PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale has announced that due to a temporary power outage by Southern California Edison this week for maintenance and upgrades on Rancho Vista Blvd., two signal lights will be set to flashing red from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 8, and Saturday, Jan. 10.
On Thursday, the signal at Rancho Vista Blvd. and Sierra Highway will flash red.
On Saturday, the signal at Rancho Vista Blvd. and Lockheed Way/8th St. East will flash red.
“With the power out, we have to run the traffic signals by battery power,” said Palmdale’s Communications Manager John Mlynar. “To do so for that length of time requires us to go to a flashing red signal. People traveling in the area may wish to give themselves a few extra minutes to allow for a slowing of traffic.”
For other questions about this outage, contact SCE via e-mail at scepoc@sce.com, or call 855-683-9067 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Concerned Nana says
F.Y.I….came through that area this evening and the lights on that intersection (Rancho Vista and 8th East)were already flashing red! Allow some time!!!