By a concerned Lancaster resident*
I’m writing this letter because I’m concerned about the occurrence of “tent cities” in Lancaster. I am a homeowner and business owner in the city of Lancaster.
I first noticed that there were tents on Avenue L, just east of the 14 Freeway. I figured that was a random occurrence, until I noticed on 25th Street West and Lancaster Boulevard a gathering of tents.
This particular gathering of tents has grown from one, to a full city some nights. This tent gathering is a mile down from Lancaster High School. Teenaged girls are walking past these tents day in and day out, passing whomever might live in those tents.

Are they pedophiles? Sex offenders? Drug addicts who break into our homes during the day as we work? Dangerous mentally ill? If they are mentally ill and cannot seek help for themselves, isn’t it the responsibility of our law enforcement to ensure they receive the care and help they deserve?
I find this particular problem very concerning not only for the residents of Lancaster, but also for those people living in those tents.
You see, law enforcement will not remove those people from that land. That land is deemed “private property.” A code enforcement officer has told me that they cannot do anything about these tents until the owners of the land ask them specifically to remove the trespassers from it. He also said that no judge would allow them to be prosecuted, saying that it was not “popular public opinion.”
I sent an email last week to R. Rex Parris, our city mayor, and I haven’t heard back.
I cannot see how these tents are legal considering California Penal Code 647e. Here’s how that code is worded (http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/cacode/PEN/3/1/15/2/s647):
647. Except as provided in subdivision (l), every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor:
(e) Who lodges in any building, structure, vehicle, or place, whether public or private, without the permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession or in control of it.
I do not understand why the city of Lancaster City is washing its hands of this problem. This is a grave public safety issue and can easily get out of control if something isn’t done about it soon.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
*Editor’s note: The AV Times has verified the identity of this author. The author wishes to remain anonymous.
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DumbIsTheNewSmart says
Why are people so scared of the homeless? I’ve lived in inner city neighborhoods that teem with homeless and never once had any problems. And why has the United States become so pathetic in so many ways? The greatest country? Greatest at what exactly?
Carol says
I agree with DumbIsTheNewSmart. I run into homeless people all the time and I never have a problem. Usually I just share my leftover food and they are thankful. They don’t cause as many problems on the BLVD as some of the big wigs on the Lancaster council cause us.
Homeless with a Bicycle says
I Agree with you on this Report by this Guy, and I am Homeless by Choice in
Oceanside, CA and I am also A Homeless Advocate not by a Pay Check and
I am living on SSI and SSDI $953.40 and I can’t find a Room 4 Rent in Oceanside,CA
and Most People are so Blind to Homelessness in the USA and the World to the
Problem of Homelessness and it is also the Cost of living that’s makes so hard to being Homeless and I think this Guy Should Give Living Inside for 90Days!!!
to see how it is to Be Homeless and Jesus was Homeless Too Luke 9:58
and I have Been Sleeping in My Tent Since 11-2008 and Homeless with a Bicycle
and I use to Work in the Carnival Games
Lorilyn says
Please visit https://theavtimes.com/2015/03/09/raising-awareness-of-homelessness/ for a response to this article.
Tim Barkas says
Cold out there tonight. Very cold.
Nearly as cold as many of these comments…
Waste says
Concur. Bet they are nice and warm flying around in the eye in the sky. Waste of money. Use the funds to help the homeless.
Turd Ferguson says
LEAPS is a waste of money and everyone knows it.
Doc Rivers says
It’s not a waste if his buddies are benefiting, follow the money !!!
AV Observer says
Nothing is done in Lancaster that does not benefit the good ole boy network. Not a damn thing.
Lindachavez says
I have seen homeless people who abuse their kids and pets so i don’t feel sorry for those people at all. A lady who lives in Palmdale was walking her dog and saw this tall black man start beating on his small little poddle and this man is 64 and this little dog is very durty and badly matted. i have already called this animal Rescue group and animal control.this man needs to go to jail and i hope i can help put him there. You should never have a pet on the street with you it’s not fare to them because of the heat or the cold and they are most of the time go without food and water. They don’t have a voice and that’s why these animals need us to protect them.
Idiocracy says
I have seen rich people who abuse their kids and pets. What’s your point?
Mark says
“I am a homeowner and business owner in the city of Lancaster”
and I shall remain nameless
Nameless says
Of course a homeowner and business owner in the city of Lancaster would remain nameless if they make a comment that would in any way criticize the Parris administration. We live in fear of our businesses being blackballed if we don’t toe the Parris line.
Mike says
We’re missing a money-making idea for the city here. How about – A HOMELESS RODEO! The city could charge admission and make money! If life gives you lemons – make lemonade!
Just Saying says
I recall an article from last Nov, about AV and county officials planning to revamp the closed medical center at 60th and I, and turning it into a comprehensive homeless center. It’s certainly large enough to do the job. Progress is always slow, but it looks more like something is on track to address this problem.
Kyle Tanner says
Homeless shelters don’t solve homelessness if the homeless don’t want to go to them. Many homeless shelters are so bogged down with rules and regulations and abusive staff members that few homeless people will go unless they are forced by bad weather.
Greg says
Bogged down with rules?
When I stayed in one here in Lancaster the rules were… be in at a certain time, clean up after yourself, no smoking drinking or doing drugs, no pets, leave at a certain time, do not harass fellow visitors. Does not seem very bogged down to me. Have to admit it would be nice if they had had a pet area outside and allowed for a backyard common area.
As for abusive staff members, they were not abusive when I was there for a few nights.
4Justice says
You are right: homeless shelters don’t solve homelessness as they are designed to be a temporary remedy or relief and not a permanent lifestyle! You sound exactly like someone who is rebellious, against everything and everybody, someone who doesn’t take any responsibilities for anything in life, who wants to “feel free” to do whatever you please with no boundaries and who, yet, has the nerve to act arrogantly as if the world were in debt with you! Very immature! You should keep in mind that rules are necessary for everyone’s own safety and protection! Even the Nature has rules: day and night come at different times, so do the 4 seasons!
M. says
This article and all its responses has given me a headache. Let’s take a step back… to all those calling people in favor of removing the homeless heartless and uncaring—you are being just as judgmental as those blaming the homeless problem on the ones who help and give money. The fact is that the homeless population is very diverse just like the general population. Of course there will be individuals who are freeloaders, drug attics, or mentally ill—but that is just humans in general. My heart does go out to those who are truly at their wits end, especially those with children. I do give out money here and there when I can and no I will never know what they will use it on. But I’m sure that out of 10 people I’ve at least helped one person who was really in need.
There are actually great programs and amazing people in this valley—some tailored to helping specific demographics of the homeless. For instance there is Mental Health America off Sierra Hwy. They do outreach, offer a place to do laundry and take a shower, and even give out personal care items. MHA also offers psychiatric care and substance abuse services. On top of all that they have access to housing programs and conduct money management classes. MHA also has a program specifically for veterans. They offer assistance with obtaining benefits, housing counseling and placement, and even financial and employment assistance.
Another great place in the AV is Valley Oasis which is located right next to Grace Resource Center. They also offer laundry, showers, housing assistance, not to mention food and blankets. This organization even has a specific grant to prioritize families with children ages 5 and under.
My point is that there are a lot of resources in place to help the homeless—there’s simply not enough people, money, or space to implement them all. Yes we might be enabling some who are simply lazy and taking advantage of the system, however we are more importantly helping those who desperately need it. For those who are in favor of leaving the “tent cities” alone—go take a drive through downtown LA and their many blocks of “tent cities”. I doubt anyone would want our valley to get anywhere near that condition. Problems like that can easily escalate and get out of hand. Sadly we do not have the capacity to help everyone. Until we find a better mayor, someone who is more compassionate, there will be unfortunate people living in tents and freezing to death in the desert.
Citizen says
Stop blaming everything on our Mayor, blame Obama, the Republicans, Democrats, the people who complains but has never voted, the Economy, the Fat Cats on Wall Street. Come on people look back to when we became a City and the Mayors we have had, Parris is not so bad, give him credit for the good he has done instead of the bad. I am against the homeless shelters and Churches enabling them, and most of all the people abusing the system. STOP THE TENT CITIES, but remember they are going to whine about their rights and want to sue, and guess what? open your wallets……
SMHx2 says
@Citizen, sorry buddy, Lancaster’s Mayor IS a HUGE PROBLEM, you must work for him!!!
citizen says
SMHx2, no I do not work for him, do you live in Lancaster? are you a registered voter?, did you vote in the City election?, if you answered no to any of these questions then you are just a s*** stirrer, and if you did answer yes good for you, but I have lived here for over 52 years and watched it get to this point long before our current Mayor. If you or anybody else don’t like Lancaster or our Valley than leave, nobody is forcing you to stay here. also, he was voted in by the citizens of Lancaster and like any other official can be voted out, that is what is nice about America.
AV Truth says
I love Lancaster. Wonderful city with many wonderful people. It’s Parris and his cronies that make my stomach turn. Nepotism. Inside deals. Costly lawsuits. Bullying. Mistreatment of people. Bad policy. Fiscal irresponsibility. Crazy ideas. Meddling. Favoritism.
William says
Your mayor sued my city, Palmdale, to stick his nose in our city’s politics.
Your mayor lied to try and stop Palmdale from building a power plant.
Your mayor supported putting a Walmart across from Quartz Hill High School. Lancaster gets the sales tax dollars while Quartz Hill gets the problems.
I don’t spend money in Lancaster unless I have to for certain things.
President Obama didn’t do that, nor did the Democrats. Rex did it as well as the city’s bond rating being lowered on his watch.
Anyone who voted for Parris deserves the blvd that needs saving along with the homeless problem, Walmarts and no other places to shop, and the assorted other problems on his watch such as potholes, etc.
Those who don’t vote at all deserve the same tired old city that Parris inherited with half-empty shopping centers all over town.
It’s a lost cause as long as Parris is mayor.
That’s all folks!
Another Citizen says
That is the truth. Thank you William. It would be so nice if Parris would just go away. Go into early retirement at his mansion on the beach and leave us alone.
William says
@Another Citizen
I don’t know how Lancaster residents tolerate the lack of so much in a city of over 150,000 people.
I’m guessing that many new residents are commuters and aren’t home long enough to notice.
Even with that large a population, the blvd needs ‘saving’ after only a few years since its renovation. There isn’t enough traffic to keep it thriving, just holding on.
What else could be the reason for the seeming indifference to the city’s problems and lousy leadership?
sowhat says
William-Both cities are guilty! The feds filed a lawsuit against both Lancaster and Palmdale, because of discriminatory practices, so stop your constant whining. You’re acting like a juvenile when you say your city is being picked on. If you don’t like what’s going on than do something about it, instead of your constant criticizing. It’s you and people like you that do nothing but complain, but have no solutions, or even try to do anything with action on your part. You the kind that just talks the talk but never walks the walk. Life happens at the level of events, not words!
Time for War says
Who was it that said it was time to go to war with Section 8? Oh yes, that would be Mayor R. Rex Parris of Lancaster.
William says
@Time for War
Don’t forget. A couple years ago, Rex said on local teevee that he welcomed Section 8 renters to fill up the vacant houses.
Citizen says
Stay in Palmdale, we don’t need you or your money!, Palmdale was a dump before Tom Selleck and his Brother invested in to Business Development in the early 80’s, or did you forget that.
Time for War says
Palmdale may have been a dump but times have changes and are continuing to change for the better. Rex is still living for the days when cruising down the Boulevard was cool. These days the Boulevard is overrun with pan handlers and drunks. No thank you.
Citizen says
This has nothing to do with the Mayor, Lancaster, or Palmdale, this has to do with a concern for children’s and others safety that cannot be solved at City level because HOMELESS PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS ALSO. So stop the attacks. Only the Citizens of Lancaster can do anything about it. and that is not much…So let’s respect the Editor and keep to only the story. If you do not live in Lancaster this really don’t concern you…
Citizen says
Here are the facts: I feel for your concerns about being invaded by the homeless, but just like everybody else screaming about their rights to do this or that or being violated here or there, the homeless has the same rights, there are only so much Mr. Parris or the City can do. FACT: I have lived here just like Mr Parris for over 50 years and know some of these people from school etc. and know they have family and do not have to live like this. example, I know some of the homeless who ride around here on bicycles, and know for a fact they have gown children and family here to help them but will not do so because of their drug problems and not wanting to change their lives, also I am sad to say I have a uncle here who chooses to act like he is homeless because he feels the world owes him a living, he gets $1400.00 a month Disability lives in his car, at Christmas he went around bragging that he got over $1500.00 in gift certificates for fast food by sitting in the park and generous people giving them to him so he could eat, and also bragged about the nice sleeping bags he got, he waited in line to get a free turkey and all the trimmings to cook from a Church and then called his Brother and his Brothers Wife (who offered to let him live in their home)to come and get their free issue, keep in mind his Brother is on Disability, his Brothers Wife is Retired from the Post Office with full benefits, him and his wife filed Divorce so they could work the system, she now gets paid to be his care giver since they claim they don’t live together (but do), and they all put their donated food together and had them a real nice Christmas dinner for their Family. (I do not associate with them so I didn’t gut invited). Go by Grace Resources at food give away and look at all the nice cars that they are driving most of them are newer and better than I drive, I refuse to ask for help because I don’t feel I need it, that others are worse off than me. Bottom line is a lot of these homeless people are better off than you think and have a good income coming in or have Family to help them, and would love for their rights to be violated so the ACLU can sue the City and the tax Payers will pay the Bill…I will not donate to anything but the VFW and Goodwill, if you do not want them around then don’t contribute to their cause, just like a stray dog if you don’t feed it, it will go away. (I also know there are people who are homeless by no choice of their own and my heart goes out to them).
4Justice says
Thank you so much for your comments! You could have not been more detailed and articulate! Like you uncle, many unscrupulous people here in the Antelope Valley are ripping off the system straight face by collecting SS disability checks, abusing Section 8 by conducting illegal business such as drug dealing and sub-renting, taking advantage of the Grace Resource Center and other programs created and intended to help the really NEEDY! And all at the expense of tax payers! I know people here in the Valley who have worked all their lives with dignity and integrity, paid their taxes, their duties, did everything by the book, and yet, despite of having decently worked for 40, 50 years and now retired they receive way less in SS benefits than the 1,400.00 paid to those who claim to have a “disability”!
It is really aggravating when the Social Security Administration does not investigate in more depth the source of the claims they get and simply award benefits to certain people who are clearly healthy and very capable of working, people who are 25, 30 years old and claim “disability” but are making a GOOD living selling drugs out of a Section 8 house!
It is really aggravating when we see some people living on Section 8 when according to the rules and regulations of that program those people DO NOT qualify, and yet the property owners, the Housing Authority, and even Law Enforcement are just playing deaf ears and blind eyes and doing NOTHING to stop the abusers, NOTHING to punish them, NOTHING to protect the honest, decent, hard working tax paying residents!
It is really aggravating to see that no matter how decently we contribute to the betterment of our community, no matter how exemplary our conduct as respectable citizens may be, despite of all the good we do, we have to feel like we’re been slapped on the face and laughed at because, in the eyes of the abusers and law breakers, they are “smart” and we are “STUPID”!!! Well, I guess I have to come to the sad realization that, unfortunately, we really are!
4Justice says
Correction: I meant: we have to feel like we’re being slapped (instead of “we’re been slapped”). My apologies.
Hopeless says
Don’t expect much help from Parris. I am watching him on TV right now and he is worried that a cyclone is going to wipe out Bangladesh in his lifetime. A couple weeks ago he predicted that there would be a million people in Lancaster before he left office. I expect next week he will tell us that you can lower crime through the sound of chirping birds. What a mayor we have.
Just Saying says
The chirping birds bulls**t is the best way to spot a Lancaster whinner that has never actually been there. Unless you go to the new Kaiser facility, the only chirping birds you’ll hear in Lancaster are actual birds. They talked about it, never got around to it, and laugh at idiots that still complain about it.
I don’t like Rex either, but insanely stupid BS like this and Capt Echo just water down the cause.
Hopeless says
That’s funny. I laugh at the idiot who thought piping chirping birds on the BLVD would lower crime. It made news nationally on News of the Weird. How appropriate. How very appropriate.
William says
Wasn’t that ‘idiot’ named R. Rex Parris, ‘Lord of All Idiots’?
He is just lucky a big net hasn’t been thrown over him and had him taken away.
But, it still might happen.
Just Saying says
Key word there is “thought” it would lower crime. We’ll never know since the idea crashed before implementation.
Hopeless says
Nice try Just Saying. Rex is quoted in the Wall Street Journal that his birdie sounds lowered crime. It was a bizarre and false claim but it’s what we’ve come to expect from our “leader”. He’s a walking and talking encyclopedia of misinformation, lore, scare tactics. bizarre statements, and straight up bull crap. He’s running again too. Four more years of looney tunes.
William says
I dunno ’bout Rex running again. There are so many things that need fixin’ and that’s no fun like racing a go kart or eating at BeX when he could spend more time at his beach house
What other bright ideas does he have to look forward to implementing; potholes, jobs, taking care of the homeless, filling up vacancies in most of the shopping centers around town, suing another Lancaster company or two, and so on?
His mind thinks that closing the Metrolink station is the answer to the homelessness on the blvd. That’s not a very smart mayor who thinks like Rex does.
I keep thinking he’s grooming Marv L. Us to hand off the mess to so he can skedaddle or even more outrageous, run the city remotely from his other home as an ‘absentee mayor’.
But, you know, things might improve the less he’s around.
Chuck says
I have the excellent solution to the problem. Since your a business owner, offer them high paying jobs, so they can afford to live in your apartments. You can get back 80 percent of their salaries back into your pockets and you will clean up tent city.
Another solution is to officer the homeless shelter camouflage dessert tents so nobody will notice the tents.
voice of reason says
I have an idea, why don’t you go out and ask them if they even want a job or actually work. I have tried for years to offer them jobs and they do not want them. They are freeloaders. Some of them have mental problems but they make up the minority. Why should we take care of people who do not even want to take care of themselves?
PROROACH23@Gmail.com says
Ill take a job my# 6614836858 my name is joseph call me ill work
William says
I’ve wondered why Rex hasn’t painted the name of his law firm on the tents for free advertising.
Would it surprise anyone if he did that?
Dana says
There is a problem with whats going on but it’s not because we need to be afraid the homeless are dangerous. The problem is that anyone should have to live life that way. I highly recommend the writer of this letter, and anyone else to go volunteer at Grace Resource. You will see the majority of these people are GOOD people. For those that are mentally unstable, BLAME the government. They have made it nearly impossible to get someone that is mentally ill the help they need. Their logic its not illegal to be crazy or homeless. The person has to want to get help, or they need to harm themselves or another person.
The solution of “Bulldozing” or pushing these people out will not change anything. For those of you that base your opinions on all homeless people as a whole, because of one small negative interaction, is just wrong.
Just because someone is homeless does not automatically make them lazy, crazy or dangerous.
Mike says
Doesn’t the city own a bulldozer?
William says
Google ‘cities with successful homeless programs
There are programs and solutions that have proven successful.
Why hasn’t the Lancaster leadership adopted a solution that works instead of doing more of the same?
Jessica says
Probably because the Lancaster leadership is too busy trying copy Los Angeles and pretend that we’re some major city, when in fact we’re not. The whole of Lancaster Blvd. was a complete and utter waste of tax money that could’ve been invested into the homeless shelter that’s not more than a couple of blocks away. Hell, Grace Resources is right around the corner and they do amazing work for feeding the hungry. I would’ve loved to have seen their operation expand so that they can do more good things for the homeless.
Nope, Parris is too busy trying to make it illegal to be homeless and waste that money on making rich developers even richer.
William says
I can’t disgree with that. It’s just that there are workable solutions and it seems like no one is willing to look into them and see if they’ll work in Lancaster.
why wait says
William…We are not waiting for the leaders; we’re doing it ourselves, one person at a time. Offering meals, clothes, showers, and people that can give a helping hand out of their situation. Criticizing isn’t part of a solution William. I’m sure there are many ways you could help the homeless people in your area, and I hope you are already doing your part. I happen to know it is a big problem in the city you live in also. Poverty and homelessness is everywhere.
William says
@why wait
Your reply missed the whole point and you simply CRITICIZED me for pointing that out and accused me of being critical for directing you and others to what other cities have done that works. THAT’S your solution???
Well, you’re not being as helpful as you fancy yourself to be.
There are workable solutions that other cities have implemented and I suggested that you can Google to find ones that would be appropriate for Lancaster.
Instead, people on this thread are just arguing about it. Fine.
I don’t live in Lancaster. I live in Palmdale and although we have homeless as well, it doesn’t seem to be big issue that it is in Lancaster. Why is that?
Is Palmdale doing something more effectively or what?
So, why don’t you Google ‘cities with successful solutions to the homeless issue’ and go to a Lancaster council meeting and suggest a few that might work instead of criticizing me for offering a constructive suggestion.
And, as far as you’re saying you’re not waiting for your leaders to act, at least you might want to steer them clear of the actions they take that don’t work and cause ill will in the community.
Now, get on it.
why wait says
William…I thought so, you only have a heart to criticize, and thus you only just criticize. It doesn’t really matter whether Palmdale or Lancaster has more or fewer homeless. What matters is what each person’s responsibility is towards their fellow man. I hope you are doing your part to help (volunteering), instead of criticizing. Their are many of us out there in the field volunteering. Instead of criticizing everything and everyone why don’t you get on it and get busy doing something positive for your fellow man instead of finding fault.
why wait says
William…I have an idea! instead of offering constructive suggestions, why don’t you implement some of those solutions that you happened to Google. You don’t even know what’s really going on at all with any of the programs. You just enjoy fighting with everyone, because you are an angry person. Get out there and do something William, and be a part of the solution. Sheesh!
William says
You have lost it. You are going way overboard on the criticism.
If homelessness is such a huge priority for you, did you Google any of the tried and proven successful programs yourself?
Probably not.
All you’re good at it is criticizing others, it seems.
I’m done with ya. You’re just out for an argument. There are dozens of others on this thread you can do that with.
So, have at it. Try going after the ones who talk about pedophiles and such. That’ll keep ya busy.
I also notice that out of all the trashy comments on this thread, a person called ‘why wait’ only went after me personally and made no other comments or replies.
Nor, did ‘what wait’ make any constructive stand alone comments yet criticized my suggestion.
I suspect that you just created the ‘why wait’ username for just the purpose of replying to me and you’re one of the regulars who doesn’t like my comments. Your ‘voice’ sounds familiar.
Let me guess. bird, Jason, etc.
William says
Google ‘cities with successful homeless programs’
There are a bunch of links to successful programs to decrease and/or eliminate homelessness in various cities around the country.
Apparently, there are programs that WORK, for crying out loud.
Why isn’t the leadership in Lancaster looking into them and adopting a successful program instead of saying and doing their typical stupid things like threatening to close the Metrolink station and other nonsense.
Danielle says
Damn, I’m so glad I don’t live in or around the A.V. anymore! All the negative comments about the homes is quite disgusting! I wonder how many of you people with a phobia towards the homeless would complain about the small groups of homeless you have out there if you came to Dallas to see the several blocks of downtown literally lined with homeless people and families?! Better yet, how many of you would bother to stop and give a little handout to just one of the hundreds? I’m so glad my daughter feels it necessary to give a lil something every time she sees a homeless person. She’d rather wait until we get home to eat just so she can give her food that was just bought (with her own money 75% of the time) to the man, woman, or family on the corner. Not all homeless people are harmful…not all homeless will buy cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs with the little bit of money you give them. & even if they do WHO CARES, i know i don’t. I feel good just knowing that i was able to give a lil something to someone in need. The city really should consider building more shelters for the Lee’s fortunate individuals. How many of you “concerned” citizens actually attend the PUBLIC meetings that the city has to voice your concerns or better yet offer up some solutions to help these purple?!?!
Danielle says
*these people
Lisa says
I work near this picture, and at a school. On most days, I go out to eat lunch in this area and have noticed many more homeless people loitering, asking for money in the parking lots, leaving A LOT of trash everywhere, drinking alcohol, and last Friday…grouping together (about 20 people) in front of the Mobile stations.
I give every month and help at our homeless shelter and give food, water, and toiletries away. I do have a heart for them, but it is a real problem that needs to be addressed for everyone involved. Most (not all) of these people, from what I’ve observed are addicts or mentally challenged. It will not take long that I hear that one of my students have been accosted. I know I have, despite my concern. I do not want my home town of 54 years to continue to spiral into a ghetto.
soapbox superman says
wow…homeless murdering pedophile gangs…preying on the innocent children…getting caught in the view of the condemning eyes of prominent citizens…
why don’t we just call the mayor and have the police round them up like cattle…we can use prods so they don’t waste bullets…just herd them into a fenced area and make them stay there…
then we can have prominent tax payers come pay a fee to either dispose of them or let them loose in a privately owned field and hunt them down like scavengers…since they are such a blight to our fine community anyways…
they aren’t human anyways…they are just things that do dope and squander whatever lives they once led so they can pee and poop outside…if we contain them and dispose of them ourselves…no other community can scapegoat us like we do los angeles…
maybe we could dig a large hole in the desert and fence them in there…that way no one can see them when passing by…just as long as I can see the dirt and tumbleweeds without some creature blocking my view…
we could dress them all in black robes and label them and call the national guard…or let the army train in desert warfare using them as targets…
they are useless disgusting warts on the skin of society anyways…all we need is to figure out what kind of medicine will get rid of them…
people make me sick…I took 2 of them to the laundry mat last night…and then let them take a shower and wash a load of laundry before grabbing something to eat at chipotle…then I gave them every clean blanket that was in my garage and took their dirty ones to be thrown away…they were a very nice couple…I wish I had an extra room…I feel like if I could give them a chance they just might succeed…
Emilee says
I think this whole thing is absolutely terrible. i’ve grown up here in the AV I just turned 19 and guess what life is hard i was kicked out as soon as I graduated . I had nothing ,no one, and no where to go. I was slightly luckier than most because I had a car and a job that gave me 3 hrs a week if I was lucky. EVERYONE has a different situation getting a job out here is almost impossible and when you do find one you don’t get enough hours to survive off of. Taking advantage of the system when you really need it shouldn’t be looked down upon. It saved my life and i’ve met some of the homeless people out here and they are beyond kind. People don’t realize that when you are mentally ill and in some cases have no family what else can you do??? No job will want you and theres no where to go. Just the other day a homeless guy froze to death and died in front of the Great Wall , you guys don’t think this is a problem. It’s [removed] sickening reading some of the comments. We are a community lets act like one. Lets help the homeless instead of kicking a bunch of people that are already down. Its wrong to assume these people are druggies and pedos. Most of them just got handed a [removed] stick in life and no where and no one .
Dust says
Wow. So what I’ve gathered is that if you do not give money, if you weren’t homeless before, or if you own a house or business, you cannot have input into the homeless situation. What? I don’t think we have a homeless problem, we have a stupid people problem… and I am not talking about the homeless. I LIVE here, so I have a RIGHT, democratically, to give my input. Didn’t your parents ever teach that, “You can give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for life?” Do NOT give more stuff to the homeless, unless you plan to teach them skills useful for a job or give them a job. You are adding to the problem with free handouts! And you base your complete knowledge of their situation on how much you feel empathetically towards them. Grow up! Life is hard. If you don’t help them the right way, you condemn them to life as they do now. Consider YOU might be the problem, not ‘everybody else’.
Defendant says
Why not help the homeless? Obviously you have never been homeless or have known a homeless person. I grew up in Los Angeles. I have seen plenty of homeless people. Then I move here and it isn’t any different. I do not judge people’s situation. I ALWAYS give money to the homeless if I can because, you never know what they need it for. Sure, it can be for drugs or alcohol. Sure, it’s easier for them, but how are they supposed to get a job if no one will hire someone who doesn’t have an address, or doesn’t look exactly presentable. It’s not “people’s” fault that the city doesn’t provide a program that will help someone without an address or money to teach others how to get a job or how to stay presentable. How would said homeless person even aquire the correct clothing for a job interview? How would said person get a haircut, if they couldn’t even afford their next meal? Not helping homeless people and not giving them handouts is NOT going to fix anything. I personally know a man who was homeless and mentally challenged. He has tried to get jobs. Not one employer was willing to hire him. He worked at a car wash for a while but was let go because they hired someone else who can do his job faster for the same amount of pay. So please don’t assume that not helping someone would help their situation.
Joan Arrowood says
Good point. Teach them to fish. Some are mental. Some just don’t have the opportunity. If you are really concerned then push for help for them. The ones who will accept it at least. There has to be a better way than just shipping them off some place else or arresting them.
TJ says
If the owner of the land does not report it, then no crime has been committed.
Not everyone has an opportunity to earn money. These people probably tried to get jobs; tried to make money and couldn’t get an opportunity or a break. Not everyone who’s homeless and living in tents is out to do harm.
Besides, there are killers, uncovered pedophiles, drug dealers and theives living in nice neighborhoods, like you and I, with children passing through our nice neighborhoods everyday on their way to and from school. If a crime should happen, then it’s going to happen regardless of area and neighborhood stature.
So get off your arrogant high horse and leave these people alone. If they haven’t done anything to anyone, I don’t see any reason to even bother them.
Sounds, to me, like they are a step above us anyway because they can, at least, increase their chances of surviving by banding together in their tent neighborhoods and help each other out–something that the author of this article seems to know nothing about.
Whoa says
“Not everyone has an opportunity to earn money.” That is fundamental and absolute BS.
glad it's not me says
I was a homeless child growing up in the Av, my whole family was, my parents and my 2 brothers. I know why we was homeless it was cause my parents where lazy drug addicted , alcoholics. Some nights we where lucky enough to stay at the homeless shelter, others we squatted, it didn’t really matter to me. I know some say homeless people have no choice that’s why they are homeless, I disagree. Most were the same as my parents. I had to endure a lot as child, dealing with the pedophiles, eating out of the trash and getting food poisoning, I hated going to school to be made fun of for the way I smelled or how I wore the same dirty clothes to school everyday. I think the writer is right in his worry for the teens going by these camps. Walk through one of the camps yourself I bet you will find plenty of alcohol bottles, syringes, and drugs. If your lucky you might make it through without getting in a fight. If your real brave spend the night with the homeless, hopefully you won’t get stabbed or sexually assaulted.
Mary says
Why don’t you go and ask if they’re hungry you selfish nobody “Mr homeowner” I hope kids are not there in this cold and hot weather coming soon no one should be homeless, life happens if you are so concerned why do you do something about it Im sure you all go to church and then after praying for the less fortunate go to spend on your spoiled kids and don’t give a hand to those in need , and finally let me tell you this ” Mr or Ms homeowner ” you live in ghetto lancaster/palmdale if you don’t like it go live to Beverly Hills see if you don’t find homeless there, this country is as 3rd world as it can get get f real either help or shut up
AV resident says
The reason why you cannot see how those tents are legal based on the penal code is the same reason why you cannot see if the property owners do not report then no crime is commited. Homeless people have been moving into lands and even vacant homes for a long time. When owners fail to remove immediately they are subject to losing the property or land they once owned. It is known as adverse possession. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/squatters-rights-law-california-45887.html
Whoever recommended closing the metrolink in Lancaster. You do realize the metro also stops in Palmdale. Transients will still go to Lancaster regardless since its not a long walk. Plus the only welfare office in the AV is located in Lancaster. Shutting the station down solves nothing. The problem is LA purposly sending transients to Lancaster to receive homeless funding. Last I checked Lancaster does not have the appropriate funds to care for transients from outside of Lancaster. LA is just keeping the funds for themselves.
This business owner/home owner obviously fears the homeless. Why else would he not refer to them as such instead of questioning their backgrounds. You will find residents, your neighbors, business owners, home owners, more questionable. Quite frankly I trust no one.
Instead of using propaganda and fear as a means to a solution how about finding a meaningful solution to helping those in need. All citizens are responsible for one another in some form or another.
Greg Williams says
The citizens of Lancaster need to get their act together. Humiliating homeless people by taking their picture and publicizing their condition is not the way to do it. In Rosamond, we recently had a problem with a stray dog that had grown attached to a homeless man and they were both living I the Albertsons parking lot. Sure enough the dog ended up biting someone and now the dog is own by a woman in Las Vegas and the homeless man has moved to Jack In The Box. Lancaster residents contribute to a tax based that is large enough to support a homeless shelter, it is in your best interest to take care of the people and get them the help they so desperately need. The writer of this article is shameless.
Jane says
Trying to understand what the point of this story was….
overcompassionate says
I wish I had homeless people living next to my house. All of them are just fine and definitely not a potential for any criminal activity. Any of you who are against shanty towns don’t understand that it is ok to have a community of homeless people in your neighborhoods. Please let us know which neighborhoods are good and I’ll let my resident homeless person go over.
Twocents says
You can thank R.Rex [removed]for this issue… The homeless use to gather out between Ave G and ave H and 25th street east. In the middle of the desert and a very long walk from the nearest school. That was the real “Tent city”… What your looking at is only a few people. But thanks to good Rex, he decided to have that area cleaned out which flushed them all out into the general public. They cops warned them they couldn’t be there and gave them a time to leave by and then went out with huge tractors, code enforcement, and sheriff’s as they wrote tickets to those still out their and then began to dig several huge holes and scooped all their crap into these big holes and burried everything. So guess what that did? Pushed them right out in the open with no where to go… And I’m talking roughly 30+ people. The option they have is an overcrowded shelter that requires you to be locked down inside, by like 3pm. No one in, no one out… Lots of fights, drama, and other bs stuff to deal with. So sending Rex a letter to let him know what he is aware of and caused most likely won’t do you any good.
WHAT??? says
So, I am guessing you have stayed at the homeless shelter. Thats how you know what time “lock down” is??? And you know what kind of stuff goes on there??? And you are on the city board, or go to community meetings and thats how you know that Mayor Parris is to blame??? And you went out, just as a concerned citizen to see them bury all of the homeless peoples belongings into the ground??? And you see fit to call someones belongings “crap”???? And you have sent a letter to Mayor Parris to know that he wont return your letter???
Bill Marks says
Maybe its time for the 3 big churches that run Lancaster to do something truly Christian. Let the homeless set up tents at Lancaster Baptist Church. Feed them, give them hope and help their fellow man… Wait… nope that won’t work as these big Christian Churches are in it for the money. If you don’t have 10% of your income to give to the Church they have no time for you. What these tent cities do show is there are a lot of people hurting out there for various reasons. Sure a lot are drug addicts who have fallen to the point of living in a field. Mentally ill, you bet and if you have a family member that is mentally ill you know how hard it is to get treatment here in the A.V. These are the problems our mayor should be address instead of paying $90k a month for LEAPS just to spy on us.
Turd Ferguson says
$90,000.00 a month would go a long way to solve this situation. $90,000.00 a month would go a long way to solve this situation.But Rex would rather have LEAPS.But Rex would rather have LEAPS.A piece of turd aeroplane that produces nothing.A piece of turd aeroplane that produces nothing.We pay $1,080,000.00 a year for LEAPS.We pay $1,080,000.00 a year for LEAPS.When we have the Sherriffs helicopter.When we have the Sherriffs helicopter.Rex would rather pay his friends than help the homeless.Rex would rather pay his friends than help the homeless.For something we don’t need or want.For something we don’t need or want.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to helping the homeless.Yes to helping the homeless.
Love Thy Neighbor says
The truth, Bill Marks, is that the big 3 churches that run Lancaster are too busy playing politics and doing surveys to make city council candidates (the ones that the mayor opposes) look bad rather than the Lord’s work. They confuse the Kingdom of God with the Kingdom of Caesar way too often.
StillaRamsFan13 says
Seems as though many on here are hands-down, in favor of tent cities throughout the Valley. Well, kudos to you for being the kind of person who will go onto a comment section of a web page and slam everyone for not thinking just like you. Having said that though, every single one of you should then make a trip over to any tent city location within the Valley and invite just one person and their family (or tent members) to come and pitch their tent on your front lawn. They will then have access to running water, at the very least. And, if they are so harmless, why not let them shower, toilet and cook in your home everyday as well?
Funny, how so many are so quick to “judge” the writer of the original letter, yet are apparently so trusting of any and all homeless. Yes, homelessness is a problem in this Country that I feel we do not do enough to address. However, not all — in fact many — are “harmless” and just want to “live in the desert.” (Yes, desert; not “dessert” by the way!)
Personally, as a resident of this Valley, I would prefer to not have Tent Cities creeping up, and would prefer the Nation, State, County, or City help those who are in dire need. However, having the “homeless” (which is a very broad term — as it simply means someone without a permanent residence) camping all over the City is going to cause a problem in the long run. Moreover, no one seems to have considered that it’s also possible that some of these poor, downtrodden “homeless” folk are a result of the “open” boarders and illegal immigration that is occurring. But, I digress — go and help them yourselves if you shall feel so inclined. If not, then you folk should be the ones to get off this person’s case simply because they take “pride” in their community and want to have a nice place to live especially since they’ve clearly WORKED for what they have!
Peg Brown says
Well said!!!
Lisa says
I totally agree. In addition, having lived here for 54 years and seen my home town slowly spiral into a ghetto, it breaks my heart. Last Friday about 20 “homeless” were mobilized in front of the Mobile station to, I guess, work out the pan-handling schedule? Your guess is as good as mine, but still intimidating to say the least. The trash in the area is horrible! I suggest they begin showing some social responsibility by using trash cans when CLEANING up after themselves. I see them often and have helped them, (giving water, food, helping at the shelter, blankets, coats, and toiletries) but now kind of regret it. Many appear to be addicts or mentally challenged, not families. I’ve seen their used syringes, prophilactics, booze bottles, and toothless smiles; and as a community we need to help them, but also remove them.
4Justice says
I completely agree! And in addition to your comment I will say that helping people is good, but what the majority of those people want is to continue to be enabled! They are too comfortable in their “give me, give me” zone and we could count on our fingers the ones that truly want to do something for themselves and change their lifestyle! Not too many want to take responsibility for themselves, much on the contrary, they think that we, who have a life, “are in debt with them”, that we “owe” them everything, when in reality they are in debt with themselves! After working in public service for so many years in assistance programs, I can truly testify that the majority of the people who seek help always come up with all kinds of excuses for not moving forward, they always complain about everything and everybody, they always blame somebody else for their “miseries”, they are always pointing the finger at someone else rather than taking ownership for their choices and actions, they always think that they “deserve” better from us and so life goes on for them!
I am pretty sure a lot of them are living on government money and because they “need” more, rather than joining a legitimate job seeking program the only “job” they go to everyday, which by the way is part-time, only for just a few hours, is at a strategic point in the city holding “Homeless! Please help! God bless” sign and after “working” long enough to get “paid” what they want, their journey is over for that day or until they are out of money again! They have their own business therefore, they are their “own boss”, they “work” whenever they want, they don’t have to clock in and out, they don’t have to put up with a tough manager, they can smoke whatever they want and drink beer or any alcohol during their “work hours” with no penalties, no write-ups, and the best of all is that their “gross income” is totally tax free!!! WOW! Well, they could at least volunteer to clean the city streets and landfills, don’t you all think?
La Trigeña says
Lancaster, Antelope Valley is so unfair. There is people living on tents and do not have help from the government such as food stamps, welfare, or all of the other programs?. Lately, I see more people claiming food stamps, welfare, or any other type of benefits just because they are to lazy to get a job. Many people claim they are mentally ill because is much easier to get money even thought they are perfectly fine. For me LAZINESS is not a disability. I work with low income families and some of them have better houses and new cars then a working class people. Sad but true!
QHR says
The City should have closed Metro-link station in Lancaster. If we don’t do anything about this problem, we will become the new Skid Row of Los Angeles County!
Jesica says
This guy is ridiculous! The homeless people living in the tents are harmless and actually nice people. Every year my family & I bring care packages & socks to the homeless. It’s unfortunate that there aren’t more shelters to help these people so they don’t have to live in tents. If more people reached out to these people the world would be a better place. When is the last time you heard of a homeless person harming a teenage girl or anyone for that matter on the news??? The answer is never!!!
Lisa says
Jesica, you have a good heart, but I don’t think you are being realistic. Actually, many people including children, have been accosted. (I’m privy to some information that doesn’t always get reported.) The trash they create is another issue. Maybe they can start showing their amazing citizenship skills by using a trash can?
huh says
They’re totally nice while they do drugs and panhandle. I let them baby sit my children and not a thing went wrong. We’d all be better people if we just pooped in the desert like them. Why can’t people see that.
Really? says
Good idea! Make all the commuters drive to LA so you won’t have to see a few tents.
Or they could just stop selling tents in the AV. That would make just as much sense as your comment.
haha says
Oh my goodness, that was the best response I have seen in all of this today!!!!! :)
Jessica says
I think that it is not so much a public safety issue, but a wake up call to the amount of homeless here in the Antelope Valley. Although they could potentially be dangerous people, most that are homeless are not. These people need help, not to be told to go away. A solution to this problem would be to provide services and possibilities for these people.
Karen Gonzalez says
I agree with you Jessica. Mr. Paris just wants the homeless people to go away, but, they won’t. They can’t. I’m sure, if they had the choice, they wouldn’t be homeless. I think the city should build more shelters or maybe tiny homes for the homeless to live in.. but, since we all know that Mr. Paris, is a bigot he won’t build things that would help the homeless people.
Jeanette says
Great idea! Then we could have all the LA homeless move out here also!
Nunya says
Why not? LA dumps all their other sh*t out here. They tore down the projects and relocated em all here. Let’s make it comfortable for the all homeless in LA to come out here too. That would be great.
sharon says
This is stupid. Your neighbors could be drug dealers and child molesters. They are homeless for God sake leave them alone. They are not hurting you in any way. We all have a right to live in this valley. They are less fortunate so does that make them less of a person
Hell no. Go back to your businessand and your home thank God you have what you have say a prayer for these people and try helping them in some way. Your no better than any of these people as a matter of fact you are worse than these people. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
andy says
my opinion is the guy that is complaining has never been homeless i have been twice when this happens to a person its hard to get back on your feet all i can say i hope it happens to him one day to see how hard its is to get back on his feet
Kefka says
Yes, but if you were walking and you got attacked would you be commenting this comment? My family has no car and this town is dangerous we need to put them in homeless shelters or build them small shacks in a paved area away from major shopping areas. I understand that it is hard we can’t have these people potentially attack an Innocent bystander.
WHAT??? says
So because they are homeless, they will attack you when you are walking by, just cause they dont have a home??? You said it yourself, this town is dangerous….but what is the percentage of crimes that are committed by homeless compared to anyone else??? So you are sort of saying that they should live in a concentration camp cause they are not like you??? ANYONE can attack you when you are walking by, or you could NOT BE ATTACKED, which is a MUCH HIGHER percentage than being attacked…….
injured one says
Very well put Sharon… And as for Andy, don’t wish that upon them, just pray for how pitiful they really are and hope it never happens to them!!!!!!
Don Arnold says
See http://www.no2know.org/it_could_happen.html
mom of 4 says
They are homeless people not all homeless poeple do drugs they mind there business.I see and leave by them on lancaster blvd and 25th. they may be dirty but they need a place to sleep at night. They may standout in the street and ask for money or make their own by collecting cans. If they were going to hurt any kids we would of heard about it already. I hope they find a place for these people to stay one day . If you don’t have a solution then just let them live the way they do.
I've helped, but now what? says
I’ve helped at the shelter through my church. we do once a month meal and I’ve volunteered for 5 or 6 months. Some of these people are always there. They recognize me and I do them also. Obviously in 5 or 6 months they’ve found no work or made no attempt to relocate. There are tent cities all over Lancaster. Just North of the Shelter on Yucca, across the street from the shelter, etc. It’s a shame, but we have been almost too kind to these people. Why leave if you can get 3 square a day for free. My husband and I were at Jack in the Box once on Ave. I and Valley Central and there was a tent person in there with water bottles filling them up at the soda machine. Then he left them on the floor and went in the restroom. When he came out his hair was wet like he had washed it . So in answer to the question about where they use the restroom, look at the fast food places within walking distance. Maybe they need to go back to holding the key until someone needs it. They’ve made it too easy. And parents, whatever you do, DO NOT allow your kids to use the restroom by themselves. I’ve seen who goes in there.
Get off your high horse says
Thanks for reminding me why I don’t volunteer with my church anymore. After volunteering once a month you assume to know their job searches and attempts to relocate? It’s your mentality that scares a lot of folks off from church…. And I can’t say I blame them.
brian says
why did you have to report them they are probably just homless the guy who reported them is an [removed]
Molly says
Whoever wrote this is a judgmental piece of [removed].
Joshua Bailey says
No theyre not phediphiles, theyre homeless and you are so innocent. Lancaster just needs more money to be directed towards the homeless. Need a raffle ticket to get in then not even half of em get in. Gotta pitch a tent somewhere.
red says
So you think just because people are homeless and live in tents that they are pedophiles and drug addicts. This article is extremely bias maybe go check http://www.familywatchdog.us/ and look at how many sex offenders live in houses on the children’s way home from school, because its just as easy and much less private to drag someone into a house and harm them as it is a tent. There are shelters but not nearly enough space to help these people maybe you contribute to helping them instead of making it even harder for them to survive by kicking them out of what little type of home they have created.
YourAnon says
Man the hommie and I used to get high as f*** in that area then walk back to the movies all blazed. I guess can’t do that no mo without some grimey ass bum asking for a hit…smh
westc says
you sound like one of the reasons the AV is going to HE**!
YourAnon says
Aint gonna lie ur right on dat. But it is wat it is ya know? AVs been going bad since the start of the new millenium. ya’ll dont like it here, THEN GET THE F*** OUT, aint nobody likes yall complain ass mofos.
Rad says
What is so interesting to me about homeless people is they have no money but don’t seem to have a problem having the nicest cell phone and other expensive objects. You need to put your priorities in order. You can’t beg people for money when I see you talking on an iPhone 6.
O-o says
FYI, cell phones are free to the low income
westc says
I am so sick of “cell phones are provided for low income” that is BS… an IPHONE 6??!! or any IPHONE?? I think not..keep up with the excuses loser!
B says
Hey everyone who is sticking up for the walk under the freeway on j-8 and 20th and see if you like get jumped by these bums! And yes they are really doing that at night under that bridge. The majority of people who are homeless actually choose to be because of drug addiction and mental illness. To those who have been through hard times and don’t have a choice because of hardships don’t take it to heart because the majority of homeless in the valley should be worried about and it should be taken care of.
Blip_bloop says
You don’t choose mental illness, and drug addiction IS a mental illnes, so…homelessness is almost never a choice.
Diane Martinez says
Homelessness Is NOT always a choice…People do suffer from Mental Illness and our state sadly does not have enough resources for these people to house or assist in some type of program, I have a friend who is suffering from mental illness and has been sent from a 2 Week program then to another for 3 day and then back to the street until someplace can help him.. he is not a dangerous person but needs help needs guidance, we need Homes to open places for people who suffer from such, Now Im not saying we can trust that every homeless person is the same. I do believe that they should be checked out by our law inforcement to make sure that these are not criminals wanted, and they should be kept a distance from under age schools… Lets get them monitored checked out but if they are not in any way harmful let them be unless you can find programs that can go out there and offer these people a place to stay.
red says
people are jumped everyday walking down the street by people who are not homeless and i dont see a huge outrage about that, my friend lives in east lancaster and cant walk around at night because he has been jumped more than 4 times and been threatened with weapons. its not just homeless people that are the problem. maybe you should start kicking people out of your neighborhoods too
mom of 4 says
how do you know they are jumping people have you been jumped by them?
Sue Mendez says
ic wended to be understanding and compassionate… Let’s bus them out of this jobless godforsaken hellhole where they can’t find work and into a nice upscale place that has the financial means to better serve their needs. I mean we are only holding them back by allowing them to reside in this unproductive area…. They will starve before they become solvent here.
Tiffani says
Lol! How do you think most of them got here? Prosperous cities (Los Angeles) down below buy them a 1-way Metro ticket and tell them to get off at the end.
Linda York-Khalil says
Yes they should be relocated but not in Calf. I am not saying that to be mean but there are just no jobs in this state for people without skills. Someone needs to care enough to find areas where there are jobs. I do not understand why Oprah, Bill Gates etc. do not build something somewhere to help these people live and find jobs. The homeless centers that work on donations are just not enough. These rich people want to help other countries, what about helping ours!
Greg says
Again assumptions. I do not know these homeless personally but many homeless have skills, even marketable skills. Mental health sometimes gets in the way but another blocking factor is stigma. Do a background check on a homeless person… hard to do. Companies often do not hire people for better positions if they can not see a background. Credit reports also hinder people from getting jobs… guess which group of people have bad credit reports or no credit history for a few years. Yup homeless.
jacque says
vic says
The prove is plain to see. I agree
OKAY LISTEN UP PEOPLE … FOR ONCE CAN WE ALL JUST STOP THE BICKERING AND LETS TALK ABOUT A SOLUTION!!! We know what the problem is. Now lets find a way to help. If you are not willing to help then do the rest of us a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. The world is filled with enough hate, letS be that community that show the world a different face. SO BACK TO THE PROBLEM HOW CAN WE FIX IT. HELP THEM OR WHAT CAN OUR CITY DO TO HELP THESE PEOPLE WITHOUT PUTTING THEM IN JAIL OR GIVING THEM FINES. We should not have tent city. We should not have veterans, children, mentally ill living in the dessert. The only ones out there should be lazy people who just don’t want to work. I BET THERE IS NOT THAT MANY OUT THERE!!! (LAZY PEOPLE ) IF WE WORK TOGETHER MAYBE WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE
injured one says
Wonderful Jennifer … I think you are the smartest and most educated of the bunch!!!! My vote goes for Jennifer, What can we do for our people & city????
homeless myself says
To the writer of this letter your an idiot. Maybe you should take the time to find out why some of these people are homeless before judging them. I’m disabled and have a family, I lost everything when I became disabled. We’re not drug addicts, dealers, thieves or mentally ill. We don’t even panhandle.We’re honest people. We’re just trying to survive as best we can. Some of those out there are Vets who have served for your Country. Instead of judging you should try doing what Jesus said “Love one another” and maybe next time look out for your fellow human being offer a blanket or a meal. Just something for you to think about from the comfort of your warm home while someone could be out here freezing to death.
Peg Brown says
Umm, Homeless myself are you suggesting that the residents should ask the homeless group that sits on the wall at the US Bank on Valley Central Way, smoking a crack pipe, while their buddy is panhandling on the center divider, if they need a blanket? SMH
tailored says
No what he’s saying is don’t judge everyone.. Everyone is an individual in their situation as you pointed are all of negative action resulting in them bring homeless… Just as theirs crack heads who do have homes, who do pan handle, who are rapists, and criminals. So that means you have to be quick to think that even about your next door neighbor who looks happy.. So before your quick to judge.. Who knows your wife or whoever who you supposedly know and love so much could be banging hour best friend when your at work. The point is keep living your life positively know your not perfect either and focus on helping them if it bothers you so much.. Mr people oriented business owner…
Not surprised says
You’re homeless but have access to a computer or phone to access the Internet so you can chime in on hard working peoples complaints about tent cities……hahahahaha yah that makes sense
Steve says
Lancaster sherrifs do your job and stop harrassing innocent civilians and go after these no good pedifiles and murderers. They are outcast from society for a reason.
injured one says
Don’t you know… pedifiles are automatically housed up in a motel and paid for by the state… you need to do your home work STEVE!!!!!
Angel says
All I want to know is where do they go to use the bathroom? I have no problem with them being there as long as they are law abiding citizens and do not use the desert as their bathroom.
westc says
unfortunately, the larger majority do use the bathroom wherever they can, just look around the side of walmart and places like that…disgusting…
Jasmine says
If you are so concerned about these people MAYBE you should take the time to go and talk to them. I am sure they live there because they have no where else to go. As you and many are aware the U.S. went through a housing crash, It is hard to find a job degree or not. You cannot always pass judgement on others because you are not familiar with their life style.
Victoria says
I, myself, have been one of these people that have lived in one of these tents and it was never because I was a drug addict or a pedophile, it was simply because I had nowhere else to go. People view homeless people a certain way because of how they look or most times because they have encountered one or two homeless people that ended up giving them a bad experience towards people like this, but they aren’t all the same. It angers me that we as humans judge solely on looks but I’ve always been taught to not judge a book by its cover. Not ALL homeless people are the same just like not all white people are the same or any other race or sex. We are all different and live our lives differently, yes there may be some similarities between it all but just as you are a homeowner with concerns we(they) are as well, their homes just happen to be tents instead of a standing stable structure meant to be lived in made of cement dry wall and other materials used to create a solid structure known to be used at shelter. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to be judge simply on the way you look why do it to someone else because they are only less fortunate then you are.!!
J says
Well said Victoria…( And not a misspelled word anywhere…)
gloria says
Cobgrat yours business owner and a homeowner , one question where are these people suppose to go. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting a story about your concern why don’t you see how you can help instead there human beings regardless there people and for whatever reason have no other choice than to live in a tent. I hope for your sake you stay in your little house in Lancaster may you never fall upon any unfortunate circumstances.
Greg says
To the author: What if one of the homeless actually own that land? They have the right to invite others to stay at their place then. Unless you want to dig up some other minor code infraction.
Do not get sucked into all the doom and gloom of popular press. Instead since you live in Lancaster, and own a business in Lancaster perhaps you might try contributing to a real solution for the valley. A vacant warehouse could be converted into a facility, one with health care visits (mental and physical), cots, job placement, maybe even some education services.
Tim Barkas says
This is a fascinating and revealing letter, that showcases a regrettable degree of ignorance, bigotry and downright ugliness.
Special emphasis on the ignorance – along with a lack of compassion that is truly unsettling.
There is much I’d like to say about this. But I just don’t have the time, so I’ll limit my comments to these:
1. The person who wrote this letter looks upon homeless people as a danger; a threat; a pestilence that must be wiped out! As with so many of her ilk, she offers no solutions; exudes no understanding of the underlying dynamics that cause this; clearly feels not a drop of compassion for anyone living in those tents and boxes.
Now I’m all for ending homelessness. But I imagine my methods would differ considerably from the letter writer’s. I would remember, for starters, that we’re dealing with human beings here.
She just wants them gone! Erased! Removed! She doesn’t care where. She doesn’t care how. She DOES NOT CARE what happens to these people. We could scoop ’em all up and drop into shark infested waters, and that would be fine with her. She just wants ’em gone.
She is shallow, yes. She is heartless, certainly. But what really shakes me is how numerous such people are. She is not alone. She is not special. She is common, and her attitude – stated so blatantly and unashamedly – diminishes us all.
I am quite certain that you could find at least a few people residing in that tent city right now with more depth and more intelligence than the letter writer displays. You would also find a fair degree of mental illness and drug abuse, I’d guess. And that is where the letter-writer’s ignorance really shines through.
2. Consider this sentence: “Isn’t it the responsibility of our law enforcement to ensure they receive the care and help they deserve?”
I’ll address myself to the letter writer directly here:
Are you f-ing serious!? Is your understanding of the cultural realities here that vacuous? Really?
The addicted and mentally ill in our culture do not receive the care and help they need. Our government has been spending upwards of $20 billion a year (that’s BILLION – with a B) for the last two decades (That’s DECADES, as in 20 years) to fight the “War on Drugs.”
We lost. Can we all agree on at least THAT undeniable fact? I remind you that drug crimes that used to put people in prison for life have all been reduced to misdemeanors in California, and they’re toking up quite happily (and legally) in Colorado, Alaska, D.C. and other places even as you read this.
We lost. And the reason we lost is because we responded to this horrible, life-threatening, nationwide mental health problem by addressing it as a criminal justice issue. Let’s face it folks, as a society, we ignore drug abuse and those addicts who are SUFFERING from it until people addictions have spun so far out of control that it becomes a criminal issue.
And when it does, we just throw ’em in jail. There’s not help there. Matter of fact, in many cases it takes marginal law-breakers and turns ’em into fully criminalized dangers to society.
But, ya know…if we had spent that $400 billion over the last 20 years providing quality mental health care, addiction counseling/rehab and job training to those who need it, that tent city – and many others like it – would likely not be there.
And out cultural soul would be healthier as well.
But our letter writer is too ignorant to know that, and too shallow to care. Round ’em up and ship ’em somewhere else!? Yeah, honey, that’s not a solution.
THAT’S NOT A SOLUTION! And I weep for those who have no other recourse than to sleep in those tents and boxes tonight.
And while I’m weeping, I’ll do what I’ve done many other times. I’ll purchase a large jar of peanut butter, an equally large jar of strawberry jelly, a few loaves of bread…can ya see where I’m going with this?
Yeah, that’s what I’ll be doing, while the letter writer writes another facile, ugly missive.
Joan says
Tim Barkas — I absolutely love what you are saying! And, you have said it eloquently! Please write and continue to write to the Valley Press and everywhere else, because you are on point!
bird says
Tim Barkas… I used to be one of those homeless people, and now I’m not. I have been blessed with a roof over my head, running water, food etc.. I thank God everyday for what he provides, and He also blesses me with the wonderful experience of passing the blessings on. I love handing out water, food, blankets, hats, gloves and anything else I can come up with to these people, that I care deeply about. There is good and bad on all socio-economic levels but that’s not for me to sort out. God does the sorting, and it is just for me to be His vessel. God Bless
Really? says
Is this the same Tim Barkas who was all over Rex’s plan to ship the homeless OUT of Lancaster — a little south, to Palmdale? The same grand scheme that included closing the Lancaster Metrolink station so that the homeless couldn’t hang out on The Blvd?
Glad to hear you’re coming all the way from Glendale with PB&J, is that so that they stay out of your neighborhood?
Me thinks you doth protest too much.
Tim Barkas says
And methinks you don’t have the stones to stand behind your weak opininions.
Look there, at the top of the my post. What IS THAT!?
Oh, right. It’s my name.
I’m am so tired of the cowardice of anonymous posts.
anonymous says
Easy for you to say Tim Barkus. As one of Rex’s Chosen Ones you can post without fear of retribution. The rest of us live in fear of our businesses and reputations being trashed by him. That is a fact of living here. Glendale is much more fair. it has a normal mayor.
applause says
Tim Barkas says
You’ve revealed so much about yourself; your values; your life, with just Agee poorly written sentences.
Apparently fear is the defining factor of your life. You live in fear, you say. Sad. You fear the homeless. You fear the mayor. You fear reprisals should you be identified for posting your fearful thoughts.
You have no solutions to offer; no vision to share. You just hide in the shadows and throw metaphorical feces about like a frightened little monkey.
I called you a coward. I was wrong. That is far too weak and imprecise a word for someone with less honor and dignity than those homeless folks you fear so much.
anonymous says
I’m not sure how what I said about living in fear of retribution of Rex has anything to do with the homeless. Re read what I said. Nothing at all about the homeless. To be clear I have no fear of the homeless. I feel compassion and have given money and goods to help. The homeless problem is complex and I don’t claim to have any answers. Your post has some very good points and I commend you for it. That still doesn’t take away from the fact that we live in fear of our businesses and reputations being trashed by Rex. That is life in the AV.
we are tired says
Glad to see you are tired of anonymous posts. know what I’m tired of? A newspaper controlled by R. Rex Parris. A valley paralized in fear of what R.Rex Parris can do to a livelihood. Lawsuits against our neighboring cities for political gain. lawsuits against our businesses and VFW halls. Wasted money on the eye in the sky. Blatant nepotism. Business deals for friends and political supporters. Building a Christian community to the exclusion of other faiths. People arrested at city council meetings. Illegal business purchases. That’s what I’m tired of.
Tim Barkas says
I wonder what those homeless people are tired of?
James says
Agreed – Some friends and I have taken on one homeless veteran that was living in a tent out in the area North of Ave. H near the 14. We are providing him with a motel room at our own expense until he gets his HUD/VASH voucher which he is entitled to as a veteran. But we are not stopping there. Our team is looking at the whole man and the big picture. We are focusing on every aspect of what it will take to help him get back on his feet. Resume’, job opportunities / searches / housing selection and HUD negotiations with landlords, as well as other social helps. I guess you can say we have made an investment in him, and the pay off will be his happy and successful life. The way I look at it is this man, at one time, signed a piece of paper promising to give his life for mine if needs be. What we do now is minuscule in comparison, and thus well worth the effort. Like you say, we are talking about human beings here, not rodents. His girlfriend is 4 months pregnant, so there is an added incentive to help. Obviously, some people don’t want any help, and are happy to live as they do. I say leave them alone. Some homeless people just need a bit of a break and the helping hand of their fellow Americans. Instead of painting all homeless with one broad, unsympathetic brush, imagine how many can be could be restored to a productive life if each of us, alone or in groups, took on one homeless person desirous of getting back on their feet?
chell 77 says
Tim Barkas…..Bravo Bravo to you, sir! Your compassion, understanding and heart makes me so proud that I am an American. We are a people who do care about the unfortunate, no matter what the circumstances are that forces them to live in tents. They are fellow human beings and we or loved ones could easily be one of them living in that god forsaken desert. Too many people are suffering from homelessness. Thank you for addressing such a heart breaking dilemma with such eloquence, caring and understanding.
Itscool says
I think it’s really easy to say these things when you don’t live right across the street from it. I do and what’s not easy is telling my kids not to look at the two men having sexual relations in the open view of everyone. Or that the woman asking for my money as I remove it from my US Bank atm has no teeth because crack does that. Or how about when I take my elementary school aged boy to get his hair cut at Cost Cutters and have to tell him not to look when teenaged boys are kicking the shit out of a homeless man in the street.
The homeless ARE in danger and and are also a danger themselves. This situation is out of control and needs to be addressed for everyone’s safety.
Jane says
I’m sorry but I HAVE to respond to issue #3–you teach your children to “NOT LOOK” when someone is getting beaten? How noble of you!
We teach our children to stand up for what’s right. They see their parents at least holler at the offenders to stop.
This is what’s wrong with society today–when we see evil, we turn our heads because confrontation makes us uncomfortable and puts us out. And then we raise our children to do the same thing. Such a shame.
Itscool says
Oh. You’re right. I should totally have my 5yo check it out. Great idea. Should I have him video it as I’m on hold with our Sheriffs Department? Are you serious?! And I’m what’s wrong with the world.
Mike says
Video the BUMFIGHT and put it on YouTube.
They’re like the WALKING DEAD – the least they can do is entertain us humans by BUMFIGHTING. We have to put up with their panhandling and filth everywhere. Let them BUMFIGHT to earn their keep!
Alan says
I love how the majority of the people are angered by this unwarranted assumption fallacy. Are we really living in a country where it is okay to pick on the people who cannot or choose not to conform to the ‘amercian dream’? Some people just wanna be free.
johnson says
I know personly some people that live just like this in these tents they r not drug addicts Or pedophiles They just dont have a home to live they dont mean any harm to anyone they would give there last penny they had
Jason says
Leave the homeless ppl alone they have nothing u can atleast give them the desert. Mind ur dam business or helped them out with a warm meal or help them out in some way .
Gabriel says
I work directly across from these “Tent cities” and in all honesty its not a problem for anyone, I mean im sure these people would have no problem living in your home seeings how you dont want them in an empty desert. Getting R Rex Paris involved is completely unnecessary because he has no clue what hes doing, hes an aristocrat, a “high and mighty” he only cares about those who have large amounts of money hence the movement plan of the Metrolink, so before you spoiled residents start kissing ass on our mayor(excuse my language) the faster you will realize this is the Antelope Valley. Not Malibu. Let the homeless people camp. Unless your willing to take them in and house them yourself you selfish bastard.
Genius Rex says
Yes. Please leave Rex out of this. He was the one who offered to pony up $ to send the homeless on the train. The headline was Parris to Homeless: Go Home. It made the tonight show. He’sno good unless it helps him.
leon says
Utah set the ambitious goal to end homelessness in 2015. Housing First
is a no-brainer. while the expenses of permanent housing and case management runs just $7.800 compare this 19,200 per year for shelters and soup kitchens etc
if you put a person in a house.Its half the cost of that person receiving services in the shelters
Turd Ferguson says
How much do you think $90,000.00 a month would help the homeless?How much do you think $90,000.00 a month would help the homeless?That’s what we spend on LEAPS.That’s what we spend on LEAPS.The piece of crap spy plane.The piece of crap spy plane.That has no results.That has no results.Other than to make Rexs friends money.Other than to make Rexs friends money.We pay for that for ten years.We pay for that for ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.That could be used for homeless.That could be used for homeless.We already have aerial survelliance with the Sherriffs.We already have aerial survelliance with the Sherriffs.LEAPS is a waste.LEAPS is a waste.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to spending the money on the homeless.Yes to spending the money on the homeless.
Joe says
My comment might upset some, but I happened to run into a man I knew living in a camp outside a business on the eastside of Lancaster. He told me that he could have a city-county paid housing but it came with to many RULES! He also said he made more in hand outs then his relieve check he got monthly. Said older people were easier to make uncomfortable and would give more money, he showed me that they were cooking steak that day Hum steak I cant afford that. I left with a heavy heart thinking that it could be my Mom that they would scare into giving them money. Also a friend of mine gave a guy on avenue K some food from McDonalds only to see him trying to sell it at the drive-thru.
m says
Homelessness is an extremely complex social issue. Doing some research before making your appeal to the community to support your cause would have helped.
In the U.S., more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year.
35% of the homeless population are families with children, which is the fastest growing segment of the homeless population.
23% are U.S. military veterans.
25% are children under the age of 18 years.
30% have experienced domestic violence.
20-25% suffer from mental illness.
These stats are from http://www.studentsagainsthunger.org/page/hhp/overview-homelessness-america
Start by googling who are the homeless. Read about it. Then ask your self whether carting these folks off the empty lot is really a good answer. Law enforcement cannot do anything and they are right to not do anything.
Casey says
This just in: anonymous jerk, coward finds homeless inconvenient.
They’re right, though, I go to the movies to ESCAPE my hellish existence in a permanent dwelling with electricity and running water, not to be reminded that OTHER PEOPLE exist.
Andrew Farris says
Are the commenters actually donating money to the local shelters? Thinking there are shelters here in the AV does not help any of them actually provide services. There are several and if you care about the issue you can easily find them and how to donate, if you just ‘care’ about the perceived impact to your community you will do nothing but complain. No, your taxes are not enough, because the county is not appropriately spreading out that money where the homeless and the shelters actually need it. Call you representatives, but donate to local shelters too. Complaints are useless without action.
Veronica says
To think all homeless are molesters and criminals is really sad to whoever wrote this, also saying dangerous mentally ill is putting a stigma on the homeless like they should be feared when they are the most vulnerable & they do need help. They don’t need to be locked up or shipped to another city where the same thing will happen there. They are people who need help you should be starting a petition to get a homeless shelter in the area since there aren’t enough to house the people who need it. I dont think law enforcement is the right area for help,social workers would be much more helpful in figuring out what they need. if they are mentally ill and become frustrated or scared the police don’t know how to handle it & will most likely kill them.
Rachel says
i completely understand the concern that this writer has made not only for kids walking to and from lancaster but for the homeless themselves. I’m currently employed write down the street from this tent city. I’ve seen and heard people out there all the time never really had much negativity on the matter, in fact I’d always hear them laughing and caring on so I figured they were fine. But a little over a month ago one of the men that live out there came running onto our company property asking for help for his friend who wasn’t responding. Turns out the poor guy froze to death. I don’t mind people doing what they do to survive as long as it has no harm on others that’s fine, but I do feel that these people need some help because that guy had nowhere to go in the middle of winter he froze to death sleeping on the ground and it’s so sad.
nate says
It wouldn’t be that big of a problem, in my opinion, if they weren’t filthy slobs! Camping in the wilderness what you pack in, you pack out! This minimizes your footprint on nature and saves the beauty for other generations to come. These slobs care about nothing, so pack your crap and move and don’t forget your trash!
jacque says
Nicole says
Leave those people alone. Just cause you own a home and a business everyone else isn’t as fortunate. Instead of Complaining why don’t you reach out to those people maybe they’re hungry or maybe they’re cold. Sometimes they can’t make it to the shelter. You never know what someone’s struggle is.
This land was made for you and me! :) God bless
JH says
A big thanks to AV times for publishing and bringing awareness to this issue.
aj123 says
I think the point of his letter isn’t to run these people off. A solution needs to be found. Santa Clarita just did a big sweep of the homeless camps there, and they took them to hospitals, shelters, etc. Depending on their needs. We have an over population of homelessness here. Its time our city focuses more on that rather than beautifying the Blvd. I’m tired of the pan handling, and people laying on our sidewalks. Especially when you know some of them are not sober. They need a place to seek help rather than beg for money.
tonia kendall says
I soooo was seeking the same thing the blvd has bose speaker system like how useful is that for our community To listen to music while walking down the street .when they spent all that money on blvd it,
Could have easily paid for a shelter as well.
dee beatty says
For all of you compassionless responders. Just where would you have these people go?
Tommy says
Maybe the people out there just have it rough and no $$ to get back on there feet and have a job and home for there family’s. the people that are breaking into your house are the gangsters in the people that do that for a living if these people were doing that there be a bunch of stolen merchandise out there and they have a lot of money and living in the hotel rooms maybe we should just go out there and check up on him and see who they are if they’re bad people and they go away after a normal people that have it rough leave me alone let them camp out
dontcare4rrex says
Do you really think R. REX Parris cares? Lmfao get real! That man doesn’t care about anyone or anything but money and himself.
Good article though.
Son of the Anti Rex says
you are so right dontcare4rex. he don’t care about anyone or anything except himself and his cronies. all they do is pillage this vally to line their pockets weather it is favoritism in deals, suing, pet projects, it don’t matter. this place will get a lot better when he retires.
Anonymous says
Rex does not care unless it is going to pad his pockets. The sad truth is in the photos that the author of the letter posted. Don’t cart them off as if they were scum. We don’t know their story! But, I am sure that there is a solution to the “problem” If they are veterans there are programs for them and many other programs for civilians I’m sure .
The fact of the matter remains that if they are not “loitering” on the blvd. Then our city council members do not give two craps! They are too busy funding a worthless airplane that flies around all day and night. Give me a break!
The crime went up the minute that plane did! I could think of a million things that money could have been used for. Perhaps repairing these effed up streets that are covered in cracks and potholes.
Oh, but we got pretty flashing L.E.D. stop signs……………….. SMH
Kyle Tanner says
I do not assume every homeless person is a molester or burglar, because I know for a fact that they are not. And camping within the city limits IS against the law, but the problem is the jails are too overcrowded to lock people up for such a minor crime, so tickets, arrests, and cops “running them out” just lead to them pitching their tents a half a mile away somewhere. (love the pic of the “2 boys” – is the AVtimes implying the homeless guy is gonna molest them?)
Go watch the movie “With Honors” and learn that not all homeless people are bad. Some of them are just “people”.
kristina says
I agree! If people took time to actually speak to some of the homeless then they would know that they really aren’t all bad. They have a story, and they are people! Also maybe there wouldn’t be a tent city if there was a good homeless shelter that had vacancy!
Shawnee says
I agree with this. The person who wrote this letter seems to have some ingrained fear of these people. None of them are any more dangerous than what we have had in the Antelope Valley for years now. And are they really generating any more trash than the Walmart right across the street from there? For many of us, a job loss or a serious medical issue could be all it takes before we’re out there pitching our own tent.
Steph says
I saw people living in a field below Ave L and 10th street west. At first I thought there was a pile of blankets and clothing until I saw a woman poking her head out of the blanket. There were others walking around the area. I thought there were shelters here in the AV to help these people.