LANCASTER – A body believed to be that of a convicted felon who had refused to surrender to authorities was found just before midnight in a Lancaster house that caught fire after a SWAT team deployed a “flashbang” grenade and tear gas into the structure, authorities said.
The body was found at the scene of the fire in the 45000 block of Gadsden Avenue, said coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter. The identity and cause of death were not immediately known, Winter said.

The sheriff’s department reported that the deceased is a man who had been wanted on an arrest warrant. A sheriff’s Special Weapons Team was sent to the location about 7:30 p.m. Thursday to arrest “a known felon in possession of a firearm,” the sheriff’s department reported.
“[We] had a search warrant for the house in the 45300 block of Gadsden,” said Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Captain Pat Nelson, adding that the suspect was believed to be involved in drug sales and had an extensive criminal history.

Nelson said several people were called out of the house during the service of the search warrant.
“There was some indication that the suspect that they were looking for was still inside, and because of his history and the fact they believed him to be armed, they called the special enforcement bureau,” Nelson said.
Nelson said the team spent hours trying to get the suspect to exit the house and made announcements on the ground and from the helicopter.

“They introduced a diversionary device, a flashbang, in an effort to get him to exit the house. He still didn’t,” Nelson said. “They made more announcements and ultimately ended up introducing teargas into the house.”
“At some point, subsequent to that, a fire erupted,” Nelson added.
The fire was reported around 11:07 p.m. Thursday, according to Los Angeles County Fire Department Supervisor Michael Pittman said.
“Special weapons deputies entered the residence at approximately 11:45 p.m., put out the fire, and found the suspect deceased. The cause of death is unknown and will be determined by the medical examiner,” sheriff’s officials said in a released statement.
A sawed-off shotgun was found inside the house and a search for other weapons was being conducted Friday morning, according to the sheriff’s press statement.
During the hours-long standoff, surrounding homes in the area were evacuated. Residents were allowed to return to their homes around 1 a.m. Friday.
Brenda says
I knew Michael Soares, back in 29 Palms. He was a nice child and has a Loving mother and family. There are faults in us all. God be with his family at this time of loss. I don’t care what he has done in his life good or bad. He did not have to have his life ended in such as it did. No matter what you low life people have said so sicking about Michael, you can’t take away our memories of him. I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL SOARES!!!!!!!!!!! And will forever keep you in my heart. And you evil people, like my grandmother would say ” if you can’t say anything KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH CLOSED”. MY LOVE AND PRAYERS TO THE FAMILY! GOD BLESS YOU, ALL!!!!!
Marie says
None of us know enough about what happen to place blame on anyone. There is a new law this year that requires quarterly reporting of deaths in custody and during arrests. Hopefully Mr. Soares’ death will be reported, not to place blame, but so that it can be researched and lead to better outcomes across the nation.
Again, it is sickening that there are people in this valley who are actually happy that a man, they did not even know, died what may have been a horrible, torturous death similar to that of the Jordan pilot killed by Isis.
The article says he was a convicted felon meaning he served the time the law required and then was legally released to get on with his life. The article does not say why there was an arrest warrant for him. Maybe it was for something horrible, or maybe, for instance, he did not make it home before his parole curfew. Why did the AV Times not inform us of the reason for the arrest warrant?
Gowchong says
Think of the outcome had he surrendered as ordered to by the authorities. He would still be alive. He should have let a jury decide his fate, and given up. Instead, he decided his own fate.
Comparing him to the Jordanian pilot is illogical. The Jordanian pilot was NOT given a choice. Michael was.
Just sayin.
Marie says
Again, it is sickening that there are people in this valley who are actually happy that a man, they did not even know, died what may have been a horrible, torturous death similar to that of the Jordan pilot killed by Isis.
The article says he was a convicted felon meaning he served the time the law required and then was legally released to get on with his life. The article does not say why there was an arrest warrant for him. Maybe it was for something horrible, or maybe, for instance, he did not make it home before his parole curfew. Why did the AV Times not inform us of the reason for the arrest warrant?
None of us know enough about what happen and why to place blame on anyone. There is a new law this year that requires quarterly reporting of deaths in custody and during arrests. Hopefully this death will be reported, not to place blame, but so that it can be researched and lead to better outcomes.
A says
Many of you who commented on the story are outsider looking in; it is not your family member so you do not feel the horror and pain of his death. The law enforcement in the area knew him, and I believe they knew he was not going to come out shooting. It is possible he was dead before the fire started and I believe there is a lot more to this story; I understand many where inconvenient during the standoff, if it were your child, dad, or brother, I hope you would want law enforcement to do all they could to bring him out alive. He had, a mother, a brother, sisters, children, and host of other family members who loved him, For the news media, I am sure the family would rather you used his name or given your condolences rather than consistently saying he was a convicted felon. If people were not out there buying illegal drugs you would not have drug dealers. Rest in peace Leroy
G-co says
RIP Kaos. ..he was a good man who loved his his family. …dammmm I had so much to say but it didn’t post…To his children be Strong like your daddy
darrick says
Rip God Bless him and his family…
These police gonna have too face god one day….
Gowchong says
He should have surrendered. He’d still be alive.
Another concerned person ... who will they hurt next says
To be honest I had someone baracaide themself in my home when I wasn’t there, He was a known parolee that supposably had a warrant… BULL[removed]!!!! They did an 8 hr standoff in my home 600sq foot modular home and released a flash bang… and 8 canisters of teargas REALLY come on LASD are you guys that affraid of one man? [removed] he finally surrendered and then you let the dogs practically chew and shred his arm off! Then the next day released him due to no warrant… What about the peple that have no home to go to after this because you jacked off everything I ever owned including my home & personal belongings, not to mention you had to wear a gas mask for a week or you would choke to death and your skin was on fire!!!! You guys all suck in my book!!!! There was no need for this oh so you could let him go the next day… WOW!!!! I just think you need to know what your doing before you go blowing up peoples homes and before you go burning people to death!!!! Karma will get you people But in the mean time I’m so sorry that another life was taken by our wonderful Sheriffs dept. To the family, my thoughts and prayers are with you, And may this poor man now RIP!!!!
Jason says
So you blame LASD instead of the people that caused the situations?
bone says
They didnt know for sure if he was selling drugs. He was suspected of selling drugs. And im pretty sure he was scared, just like anyone would be. Please people stop and think about your comments before you post them. To the family may God wrap his loving arms around you in your time of sorrow.
In God We Trust says
This is so unreal to me I just got information on what happened so sadd. He was A true friend to all hated by few Loved by thousands. I remember A day when I was going through A ruff time of my life an was on the streets he helped me get through an I will never forget the time we had A talk he blow me by surprise when he told me U can do all things through Christ an etc You will never be forgotten R.I.P Kaos. An I have been knowing this man for A few years naw I will say out of all guns A shot gun is something that he would not have just to go down the street or anywhere around him wale knowing police was on his tail that shot gun came from the police. My prayers go out to all family friend’s an kid’s will never be forgotten. Love L
tm86 says
I live on the street and saw the whole thing happen . The police were there from 6:30 pm till 11pm trying to get the guy to come out…he had several chances to surrender..he chose not to come out…so the police had to do what was necessary in their protocol. And since he was a felon who was wanted for a warrant…and also who was squating in the home for months…he made the choice of not coming out ..so yes I agree with that he knew he wasn’t coming out alive..so as far as what and who started the fire since there was a flash bang thrown into the window…and have been known to cause fires..there could be many theories as to what started the fire….I was luckily not evacuated for as close as I was…and now have seen from my experience that this is not the best neighborhood to live in…ghetto as hell..on a daily basis..even with my own experiences with others that live nearby and cause trouble for no reason…sad but true
Gowchong says
Help me understand this…
How are people lionizing this man, singing his praises like he was the second coming of Christ. He did wrong. He should have surrendered himself. If he had done that, then he would still be alive for all of those who beatify and want to make him the next saint to continue singing his praises. At least he would be able to hear them and be able to accept the crown they so strongly desire to put on his saintly head.
ericka says
Help me understand this….
why do you care who has praise for him? Everyone has done something wrong. You just didnt get caught! No one is perfect. Maybe he should have come out? Maybe he was not able to! Stop being hateful, worry about yourself and allow his family to grieve. Everyone has faults and a good and bad side. Amazing how many people think they have a right to judge others. Especially in someone’s after life. I hope he haunts you in your dreams tonight.
Mr. Responsibility says
Ok Ericka, I will not pass judgement on why he chose not to surrender peacefully over the several hours that the Sheriff’s called for him to. He must have had his reasons. But to those who want to blame the Sheriffs, you are part of the reason bad things happen in this community. Place the blame where it belongs. On those committing the crimes, victimizing our communities which cause the Sheriffs to be called into action! People need to take responsibility for their criminal actions.
Thank you Sheriffs for doing what we are incapable of handling ourselves and trying to make our communities tolerable and safe.
lachanda says
R.I P my nephew we love u u might have had a past but u didnt deserve to die I will always love u and your mom is so strong but so hurt like rhe rest of us rest with the angel baby boy see u when I get there
ruvi garcia says
RIP kaos you were a very sweet man you helped my mom when she would feel low and you had such a kind heart . I’ll miss you. out family is very sadden over this. i know you and my mom will be reunited and she’ll have her roll dawg again. he wasnt a bad guy. always protected friend like family. at least ours.
Danny says
james says
understand says
james…I completely understand what you’re saying. You are right with your thoughts.
Truth be told says
I live a couple streets over and I know I Heard the sound of a shotgun and so did two other people that were with me. I think it’s pretty convenient that this guy died and the sheriffs just so happened to find a shotgun. Something tells me that this isn’t the same story that really went down. Now they say they don’t know who the guy was that died but they were there for a parolee at large with a gun. But they don’t know who the dead guy is in the house. Shouldn’t you know who’s in the house before u go throwing things in a house to start fires etc…my opinion is there”s more to this story a lot more to this story then what’s being said. People whether u like the sheriffs or not they are way out of control and will take u down innocent or not. God forbid. How can anyone read this story and not see it has holes I know it does. Not to mention I heard the shotgun and I told the people I was with mark my words this guy is gonna end up dead and by shotgun. Then I read this story and I couldn’t have been more correct. Please wake up just because cops say it doesn’t make it true. This is very scary to me to live in a town where the sheriffs will cover up the real truth to save their own butts is something that doesn’t sit well with me nor make me feel all warm and fuzzy and anyway secure. For the record I am a felon and I know what they are capable of and I thought that was scary but this here just reassures me that they are definitely no good. I don’t care if you believe me what I say is true. It’s definitely time for someone to fight them tooth and nail to change this corruption or maybe just get the hell out of this police infested corrupt ass valley and move where it’s anywhere but here. RIP whoever it was that lost their life yesterday. How very scared u must have been. May the truth come out so this doesn’t go down like this anytime soon. I know it’s not going to get better until someone or something pulls their card.
Bob says
Just another day in the sewer.
Big O says
lil slim says
Really Sad News!
Kicking It In SCV
AR says
I live a few houses away from where this happened and people that knew him said he wasn’t planning on coming out alive. This whole thing lasted hours, the most annoying part is that if he planned on taking himself out, WHY put so many families out? They evacuated at least 10 families around 10:00 at night. A bunch of them had no where else to go! Its an unfortunate thing yes but 100% preventable. According to other neighbors HE set the fire. If your a convicted felon then you know the routine, even if you aren’t a felon, basic knowledge says if you commit a crime, there’s going to be consequences, what did he really expect, a different outcome?
Melody says
Oh this is so sad. One must wonder whst has hardend your heart so. So little disregard for human life… just because someone is a felon it does not mean that they do not feel pain, and suffer, and have a human soul. This person may well have had a mental illness of some kind… I don’t think people realize, yes this was a inconvenience for some… but for a human being these were the very last moments of what was probably a very troubled human life ♡
CAH says
While your comment has good intentions, it does not make what AR said heartless. It is just a sad reality.
I know this man’s uncle (we’ve been friends for 38+ years), and he just told me that his nephew had had very troubled past and extensive criminal record.
He was troubled, but did not have a mental condition.
Yup says
Melody, I love how you’re downplaying the incident. He wouldn’t come out after several PA announcements. You’re right, not all felons are monsters, but this guy chose his end, and inconvenienced several other people in the process. Pretty selfish move if you ask me. If you screw up, own it, don’t put other people out because you want to continue your path of destruction and expect everyone else to suffer the consequences.
Taylor says
Does anyone know his name or how old he was?
anonymous says
He was 36. He was loved and had what some would call a rough life. Please do not judge. You never know other peoples’ struggles. Rip Mike.
lil slim says
When I went through hard times he was there to let me know it was okay. Even if he has a criminal history doesnt make it ok to judge him.
Hendo says
I know him. And I also know that his troubled past didn’t consist of anything that warranted the use of flashbangs and tear gas. Everybody is untitled to their opinion so I’m not here to bash anyone. But let’s not be so quick to judge someone or a situation until you know all the facts or at least the full background about someone. But a different outcome would have been nice, cus he didn’t do anything to warrant his death.
Shadow says
Hopefully his funeral doesn’t put people out. I heard he opted for cremation.
John Phillips says
Why is it that every time a crime happens here the AV hate posts come out???
I am thankful that our law enforcement is on point.
If you think life is better elsewhere, GO !
Les says
My thoughts exactly. Leave and please do not troll this sight after you have done so just to leave your negative comments.
Kelly says
Of course they “found” a gun inside.. way to cover up the [removed] LASD… the fire just some how erupted?? I love how artfully vague that is.
The Ox says
If LASD just wanted to kill him, that could have been accomplished in a MUCH cheaper manner! People are quick to question Law Enforcement actions from the comfort of their computer, but never quick to point the actions of the perpetrator. He made a choice and succeeded in his goal. A lot of people have troubled lives, so that’s in no way an excuse.
CAH says
The Ox… Well said!
john says
It surprises me how people get angry over the outcome to these situations, running from the police, resisting arrest, what do people expect from the police? “Lets forget about this warrant over murder, rape or child molestation” sure they’re going to go in with a big hug and hope the suspects past behavior of being found armed is simply something to be ignored, now if he would’ve surrendered peacefully and got shot these comments would make sense, but he didn’t and their normally non lethal tactics went wrong, get over it.
Ann says
He was not “ murder, rapist or child molestation” He was a low level drug seller. The police spoke to his mother before the throw the canister in, why the police did not ask her to come and help lure him out of the house or another family member. He may have had many problems. My question is why did the other leave him to die?
Soloslice says
I say if the heat and smoke did not bring him out he was already dead “suicide!” Life’s a risk!
Karen says
I sold New Homes in Stevenson Ranch years back and I will never forget when a homeowner was being served a warrant he shot the sheriff. It’s not like the police go there saying let’s kill this piece of scum… it’s a dangerous job. These drug dealing scumbags are capable of killing anyone because they are not right in the head. My opinion is the dumb ass should have surrendered and he would be alive. I am sorry someone died but glad another drug dealer is gone!!!! I’m glad the operation went better than the Stevenson Ranch story. The only one dead is the person who needed to stop selling drugs to our children. Hats off congrats LASD.
Alongtimefriend says
Mike was a kind soul who made bad decisions. If it was your son or daughter your tune would be different. Rest easy, my friend.
lil slim says
Exactley ! if you needed someone to vent to he was there
Steve says
He was a felon on parole with a firearm. Does that mean anything to you? He was told to come out! Well he came out alright. So hurray for the police! One less scumbag to troll the malls and accost the public. Sad to see Lancaster turn into another Watts/Compton!!
Sis Nevarez says
If you have ever been in prison and know what it’s like you wouldn’t come out willingly either. But that doesn’t give the police the right to kill you. There were other people that lived in that house and lost their belongings in the fire. Does killing this guy give the police the right to destroy others property. I think there was other ways to get this guy out of that house. Unfortunately this guy had a long arrest record but being a felon (1 time mistake) does not make you a menace to our society. I personally know people who are felons from their teen or early 20’s that make very stupid mistakes and paid their debt to society and now live very productive lives crime free.
Kim says
If he had been in prison then he should know the consequences to what crime he had committed! Nobody is to blame but him! Great job to LASD, one less criminal off the streets!!!!!!!
The Ox says
Really’ are you that detached from reality? You “Think” there were other ways to get him to come out! Why not share those tactics so the police can use them during situations like that in the future. Making more than 100 announcements practically begging him to come out didn’t work, diversionary tactics didn’t work, waiting 6 hours didn’t work, the smoke didn’t work, the heat didn’t work, but others in the house did come out. Oh guess what, they’re still alive! Imagine that, they came out and lived…just like he would be had he came out the house like a real man. He didn’t go outta like. “G,” he took the selfish way out! LASD does a job you obviously couldn’t do.
Travis says
If you did not know him then shut the [removed]. I grew up in Castaic knowing him most of my young life. Mike was/ is a kind soul R.I.P. Mike. I will always remember hanging out in front of your Castaic pad drinking Bailee’s and eating Taco truck.
Just Saying says
Tear gas does not start fires, pissed off felons start fires.
foodforthought says
Just Saying…Remember Waco? Remember Philadelphia? Remember Santa Clarita? There are more.
JT says
Actually Tear gas can and does start fires more than 90% of the time used, think about it, They burn pretty hot once launched it only takes for it to hit something really flammable (in this case possible drug lab??) regardless, most normal people can not deal with the tear case let alone the following smoke and flames, very good indication this person killed himself? as far as a one time felon please they said this guy had a very extensive record which means he was in and out of prison probably, and did not learn! it is always a tragedy when a life is loss, however criminals decide there own fate every time, they are not going to shoot you if you comply! I am 47 years old and have never had a run in with the law or worried about being shot, (and yes I am black!) and been stopped many times for just being that, and I do not criticize the police for anything they do! everyone needs to get over the hate and race card playing! that just proves you probably have something to hide or you are a criminal lover!
Rich says
“Flash Bang” grenades can start fires. Look up the company who makes them. They burn at high temps when set off and the users dont know where they land. Ever. They just shoot them through windows or doors.
Not says
Yep… find a hole and crawl into that will keep you safe.
mikesgonecrazybell says
RIP (some ones-dad,brother,uncle,son,cousin,grand son and friend)
Gina says
h says
One PRO Let Does Not Determine The Whole av. Crime happens everywhere. In nicer neighborhoods it’s white color crime . It’s still crime. Everywhere
Kay says
Wow–The Antelope Valley just keeps getting better and better (this story and the car chase that ended at the west side of Palmdale WalMart). For anyone who has lived here a long time, the downslide of this community is just so sad.
Bones says
I have a police scanner and you would be surprised as to what goes on that is not reported. That car chase was the second for the day the first one was in the morning and ended in the driver crashing.
Mrs wonder says
Ya funny no one is on here talking negative about the first car chase where the “WHITE BOY” acted as if he had a gun and pointed at another driver while he was driving under the influence…Should he go back to Compton or Watts too? Since All these racist people just sit around and comment on every story turn everything from tragedy to racism..because of their race is the reason they did whatever happens in the AV..it’s always the same thing…HA HA a WHITE BOY FINALLY GOT CAUGHT…I am white 38 year old female born at AV hospital in 76 so I can speak. I just lay at night and read all this crap posted by the same people and laugh. It makes me so upset that every story is because of their race…SAD SAD SAD..
Mark says
Just another day in the Antelope Valley
and they say crime is at a 20 year low
ugh says
We are a small town …of course we are going to hear everything that happens out here!
Greg says
Did you live in the Antelope Valley, particularly Palmdale after the 1992 Los Angeles riots? Within a few short years Palmdale became a war zone. I live there in the area I affectionately call the Q-Zone. We had gangs taking over apartment buildings, knocking holes between floors so they could get away inside of the buildings. It got so bad the LA Sheriff seemed to only allow their personnel into the area with two cars, with two officers each.
That was 20 years ago.
Heath says
Omg, the Q zone. I grew up right there, smack in the minute of the Crips that ran our cul de sac. Never saw cops or hear sirens, it was like they avoided our area cause they knew who truly ran it. Upside was the lead dealer took care of us all. Ice cream, new shoes, Christmas presents, knocked sense into some of the neglectful parents. He never sold in front of us kids, heck his own baby daughter use to nap on our living room floor while he handled business.
Marie says
Nothing indicates his man was a gang member. Were you just commenting in general?