ACTON – Authorities have identified a motorcyclist who died Friday following a crash on the Antelope Valley (14) Freeway in the Acton area.
Raymond Olund, 57, of Lancaster died at a hospital after his 2007 Harley Davidson motorcycle collided with a sport utility vehicle, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
The collision occurred around 5:35 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20, on the northbound 14 Freeway near Red Rover Mine Road.
According to the CHP, Olund was riding his motorcycle in the northbound No. 1 lane at an unknown speed; while Tamyshia J. Curry was driving a 2007 Lexus SUV in the northbound No. 2 at approximately 60 mph – slightly ahead of the motorcycle.
“As both drivers continued northbound, Mr. Olund began to overtake and pass Ms. Curry. For unknown reasons, she turned her vehicle to the left, crossing over the double yellow lines and into Mr. Olund’s path of travel,” the CHP report states.
The vehicles collided, and Olund was ejected from his motorcycle, according to the CHP.
“Mr. Olund sustained major head trauma and was transported to Antelope Valley Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries,” the CHP report states.
Tamyshia Curry, 23, of Calabasas was not injured in the crash, according to the CHP report.
She was cited and released, CHP officials said Monday. The incident remains under investigation by the California Highway Patrol.
Dale says
I was driving the truckin front of the suv lexus. Traffic was moving pretty good ,then as we approached crown valley it was slowing rapidly. I was watching my mirror and saw the lexus try to go around to avoid hitting my truck. As she crossed over into the carpool lane, Ray hit the back of her car. Not the side like the driver of the minivan said. I know she did not mean to hurt anyone,and i hope she finds peace with herself. As for Ray,i was with him till the paramedics took over,whatever happened in his life dont know. This was an accident and nothing more. I prayed for him, and now i pray his family and friends.
Daine says
this man was sober peditor hung round other peditors thats what meeting teach you to 13 step ,, there not there to help people yjere there to pray on new comers ,, so watch ou for his friends all 13 steppers .
peter says
Came to know Ray well in last year. A stand up guy and devoted family man. The past is the past and he had paid his debt to society. Ray was working hard as an X-ray technician and always trying to better himself. A loyal friend that always went out of his way for others. The onlything he loved doing more than riding his harley, was spending time with his family. He was a very responsible rider. You could hear his bike coming a block away. Shouldnt matter that he was in anyone’s blind spot. The other driver must have been distracted. Just saw ray day before accident and he was loving life. If anyone earned a second chance in life it was ray. RIP!
Laura says
This man did his time and made a much better life for himself and those who knew him. The past is the past, he couldn’t change that, but he paid his debt and became a great citizen and man. Please stop the bashing and ask those of us who knew him what he was really like in today’s world. This poor young girl that hit him now has to live with the fact that her actions killed someone. If Ray had survived, he would not judge her, so please don’t judge him.
Laszlo says
Well – how often do YOU… NOT notice a “Gatling Gun firing”=Harley moving up on your SUV as you decide to cut into the Carpool Lane, without looking into your mirror?
You can tell a Biker is on your flank by just hearing it.
And there is NO Blind spot on either side when a Biker is at your back bumper…
Her story does not match the evidence and proper driving.
Let me guess… the CHP cited her for “improper lane change”?
Something stinks with this incident.
This was not an “accident” as the Book defines it.
This one has a human touch to it… something with the word “negligence”…
Laszlo says
As a former co-worker, I was stunned by his passing. A VERY nice gentleman + Xray Tech. He loved his Bike… was careful. Never saw him as a bragger/bully.
As a former cycler, I can see how dangerous it is to be on the highways of today… Many people have cars they do not know how to drive, and are distracted by so many things… they forget they are in a tank, going 75mph. Maybe the driverside window should be partly open, to remind the driver how powerful the wind is at 75mph.
Excuse me, but I HEAR and SEE bikers coming up alongside me WAY sooner… never am surprised. His Harley’s stirring wheel must have been bumped by the SUV shifting into his lane. A biker can react and wiggle out of such harms way, unless his steering is banged. That whacks the front wheel into a fatal configuration. Poor Ray.
That SUV driver HAS to be responsible for Involuntary Manslaughter… cause that is exactly what she did… an UNSAFE LANE CHANGE – resulting in another motorist’s Death. And I encountered several drivers not liking a Biker coming close to them… and doing an “I’ll SHOW HIM!” move… THEN it is 2nd degree murder.
Ray – you will be missed…
frank eugene says
Question? Was the motorcyclist riding in the carpool lane, as that has a double-double line.
Jeff says
How can you feel for him. He is a molester and CONVICVTED, You people are sick, May the Man above take him and do what’s right.
diane says
I didn’t know this man but I know not all sex offenders should be on the website some are falsely accused I am sorry this happens to this guy if you have ever ridding on a motorcycle people in cars don’t look for motorcyclist in do because I have loved ones who ride RIP may his family find peace in this time of sadness
Jay Stewart says
you [removed] have the nerve to bash this man’s past by putting up a Megan’s law mugshot. I see why the media are a bunch of [removed] (yeah I said it) for disrespecting this man’s character..I know this man personally and he had changed his life…everyone has did something wrong in their lives….so for you [removed] to disrespect Ray on this news articles are a bunch of [removed]…all y’all need to get a life and worry about your livelihood….check yourselves before you pass judgement
KayDee says
Bash this man’s character? This man bashed and disrespected his own character when he became a convicted sex offender. And why don’t you go tell his victim about how much he has changed his life. Smh
jb says
Your anger will kill uuuuu If uuuuu hold on to it!! Grieve & forgive!
barbara says
…what’s really tragic here is no one gives a [removed]about this girl being released and cited…really…for killing someone, and it is stated for reasons unknown to them that SHE crossed the lane into him…really???….people are just concerned about bashing a dead man…why is it okay for this person to be living her life with no consequences for something she did…I for one think she should be arrested for killing my friend…he would be alive today if it weren’t for her…and we wouldn’t be suffering as we are and even more because of these unsolicited comments…WHAT ABOUT HER…justice, right? From a perfect judicial system, right?
Eric R says
For those people that knew the guy, i saw what happened. I was passenger in mini van in slow lane. This happened 10 feet or so away from the car i was in. So here is what happened from my point of view: The girl driving Lexus was traveling down Fwy and from what I saw the man on motorcycle was lane splitting like most people do that ride a bike. All of a sudden the guy sped up to pass though the traffic that was slowing down. The traffic was slowing down. From what i saw the guy was directly 100% in her blind spot. It didn’t look to me like she was trying to enter carpool lane, It was simple tap of handle bars into Lexus on the rear drivers side. Because the guy was speeding up and the Lexus was to close to motorcycle at the same time. The man was thrown from bike smashing face first the bike tumbled a few times after it man was out on freeway dead. There was no suffering, he was gone right then. Then not to long after that the fire deportment showed up and tried CPR for good 10 min. they got heartbeat back. loaded him in ambulance and he lost heartbeat after just a few min. I’m sorry for the loss. May he rest in piece, and let all who have not sinned throw the first stone.
KayDee says
Thank you for your first hand account. I believe your version, and that is most likely why the cops let the girl go. People defending this guy have the nerve to demand that people not judge his character for being a convicted sex offender. Then they turn right around and wrongly judge this poor girl as being a killer. What hypocrites they are! I’m sure this will remain on this poor girl’s conscience for the rest of her life. There are two victims in this story.
Robin P, says
you ignorant people posting Megan’s law crap. A beautiful person and productive member of society was tragically killed by some idiot driver crossing over a double yellow. I knew this man and his beautiful fiancé. She and her family and many many people are broken now from this senseless loss. To the filt and his fiancé who by the way was to be married next month I am so sorry and devastated for your loss. Words can never express the sadness I have for you. I love you. You have an army behind you we will be there for you.
Coveda says
Robin please give my condolences to her and their family…I personally messaged you
Shakana says
Looked like Chester the molester off the bat before even reading where the pic was from.
Coveda says
I knew this man he was a good man kind loving giving helping people when somebody needed an ear he would listen.. it had been a while since I’ve seen x ray but he was a good man and he will be missed..barb I’m sorry for your loss I will pray for his family and friends for sure he was good people and those who judge will be judged..if you do not know the circumstances behind what you are saying just because this picture was on the website you should not make a comment of negativity.. Again those who judge will be judged by God.. rest in peace my friend
brenda r says
My heart goes out to his family,and friends.May God be with you
broberts61698@aol.com says
43540 yaffa st
tommy says
I hate these cowards on the internet think they can say anything that they would never have the balls to say in public. A brother on a bike went down because some bitch in a suv can’t drive end of story, and i wish this coward had the guts to say anything to my face about a fellow biker. Watch your mouth “cali from palmdale”.
Barbara L says
My prayers go out to his family. They all must be in utter shock.
Megans Law? says
It says right there his picture was curtocy of Megans Law website. Guess karma got him.
Darla says
You don’t know the details, so don’t go judging. Trust me KARMAS going to get your ass!!!!
barbara says
..to whoever wrote that comment about Megan’s Law, first you should learn how to spell and you DIDN’T KNOW HIM OR THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE MEGAN’S LAW…no, he didn’t deserve karma…he was a good man and a very dear, personal friend who adored life and did good for so many people…mind your own friggin business because nobody needs that input of yours, especially if you have no facts…I’m sure you’re just an asshole…you didn’t even think about what family members or friends would be reading your comment…you pompous ass…
rena says
Judgment is for the good Lord…
Roselynd Monterrosa says
Barbara we knew he was and how great of a person he was. This careless [removed] talking about them will get their karma.
Roselynd says
AV times I hope you had permission from his family to release his photo. You will be hearing from them tomorrow. No consideration for the pain you causing his loved one including myself having to read these comments.
damien says
AV times doesn’t need permission to post information that is public record. You should place your blame on the SUV driver not a local paper.
Roz says
He is a registered sex offender for assault with intent to commit rape, so yes, karma got him. I for one feel better knowing that there is one less piece of crap living in the A.V.
Bob says
A registered sex offender living in the good old Antelope Valley??? How unusual-who would of thought.
Sean SancHez says
Typical, cager not watching where they are going and the biker pays the price. Same thing happened to my wife and me here in AZ. Luckily we survived, But the cage driver got a slap on the wrist. He even had the audacity to blame me. I remembered the entire incident and he tried to lure to the officer. Still, I am out of work on a severely broken leg and the scum bag that hit us only had minimum coverage.
Alicia A says
I saw this accident happen ! I had to pull over because I could not handle what I saw. I prayed all weekend for this man not knowing who he was . My prayers go out to his family.
Lisa says
i’m sorry for anyone who had to see that accident. that must of been horrific. though i have seen some bad accidents on the 14.
barbara says
…thank you…he was my friend and a dear one who had a lot of love for people..
ANNON says
jacque says
S says
Yea but a motorcycle can drive all over the double yellow right? iin and out in and out. And who is the Moron?
barbara says
I rode many times with this man, my friend and he did not do stupid [removed] on the road. He was extremely cautious about his driving…so don’t group everyone together and this accident was NOT HIS FAULT…it was the lady that killed him…what is wrong with you people…
Palmdaleguy says
Why was he overtaking from the 1st lane??
Jason says
Because that’s the lane youre supposed to use to pass.
Jason says
Yes actually a motorcycle can do exactly that. They are legally allowed to split lanes, where vehicles aren’t allowed to cross the double yellow.
Willis Newton says
Motorcycles are legally allowed to “share” lanes, not split. If you are straddling the lane and going on either side its considered by law to be an unsafe lane change. Pick a side of that line and ride it.
Jason says
The CHP refers to it as lane splitting, are they wrong?
Cali Palmdale says
I looked this name up and he was a registered sex offender from the AV ohhh well rest in peace or HELL .
JC says
You do know it doesn’t automatically mean he committed a real sex offense with him being on there. Some people are being reported as sex offenders for actions other than what most people think. You do not have all the proper details and why leave such a tasteless comment? This is somebody’s husband, brother, friend, and son. Let them mourn in peace without them having to read a comment such as yours.
barbara says
exactly…you have NO RIGHT making such a derogatory comment just because was on that website,,,you’re just a jerk and an insensitive one…many people will be reading this article and these posts…
rena says
couldn’t agree more, the family has lost a loved one regardless, the pain for that family, well, I couldn’t imagine….they are the ones who suffer now. my prayers to those left behind.
Lae says
“Assault with Intent to Rape” is most definitely a “real” sex offense. Public record, dude.
Robin says
Exactly. I know why he was on that sight and it wasn’t for a sex offense and it was many years ago. Your all talking [removed] about something you know nothing about. He didn’t sexually offend anyone. If I was his family I would start some major lawsuits not only against the driver but you ignorant people who are blasting this crap about their loved one.
Kl says
Excuse me but this was a good driend of mine and he was a very good man,please do not leave rude and disrespectful comments
Berenice says
I don’t think people just ends up enlisted on the Megan’s Law by mistake
anon says
Megan’s Law list is when you are CONVICTED of an offense, so no, it’s not a mistake. Being convicted of assault with intent to commit rape is a reasonable reason to be put on Megan’s Law website.
barbara says
Perhaps you do not know the law very well and the power of a mother to convince a daughter (who was a willing participant) to bring charges on a man. How many times do you hear in the news wrongly convicted, wrongly put to death and a thousand other injustices…how many times have you heard children saying things that are not true and that person is then convicted only to have testimony recanted later…this is not a perfect world, a far from perfect and honest judicial system and even further on the ladder of morality, honest people…so rather than verbally castrate you for your offensive comments, I’m not going to join the ranks of [removed] on this page making comments regardless of who you are hurting…just look at your own perfect life before you judge someone you don’t even know. If it makes you feel better to talk [removed] behind the Internet mask, then you are the one lacking…
Diane says
I am sorry for the loss of your friend people are [removed] and your right not all the people on that website should be on there I know a few guys who are on there who were accused of a crime they didn’t do I am truly sorry for your loss
Darla says
Cali Palmdale: whoever you are, You’re going to rest in hell for judging something you know nothing about. If you’re going to talk like that why do you hide behind a fake name?