PALMDALE – A 20-year-old Pearblossom man accused of slamming a stolen truck into the back of a school bus and causing the death of his passenger is facing multiple felony charges.
Douglas Fiddament was charged Thursday with murder, receiving stolen property (motor vehicle), possession for sale of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) and three counts of driving or taking a vehicle without consent, according to Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Fiddament was scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in an Antelope Valley courtroom, but the arraignment was postponed until Feb. 3, Santiago stated.
Authorities said Fiddament was speeding in a stolen 1997 Dodge Ram on Jan. 13 when he rear-ended a yellow school bus, which was parked on the west curb line of 40th Street East, just north of the intersection of Bella Vita Way in Palmdale.
The bus driver was unharmed and no children were aboard the bus, but Fiddament’s passenger was killed in the collision. As of Thursday afternoon, the passenger’s name had not yet been released pending next of kin notification.
Fiddament was arrested around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 13, and he remains jailed on $1 million bail.
UPDATE: The passenger killed in the collision has been identified as 33-year-old Manuel Lopez, according to Assistant Chief Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
UPDATED 2/4/15: Fiddament appeared in an Antelope Valley courtroom Tuesday, Feb. 3, but did not enter a plea. His arraignment was postponed until March 4.
Previous related story: Alleged DUI driver rear-ends school bus in stolen vehicle, passenger killed
cassandra says
How about a picture ultrasounds really if you didn’t care u would’ve never commented find me on Facebook cassandrabeltran87@Yahoo.com ok Julie how come no one has heard of you
Shawn says
Pisa I miss u a lot. I wish I could c u again walking down the street or at your work. I appreciate the times that we had together. And especially the day u were at my house and the trash can had caught on fire u saved me. THANK U……I MISS U PISA REST IN PEACE……
Dougie I am sorry that u r hurting. I hope u can find some peace and forgiveness for yourself. I met u a couple of times the pleasure was all mine. Dougie what would of helped u out here? My children know of this horrible incident and it saddens them. What would u tell them as well as your own children so that they do not go down the same road as yourself? U r in my thoughts and prayers. I would like to communicate with u still. Dougie my u forgive yourself and find some peace in your hell.. …
his mom says
shawn u can email me ant jillndougie@gmail.com and i can give his info k, WE ARE BOTH SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, RIP MANNY
Dougies mom
Dougie's Mom says
hi shawn this is Dougie’s mom I can give you his info but not on this horrible website email me @ jillndougie@gmail.com and thank you for you caring words
Avisnotforme says
Everytime I do drugs and drive I never have a problem. Maybe some people just need driving lessons.
Dean says
As for those who aresaying some of the comments are mean, would you being saying that if there had been chidren on the bus? And this bus transports the handicapped kids who are the most vulnerable.
Dougie's Mom says
Dean what would you be going through if it was YOUR child that was having issues?
callitasitis says
Long live Douglas Fiddament in the care of the State of California Department of Correction. May all his days be filling with reminders & understanding of the consequences of his actions.
bird says
callitasitis—We all have consequences for our actions, including you.
callitasitis says
@ Bird
You are right, just like I stated there are consequences for all actions. Good acts usually good consequence, Bad acts usually bad consequences. You will reap what you sowed. So stop planting weeds unless you plan to smoke them and get high (then go for it, just stay inside).
bird says
callitasitis—Most of your comments are condemning toward others. As for the planting weeds statement, well you just threw that out there just to be mean, which goes along with the kind of comments you make. And you did not state that there are consequences for all actions, I did.
jodee..23AV says
You should not allow people to post comments on your stories, nobody wants
to read all of the negative things ppl have to say.no wonder theirs so much hatein the world
Bliss says
Speak for yourself because it goes both ways. No matter how you slice it, Dougie is guilty and needs to face the consequences for his actions and choice of lifestyle.
You and his enablers think it’s unfair for Dougie to have to pay the price, but failing to pay the price often results in dire consequences. Indeed it does! Too bad you well-wishers hadn’t thought about that years ago- but it’s too late now. SMH over your misguided loyalties.
Time to pay the piper- you play you pay. Playtime is over, time for Dougie to face the consequences of his past transgressions and current actions!
You get behind the wheel (in this case stolen) under the influence, no driver’s license, on probation, facing previous criminal charges, crashes into a bus, passenger dies from injuries…time after time proving failure to learn from prior illicit activities!
Friend says
By the way he does have a drivers licence and don’t you [removed] have something better to do then sit around and talk [removed] .
jodee.farmer.23AV says
Keep your head up dude
jodee.farmer.23AV says
Why cant anybody ever just mind their own business.
People make mistakes, [removed] up [removed] happens everyday, thats life pp
Anyway…your negativity SUCKS! And your not GOD so keep yer [removed] to yourself since doug doesnt have to get right with u hes gotta get right with god. Give yourself to god doug youll be alright. :)
Michelle says
The passenger was my cousin, and reading all these comments is sickening. Shame on all you people! May my cousin RIP.
Cassandra says
He was all of our friends paisa
Was probably high sadly too I know he had to of known s
Dougies car was stolen he was not innocent so don’t try to justify the situation
dougies mom says
Michelle- We are very sorry for your loss. I this michelle that use to live with me? with becky?? just wondering
bird says
My son was killed in 1992. Since that time I have forgiven the person that killed my son. This person has since completely changed from a drug addicted, law breaking human being, to completely turning around, changing others by a powerful testimony . It is way above my pay grade to understand the workings of God, because my ways are not His ways. I pray for all that have to go through this pain.
Tj brown says
Thankfully there were no children onboard the bus or crossing the street by it. Or there would be a much different story in this. Choices people make have results to them. Should ask are they right choices.
Tina v says
Who has the power to judge? I believe the Lord up above does. If any of you are believers, true ones, then what do you think you are doing here, passing along judgment that you have absolutely no right to pass? You all think you are God, or what? You are sitting there, slapping God in His glorious face, and turning your back to Him, and blatantly pointing your wicked fingers in the direction of one of His own creations, condemning His own 20 year old child, right in front of His face. I bet all the money in this world, all you judgmental bashers wouldn’t be doing that if our Father was visible and standing right next to you, while you are openly trying to send someone to hell. Wow, you all got more nerve than a rotten tooth, being that brazen
Bob says
Timothy 1:8-10
But we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully,
knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
for whoremongers, for those who defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjurers, and for whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine
Jeannie R. says
To Tina v,
the pious hypocrite
You claim ” Who has the power to judge?” It’s NOT your imaginary God- the mighty Court Judge is THE ONLY one who has the power to judge and condemn.
Others, such as US- have the right to pass judgement and express OUR OPINIONS.
You have NO right judging others and their God-given right to freedom of speech. Ha ha you hypocritical Bible thumping sinner of sins.
Ese bubbles says
I was locked up with him he was crying showing weakness
tom says
Only because he got caught. We need scum like this off the earth
cassandra says
hello this is Cassandra I’m Douglas’a babys mom he is a good person he was just lost and he really did need to be helped being put away for a little bit for everything he was doing and got away with will do him good not really nobody knows the real person he was nobody not even me even though I think I do
Julie says
Hi Cassandra,
I know you don’t know me but I have a son with Douglas and we have one on the way. I am so sorry for what your child/children will go through not having their dad. I feel as though my kids will be better off because we both know that Douglas is no good and was not going down the right path.
Cassandra says
What what who and foreals u n Dougie [removed] lies! Prove it! How old!?
Julie says
Well now I know why he said that things that he has said about you.
I got pregnant in June of 2013 when he was got out after he was arrested the baby OUR son was born in March 2014. I am pregnant again I got pregnant late December 2012 or early Jan 2015. The new baby is due this September.
I am not proud of this or happy look at the father I chose for my kids… not a very good choice.
I don’t want to argue about him, you can have him he was never going to amount to anything and I have no desire to stand by him.
I am just focused don raising my kids as well as you should be. Sounds like you are angry at the world when really you should refocus for the child/children you do have.
Ron says
Dude u r SCREWED
Oh yeah! says
Why is everybody making excuses for this guy!!!!!!? He was high on meth driving a stolen truck at a high rate of speed!!!! We are lucky this dirt bag didn’t kill a child waiting to get on the bus! I am very happy to hear this “poor” guy will be off the streets for a very long time! Trash that’s all these people were! Give me a break people! I’m sure you all thought your tweaked out buddies were the greatest guys ever but that is not the case! Scum of the earth that deserves to be right where he is! To bad he didn’t have the same fate as his buddy, could have saved the state a lot of money! He was not and will never be a functioning member of society!
cassandra says
you need to watch what you say this guy does have a family and kids and he was a good person seriously you guys are all bastards just labeling and talking on somebody you don’t even know you guys all judge because you guys are perfect right you guys are assholes deep deep very deep into your guyses heads out of your ass okay you guys are no one judge
J says
Cassandra, sounds like you don’t know him very well either if you didn’t know he has kids with somebody else …
Jeannie R. says
To J-
Bingo! That Cassandra comes off as rather thuggish herself. I pity her kids…
deb says
Hey all of you know it all [removed] talkers your halos are killing us. I cant believe that not one of you has ever made a wrong choice. Douglas was in the wrong, he knows it and knows he will be spending a lot of time in prison, but he does not need to be labeled a murderer.
Do you not think that the passanger was on drugs too? How about a little compassion for his family and yes even Douglas. He has a long road ahead of him, and not an easy one, and there wont be a day that he wont be thinking of his friend. The only excuse he has is simply making the wrong choices . As humans we do that on occasion. You all sound like a bunch of gossiping old ladies. Shut up and leave his fate in the hands of the courts and God.
Irena says
You are right, we all make bad choices. Most however don’t end up killing someone.
What would you have him labeled then?
B says
You are right, he should be labeled a thief and a murderer.
Add..... says
another “Stain” on Society
tom says
Murderer with a capital M.
Scum we don’t need on this Earth. He should have died also. I don’t want my tax dollars supporting him giving him food and a roof over his head
ftwandfu says
well, mr. tom believe this, your precious tax dollars will be going right into dougies mouth, feeding him, and housing him, for the next 25 years, what do you say to that? if california wasnt so ridiculously lenient, and did what every other state in the united states did, and became a no tolerant state, we wouldnt be paying for 33 + prisons, and thousands of inmates that are sitting on their asses, being fed, clothed, housed, medicated, showered ect. not learning a lick of responsiblity while they are being well cared for. what do you think jail really does for a person? Not a damn thing. the only thing an inmate has to worry about is if their girl or guy is out there cheating, i am sure inmates worry about other things, but not much. The free world is where the stress and worry lies. How am I going to eat? Where will I sleep? Shower? Who will hire me? No one. and I dont have any responsibilty skills, or life skills. I am used to being taken care of. Why arent we putting long termers and lifers on the front lines? Instead we put good innocent young men there to lose their lives. It doesnt make sense. California is so corrupt and just the epitomy of waste.
Karma8869 says
Dougie is a really close friend of mine and… reguardless weather or not he had a father growing up, plays no part in his actions, because he does have a wonderful mother.. and his actions are not reflected off of who his parents are or weather or not he had parents… seriousley.. he was high on drugs and decided to steal a car, he did not kill his friend intentionally, and imagine how much it is hurting him right now.. there is no excuse for his actions, the only one he can blame is himself, it was out of his own stupidity that these charges are on him.. sometimes you dont realize when enough is enough before it is too late.. so instead of everyone bashing him… say a prayer because that is the one thing he need right now.. FORGIVNESS ..
Jane1974 says
This is nonsense. I personally know both mother and Doug. Jill’s actions as a mother has proven the path of Dougs future. As a child Doug’s mother was a meth addict and alcoholic. She would never discipline her boys and allow them to steal from her boyfriend and do nothing about it. She may have grown up and stopped being that way, but that was all Doug knew growing up as a boy. It was all that entire family knew. So it does matter who his parents were as he was raised around the way he now lived his life.
I understand and pray not only for Jill and Todd, but the family of the family of the passenger. The hardest thing Doug now has to face is when he is sobered up, knowing there is a life that he took by accident. Jill has lost one child and though Doug is alive, as a mother she is losing another son.
Jill says
jane-1974 who the hell are you to talk [removed] about me i guess you didnt know [removed] about me, i never drink, i had my moments but i left that [removed] back in 2001 and got right, i managed Jones towing and was the best damn tow truck driver in this town!!! dougie was 7 years old so that was not how he was brought up so jane call me 6615440212 and dont hide behind some made up [removed] name im sure
Ashamed to be a "Douglas" says
Way to go Jerk…….As if Doug’s didn’t have a hard enough time in this world……
Zero Tolerance says
…”Says the Meth addict…” It is common knowledge that drug addiction is 60% inherited (BAD GENES) and 40% environment (Introduced to Meth by immediate family member and/or friends) Why am I spewing this knowledge….old Dougie was f?!$ed from birth!” All of you ignorant monsters taking up for him and his horrid lifestyle choices is the reason why he was able to function and achieve such stardom at a young and spry 20 years old, anyways it’s called, enabling, douchbags. You bottom feeders are the reason he is the way he is and as bad as he is. For the mentally challenged, enabling is helping or even condoning someones idiosyncrasies, even when they are self destructive or in Dougies case, deadly or destructive to society. it really isn’t a difficult concept. Dougie does not play well with others and needs to go where the other degenerates that don’t play well with others go, prison. A civilized society needs to focus on eliminating the escrement who gave him his first low.
Danielle says
Zero Tolerance,
I agree. I can’t believe how many of these enablers there are. What a shame. I see Dougie has never had to account for all his past years of bad behavior.
Too bad his sobriety was so shortly lived. He’s been on a path of destruction for way too long and had never learned from his past mistakes, crimes, etc.
Something like this was bound to happen, fortunately the innocent bus driver is okay, and I’m sure relieved that there weren’t any innocent children on the school bus.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t have mattered to Dougie nor his enablers. Everything he does is fine with them. They need to save their prayers, or telling others to “pray” for Dougie, for a better cause! Such as this drug fueled idiotic crime spree didn’t take other innocent lives.
His passengers were not innocent victims. They were all high, joined in on this senseless crime spree, and didn’t give a —- who they hurt or killed, so at least it was one of those thugs and not an innocent bystander.
Dougie’s fans are all trashy thugs whose remarks bear no meaning or weight.
Dougie needs to be locked up until he’s a good 70 or more years old and even then the streets still won’t be safe with him around. Too many of those lowlifes taking other lives.
A friend says
Who are you to say anything.Remember karma is a bitch and it gonna come kick you in your ass just for those nasty thoughts.How will you feel when something similar happens to someone you love.Guess what Dougie is a great person and your words mean nothing !
A friend says
Remember karma is a bitch and it gonna come kick you in your ass just for those nasty thoughts.How will you feel when something similar happens to someone you love.Guess what Dougie is a great person and your words mean nothing !
Blessed says
To “fiend”
You’re a mindless idiot and a shining example of what’s wrong with this world.
How can anyone in their right mind justify the multitude of crimes (past and present) that have been committed, and then have the audacity to profess his greatness!?
SMDH! over the dissimulation of your machiavellianism.
Very telling what kind of lifestyle you live, and “friends” you consort with. Licentious one’s like you who have no moral compass.
I don’t have worry about that type of situation, and/ or karma befalling any of my family, friends, and loved ones.
We are all are polar opposites of you; we all have high standards and morals, obey the laws, do not violate others’ rights and safety.
FYI- My husband puts lowlife [removed] like you behind bars. ;)
knowing says
sounds to me like “thee protest to much”. what are you hiding behind your self righteous writing Lame.
Danny says
They are both scum bags
His Friend says
How dare you say anything at all you should just keep your mouth shut. Yes he had a drug problem but he was a wonderful person inside he didn’t always make the right choices but who does. He is already going to have to live with his friends death that is punishment in itself. And don’t forget about all of us out here who love both of them dearly. He is 20 years old and deserves a chance to have a life.
Mhmmmm says
Lol I agree! Scum! We don’t need people like this in our community! Glad he will spend a majority of the rest of his life in jail!
B says
He had a chance to live his life. He used it to do drugs, steal vehicles, and kill somebody.
Danielle says
I agree B. I’m sick of reading these Dougie enabler fans revolting comments about how poor Dougie deserves a happy life.
I guess killing a passenger because of his vile reprehensible thug life actions is excusable because poor Dougie will have to live with his “friend’s” death. SMH over his fans illogical reasonings.
With their type of “moral” code, no wonder Dougie is admired.
All his life he’s never been held accountable for all his criminal behavior, lifestyle, and crimes committed.
He definitely is where he belongs. As for you idiotic criminal defenders, I could care less what your baseless opinions or replies will be. I know none will be valid in explanation nor reasonings. Tsk tsk.
D says
His friend deserved a chance to live too. I had a rough life growing up too, but you have to become bigger than your tragedies. Stop using them as an excuse and rise above them. Who doesn’t come from broken families and tough situations anymore? You and only you are responsible for your own actions.
Gg says
jnet says
Are you kidding me he deserves a chance to have a life!!!??? Please tell the loved ones who just lost a son, or brother or friend. WOW anyone excusing this fool is nuts.
[removed] people says
First and for most you are a scrum bag!! you have no idea what hes been threw and just to make your day better I hope your a person he stole from!! So give it up with your comments all I see is debates [removed] talk also argue ments!! WHO’S THA SCRUM BAG I CLEARLY THINK YOU ARE CAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO BUT JUDGE PEOPLE!! YOU COMMENT ON EVERY BODY’S NEWS GET A [removed] CLUE PIECE OF [removed] !! [removed]!!
jnet says
How ignorant does a statement like “i hope your a person he stole from!” sound!? That speaks so highly of you. At this point just be happy that the bus was not filled with beautiful young lives. Im not going to judge him but i hope that he/she who does comes down as hard as possible.
Danielle says
To trashy [removed] people. With defenders like you, who needs enemies! LOL.
I agree with jnet, you comment is truly ignorant. You had hoped that Dougie stole someone’s truck over a comment they made that you didn’t agree with? SMH over the scum calling says the pot to the kettle. I guess birds of a feather do stick together. I know it’s flock together…
I didn’t have a father growing up…. Nor a mother in my late teens. I knew right from wrong. And now as an adult, I have several houses and a lucrative career. I turned out just fine.
Yup I Said It says
You know, all this about not having a male influence while growing up, being an addict, etc being excuses for his behavior are all crapola. HE is the one who decided to stay in the lifestyle of being a meth addict (and it IS a lifestyle thank you very much). HE is the one who decided that being scandalous was the thing to be instead of a person with a completely different expression of their morality, probably against all the things he was taught as a kid. HE was the one who decided to steal the truck and go joyriding all over the place. Yes, it’s unfortunate that his friend died in the accident and I don’t see him killing his friend intentionally but their actions led to this happening. You can’t say the quality of the male influence or the lack thereof are things that made this happen since there were probably uncles, grandfathers, and other relatives that tried to help this kid. He did this, not the lack of a guiding influence. And this is coming from someone who used to be in the mix so, kids, please don’t underestimate the value of personal choice any more than peer pressure etc.
Danielle says
To Yep I said,
(Y) well said! I agree with your words of wisdom. Glad to hear there’s a few out there who have enough decency and common sense to know the difference between a thug life or the right life, and the choice is up to that person period.
Shame on all the excusers, abusers and enablers. That’s exactly why what happens to them does.
this is from you mrg256 isnt it says
i know who you are ive known u for 12 years huh go figure!!!
yup i said it/mrg567 says
the other comment was meant for yup i said it not danielle!
Jip Joe says
Very sad, almost every single case of mass shootings, boys going off the deep end have 3 things in common: prescription drugs, and/or no real father figure growing up. Kids need guidance growing up, someone to look up to. Our society makes divorces too easy, and emotional and rash decisions legal. The prison system is the largest entity in most states, especially in California. The entire system is designed to fail families, and to lead them astray.
Longtime Resident says
Uhhh.. dudes white. No excuses.
Letlow says
No excuses my a$$!! You obviously didn’t read the prior story. Family and friends coming out the woodwork giving this murderer every excuse in the book. Poor Dougie… Grew up without a father, lost his brother at a young age, has an addiction to drugs, it’s a disease. He didn’t set out to kill his friend… Blah, blah, blah. Perhaps you might want to rethink this comment. LOL!!
Bob says
Hey, where are all the usual/typical excuses telling us what a nice guy he was, or that he didn’t have a father figure while growing up. And how they just can’t believe he would do this, and don’t forget the universal excuse=he was hooked on drugs.
dougies mom says
I’m still right here, you guys have any kind of life besides talking bad about my son?? ?Or do you just wait for the next update on this tragedy?
My son, along with our family, and Manuels family, we all have to live with this loss for the rest of our lives, I am truly sorry you also have to know this pain of losing your child. I’ve lived this hell for almost 5 1/2 years and I DO NOT wish this pain upon ANYBODY!!
Dougie has 5 YEARS(10 with 1/2 ) to figure his path in this life out, yep you heard me right,5 years he will be home and mark my words he will be 25 years old and still have plenty of good years a head of him, he will be a totally new person! I’ve sat back and read what you people fans/haters have said about my son. Well he is a good person all my boys have good hearts, but have chose their own fate, I do not agree or condone the choices dougie was making, but he is an adult now, he will be in prison, the judge gave him his sentance, dougie accepted it its done!! now you all can move on and judge someone elses tragedy!! I did my best, I wish I could change the past but we all know we can only change the future. RIP my Robert, watch over your lil brother, and we are very sorry for the loss of his passenger RIP Manny