PALMDALE – The Habit Burger Grill officially opens Wednesday, Feb. 18, at the Shops at Rancho Vista Gateway, located at 748 West Rancho Vista Blvd. in Palmdale.
However, the public may get a preview of the menu during fundraisers this Sunday and Tuesday to benefit three local non-profits, company officials announced.
The Habit will open for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15, and will donate 100 percent of all proceeds to Highland High School (Class of 2018 Freshman Senate). Dinner that evening, from 5 to 7 p.m., will aid Summerwind Elementary School, according to company officials.
The Habit will open for lunch, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Antelope Valley will be the beneficiary.
The Habit Burger Grill in Palmdale is a 2,544 square-foot new building that seats a total of 70, including indoor and patio seating. Approximately 35 new jobs have been created to staff the restaurant.
According to company officials, some Habit food facts include:
- Burgers are always 100% fresh ground beef, not frozen.
- Burgers are char-grilled over an open flame for extra flavor.
- Lettuce, tomatoes and onions are cut fresh daily.
- Tuna steak sandwiches are made with line-caught, sushi-grade albacore.
- Fresh chicken breasts are hand-filleted and marinated in-house.
- Tri-tip is trimmed and marinated in-house.
- Salads are fresh, made to order.
- House-made ranch dressing is prepared fresh daily in the restaurants.
- French fries, onion rings and sweet potato fries are 100% trans-fat free, cooked in soybean oil.
- Every Habit offers a complimentary condiment bar featuring an assortment of peppers, lemons, limes and a range of sauces for guests to spice it up.
The Habit was founded in 1969 in Santa Barbara and has over 100 restaurants in California, Arizona, Utah and New Jersey.
For more information, visit www.habitburger.com.
Johny Chingas says
I’ll stop at this new Burger place, but I’ll do it after all the fundraising events. Why?.. Because I don’t see any of the schools from EAST Palmdale that is included as beneficiary on any of these Fundraising events….
Mike the old man says
I love habit burgers, good for Palmdale. Today is Sunday 2/15/15. I am supporting the schools for lunch and dinner. Lancaster can come and get good, no great burgers. At 11 1/2 to 1 1/2 lunch and later today..We need a Miguels Jr. in palmdale also. Great tacos. If I mispellllled anything toooooooo bad…..Mikeeeeeeee
CK says
I grew up eating at the original Miguel’s Jr. on 6th St in Corona. Any time friends visited from out of the area they always wanted to eat there. Love their hot sauce!
I doubt they’d locate up here since they’re an IE restaurant, just like Baker’s.
William says
Funny how conservative, republican, Christian Lancaster can’t attract any desirable businesses that are popular with residents even if they are fast food restaurants that pay minimum wages.
That’s why Lancaster has all those ‘mom & pop’ places Rex brags about that pay $30/hour plus health care and 4 weeks paid vacations.
See Kansas which poached the Starwoods call center from Lancaster for how a republican state is run into the ground just like Rex is running Lancaster into the ground.
But, not to worry, the Koch brothers in Kansas and the ‘good ol’ boys’ in Lancaster are doing very well. And, that’s what’s important. It’s called ‘trickle down economics’.
Is ‘trickle down’ working for ya, John? It’s working for Rex.
Bob says
Another mindless liberal comment.
William says
Ya got nothing, right, Bob?
What can you dispute in my comment?
Funny how ultra-liberal and gay San Francisco has some of the highest property values in the country as does ultra-liberal Santa Cruz while conservative Lancaster can’t even keep businesses from leaving.
So much for your ideology, Bob. The red southern welfare states suck up more from D.C. than they send in taxes but whine the loudest about the federal government.
Meanwhile, ‘socialist’ California sends more in taxes than it receives from the feds and subsidizes those red welfare states along with some other blue states.
‘Socialist’ California is one of the 8th or 9th largest economies in the world while Kansas, home of the Koch brothers, has an ecoomy that’s tanking. It’s based on capitalism and ‘trickle down’, cut tases on the wealthy ideology. Why is it in the dumpster? And, why aren’t you living there in a GOP paradise isntead of bad old California?
Looks like your comment was the truly mindless one, Bob. Thanks for illustrating that.
William says
Ya got nothing, right, Bob?
What can you dispute in my comment?
Funny how ultra-liberal and gay San Francisco has some of the highest property values in the country as does ultra-liberal Santa Cruz while conservative Lancaster can’t even keep businesses from leaving.
So much for your ideology, Bob. The red southern welfare states suck up more from D.C. than they send in taxes but whine the loudest about the federal government.
Meanwhile, ‘socialist’ California sends more in taxes than it receives from the feds and subsidizes those red welfare states as do some other blue states.
‘Socialist’ California is one of the 8th or 9th largest economies in the world while Kansas, home of the Koch brothers, has an ecoomy that’s tanking. It’s based on capitalism and ‘trickle down’, cut taxes on the wealthy ideology. Why is it in the dumpster? And, why aren’t you living there in a GOP paradise isntead of bad old California?
Looks like your comment was the truly mindless one, Bob. Thanks for illustrating that.
Observer says
@ William…What is indisputable is how ‘rich’ most liberal democrats are as they try to convince otherwise that they are the party of the ‘poor’ and ‘underprivileged’….now that’s mindless!
foodforthought says
Observer, you are spot on with your comment.
please says
No William, you’re the problem! Your contentious nature only thrives on chaos William. Everyone else is the problem, everyone else’s fault William. Your little finite brain that has it all figured out, when actually all that you have figured out, and the only thing you’re good at is just how much more obnoxious you can be today then you were yesterday. Go stuff yourself with a Habit Burger, because at least while you’re stuffing your mouth with that delicious hamburger we will all have a respite from your hateful rhetoric.
William says
Just as I thought. You didn’t or couldn’t dispute anything in my comment so you went on a rant, an obnoxious rant and projected it on me.
And, that was some rant. You do it well.
No pass.
Frank rizzo says
Cool more part time minimum wage jobs more chain burger joints awesome.
William says
@Frank Rizzo
and republicans don’t want to raise the minumum wage either.
How ’bout that?
They think low wages for fast food workers is good, teaching young people just starting out, blah, blah, blah on their way to being rich like the Koch brothers.
John says
I will support a raise the minimum wage when they start getting my order right at the drive thru.
William says
What can I say? They see you coming.
Jason says
While minimum wage does need to be raised, it doesn’t need to be raised to $15+ dollars an hour like so many are wanting to see. The minimum wage nearly doubles and you can guarantee that cost is going to be passed on to consumers in one way or another.
If people don’t like the wages they are earning taking food orders, there are plenty of ways to better themselves and make a much better wage. If all you desire to do is work fast food as a career, then you shouldn’t complain about the wages you know suck and are low.
Nikolas says
That’s true. Minimum wage at $15 is absurd.
However, it should be corrected for inflation and set to the same ratio as it was when minimum wage was first introduced…. That would peg it to around $10.15-$10.50/hour
At that rate, retails prices would see a negligible increase.
William says
Exactly. That $15/hour was just an exaggeration on which to base his arguemnt although some cities are doing it on their own. We’ll have to wait and see how it works out in those places.
Remember, republicans like to say that the states are the places to ‘experiment’ with new ideas…….unless they don’t like them.
Then, there are those who oppose raising it that say “Why not $100/hour or $1000/hour?” I’m sure you’ve heard that nonsense. This was in that same vein. You can’t discuss it with those people.
It has been proposed at $10.70/hour so the $15 was just more of the silly arguments.
Jason says
Its not much of an exaggeration when states are doing it now is it? Or how about the nationwide strikes involving 190 cities and protests calling for $15 an hour? Guess its an exaggeration that the LA City Council has two proposals that would raise the minimum wage to $15.25 by 2019.
Its now being pushed in part by the SEIU. What happens when the minimum wage is raised? It gives unions another bargaining chip come contract time to get higher wages for themselves.
But those are just silly arguments like there are other job opportunities out there that make much more than the minimum wage. People need to get off the entitlement kick and get out there to improve their own situations rather than wait for someone else to do it for them.
William says
Well, if those 190 cities do go to $15/hour, good for them.
Corporations, through their minions in the GOP, constantly and publicly threaten to cut jobs or move out of a state or the country all the time.
So, why shouldn’t workers strike and protest for whatever they can get? It’s very ‘American’ or didn’t you know that?
You sure have a holier than thou attitude about people who for one reason or another have to work at the millions of minimum wage jobs that help run the economy and whose wages have remained stagnant since Reagan and who are struggling to find jobs after the GREAT BUSH RECESSION not only lost 750,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office but also killed a lot of companies in the process or didn’t you notice?
Meanwhile, the folks who broke the economy got bailed out by the government they bought and are reporting record profits and, yet, THEY STILL WANT LOWER TAXES.
For an independent, you sure stick up for the right wing position most of the time.
I guess it’s fine with you for fast food workers to earn $7 something an hour but you sure don’t want to pay an extra 15 cents for your burger. Maybe, then, you’ll appreciate what it’s like to not have your paycheck go as far if you have to pay a little more for things if workers get a significant raise. They’ve been dealing with that for years. It’s your turn.
Two can play that game-you, who wants things cheap at minimum wage workers’ expense and workers that want to make a little more money at your expense. You just want it only your way. And, so do they.
It looks like they may get their way in some cities. Poor you.
I have nothing financially to gain by workers getting a raise but I’d rather live in a city, county, state or country among people who are doing better than just barely getting by. And, it’s likely to help the economy when millions of minimum wage workers have more discretionary income to spend in……wait for it………A CONSUMER ECONOMY.
I’ll let that sink in a little. Did you read my comment comparing red state Kansas with republican Lancaster and how well trickle down works for everyone?
Plus, you contradict yourself, first by mentioning strikes and protests in 190 cities and then writing this>
” People need to get off the entitlement kick and get out there to improve their own situations rather than wait for someone else to do it for them.
That’s exactly what they are doing by striking and protesting. That’s the only leverage they have. Odd that you consider wanting a raise an ‘entitlement’. I guess business owners wanting a profit is also an ‘entitlement’ in your world.
Jason says
William, you just seem to love ignoring certain things people say to try and make a point. You completely ignored where I said that the minimum wage needs to be raised.
Let them strike and protest, just funny how certain groups do it and its ok but when others do it, its bad.
If wanting people to better themselves and their lives by working their way out of minimum wage jobs is having a holier than thou attitude, then damn straight, I have that attitude. Job opportunities are there to be had.
And then you blame the recession on Bush. Never mind that main factors into that recession started before Bush took office, lets blame it all on Bush. Not sure how he was responsible for the housing crisis or the dot.com bubble bursting that played a huge role in the recession.
And those companies shouldnt ask for anything again, especially the ones that got themselves into the mess they were in.
Pointing out that both parties are at fault isnt the right wing view, its looking from the outside and seeing through both parties BS.
I just want it my way? Once again back to you ignoring comments to try and make a point. Once again, the minimum wage needs to raised. I dealt with my paychecks not going as far as I wanted. You know what my response was? Work harder, take different opportunities to learn different skills so I didnt have to work two minimum wage jobs to get by.
I consider wanting a wage increase that is double entitlement, especially for doing a menial job like punching buttons on a screen. You want to make double the money, learn a skill and find a better job that improves your situation. Dont sit here and work a job you knows doesnt pay enough then cry when you dont get paid enough. I guess having the desire to actually improve in life is lost and some would rather just work a dead end job while crying they dont get paid enough when the knew that they started said job, the wages were crap. Theres people out there with college educations and job skills that are struggling to find jobs that pay $15 an hour. People that worked hard to gain that education and job skills.
please says
William please stop making every article a Republican/Democrat issue! How ’bout that?
William says
You must be new to this planet.
EVERYTHING is affected by the republican/Democratic divide.
Ignore it if you must. You must be a conservative. They always come off the worse in any comparison with Democrats. Hence your upset.
How ’bout that?
And, when I see a brand new username who replies to my comments as though s/he has been here quite a while, it’s fishy and I treat it as such.
foodforthought says
William, what about the comments you made awhile back when you said you never shop at Walmart, or you never went to fast food places because it was beneath you. You commented that the only places you shopped at were higher end stores such as Trader Joes and stores at the mall. You said you didn’t want to shop in the same stores as the slipper people. That is your prerogative William, but which is it Bill, the elitist that doesn’t want to be seen with regular people, or that regular guy that you’re trying to portray yourself as with these comments?
William says
Go copy and paste where I said I never shop at Walmart because of the slipper people and all that other stuff you made up.
I believe this is the second time you accused me of something I never said and when I asked you to show us, nothing. Nada.
William says
@foodfor less
Here ya go, another of your false accusations that you didn’t back up.
” foodforthought
January 30, 2015 at 6:35 am
William…You take a dualistic position, that you are always right and the other person is wrong. Dualism supports a preoccupation with your point of view. You could care less about the opinions of others, and consider others to be on an inferior intellectual level than yourself. When I read a comment from you calling someone else obnoxious and arrogant, well William, you obviously have a “blind spot” when it comes to your own self evaluation.
January 30, 2015 at 11:02 am
Take a tour of the comments on this and other articles and get back to me regardomg the quality of them.
When did I call someone ‘arrogant and/or obnoxious’? Forgive me if I can’t recall.”
Other than Rex Parris, I don’t recall calling someone arrogant and obnoxious.
Your turn. You seem to have a ‘blind spot’ when it comes to making stuff up and not knowing that you’re doing it.
foodforthought says
William, you know very well you made those comments! Remember all the comments you directed toward poor Jud? At least thirty comments in a row telling us just how much you had, and how you just couldn’t lower yourself to go to all these places you considered low class. Too many to mention William, go back and look for yourself. I’m telling the truth. Go back and look William, it’s very telling.
foodforthought says
I do recall Jud. But, around that time someone hijacked my username and was writing some really nasty stuff if you’ll recall.
See? Did you write this comment?
Where did Jud go, btw? Are you Jud?
Son of the Anti Rex says
They will make more than a buck fifty an hour at Red’s phony electric factory. At least Palmdale provides real jobs. Rex and Lancaster sucks.
Cult of Lancaster says
Minimum wage is more than Rex’s BYD was paying. A buck fifty an hour because California labor laws were confusing? They’ll be selling burgers long after BYD has folded.
William says
or moves out of state.
William says
I wonder if some of the same people who when a new restaurant opens in Palmdale write “Oh boy, more minimum wages jobs” also oppose raising the minimum wage.
They’d likely complain if they were hanged with a new rope.
Matt says
But when will Aldi open?
Future Aldi Shopper says
I’d like to know that too. I’m looking forward to shopping there! Fresh food, great prices, non-union employees!
Just Saying says
Ahhhh, that would explain the high employee turnover rate, reportedly due to belittling and slave labor conditions. Do I want angry employees handling my food?
William says
The Habit rated #1 for burgers by Consumer Reports readers.
Hamburger=the perfect food, meat, bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc.
chip says
When does Chick-fil-A OPEN OPEN? That’s what’s important.
mamaof1 says
Chick Fil A is waiting for Dunn-Edwards to vacate the building they are in. Then the building will be knocked down in preparation for CFA. My husband is currently attending his MBA course with a lady who works in HR for CFA & told him this info. So it’s probably going to be a bit.
Thanks! says
Thank you, “mama”,
Thank you for sharing!
…Can your HR friend get me a job =P
(hoping), but just kidding.
Again, thank you for sharing!
Turd Ferguson says
Sorry annoyed.Sorry annoyed.We pay for aerial law enforcement twice.We pay for aerial law enforcement twice.LEAPS and Sherriffs heliocopter.LEAPS and Sherriffs heliocopter.Only one works.Only one works.Sherriffs heliocopter.Sherriffs heliocopter.LEAPS is CRAP.LEAPS is CRAP.So I write twice.So I write twice.Until LEAPS is gone.Until LEAPS is gone.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Lae says
wtf does your crazy lil rant have to do with a hamburger joint opening in palmdale?
Debbie says
crazy ass people what does this have to do with hamburgers
???you moma says
Turd Dafuq are you talking about, what the hell is LEAPS, and why do you post this on a ad for a burger store opening? cuckooo
native says
LEAPS is the way or local govt covers up misappropriation of city funds. Really? That much to maintain a single engine? I worked a flight line. I worked at Fox Field. I was born in this town. No one notices when the magician makes the audience member’s wallet disappear…that’s what the sheep paid to see!
Nanners says
LEAPS is the program that allows an aircraft in Lancaster to fly up to 10 hours a day, that is also equipped with infared, and records citizens. It costs 90k a month to run and is redundant because we already have sheriff helicopters that respond to calls to give an aerial view and help with containments andfinding bad guys. It is more than controversial because it is up recording all the time, not just when requested by deputies or whwn criminal activity is happening like the helicopters. Also because the person whose aircraft it is happens to be associated with Lancaster’s mayor, R Rex Parris. Many people think the program is a drain on tax dollars and used to line pockets of those who the mayor wants favors from or is fullfilling favors to.
Turd Ferguson says
Palmdale gets The Habit and Lancaster gets LEAPS.Palmdale gets The Habit and Lancaster gets LEAPS.Why do we always get stuck with crap?Why do we always get stuck with crap?We want The Habit.We want The Habit.We do not want LEAPS.We do not want LEAPS.We pay $90,000.00 a month for LEAPS to do nothing.We pay $90,000.00 a month for LEAPS to do nothing.Except catch Walmart shop lifters.Except catch Walmart shop lifters.That is $1,080,000.00 a year.That is $1,080,000.00 a year.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.That would buy a lot of burgers at The Habit.That would buy a lot of burgers at The Habit.Or pay for more Sherriffs.Or pay for more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.Our crime goes up with LEAPS.Our crime goes up with LEAPS.So does the money Rexs friends make.So does the money Rexs friends make.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to The Habit.Yes to the Habit.
annoyed says
seriously annoying, seriously annoying the way you posted that, the way you posted that. ugh ugh
O-o says
Turd Ferguson & annoyed
ARE BOTH REDUNDANT FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turd Ferguson says
As redundantly foolish as LEAPS!As redundantly foolish as LEAPS!We have Sherriffs heliocopters why do we need LEAPS?We have Sherriffs heliocopters why do we need LEAPS?We don’t need LEAPS.We don’t need LEAPS.Dump LEAPS and save $10,800,000.00.Dump LEAPS and save $10,800,000.00.
claudia aceituno says
I will like to no if we can have a fundraising for my church angelus temple in lancaster plz contact me
spell correctttly says
*Know not no!