UPDATE: Republican response to the 2015 State of the Union address
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gemini says
Times: This stuff is on many news feeds. Do you have to put it on here too? I only want to know what’s going on in the A.V. that affects me and mine. Thank you.
William says
President Obama’s approval rating is around 50% now. Wonder why?
All the bad-mouthing from the right for the last 6 years doesn’t make the results disappear.
5.6% unemployment rate
Dow hits new highs frequently
Gas prices are low
More cars will be sold this than since 2006
Interest rates on mortgages are still low
Inflational is low
and so on.
William says
When are callitasitis and bird gonna get a room?
We don’t want to hear their ‘pillow talk’.
callitasitis says
That is great thought for you, LOL :)
Turd Ferguson says
Why did not President Obama talk about LEAPS?Why did not President Obama talk about LEAPS?It is the greatest crime fighter known to man.It is the greatest crime fighter known to man.He could have bragged about its crime fighting capabilities.He could have bragged about it crime fighting capabilities.If it had any.If it had any.But even Obama knows it is a piece of crap.But even Obama knows it is a piece of crap.That cost us $90,000.00 a month.That cost us $90,000.00 a month.That is $1,080,000.00 a year.That is $1,080,000.00 a year.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.For what.For what.A useless piece of crap.A useless piece of crap.While crime goes up.While crime goes up.We do not need LEAPS.We do not need LEAPS.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to more Sherriffs.Yes to more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
callitasitis says
@ William
Any word on Ferguson Missouri? Is the Missouri Governor fixing that problem with the racist cops? Any word on the Missouri special prosecutor? Any word from New York Governor office on the same problem with racist cops? Or will you ignore my questions and deflect changing the subject. This is one printed new so far, why convene a new grand jury , why not JUST file charges and go for the trial ? What your PhD saying?
Doh says
Worried about Ferguson, are you? You should be.
Oops. Probably not the problem you were looking to solve.
callitasitis says
I am so glad that the state of the union is so rosy. I was afraid we were in trouble with so many GOP members being voted into Congress. I thought for sure we were in trouble with high debt and runaway spending & possible new taxes both visible and invisible. I am relieved that our two front wars are over and we no longer need more troops being deployed to friendly countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. We are up and running on a strong economy, we better than 10 years ago. Yep we are good, no more problems just two more fixes , those racist profiling police departments and the GOP and the world is perfect. And to think I was worried silly me.
bird says
General “Buck” Turgidson addressing President Merkin Muffley: Perhaps it might be better Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American People than with your image in the history books.
bird says
Obama made the inflated claim that “more than half of manufacturing executives have said they’re actively looking to bring jobs back from China.” He’s being deceptive (lying), when in actuality, manufacturing executives are expressing an interest in it, but not actively looking into it. Big difference folks! Obama threw in a couple of facts that are the truth, but much of SOTU address was boasting, deception (lies), spin, which is never about truth. This isn’t about the truth, it’s about Obama’s image. Check it out for yourselves.
callitasitis says
@ Bird
Please show some compassion for the President and his followers (William and his PhD). Those are hard words calling the Coolest Prez, a liar. You will find yourself being labeled as a racist,” be careful”. You should just state you disagree with his facts or his misstatement of facts, it is better PC. Please another round of Golf and a victory lap with the golf cart, Hoorah!!! We have been saved. Got to keep it POSITIVE.
Mr. Mister says
And the castrating hogs lady’s rebuttal was all truth, right? Keystone XL will be 1000s (actually 35 permanent) jobs, with minimal environmental impact (lies), spin, hogwash, etc..all said through her plastered on face and teeth.
bird says
Mr. Mister—You might think differently if your property that has been in your families possession for generations, was being taken under “Eminent Domain.” If you read my statement correctly, you would have read that I said check it out for yourself. That is check out the facts to find the truth.
Just Saying says
Homesteading your property stops eminent domain cold in it’s tracks.
Mr. Mister says
I’m fully aware that many things that ALL politicians say are all part of the politricks. It’s the easiest way to govern, divide and conquer. This is the failure of the 2 party system. It keeps the people going back and forth, getting stuck on the flavors of the week, whilst bigger problems continue to grow. Playing hot potato with the blame. It’s a viscous cycle that keeps going because We the People are strung merrily along. Tragedies get made into political issues, politicians just getting elected as a career, tax dollars being given to the world’s wealthiest people, independent minds and voters being trampled on without being given a true voice, no accountability by gov’t, etc…until we hold out gov’t accountable, and not just one particular party, we’ll continue to get more of the same. I know the facts through what I witness, not what gets approved to be published by a media outlet that is owned by one of six companies.
As far as “eminent domain”, it’s terrible in most cases. Just ask all the tribes forced into reservations (which we consider a gift, ha!). And under eminent domain, the Republicans included specific language regarding it in the Keystone Bill. We need an uprising of Independents to regain control of our country. We need Ron Paul (not Rand) 30 years younger. We need to fire Congress every year if compromise cannot be reached. That might get things going if they knew their job was truly tied to their performance. It’s too bad too many people are locked into the 2-party idea. Oh well.
Letlow says
SOTU was awesome. If you don’t have an hour to waste just skip to 57:20. “I WON BOTH OF THEM.” BOOM!!!
William says
The republicans offered themselves up for a punchline. Perfect.
The White House Correspondent’s Dinner will be on April 25 and promises to be a must watch event. Will republicans dare show up?