PALMDALE – Mayor Jim Ledford announced to local media Monday morning that he’s forming an exploratory committee to evaluate his candidacy for the 21st state Senate District seat soon to be vacated by Sen. Steve Knight, R-Antelope Valley.
Mayor Ledford said the committee will examine his viability as a candidate by communicating with individuals in the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley and Victor Valley communities to assess all aspects of a potential campaign.
“Today’s announcement is really to respond to what I’ve been receiving as lots of inquiries into what my intentions might be, what I’m looking to do,” he told members of the local media. “So I felt that the best next step is to actually get some input from individuals from all communities that are to be represented in the district.”
Stating that the scope of common ground for District 21 communities is the High Desert, Ledford explained that “we’ll be looking for more of a definition of what binds us all as a district and what our objectives are going to be in a potential campaign.”
The mayor introduced supporters of his exploratory committee who were present at the announcement, including Dr. Abdallah S. Farrukh, chair of the Antelope Valley Hospital Board; Kamal Al-Khatib, president of the American Islamic Institute of the Antelope Valley; Shawny Barcelona, associate broker at Century 21; and Palmdale City Councilman Steven D. Hofbauer.
Councilman Hofbauer said he supports Ledford for the Senate District 21 seat because he represents the best interests of the community.
“He listens to everybody,” Hofbauer said. “Jim does what’s best for the city, and Jim will do what’s best for the district. So that’s why I’m behind Jim Ledford.”
Ledford said he would announce his decision to run sometime in December after carefully evaluating his potential to run in the 21st State Senate District race.
State Sen. Knight was elected in the recent 2014 General Election to replace retiring Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon, R-Santa Clarita, in the 25th Congressional District.
According to the state’s Election Code, the governor must call for a special election within 14 days of a vacancy in the legislature.
Knight is scheduled to begin his new term in Congress in January 2015, and county officials will need to hold an election at least 126 days after Knight’s resignation, and no more than 140 days thereafter, according to the state’s Election Code.
Speculation has been circulating with local media that Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris is also keeping his eye on the state Senate 21st District race. However, like Mayor Ledford, Parris has yet to declare his official intent to run.
About the author
Jim E. Winburn is freelance reporter covering news of public interest.
All In for Jim says
I think Jim Ledford is hands down the best choice for State Senate. The Star Moffatt clown show, while being entertaining, is not what a strong leader is made of. Also, with the recent statement by Mr. Donnelly from “stage right” that he isn’t running, that just clears up the players from the jokers. I understand that Norm Hickling is bowing out of the race, even though he’s one of the hardest working men in AV politics.
The weirdest thing to come out lately is this strange “draft Sharon Runner” posting on Facebook by Larry Hobson. He’s the guy that carries the water for Drew Mercy who carries the water for the Runners. I think this is one of the cruelest jokes that could ever be played on someone. Sharon Runner served in office for a number of years, but had to quit because she couldn’t breathe after her double-lung transplants. It seems that she’s a) too frail to make an announce herself and has no intention of running, hence these efforts being put out on Facebook are just wrong, and she needs to put a stop to them, or b) she really does intend to run, but wants to make it look like there was some kind of groundswell of support for her since she’s not in any type of physical condition to get out and run and aggressive campaign. Either way, Sharon Runner as a candidate is just bizarre: especially when one considers she cost the taxpayers of the District over $1million to run a special election because she quit in the middle of her term!
This farce of a “draft Sharon Runner” effort needs to end. Why do the voters of the Districts in the Antelope Valley continue to embrace mediocrity? Let’s get a real leader like Jim Ledford who will actually make some things happen. His health problems don’t seem to be slowing him down any! He’s everywhere!
Bill says
I think Jim would make an excellent candidate. Don’t worry about the king of Lancaster as kings come and go and his tine will soon be included the past
bird says
I back Mayor Ledford 100%, with whatever decision he makes.
Stinger says
I am against Jim going for State Senate. It would be a bad idea.
No, I do not have a problem with Jim Ledford, or his skills. Quite the opposite, in fact. I have no doubt that he would be an honest Senator representing this district well.
The problem, once again, is Parris. Having Jim leave the Palmdale Mayorship would leave the opening that Parris and his evil minions need to be able to gain access to the Palmdale City Council. THAT, we can not have.
So, I say fix the Parris machine problem first, then Jim can run for whatever he wants – he’d get my vote in a heartbeat.
William says
Thanks, Stinger, for pointing out that power vacuum that would be left if Mayor Ledford was in Sacramento leaving Palmdale vulnerable to Rx’s bad behavior.
It’s like Mayor Ledford is a firewall between us and the evil monster of the north.
I wish Mayor Ledford would re-consider.
Jason Zink says
Why so negative – Perris is not All powerfull he’s just colorful! Wizard of OZ. Lol
Ledford deserve a chance at higher office and it is time for him to pass the tourch – time for change new blood new vision. With Lackey, Ledford moving on and Dispenza and City manager Childs retiring soon and new distict elections, we will have a new city face. We have some really good planning commissioners and a lot of people in Palmdale that care about this city that will steep up 100% sure of a great future for this city.
Rashella T. says
I’m sick and tired of these republicans thinking they own our valley! I will not vote for Ledford! Speaking of who I won’t vote for- just because I’m a democrat does not mean I will vote for the alleged democrat “Frontrunner” Star Moffatt. Working in a law office, not as the lawyer, does not make you qualified to be a lawmaker. Let’s just say I’m not a fan… I have been hearing that there is a true democrat and representative of the Dems thinking about the race. Spending 2 years working for a state lawmaker makes you a much more qualified candidate. In addition to that, she has led our 36th District Dems in other roles for many years too. She would make a way better candidate and senator than any Democrat looking at the race. Especially Star…
What's my name again? says
I wonder why my original post was taken down. I merely pointed out someone was unqualified and I didn’t use any profanity or anything. I guess this “free speech” stuff doesn’t apply to the AV times.
tony olivarez says
you have my vote Jim !! Your the best !
Carmen says
Awesome! Now Ledford and Lackey can run our entire district into the ground just like they have the city of Palmdale!
William says
Who are you anyway?
How has Palmdale been run into the ground?
You must be thinking of Lancaster or your own personal affairs.
It’s not that way for everyone in Palmdale.
Carmen says
We are losing Fed Ex to Victorville . More lost jobs. We lost most of our recreation programs through parks and rec. and a large number of city jobs under This city council. Ledford and Lackey chose to give raises to current employees rather than rehire employees they let go. Reality is we have less jobs, less programs, more debt, and more crime under this council.
William says
Where are your numbers, Carmen?
I’m sure the crime stats have gone down but you need to back up your other claims. City staff had to be cut due to the recession and city hall went to a 4 day week or did you forget? I’m sure the remaining staff has extra work loads and so a raise isn’t out of the question.
Palmdale recently received some kind of acknowledgement for being one of the most financial well run cities in Los Angeles County.
You do realize that Palmdale, along with the rest of the world has come out of an extraordinary recession, don’t you and you’re fussing about parks? We now have a medical center in Palmdale among other things that have been accomplished. Get your priories straight.
Look over the ‘border’ at Lancaster to see a similar sized city with a lowered bond rating (Palmdae’s isn’t) and a struggling blvd project that has to be saved after only 4 years in existence.
Lancaster is a lost cause while Palmdale is building for the future with its transportation hub and other long term projects.
Is Palmdale problem free? Of course not. But, I think you are exaggerating.
Like I said, a lot of Palmdale residents are happy living here and appreciate the accomplishments by mayor Ledford and the council and city staff. I do.
If you aren’t, maybe it’s your own particular situation and you are looking at everything negatively because of it Is your life ‘working’? If not, don’t blame it on Palmdale.
You seem oblivious to all the new businesses that have come to Palmdale recently.
Have Mayor Ledford and the city council run Palmdale into the ground? Hardly.
bird says
Carmen—You are entitled to your opinion without someone personally attacking you. Your personal affairs being brought into question is disrespectful, and quite frankly mean.
William says
Still no accomplishments by Steve Knight.
David says
It’s about time. Jim, you have my vote.
Jason Zink says
50 years in the making the Ledford vs. Perris Showdown at the Cactus Curtin Saloon…..lets see who’s the fastest shot in AV! who will be elected Valley Sheriff!!!! Will they shot eachother in the foot, or tip the cowboy hat to the other, or hire a hitman to take the other one on? The towns people are a watching!
William says
Mayor Ledford is the far better mayor and would make a better senator but if Rx won, we’d be getting him out of our hair up in Sacramento.
It’s a win/win whoever wins.
Let him drive them nuts up there. He’ll try to be the big fish in a far bigger pond. I’m sure senior legislators will surely appreciate his bossy, arrogant, big shot attitude and hopefully let him know it.
And, he’ll be in the minority in the state Senate.
nannynanny says
Well what do you know? Ledford wants to ditch out of being mayor of Palmdale. He must be getting bored, or setting himself for a new gig before he gets removed as a mayor.
In light of his long term, and recent health issues, I’d suggest that Mayor Ledford retire. He’ll never catch-up with R. Rex Parris, Mayor of Lancaster, CA., so he needs to accept it and move on.
Who is paying for the study?
Ehhh... No. says
Seriously, though… Just how much does Parris pay you people to post this kind of stupid drivel? I am honestly curious to know.
William says
Talk about being conflicted. I don’t ever want to lose Mayor Ledford as Palmdale’s mayor.
However, I do think he would make a great state senator as well and would vote for him over anyone else.
I know he’s a republican and I’m not but he is not like any other republican elected official that I can think of. That the Rs in Lancaster don’t like him is a badge of honor as they are the example of republicans gone mad.