PALMDALE — The City of Palmdale was recently awarded two Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants by the California Transportation Commission for the Avenue R Complete Streets & Safe Routes project and the Citywide Active Transportation Plan (CATP).
The Avenue R project will provide sidewalks and bike lanes on Avenue R from approximately Sierra Highway to 25th Street East and some upgrades in school signage and markings for Tumbleweed School, while the CATP grant will fund a study on ways to better integrate bicyclists, pedestrians and other active transportation uses citywide.

The Avenue R project will cost $6.67 million, of which $5.33 million is funded by the grants. Environmental work is anticipated to begin in March 2015, with project closeout in mid-2016.
“This is great news, especially for our east side residents,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “The Streets and Safe Route project will eliminate areas along Avenue R where school aged pedestrians currently have to walk in vehicle travel lanes due to lack of sidewalks or shoulders.”
The Avenue R project and the City’s ATP plan, which earned a grant of $595,000, were both brought to the attention of key members of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for the organization’s support – including its Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata – by Councilmember Steve Hofbauer who serves as SCAG’s Regional Council District 43 representative for Palmdale and Lancaster, and Palmdale Transportation/GIS Manager Mike Behen.
“Councilman Hofbauer and City staff were diligent in pursuing and securing these grants,” Ledford said. “Kudos to them as well as our Development Services and Public Works staffs for getting the attention of the state transportation commission.”
Palmdale’s proposed Active Transportation Plan has the following goals:
- Create linkages between General Plan, Palmdale Energy Action Plan, Safe Routes to Schools, Bicycle Transportation Plan and other regional plans.
- Promote policies and designs that promote live, work and play ideologies.
- Create funding opportunities through project establishment and phasing.
- Develop a top quality bicycle / trail system within Palmdale that connects to Lancaster and LA County bicycle / trail systems.
- Wayfinding – identify gateway locations at key intersections and develop beautification concepts (Welcome to Palmdale signage, landscaping, art, etc.)
- Promote complete streets.
- Promote first mile / last mile concepts.
- Compliance with AB 32 and SB 375
- Work on the ATP project is expected to be complete by mid-2016.
For more information, contact Transportation/GIS Manager Mike Behen at 661-267-5337. For more information on the grants, visit www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/atp/index.html.
eminent domain soon to come says
I hope everyone reading these comment knows the future impact of ANY houses that get in the way of the “new project”. Eminent domain – if you are not willing to sell your house they will give you a “fair market value” for your house. People are going to be FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOUSES!!!We don’t need new bike lanes or signage- WE NEED MORE LIGHTS TO SLOW CARS DOWN! Besides it’s not like ANYONE is encouraged to go take a walk on these streets, this stretch of Palmdale is sketchy and full of people dangers.
Greg says
Looking at the area using Google maps with satellite view I see only a few homes that will be very close to the sidewalk (within a few feet) but they will lose that dirt parking area in front of their homes. Some appear to have fenced in public right of way areas illegally so they will of course have to move the fences. I see zero homes that need to be moved/destroyed.
just not right says
I appreciate the comment BUT if you were to have attended the meetings for this they said around no more than a dozen homes will be affected. This translates to people being relocated. I just hope these people already know this.
Nikolas says
I’ve lived in the Antelope Valley for 25 years.. and that stretch of Ave. R has been like that this whole time, and undoubtedly much longer.
Why has it taken 25+ years to improve this stretch of road?
Same thing with Ave. S… where for so long the road would go from 4 lanes to 2 lanes to 4 lanes to 2 lanes.. I wrote an email to Mayor Ledford about 10 years ago and he had no good answer. Basically, in the case of Ave. S, they City waits for developers to come in and the City forces the developers to improve/widen the road. I’m sorry, the CITY has the responsibility to provide efficient and safe transportation routes/corridors to their citizens. There is no valid excuse for why these roads and streets are not in better condition.
IRay says
Try driving down Ave I or K sometime. I have to get a realignment every time I do.
Greg says
I noticed the eastern section of I has been resurfaced! I was awe struck.
IRay says
The area near 20th West and heading east needs help.
William says
No valid excuse? How ’bout the Great Recession and Palmdale cutting its staff significantly and going to a 4 day work week? Plus, other cuts.
That’s how it’s done. For years, Elizabeth Lake Road went from 4 to 3 to 4 until a housing tract was built on the south side a mile east of 10th Street West and then the 4th lane was completed.
It’s like that pretty much everywhere throughout the valley as new housing and commerical developments are built where there were only 2 lane roads before. They aren’t singling you out.
Mayor Ledford lives on the Eastside, so I’m guessing he’s not skimping on road work to punish himself.
Jacqueline says
That doesn’t help how about 10th all the way to Palmvista ? That would help more with school traffic then Sierra to 25th !! smh who planned this ? I think they need to rethink this .
Jacqueline says
I can’t delete my comment !! Sorry wasn’t thinking right ! Your right that will be Great and help a lot .
Campos says
Why not use the money for better education or better school supply ?? Kids need that money more then side walks it’s been like that for years put that money into good use ..
You must be a liberal says
What good is money for their education of they don’t make it to school because they’re smeared across the road. I used to walk that road as a kid and it was a scary walk. I applaud the efforts of Ledford in actually improving the city, unlike my mayor. All that money would have been pumped in The BLVD or something else that doesn’t help the city.
Joe says
It’s grant money, they have to spend it on what it’s earmarked for. Take it up with the state, read the article!!