LANCASTER – The Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) is promoting an exciting opportunity for local high school students to learn more about careers in public transportation.
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is seeking a diverse group of 50 students from across the nation to participate in the 2015 APTA Youth Summit, to be held June 28-July 2, 2015 in Washington D.C.
Students selected by APTA will receive an all-expenses-paid opportunity to:
- Experience five days in the nation’s capital.
- Meet lawmakers and congressional leaders.
- Discover the range of career paths within the transit industry.
- Learn how public transportation is helping shape a brighter future for America.
The summit will focus on how communities as a whole can prosper with increased services and on the role local and federal policies play in public transit. Educational and career opportunities in the industry will also be discussed to further expose students to future opportunities.
“The growing demand for public transportation in the United States is creating more jobs than ever before,” said AVTA Executive Director Julie Austin. “We encourage the young people of our community to discover the wide range of exciting career paths within the transit industry.”
“This is a tremendous opportunity for 50 young people and our Board is optimistic one of those youngsters will be selected from the Antelope Valley,” stated Board Chairman Norm Hickling. “Careers in transportation are dynamic and sometimes all it takes is exposing a student to new ideas to set their career path in motion.”
How to apply
The opportunity is open to high school juniors and seniors. View the 2015 Youth Summit flyer here.
Interested students must submit an application to attend the APTA Youth Summit no later than Feb. 13, 2015.
For more information or to obtain an application, visit www.apta.com/youthsummit.
Anonymous says
The AVTA is nothing more then a federal money laundering scheme! They don’t give two squats about the passengers. They buy buses that make the tree huggers happy all while shoveling federal money into junk ten year old buses with a million miles on them. By the way, how are those stupid solar panels working out for the people so far?
787 commuter says
As much as I appreciate any corporation awarding students the opportunity to learn and grow, I don’t understand why these same corporation allow their business to be run so poorly. AVTA is not in charge of all transportation issues with buses and personnel. They hire another corporation to do that; but in doing so they remove themselves entirely from the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the very passengers they are serving. AVTA buses are breaking down on a “DAILY” basis to the point that they do not have replacement buses to cover the broken down bus. They have insufficient personnel to repair the buses. They have inexperienced personnel making decisions as to the safety of these buses. When a driver is clearly stating “I am in an unsafe location to transfer passengers” from the broken-down bus to another and the dispatcher’s only concern is whether the driver has shut down the engine and restarted the vehicle. THE BUS IS INOPERABLE – IT SHUT DOWN ON ITS OWN!
Despite assurances from AVTA that buses have clean bills of health, those same buses continue to break down two/three days after the last incident. How can a dispatcher tell a driver to continue driving despite knowing that the air pressure is at a very high level and per guidelines should be parked. Some of these drivers know better but the frightening part is that some of the new drivers being hired don’t know or are so afraid of being fired, that they blindly obey orders despite the risk of harm to themselves and their passengers.