PALMDALE — The driver of a Ford pickup truck was arrested after leading police on a wild chase from Northridge to Palmdale, where he surrendered after more than a half-hour standoff.
The California Highway Patrol identified the suspect as Sean Christopher Druschel, 33, of Palmdale. He was arrested around 6:56 p.m. Monday on suspicion of felony evading, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and being under the influence of a controlled substance, according to a CHP report.

The chase began shortly after 5 p.m., when police wanted to pull the driver over for reckless driving. He tried to ram a police car, then went on the Ronald Reagan (118) Freeway near Chatsworth, going west toward Simi Valley, authorities said.
Both California Highway Patrol and Los Angeles Police Department helicopters tracked the vehicle as it reached reported speeds of more than 100 mph on the northbound Golden State (5) and Antelope Valley (14) freeways.
At times, the suspect drove his vehicle on the center diver and on the right shoulder, according to the CHP report.
“When they got into the Antelope Valley area, which starts in Acton, the Antelope Valley area CHP officers took over that pursuit,” said CHP Officer Gil Hernandez.
The suspect exited the 14 Freeway on Avenue N and proceeded westbound, driving on the wrong side of the road, failing to stop at red lights, and reaching speeds of 120 mph, according to the CHP report.
The suspect made a left turn onto southbound 50th Street West and lost control, spinning clockwise. As the driver continued to spin around, CHP attempted to disable the suspect’s vehicle by ramming the rear of the truck, according to the CHP report. The suspect managed to keep going, and the pursuit continued.
“The suspect slowed down to approximately 10 mph, and the right front passenger fled the vehicle and entered a house. One of the CHP Officers immediately stopped at the residence and set up a containment with the assistance of LASD Palmdale Deputies,” the CHP report states.

The woman was detained but was viewed as a witness, rather than a suspect, according to broadcast reports.
The pursuit continued through various neighborhoods as the driver continued to drive in a reckless manner, the CHP report states.
The chase ended around 6:15 p.m. near Highland Avenue and Rancho Vista Blvd.
“A Pit Maneuver was conducted at Highland Avenue. The driver regained control of the vehicle and subsequently struck a vehicle head on when the suspect’s pickup truck collided with a small car,” the CHP report states. Then deputies and CHP officers closed in right behind the suspect.
Law enforcement gathered their resources, including a police dog, behind them. But the suspect ignored commands and remained inside his vehicle.
Broadcast footage showed smoke coming from the cab of the truck as authorities waited for the suspect to surrender. After more than a half-hour standoff, the suspect came out of the truck, surrendering shortly before 7 p.m.
Editor’s note: Article updated to include information from a California Highway Patrol report.
[Information via City News Service and a California Highway Patrol report.]
Bobthebuilder says
What turd is saying (saying) is true. If you REALLY want the eye in the sky to come out from its hides hole go swim in your pool. It will practically HOVER over your yard the entire time you are trying to enjoy your summer I’m this hell hole. As long as there are pools on the west side the e in the s will be there…. The whole te….. Making sure we are safe….. In our pools. It’s a big deal. Your paying for bubba to get his jollies May through September. Never hear of any crime fighting. But I think what that plane and it’s pilot are doing… And rexy poo… IS A CRIME. Turd, is your real name Brick? (Brick)?
Heathef says
Before everyone judges please know this. Sean the suspect mentioned above just recently lost his mother; very recently from a routine surgical procedure in the few short weeks of recovery. Obviously, he has other issues adding to his behavior.
jason says
Thanks for the entertainment !
Stringfellow Hawk says
Is that supposed to be a legit excuse for what he did? I’ve lost many close family members including my father…I didn’t do anything remotely close to this when that happened.
Alsofedup says
Agree, no excuse for driving like a madman, evading law enforcement and risking innocent lives.
SweetHonesty says
exactly, no excuse!!
Irena says
I take offense with this. I lost both my parents recently. My mother in November and my father in December of 2014. Both very sudden. I however did not go on a crime spree.
With your reasoning, I would have 2 times the motive to do so yet I went to work, paid my bills and not once did I break the law.
We choose how we react to situations. There is always a choice.
Hugh G. says
I agree. I lost my old grandpa Abe a few years back. Every once in a while I get a flood of emotions…from guilt to sorrow to a sense of great loss and loneliness. Getting myself into a high speed pursuit and endangering others’ lives really helps me get through the tough times. I like to top it off by doing the worm for the pursuing officers at the end.
Alsofedeup says
@ Hugh G. I can understand how the loss of a loved one can bring about the feelings you state. But, driving at high speeds and risking lives, as well as your own life, shouldn’t be the answer. I hope you don’t have a death wish. Have you considered some other form of easing your emotional pain? How about a brisk 12 mile mountain bike ride, or kayaking or some other form of release that isn’t life threatening? Just my dos centavos worth.
Hugh G. says
@Also- No death wish here. As long as I’m safe in the end, and my emotions have been dealt with, life is good…until those horrid emotions crop up again. I’m no athlete, so the kayak and bike activities are out. Just me and some kind of heavy truck or SUV…my physical safety is paramount.
Alsofedup says
@ Hugh G. I give up. There’s just no getting through to some folks…have a good (if not short) life.
Hugh G. says
Thank you sir. Much appreciated.
Irena says
That was sarcasm FYI
boohoo! says
My dad died suddenly a couple years ago now. He was 49. It was absolutely awful the way he went and I was very angry for a long time but I didn’t go crazy and endanger people’s lives. Would his mom be proud of this? Or would she be mad that he acted like an idiot who can’t handle his emotions? A grown man upset that mommy was taken away from him? Get over it! Life happens, it sucks, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t try to defend him! Did you see the video of the chase?!?! He doesn’t get any sympathy. I’m pretty sure the people he almost killed don’t have any sympathy for him either.
SweetHonesty says
Are you actually making excuses for this?! We’re judging by what HE put out there, there’s video and hundreds of witnesses. So, he has other issues, you say? Other issues like….a serious meth addiction? A death wish? He has a kid!! There is NO EXCUSE whatsoever for evading police and putting numerous lives at risk. Add the fact that could have killed himself or Ashley in the process. How would life be for their son if both of his parents would have died during this dumb decision he made.
SweetHonesty says
Is that joke? Don’t judge him?! He has a lot of issues you say? Such as a hardcore meth addiction.
I’m sorry for the loss of his mother, but everyday people lose loved ones and don’t lead police on dangerious highspeed chases. Sean could have killed himself and his “witness” (lol!!) passenger Ashley which would have left his child without parents.
Seriously, how can you make excuses for that?
Tom says
Suge knight is not the only one that has a Ford pick up Truck. Sean has a big tuck doing big things has a big Girlfriend that he dropped off at a big House , Puff Puff Puff
Bob says
Just another typical night in the sewer otherwise known as the AV.
Jessica says
That’s f’ed up of you to say the AV has its problems but its not every where get your facts straight A** hole
Mrs wonder says
And he is white? Oh my god not in the AV only blacks & hispanic people commit crimes in the AV…good job white boy for showing the long time residents of the AV that white people commit crimes too..! So, they won’t be able to talk about all the “people from LA” are the ones causing all the crime in AV..love it..Bad choices come in every race..its a decision not that’s made not because you are from somewhere or the color of your skin.
wild says
Guess he wasn’t meant to get past the GHETTOLOPE VALLEY
Mrs wonder says
You're original says
Wow you must be the same person who always comments that same remark. Get a life. If you don’t like the a.v do something about it you flamer
Quigley says
Hey Bob…did ypu see the breaking news on KABC? Can you believe two people were just found dead in Beverly Hills?!? I’m still in shock? Can you believe something like this happens out of the Antelope Vally!.I’m sure it will be natural causes since it’s not the AV…
Susan says
He could have hurt people! But let’s all be idiots and act ad though the police are at fault. Lame!!
Jeff says
Human trash, Time to take it out, While all you complain my taxes get to pay for trash like this to roam the freeways…Maybe you all would feel better if he killed someone on the 14 or the local streets….Losers, Dopers and Fools…Give him your support. hey put up bail if you all love him so much or buy another bang of junk
guest says
Thats sick! I understand i feel him, thats not fair cops always drive too fast… damn Just let him go away… and weed is not drugs. Weed is just planet. The world is [removed] up, of course i dont give a [removed] the police. Sometime police is dirty work, you are blind guys, government cover up anything, there is no god [removed], i believe the alien gave human on the earth. I knew it president & government need the money cuz of the taxes & everything pr war about steal oil. Well Nevermind, i know thats [removed] story long, go school and learn history. Nazi, russian, north korean, iraq, whatever they already know about that. They are [removed] hate the us here. The end of the world as soon.
RF says
Are you supposed to be on some sort of medication?
ResponsibleHuman says
There is no excuse whatsoever for this behavior. Putting lives at risk
gladys says
What? says
“Weed is just planet” is that where you’re from, the planet Cannabis?
J says
Are you high or what? Wow….
Turd Ferguson says
How were they able to capture him without LEAPS?How were they able to capture him without LEAPS?It must have been luck.It must have been luck.Or maybe the Sherriffs heliocopters do the job.Or maybe the Sherriffs heliocopters do the job.Without costing $90,000.00 a month.Without costing $90,000.00 a month.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.You could hire a lot of Sherriffs for that.You could hire a lot of Sherriffs for that.Or do other good things.Or do other good things.Other than make Rexs friends rich.Other than make Rexs friends rich.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs heliocopters.Yes to Sherriffs heliocopters.
gil says
you may have a studder,… just saying.
Mimi says
I thought it was me for a second , reading it wrong,,, lol
Susan says
lol i thought it was my eyes lol studder
eo2 says
Must be the ‘meds’ talking.
J says
You are a very strange person….I have seen your comments several times before and am always wondering what the purpose of saying everything twice is???
Turd Ferguson says
I say everything twice because we pay for aerial survelliance twice.I say everything twice because we pay for aerial survelliance twice.We pay for LEAPS and we pay for Sherriffs heliocopters.We pay for LEAPS and we pay for Sherriffs heliocopters.Only Sherriffs heliocopters is in our contract.Only Sherriffs heliocopters is in our contract.LEAPS is not.LEAPS is not.It is extra.It is extra.$90,000.00 a month extra.$90,000.00 a month extra.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.That goes to a company of Rexs friend.That goes to a company of Rexs friend.For a useless piece of turd.For a useless piece of turd.That does nothing but catch Wal-Mart shoplifters.That does nothing but catch Wal-Mart shoplifters.Let Wal-Mart pay for it’s own security.Let Wal-Mart pay for it’s own security.LEAPS is a waste of tax payer money.LEAPS is a waste of tax payer money.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs heliocopters.Yes to Sherriffs heliocopters.Yes to more Sherriffs.Yes to more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
FedUp says
Guest says
He drop off his girl friend so she could get rid of the drugs on his car. What was in that bag when his girl friend exit his car? and he smoked the remaining drugs in his car at last so he could be charge for carrying illegal substance.
Guest says
I meant: He could NOT be charge for illegal substance.
Guest says
Can we all just get along?
Diane says
Get along or get a bong lol
Chrlrss says
This scum is no different then the N. Hollywood bank robbers/shooters. He and others like him should be treated the same. Maybe if they start pulling up and shooting them there wouldn’t be as many of these chases.
Now lets hear from all the family & friends about how wonderful he is, how innocent & misunderstood he is.
Easy$ says
You mean executing suspects without a trial? They already do that.
Fedup2 says
No they do not execute without trial, they defend themselves when necessary. They need to exterminate when possible, remove the trash!!
shmoney says
you sound like trash when you say that