PALMDALE – If you recognize the woman in these surveillance images, then Palmdale detectives would like to hear from you.
The woman allegedly applied for fraudulent credit cards in the names of victims from Los Angeles to Long Beach. Then she racked up $8,000 in charges at Dillard’s, Target and Walmart in Palmdale, according to authorities.
“The suspect has purchased high value items, including designer handbags, designer shoes, perfumes, colognes, leather coats, PlayStation/ Xbox video game systems, and more,” stated Palmdale Community Relations Deputy Jodi Wolfe.

The suspect is described as a white or Hispanic female in her late 20’s to early 30’s, with brown hair and a thin build.
Video surveillance shows her driving away in a silver or gray Chrysler 300 with black rims that appear to have a silver center cap.
Anyone with information on the identity of this suspect is encouraged to contact Detective Diez at the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2400.
gerry says
Asking for ID does not help a whole lot. Fake ID’s are not that hard to come by in a good enough form to pass a store clerks inspection. Most of the time a clerk will not even ask you to take it out of your wallet to check for hidden marks they just glance at them.
Sue says
I bet she don’t even live out here she probably came down from LA cus that’s were she got the names from so she just come down here cus she Hurd all the tellers out here are dumb asses that don’t check IDs!! I would do the same if I had a stolen credit card & knew they weren’t going to ask me for any ID!
Anonymous says
How come Palmdale Detectives are so apt to get this lady when an Angel Acuna stole thousands from me and they never did a dam thing.? Seems more like publicity for them if you ask me.
Bee says
Oh look, he commented below.
Gail Harper says
I am in shock! As when I worked in retail at Sears, we had to match the credit card with an identification card. I remember some customers, who were using their spouses credit card to purchase items, NOT ALLOWED!! I get asked for my own ID maybe, about 40% of the time. It amazes me on how this thief, was able to get away with purchasing large ticket items. Usually, their is a store limit of $25/$50, without asking for an ID. This chick, knew what she was doing, and what cashier to go to. I’ve been a victim of identity theft three times now. She should had been arrested on site and certainly arrested on the streets by the sheriff’s and or the CHP departments. When she gets caught, I hope she has a very nice Feliz Navidad, while in jail.
MC says
She had a copy of an ID of the victims. Apparently it’s fairly easy to get a fake. Be wary of fake IDs.
Eric says
With that being the case, one has to wonder why these institutions still allow Credit transactions without a PIN or some other kind of feature. Yes, definitely not 100%, but still a large bit better than just asking for ID.
I’m still surprised at some places when I use a card to pay, have to show no ID, no signature, and not even enter a PIN.
This is half as much an issue of the “no patience” mindset as it is the stores/banks. It takes me maybe two seconds to enter my PIN, is this much identity theft really worth those seconds being shaved?
gerry says
None of my credit cards have PIN’s. My debit cards do, not credit cards. While debit and credit cards may look the same and act the same they play by different rules.
Eric says
I’m aware of that; I was implying they should institute PIN on credit cards as well.
Online transactions are a different beast entirely; the impetus is on the merchant to specify what exactly will reject the card; generally some combination of expiration date, CCV, and AVS matches. Some of the shadier ones will accept with nothing but an Exp match.
Jl says
My department store card doesnt have a pin but I have a couple actual credit cards that have pins. When I first recieved them and called to activate them I was asked if I wanted to set a pin for them which I did.
Jennifer says
Rarely does of any of the retail stores ever ask identification out in the Antelope Valley. But I
believe we all should do our parts. So, I always say, “get would you like to see my ID with that? You
Know it could be stolen, right?” But honestly half the cashier’s do not even know what they are looking for!!!!!
Mark says
The movies at the mall always ask for id and people aren’t even charging up hundreds of dollars at the movies.
I thank them every time they ask for id.
Cashiers at other places don’t ask because they are lazy
Brenda says
This type of identity theft happened to us a few years ago — the charges were in excess of $10,000. The thieves got fake ids with my husband and my names and their pictures. They even applied for, and got, 3 more credit cards using our credit score. So checking IDs at the stores is not always enough.
mdlsantos says
This dirt bag should be caught “not for steeling from those stupid stores” (they need to have people show ID’S, DL ect ect ect….but for steeling those people’s identity… that could have been ANY OF US!!!!!!
mrz ford says
Walmart employees do the same [removed], worker @ walmart in palmdale stoled my purse, me forgettn my stuff @ the register, I kno she took it, she was black though, No lie!!!!!! So yea, They dont care bout nobody but themselves, its not like the good ol days anymore, U cant trust none!!!! They will get theirs in the end!!!!!!
denise strange says
That’s Denise strange!
Kim says
Maybe if Wal-Mart would start checking id it wouldn’t have come to this g st least where Wal-Mart is concerned)
whatever kim says
Sure blame walmart you moron!
Danny says
She looks kinda hot and she’s been a bad girl, needs a good spank.
What stores are given away free credit cards?
With any luck she gets punched in the face.
If she has been a bad girl…. you better send her to your room LOL
Lori says
Two things: Why don’t stores DEMAND identification?!
And: It’s NOT snitching, it’s reporting! If you know her turn her in!
Mrs M says
Article gives an explanation.
L.A.Rod says
Huuuuum,looks like wal-mart just ask for ID if you look like Hispanic right?
mike says
Looks like she has her stolen cell phone not id
A says
Wow what a POS. Hope she gets caught soon and spends the holidays behind bars.
Me says
I hope they catch this lousy no good pos thieving ass scuum.