LITTLEROCK – A local military veteran was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold Monday after barricading himself in a bedroom for more than an hour. The man was upset because deputies responding to a domestic dispute shot the man’s dog, authorities said.
“We’re dealing with a man who’s spent 15 years in the military…possibly suffering from PTSD and had made threats in the past about possible suicide, so our number one concern then became helping this man get the help he needed,” said Sgt. David Sauer of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.”
The incident began about 12:45 p.m. at a residence in the 36400 block of Colcord Street.
“Deputies got a call of [a] domestic violence dispute here at this address. They get here, they contact a woman who had an argument with her husband, and there may have been some domestic battery that occurred,” Sauer said.

The woman stepped out of the house and the responding deputies entered the home to speak with the husband, Sauer said. He said deputies began calling out for the husband and checking rooms in the home.
“When the deputy opens up one of the rooms, a big Rottweiler dog comes out. The deputy tries to close the door to keep the Rottweiler in, but the Rottweiler is able to get out,” Sauer said.
The dog charged at the deputy, and the deputy kicked at the dog before firing three shots, according to Sauer.
“At least one strikes the dog somewhere in his torso, but the dog walked out… on his own with animal control and was taken to the vet,” Sauer said.
Deputies contained the location, and the man went into a bedroom, closed the door and refused to speak to deputies.
“We found out, as more relatives came, that there were in fact guns in the house, so we cleared the house and secured the weapons,” Sauer said, adding that he eventually made contact with the man and talked to him through the bedroom door.
“[I] was able to talk him into opening up the door and showing us his hands and that he didn’t have any weapons. It was obvious that he was distraught and upset. We assured him that we were here to help him, and he allowed us to come in and handcuff him without any further incident,” Sauer said.
The man, whose name was not released, was not being arrested, according to Sauer.
“He’s being placed on a 72-hour psychiatric evaluation observation hold so that he can get the psychiatric help that he needs,” Sauer said.
Sad this military veteran is suffering. Plus that his dog got shot. Plus his wife has a black eye. Everyone in that household is suffering it seems.
AV Times publishing the location of this event and the veterns circumstances is a BIG NO NO. Not everyone has goodwill. Not the churches, community, government or anyone. And less the street urchins in that area.
Kudos on the Stasi in that area for showing restraint in not killing the dog or veteran. No need for a repeat of 2013 shooting nearby of the 80 year old or use of false police reports to destroy peoples lives. Now you just need to hand over the files so one can see the “goodwill” tactics employed so the same “goodwill” can be given in return. 21.
Many condolences for this suffering veteran, his dog and sheproperty. May he, his dogs, and sheproperty get better.
Sam says
“Sheproperty” really? Women have rights and aren’t property.
Pretty Sad this military veteran is mentally suffering. + that his dog got shot. Everyone in that household is suffering it seems.
AV Times publishing the location of this event and the veterns circumstances is a BIG NO NO. A Simple wife beating call shouldn’t become Gossip Media. Will he be “mad” at his wife after he’s let go from the ward. Will he appreciate her more for telling the police he has guns in the house, his dog being shot, him being put in a straight jacket, and him being published online as a mental case? Poor guy….he’s going to be put into the wringer or mill.
Not everyone has goodwill. Not the churches, community, government or anyone. And less the street urchins in that area. Neighbors may now be liable to simply report a minor issue as a mental health issue and worse with publicized gun ownership involved. Additionally the street urchins in that area are known to harass and destroy people simply because and may use the issue to hurt or worse. But hey, hopefully this gossip becomes known to goodwill parties maybe they can help. Not everyone is out to harm and destroy.
Kudos on the Stasi in that sector for showing restrain in not killing the dog or veteran. No need for a repeat of 2013 shooting nearby of the 80 year old or use of false police reports to destroy peoples lives. Now you just need to hand over the files so one can see the “goodwill” tactics employed so the same “goodwill” can be given in return.
Sonia says
That’s so sad but it’s not the first time I heard of the sheriffs being warned about dogs being in the house or around and shooting them. About two years ago my sister was in her house in Lancaster and the sheriffs came to her house, in search of someone that was committing a crime in her neighborhood. After the sheriffs cleared everyone out the house and after being told that their dog was in the restroom a deputy went in the same restroom that my niece specifically said I’m coming out my dog is in this restroom and shot the dog. Long story short they shot the dog and carried him out bleeding and later the vet said they had to put him to sleep… The restroom had chunks of the dogs flesh and blood everywhere. They left it as is and found the guy who turned out to be my other niece’s boyfriend, who didn’t live there at all and had slid in my sisters house without her noticing… The sheriffs were dicks about the situation because they thought my sister was hiding the dude, when in fact my sister didn’t like the guy they found in her home….
Ko says
Yeah, like they’re supposed to know you’re family drama.
Kathy says
Does anyone know what veterinary hosp. the DOG went to? we have people that want to donate. We are at Hope for the Antelope Valley Angels on Facebook. Thank you for any information.
Kathy says
Sorry if that sounded bad.. We all is well with the man… we want to help the man with his dog. We all thank him for his service. Again, Thank you for any information.
Friend says
The dog is home now, recovering.
Kathy says
Thank you! :)
Greg says
Cool, glad the pup is on the mend. Hopefully the gentleman is too, mental health is often a long journey.
Julie says
Here it is Kathy…
Sheri Meyer shared Sam and Maggie Resource Center of the High Desert’s status update.
November 1 at 1:36pm
Julie says
Here’s the site for donations Kathy :)
thebutcherlady says
2sicc says
[removed] the [removed] pigs i hope someone goes to there house and ahoots there [removed] dogs.
Friend says
As a friend of the family, dogs included, the dog is fine. The police were called to save the Veteran. The dog was also protecting the Veteran. The police officer did everything to not hurt the dog. The dog is fine! The veteran is not…
faith says
im a ptsd sufferer along with my fiancee we both have a dog and in all response the wife of this man should of told the officer that there was a dog and allowed her to get the dog. The reality is thos could of been avoided and the officer woyldnt have had to geel his life was in danger of a surprise attack with the dog.
Military Family says
The wife did tell the police officers about their dogs as well as their breeds. For her safety, she was not allowed back in the home. The police shot 3 rounds into the ground to deter the dog from charging and a bullet ricochet into the dog. The police did everything they could to provide help to this family!
Eric says
I’d hope you are seeking help or counseling. If you need any info on local sources feel free to ask, I’ll be more than happy to point you towards good people. I’ve been there, there is help to be found.
Greg says
I may not be a trained officer, but one has to wonder about the decision to fire a weapon inside of a home of a PTSD diagnosed person and to top it off, shooting his loyal canine. Those actions triggered a worse episode for the man.
Uncle Tom says
Its easy to play armchair quarterback after the fact isn’t it. The fact is we don’t know when, or if the deputies were told about the dog. I’m pretty sure if they were informed, they would have been trying to take further precautions. As much as people like to call LEO’s a bunch of dog killing bastards, the truth is most HATE having to shoot a dog. But if I had to choose between the dog and myself, I don’t think its really a choice.
Same with the PTSD, who knows when or if they were told, or even if he HAS PTSD. The article merely has a statement from the Sgt. saying he possibly has PTSD. But again, if I had to choose between firing my weapon to save myself vs the possible psychological trauma that hearing close quarters gunfire would be to somebody, its still not really a choice.
[removed] situation all around. At least the man agreed to go peacefully in the end to hopefully get some help, and the dog appears to have survived.
If you want a taste of what deputies deal with, sign up for the community academy the next time one is offered. Contact either Palmdale or Lancaster station, and talk to one of their community relations deputies. They can likely get you on an email list to let you know when a new academy is available.
Greg says
Uncle Tom, kindly back down. I was not attacking the officers, just voicing an opinion. I have law enforcement in my family, and have been in situations where I have had criminals aiming at me, and officers aiming at me. It happens and I FULLY understand. I understood the reporters story a little different than you is all.
Uncle Tom says
Wasn’t an attack on you, more of a general overall message to everybody. Sorry if you felt differently. Too often people jump to conclusions, and the level of hatred for law enforcement is amazing. Just look at many of the posts on the facebook feed for this article. People don’t even read the story, or don’t comprehend the words correctly.
The last paragraph was just information for the masses. Those who are truly interested and are good members of the community, and even some who are borderline but are smart enough to realize they don’t know everything and want to be more informed, can learn a lot.
kb says
I was thinking the same thing. A military vet w 15 years and PTSD. He fired 3 shots into a room he couldn’t get into or probly see, and he only hit the dog once. This cop is the dangerous one. Anything I guess to fire their little weapons.
Jason says
The dangerous thing here is your lack of reading comprehension to criticize the officer. He didnt fire into a room he probably couldnt get or see into. The dog charged the deputy after it got out of a room. But hey I guess if you got a 100 lb animal charging at you and a gun was the way you had to defend yourself you wouldnt do it right?
Military Family says
The police officer did what he could so save the dog. Please don’t believe everything that you read. I’m unsure as to why the article was spun this way, but it’s not entirely true.
Kathy says
We at Hope for the Antelope Valley Angels and Sam and Maggie Resource Center of the High Desert, want to help this man take care of his dog.
Does anyone know what veterinary hosp. the DOG went to? we have people that want to donate. We are at Hope for the Antelope Valley Angels on Facebook. Thank you for any information.
Done says
Their are children starving all over the world and people would rather donate their money to help animals? I guess I’ll just never understand some people. It just seems wrong.
Kathy says
Actually if you read it right.. It was to help the man, WITH his dog.. That is what our page does.. but IF helping a Vet is wrong, then I will be wrong every time. I’m sorry your heart is so hard. :(
Greg says
This comment is actually for Done.
There are organizations that help children that many people donate to. Many of those people also donate to help God’s other creations and our charges, the animals.
Politics tend to be the problem with feeding the world’s children. Look at school lunches to start, bids and always going to lowest bidder regardless of quality. Also too little food for growing , healthy, active children.
But now let us address world hunger. Food from the US is often shipped overseas. Instead of reaching the intended starving parties it gets left to rot, or given to people with less need by their governments. This is not a new trend, but a trend through the ages.
There are many ways to give, and many causes. Give to those you wish and allow others to give as they wish in peace.
Irena says
““When the deputy opens up one of the rooms, a big Rottweiler dog comes out. The deputy tries to close the door to keep the Rottweiler in, but the Rottweiler is able to get out,” Sauer said.”
It clearly states that the dog came out of the room. Stop letting your bias against cops cloud your reading retention.
Steve says
Your right Greg, your not a trained officer. Just understand that he got out alive along with his girlfriend and the dog will live all because LASD did a good job and a hero will get counseling. It’s amazing, save a life , prevent a suicide or trip to jail and there is always one idiot that thinks they could of done a better job!
Greg says
[removed] I am very happy with the outcome but simply questioned one action during the sequence of events that MAY have caused more harm than good, at that time.
Eric says
Sorry Bill, wasn’t me.
Get the help you need, brother.