on our economy and jobs. William please don’t tell me anything about single mothers as I have the experience with that while I’m sure you don’t. Tim you say the GOP is in trouble I agree but so are the Dems. Both parties need new honest trustworthy people who will actually represent what the people want.
William says
You’ve revealed yourself too well in previous comments.
So, don’t try to whitewash your thinking now.
William says
You’re so dishonest, Granny13.
You say you’d like to get rid of both parties but you’ve consistently trashed the President and Democrats in your comments here.
Now, you dishonestly try to pretend to be independent because you can’t defend your party, the GOP, can you?
It’s typical of your ilk. You’re not the first to try that nonsense.
Tim Scott says
Who do you think I called a bigot?
I said that the bigots in the Republican party are responding to Trump’s rhetoric. They are. That is what has moved Trump to the top of the polls. The long standing pretense that the GOP “one tent” didn’t roll out the welcome mat for bigots is effectively undone, because there are clearly bigots driving Trump’s jump in the polls.
Note, I have not said, and am not saying, that all Republicans are bigots, or even that all bigots are Republicans.
For the past half century the Republicans have been the preferred party for bigots. The southern strategy of the sixties actively drew them, and the policies since have been designed to keep them without the open courting that would drive away supporters of equal rights. Republican candidates have played along throughout, until NOW. Trump is changing the game.
There is very little differentiation among the Republican candidates. They will all espouse the foreign policy that I consider a gross failure, but Republicans think works. They will all espouse economic policies that I consider gross failures, but Republicans think work. What I think won’t matter in the Republican primaries, but since they all share the same policies what are Republican voters going to use to choose among them?
Trump, by directly appealing to the bigots, is tipping the balance. He has grabbed the one policy (silently allow the bigots their way) they all share but no one else will talk about, and that is going to differentiate him from the rest. In the critical South Carolina primary the bigot vote makes ALL the difference. It tipped the scales in 2000 and gave us GWBush.
He appears to be the only Republican candidate since Nixon to believe that he can galvanize the bigot vote and survive the anti-bigot backlash. Either his objective is to win the nomination with no concern for the general election, or he thinks that the bigot vote is much larger than the backlash.
Granny13 says
William, I’m not trying to whitewash anything. I don’t like the career politicians in Washington. I’m not an Independent. I’m a conservative. I can defend the republicans just like you can defend your democrats. Yes I don’t like this presidents policy. I think he is very harmful for the country. That doesn’t make me dishonest. Why do you always stoop to calling names when someone doesn’t agree with you.
Tim Scott says
Granny you are free to THINK whatever you want. When you share those thoughts in a public forum you are open to criticism. When you make a blanket nebulous statement like “I don’t like this president’s policy” you are open to blanket nebulous criticism.
Policy on WHAT? Foreign policy? Economic policy? His evolving position on civil rights? Or are you just claiming that you have uniformly disagreed with every single position he has taken in six plus years and you are committed in advance to disagree with anything else that he does as well? Because that sort of close mindedness justifies pretty much any criticism that is sent your way.
When you make a claim that the president is “very harmful to this country” that is a statement that any honest person would be expected to back up if it is made in a public forum. Your hit and run opining should be expected to bring the kind of hit and run responses expressing lack of confidence in your credibility that you are getting. You have “revealed yourself too well” and if you don’t like how you are viewed it’s up to you to reveal yourself differently.
William says
Granny13. You say if you had your way you’d get rid of all the politicians but I’ve only heard you criticize the President, liberals and Democrats. Let’s hear you trash the republicans some time. They sure deserve it.
Who do you think you’re fooling?
The GOP is the party of alienating nearly all minorities and other groups yet you hypocrites call the President ‘divisive’. They’ve shut down the government and done nothing but complain and obstruct and have nothing to offer this country but old tired ideas that have proven to be bankrupt.
Well, can you name all 16-17 GOP candidates off the top of your head. No cheating. You guys pretend that it’s a good thing that so many are running. What a joke.
Now, fox ‘news’ (your source for everything it seems) had angered the ones at the bottom and is trying to usurp the primary process away from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
What a big mess they’ve created for themselves and you want that party to govern this country. Don’t make us laugh, Granny13. We’d only be laughing at you.
Do you get how stupid that make you guys sound?
I’m not gonna put up with any of your nonsense. You wanna call the President racist. Well, I’m gonna call you out on your hypocrisy every single time. Too bad if you don’t like it.
If anything, the GOP/tea party/fox ‘news’ has done more damage to the country than gay marriage, illegal immigrants, welfare recipients, and anyone else you care to mention. Right now, they are shooting themselves in both ‘feets’ much to my enjoyment.
You’ve created a monster in Donald Trump. Enjoy. All you can do because you have nothing is to call the President a racist because you are one yourself. And, I mean it.
pirruris says
Granny, conservative is just another name for racist republican.
Tim Scott says
Did this have anything to do with what i said about Donald Trump leading a bigot revolt in the one tent? The GOP is in serious trouble Granny. The bigots, which I’d say make up about a solid third of the eligible voters in Republican primaries and can definitely carry a fair number of states all by themselves are not going to go back to quietly following the dog whistles. For the GOP to keep them in the fold they are going to have to do something glaringly and openly racist.
William says
Exactly. It’s not Donald Trump that is the problem. Anyone who says the kind of stuff he says would be leading the polls right now.
It’s the ‘audience’ in the GOP that is the problem. Y’know, folks like Granny13 who eat that stuff up are the ‘audience’.
William says
Come on, Granny13. Let’s see if you can name all 16 GOP announced candidates running for POTUS in 2016……….or is it 1816?
It’s your party and you can cry if you want to.
I feel yer pain. Really, I do.
William says
On the day that the deal with Iran was announced, fox ‘news’ was promoting the killing by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco from last week all day and distracted Granny13 as was the plan.
She comes here and like a good foxbot, repeats the ‘news’ that fox has programmed her to do.
Benghazi fizzled so now it’s ‘sanctuary cities’ that will keep Granny13 awake at night.
Granny13 talks about ‘having her way’. Well, if I had my way, she wouldn’t be allowed near a voting booth.
Jason says
So its bad that Fox and other media bring up the fact that a seven time felon and five time deportee was released by San Fransisco LE after ICE requested they be notified? And this after San Fransisco asked for the guy on a $20 warrant from 1995?
The sad thing is noone from San Fransicso wants to take any responsibility for this and wants to pass the buck on to someone else. You know it’s a messed up situation when Feinstein speaks out against it.
Tim Scott says
I think the point was that on a day when progress against the neo-con initiative to launch invasion after invasion into the middle east was made Faux News runs a 24 hour blitz on one guy in San Francisco. The niche market they target does not want to hear any good news, they just want to hear “bad lib’ruls” no matter what is actually happening in the world, and Faux News complies.
It’s a valid business model, but it isn’t journalism. And yes, I know, it isn’t original since MSNBC did it first, but choosing a different niche to target still doesn’t make it any closer to real news.
William says
@Tim Scott
This Jason guy has been absent for a while but you’ll notice that most things go right over his head as did my comment about fox ‘news’s’ skewed priorities.
It wasn’t about the tragedy in San Francisco or sanctuary cities but, for fox, it was about distracting from the most important event in recent history to make its clueless audience even more so. See Granny13’s comment illustrating that.
After spending over 2 years and hundreds of prime time segments promoting the Benghazi ‘scandal’, on the very day that the House Intelligence Committee released its formally classified report finding no wrongdoing, no cover up and no stand down orders given, fox predictably gave that news scant coverage and has since ignored the report for the most part.
This recent distraction about sanctuary cities is more of that type of ‘journalism’ that fox is famous for and that Jason not only can’t comprehend but defends.
The Iran nuclear agreement was genuinely BREAKING NEWS, something that fox has on the crawl on nearly every news item but instead milked a story from a week or so earlier for people like Jason and Granny13. O’Reilly had the victim’s parents on his show to exploit them for his own benefit.
Jason replies to most comments in that same way that causes major head scratching. You’ll see. Stay tuned.
Jason says
Only you would call it a distraction William because they didn’t trumpet the Iran deal as out of this world amazing. Yay we reached an agreement with a country that hates us to slow down their nuclear program while allowing them the chance to delay any inspection and at the same time allowing other concessions. Great deal, I’ll wait and see how long it is before that deal gets broken.
I don’t watch fox news and haven’t in years, just like I don’t watch MSNBC. Neither side gives all the facts and only tells you what fit their OPINION. You rip on fox for the same thing MSNBC does.
As far as them “milking” that story, so what? That shooter is a prime example of what shouldn’t happen in this country, but thanks to assinine policies, he was not only allowed to stay in this country but killed someone randomly.
rico says
Sophomoric blowhards! It’s always the ones that talk, talk, talk, but know the least. Thank goodness you don’t have your way. We’re already spiraling down hill too fast.
William says
Are you referring to Granny13 having her way. I was just pointing out the absurdity of her commnet, BTW.
Dr Rick Marshall says
Hey all you “we’re in a drought,no fireworks” people!!
What a surprise! The Fourth produced NO CHICAGO FIRE!
As predicted.
When will you people learn?
It takes you years to get an initiative on a ballot.
But when former mayor of LA Metro got hit by on a bike, two weeks later the new bike safety laws were in place. Do the math! They lie to get you to use resources stop they can charge you extra for those lawn waterings you committed to on the third just inn case the fourth had a bushfire. Did it?
Native says
With all the new bike lanes strewn across Lancaster, maybe the former mayor Villaragosa will be relocating here. (Pause for laughter)
Mayor Parris seems to like cyclists right now. Almost like he’s back peddling against the issues that truly burden this city!
We don’t want Aunt Paulie’s whitewash covering our roads to “fix” driving conditions. Maybe if the mayor could contract one professional that could do what they call their job (remember the ave i offramp?), we wouldn’t have such issues as a need to fix SHODDY WORK!
Anyone who has tried to exit Wal-Mart on Valley Ctr Way knows what a hazard ornamental bushes, hairpin curves & wide bike lanes create for the average driver/pedestrian!
So I guess Oregon legalized it.
I wonder… Obama has allowed gay “marriage,” ok… How many same sex partners get locked up for being just that?
I fear it may pale in comparison when stacked against marijuana possession.
Do you see where I’m heading?
Fast & Furious happened, thanks Holder! Cartel twins were born here. We refuse to legalize research. Cannot legalize weed without clinical studies. Cartel chronic ruined parts of Tule forest area and areas of Mineral King with their diesel generators. We got check points twenty miles inland inn parts through west Texas!
My former band teacher used to say “RESULTS NOT EXCUSES!” (Piute M.S. circa 1998)
Why do i feel we could smash the living daylights out of the cartels appendages on this side of the border by just legalizing it?!
Maybe some of you good ole boys in Lancaster that actually support the mayor could give me at least one reason to believe this is all a delusion of grandeur of someone who questioned authority!
Anyways… Mayor Parris should have let weed shops open storefronts. Rosamond did, now they are on the brink of extinction! Lancaster still has twenty delivery services!
Done says
Political correctness = fake people
Native says
It’s 3:45a on a Thursday and I sit in my rural office watching the lightning sporadically lightning the coast near Santa Barbara. I have to think: with all of this lightning, there is no fires. In my sanctuary of the graveyard shift, I often wonder ‘why’ more than what is prob healthy. Will Lancaster become the first net zero city? Does mayor Parris even care? Is the local government’s efforts to sue surrounding cities for election problems even reaching watchdog agencies? Are the powers at be aware of this hypocrisy about election timing?
Although i cannot answer any of these with cited proof (except the Net Zero city). I realize why i work wether i work. I realize the area of Lancaster is nearly beyond hope. I realize only the filthy survive in the land of the road side waste pool!
The readers speak out section seems to have a running theme of off topic humor followed by a couple of top contributors relating the same old facts. I recently read AeroView Llc mission statement (they operate the LEAPs platform) only to find that it is surprisingly affordable and will fit budget constraints! I have fled that burg once and for all. I got a job in Oxnard paying better wages and offering better atmosphere to work in. The Av is sanctuary to the goldbrickers. Jump ship before you get drawn down.
By the way, going out to the beach to watch fireworks for free in a few days, hope you guys can see the mayor’s house from where you live, otherwise, the grinch will steal your independence as well!
William says
The Supreme Court sides with Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act one more time.
Republican heads explode revealing empty spaces within.
Tim Scott says
On another forum where I have been a participant for a long time there is a discussion going on about “reverse racism”. I just posted this there:
My local “news source site” just ran a story about an upcoming “Miss Black AV” pageant. The comments section LIT UP immediately with shrieks of protest over this “blatant racism.” This in a community where the DOJ just concluded an investigation and found that our local law enforcement targeted people of color in; forcing them from their homes through repeated violent ‘code inspections’, excessive use of force up to and including beatings and shootings, “back seat detaining” which since it meets none of the actual criteria for legally detaining someone would more accurately be called “kidnapping,” and some lesser things…none of which are “lesser” as compared to beauty pageant participation. Stories on this issue also get a few comments, usually of the “DOJ is picking on us, local autonomy” persuasion.
I could provide a link, but frankly I find my home town too embarrassing at this point.
Thanks AV…smh.
Mr fed up says
The Internet lawyers at it again, the DOJ is a joke! And so is the settlement the sheriff department agreed to
t says
I’m sure you can find a country with a justice system more to your liking. Don’t let the door hit ya on your way out.
AV Observer says
If you read the complaint, you will see how the vast majority of the complaints stemmed from Lancaster where its mayor said “it’s time to go to war” against Section 8. With that attitude coming from the top, it is easy to see how it permeated the rank and file. It would be best for everyone if he would leave.
Tim Scott says
Agreed. But let’s not pretend that our local deputies when given this order said “Hey, wait a minute, this isn’t remotely legal.” Their response was more like “Home invasions? Whooooopeeeeee! Let’s GEAR UP!!!”
So’s Ole Rick Perry is comin to the Antelope Valley to russle up some votes for him running for president. He’s even got his own welcoming committee that includes Ole Rex, Mrs. Rex minus the pistol, or so’s we hopes, Ole Rex’s Eye in the Sky pal Frank Visco, Lancaster Baptist Church pastor Paul Chappell; Ole Rex’s brother Rob Parris, another Ole Rex employees Alex Wheeler, and some others. Just a word to the wise to the Perry peoples. DO YER HOMEWORKS! Do you know who’s you is aligning up yourself with? Yer supposed to be pro bizness, Mr. Perry. Ain’t no one nowhere who is more anti business than ole Rex. That SOB will sue any business or city or school district or VFW post he can. Ole Rex is also a pretty strange bird, thinkin weird things like birdie sounds gonna lower crime and that a spy plane is gonna lower crime. He’s even tellin peoples that Bangladesh is going to be wiped out by a cyclone.
If Perry don’t do a better job in screenin out his people then Cap’n Lancaster will do sumpin he ain’t ever done. The Cap’n will vote for a Demmy Crat.
Tim Scott says
Rick Perry highlights that explain his popularity with Rex…
Called the recent shooting of nine in Charleston “an accident”. Clearly Rex can expect a sympathetic perspective on his own racist views.
Indicted for abuse of the power of his office. Obviously Rex can count on being congratulated by a kindred spirit for his own abuses; extra respect for having not yet been indicted himself.
Called the recent shooting of nine in Charleston “an absolute heinous hate crime”. Clearly Rex can expect a sympathetic perspective on his own willingness to sacrifice his integrity to political expediency even when it is shockingly obvious.
I hopes you aints trying to say that Ole Rex is a racist. Now juss because he declared War on section 8 and juss because he sent out them hit mailers callin African American veteran Jonathan Ervin a gang candidate and juss because the sues Palmdale to try to keep African American Fred Thompson from takin the seat he done won and juss because he was part of the Lancaster political machine that fought to keep African American John Mayfield from winnin a coucil seat don’t mean that Ole Rex is a racist. Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha
Tim Scott says
There was a time that I would not have called Rex a racist. But since I got my 80 year old mom moved out of Lancaster the threat of using code enforcement cops to target her to get at me (yes, that did actually happen) has gone away so I can’t be silenced as easily.
Done says
I identify as a hairless sasquatch from the Pacific Northwest. If you don’t humor my delusions you’re a horrible bigot who needs to be reeducated.
Tim Scott says
I’m in! Let’s shoot a video of you and sell it to Faux News…er…the tabloids!
Done says
Alrighty, let’s do it! But we have to be equal opportunists and sell it MSNBC as well. Fox is going to talk about how crazy I am, so I’ll need MSNBC to tell me how brave and heroic and just plain kick arse I am, for having the courage to be who I am inside.
William says
Dear God, right now, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes show has Chris’s and Sam Seder’s silhouettes
in a front row of a theater watching Donald Trump’s candidacy announcement today and commenting a la Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Oh, this is gonna be good. I can’t wait till the fox ‘news’ debate in August with Trump trashing Jeb and the other hopefuls. All that debate will need is people throwing rotten tomatoes.
I gotta buy one of those big old fashioned popcorn machines from COSTCO for this.
Lady Liberty says
William come on now, honestly nobody cares what you get excited about. Keep on watching MSLSD with the rest of the Lib’s. I can’t wait to see Hillary debate and lie her way out of all her scandels. Now that will take a lot of popcorn!!
William says
@Lady Liberty
Now, which one of the clowns is your favorite, Trump, Cruz, Santorum, Fiorina, Bozo, etc.?
You have no capacity for embarrassment and it shows.
William says
@Lady Liberty
I’ll be here commenting on August 6, the night of the fox ‘news’ debate.
Will you?
Mike says
Hillary’s “scandels” were manufactured at Faux News. Faux’s latest scandal is the slaughter of black church members while they prayed. According to Faux News it’s a war against christians and had nothing to do with race. Other news organizations reported it has a hate crime and the gunman told the victims they were taking over his country, raping his women and they had to go. He then proceeded to shoot them.
Eric says
As a citizen of Lancaster, I’m interested in forming an exploratory committee to see about the viability of Larry H. Parker coming to Lancaster and dueling Rex for the position of Mayor. Would anyone care to assist?
Tim Scott says
If Rex is going to duel anyone, I prefer a modern day Aaron Burr.
Just Saying says
Can Rex play the part of Hamilton?
Tim Scott says
After two weeks I had given up on thinking anyone would get the reference. Thanks for restoring my faith.
Son of the Anti Rex says
does Rex get to use the gun his wife tried to sneak on the plane in Burbank?
William says
@moll flanders
who wrote this….
“You are the guilty one, and it’s always the guilty one that accuses others of what they are guilty of William.”
moll flanders accused me of taking something out of context and for weeks hasn’t been able to tell me what the context is, for crying out loud. Then, she says that my replies to her asking what is the context are ‘creepy’. Then, she goes off on another one of her angry, insane rants calling me names because she can’t come up with the context, which should be easy for a 5th grader but not for our flanders person.
I posted the word ‘zugzwang’ a few days ago and it fits flanders perfectly like it fits Lancaster. Every time she replies to me she weakens and undermines her arguments by not being able to say what the context is for her mindless accusation.
Keep it up, flanders. It’s called ‘zugzwang’ and it fits YOU like a glove. The more you protest, the more obvious it is that you are full of it.
William says
@moll flanders
Why don’t you just come up with the context from your accusation and end your suffering and lashing out at me because you can’t back it up?
Come on. Do it.
You remind me of a former acquaintance, let’s call her Barbara, who was a fierce birther who used to forward right wing emails to me all the time after President Obama’s first election win.
I finally asked her what evidence, documentation or proof would satisfy her that he was, indeed, a U.S. born citizen as stated on his long form birth certificate. She wouldn’t answer. I asked over and over and she never answered just like your not answering the my question about the context.
Yet, her and your comments got nastier and nastier as you both avoided a simple question. A question that you both set the groundwork for having to back up your assertions.
You can continue and I will keep asking for the context and you will get even nastier in response just like she did. The right wing mentality sure does a number on people. You and Barbara aren’t the only two infected by it.
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann ran off the rails years ago with their crazy talk only to be replaced by Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and even Jeb Bush can’t get his brain around a position without have to backtrack and fix it for days on end. And, he was supposed to be the Bush child born without the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck (courtesy of Bill Maher)
done says
Spokane, WA NAACP duped by their president who was actually a white woman. Hilarious! I wonder if the liberals will practice what they preach and celebrate her “being the person she is inside” sort of like they did with Bruce Jenner. Or will they say how dare she use her “white privilege” to get ahead by pretending to be black?
Just Saying says
The link you provide says “may be white”, and your comment says “actually white”. That is more interesting than the actual biased Right wing WaPo story.
done says
The article was just being careful and making sure that their language didn’t “trigger” anyone. I care nothing for political correctness, that lady’s as white as snow and crazier than Bruce Jenner. I got one for ya. A white lady walks into a plastic surgeons office and says “let me get the reverse Michael Jackson”….
William says
How cool is that?
I just heard on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show that there’s an obscure law in Ohio that allows anyone with knowledge of wrongdoing to petition a judge to bring charges and have the case go to a Grand Jury side-stepping an unwilling or inept prosecutor.
This was in regard to the police shooting and killing of Tamir Rice, a 12 year black kid playing with a toy gun in a park, by a cop only 3 seconds after his patrol car arrived on the scene. That was shown from a surveillance tape many times on television but nothing seems to have happened 6 months after the kiliing.
Would that every state had such a law.
Now, the question is “How long before republicans in Ohio rush to change that law?”.
Hello? says
Are William and Timmy Scott the same person.
Tim Scott says
Nope. Thanks for asking.
William says
Are ‘Hello?’, ‘moll flanders’, ‘granny13’, ‘wb’ et al the same person with different usernames?
Or, are they different people sharing 1 brain?
Would that be a ‘time-share brain’?
When someone else is using ‘the’ brain, what do you do Hello??
granny13 says
Sorry William, Hello, Moll and Granny are three different brains. The Antelope Valley has more than one person with intelligence. People who are smart enough not to watch MSLSD Chris Hayes. People who don’t agree with the most corrupt regime in history. Scandal after scandal. Lies, lies, lies. Now King Obama is siding with Iran over Israel. Sitting down with Iran who laugh at us and keep saying they want to destroy Americans. What a joke! You and Tim keep bringing up Bush invading but all of the major Dems voted to invade. Did you forget that point.
William says
“MSLSD” You’re not the first one to write that. That and the rest of your comment perfectly illustrates why it appears that you and so many others share the same brain.
As for Bush, he’s the one that left the big mess for President Obama to clean up and the mess you and your clones work hard to ignore like he never existed.
Well, he did and he did leave a mess and it is quite a hoot to hear you and your ilk blame the current president for things that were started long before he became president.
But, that’s you. You prove it regularly.
William says
Americans are still suffering from the mess the Bush years left us. That’s why you don’t want to be reminded. flanders and the rest don’t want to hear about it either.
Well, I’m here to remind you.
If you don’t watch Chris Hayes, how the heck do you know what his show is about? That makes you sound quite foolish.
There were over a hundred and fifty CONVICTIONS of high officials in the Reagan administration. And, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al might want to be careful traveling outside the U.S. lest they be tried for war crimes.
There have been no convictions of high officials in the Obama administration. Where do you get your information Granny, comic books?
Which one of the clowns are you going to vote for in 2016, Granny, Cruz, Santorum, Rubio, Trump, Fiorina, another inept Bush, or maybe Lindsey Graham so more young Americans can die in the Middle East.
How many Americans, including soldiers, died on Bush’s watch from terrorism and war compared to President Obama’s watch? I know that’s not a fair question because you’ll lose if you do the math.
Wb says
William.as of Jan 2015, 2232 Americans died in Afghanistan since the start of the war. Under bush years 569 dead,26%.under obama,so far 1663 dead 74 %.btw.if Obama has ended the wars,how come there are still us troops in Afghanistan and iraq.with more on the way.”no boots on the ground” they must be wearing tennis shoes,not boots.more lib talk
Tim Scott says
So, wb…it seems like you are saying that you are dissatisfied with Obama for not getting us out of a war that Bush started…is that correct?
Just for the record, I’m not automatically opposed to wars myself. I think the first gulf war following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was absolutely necessary and brilliantly executed.
Under the circumstances invading Afghanistan was at least understandable, and according to the international community was justifiable. Invading with no clear objective and no exit strategy was unforgivably stupid, given the lessons we should have learned from Viet Nam and the Soviet experience in Afghanistan. Invading Iraq, also with no sensible objective and no exit strategy, is made even worse by having had to fabricate a false justification for the American people and not caring that in the eyes of the international community such aggression would normally have been condemned as the actions of a rogue state.
William says
Your comment makes little sense as usual.
You forgot over 4,000 Americans died in Iraq and Afghanistan PLUS over 3,000 on 9/11 all on Bush’s watch.
It is pointless to discuss this with you as far as the Great Bush Recession when we were losing over 750,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office, the Dow collapsed, GM and Chrysler almost disappeared, the housing market collapsed and you are trying to blame President Obama fo turning all that around with no help from you or your party.
You are nothing but a fact-free right wing talking point yourself.
William says
Was Barack Obama born in Hawaii as stated on his birth certificate and, therefore, is a U.S. citizen?
Granny13 says
William, you are so brain dead it’s sad. This is 2015. How many years has Obama been president now? He has had plenty of time to fix the so called mess. Stop blaming Bush. What is the nation dept now? I feel so bad for my grandchildren having to live with Obamas mess. Everyday our freedoms are being trampled on and taken away by this corrupt administration. It’s a bit hard to prosecute any of them because you had Eric Holder investigating himself. How did that go? They all just resign once their lies and crimes are found out. You and I will never agree on politics. You are a liberal and I’m a conservative. Let’s leave it at that.
Wb says
William.no I believe he was born in hawaii,at least that’s what he said.just don’t understand why his social security card was issued from Connecticut?I also believe him when he said he was a muslim.he inherited a mess as you say,so what.more in poverty.China passed us on top economy.spent more money than all previous before him.said he ended two wars but troops still there.how did the campaign go again,between hillary and him.oh yeah.” When the 3 o’clock call comes,who’s more prepared” turns out.none of the above.how about the phone ringing for 7 hours straight.none of the above.the worst in history will be his legacy.but jimmy Carter is relieved.
William says
@Tim Scott
The first Gulf War was well done. However, it could have been prevented by Bush41 and it’s a scandal that he didn’t.
His diplomat, April Glaspie, spoke with Saddam as he was putting his troops on the border with Kuwait in July 1990. She told him that the United States had no dog in the fight between those 2 countries (in so many words).
If Bush was smart, which doesn’t run in that family, his diplomat, Glaspie, would have told Saddam that the U.S. would defend Kuwait if he attacked. Apparently, for no good reason, Bush let Saddam do his thing and then spent billions defending Kuwait after the fact.
That was so incredibly stupid and I don’t know why he wasn’t raked over the coals for his pathetic leadership in that instance.
Oh, sure. He used our military to lay waste to the puny Iraqi army that fled, leaving their vehicles behind, and enjoy a 90% approval rating after the short war.
Bush41 like his offspring were both wimps acting tough by using our superior military to fulfill their fantasies and the heck with the loss of American lives when their egos were at stake.
I guess junior Bush wanted to do the same thing and bask in similar glory a la “Mission Accomplished”. Both presidents named Bush messed up in Iraq and we are still paying for their monumental ineptness and Granny13’s grandchildren will be paying for it far into the future after President Obama put it in the budget where it belonged in the first place.
Tim Scott says
“China passed us on top economy.”
Would you mind telling me where this talking point comes from? I see it popping all over all of a sudden, so I know it had to have been said on some popular right wing outlet. It is so grotesquely in error that it can’t really be an “error,” so if you could point me towards where this outright lie originates I’d be grateful.
For the record, US GDP is more than half again larger than China’s. It isn’t going to stay that way, because China is continuing their industrial revolution (two centuries behind us) and inevitably their population being five times the size of ours will mean their economy gets larger than ours…in about twenty years, give or take.
William says
@moll flanders
Are you also ‘bird’?
You still haven’t come come with a ‘context’ after all this time after making a baseless accusation.
But, you like to call me names, a job you’re so good at and makes you a roaring hypocrite.
Keep it up. What is the ‘context’?
William says
Your boy, Baby Bush, had a 7 minute brain freeze on 9/11 while reading My Pet Goat when told the country was under attack after he did nothing for a month after being warned bin Laden is going to attack the U.S. in his President’s Daily Brief after waiting 9 months since he took office for an excuse to invade Iraq which his master Cheney was itching to do anyway from the get go.
3,000+ died on 9/11 plus over 4,000+ soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq ALL ON BUSH’S WATCH. You do the math, smartypants.
Yeah. Your side is just full of stupidity and recklessness and you really have no room to criticize the current President.
Tim Scott says
wb…nevermind, I found the source. China became the world’s largest market, as measured by purchasing power. Some people would (and do) argue that the somewhat useless term “world’s largest economy” should be assigned by purchasing power rather than GDP. This bit of intellectual parlor conversation got picked up by Faux News, always on the look out for an OMG the sky is falling story to feed their audience.
By GDP, which has always been the measure, we have about twenty years to go. By GDP per capita, which is a somewhat relevant indicator for quality of life, we outmatch China by about six to one.
Interesting trivia though. Thanks for the tip.
Guest says
Why do you let William and Tim Scott continue to be verbally abusive and bully anyone that disagrees with them or has another opinion on the subject. Also Tim Scott is consistently disrespectful and cruel in his comments about Law Enforcement.
Tim Scott says
Okay, that’s funny there, I don’t care who you are.
Calling someone “brain dead” is definitely a per…oh…wait…that was directed AT William.
If you consider challenging people who spout nonsense as if it were fact “bullying” you need to either get off the internet or find a site with a bunny slope until you get your legs under you.
Also A Guest says
@Guest, the Moderator of this page believes in the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech. This is not a Lancaster City Council meeting where you can be arrested for offending the King. Tom and William have never threatened harm on anyone that I have ever seen. If you don’t like their comments then ignore them or debate them.
William says
I feel sorry for your grandchildren too with you as their grandmother with your antiquated thinking.
Conservatives do live in the past (reagan) yet you get upset when you are reminded of what happened in the recent past during the Bush years. That’s a hoot.
Your so-called ‘scandals’ are just made up allegations from the right and especially fox ‘news’ which I bet is your primary news source.
Remember all that Benghazi craziness, Granny? Even after the republican majority led House Inteligence Committee found NO WRONGDOING, NO STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN AND NO COVER UP, fox ‘news’ and you continue to believe your invented scandal allegations despite that report and many other investigations that came up empty handed.
Yet, you dishonestly blame lack of convictions on Eric Holder. Well, he is no longer AG, so why are you looking to the ‘past’ yourself? You are so twisted. Do you also have a ‘twisted sister’?
What kind of mind do you have that doesn’t accept that and continues on with its fantasies despite no evidence? Your poor grandchildren must wonder about granny’s grasp of reality or rather lack of a grasp. They are just being being kind and tolerating you. Bless their hearts.
How do you know about Chris Hayes’ show if you don’t watch it? You make so little sense with your poorly scripted comments.
You’ll never change. Fortunately, your kind are nearing the end of their existence and your grandchildren will live in a more tolerant world as we now see with their acceptance of things you aging conservatives will never accept but will go down kicking and screaming about anyway.
Buh bye, granny.
moll flanders says
William…You’re actually that delusional, calling someone else dishonest! Stealing my name, and then lying. Stalking me for weeks with creepy comments. All because I told you that you took something out of context. So stealing my user-name makes you a thief. Writing, “I’m sorry William, I have been a fool for so long.” That makes you a liar. You have no integrity William, and you are also a stalker. I’m not the only one you’ve done this to.
moll flanders says
I feel sorry for you William. You will never change. You are intolerant of others, and all you know how to do is to be a cruel, vicious, hateful bully. The hateful rhetoric that you type, only goes to show what a miserable, lying, thief that you are. Oh yes and you are a stalker too. You steal other peoples user names to write what you want them to say. You are a very sick individual William.
moll flanders says
William, you can’t even take personal responsibility for your conduct. Take personal responsibility for your wrongdoing and apologize! I didn’t steal your user-name. You’re also a spineless coward for making creepy comments to me for weeks, because you couldn’t stand that I told you that you took something out of context. You are a very sick person William. You have an obsession about user names, thinking we are all one person playing tricks on you. You are the guilty one, and it’s always the guilty one that accuses others of what they are guilty of William.
William says
You first, moll flangers. You haven’t taken personal responsiblity for accusing me of taking something out of context, have you?
You haven’t denied using another username such as ‘bird’ either or taken responisibilty for it.
wb says
when a scandal involves a lib,its just craziness.4 dead americans on your guy and girls watch.asking for help months before.why that just craziness.for 7 hours your guy sat on his hands.no soldier left behind.you don’t give a damn about those 4 dead,otherwise you would pissed about the coverup.where you going to be at 3 am,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.when the call comes.hillary was drunk carpet munching and barrack for gearing up for another round of golf.go tell there families about a video,william
Wb says
7 minutes, as you say, to process the biggest attack on american soil in history, what a stud.i guess he should have sat on his hands for 7 hours, like barrack did.or just blame it on the white cops, like barrack does.you forgot to blame bush for the over 200, 000 deaths from smoking in 2001.give it a rest lib.
William says
So, W, as you say, was ‘processing’ the biggest attack on American soil in history.
Yeah, Bush is the Cuisinart of American presidents. LOL
Ever see what stuff looks like after it’s been processed in a Cuisinart. It looks like an invasion of Iraq based on lies and over 4,000 American soldiers dead for what exactly? Bush is stupid and people died. He’s your guy, wb, who along with Cheney and, for some strange reason, didn’t show at the last GOP convention where Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair.
How did that election turn out? Didn’t the GOP have a banner over the stage that said “We Built That” or something like that? They sure did. They built a failed campaign alright just like they’re building another one as I type this.
Oh, wb, stop digging. Haven’t you heard of the China Syndrome? You’ve got it bad.
Now, go sit in the corner with moll flanders while someone reads ‘My Pet Goat’ to both of you.
Now, she’s gonna lose it and write something really ‘intelligent’. Just joking. She never does. She can’t.
wb says
does that mean if Obama goes to ohio,he can be arrested?
Confused says
Or how about bush Cheney rum etc al?
William says
Now that marijuana is legal in 2 states with more likely to make it legal, why does it seem as though it’s the republicans who are stoned?
They’re gonna have some 20 candidates running for something. Good ol’ fox ‘news’ trimmed it down to 10 for the first debate in August.
But, about 50 republicans in New Hampshire wrote fox a letter complaining that it wasn’t a good idea to have a cable news channel displace primaries as the place for the voters to decide who their candidates should be based on typically unreliable polls a year and a half out from an election.
The New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper decided to have a simultaneous debate with the candidates not on fox’s list.
New Hampshire, the ‘Live Free or Die’ state isn’t gonna put up with ‘friendly to the GOP’ fox’s bs.
Now, tell me that they aren’t all stoned on some rotten weed.
Oh, this is gonna be good. Hillary just needs to step back while the GOP hopefuls self-destruct……….again like in 2012. They never learn.
wb says
uh?just so you know,they are not in office anymore.havent been for 6 years.are you and William in the new movie I heard about?”back to the future-part 4-blame it on bush” or “gullibles travels”if you really would like to keep going back to the past.you could just blame god.he created adam and eve,therefore they multiplied and eventually George bush was born..there,feel better.
William says
@naive one
That Cheney/Bush left the biggest mess since the 1930s seems to go right past you.
President Obama has been cleaning up that mess they left despite the unprecedented oppostion from the GOP.
We’ll keep referring to the ‘past’ until you guys acknowledge having voted for those 2 destroyers and that they did what they did.
You guys keep going to the ‘past’ when it comes to Reagan dontcha? He was actually the father of the decline of the middle class. That’s when it began in earnest.
Now, he’s a rotting corpse but you guys would vote for him again if you could.
If the Cheney/Bush years were successful, you’d be going back to them yourself to boast and brag. Who are you kidding?
Tim Scott says
War crimes don’t have a statute of limitations.
Eric says
Yeah, but if they charge Bush for lying to start a war, they’d have to charge Lyndon Johnson too.
Tim Scott says
Well, since he’s been dead for decades that would be pretty pointless. Getting the Bush crew off the streets would make us all safer though, since it would prevent them from trying to come back and do it again.
Eric says
Pointless? No. Most people who are running around, screaming about what a criminal Bush is, and I don’t disagree, are unaware of Johnson’s lies about what happened in the Tonkin. Given that certain commentators here like to give the “WHICH PARTY?!!!!!” speech, it feels pretty important that it be recognized.
Democrat or Republican. The 18 year old kids they both send off to die all bleed red.
Tim Scott says
Eric… While I agree with the principle, what makes it pointless is time. There may be a lesson to learn in prosecuting Johnson et al, but prosecuting Bush et al would have genuine deterrent value. The team that stuck us in Viet Nam is dead, with very few exceptions. The team that brought us the debacle in Iraq is trying to return to the White House to continue the “democratization process” across the Middle East. That makes a big difference.
Eric says
The Mid East show of human atrocity will continue, regardless of who is in power. Saudi Arabia’s amazing violation of human rights in Yemen is now entering week 11. Many of those bombs they’ve dropped, we’re US provided. We continue exporting mass amounts of weaponry to the states out there, even though we know what they do with them. Libya is in complete chaos, in large part thanks to our ferreting of arms and the bombs we dropped to remove Qaddafi. Syria is in the midst of one of the most perverted civil wars ever seen. Mercenary armies and foreigners ahoy.
These have occurred under the current regime, all in the name of democracy; with more to come under the next.
Tim Scott says
We aren’t invading anyone, or “spreading democracy”…that nonsense is copyrighted by the neocons who Bush appointed to control foreign policy. Do we continue to trade bombs for cheap oil? Of course. That isn’t going to stop until they run out of oil or we run out of bombs, but that isn’t news.
wb says
biggest mess since the 1930s.prove that William.stop using liberal talking point.show your proof.you hired this guy to clean it up,remember.so far he has done anything.except spend more money than all the previous presidents combined.nothing to show for it.shoval ready jobs,hahaha.how about the 2500 reducetion in medical coverage,how about keep your dctor,keep your insurance,how about unemployement,s sure 8 million jobs created?how about the 30 million more who are on food stamps since he took office.how about the 10 million more on disability since he took office.unemployement is down,because he ran out of people.the best part is,after watching an American get his head chopped off with a pocket knife,he didn’t miss his tee time,pathetic
wb says
another great accomplishment-bin ladens dead,gms alive.sounds great in liberal land.lets see,chrysler took billions,not American company anymore,owned by fiat?gm bailed out for 49 billion,tax payers got back 39 billion?loss of 10 billion tax payer dollars?ford,who didn’t take any money,is doing great?huh?way to invest my money.btw,detroit went into bankruptcy anyways.what a legacy.btw-2 why do we have a short video of the raid to kill bin laden,you know the photo op.but for weeks,months,years prior to ambassador stevens and 3 other americans that were raped,tortured and burned for 7 hours,asked,no begged for extra security,just curious,why no photo op video for this.it lasted 6 1/2 longer than bin laden?huh?
Tim Scott says
wb…2008 was only seven years ago. Most people remember it. For those who might be taken in by the Republican history revisionists with their “oh it wasn’t so bad” nonsense feel free to use the search engine of your choice and look up US GDP. You will find charts that track our productivity through the years, which has gone consistently up every year since the 1930s…except for 2008.
Now, brief economics lesson. In the 1930s means what is known as the great depression. During the great depression the government, for good or ill, determined that the traditional cycle of boom and bust just couldn’t be tolerated any more because the busts were getting too bad. The economy was restructured for permanent growth instead of the cyclic nature that it had had since the founding of our country.
Since then, what we have called “recessions” have been periods of SLOW GROWTH as opposed to FASTER GROWTH, because our economy is not built for going backwards AT ALL. For decades we have been putting in mechanisms designed to keep it from going backwards. In 2008, as a result of deregulation, a debt crisis produced by the Bush tax cuts, and some other factors, we managed to overcome all those safeguards and get the economy to start shrinking.
Here’s the kicker. Once it started shrinking, a lot of those safeguards basically reversed right along with it. Many things that were designed to keep a growing economy growing also work to keep a shrinking economy shrinking. Forcing another reversal, this time into the right direction, was a monumental task THAT JUST BARELY WORKED.
If you think 2008 was “just a normal little dip in the road” I hate to interrupt your blissful ignorance, but you should really look into how close we came to the “global economic meltdown” that GWBush told us was immanent as a result of his administration’s policies. You should also stop to consider how many of us the Antelope Valley can actually support should the infrastructure stop working, as it would in such an economic failure.
In our economy the movement of MONEY is required for the movement of ELECTRICITY. The movement of electricity is required to run pumps that move WATER. If the water stops coming out of the taps, 95% of the population of Los Angeles county needs to find somewhere else to be and get there within about five days.
So, I agree with wb…2008 wasn’t the biggest mess since the 1930s. The great depression was deeper and longer than previous business cycles, but it was a normal feature of the economy that existed at the time. The collapse of 2008 was a dive into the unknown, because the economy that existed at the time was designed around things like that never happening. That was the biggest mess since capitalism supplanted feudalism as the dominant economic system on the planet, sometime in the middle ages.
William says
Look, wb. As of January 2017, President Obama will no longer be in office. so, I guess you guys can’t blame him for anything after that date, right? It will be in the ‘past’.
You are such hypocrites.
Wb says
William.I blame him only because he was hired to fix it,for everyone.I would be the first in line to thank him,if this country was headed in the right direction,but it’s not.Reagan,Clinton both understood you have to work together.this one has been devisive from day one.”republican can sit in the back of the bus”really a Rosa Parks racist remark?he has racially and financially divided this country.I don’t give a crap whose in the wh.just work together.keep in mind,congress runs the country,pres.just has a pen.
William says
At least Johnson said he wouldn’t run again as an incumbant president. Bush still thinks there are WMDs in Iraw or under the table or somewhere. And, Cheney wants to invade Iraq again.
AV Truth says
Thank you President Obama, Chancellor Merkel, and the other G-7 leaders for the rational and level headed approach in dealing with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over the long run.
It is refreshing to see leaders take in the big picture and realize that it will take time to transition the world’s economies and ways of creating and storing energy. Within a century, they say, they would like to see low-carbon to no-carbon economies.
Over time this is doable.
Right now, renewables are still developing as an economically viable source of energy. And they’re only good when the sun is up or the wind is blowing. Energy storage lacks far behind the ability to produce energy from the sun or wind. A Tesla home battery, for example, can be yours installed for $7,000, far out of reach of most consumers. But it’s not much of a workhorse. It will keep your lights on and refrigerator cold during a power outage, but forget using your clothes dryer or air conditioning. To go completely off the grid would cost, according to a recent Associated Press article, about $96,000 without subsidies. That’s about 74 years of electric bills for the average American customer.
So, charting the course with reasonable, attainable goals of reducing CO2 emissions over time and developing an economy that is not carbon dependent is wise.
It’s unlike what we hear around these parts.
Here in the Antelope Valley, we are being fed daily doses of fearmongering and “the sky is falling” nonsense by the esteemed “scientist” Mayor R. Rex Parris. Oh wait—Rex isn’t a scientist. He’s a plaintiff’s attorney. He makes his money by suing businesses, cities, school districts, and now VFW Chapters. Lately, he’s on a “the world is doomed” kick by preaching the evils of fossil fuels wherever he can, despite the fact that he takes his private fossil fueled power plane all over creation.
Rex, who also believes that bird sounds and spending $10 million dollars on a Cessna “Eye in the Sky” will lower crime—and neither does—also believes the Bangladesh will be wiped out by a cyclone during his lifetime on account of fossil fuels.
While few people can argue with any legitimate scientific proof that the earth is not warming, the how’s, why’s and outcomes are debated by people a heck of a lot smarter than Rex. People who teach physics in places like Princeton, or who work as climatologists who believe that the earth is in fact warming take a more measured and reasonable approach than Rex does.
Maybe Rex stands to make a lot of green on his “green” posture. Does he own stock in Tesla or renewable companies? Why does he preach against fossil fuels, yet drives a gas guzzling Audi, flies a private plane, and owns multiple mansions?
The old saying is true: follow the money.
William says
The Rev
June 1, 2015 at 9:53 pm
Bruce Jenner: Proof positive that America is falling apart.
Hey, Rev. Caitlyn Jenner is a REPUBLICAN. Are you one too?
Mike says
America is falling apart, but Ms. Jenner has nothing to do with it. The Supreme Court siding with Citizens United has put a nail in America’s coffin. Now any foreign power can buy our elections by unlimited campaign contributions. Our politicians are bought and paid for. Why people don’t realize this is beyond my comprehension.
William says
Supreme Court decisions should have to be unanimous. This 5/4, 6/3 stuff just begs for being political.
If there are 3 or 4 justices making valid dissensions on a case says that the decision isn’t quite solid and could be reversed later by a different Court.
seer says
Mike you have your crosshairs right on the bulls eye and you also hit the nail on dead center of the truth.
AV Truth says
Dateline: June 4, 2015
Chinese Hackers Breach Federal Government’s Personnel Office.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what Rex is bringing to the Antelope Valley.
#nospies #Americanjobs #humanrightsviolators
Sioux Ewe says
The lawsuits just keep on coming. City of Santa Clarita. Starwood. City of Palmdale. Eastside School District. Antelope Valley VFWs. Sulfur Springs School District. City of Highland.
And now, Governor Brown. Yep. Governor Brown. The same governor that Rex was gushing over not too long ago when the first overpriced BYD bus rolled out.
The love fest is over. Rex is suing Governor Moonbeam.
The money must be good in suing government agencies. After all, it’s not your money Rex. It’s ours. The taxpayer. We’re the group that you can care less about. But we won’t forget you. We won’t. We’re sure Governor Moonbeam won’t, either.
Speaking of “Moonbeam,” which of the two is the real moonbeam? Which one thinks that bird sounds reduce crime city wide? Which one thinks that spending a million dollars a year on a spy plane will reduce crime? Which one thinks Bangladesh will be wiped out by a cyclone in his lifetime? Which one thinks a natural gas power plant will kill children? Which one thinks the BLVD is better than Disneyland?
The real “Moonbeam” isn’t in Sacramento. He’s in Lancaster.
Son of the Anti Rex says
The term used by our nation’s enemies to describe someone like Paris is ‘useful idiot.’ There is none better than he.
William says
When are republican voters gonna learn?
Republican Alaska is facing a $3 billion buget shortfall due to plunging oil prices and the governor is sending out 10,000 layoff notices to state employees. Alaska is another red welfare state getting more from D.C. than it sends in taxes but has no state income tax.
Republican Kansas is in a buget mess too.
New Jersey and Wisconsin with 2 republican governors who want to be president are also having economic problems on their watches while California has had a surplus under Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown.
Even republican Lancaster had its bond rating lowered and is lagging behind its neighboring city which isn’t so conservative.
Where is ‘Not a liberal’ on this news?
When are republican voters gonna learn?
Eric says
I noticed a few of your rants lately, Bill.
1) Cites shortfall in states with Republican governors, yet failed to mention Illinois. Could that be due to a Republican inheriting jacked up financial situations from 10 years of Democrat control?
2) Cited a bunch of Republican “crimes”, yet willfully ignored that Democrats get convicted too. I mean hey, it wasn’t a Republican state Congressman who got busted trafficking arms while simultaneously pressing stricter gun control laws, right?
3) Made fun of the “RWNJ” at Bundy Ranch. Sat in front of his TV during Ferguson/Baltimore protests and screamed “I can’t believe the police would do that to innocent people!”
We all know who the hypocrites are, Bill, and their not the ones trying to fill a hole by using only one of two dust piles.
William says
The republicans have been a disaster for the last 30 years.
Explain that, will ya? And, what has the GOP controlled congress done since taking over in January other than pulling their own bills and having to deal with one of their own named Rand Paul or Ted Cruz. What a joke the GOP has been and continues to be.
The Cheney/Bush terms were a huge disaster, Enron at the start, ignoring the PDB on August 6, 2001, a month prior to 9/11, and ended with a collapse of the economy and a war in Iraq based on lies in between.
Yeah, the Democrats can’t match that. And, don’t bother telling me that the Democrats had control of the congress for 2 years. It’s not true as they only had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate for less than 2 months. And, the republicans set a record for filibusters unless you have amnesia.
wb says
William,is it possible for you to post something,anything,without bringing up the past.your party,is the “move forward” party.remember?pick one,and only one,accomplishment from your great dem party.try to stay within 2009 and 2015.
Tim Scott says
I personally wouldn’t dwell on the past mistakes of the Republican party if they did not seem dead set on repeating them. I think the appropriate place for anyone responsible for foreign policy in the GWBush administration is prison, Mitt Romney thought the appropriate place for them was on his foreign policy team. Unless that changes I won’t be voting Republican moving forward, despite having been a Republican for a long time.
William says
Tim Scott stole my comment. The republicans are determined to repeat their past mistakes such as wanting to invade Iran.
Jeb Bush has most of his brother’s ‘advisors’ on his team which isn’t a good sign.
President Obama has pulled us out of the worst recession in most of our lifetimes and the GOP wants to go back to cutting taxes on the rich, not raising the minimum wage, cutting regulations, etc. all that stuff that gave us our current problems.
And, speaking of the past, isn’t it your party that always goes back to your god, Ronald Reagan, as a role model, who started us on the road to decimating the middle class?
wb says
@tim scott
sorry to hear that tim.this country cant sustain another 4 or 8 years of what this admin has been dishing out.
William says
Climate change
Minimum wage increase
Seeking a non-nuclear agreement with Iran instead of war.
and so on.
Which party stands for those out of a long list of ‘future’ thinking and which pary wants to do the exact opposite?
Answer that, wb. Your party wants to go back to the 50s and beyond after they gave us the disaster of Cheney/Bush. They want to repeat that disaster. Are you going to sign up for another war?
William says
@wb Your party is on the LOSING side of history on nearly every issue and your party wants to go back to the PAST.
Are you blind?
William says
People like you that go after the Democrats and liberals come here and shoot a few blanks, then are rarely heard from again when their ‘points’ are deconstructed/debunked.
Tim Scott says
wb…the economy has gotten steadily stronger for the past six years, and we haven’t gotten into any wars. what about that are you suggesting that we “can’t afford”? Are you thinking we need an economic collapse, or to invade somebody?
wb says
William,still with the past.you fell right into it,so funny.name one good thing that this admin has done,not backwards,forward.just one.and please use facts,not the usual talking points.
Wb says
Not sure how to reply to one thread.william, name one thing that you are better off now, than 6 years ago..stock market, healthcare, better job, raise, etc.betc.but just one.i think if hear something long enough, you start to believe it.
Wb says
Tim Scott says
Waiting for what?
Another global economic meltdown? That’s how the Republican administration described the economy when they got done with it. So yes, we are ALL better off now than we were when the Democrats took over the White House.
Or are you waiting for another pointless war to start under false pretenses?
wb says
tim scott
waiting for you to you to tell me one thing that you are better off today than you were.stop bringing up the past.you just cant.every response from you is about the past.pointless war under false pretenses,global meltdown.very dramatic.still waiting
wb says
I noticed you use the term”are you Blind”to a lot of people on here.pretty insensitive of you.im not,but my mom is…..hope she doesn’t ask you anything.just sayin
Tim Scott says
As I already said, I wouldn’t dwell on the mistakes of the past Republican administration if the current party didn’t seem totally committed to repeating them. GOP foreign policy (current) is that the war in Iraq was a booming success and war in Iran will be even better.
GOP economic policy (current) is that the global financial collapse had nothing to do with their policies and they want a chance to “prove it” by instituting those policies again. Those policies are modeled on Ronald Reagan’s policies, despite economic conditions being absolutely nothing similar to conditions in 1980.
GWBush applied “hey a tax cut and raising government spending through the sky worked for Reagan” to an economy marked by rock bottom interest rates, instead of the record high interest rates of the late 1970s, and lowered the lowest tax rates in the industrialized world where Reagan had lowered the highest tax rates in the industrialized world. Unsurprisingly, GWBush did not get the same results as Reagan did in terms of economic growth. But the idiots running the GOP apparently just can’t get that through their heads and want to try again.
William says
Not only are you BLIND, but HOPELESS too.
Your user name appears to be new here but your comments suggest you’ve been reading my comments long enough to know that I’ve asked “Are you blind?” before.
Methinks you just usiing a new username, kiddo. Where is moll flanders on this case?
Your comments talk about the ‘future’ while your reference point is the……….’past’……2009, isn’t it? You just don’t want to go back to 2001 when all the problems started; 9/11, the misbegotten Iraq war, the sub-prime boom and bust, the 2008 crash and the biggest recession since the 1930s.
I wrote a long comment a couple weeks ago saying that I WAS legally blind for a few years around the early 2000s but even I KNEW a crash was a-comin’ and there were no WMDs in Iraq. How did you miss that comment?
Tell me, truthfully, did you know about those 2 things; the phony Iraq war and the coming crash back then. I know you don’t want to look at THAT past because it was under republican rule for most of the last decade and you are BLIND to that, aren’t you?
I also KNEW that the blvd was going to be a big nothing 4 years ago when I drove it the first time after the remodel.
Can you point us to your ‘future’ thinking back when President Obama took office: what was going to happen after 6 years? Or, even tell us now what the future will be? Mitt Romeny said during his campaign that if elected he’d have the unemployment rate below 6%. Did you think the President wouldn’t have done that?
I can list all the things that have improved or moved forward under President Obama but like I said, you’re HOPELESS. Nothing gets through to you, not the almost tripling of the Dow Jones, the improved housing market, the drop in gas prices,(remember when republicans and their pundits were predicting gas prices over $8/gal.) the unemployment rate dropping from over 10% to around 5.4% and so on, much better in 3 years than Romney predicted he’d do in 4 years.
If your own life sucks despite a constantly improving economy the last 6 years, IT’S ON YOU, wb.
My home price has recovered from the collapse, my health care coverage is great and my income from investments has me comfortable in retirement. And, I was never rich. I worked 2 jobs before I retired, BOTH here and down below.
Tell us, wb, what happened to you in the last 15 years?
What good does it do to tell a person like you all that? Your comments tell us that every improvement just bounces off you.
waiting…..waiting……Shoot us some more blanks from your pea shooter.
wb says
I just read your lengthy and incoherent rant.you jumped around so much it was hard to follow.i think I know where you worked though,at the Kool-Aid factory.because you have done more than just drank it.but I get it,you had such high hopes for this guy,only to get let down.lets see,you went from 1930,2000,2001,2008.you talked about 8 dollar gas prices,wtf?how you KNEW the market was going to crash?you Knew the Lancaster blvd was going to suck?you live in palmdale,(I heard)but for some reason,you are real concerned about Lancaster?You KNEW there were no wmds?you should be doing the dos equis commercials.if you want to pick one topic,ill say it again,ill will be happy to school you some more.but you might have to start paying tutor fees,you are not only outnumbered on here,but you are outsmarted as well
William says
Did you support the invasion of Iraq in 2003?
In 2003, 63% of Americans supported the war in Iraq.
In 2015, 38% of Americans ADMIT to supporting the war in Iraq.
Or, are you one of the people who supported it then but won’t admit to it now? Lemme guess.
Did you vote for Cheney/Bush once or twice, Eric?
Wb says
@tim Scott
not show if this is the right reply.ok if you say the economy is better for the last 6 years.name one fact of the better economy and how you are better off for it.please pick just one.William you can play as well.
Tim Scott says
GDP growth has been steady for the past six years, and that’s a fact. For anyone who doesn’t think “that’s good for me” learn some basic economics.
wb says
@tim scott
thank you for picking a subject.gdp numbers under the same 5 3/4 years under bush and Obama are the same.last quarter gdp for u.s ranked 96th worst country out of 101 countries.meaning there were only 4 countries with worst gdp than u.s.costa rica,kenya,ukraine and Nigeria.facts don’t sound like the gdp is doing good.unless obamas plan is to make us the poorest country in the world.china overtook us on the biggest economy.our credit rating dropped.but worse than that,we added more debt then any other country.same subject or a new one?
William says
Have ‘wb’ and ‘moll flanders’ left with their tails between their legs following ‘William #2’?
Like I’ve said that they come here and shoot a few blanks from their pea shooters and don’t stay for the rebuttals.
Tim Scott says
@wb…outright lying does not constitute arguing.
“china overtook us on the biggest economy” is such a whopping lie that it should have melted your keyboard. US GDP is over 16 trillion and China is probably breaking 10 trillion for the first time this year. Anyone can look that up by typing “us gdp” into their favorite search engine and choosing a source. Then “china gdp”.
“gdp numbers under the same 5 3/4 years under bush and Obama are the same” is nominally true, but what I said was good under Obama is the STEADY growth. No Mister Toad’s wild ride where some quarters are 5% annualized growth rate and the next might be near zero. Those are great for milking fortunes if you are an insider, but for the average joe they are not good at all. Just steady predictable growth quarter after quarter after quarter. So the results from Obama’s first five years are a lot less likely to be completely obliterated by the whole wild ride going completely off the rails in the greatest economic disaster of modern times, as that growth you are talking about under Bush was.
“we added more debt then any other country” is undoubtedly true, but is delivered with that smug lack of context that demonstrates you not only don’t know, but don’t really even care what you are talking about. Since our economy is almost TWICE the size of China’s, and dwarfs our next nearest competitor by an even greater margin, our capacity for adding debt also dwarfs all others. If you want to rack up debt more slowly, move to a third world country with a seven digit GDP instead of living in the only country with a fourteen digit GDP.
That said, it should also be noted that our debt racking up under Obama is nothing compared to what we racked up under the guidance of the last three Republican administrations, and would no doubt rack up under another should we be stupid enough to elect one. Debt TRIPLED under Reagan, and more than DOUBLED under GWBush. It has thus far increased about 50% under Obama and will probably run out increasing about 80% for the eight year term, despite his administration having to pull us out of the drain that GWBush left us circling. Again, this can be verified by a simple search for “US debt growth rate” and choosing a source.
NUMBERS DON’T LIE. Just Republicans.
Tim Scott says
Just at a guess, he didn’t mention Illinois because Illinois is one of very few states that pays more into federal taxes than it gets back in federal spending. They use state taxes to provide services to their residents, which is why they are broke, while states like Republican favorite Texas suck money from the federal government to provide services while not taxing their citizens.
Then those Republican citizens yammer about how their ‘fiscal policies’ work better. Take them off the teat and they would fall flat on their faces.
For a fine example just look to Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who railed against the use of federal disaster relief funds to “bail out” states who’s “Democrat controlled” legislatures where at fault for not being prepared for hurricane Sandy. Know what he is doing now? Petitioning for disaster relief funds since the Republicans in Texas can’t manage a rainstorm without help from the rest of the country.
wb says
William,please explain and show the numbers on ca having a budget surplus.ca budget is predicated on estimated income that doesn’t exist yet.like wishful thinking,not money in hand.estimates indicate ca will have a 22 billion dollar shortfall.but hey looks good on paper.no worries,a new tax is just around the corner.by the way,are you adding the trillions,thats right,trillions of unfunded pensions that are due?
Mr fed up says
Ummm, California only has a budget surplus because it stole redevelopment money from 101 small cities, including Palmdale/Lancaster! Money these cities use for projects citywide, and to bring in jobs, Gov. Moonbeam is a criminal!
William says
@mr fed up
Where did the redevelopment money come from in the first place that you say was “stolen”?
Tim Scott says
Well, Lancaster used its redevelopment money (which came from the state in the first place) to make Rex Parris richer and his friends rich, so I didn’t cry when it got taken away. I’d rather the state spend it than them pocket it.
William says
Neiman-Marcus has an ad on this site. Are they serious?
Is a Neiman-Marcus coming to the fabulous blvd?
William says
It’s worse than I thought.
After all those places closed, will people still want to open another business there?
How will rex explain that disaster when he runs for re-election? rex said the blvd was the ‘heart of the Valley’ and a ‘world class destination’ and so on.
AV Observer says
Good idea. Terrible location. Why put your centerpiece next to low income housing, mental health facilities, homeless services, and some questionable neighborhoods? Why have so many tattoo parlors and non-retail businesses? No synergy outside of the area near LPAC, and even that is jilted by late nights at BeX. Lancaster seems to have a lot of randomness to it. Things get built where the good old boys own the property. Good for them, bad for us. Such is life in Lancaster. Sigh.
William says
@AV Observer
I noticed that shortly after I moved to Palmdale in 1990. Everything in Lancaster appeared to have fallen out of the sky and landed here and there.
I remember thinking “Who owns what property in Lancaster?” before I ever heard about the good ol’ boys.
I’ve never heard the explanation for why Lancaster didn’t push for the mall way back when. But, where would they have put it?
Tim Scott says
They did push for the mall, but Palmdale pushed better. Then the mall developer included in the deal that they would improve 10th street west all the way to avenue K, since 10th W at the time was a little two lane strip of asphalt across the desert that would not be a proper access to the mall from Lancaster. Lancaster refused to let them improve it, out of plain spite, so the improvements stopped at Avenue M, and eventually the city had to pay for it from K to M themselves.
...and more says
Well… You forgot the Great and Gifted, the Music store on the corner, Nothing but Bling, the FIRST pet store (that went under), Zzyxx, Ki, Ki’s Closet, Simply Spoiled, and now Lamplighter Candles (my favorite store of all time!) If there weren’t enough reasons to abandon the BLVD before, there sure are now!
Unlike some on this forum, I can see what they were trying to do. From what I understand, most of the monies that were used for the redevelopment came from state government grants that were to be used for areas that needed help. Downtown Lancaster is in real danger of become even more of a crime scene then it already is. At least the city is trying something instead of sticking their head in the ground and complaining about what others are doing to try to improve the situation. Adding a sense of culture and putting nice things in poor areas is not a bad way to give the locals something to be proud of, is at least an attempt at a step in a positive direction. Unfortunately, the trash in Lancaster seems to be just too much to be overcome by the ability of the BLVD to fix.
William says
@…and more.
The blvd was a hopeless project from the start. The city spent $10 million to landscape it and one of the ‘good ol’ boys’ did fine. I said so at the start and got a lot of argument from it. Well, look what happened.
The location was lousy and that’s why Lancaster Bouleward died in the first place. No freeway access from the 14 to it or to the old Factory Outlet, just for starters.
There is a German word for what has been happening between Palmdale and Lancaster, especially under rex’s ‘leadership’.
“Zugzwang (German for “compulsion to move”, pronounced [ˈtsuːktsvaŋ]) is a situation found usually in chess, but also in various other games, where one player is put at a disadvantage because he has to make a move when he would prefer to pass and make no move. The fact that the player must make a move means that his position will be significantly weaker than the hypothetical one in which it was his opponent’s turn to move.”
I heard the word back in 2012 applied to Mitt Romney’s hapless campaign such as when President Obama said “Please proceed, Governor.”
Everything rex has done to harm Palmdale, even when he wins like the council election lawsuit or suing Starwood’s call center, harms Lancaster as we have seen with the steady decline of the blvd.
And, unless they use eminent domain to rip out all the old houses in the adjoing neighborhoods and auto body shops and other such businesses on Sierra Highway at the cost of millions, it will continue its decline.
Karma Chameleon says
Could it be that at long last karma is being realized? You can’t live of life of bullying people, lying, hurting others, destroying careers, scaring the masses, helping your pals at the public trough, and all the other things Rex does and not have it come back and bite you on the behind.
William says
How can this be?
The GOP wanted to impeach President Clinton so bad, they resorted to a perjury trap to impeach him over private consensual intimate acts but not ‘sexual relations’ as defined by Merriam-Webster in the 1990s when that happened.
Newt Gingrich was all for it while having an adulterous affair of his own and finally had to resign as Speaker of the House of Representatives for other corrupt activities.
Bob Livingston (R-LA) was to take his place but, alas, he too had an adulterous affair that was exposed and he resigned from the House as well.
That left apparently ‘clean’ Dennis Hastert to become the Speaker of the House.
Meanwhile, Democrats actually gained seats during President Clinton’s second midterm elections which was unusual. His job approval rating DURING impeachment was in the mid-60% range.
Hillary Clinton became a U.S. Senator from New York after beating poor little Rick Lazio. Bill and Hillary are more popular than ever here and abroad.
Now, Dennis Hastert has been indicted for lying to the FBI and trying to hide money transfers under a certain amount to avoid notice which is also a crime.
And, to top it off, former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is running for President and is ahead in most polls against tha hopeless and hapless GOP hopefuls of which there are about 20 now. And, they are beginning their circular firing squad.
Is this poetic justice or what?
The so-called ‘family values’ party is circling the drain. Same sex marriage is now legal in over 30 states. DADT gone. The Duggar family show has been taken off tv for a sex scandal and sponsors were leaving anyway leaving behind photos of them posing with various conservatives. Priceless.
Remember how the right embraced Cliven Bundy, especially fox ‘new’s’ Sean Hannity, till he was shown to be a nut case. Then, they dropped him like they drop other hot potatoes such as former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was found to have a lot of baggage the the pageant didn’t like.
Traditionalist Bill O’Reilly was shown to be a serial liar but fox ‘news’, showing its typical lack of any integrity just kept him on like it never happened.
And, on and on. The conversative religious right isn’t going down without a fight but they are going down………..and not in a good way.
Then, there was Rep. Anthony Weiner who had to resign for doing nothing criminal and for not even touching anyone, just being caught in private interactions that went viral. But, the GOP re-elected Sen. Vitter (R-La) even after knowing he was visiting prostitutes who would put him in diapers. More priceless.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will be gone the latter part of this year. Not to worry as the conservatives will supply all the self-destructive comedy without their assistance.
It’s so good to be a liberal Democrat. Are we perfect? Of course not. But, compared to the righeous hypocrites who shut down the government. lowered out credit rating for the first time, haven’t done anything constructive in over 30 years and have alienated half the population and want to screw the other 49%, we are GOLDEN.
Eat THAT ‘Not a liberal’ and the others. You guys got nuttin’. And, it shows.
William says
How can this be?
The GOP wanted to impeach President Clinton so bad, they resorted to a perjury trap to impeach him over private consensual intimate acts but not ‘sexual relations’ as defined by Merriam-Webster in the 1990s when that happened.
Newt Gingrich was all for it while having an adulterous affair of his own and finally had to resign as Speaker of the House of Representatives for other corrupt activities.
Bob Livingston (R-LA) was to take his place but, alas, he too had an adulterous affair that was exposed and he resigned from the House as well.
That left apparently ‘clean’ Dennis Hastert to become the Speaker of the House.
Meanwhile, Democrats actually gained seats during President Clinton’s second midterm elections which was unusual. His job approval rating DURING impeachment was in the mid-60% range.
Hillary Clinton became a U.S. Senator from New York after beating poor little Rick Lazio. Bill and Hillary are more popular than ever here and abroad.
Now, Dennis Hastert has been indicted for lying to the FBI and trying to hide money transfers under a certain amount to avoid notice which is also a crime.
And, to top it off, former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is running for President and is ahead in most polls against tha hopeless and hapless GOP hopefuls of which there are about 20 now. And, they are beginning their circular firing squad.
Is this poetic justice or what?
The so-called ‘family values’ party is circling the drain. Same sex marriage is now legal in over 30 states. DADT gone. The Duggar family show has been taken off tv for a sex scandal and sponsors were leaving anyway leaving behind photos of them posing with various conservatives. Priceless.
Remember how the right embraced Cliven Bundy, especially fox ‘new’s’ Sean Hannity, till he was shown to be a nut case. Then, they dropped him like they drop other hot potatoes such as former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was found to have a lot of baggage the the pageant didn’t like.
Traditionalist Bill O’Reilly was shown to be a serial liar but fox ‘news’, showing its typical lack of any integrity just kept him on like it never happened.
And, on and on. The conversative religious right isn’t going down without a fight but they are going down………..and not in a good way.
Then, there was Rep. Anthony Weiner who had to resign for doing nothing criminal and for not even touching anyone, just being caught in private interactions that went viral. But, the GOP re-elected Sen. Vitter (R-La) even after knowing he was visiting prostitutes who would put him in diapers. More priceless.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will be gone the latter part of this year. Not to worry as the conservatives will supply all the self-destructive comedy without their assistance.
It’s so good to be a liberal Democrat. Are we perfect? Of course not. But, compared to the righeous hypocrites who shut down the government. lowered out credit rating for the first time, haven’t done anything constructive in over 30 years and have alienated half the population and want to screw the other 49%, we are GOLDEN.
Eat THAT ‘Not a liberal’ and the others. You guys got nuttin’. And, it shows.
William says
Paper plates!!!
I hadn’t thought of that as water saving tactic before but if I use the dishwasher fewer tiimes each month, that will add up. I’ll need to get paper bowls too.
I know it’s a trade off by using paper and cutting trees but practically everything is somehow. I’ll see how it goes. I use the cheapest thinnest ones I can find for things like a sandwich and other such items instead of a china plate.
During the electricity crisis back in the early 2000s, I cut my use to $21 one month just as an experiment and with some incentives that were offered. Not bad for a 2 story house in the summer. It did get a bit warm upstairs w/o the A/C.
William says
What to do? What to do when you’ve written something without thinking it through and you can’t answer a simple question regarding what you wrote?
Do you hide out for a few days?
Or, do you get a new username so you can return and do the same stuff over and over? The problem with that is that your ‘style’ is easy to identify.
You must know by now that you will be called out on your avoidance every single time.
I guess you’re just plain stuck by your own hand. Poetic justice.
William says
I wonder if she’s gone fer good.
But, I’ll be waitin’…..waitin’….waitin’……in case she returns.
I picture steam coming out of both her ears.
William says
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
William says
Here’s moll flanders STALKING. Then, she projects it on to me when I reply in kind. Typical of hypocrites like her.
From the Readers Speak Out section: moll flanders stalking replies to my comments or references to me. She started it. It’s only a partial list.
• moll flanders
May 24, 2015 at 4:52 pm
Liberalism is a character defect. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to a liberal.
moll flanders
May 25, 2015 at 6:32 am
At $617.6 billion, California has by far the biggest total debt. Our states are in trouble and no amount of budget gimmicks, political posturing, or hiding bills will fix the massive debt that they face.
moll flanders
April 29, 2015 at 1:43 pm
You just keep bullying Jason because he disagrees with you. You’re a bully just like Rex! An old bully too, Willy. That brown stuff you shine your shoes with ain’t Shinola.
moll flanders
April 30, 2015 at 5:28 pm
Stop being a bully William. You’re a bully and you NEVER post anything but meanness; oh yes and you’re an OLD bully too. I don’t take anything you say personally because you’re the one with the problem. I feel very sorry for you William. I don’t know if you treat people in person as badly as you do on the internet; maybe it’s an anonymity thing and this is your outlet for all your anger. moll flanders
March 30, 2015 at 5:45 pm
Strawman Willy…I completely agree. William likes to talk about how much smarter he is than everyone else. He’s not convincing.
• moll flanders
March 29, 2015 at 7:51 am
I will be sure to let Mayor Ledford (Republican) know how you feel about him. That he is defending a lost cause, is a quote from you William. So many causes and people for you to hate, that you just barely have the time in 24 hours to let it all out.
• moll flanders
March 30, 2015 at 5:23 am
You spend more time talking about other peoples’ moniker’s, and name dropping than you do anything else. You consider yourself above others, and that is really sad. You don’t have a clue, what the truth is William. Stop watching T.V., because it’s infotainment, and it’s all about ratings. T.V. is not truth William. Notice how one word changes things, Bill. You went from calling all Republicans on a losing course, to calling most Republicans on a losing course. Tell your friend Mayor Ledford I said hi!
• •
moll flanders
March 31, 2015 at 8:47 am
William, what are you talking about? I guess there are different people pointing out the same thing to you. You are too immature to have discussions with William. There is nothing of any relevance in your comments, just the same very immature, very angry, very stunted thinking. The only thing you do is call other people names, and attempt to belittle. Your words are cruel and hurtful, and it is a really sad situation. You just want to make people feel bad, and tear people down. You have been doing this for a long time. This is the outlet you use for your anger, and it has nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans.
moll flanders
March 21, 2015 at 4:47 pm
William…My views are completely different than your views. It’s that simple, so name calling, deflecting, attempts to belittle me, are all about who you are and has nothing to do with me or my views. No sense in arguing or trying to prove my point because you aren’t listening. It’s all about you and your extreme anger. Go in peace William.
flanders ignores many other comments just to focus her little mind on mine because she’s a stalker and that’s what stalkers do. It’s who she is. She’s been doing it for months, the poor thing.
She still hasn’t said what the ‘context’ is and I’ll keep asking her since that was her statement.
William says
Until you come up with a ‘context’ to go with your comment, you are LOSING this little game you play.
It must hurt like a boil.
Or, you can stay away.
William says
“…the Tea/Republican Party is a soup sandwich.”
I wish I’d thought of that. I came across it today in a discussion of the RNC wanting to limit the number of candidate debates and Bill Crystal complaining that fox ‘news’ is helping them do that. The circular firing squad is locked and loaded.
What a hopeless bunch of ‘hopefuls’ in the GOP. Now, who is going to defend them?
William says
In 2003, 63% of Americans supported the war in Iraq.
In 2015, 38% of Americans ADMIT to supporting the war in Iraq.
Therein lies the the problem.
I wonder what percentage of people will admit now to having voted for George W. Bush at least once and how many will admit to voting for him twice.
I’ll bet those poll numbers will make ya wonder how he got elected.
Tim Scott says
No one likes to admit having been bamboozled. That’s just normal human behavior. The “smoking gun/mushroom cloud” speech was one of the best crafted frauds ever perpetrated, but in the long run people did figure it out. I was pretty irritated at the American people when not enough had figured it out by November 2004 though.
William says
@Tim Scott
I was legally blind in 2003 from a series of eye surgeries but even I could ‘SEE’ that there were no WMDs in Iraq from watching that terrible MSNBC and listening to some people who were telling us that. They were right but ignored back then and called unpatriotic by the liars who invaded the wrong country.
My real complaint is with Daddykins Bush who LET SADDAM INVADE KUWAIT when he could have prevented it. How on earth could Saddam keep control of his country and the world’s only superpower has failed despite the best military equipment our Congress has been talked into buying by companies that make that stuff.
I also could SEE we were headed for a crash of some sort around 2004-2005 from just taking an overview of all the various indicators such as the sub-prime rush to buy brand new condos in Florida and flipping them after only a couple months, Americans, on average, had zero savings at that time while maxing out their credit cards, taking out home equity loans to buy ‘toys’ (my mailbox was full of those offers back then and I dreaded calling my bank for any reason to avoid the sales pitches), jobs being outsourced like crazy, Bush’s tax cuts dissipating the surplus he inherited while putting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan off budget, wages remaining stagnant since their god, Ronald Reagan’s voodoo/trickle down economics, Americans being encouraged to buy gas guzzlers (whatever happened to all those Hummers we used to see back then) and go shopping by Bush on credit cards and so on and on.
Just where did people think we were headed given all that. Even a legally blind man could SEE the end was near.
There are still people, even here in the Antelope Valley, who have suffered from the housing collapse who still don’t get it and want more of the same from those same politicians who gave us the mess we got in 2008.
They started the fire and have done everything they could think of to obstruct the firefighter (President Obama) from effectively putting out the fire and rebuilding the structure.
Funny how someone who has been avoiding the corrupt and incompetent press in this country is leading in the polls for the 2016 race. i hope she continues to ignore them and if she wins, she will single-handedly made the pundits and the news media irrelevant. That would be a welcome sea change. And, they deserve it in whatever form it comes.
The very most important thing is voter registration and getting out the vote. There are more Democrats than the other party and all they need to do is vote. Each and every time.
See what happens in Lancaster when the voter turnout is dismal. How bad does it have to get for Lancaster residents to get out and vote for effective leadership. I guess if you love to complain, you’ll keep voting for or not voting at all to keep the people in power who give you a reason to complain. Complaining then becomes more important than desirable results. If that isn’t crazy, what is?
James says
Tim Scott and William both speak like true liberals. What a shame!
William says
Full Definition of LIBERAL
1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts
b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth
2 a : marked by generosity : openhanded
b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way
c : ample, full
3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : licentious
4 : not literal or strict : loose
5 : broad-minded; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
6 a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism
I’ll take it, especailly #5: not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms which sounds like you are, James.
They don’t call the GOP hopefulls the ‘clown car’ for nothing. With up to 18-20 candidates, it’s a ‘clown bus’.
Tim Scott says
Do you have anything intelligent to say to back up this “what a shame” nonsense, or are you just randomly trolling?
Not Blind says
Barack Obama liberal, lies. Hillary Clinton liberal, lies. Eric Holder liberal, lies. Nancy Pelosi liberal, lies. Harry Reid liberal, lies. Lois Lerner liberal, lies. The true definition of what a Liberal is.
William says
@Not blind
You still can’t see.
Stop watching fox ‘news’.
William says
@Not Blind
Cheney/Bush and their team LIED US INTO INVADING IRAQ. Did you support that invasion back in 2003, Not Blind? Over 60% of Americans supported it back then but around 30% now ADMIT to it. Are you one of them?
I knew it was a lie back then. Bush’s former Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neill, said that the Cheney/Bush team were planning to invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein in January, 2001 9 months before 9/11 which was their excuse. O’Neill wrote a book saying that is what took place in their first meetins after taking office.
Doesn’t that HUGE LIE concern you at all, Not Blind? It’s biting Jeb Bush in his rear.
I saw Michele Malkin’s new book at COSTCO the other day. She’s a right wing harpy, y’know.
It’s based on President Obama’s comment “You didn’t build that.” He was referring to his previous sentences that there are things like an educational system, patent laws and regulations, infrastructure such as roads and railroads, etc, and other things ‘built’ by the government that an individual business owner did not build but that make opening and running a business possible in this country.
Well, those on the right went nuts with that, accusing the President of saying that a business owner didn’t build his own business. A 6th grader could understand the President’s comment. It’s American Standard English.
But, not the GOP. They used it as a banner at their 2012 convention which said “You Built That” and blah, blah, blah. How did that election go for the GOP, BTW?
Years later, Malkin, is using the right wing’s misinterpretation of the President’s speech to sell a nasty little book. Go buy it to reinforce your beliefs.
The right lies all the time and if they tell the truth, it’s by accident and they get punished for it. The right is so confused as they distort and re-interpret the English language to suit themselves and you likely do it as well.
William says
@Not Blind
Are ya lookin’ forward to the GOP debates and primaries or are you secretly cringing at the thought of what a ridiculous spectacle they will be? Y’know, like in 2012.
I can’t wait myself. I’m hoarding popcorn for next year in case there’s a run on it.
Tim Scott says
As opposed to the great Republican truth tellers? Presenting a false case for an invasion that cost hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars pretty much puts the topping on the lying cake for all time, doncha think?
moll flanders says
Liberalism is a character defect. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to a liberal.
William says
flanders makes up stuff or just repeats what others say.
Not Blind says
William, I don’t watch Fox News. I do my own research.
Every one of the liberals I stated has lied to the American public. When a liberal lies or cheats its sweep under the rug. You libs just say that the republicans are making up stories with no prof. Wrong! There has been more scandals and proven lies in this administration than all of the others put together. Why will the GOP debates be a spectacle? I think it will be very interesting to see who wins to run against the queen of deception and lies. Yes I’m very interested in watching and participating in our next presidential election.
William says
@ Not Blind
Your comments show little research, just claims without sources, links or backup. Typical
Have there been any convictions of this administration’s members at all compared to over 100 high level convictions during the Reagan administration and Scooter Libby during the Bush administration.
Cheney/Bush lied us into invading Iraq.
Did you support the invasion in 2003? I didn’t. I knew there weren’t WMDs at the time.
Paul O’Neill, Bush’s first Secretary of the Treasury said in his book that Cheney/Bush planned on invading Iraq from the moment they took office in January 2001 and 9/11 was a convenient excuse. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 and Bush soon forgot about getting bin Laden. It took President Obama to have that ‘Mission Accomplished’.
Where do you do your research, Not Blind, in the dark?
Fox is limiting there first debate to 10 of the top candidates which will certainly upset the losers. That will surely be divisive. Someone suggested that the republican national committee give each of the bottom tier each $500,000 just to go away.
Yeah, you doing ‘research’ is an oxymoron.
Not blind says
Hillary Clinton voted for the war in Iraq!!! Will you vote for her in 2016. She is the queen of deception and lies. Just like the socialist we have in there now. We are no longer land of the free!!
William says
@Not blind
Oh, yes you are!
moll flanders says
Liberals love to be generous with other peoples’ money.
moll flanders says
The United States ranks #1, as the most debt ridden.
Tim Scott says
These kind of one liner platitudes always crack me up, because they are so out of tune with reality but the people spouting them just swear by them.
Moll, in the last thirty five years which two presidential administrations do you think increased government spending the most? This is a very simple thing to look up. Federal spending is not a mystery. So there are absolute facts to work with. Yet conservatives never guess that Reagan and GWBush are the big spenders for some reason.
Then the Republican party has the big “debt clock” at their convention and act like they aren’t the ones that ran up the debt…and people like you just eat that stuff up. If it weren’t so scary it would be hilarious.
William says
You can’t defend conservatives can you?
The 1% caused the meltdown in 2008 and hasn’t taken responsibility for it. Neither did Cheney/Bush nor for the big mistake in Iraq. Talk about taking responsibility.
You are so incredibly naive, it must be painful.
William says
When are you gonna start doin’ yer own thinkin’, flanders?
I’m tired of ‘schooling’ you.
There have been 2 TIMES as many recessions during republican administrations in the last 60 years as during Democratic ones.
Those recessions cost you more than some single mom getting assistance.
You are as blind as ‘Not Blind’. You both can’t see past your noses.
moll flanders says
At $617.6 billion, California has by far the biggest total debt. Our states are in trouble and no amount of budget gimmicks, political posturing, or hiding bills will fix the massive debt that they face.
William says
California is doing pretty good considering the mess Arnold and Bush left us when Governor Brown took office.
Meanwhile, Kansas, Wisconsin and New Jersey are all doing poorly with their republican governors. Hmmmm.
You’re not a very deep thinker, mollykins. You just point out 1 number and don’t see the big picture at all. Do you have tunnel vision or what?
Plus, and it’s a BIG plus, California has to support some of those conservative red states that whine the loudest about the federal government. I don’t know why our Senators and Representatives don’t give those states a big heave-ho.
The conservatives like to talk ‘personal responsibility’ but those red states take more from the federal government than they send in taxes while California pays more than it gets back.
Tim Scott says
This is tooooo funny.
The biggest debt!!!! OMG!!!! How could that be???
Has it occurred to you that you should be looking at countries, instead of trying to draw conclusions by comparing California to Nebraska? Los Angeles County, BY ITSELF would be among the five largest economies among the states. California, without the rest of the US, would be the seventh or eighth largest economy among countries.
You pull this number out with no earthly idea of context and want people to be impressed? Really?
AV Truth says
He is a complete sellout. To his country and to his city.
No Birth Tourism says
His Chinese birth tourism idea was stupid.
William says
“Fox News is hurting the Republican Party, according to a study conducted by a top official in the first Bush administration.
The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news — and even people who don’t watch the news at all.”
From an article on the Huffington Post. I don’t make this stuff up. Even republicans are beginning to notice the problem with fox ‘news’.
Presidents McCain and Romney didn’t get much help when fox ‘news backed them and bashed President Obama.
I love how fox viewers always point to its ratings as though ratings equals quality journalism. See the above quote about how misinformed fox viewers are. The more misinformed they are, the louder they squeal about being misinformed. Too funny, they are.
Tim Scott says
Don’t tell them. It makes debate so much easier when you can immediately discount someone who cites FauxNews as a source. It’s like the opposition is arming themselves with a self destruct mechanism.
William says
Very good observation, Tim. You know their routine well.
If I can remember your last sentence, I’m going to borrow it sometime.
If you read the Letters in the Valley Press, it’s loaded with fox viewers who readily admit to watching it ‘exclusively’. Good. fox will help the GOP lose another presidential election like they did the last 2.
Fox’s Megyn Kelly caused Jeb Bush a big problem by asking a simple question a 6th grader could answer and it took a week for him to get it right. Or, so he thinks.
Not an idiot says
How do you watch MSLSD? So that’s your problem!!
William says
@Not an idiot
Yes, y’are. You’re not original either.
Not a Liberal says
Tim why don’t you and William just get married. Your love fest is so sticky sweet! I don’t think I can take anymore of it.
William says
@Not a liberal
Why don’t you get an education…………..at least past the 5th grade?
We’d wait but I suspect it would take you 20 more years to finish the 6th grade.
Not a Liberal says
William, what is your level of education? I bet not much. All you know how to do is insult and bully people. You are never open to a good civil debate, you just start hurling the insults. That is a terrible way to represent your liberal party. Is that how you were raised? Is that your excuse?
William says
@Not a liberal
You wrote this nonsense below. You are not only a hypocrite but you are also projecting what you do onto me. Did you really think you deserved a ‘good civil debate’ after posting that comment?
Not a Liberal
May 29, 2015 at 6:25 pm
Tim why don’t you and William just get married. Your love fest is so sticky sweet! I don’t think I can take anymore of it.
You sound just like someone called ‘moll flanders’ who posts similar comments revealing your and her hypocrisy and projection.
Neither of you 2 deserve a civil reply given what you 2 post. So, get off your high horse or is it a miniature pony to match your intellect. You say I insult and then you do it yourself. Spare us your ignorance.
Where are your ‘intelligent’ comments on this site? Please go gather them and copy and paste in your next reply to me.
William says
Where did ‘Not a liberal’ & ‘moll flanders’ run away to?
Here’s hopin’ they stay gone…………..fer good.
Tim Scott says
People named William generally aren’t my type. Thanks for thinking of me though.
seer says
put them in their place William. no use to post all I have to do is await your responses to their attacks . good man
William says
It’s so easy. They shoot themselves in their own ‘feets’.
seer says
Diners walk into eatery places sit down and unfold their table napkins then place them on laps. They put their utensils on the bare table top. Well not all do this, maybe they have noticed the busboy’s in some places of eateries. Watch after diners leave and how tables are wiped off. One diner busboy with the same rag wiped off four tables and seats without rinsing or changing the rag. This Diner will never see this customer again.
William says
For those of you who are aware of the outside world beyond the Antelope Valley, you’ve probably noticed the all out attack on Hillary Clinton, the leader in most polls against any of the GOP hopefuls. They fear her like they fear ‘facts’ and the ‘truth’ and, of course, Ebola. BOO! The GOP says Hillary lies about this and that. That coming from a party that lies about EVERYTHING. Take yer pick.
Jeb Bush says that knowing what we know now, he would still have invaded Iraq. Well, that will come back haunt him among other ridiculous statements that didn’t cost as many American lives, none of which were in his family. More Americans in the military died in Iraq and Afghanistan than on 9/11 and Bush didn’t even get bin Laden who kept on sending out videos. Heck, many more American soldiers have committed suicide than died on 9/11. And, Jeb is taking advice from the guy who messed things up so bad that we are still suffering from the results 15 years later and will take many decades to pay for his messes.
If you don’t like W being criticized, it’s because you guys haven’t owned up to his disastrous terms and you have to be reminded over and over.
I like to compare the Clintons to peafowl. Bill, of course, is the colorful peacock with the bright, bright tail feathers. Hillary less so with the plain look in pantsuits.
But, here’s what has happened to their previous fierce attackers and will happen again using my peafowl analogy.
From Wikipedia
“Wild peacocks are omnivorous eating fruits, berries, grains, small mammals, reptiles, arthropods, amphibians, small snakes and insects like ants, millipedes, crickets, termites, centipedes, locust and scorpions. They will also eat flower petals, seeds, grass and plant parts as a part of their diet in the wild. Surprisingly enough, these birds will eat snakes, especially poisonous snakes. They have actually been seen stalking and then eating these snakes.”
Yes, like peafowl, the Clintons have had poisonous ‘snakes’ for din din such as Newt Gingrich who lost his speakership while trying to impeach President Clinton. Rick Lazio who Hillary wiped the floored with to become New York’s junior senator on her first campaign outing. A couple more republicans had to resign or admit to adulterous behavior at the time and since then too. Think ‘Appalachian Trial’. Republicans then re-elect them because they are so smart.
The more the ‘snakes’ attack them, the more they turn into lunch for the Clintons. And, the stronger and more popular they become. Amazing, isn’t it?
I can’t wait to see who the sacrificial ‘snake’ will be running against her in 2016. They are lining up like lambs to the slaughter. Of course, they’ll have a guaranteed job at fox ‘news’ after they lose as ‘political experts’ such as Sarah Palin who should really be on ‘Desperate Housewives of Wasilla’ instead, between her family’s barroom brawls.
Imagine how insane the GOP will become losing twice to a Black President followed by losing again to a Woman President. That’s called “2 fer flinching”. Mitt Romney still hasn’t recovered for his loss. I bet he still hears President Obama saying “Please proceed, governor.” in his nightmares.
There was a discussion on MSNBC about Jeb’s taking advice from W and most of W’s advisors who were responsible for that misbegotten war in Iraq. The best part was the caption at the bottom of the screen which said, no kidding>
“20/16 Hindsight” Ain’t that the truth?
The more the right and its crazy hate radio pundits and fox ‘news’ go after Hillary, the better for her. It’s like being attacked by Charles Manson or rex parris. They have no credibility and aren’t shy about proving it. Manson carved an ‘X’ on his forehead. Shouldn’t rex have a ‘$’ sign carved on his?
If you loved the Iraq War and the Crash of 2008 and the ensuing recession/depression, vote for Jeb Bush as he has almost all of W’s former advisors and ideas.
BTW AV Times readers, the unemployment rate is now 5.4% and Obamacare is saving thousands of American lives despite over 50 attempts by the unproductive GOP House and/or Senate trying to repeal it and some of the GOP ‘candidates’ are promising to do just that. They aren’t Christian and they aren’t patriots and they are lying when they pretend to be. I can’t wait till Pope Francis comes here in September and gives them an earful for their greedy and selfish ways. This Pope ain’t shy.
Mr fed up says
Ummm, my health insurance went up cause obamacare, And if I recall Bill Clinton had Bin laden and he let him get away…. The 2008 crash was both parties fault, with there special interest groups, no more Bush’s and no more Clinton’s and republican and and everything is free party (democrats) Hilary Clinton would be far worst president than Bush,
Tim Scott says
Your health insurance went up because demand for health care services is skyrocketing. Blaming that on Obama is a solid demonstration that you are more interested in attaching blame than having a clue.
Jason says
Health insurance costs went up in part because of Obamacare due to health insurance companies not being ti deny high risk people insurance coverage, having to provide coverage for those with preexisting conditions and other protections covered by the law.
While some peoples costs went down, others have increased because of the law and what it entails. Mr fed up isn’t alone in his situation. Not only have monthly premiums went up, but so have deductibles and prescription costs for some of the population.
Tim Scott says
The fact that health care costs were going to explode as the population aged has been known since the seventies. To pretend that “everything was going fine” before Obama came along is beyond disingenuous, it is outright self deception.
Jason says
It wasn’t going fine before ACA came along but contrary to popular belief, some people are paying more than they were before because of ACA. Costs have to recouped from somewhere to pay for the insurance companies being required to insure high risk individuals and those with ore existing conditions.
Tim Scott says
People are paying more because costs are going up. Yes, the ACA did do some redistribution of costs, so some people can indeed say that their costs are up as a result of that as well. But the bottom line is that the entire system was doomed to break down without reform, so even people who can point to some specific increase as “due to the ACA” need to quit pretending that they would be better off if the entire system disintegrated, because they would not.
William says
“..contrary to popular belief, some people are paying more than they were before because of ACA.”
And, where did you get that ‘popular belief’ nonsense? The GOP and fos ‘news’ have been whining constantly about some people’s insurance premiums going up. LOUDLY.
fox ‘news’ would find some willing ‘victim’ to trot out saying how their premiums went up. But, when reporters researched those stories and they were ‘stories’, the person had lousy coverage in the first place and the reporters would find an affordable plan in their state that the person either overlooked or purposefully ignored so they could be a guest on fox.
Over and over, those stories were debunked yet fox and the GOP kept pushing that meme about premiums going up on a vast number of Americans.
Over 70% of republicans surveyed were happy with their Obamacare coverage. How can that be?
According to some ‘popular beliefs’, young, healthy people don’t need health insuance. I guess healthy people don’t get in auto accidents or get injured snowboarding or riding dirt bikes or get pregnant (female ones) or……..
I worked in a trauma center and saw all kinds of young people with injuries and not necessarily old people’s diseases. And, many were uninsured (yet they could afford costly recreational activities) so the cost was shifted onto the insured patients or the hospital had to eat it or close as many have done in the Los Angeles area.
Now, that ‘popular belief’ is more widespread than the one about premiums not going up for some people. We knew that would happen for a small percentage of people who had lower cost but inadequate poliicies.
It’s been acknowledged over and over that a small percentage of already insured people will have their premiums raised for their policies to meet the new minimum standards of coverage.
Obamacare will save many times the number of lives that were lost on 9/11 and cost us over a trillion dollars to fight stoopid, stoopid wars.
A person with a pre-existing condition who couldn’t get health insurance was more likely to die unnecessarily from lack of health care than from a terrorist attack but the GOP chickenhawks keep pushing the notion that they are saving American lives with their wars and huge military budget while American lives are lost here at home due to not having good health care. Go figure.
William says
Obamacare is saving American lives and republicans want to repeal it.
They’ve had 6 years to come up with their own plan even though Obamacare was their own plan.LOL
The 1929 crash happened on Hoover’s watch.
The 1987 crash happened on Reagan’s watch.
All republicans.
There have been almost twice the number of recessions during republican administrations than during Democratic ones in the last 60 years.
If the unemployment rate has a 0.1% uptick or the Dow drops 500 points do you blame both parties? Don’t make us laugh.
Can we afford another Bush recession like the other 2 left us?
You must love them recessions.
Mr fed up says
Did anyone see on the news what our wonderful state Senate is doing, they have 10 bills waiting on votes for illegal aliens to obtain health care, because ACA, doesn’t cover illegals and California senate and assembly are upset cause president Obama, didn’t give illegals health care, but its going to cost us 19- 400 millions tax payer dollars
William says
Oh, mr. fed up.
Did you want Obamacare to cover illegal aliens too?
Mr fed up says
Heck no, non citizens don’t deserve anything, and America doesn’t deserve ACA, shouldn’t our state be trying bto figure out our water problem? Not illegals
moll flanders says
President Reagan brought us out of the 1980-1982 recession by lowering the tax rate and boosting the defense budget. The point here is that a biased comment only leads you in the direction the biased commenter wants you to believe. Both Democrats and Republicans have been guilty.
William says
Reagan then had to raise taxes a bunch of times as the debt and deficit increased due to the increased miltary budget and mortgage interest rates were over 10% during Reagan’s time.
Plus, the market crashed in 1987.
You are defending what exactly, flanders?
So, now the right wingers are blaming both parties equally. How transparent when 1 party has had twice the recessions during its time in the White House. That’s the R party.
Give it up, flanders. You have no credibility.
William says
Reagan raised taxes 11 times and tripled the deficit.
Just Saying says
Lowering the tax rate and boosting the defense budget is how Reagan and Bush crashed the economy. Bringing less money into the treasury and spending more in some other country cannot possibly help our economy. Spending inside this country, no matter if it’s the people, or the government, or both, is how you stimulate an economy.
Tim Scott says
“Reagan” brought the economy out of the recession by happening to be in office when the Fed lowered interest rates from the astronomical levels that they had used to curb the pervasive inflation of the sixties and seventies.
His “tax cut” was pure sleight of hand, as the simultaneous increase in FICA taxes actually generated more revenue (by taxing far more people) than was lost by lowering the upper bracket rates.
He did boost the bejesus out of defense spending, so he is a local hero, for sure.
William says
The worst thing Reagan did was lowering the top tax rate from 70% to around 28% or so.
It was tantamount to feeding an elephant (the GOP mascot) just 1 peanut. It only whetted his appetite for the whole gd bag and more.
Since Reagan, CEO compensation shot up in addition to their tax rates being lowered. Reagan unleased the greed monster upon this country with the help of the greedy 1%. He was their spokesman and the wealth gap widened to this day.
Since Reagan, productivity has increased considerably while wages have remained stagnant.
Since Reagan, the middle class began its slow decline only interrupted by foolish sub-prime loans and other tricks to fool Americans into spending more and saving less until the crash came.
It was Reagan’s idea to create reverse-mortgage programs according to one of those hasbeen actors promoting them. It will have the effect of removing a parent’s home from his children’s estate and inheritance; most likely working and middle class parents and children. How nice.
Meanwhile, companies have steadily moved manufacturing jobs out of the country leaving low paid service jobs for everyone.
How nice.
The GOP answer to a recovering economy under President Obama is doing more of what Reagan did-cut taxes/increase military spending.
Has there ever been a worse political party for this country? Ever?
wb says
William,its bushes fault,its bush seniors fault,its Reagans fault,its nixons fault,blah blah blah.every post brings up the past with you.i know you backed a dead horse and you are embarrassed.but try to come up with something fresh.your “facts”,as you state,are nothing more than liberal talking points.have some dignity.we live in the here and now,not 40,30,20,or 8 years ago.this guy was hired to do a job,and he has failed miserably.time to pull up your big boy pants,its 2015.
moll flanders says
I am so thankful for the people from Lancaster, Palmdale, and the surrounding areas, that come together for the purpose of volunteering and fellowship.
William says
Not to worry, folks
Carly Fiorina has announced her candidacy for president.
In a fox ‘news’ poll, Sunday, of over a baker’s dozen of likely candidates, Carly ranked at the very bottom with 0%. That’s ‘zero’ percent.
Someone said her that first act as president will be to overpay for Compaq.
This is going to be fun, fun, fun.
William says
The difference is, Mike R., I can handle it.
And, you’re a big kitty as are most of the ‘dudes’ here.
JR says
Which of the following do you consider Mayor Parris’s greatest achievements?
Bringing bird sounds to the BLVD to lower crime
Declaring that he is building a Christian community in Lancaster despite the fact that he has residents of other faiths or no faith at all
Spending $90,000/month on the Eye in the Sky
Getting into a scuffling match with a resident in a gym
Suing his next door neighbor city’s of Palmdale and Santa Clarita
Suing two local VFW halls
Suing Starwood
Birth tourism at AV Hospital
Working to save Bangladesh from being destroyed from a cyclone
Sending out campaign mailers that called an African American candidate for council a ‘gang candidate’
Promoting the construction of a Super Walmart in a residential neighborhood next to a school
Naming one of his employees to the position of Deputy Mayor
Naming one of his interns who happens to be the son of the Vice Mayor to the Planning Commission
Declaring ‘war’ on Section 8 and the lawsuit that resulted
Endorsing Tony Strickland for congress
GHarrison says
Bangladesh rescue. It is an alluvial plain. Most people don’t know that. I know that. I read about it in a book.
Anon says
Watching fights break out on the BLVD when bird music is supposed to be calming the savage beasts says it all. Booze must block out the birds.
G. Richards says
Interesting. I’m on the BLVD 2 or 3 times a week. And in the last 5 years, I’ve seen very few scruffy types, with the exception of around the Library. And even there, I have never seen a fight, raised voices, or panhandling. I see more of them along the tracks and around the station, though again I still haven’t seen a fight. More importantly I have NEVER HEARD BIRD SOUNDS, at least besides the noise REAL birds make. Now I hate Rex as much as anyone else here, but if you’ve NEVER been to the BLVD, STFU about how bad it is.
William says
@G. Richards
On your frequent visits, do you notice that you could roll a bowling ball down one of the sidewalks and hit nary a soul.
There is very little pedestrian traffic on what was designed for pedestrian traffic. Why is that? That’s what the owner of Barone’s said after he closed it.
Maybe that explains why you see so little of anything you described. There are few people there at all.
Tim Scott says
You need to go at lunch time at city hall. Still not very many people out and about, but at least you will clearly see the purpose.
The entire BLVD project was designed and built for them so they can have a walk and a bit of lunch. City government in Lancaster is the most totally self serving “leadership” to ever come to power anywhere…led by Imperious Rex himself.
G. Richards says
That’s true however open parking spaces are few, so there are some people somewhere. The last 2 blocks have always been dead, why Barone’s picked there defies logic. Maybe Barone’s missed the fights and drunks like they get in back on Ave I. The point is there are no fights and drunks like Anon claims, and never bird sounds. (The bird sound BS is how I spot fake posts). If you want fake bird sounds, try the new Kaiser facility, where actual doctors found the calming effect works.
Carry on with the Rex bashfest, but keep it accurate. Making S#!% up just dilutes the cause.
Michael says
Barone’s closed because they had lousy food and service. The Brazilian grill that is in that spot is doing just fine.
Anon says
Barone’s had a slightly different version of what life was like on the BLVD for a restaurant. The interview they did on Ch. 3 was eye opening. They are one of several places that has closed. The latest victim was that clothing store Vintage Styles. The sign on the door says they are online.
William says
The guy that owned the clothing store that closed used to comment here frequently a few years ago.
He used to argue with me when I told him how poorly designed the blvd project was; the parking in the median, the cross traffic, that there were parallel or side streets with hardly any already established development as in other much smaller towns, and so on.
All surrounded by very old residential neighborhoods that aren’t old Victorians or other type houses that other cities might have.
He would come back with all kinds of research and statistics and whatever as though he never actually had been on the blvd in person. Yet, he owned a shop there. For him, everything looked good on paper but in reality, he couldn’t see what was really happening.
It was unreal. Has anyone kept count of how many businesses went ‘out of business’ on the blvd since it was redone and the economy continued its recovery?
Not to worry, though. rex and the good ol’ boys do just fine no matter how many small business owners lose their shirts on the fabulous, ‘heart of the Valley’, ‘world class’ ramblas of rex’s ‘dry’ dreams.
rex will have a mighty record to run on next time unless he retires to ‘spend more time with family’. Y’know that old tired excuse when ya got nuttin’. Marv will get to do clean up.
William says
The guy that owned the clothing store that closed used to comment here frequently a few years ago.
He used to argue with me when I told him how poorly designed the blvd project was; the parking in the median, the cross traffic, that there were parallel or side streets with hardly any already established development as in other much smaller towns, and so on.
All surrounded by very old residential neighborhoods that aren’t old Victorians or other type houses that other cities might have.
He would come back with all kinds of research and statistics and whatever as though he never actually had been on the blvd in person. Yet, he owned a shop there. For him, everything looked good on paper but in reality, he couldn’t see what was really happening.
It was unreal. Has anyone kept count of how many businesses went ‘out of business’ on the blvd since it was redone and the economy continued its recovery?
Not to worry, though. rex and the good ol’ boys do just fine no matter how many small business owners lose their shirts on the fabulous, ‘heart of the Valley’, ‘world class’ ramblas of rex’s ‘dry’ dreams.
rex will have a mighty record to run on next time unless he retires to ‘spend more time with family’. Y’know that old tired excuse when ya got nuttin’. Marv will get to do clean up.
Anon says
Our fearless mayor was chirping to the Wall Street Journal about his bird sounds and how they were lowering crime.
Fights happen when drunks get out of control or someone wants you to give them your food.
The truth is out there if you care to look.
G. Richards says
The mayor chirped it, but the idea fell through.
Those were not homeless, they were customers, the fight started inside and spilled into the street. Kinda reminded me of the Palomino.
Anon says
Not only did the mayor chirp it, he credited the bird sounds for lowering crime. They may have stopped piping in bird sounds. All I hear is music these days. But to think that bird sounds were lowering crime was a lie at worst and crazy thinking at best.
I have been to the Palamino many, many times. Bex is no Palamino. Far more twenty something drunks at Bex. I take it you don’t frequent Bex in the late evenings? Wise decision.
Tim Scott says
G Rich, Are you calling Imperious Rex a liar? He told the WSJ that the bird noise had been going on for ten months at the time of the article.
Anon says
Who said the homeless were fighting? It was the drunks. There are lots of drunks there. Lots of homeless too but I have never seen them fight. I have just see them ask for money or food. One time one of them got testy when a person didn’t hand over the food.
The BLVD really could have been a great place but it was poorly planned. Parking is bad. Too much low income housing and social service organizations that shouldn’t be so close. That’s what you get when you’re more concerned about taking care of your cronies than taking care of your residents.
Tim Scott says
Parking? How about just driving? I don’t drive on or across the BLVD, ever. If I can avoid going near it I do. Suffice to say a business is going to have to be REALLY special to get my money if they have a BLVD address.
William says
Even presented with your comprehensive list of ‘accomplishments’, JR, the people who voted for rex will vote for him again, if he runs. Has Lancaster’s lowered bond rating been restored yet?
I just can’t see him running again. There are just a bunch of problems to fix and now that his pet projects are done such as solar farms and the ‘world class blvd’ (He actually said that) he’s not really going to have much fun fixing potholes and dealing with the drought.
Being mayor was just a hobby anyway, right rex? Let marv handle the cleanup.
How come republicans always leave a mess behind.? ‘w’? ‘arnold’? We are still living with reagan’s messes. Are you now wealthy due to reagan’s huge tax cuts on the 1%? Mortgage rates were over 10% in the 80s. Imagine that.
Check out Kansas which poached Starwood’s call center from Lancaster. It’s it debt, schools had to be closed and the school season shortened, all thanks to brownback’s (R) trickle down economics of cutting taxes on the 1%. It’s home to the Koch borthers. Are you surprised?
But, our very own ‘jason’ thinks that Democrats who come along and clean up gop messes are the same as republicans. jason doesn’t compare ‘apples and oranges’. He doesn’t know the difference and just loves ‘mom’s orange pies’. He’s the ‘orange of his mom’s eye’. See, they’re all alike. That brown stuff jason shines his shoes with ain’t Shinola.
When you can’t distinguish between dissimilar things or people, you end up with rex as mayor and his list of ‘accomplishments’. Would you let anyone who voted for rex parris babysit your pet rock? I didn’t think so.
I wonder what rex’s next accomplishment will be; suing Lancaster for letting him be mayor???? Come on. You know that ain’t too far-fetched.
moll flanders says
You just keep bullying Jason because he disagrees with you. You’re a bully just like Rex! An old bully too, Willy. That brown stuff you shine your shoes with ain’t Shinola.
William says
Oh, moll.
What are you saving your ‘intelligent’ replies for, the afterlife?
You never post anything smart, clever, original, or funny. Ever.
You give ‘lameness’ and/or ‘pathetic’ a bad name.
Morons are embarrassed by you.
Did you notice that you didn’t dispute that jason isn’t able to distinguish one political party from another as you once again bit on my ankles. I should send you a chew toy.
You are ‘bird’ and ‘don’t drink & drive’. Have that multiple personality disorder checked.
BTW How come you only posted just 1 reply and not 1 immediately followed by another as the voices in your head continued to speak to you after you clicked ‘Post Comment’?
You are so funny and predictable.
You are so funny and predictable. But, I repeat myself.
My apologies to Turd Ferguson for borrowing his technique for a less worthy cause than opposing LEAPS…………..you.
Lady Liberty says
William, why do you always result to calling people names who don’t agree with you. So here is some of your own medicine. You are a rude, obnoxious empty headed Liberal Bully. Please be quite and keep your meanness to yourself.
moll flanders says
Stop being a bully William. You’re a bully and you NEVER post anything but meanness; oh yes and you’re an OLD bully too. I don’t take anything you say personally because you’re the one with the problem. I feel very sorry for you William. I don’t know if you treat people in person as badly as you do on the internet; maybe it’s an anonymity thing and this is your outlet for all your anger.
Jason says
I find it funny you keep going back to that William. I’ve explained it multiple times as to why the two parties of the same but as usual you ignore it. I would explain it again but you would ignore it once again. But keep beating those dead horses you like to beat so much.
Lady Liberty says
Blame the republicans as always. Look at Baltimore all democrats running the city for the last 40 years. That city is in shambles. Poverty and no jobs. Low test scores and drop out rates in schools are extremely high. Stop cherry picking the truth William. More people now on food stamps and public assistance than ever before in the history of our country. The racial tensions are worse now under Obama than ever before. The national debt is higher than all past presidents combined. Mortgage rates under Carter were 14%. Employment was much better under Reagan. You say trickle down economics what about redistribute the wealth under Obama. Take from the 1% and give to the welfare generation so they can stay home all day. The 1% pay most of the countries income tax now. The 1% provide most of the jobs for people. You can’t cut taxes on the majority of the Americans who don’t work. You seem to love the idea of redistribution so what other family do you support? How much of your money do you give away. I know a guy so why not work hard and you can give your earnings to support him so he can stay home. After all you are a Liberal and that’s your philosophy right? Thank goodness for Republicans who believe in working for themselves and not depending and living off the government.
The Truth says
William your comment “How come republicans always leave a mess behind” is hilarious. I believe a mess is better than an abortion..Detroit,Ferguson,Baltimore..etc etc..seems the the biggest failure’s are where…Dems are in control.
Son of the Anti Rex says
this is a good start. but you forgot a hole bunch of stuff. what about his support of sherry marquez when she made fun of muslims. or what about his story trying to explain why his wife was trying to board a plane with a gun. or what about him offering to put the homeless on the train to los angeles. the paper said “parris to homeless: go home”. what about him buying the furniture store when it was against the law. or remember when he had that guy arrested at the council meeting?
William says
Didn’t we know what kind of character he was from the start before his ‘accomplishments’?
In nature, some animals wear bright colors to warn other animals that they are poisonous. Rex wears a beard. That should have been enough.
Turd Ferguson says
I do not know what his best idea is.I do not know what his best idea is.But I do know what his worst idea is.But I do know what his worst idea is.LEAPS.LEAPS.It is a worthless piece of turd.It is a worthless piece of turd.It cost us $90,000.00 a month for ten years.It cost us $90,000.00 a month for ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.For what.For what.To catch a Wal-Mart shoplifter?To catch a Wal-Mart shoplifter?Let Wal-Mart pay for it’s security.Let Wal-Mart pay for it’s security.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.We need our roads fixed.We need our roads fixed.We need things on the eastside.We need things on the eastside.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
Lawyers in Love says
I can’t stand the fact that he is suing Palmdale and Santa Clarita. I have friends and family that live there and they badmouth Lancaster because of him. Lancaster is a great place but our mayor certainly doesn’t help our reputation. He should spend his time and energy worrying about us. We have enough stuff to worry about for sure.
TS says
Personally, I liked his endorsement of Tony Strickland. Apparently I am in the minority on that one.
Not My Mayor says
How one person can achieve a record of incompetence and corruption in such a short time is truly remarkable.
ERIK says
Can someone tell me where I can find more information on R. Rex Parris and his lawsuits against the VFW? I cannot find anything about it. What exactly was his beef with those guys?
Post some links if you can….
Thanks :)
Lawyers in Love says
Your one stop shop for all Parris related information is on Facebook. The page is called Get Parris Out of Lancaster and it has a copy of the lawsuit among other nuggets of information. There is a fabulous chronology of news articles on Parris since becoming mayor. Read and it become informed.
LIL says
The lawsuit papers are posted on Facebook. The page is called Get Parris Out of Lancaster.
LIL says
You will find it here.
Lee says
Thank you.
Xyzzy says
You can see the papers on Facebook. There is a page with it and other information. It is called Get (last name of mayor) out of Lancaster. Happy reading.
Truth B. Told says
This is from the LA Superior Court website.
Case Summary
Case Number: BC530737
Filing Date: 12/17/2013
Case Type: Other PI/PD/WD (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings
08/12/2015 at 08:30 am in department A11 at 42011 4th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
Final Status Conference
08/21/2015 at 08:30 am in department A11 at 42011 4th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
12/19/2016 at 08:30 am in department A11 at 42011 4th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
Osc Re Dismissal
Documents Filed | Proceeding Information
AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL – Defendant/Cross-Defendant
AMERICAN LEGION LTD – Defendant and Cross-Complainant
ANTELOPE VALLEY POST NO. 311 – Cross-Complainant
CRAWFORD DEVONTAE – Plaintiff/Petitioner
DOES 1-50 – Defendant/Respondent
GASPORRA RALPH ROE 5 – Cross-Defendant
R. REX PARRIS LAW FIRM – Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner
READER CHAN B. ESQ. – Attorney for X-Deft/X-Comp
READER CHAN B. ESQ. – Attorney for Defendant
REYNOSO ROBERT ROE 2 – Cross-Defendant
SANTILLAN RUBEN ROE 3 – Cross-Defendant
STUBBS BRETT ROE 4 – Cross-Defendant
WHEELER ALEXANDER R. ESQ. – Attorney for Plaintiff
Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information
Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
04/14/2015 Amendment to Cross-Complaint (ROE 1 – 5 ADDED )
Filed by Attorney for Cross-Complainant
12/11/2014 Miscellaneous-Other (CIVIL DEPOSIT JURY FEES POSTED )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
12/11/2014 Notice (OF POSTING JURY FEES )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
05/29/2014 Summons Filed (ON CROSS COMP )
Filed by Attorney for Cross-Complainant
Filed by Attorney for Defendant
05/29/2014 Cross-Compl fld – Summons Issued (AV POST NO 311 AMERICAN LEGION & PALMDALE AMERICAN LEGION POST 348 )
Filed by Attorney for Cross-Complainant
05/14/2014 Cross-Compl fld – Summons Issued
Filed by Attorney for Cross-Complainant
05/14/2014 Summons Filed
Filed by Attorney for Cross-Complainant
04/08/2014 Rtn of Service of Summons & Compl (PALMDALE AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 348 )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
04/08/2014 Rtn of Service of Summons & Compl (SERVED ANTELOPE VALLEY POST NO 311, AMERICAN LEGION, LTD )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
04/01/2014 Notice (OF CASE REASSIGNMENT )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
03/21/2014 Notice of Reassignment and Order
Filed by Clerk
03/07/2014 Amendment to Complaint (DOE 2: ANTELOPE VALLEY POST, NO. 311, AMERICAN LEGION, LTD. )
Filed by Attorney for Pltf/Petnr
03/07/2014 Amendment to Complaint (DOE 1: PALMDALE AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 348 )
Filed by Attorney for Pltf/Petnr
12/17/2013 Complaint
Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed
Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)
05/08/2015 at 08:30 am in Department ATV03, ROBERT A. McSORLEY, Presiding
Exparte proceeding – Granted – uncontested
Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed | Proceeding Information
ERIK says
Lawyers in Love, LIL, Truth B. Told, Xyzzy, and Lee-
You guys are awesome.
Thanks for all of the above information. I have been wanting to check this out for awhile!
Gowchong says
Ok…here’s one…I’m a teacher. I teach 8th graders. One of my boys told me he had sex with a girl and claims he didn’t know she was only 12. The girl’s parents filed a restraining order against this 14 year old boy. They think she might be pregnant.
So the consequences of a few minutes of pleasure (for the boy at least)?
*Possible pregnancy with a mere child having a child
*Legal consequences for the boy (restraining order and a court appearance)
*Possibility of a life being brought into the world…who is going to support the baby, the 12 year old mother, etc.
When I asked the boy if it was worth it, he vehemently told me “no!” He said if he could turn back the clock, he would do it in an instant.
And I’m hearing a lot of bro ha ha about teaching abstinence.
If only…
William says
I’m not a teacher, so I don’t know how they’re handling sex education nowadays in the environment we now live in with sex everywhere.
It’s always fascinated me for many decades that the so-called adults in our society expect young people to behave with more restraint and self-control than they actually do. It’s desirable and should be encouraged for young people to be more careful but to ‘expect’ it is odd.
Teenagers, going through puberty for the ‘first time’ with raging hormones are supposed to abstain from sex or any kind of intimate activity.
Really? That sounds great in an ideal world and young people should be educated about such things.
BUT, consider that adults in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50 and older have a hard time controlling their sexual urges. Even priests and, yes, school teachers succumb to their urges even though THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER AS ADULTS.
Why are people so shocked when a 10 year old kills another kid? Adults do it all the time and we expect children to behave with more sense than adults.
It seems our society has so many things upside-down and backward and not simply by accident but apparently by design.
As for abstinence, it’s likely much harder than dieting and we are getting fatter and fatter by the day. Do they teach young people how to deal with the thoughts and urges they naturally have at that young age? Y’know, education. Just telling them “No. Don’t ever do it till you’re married and only if you want a baby” doesn’t seem to work so well.
Mark says
sex ed comes from TV now days.. and that’s why civilization is in a moral tailspin
frank rizzo says
William is Awesome, I love his comment section.
JR says
And now…Deep AV Thoughts…
…If you pay a million dollars to your friends a year for an eye in the sky and it produces no results, why do you keep paying a million dollars a year to your friends?
…If you say it looks like nepotism when you keep nominating your children for commission posts and other influential positions, why not nominate people who are not your children?
…If you travel around the country in a fossil fueled powered airplane preaching the evils of fossil fuels why do you keep flying around in a fossil fueled power airplane?
…If an ambulance got lost in the woods how long would it take for a lawyer to find it?
…If Bangladesh is going to be destroyed by a cyclone in our lifetime was George Harrison’s Concert for Bangladesh a sick joke?
…If bird sounds are supposed to lower crime but the crime rate comes up, could they have been misinterpreted as “angry bird” sounds?
Anon says
those are very deep thoughts. Would love to know the answers.
Turd Ferguson says
I know the answer to the first one.I know the answer to the first one.Because Rex wants to make his friends money.Because Rex wants to make his friends money.It does not matter that LEAPS is a waste.I does not matter that LEAPS is a waste.A waste of $90,000.00 a month.A waste of $90,000.00 a month.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.For what.For what.My appendix has more usefulness.My appendix has more usefulness.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
William says
I have a question, Turd Ferguson
Do you actually type each sentence twice or do you ‘copy and paste’ each one as you go along?
Or, do you have a software program that does it automatically? They have everything nowadays.
Anyway, just curious. It makes your comments stand out from the rest.
And, it must drive ‘Wrecks Parris’ crazy. And, that’s a good thing. He’s just a few more stupid actions away from a straightjacket. They’ll have to put a sock in his mouth too to shut him up.
Turd Ferguson says
I type my comments twice.I type my comments twice.By hand.By hand.Why you may ask?Why you may ask?Because we pay for aerial survelliance twice.Because we pay for aerial survelliance twice.We have sherriffs heliocopters and LEAPS.We have sherriffs heliocopters and LEAPS.Sherriffs heliocopters work.Sherriffs heliocopters work.LEAPS does not work.LEAPS does not work.It is a useless piece of turd.It is a useless piece of turd.That we pay $90,000.00 a month for.That we pay $90,000.00 a month for. To Rexs friends.To Rex friend.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.We could hire more sherriffs with that money.We could hire more sherriffs with that money.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to sherriffs.Yes to sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
William says
Thanks for the reply, Turd.
It takes extra work and I wondered if you had come up with a shortcut such as typing it once, then copying and pasting it.
You bring attention to something that many people forget about or ignore. You bring attention to something that many people forget about or ignore.
Turd Ferguson says
You are welcome William.You are welcome William.This is a labor of love.This is a labor of love.I love my city.I love my city.I am sick of seeing it ruined by Rex. I am sick of seeing it ruined by Rex.He only cares about his political friends.He only cares about his political friends.While the rest of the city goes to hell.While the rest of the city goes to hell.Wasting money on LEAPS.Wasting money on LEAPS.Useless piece of turd that makes his friends rich.Useless piece of Turd that makes his friends rich.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Lancastrian says
Why do we put up with this crap? Can’t we elect some people who care about us rather than their own interests?
Mark says
vote for Hillary..
Eric says
Einstein once quipped that he “didn’t know what weapons WW3 would be fought with…”
In the year 2015, we now have the answer. Drones and proxy militias.
William says
One of my favorite Einstein quotes, as best I can recall is when he was asked about a book called “100 Authors Say Why Einstein Was Wrong” or something like that.
Albert’s reply “I would think one would be enough.”
Birdman says
You can be sure that Einstein didn’t think that piping bird sounds on a sketchy city street would lower crime……
William says
Q: How many members of the Lancaster City Council does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: All of them. They hold the bulb while Rex starts yapping and the room starts spinning around. Voila. Light bulb screwed.
Joe says
I heard there was 2 shot in Littlerock yesterday, Any news or updates on this?
We need a proactive community deputy!
Lae says
not sure how you missed it on the front page:
Greg says
Gowchong says
So the Boston Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was found guilty on all counts. Now the penalty faze of his trial is coming up. Tsarnaev wants the death penalty because he will be considered a martyr. This (in his perverted mind) will grant him instant entrance to Paradise with 72 virgins at his disposal.
I say he should get life so he doesn’t realize his “martyrdom” and he die in prison an old man with no chance of being a martyr. Giving him life will allow him to wish like mad that he was martyred, and realize he will never be granted that so called status.
moll flanders says
Happy Passover!
Mr fed up says
What the he** is going on in Lancaster this weekend too many people getting killed, this has to stop
William's Dad says
This really needs to be called “William Speaks Out.” He really needs to get a hobby.
William Fan says
Keep it up, William. They want to silence you, especially the Parris lovers. Keep it up.
Prunella says
There are Parris lovers? Amazing.
Mark says
I agree William’s dad, he sounds like a broken record. needs to take up fishing or something. I stopped reading his comments a long time ago.
William says
Notice how the right wingers in the Antelope Valley rear up on their hind legs when I comment about the GOP/Fox ‘news’/conservatives and/or tea party.
Yet, they bring nothing to the discussion other than “William is a liberal”. They apparently don’t know that the word ‘liberal’ has a positive definition and connotations.
It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.
William says
My hobby is ‘making you think’ and I’ve failed miserably.
Strawman Willy! says
100 bucks says “William’s Fan” is Williams himself. To be honest, I don’t care about your politics. I’m not a regular to theavtimes at all, just noticed one guy accounted for about 85% of the traffic here. It’s kind of sad really.
moll flanders says
Strawman Willy…I completely agree. William likes to talk about how much smarter he is than everyone else. He’s not convincing.
William says
I sure am smarter than you are. You’ve brought nothing intelligent to these discussions, have you?
William says
@The Strawman aka The Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. If you only had a …..
The conservatives in the Antelope Valley don’t like to hear anyone disagree from their ‘firmly held beliefs’.
That’s why they reply with nonsense.
Heck, they kick out moderate republicans from their party if they don’t march in lockstep. But, you knew that.
Now, go read up on the traffic accidents and crime stories with the others.
William Fan says
Nice try, Strawman Willy, but William Fan I am! Not William at all. Just someone who admires his shedding light on the shenanigans of Parris and his cronies. A breath of fresh air. What goes on in this valley is a joke. Cronyism, back door deals, nutty things like the eye in the sky, crazy statements. Parris brings it all and William lets us know about it. Keep going William. You’ve pissed them off.
William says
@William Fan
Strawman Willy! is a brand new username and s/he acts likes s/he has been visiting a while to make that comment.
And, THEN, accuses moi of creating a new username to reply to myself.
As for Rex. I’m winding down on him unless he does something egregious once more.
Lancaster is now a lost cause because of him. The blvd is a flop. I have never read of any Lancaster residents who are thrilled with all the solar business.
They want the potholes fixed and more shopping and dining and other desirable businesses. And, what percentage of the 150,000+ Lancaster residents ride the bus, electric or not? Or, have jobs with BYD or not?
Electric busses are fine and will increase in the future but Lancaster residents weren’t hollering for them.
I can’t imagine him running for mayor again with that record.
William Fan says
William, Rex is running again. Please don’t let up. Expose him for what he is. You are one of the few voices that call it like it is with him.
William says
@William Fan
I’ll have to wait and see if he actually does run. So many things he’s attempted haven’t panned out such as
-birth tourism at Antelope Valley Hosptial
-stopping the Palmdale Power Plant with lies
-the flop of the blvd that he had called ‘the heart of Valley’.
-has the homeless issue on the blvd been fixed after that nonsense about moving the Metrolink station?
So, I tend not to buy what he says until the results are in or not.
Prius Driver says
Riding 5 mph under the speed limit in my Prius in the fast lane of the 14 or on the 138 is great! It makes me feel better than everybody else that I’m helping to reduce Global Warming. Plus it’s like there’s no traffic – it’s clear in front of me for miles! I know other people like it – I get the #1 sign a lot (I guess you hillbillies in the AV do it with your middle finger). Last week somebody tried to give me some batteries as they passed me. My car doesn’t take batteries, plus my window was rolled up and got cracked. But it was a nice supportive gesture. I’ll be out there tomorrow doing 55, so wave if you see me!
Just Saying says
CHP will not hesitate to ticket you for that.
William says
So, Jason, when you go to the store to get apples, do you come back home with a bag of oranges, y’know, because they are both the same?
That sums up your take on the 2 parties.
Eric says
Typical Bill response to that statement. Best summed up as
“Man with blinders on claims to see massive difference in political parties.”
Bill drank so much of the Democrat Kool-Aid, his body circulates Blue Blast instead of blood.
William says
Oh, Eric, poor Eric. Can’t tell the difference between $*** and Shinola and thinks nobody else can either.
William says
This is fun. It’s like Whack a Mole. Eric, Jason, wow, et al.
Who’s next?
Observer says
It’s too bad you can’t come off your soapbox of attacks on the Republican Party and admit to the ‘fact’ that both parties are responsible for the mess of political affairs we are in…To state that the only real ‘fact’ of why the Democrats along with their President Obama do not support the Keystone pipeline is based solely on the fact that it is legislation solely supported by Republicans (which it is not) is purely arrogant on their behalf at the cost of any American out there that is struggling for a better paying job and better opportunities for their families…I as a Registered Republican have no problem condemning both parties for their actions…yet there remain those so arrogant and narcissistic to put aside their venom for the other and do what is right for the Country as a whole!
N’est-ce pas?
William says
My comment re: the Keystone pipeline was sarcasm and it is telling that you didn’t ‘get it’.
The same party that wants the pipeline, despite almost weekly incidents of either oil pipelines bursting (usually near a river) or oil carrying trains derailing and dumping oil, also wants to neuter or eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency? Debate that.
Which party wants to strengthen EPA regulations to prevent and/or hold accountable companies that release oil or other toxic byproducts of energy production and has to fight with the other party well-funded by the energy industry? Debate that.
This ‘both parties do it’ is getting old. It shows an inability to tell the difference between dissimilar things. Hence, my ‘Shinola’ remark.
Which party is attempting to suppress voting by minorities, college students, the elderly, etc. because they think those groups might vote Democratic, under the mistaken notion that voter fraud is widespread when it’s almost statistically non-existent? Debate that.
There is a long list of issues that the 2 parties differ significantly on.
Is the ‘both parties yada, yada, yada’ the new talking point for republicans to minimize the messes that the GOP has caused while maximizing the importance of mistakes and failed policies of the Democrats so both parties look equally dysfunctional.
Possible GOP presidential candidate, Ben Carson, has said that the Affordable Care Act is worse than slavery. Other GOP hopefuls have said similar nonsense.
Which party has shut down the government several times because they don’t get their way and got our credit rating lowered as well? Debate that.
I don’t have to exaggerate anything when 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. As did the Crash of 2008. Those were 2 big disasters as well as the mistake of invading Iraq on false information. The Democrats that voted for giving Bush the authority to invade Iraq weren’t the president, so don’t bother going there. Cheney was planning on invading Iraq in the first months of 2001 and before September 11, 2001. The former Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O’Neil, wrote a book about his time in the first Bush term.
But, the GOP has had to exaggerate the so-called Benghazi ‘scandal’ even when the House committee they led the investigation came up empty handed. Debate that.
Just look at the conservative, Christian community of Lancaster for an up close take on how poorly it’s governed. CAP’N LANCASTER provides excellent coverage of that. The lower bond rating, the failed blvd project, the inattention to what the residents want such as fixing potholes and more good retail and other businesses. It’s a lost cause now.
Meanwhile, Parris and the ‘good ol’ boys’ in Lancaster do very well for themselves while the city is being left behind compared to neighboring Palmdale. I didn’t invent the ‘good ol’ boys’ reference to Lancaster. It was already in existence before I moved here in 1990.
The conservative republicans and tea parties in D.C. are just a much larger version of that same mentality as the ‘good ol’ boys’. Cut social services for women and children and the poor and working class while constantly pushing tax cuts for the 1%.
And, what good has the GOP done in the last 35 years during times when they held power?
Have all their tax cuts made you richer and happier? If so, then why the constant refrain about cutting taxes even more? What did you do with that $300 check W cut you in his first term? I’m sure you’ve lost more than that amount if you are a home owner or lost your job and retirement due to the Great Recession of 2008.
The market crashed in 1987 during republican Ronald Reagan’s second term too.
There have been about twice as many recessions during republican administrations in the last 60 years than in Democratic ones. Clinton cleaned up Bush41’s recession and President Obama has been cleaning up the much bigger mess that Bush43 left him.
If you can’t see those ‘differences’, see an optometrist. They are really obvious like the big ‘E’ on the eye chart.
Lady Liberty says
I don’t know why anyone responds to Liberal William’s rants. He is completely brain washed and ignorant to the truth. He must watch MSLSD and not Fox News.
William says
You tell ’em, Lady Liberty.
You tell these local conservatives to give up defending a lost cause.
moll flanders says
I will be sure to let Mayor Ledford (Republican) know how you feel about him. That he is defending a lost cause, is a quote from you William. So many causes and people for you to hate, that you just barely have the time in 24 hours to let it all out.
Lady Liberty says
Sorry liberal Willie, you are the lost cause.
William says
@Lady Liberty.
Just you’re saying so makes you a lost cause.
No evidence. No proof.
Typical right winger talk. If you say so, it must be true.
Some people laugh all the way to the bank.
You will laugh all the way to the mental hospital with your delusions.
BTW You wondered why others bother to reply to me then you reply yourself. You don’t even know what you’re saying from one day to the next.
Carry on…………regardless.
William says
You sure have the time to read my comments, moll flanders and also to reply to them 24 hours a day.
Mayor Ledford is an exception. I have discussed his party affiliation with him. He’s not one of the crazies in the new GOP. But, many of the comments here reflect that craziness. Yours and Lady Liberty’s for the most recent examples. No substance. No intelligent design in the your comments.
Now, in all your cleverness (actually, lack of) you will reply with “You have no intelligent design in your comments, William”. Originality isn’t your strong suit, moll.
So, go ahead and tell Mayor Ledford, moll. He already knows how I feel about most republicans and we are still friends. I visited with him recently at his office.
So, there, silly girl.
What a pathetic reply you made. You’re gonna tell Mayor Ledford. Pure you.
I can’t wait for your next brilliant comment so I can deconstruct it for you.
William says
@Lady Liberty
Why do your comments seems like they were written by ‘bird’. The handwriting looks the same. The thinking is the same.
Then, moll flanders says the same thing about Mayor Ledford being a republican as ‘bird’.
Meanwhile, ‘bird’ is only making rare appearances. Hmmm.
Don’t you folks do any thinking for yourselves?
William says
@Lady Liberty and moll flanders.
What has the republican majority led Congress accomplished since they took over this year? It’s almost April.
Don’t give me the Keystone pipeline, repealing the Affordable Care Act over 50 times and other nonsense that the GOP knows will be vetoed before they even passed those bills.
What results has the GOP produced that have passed and been signed by the President.
Their constant promoting of conspiracies and fake scandals have come up empty.
The Congress’s approval rating is around 17%.
President Obama’s approval rating is around 46%.
Your defense of the republicans is based on what exactly? Their job performance??? A big ZERO.
moll flanders says
You spend more time talking about other peoples’ moniker’s, and name dropping than you do anything else. You consider yourself above others, and that is really sad. You don’t have a clue, what the truth is William. Stop watching T.V., because it’s infotainment, and it’s all about ratings. T.V. is not truth William. Notice how one word changes things, Bill. You went from calling all Republicans on a losing course, to calling most Republicans on a losing course. Tell your friend Mayor Ledford I said hi!
moll flanders says
William, what are you talking about? I guess there are different people pointing out the same thing to you. You are too immature to have discussions with William. There is nothing of any relevance in your comments, just the same very immature, very angry, very stunted thinking. The only thing you do is call other people names, and attempt to belittle. Your words are cruel and hurtful, and it is a really sad situation. You just want to make people feel bad, and tear people down. You have been doing this for a long time. This is the outlet you use for your anger, and it has nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans.
Jason says
Just because you ignore that they both lie, spin and cry foul when they get called out for being hypocrites doesn’t make one party better than the other. I’ve listed multiple times they’ve both been hypocritical but continue to ignore it to make personal attacks.
Eric says
Today is a good day. Harry Reid has announced he won’t seek re-election. Said he wants to focus on getting Democrats back into the Senate.
What he didn’t say; explanations for how his family garnered so many federal posts (AKA: Nepotism), how his family became multi-millionaires off the pay of a Senator (AKA: Bribes and corruption). Good riddance to bad trash, one down, 400+ to go.
William says
Re: Minority Leader Harry Reid, I just heard a story about his early days in the Nevada legislature.
He was being bribed by a Nevada casino rep for $10,000 to pass some favorable bill.
Reid called the FBI and they set up a sting for a meeting. Harry was supposed to say “Is that the money?” a signal to the FBI to bust into the room and arrest him.
Instead, at the meeting when offered the bride, Harry Reid, a former boxer, jumped up and yelled “You are trying to bribe me.” and tried to choke the guy as the FBI rushed in.
You gotta love that.
Lawyers in Love says
Word on the street is that one of the co-suers in the various and sundry lawsuits against cities and school districts made a presentation last night that didn’t go as smoothly as he planned. This fresh off the Associated Press story by Michael Blood that reports a Madera County judge slashed more than $1.6 million in legal fees filed by attorneys re: a school district’s election. Turns out that one of the lawyers was one of the authors of the California Voting Rights Act and that he and his committee, had billed local governments for over $4.3 million in various cases.
The story is here. It is worth the read. http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2010/aug/26/judge-slashes-calif-election-case-attorney-fees/
Lawyers in Love says
Seriously? Asking $5 million dollars in damages for a $1,000 promotion that overwhelmed the company and they needed extra time to do background checks? Wow.
Jason says
But I thought he was just a soldier out for a walk that got captured? Turns out those who shouted down his fellow soldiers for saying this from beginning may end up eating a little crow. If convicted, its going to make the decision to trade him for five Taliban terrorists look even worse and all those that supported it as well.
William says
Are you also ignoring George W. Bush’s last year in the Texas Air National Guard, Jason?
Anything you want to point to during the last 6 years was done many times worse by the previous administration, Jason.
Democrats aren’t perfect but the republicans are a disaster.
Bush says he’s released all his records…if that’s true, then has anyone seen:
Any pages from Bush’s flight log
Records from the Flight Inquiry Board convened after Bush was suspended as a pilot
Any evidence of Bush’s reclassification into another AFSC after suspension as a pilot
Any photos of George Bush in a military uniform after 1972
Anything at all from any Alabama unit with Bush’s name on it
Any copies of form 44a from the Alabama National Guard certifying attendance
Air Force Form 142 (Aviation Service Audit Worksheet)
Anything proving service (not just receipt of pay) by Bush between May 1972 and May 1973?
Then, there’s Dick Cheney with 5 deferments because he had ‘other priorities’. I’m guessing 50,000+ young American soldiers had other priorities too.
But, what is really disgusting is those 2 and their minions wrapping themselves in the flag. They might as well have burned it in front of the White House.
WB says
when libs cant win an argument,they try to deflect to anything other than the fact that they backed the worst admin in history.they are embarrassed,and they should be.
Just Saying says
Actually, “the other guys are worse”, in itself is a rather week argument.
Jason says
Deflect much William? What does Bush’s lack of records from the ANG have to do with 5 Taliban terrorists being traded for a soldier who deserted his unit in time of war to seek out the enemy? Oh that’s right , it doesn’t.
People that supported this on both sides were told that he was a deserter and sought out the Taliban by those he served with yet he was applauded for being a hero for being “captured”. All this despite parties from both sides who were against it and were upset Obama didn’t get Congressional approval. But hey let’s give 5 high level terrorists away for someone who walked away from his obligations to his country.
And you want to take about missing records for a year and Chaney’s deferments as I’d it has any relevance to this issue.
William says
I’ll say it again, Jason
“Anything you want to point to during the last 6 years was done many times worse by the previous administration, Jason.”
Over 500 Gitmo detainees were released under Bush. Most were transferred to another country as were the 5 traded for U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl but you guys always treat President Obama’s actions differently than you do Bush’s actions.
What was traded for those 500+ detainees? Anything? Bueller?
As for the fake Benghazi ‘scandal’ which turned up nothing after numerous partisan hearings and over 100 prime time segments on Fox ‘news’, that also reveals the hypocrisy of the republicans.
Rep. John Garamendi said that “during the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died.”
Yeah, you guys ignore what happened during the 8 Bush years and act like world history began January 20, 2009.
That deserter G. Bush was absent for a year and became out stupidest president that resulted in ignoring a warning about 9/11, a month before it happened, seems lost on your pixilated mental processes.
But, of course, you think those 2 things are equal because “both parties do it” whatever “it” is.
Jason says
Typical left response, Bush did it so its OK for Obama to do it. We criticized Bush now we will defend Obama.
Now how many of those released were in fact innocent and how many were known high level terrorists that the enemy specifically asked for?
And if it was bad for Bush, then its bad for Obama.
Did Garamendi mention how many US Citizens were killed in those 13 attacks or did he deliberately leave that out?
William says
Typical ‘Jason’ response.
“During the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died.”
— John Garamendi on Monday, May 5th, 2014 in an interview on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show”
How many times more is 60 than the 4 in Benghazi, Jason? It’s simple arithmetic. You can divide can’t you? You take the 4 and see how many times it ‘gozinto’ 60 and voila, you have an answer.
Now, you are going to do the typical right wing response which goes like this>
They and you compare totally dissimilar things such the IRS ‘scandal’ to ‘Watergate’ (as an example, so don’t go all hysterical that you didn’t say that) as if they are equal or they invent detailed distinctions between 2 fairly similar things in order to trash President Obama for his but dismiss or ignore the ones that either of the Bushes or Reagan did.
For example. President Obama has signed far fewer executive orders than previous presidents but the right now says “It’s the type of orders.” If it turns out that the executive orders are very similar in nature, they will make up another ‘difference’ to make them seem more egregious when President Obama issues them. Lincoln’s ‘Emancipation Proclamation’ was an executive order b-b-but………………..
Did the Democrats and MSNBC do a 2 year witch hunt during the Bush years when those embassies were attacked.
Remember how the Bush administration resisted an investigation into 9/11 and he and the rotten VP, Cheney’, were interviewed together about 9/11 in secret, not under oath and with no recordings or transcripts. Now, they want to grill Hillary over her personal emails. Hypocrites, Jason. Do you aspire to be one too?
I’m surprised that you didn’t already know that quite a few embassies were attacked during the 8 Bush years and that many more died than the 4 in Benghazi that the GOP and Fox ‘news’ have wasted a lot of time and money promoting as a ‘scandal’.
What news outlets do you use that you weren’t aware of those 500+ detainees released and embassies attacked during the Bush years?
What you can’t seem to get, Jason, is that the GOP and Fox ‘news’ and those on the right ignored many tragedies and screwups during the Bush years and go full out on the many fewer incidents during the Obama years. Still no convictions compared to 138 in the Reagan administration.
Did the Democrats and MSNBC fuss over the 500+ that Bush transferred or released like the GOP and Fox ‘news’ has done with the 5 detainees?
And, you are part of that one-sided view of history that you share with the GOP and Fox ‘news’. How proud you must be.
Every thing that the GOP and Fox ‘news’ do, you do as well such as writing comments with unnamed people and no sources. That’s your version of Fox’s famous “Some say that……” at the beginning of a segment but rarely quote anyone in that segment let alone 2 sources for their ‘stories’.
In fact, you should apply for a job at Fox ‘news’. You are already skilled in their style of ‘journalisn’t’.
Jason says
Typical William response, ignore the question while attacking. Your right, 60 people died, the number of american casualties was TWO, half as many as Benghazi. And yes I did know how many embassies were attacked during the Bush era., just like I knew how many Americans died in those attacks. Just like I knew none of those attacks during the Bush era were sustained attacks where help could have been brought in but wasn’t.
And no they didn’t do a two year witch hunt because the administration was up front about what happened. None of those were blamed in a video but rather American policies. Just like the right didn’t do a witch hunt after the embassy bombings under Clinton where 12 Americans died.
The right are bing hypocrites about the Clinton email mess, especially Jeb Bush calling her out for doing the same thing he was doing.
No they didn’t fuss about the 500+ that were released under Bush, just like the right didn’t fuss about the 250+ released under Obama before those 5 were traded. Some on the right were hypocritical for the reactions to the swap after saying he needed to be brought home.
I’m part of the one sided history? That’s hilarious coming from you. I’ve admitted Bush’s mistakes were mistakes and he rightfully deserves criticism. I’ve said the Republicans are wrong for some of what they do. Typically you ignore that though because I criticize the Democrats just the same when they deserve it as well.
Oh look beating that dead horse again. I could continue listing sources for that but I’m sure you ignore those too.
And why would I apply for a corporation I can’t stand? They, along with MSNBC, are the most one sided “news” outlets on the planet. They both push their own agendas without regard for the truth.
bird says
Maybe the Mayor hitched a ride on that asteroid!
William says
They should pave the blvd with yellow bricks and call Lancaster “OZ” and Rex can be the Wizard behind the curtain.
Let’s see.
Sandra can be Dorothy. (She wants to go home now)
Ron can be the Scarecrow. (If he only had a brain)
Marv can be the Cowardly Lion (If he had c-c-courage)
and Ken can be the Tin Man (If he only had a heart)
Then, the members of that church can be Munchins or better yet, Flying Monkees. I have a few nominees for WW of the West.
Cameras! Action!
bird says
Didn’t Johnny Cash sing a song about our Mayor called “A Boy Named Sue?”
PBRman says
Very very funny William and Bird. Wish we could do a play on the BLVD based on William’s story and Bird’s music.
William says
“FREEDUMB” is so weird for republicans.
Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president at Liberty University.
Note the name “Liberty”.
Ted Cruz, who is always talking about freedom and liberty and freedom and liberty and freedom, spoke before a college audience where a student would have to pay a fine IF THEY DIDN’T ATTEND THE MEETING. ($10)
That says it all about Ted Cruz, his association with ‘liberty’ and the kind of place Liberty University is.
Who is the next republican to climb into the clown car?
It will only get funnier and funnier and more absurd like the last republican campaign and debates. That’s why Reince Preibus (No, that’s not an STD), chairman of the RNC, cut the number of debates down to about half a dozen. Too much exposure reveals the insanity of the GOP and what the audience in the room applauds and boos. Not good.
Nick says
how stupid us stupid.
William says
Good news.
New U.S. single-family home sales surged in February to their highest level in seven years despite harsh winter weather, in a hopeful sign for the housing market.
William says
Republicans are the real takers. Read below.
“Republican-leaning states are a lot more dependent on the federal government than Democratic-leaning ones.
That’s according to a recent analysis from the personal finance site WalletHub, which ranked states based on how much they rely on Uncle Sam to support their state finances.
To calculate states’ dependence, WalletHub analyzed three metrics: how much a state gets in federal funding per every dollar it pays in federal income taxes, the percentage of state funding that comes from the federal government and the number of federal employees per capita, both military and civilian.”
From a Huffington Post article. WallteHub did the analysis.
Yet, those republican states do the loudest whining about the federal government.
JustTweakIt says
William says
Over 200 years ago, our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution in 4 months.
In the 21st century, it takes forever to get anything done in a timely fashion despite all of our ‘wonderful’ information technology.
We are going backward. How can we hit a mountain by going backward? We are just going to fall out of the sky.
And, the universe doesn’t care.
Mark says
I think William just likes to read his own articles. nobody reads his anymore. he sounds like a broken record.
mark says
Donkey good, elephant bad yup that covers it
William says
Here’s a real BROKEN RECORD for ya. It’s cut and paste right wing talking points that we’ve heard for years.
March 23, 2015 at 2:40 pm
“@ William, I see a country 18 trillion dollars in debt, more racially divided since the 60’s. I see a president who goes around apologizing for America. I see a country that is hated across the world. I see a administration that has had scandal after scandal swept under the rug. I will not get into a debate with you, I know its your way or the highway so its not worth my time nor energy.”
If you don’t think that your Fox ‘news’ and your right wing talk radio isn’t divisive, you haven’t been paying attention, have you?
It doesn’t matter to you guys that all the so-called ‘scandals’ have resulted in NO CONVICTIONS of anyone in this administration in 6 years.
Mark and mark sound like clones of each other.
yea me says
must of hit his little nerve. keep the faith brother.
William says
@yea me
It’s funny. They are all ‘nerve’ but no ‘sense’. Go figure.
mark says
William, I learned a long time ago not to try and get into a debate with a person such as yourself. I am open to everybody’s opinion. you on the other hand are a one way street. your right and everyone else is wrong. your just a grumpy old man with to much time on his hands. sit back and enjoy your Nancy Pelosi calendar.
William says
You’ve brought nothing to the table to debate.
So, why do you bother replying to my comments?
Now, you’ve got Ted Cruz to represent you. Right?
I can’t wait to watch each of your ‘candidates’ crash and burn, one after another. Just like the last time.
Then, you’ll finally end up with a nominee no one in the GOP likes. Just like last time.
Lori says
How do you feel about the new Advanced Meter from the gas company? I think it is outrageous that the gas company can force us to change our meters and then charge us for us. How long will it be before the gas company is just like the electric company, telling us when we can and can’t use our utilities? I want to know how many gas paying customers the gas company has. If you get the meter, they charge you $60 per year to keep it. How much money are they making by firing all their gas meter guys and their secretaries that keep charge of this, and giving all of our ‘encrypted’ information to people that ‘hack’ into the gas system? Mark my words, it won’t be long before the gas company is hacked. The electric company charges us more for using electricity at different times, the water company charges us more if we water daily, even if we water less per gallon per week, and now the gas company wants to charge us for doing nothing. What about fixed income people? Oh yeah, they want us to pay for that too!
Curious says
@William…Why do the Democrats and President Obama oppose the building of the Keystone pipeline?…”facts” only please.
moll flanders says
William…My views are completely different than your views. It’s that simple, so name calling, deflecting, attempts to belittle me, are all about who you are and has nothing to do with me or my views. No sense in arguing or trying to prove my point because you aren’t listening. It’s all about you and your extreme anger. Go in peace William.
William says
@moll flanders
You said ‘me too’ to Granny13’s nonsense. You’re in good company.
moll flanders says
William…Thank you, I am in good company. Her views are just different than yours, and my views are different than yours. No nonsense here William, just expressing a different point of view. Maybe if the Republicans and Democrats would stop pointing fingers, you know, playing the blame game, we might actually have a chance to become the UNITED States of America. United we stand, divided we fall, and right now we are falling. It’s all about taking personal responsibility, so those fingers need to turn around and point at the person the finger belongs to.
William says
@moll flanders
Which political party has alienated blacks, Latinos, the LGBT community, union members, teachers, government employees, Muslim-Americans, young people, poor people, minimum wage workers etc., etc.? The GOP will probably alienate some more groups before the 2016 election then wonder why those groups don’t vote republican.
Which political party has made a concerted effort to suppress voting in various red states the last few years?
And, the ones on the right along with their propaganda outlet called Fox ‘news’ blame the President for being divisive. That’s rich.
Republicans like Rudy Giuliani say the President doesn’t love America and other equally offensive and DIVISIVE nonsense.
A nutty congressman (R) yells out “You lie” during a State of the Union speech.
Boehner goes behind the President’s back and invites Netanyahu to speak before a joint sesssion. Then, they whine and complain because the President didn’t call him immediately after he won his re-election. Netanyahu does a 180 regarding the 2 state solution a day before and a day after the election. No wonder the GOP loves Netty. He’s 2-faced just like them.
This is the worst Congress with a 15% approval rating and a republican majority in both Houses. They’ve accomplished nothing since taking over unless you call pulling their own bills and voting to repeal the ACA over 50 times an accomplishment worth noting.
Willaim says
@moll flanders
So, what is your take on Mitch McConnell meeting with other congressional republicans on the day of President Obama’s inauguration to discuss how to make him a 1 term president and obstruct everything he proposes? Even if it hurts the country or shuts down the government?
Have you been paying attention to any of those shenanigans?
What do you think of the unprecedented number of filibusters in the Senate during the President’s first term? Many of them judicial appointments while there is a backlog of cases in the courts.
Or, holding Loretta Lynch’s vote hostage over something that has nothing to do with her appointment as Attorney General?
Is that how you think the government should be run?
Or, the House and Senate republicans voting against their own bills, bills they amended just because the President supported them? They’ve done that many times.
Prunella says
@moll flanders, you’re so right. It’s absolutely useless to try to present facts or to express your opinion with those who think they have all the answers. Obama has divided this country so badly, I hope there’s a way to unite us someday. Just as a child learns from its parents, these people who constantly criticize have learned from their leader. All of his speeches criticize the Republicans. Doesn’t he realize that being the POTUS – that the word, “UNITED” is there? Rather than be found guilty of anything, everything that’s going wrong is called a “phony scandal”. He constantly criticizes Fox News because they report the incidents that other mainstream media ignores. He’s afraid of them. He doesn’t “play well with others”. The latest is PM Netanyahu. Obama is being totally rude to him because the election in Israel didn’t go the way he wanted it. Obama can ignore our Constitution and his followers don’t care.
The police are now the bad guys. Another division for this country. If anyone criticizes Obama, they’re racist. Another division. There’s a “war against women” – another division.
When people demanded to see his birth certificate, he called it “silliness”. If it was, why did it take him 3 yrs to show it? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just show it when he was planning to run for president? No matter who’s running, a birth certificate should be presented when one announces their candidacy. When it was finally produced, it was announced on twitter by Dan Pfeiffer, WH Communications Director who also calls his interviewers “Dude”. And, the Governor of Hawaii didn’t supply the birth certificate. She simply said that it was okay when asked later about it. It was supplied by Loretta Fuddy, public health director, who was killed in a plane crash right after. I’m sure there was no connection.
I do believe that Obama is a Muslim.
I don’t understand how anyone can believe everything the president says. I envy them that they’re seeing our country go down the tubes and seem ok with it. They feel so secure in what he’s doing and go along with all of it.
I couldn’t believe either that after Eric Holder said that Darren Wilson was cleared, that so many still said he was guilty. We’re all so divided. “A house divided cannot stand” – Abraham Lincoln. That’s what scares me.
Granny13 says
William, you and I will never agree on politics. You follow the liberal agenda. Never take responsibility, always deflect and put the blame on the republicans. I agree with Moll Flanders it is a waste of time responding to you. You are extremely angry. I feel sorry for you living with it. God bless you and take care.
William says
Give me a break. You began all this by blaming liberals in a rant about young people wanting everything for free. Did you forget that?
Then, you wrote that you don’t blame people for anything, contradicting yourself. I posted both of your quotes illustrating that contradiction.
Your other rants were obviously angry, so what do you do. You project your anger onto me. You were angry when you wrote those long paragraphs venting but you denied it.
Did you not begin by blaming liberals and now you are saying that I’m blaming republicans. Well, I am but you aren’t being honest about what you’ve been doing.
What have republicans accomplished in the last 6 years and even more recently since they won majorities in both Houses of Congress? You asked me that of President Obama but you didn’t reply to my question about the GOP. Is that how you play the game; demanding answers to your questions but not answering my questions?
It’s typical of those on the right. I’ve gone round and round with conservatives many times. Facts don’t matter to them. I’ve listed many of the steady improvements in economic indicators but you grudgingly admit that the Dow has improved while ignoring all the other positive developments in the last 6 years of the recovery.
Apparently, you like to post comments blaming liberals for something and saying the President is the worst, etc. but you don’t want anyone to reply if they disagree with you.
Well, that’s not how ‘free speech’ works; that only you get to post your opinions but no one can respond if they disagree.
I’m sure you’ve heard it said that the remedy for bad speech (such as your blaming liberals and inaccurately saying that President Obama is the worst President, etc.) is more speech.
But, you don’t want ‘more’ speech. You don’t want your comments replied to if they disagree with you. Isn’t that correct, Granny13?
Now, here comes Prunella saying the President is a Muslim and is apparently a ‘birther’.
Granny13 says
William, I admit when I’m wrong. I did make a mistake on Saddam. You were right I meant Bin Laden that Bill Clinton didn’t get. But to put all the blame on Bush 2 for the war is silly. Dems that voted for military action are H.Clinton,Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Dean, Feinstein, Schumer, Kerry, Edwards, Dodd, Rockefeller, Liberman,Beyh, Hollings. All the most powerful also had the same Intel that Bush received and the Dems gave fervent support. The Dems in the House and Senate voted for the USA Patriot Act.
In September Obama claimed his foreign policy was working in the Middle East no ISIS is only a J-V team. Our special forces lived with the people for 7 years in Yemen and they produced more valuable Intel that helped stabilize the area. Now what is happening today in Yemen, Syria, Iran and Iraq. They are supporting ISIS. Saudi Arabia is in the middle of it. Our allies over there don’t trust us any longer as the Middle East melts down. Today in Yemen we are evacuating our forces because of the danger. Saudi Arabia is left to fend for itself. I don’t believe in putting the blame on others. You say crazy nut jobs read my opinions and it’s dangerous. That is on them not me. I was raised in a generation where you take responsibility for your own action not blame someone else. As for the ACA a new poll is out and 58% don’t want it. On the low estimate $5.7 billion in waste already. We are paying for that. People are paying more than when they had their own private insurance. Yes I’ll agree the Dow is doing better right now. Every president has good and bad when they are in office. I just believe Obama has much more bad than good as of now. I believe in freedom and safety which with every day we are losing.
William says
Well, well, well, Granny13, you FINALLY admit you made an error regarding the Saddam/bin Laden business and act like you’ve really accomplished something. I only mentioned it several times first.
Now, it’s Yemen you’re worried about.
9/11 didn’t happen on President Obama’s watch.
Who was president when we invaded Iraq by mistake? And, which party controlled both Houses of Congress at the time? Yet, you want to blame some Democrats who went along. Typical.
Who was president when the economy collapsed? Two auto companies almost went bankrupt and housing collapsed and millions lost savings, retirements, jobs, their homes, etc.? Who was that president that you think wasn’t worse than President Obama who has worked to clean up that mess with no help from the GOP?
Are you blind?
I love how you grudging admit that the Dow is doing better right now. How magnanimous of you. You ignore that cars sold as well last year as in 2006.
You ignore the housing recovery.
You ignore that inflation is low.
You ignore that mortgage interest rates are low.
You ignore that unemployment is 5.5%.
You ignore that we’ve had over 5 years of positive job growth compared to losing 750,000 jobs a month in early 2009.
You ignore that millions have health insurance now and focus on the ones whose premiums went up. Did your premiums go up or are you feigning concern over others?
Are you more concerned about premiums going up or Americans dying for lack of adequate health care? Red state governors refused to expand Medicaid and a Harvard study estimated that up to 17,000 Americans would die prematurely because of that in 2014.
You ignore that we haven’t had another recession on President Obama’s watch. But, I’ll bet if the Dow dropped 2,000 points on Monday, you’d blame President Obama.
Of course, none of that will change you’re mind.
It is my opinion that you and the people on the right are in a ‘faith-based’ party. You think that whatever you believe regarding politics, economics, foreign relations, etc. is the truth. Doesn’t matter if facts get in the way.
The best example of that is the birthers. They believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim Kenyan before any evidence was shown them. I predicted early on that no matter what evidence was shown them including a long form birth certificate supplied by a republican governor of Hawaii, they still wouldn’t accept it. And, it’s true. Donald Trump still has that birther bug up his butt and he’s planning on running for your party’s nomination.
You barely accept that the Dow has almost tripled and ignore all the other improved economic indicators.
You believe that President Obama is the worst president and no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince you otherwise. It’s hopeless.
And, don’t get me started on the GOP effort to suppress voting in various red states. Even our own Steve Knight was in on that effort before it became widespread. I was at a town hall meeting with him when he expressed his concern over voter fraud a year before it became national news.
There have been twice as many recessions during republican administrations in the last 60 years than during Democratic ones.
You want another recession, vote for a republican in 2016.
President Obama will leave the country in 2016 in better shape than he found it in 2009. Any, you go ahead and fuss about Yemen.
William says
“I don’t believe in putting the blame on others.” – Granny13
In your original comment, you blamed liberals for the actions of today’s young people thusly ” The liberals are teaching that you deserve everything for free.”
Do you see how you contracted yourself?
That’s why I said that no one can have an intelligent discussion with people such as yourself. You’re all over the place. Saddam/Osama bin Laden was the least of your problems.
mark says
@ William, please tell me where I may purchase a pair of those rose color glasses your wear. I sure don’t see this country being in better shape under Nobummer.
William says
Were you alive in 2008 and 2009?
mark says
@ William, I see a country 18 trillion dollars in debt, more racially divided since the 60’s. I see a president who goes around apologizing for America. I see a country that is hated across the world. I see a administration that has had scandal after scandal swept under the rug. I will not get into a debate with you, I know its your way or the highway so its not worth my time nor energy.
William says
The threats to the President have increased 400% over previous presidents.
Yeah, it’s his fault that there are so many crazies in this country that are encouraged by you, Granny13, moll flanders, etc. and your enlightened commentaries.
There have been no convictions of anyone in this adminsitration compared to 138 under your hero, R. Reagan.
What happened to Benghazi? Oh, that’s right. The republican majority led House Intelligence Committee found NO COVER UP, NO WRONG DOING AND NO STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN. Or, didn’t you know that? Neither did all the other hearings.
You knew that part of that $18 trillion debt was from putting the 2 wars ON THE BOOKS, right? Bush kept the cost off the books. How clever of him.
But, you keep on keepin’ on, mark. It makes you look smart.
Using ‘Nobummer’ indicates that you’ve lost the argument already.
You are just repeating Fox ‘news’ talking points so, you’re right about not debating. It would be pointless with you.
William says
You guys want scandal. This is by far the biggest one that has resulted in the mess we are in Iraq and the surrounding Middle East.
Bush 41 let Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait in August 1990 instead of warning him that the United States would intervene. Bush’s ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, had this following transcribed conversation while Saddam was amassing troops on the Kuwaiti border and just days before he invaded.
Well, then again, Bush Jr. invaded Iraq again, oops, on false information.
Well, Granny13. You want to blame Bill Clinton (erroneously) for not getting Saddam. You must mean Osama bin Laden. But, what the heck. You were just ranting.
It amazes me to this day how this foolishness by Bush 41 was swept under the rug as republicans create faux ‘scandals’ one after another in order to impeach President Obama.
Dear God, now Jeb Bush wants to run for president. Even most republicans don’t want him although Wall Street is sending money. Ann Coulter, of all people, is saying that Wall Street is wasting their money on Jeb.
Bush41 handed Clinton a recession and Clinton left a surplus and had created 20 million or so jobs and peace.
Bush43 was handed a surplus and left a near depression and 2 unfinished wars. Oh, and 9/11 happened on his watch after a warning 1 month before.
Obama was handed that mess from Bush43 and the economy has slowly and steadily recovered.
And, folks like Granny13 and moll flanders go right along like sheep with the right wing rants. Now, do you two realize why I don’t agree with or even respect your opinions based on nonsense?
William says
Jason, I never blamed the S&L crisis on ‘republicans’. It did happen during a republican administration.
I never said that AG Holder never lied. I didn’t follow F&F that closely but there was a similar program started before him.
I don’t trust your ‘interpretations’ of what I have said one bit. You don’t post quotes and your ability to ‘enhance’ my comments with your bias is amazing.
I listed some of the improvements during the 6 years of the Obama administration for Granny13 and she disappeared after insisting ON ANSWERS. A typical right wing tactic.
They are question generating machines that already have the only answers they will accept and ignore the actual answers to their questions.
I want to acknowledge you for being so big as to grudgingly admit that ” I have no problem admitting things have gotten somewhat better in this country under Obama.” Your words.
Wow! Open your eyes. “somewhat better”??? If your life still sucks it’s on you, y’know, ‘personal responsibility’. I suggest moving out of Lancaster, for starters.
As for ‘taking sides’. When you see a “blatantly false” comment and then my reply and you only respond to me instead of a “blatantly false” one, that’s Jason, being ‘fair and balanced’, a Fox ‘news’ slogan. I have rarely, if ever, seen you reply to idiotic right wing comments here. Why not?
Give me a break. You routinely try to equate both parties when it just isn’t that way.
That President Obama has overseen an economy that has improved significantly during the last 6 years despite overwhelming obstruction and opposition by the GOP/tea party, that has forced the shutdown of the government, lowered our credit rating and accomplished nothing, is pretty darn good work. “somewheat better” Please, Jason, you embarrass yourself by sounding like a republican on Fox ‘news’.
It everything perfect? Of course not and the President has said so.
Granny13 says
William, you said Typical right wing tatic not to respond with answers. I responded before you wrote this to Jason. Typical Liberal tatic throw the blame where it doesn’t belong.
William says
What have the 2 republican majority Houses of Congress done since they took office? You like to ask questions. Answer that.
They’ve pulled their own bills, one on abortion and one on immigration.
They’ve voted for the Keystone pipeline knowing in advance that it would be vetoed.
They keep trying to repeal the ACA.
They invited a foreign leader to speak before a joint session of Congress without first informing the President and 2 weeks bedore that leader’s election.
Bottom line, while you ignore the improvments in the economy, health insurance for previously uninsured Americans and expanding rights for the LGBT community and other ‘liberal’ causes, the GOP/tea party has done zilch.
This is the worst Congress in history. It’s approval rating is around 15% and George W. Bush’s rating at the end of his second term was 22%.
President Obama’s has never been that low.
So, your opinion is not fact based and I’m here to point it out.
Your welcome.
Curious says
@William…What are the real “facts” behind the opposition of the Democrats along with the President Obama to the building of the Keystone pipeline?
William says
Because the republicans support it.
Sound ridiculous, Curious?
It is.
But, that’s how the republicans have acted since President Obama took office…. with everything he supported, even if they were their own ideas.
Did you question them about everything they’ve opposed in the same fashion as you question me? I doubt it.
The same political party obsessed with the Keystone pipeline is the same party that would like to get rid of the EPA or, at least, severely neuter it. N’est-ce pas?
Next question.
Curious says
It’s too bad you can’t come off your soapbox of attacks on the Republican Party and admit to the ‘fact’ that both parties are responsible for the mess of political affairs we are in…To state that the only real ‘fact’ of why the Democrats along with their President Obama do not support the Keystone pipeline is based solely on the fact that it is legislation solely supported by Republicans (which it is not) is purely arrogant on their behalf at the cost of any American out there that is struggling for a better paying job and better opportunities for their families…I as a Registered Republican have no problem condemning both parties for their actions…yet there remain those so arrogant and narcissistic to put aside their venom for the other and do what is right for the Country as a whole!
N’est-ce pas?
William says
@Granny, moll flanders
When I say your comments are destructive, I mean it.
Saying that President Obama is the worst president is right up there with Rudy Giuliani saying he doesn’t love America, the governor of Arizona poking her finger in his face, a republican congressman yelled out “You lie!” during a State of the Union speech, the threats on this president’s life have increased 400% and so on. Fox ‘news’ does it 24/7 except for commercials.
Remember when Bill O’Reilly called abortion Dr. Tiller a ‘baby killer’ dozens of times on his show until the doctor was assassinated while serving in his own church.
The GOP wanted to impeach President Obama from the get go and created all kinds of worthless and expensive ‘scandal’ investigations that came up empty. No one in his administration has been convicted of anything compared to over 100 high level officials in the Reagan administration. That might be a record. Dismiss that if you want to.
This president has been the most threatened president in our history.
So, your destructive comments are part of that same mentality that gives tacit permission to the craziest people in this country.
Why do you guys hate America so much that you are encouraging such hatred towards the President with your public comments? I include you, moll, because you obviously agree with Granny13.
It is my opinion that you 2 hate America and many Americans. Granny13 hates some young people and blames liberals for their behavior. I assume she hates liberals too.
I rarely use the word ‘hate’ in my comments but if the shoes fit you two, wear them.
Granny13 says
William, I don’t hate anyone. I love young people that is why I volunteer with youth groups. I feel sorry for young people because they are not being taught to take care of themselves. Not all of them but a good majority think if they don’t get paid what they want they will not work. Everyone needs to work for what they want in life. Not stay home and live off the government. As for two majority republican houses of congress, that just happened. What about when the Dems had control what got done, Nothing. I’m a Christian and I do not believe in same sex marriage. California voted against it in our election. I’m also in favor of the Keystone pipeline. It will help our economy. The ACA needs to be repealed. The majority doesn’t want or like it. No one this administration has been convicted of anything because all the cover up and interference not getting all the documents to prove any wrong doing. Obama has made our nation debt higher then all of the other presidents combined in just six years in office. I love America. I don’t hate anyone, nationality, religion, political party or sexual preference. I have the right to my opinion thinking Obama is the worst president ever. Why is it when someone doesn’t agree with you liberals it means we are haters? We can disagree on everything that is the American way. FREEDOM.
Jason says
That’s funny. Now it just happened during a Republican administration. It was among a list of scandals caused by Republicans that you listed. Your response as to when show it was led by Democrats was to try and call me out for not naming McCain as the lone Republican involved.
You called what was going on with Holder because of Fast and Furious a witch hunt because Holder did nothing wrong. Yet he lied to Congress and then tried to back pedal from that.
Things are better for some, others not so much. Some people are still hurting and things aren’t getting better. But I guess things being somewhat better now is sure helpful to the generations down the line that are getting saddled with 18+ Trillion in debt. Funny how Bush got railed on for adding $5 Trillion in debt, yet here we are with another $8 trillion on top of what he added and not a word.
Personal responsibility? You mean like blaming a previous president for a terrorist group this admistration underestimated and on a troop pull out that they touted as one of their biggest achievements? Or calling for fiscal responsibility while continuing to add debt, doing exactly the opposite of what the President touted he was against?
I embarrass myself for seeing the longterm reality of the situation instead of ignoring it? I guess that rising debt will just magically disappear right? Each administration keeps putting the future farther and farther in the hole and neither party gives a crap.
moll flanders says
Welcome to Comedy Central, and have a nice day. All those words and nothing was solved; go figure.
William says
@moll flanders
And, you were of such great assistance.
Granny13 says
William, stop making excuses and answer the question. What has Obama done for our country. Put some real facts on the table. Your list as you say. I have read your comments in the past on other people. You don’t state any true facts on anything. You attack anyone with a different opinion by calling them names. All presidents make mistakes, nobody is perfect like you think you are. What happened in the last election? I think the people sent a loud and clear message to the liberals that things need to change. The crazy republican’s ( as you say) took over control. By the way Fox News is rated number one. Your MSNBC ( liberals) can’t get any audience. I base my opinion on facts. America is not the same country as it used to be. I hope and PRAY that we can get back to what it used to be. Have a wonderful evening William.
William says
“facts” Did you comment that Bill Clinton failed to get Saddam?
William says
5.5% unemployment rate
Over 5 years of job growth, every month.
There hasn’t been a recession since the economy turned around in 2009.
GM and Chrysler are doing good after almost collapsing in 2009.
Housing has recovered in many parts of the nation.
Millions of Americans now have health insurance that they couldn’t get before.
DADT gone.
Dow Jones is almost triple (3x) from what it was when he took office.
Our soldiers aren’t dying every week in Iraq and Afghanistan as they were during the Bush years. Over 4,000
There has been no attack on American soil comparable to 9/11 ON BUSH’S WATCH.
Granny13 says
Obama care facts. The biggest tax increase in history. 75% hit the middle class. Reduced choices in variety of insurance coverage. Higher cost because of all the new mandated coverage. Employers cutting weekly hours to under 30 so they don’t have to provide and also cutting spouses from coverage. 500 billion stolen from Medicare. It is the biggest spending program in history 1.2 trillion. Most of the new sign ups are low income who don’t pay anything. Lie if you like your doctor you can keep him. The majority of Americans polled don’t want it.
Unemployment facts. In 2015 only 164 areas have returned to their pre-recession peak. 30 million are out of work or severely underemployed. New jobs being created are entry level, part time and low level paying. The people who have completely odropped out and not receiving unemployment checks are not counted in the 5.5% rate.
Yes Bush #1 let Saddam invade but Clinton also could have taken him out and decided not to. Obama had nothing to do with catching him other than the fact he gave the comand to kill when he was found.
Who paid for GM and Chryslar bailout? The American tax payers.
Both parties are responsible for the S&L crisis. There is no getting around that fact.
Under Obama the Middle East Is falling apart. They are in turmoil. It will affect us here sooner or later. Isis is already here in America. I have lived for 62 years and I have never seen our country in this mess financially and morally. My grand children will be paying for this administrations mistakes for years and years.
William says
@Granny13 aka…..
Is Barack Obama a US citizen by birth?
Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
Did President Obama ‘get’ Osama bin Laden AFTER BUSH GAVE UP ON THE PROJECT AND DISBANDED IT?
There are more ‘facts’ below in another reply.
But, be careful. I know you are allergic to facts.
President Obama is not the ‘worst’ president. That is not a fact.
He is not a ‘king’ either. That is not a fact.
What facts have you provided?
Granny13 says
William you seem very angry. You call names which isn’t needed. America is the greatest country in the world because it allows freedom of speech and differing opinions. I don’t mind that you have your opinion that Is different from mine that is your right. It is my right and my opinion that Obama is the worst president. To many scandels and lies under his administration. I believe he was born here. I don’t believe he is a Muslim but even if he was this is America with freedom of religion. I believe in our constitution which we should live by. Right now it is being thrown out the window by this administration. Lighten up William and be thankful we can have these discussions.
William says
Lighten up, you say, Granny13. You were the one you started this with your angry rant about liberals being the cause of greedy, lazy kids.
I replied that they didn’t cause the collapse of the economy in 2008 that you conveniently forgotten in your rant. That collapse and its slow recovery with no help from republicans has made it much harder for young people to get a quality education, jobs and the rest. And, your party doesn’t want to raise the minimum wages for those young people and instead give the 1% another tax cut.
I answered your questions about ‘what has King Obama done’. It’s only a partial list but I notice you ignored it.
Like I said, your comment was ‘fact free’ and your opinions are as well.
Let’s see now. Your opinion that President Obama is is worst president and when I disagree, you don’t like it. Well, I have free speech too.
You folks on the right don’t seem to understand that free speech goes both ways. You say something ‘blatantly false’ as Jason noted and you get incensed when someone disagrees with you.
The country is measurably better off now than it was when President Obama took office in January 2009, despite an intention by Mitch McConnell and other republicans meeting on the day of his inauguration to make him a one term president and thwart everything thing he wanted to do, EVEN WHEN IT WAS THEIR OWN IDEAS.
Now, if you want to align with the GOP/tea partiers in the face of that information, that is crazy.
My opinion is ‘that is crazy’ and anyone who aligns with that party as it goes about obstructing and not compromising is also crazy. It’s destructive.
Yes, Granny13, your opinions/comments are destructive and that is my opinion.
moll flanders says
William, I think your opinions/comments are destructive and that is my opinion. Your comments always are reduced to childish, cruel name calling. you have no interest in having a discussion/debate, because you always belittle the other persons opinions and call people stupid, crazy etc.
William says
@moll flanders
Did you read Granny13’s original comment blaming liberals for the behavior of young people?
That President Obama is the ‘worst president’, etc.?
Tell me, moll, how do you have an intelligent discussion with THAT?
And, you agreed with her.
Yes, those comments are crazy. That’s my opinion.
Granny13, Jason and you think that you can express YOUR opinions on a public forum but you don’t want anyone who disagrees with y’all to express theirs.
How convenient. Then, you reverse it and tell me that I am the one who doesn’t tolerate disagreement when I am, in fact, disagreeing with them.
Keep it up, moll. I can handle it. Can you?
Granny13 says
William, I don’t rant I respond. I don’t call names. You try to bully everyone. Your idea of blatantly false facts is your opinion not mine or others. I never got incensed when anyone disagreed with me. You say we are better off now and I definitely don’t agree with you. What is your definition of the difference between both parties? What do the Dems and Reps believe. If you care to respond please be civil with no name calling.
moll flanders says
Granny13…Spot on!
Frank Rizzo says
Did you hear the Democrats are failing to keep records of emails again? How’s that hopey changey thing working? Transparency? Not So much.
William says
Oh, Frank Rizzo
What has that serial liar Bill O’Reilly been telling you now?
Karen says
You say “We”, I assume you are American. Do you stay home and smoke meth all day?
Frank Rizzo says
From the looks of your post looks like you have been smoking meth all day and smoking flesh tubes. Have a blessed day.
Ed says
take heart. If you are doing drugs today you can someday end up being mayor or vice mayor. What a city!
Honesty says
Open boarders?! My family had to wait a long frigging time in old Italy back in the day… after waiting long enough to get a boat ride….got here just to be locked up for almost a year for “medical reasons dangerous to general public” , cleared…journeyed to California for work after some time on the east coast, got here just before depression and got a job picking fruit in central cali. Open borders….open borders only works if you Don’t understand what gross domestic product means…if you don’t,I’m sure that you believe EVERYONE (everyone fitting your image,just like the blvd) should be allowed to move in! What happens when the only usable ground is under blm or a community growth controlled area like slo…where does the line get drawn, do you draw it? When there is more employees supporting corporations exporting produce to other countries,other than local mom and pop shops, just who do the migrant workers support while picking for Wal-Mart or Cuties, or is that where your baseless logic breaks down and the powers at be begin to sanction land to WHO EVER FITS YOUR IDEOLOGY….and not the rest of the poor unfortunate souls as you see it….
If everyone is entitled to live here,then be ready for cluttered infrastructure, caused in part by planning commissions having to make changes to sites already designated as historical,park or otherwise untouched land,just because people have the right. Now we have populated the natural habitat of most creatures native to California,who is going to work and where(we will fit every migrant with a right to freedom into our neighborhoods,no one will be left out,or in short,your plan has already failed). The work limited we must seek established forms of humanitarian aid to help sustain the lives of all these UNFORTUNATE UNEMPLOYED, if only the resources we used to use were still around…but we need housing too, they have rights! Rely on established con to get money for the poor…taxes! But not the rich…the remaining middle class,no time to argue or fail,got bills to pay,can’t go against the gov…..the story you scream is just a thought…and not even a well thought out one…
JustTweakIt says
Frank Rizzo says
Tweaks, what is this bigot you speak of? Would like to know. Are you saying that smoking tube steaks and flesh tubes is bigoted?
Granny13 says
I think this younger generation has no clue on how to live life in a good productive way. All I hear about is what are you going to give me. The liberals are teaching that you deserve everything for free. It is the Me generation. What ever happened to working for everything. Paying your own way in life. A hard days work is very rewarding no matter what your paid. I feel sorry for this generation of lazy, greedy and self serving young people. They want to live off the government and play video games doing drugs sitting on the couch. Very sad.
William says
Look, Granny13
How many times do you have to be told that the young kids, as lazy and greedy as you think they are, didn’t CRASH THE ECONOMY IN 2008, OR TAKE US TO WAR IN IRAQ BY MISTAKE.
BTW Poppy Bush LET Saddam invade Kuwait instead of preventing it, giving us the first Gulf War. He’s no liberal.
Conservatives had a big, big hand in both those significant setbacks for this country and they are still at it. And, they’d like to do away with your Social Security and Medicare if they could.
And, if you voted for either Bush, you are definitely part of the problem.
granny13 says
Liberal William, what has King Obama done for this country? He has turned America into a socialist, redistribute the wealth anything goes absolutely not transparent with the most scandels in the history of the Presidency. He is a joke! He is the worst America has ever elected. We are not considered the strongest nation in the world any longer. Now King Obama is considering implementing mandatory voting. What next. It was not only the republicans who contributed to the crash of the economy in 2008. Several democrats had a hand in it also. If Bill Clinton would have given the order on Saddam when he could have gotten him it would not have been left up to Bush. Yes I do have my own brain and ideas that’s why I’m a republican. I live in America where everyone has the right to their own opinion even if it differs from yours. Well for now I have the right until King Obama try’s to squash that also!!!
William says
Wow! I found me another crazy republican, Granny13.
Now, that’s an unlucky number. No wonder.
moll flanders says
granny13…Amen to your words!
moll flanders says
Calling someone crazy is dismissive and offensive. Derogatory words towards someone with a different view, only reveals your lack of moral integrity.
Granny13 says
Why am I crazy? Because I don’t agree with your point of view. Typical liberal. Closed mined my way or no way. I feel sorry for you. You have the right to your opinion so I’ll show you what a nice republican is and not call you names.
William says
Hey, Granny13. Why do I think you are CRAZY?
Because I read your comment. “King Obama” was the first clue followed by the usual right wing nutjob talking points disguised as your ‘own’ opinion.
You don’t care about facts, do you?
People unrelated to reality are called ‘crazy’. Such as you.
I’ve done this before with your ilk and facts don’t matter. Nothing matters but your ‘beliefs’ and in this case, they aren’t religious but political and nothing, no amount of evidence, can dislodge them from you.
But, it is fun to mock you. There is no intelligent discussion possible after reading your comment.
As for you accusing liberals of being close minded……
Which political party stands for NO COMPROMISING? You get 1 guess.
Carry on.
Jason says
Facta don’t matter to you either William. Its your “opinion” vs everyone else’s “opinion” And neither party is willing to compromise, hence why this country had the shutdown you rail so much against. But no surprise, once again trying to attack someone for doing the exact same things you do.
William says
Did you even read her comment, Jason?
She said Bill Clinton didn’t get Saddam. WTF? BTW Poppy Bush LET SADDAM INVADE KUWAIT which led us down this road in the Middle East. He didn’t warn him that the US would intervene. Then, Poppy didn’t go to Bagdad and finish the job or are you too young to remember?
Then, Baby Bush, really messed up by invading Iraq BY MISTAKE.
“Several democrats had a hand in it also” regarding the economy. Wowee! “Several Democrats…” and nearly the entire GOP. That’s ‘fair and balanced’ for ya.
I could list all the economic indicators since President Obama took office and have done so but ‘facts’ don’t matter to you, Granny13, Frank Rizzo, the GOP, Fox ‘news’ and serial liar Bill O’Reilly (still on duty).
President Obama has had to clean up the biggest mess in most of our lifetimes left by Bush and the GOP.
She asks “What has King Obama done for this country?” but you know and I know that if the list of things that been accomplished are put in front of Granny, she won’t accept it. Just like you.
You sure stick up for the right wingers, Jason.
William says
@moll flanders
Then you, too, must be crazy. Granny13 blamed Bill Clinton for not getting Saddam.
Did that go right over yer head?
I said that people who aren’t related to reality are ‘crazy’.
Is President Obama the worst president? It’s crazy to say that publicly given the last administration and the enormous mess it left. Plus, there are even other ‘worst’ presidents such as Nixon.
Funny how Granny13, moll flanders and bird all sound like the same person. Are you 3 taking turns sharing one brain? Yet, Granny13 maintains that she does her own thinking. That’s a laugh.
She sounds like the gal that ranted about the President at Rick Santorum as was shown several times yesterday and today on teevee. She went on and on how he was a Marxist and, well, you know the rest.
Jason says
She made some comments that were blatantly false, just like you have in the past. Yet you attack her while trying to take the high road.
What facts don’t matter to me? I have no problem admitting things have gotten somewhat better in this country under Obama. But the fact you continue to blame Bush and the GOP solely for what happened shows that the facts don’t matter.
Calling out your hypocrisy, isn’t stocking up for granny, its calling out your hypocrisy.
William says
So, Jason, when she blamed liberals for blah, blah, blah, and said President Obama was the worst president, blah, blah, blah, why didn’t you reply to her with that familiar “Both sides do it” refrain of yours?
There!!! I just exposed you as a hypocrite for only taking one side of this particular subject when you say “both sides do it” to only me as far as I can tell.
Of course not. You aren’t honest about your POV.
Aren’t the comments I make about the previous administration ‘facts’? Did your memory only kick in around January 2009?
Aren’t the accomplishments under President Obama ‘facts’? Did your memory check out in January 2009 as well?
Sheesh, Jason. Does the word ‘obtuse’ ring a bell with you?
It is when people who say they are republican and dismiss those enormous messes the Bush/Cheney bunch left only to criticize President Obama after he’s spent 6 years cleaning up the messes, do I find their talking points not only fact free but crazy as well. (unrelated to reality)
How does one have an intelligent discussion with someone who wrote what Granny13 wrote? No can do.
There is no comparison between what has been accomplished under the Obama administration despite the unprecedented obstruction and uncompromising stance of the GOP and the previous administration.
Yes, people who can’t see the reality of that are, indeed, crazy.
Granny13 still hasn’t corrected her ‘Clinton didn’t get Saddam’ error. She just kept repeating right wing talking points.
And, then, there’s moll flanders chiming in and agreeing with, as you said, ‘blatantly false’ comments.
Over and over, you say I have made mistakes and am a hypocrite, but you never provide quotes of mine. I know there’s a time delay with these comments and I don’t scroll through the entire thread to find your comments but one would think I’d somehow find a recent one under the recent comments section on the right now and then. But, no.
Just like you write a comment with a nameless person who did something bad with no sources, (See, Jason, I gave you a specific example) you do the same when you call me a hypocrite and say I made mistakes with no ‘copy and paste’ from a comment of mine to back it up.
You realize that is a typical right wing tactic, dontcha? It’s a version of Fox ‘news’s’ notorious “Some say…..” with no sources or names.
Jason says
I took her side? I didn’t say a word about what she said nor did I agree with her. In fact I called her statements blatantly false. Somehow that gets turned into me be a hypocrite.
You called her out for making false statements when you have done the same thing in the past. Remember blaming the S&L crisis on Republicans? Or is that something that escaped your memory? Or how Holder didn’t lie about Fast and Furious, yet in his own words he talked about the operation the week after it started. You’re a do as I say, not as I do person.
Facts don’t matter to you when they don’t support your point of view. Like your continued insistence that only the Republicans and Bush are to blame for the financial crisis in this country. You’ve repeatedly ignored the factors behind that started long before Bush was in office and that his administration along with some Democrats tried to fix the problems yet both sides failed to do it. Bush also had the backing of Democrats to go back into Iraq, funny how that gets ignored to bash Bush.