PALMDALE – A teen driver and her passenger were transported to the hospital Wednesday afternoon after the vehicle they were riding in collided with a Sheriff’s patrol car in a Palmdale intersection, witnesses said.

The deputy-involved traffic collision occurred around 2:38 p.m. in the intersection of Sierra Highway and Palmdale Boulevard.
Sheriff’s officials have released little details about the crash; however, witnesses at the scene said a Honda Accord traveling eastbound on Palmdale Boulevard crashed into a patrol car that was headed southbound on Sierra Highway.
A man at the scene said his daughter was driving the Honda involved in the collision. The man said he’d rushed to the crash scene after his wife called him at work and told him their daughter had been involved in a crash.
He said investigators at the scene informed him that his daughter, her male passenger, and the deputy involved in the collision had all been transported to the hospital.
The man said he was worried about his daughter because she was an unlicensed driver just three days short of her 18th birthday.
This information could not be confirmed with detectives at the scene. No further information was immediately available Wednesday evening.
Traffic was diverted for several hours to allow for the investigation.
UPDATED 9/25/14: All three parties are doing okay and suffered no serious injuries. The Honda’s driver claims her light was green and she was driving the speed limit, while the patrol car was traveling through the intersection without its sirens activated, according to an online message.
bubblegum says
The parents are stupid.
why the [removed] you letting her drive without a license.
she’s underage oh well your [removed] hunny
Jay says
I was standing outside Palmdale City Hall when this crash happened. The girl is lying as I clearly heard the sirens then a loud crash. Two other patrol cars arrived within minutes of the crash but I know I heard the sirens before the impact.
cinda storm says
I didn’t realize that all the crime in the Antelope Valley was long gone. I assume that is the reason so many commented on the accident by the unlicensed driver into the sherriffs vehicle. Murders, drugs and gangs are a conversation of the past. Maybe the next topic should be about something a little more sustaining.
callitasitis says
The problem is this could have been YOU getting hit by an unlicensed driver. They are also uninsured since an insurance company will only insure a licensed driver. So YOU the insured * licensed driver has the financial burden. The insurance company is a business like all businesses can’t stay in business without money. Those of us who are paying for insured also pay for the uninsured driver. Just look at your insurance bill next time; REALLY look at what you pay for. The unlicensed driver DOES NOT really know the rules of the road. (They do not know what they do not know) It is a major financial burden that is not carried by the unlicensed, the pain of rehab from injuries. The forever aches
Josue says
No sirens? What up cop!
E.T. says
The father ADMITTED that his daughter was unlicensed!!! He rushed to the scene as he was worried about his daughter that she was unlicensed, What kind of parent would let there child knowingly drive without a license?? That is really teaching them to RESPECT the law. Nowhere does it say in the article that the office had lights or sirens on. IF they can blame a accident on a truck driver because of a mistake in his log, (if it was correct, he wouldnt have been at the location) from a day or two prior, then they Damn sure can put the blame on the girl, She should not have been driving as she did not have a license, so she would have never been there.
callitasitis says
The parents are legally liable IF it is their car and they are the owners. They let their unlicensed daughter drive. An unlicensed driver has not received the formal education and training to operate a 2 ton car/track safely on our public road which we all share. This type of collision happens because people do not obey the rules of the road which are rules of SAFETY. Just some advice If a Police/Fire/ Ambulance is entering an intersection even without a sire, I slow down and watch (look and listen) because the thing can change very quickly. It is one of those safety rules about emergency vehicles. People get caught up in their conversations (cellphones) while driving when they should focus on their driving.
John Doe says
How do you know that an unlicensed driver is not properly educated and trained? Licensed just means they paid their fees and passed a few test. I’m saying she should be driving, because she shouldn’t. Just don’t assume people are bad drivers because they don’t have a license since there are plenty of bad drivers that do have licenses.
callitasitis says
Yes, John Doe, it is true many license drivers do violate the rules of the road. The DMV can suspend the license. If the unlicensed driver completed the formal training and passed both written and driving tests would they not have a license issued from the DMV?
Dario says
Do you guys even know how to read? It was unconfirmed information that the girl was unlicensed.
Letlow says
Sorry to say, but the girl is confirming this herself on facebook in a feeble attempt to quash critics. Here is Ms. Ana Sanchez’ comment from facebook:
“You Guys Stay Assuming On Stuff I Swear , Bet Half Of You Guys Making Your Neggative comments Are Unlisenced as Well !”
It seems she still has a lot more maturing to do… Smh
Max says
Wow, big sense of self-entitlement that girl has! 1) Drives with no license. 2) In her opinion she was right and the highly trained and hugely experienced officers were wrong. OK girl, duly noted, your opinion has value: it’s worth what we pay for it LOL
I've seen it all says
It’s amazing that so many people lend their opinions but have absolutely zero information. The story reveals nothing and only one person said they witnessed the accident, but didn’t give an account of what happened!
Keep guessing guys!
moe says
You know everyone here wants to talk [removed] about our LAW ENFORCEMENT well guess what i really hope and pray, none of you never need them. I hope you guys who are talking crap about them never get in a accident, never get rob, never have baby momma drama that you need those cops you are talkin crap about. Because if you do ever need them i hope they are to busy taking care of someone who appreciates what they do. What everyone seems to forget IS COPS ARE HUMAN BEINGS TOO!! They have kids, they have lives outside ofprotecting our [removed]. And outside of protecting the [removed] who take them for granted. You know maybe he was thinking of his son or daughter and wasnt payin close enough attention to the light. But no matter what that girl of the honda had absolutley NO RIGHT to be behind the wheel of a car. I hope her parents and her are held responsible for everything. Teach that girl and her family a lesson before she kills someone!! Or maybe one of you who dont like the cops..who will then have to investigate your sorry [removed] deaths because your families will scream and bitch that “your not getting justice” yeah i net you willwant the cops then.
Scarlette says
The police officials can’t arrive to your house or to you when someone’s threatening to kill you unless your bleeding or dead. Lately they have been turning on the people who they defend. So tell me how safe are we really. They maybe following the law but they do over do it and they only get a slap on the had yet when it occurs to the civilians they get locked up for years or even charged with the death penalty, which they have to wait for years since the death penalty line up is backed up. What I’m trying to say is that there’s things that the police officials do that’s wrong and they know it but they act like it’s irrelevant. And is not fair, if they are like us the people why does some badge all of the sudden make them gods.
grumpy says
can’t always trust the cops these days, there are good and bad ones out there.
Monique says
Well said!!!
Sandra says
Well whatever Happened its always gonna B the girls fault because of license issue and U can’t win with the law enforcement unless you have somebody that knows their rights or have a good lawyer ,,
BigRick says
What the hell was she doing driving without a license? And the parents allowed this? Shame on them! Regardless of who is at fault…. to much BS in the AV with its drivers: drunk, no license, suspended license etc etc etc. As a Palmdale resident, I dont have much sympathy in this matter. Parents need to think twice about what they let their kids do out here. TO MUCH flexability for them. It needs to be reigned in.
Mark says
Cops do not drive any better then unlicensed illegal aliens. Gotta love Palmdale .
John says
Well said.
Sammy says
I was there. Deputy tried to beet the red light.
Captain Obvious says
Sorry Samuel….all other witnesses at the scene (civilians) said the deputy’s lights and sirens were on. He doesn’t need to “beet” the red light when that’s the case. The vehicle states the public must yield to the lights and sirens. Oh but wait, what does this unlicensed girl know about the vehicle code???? Hope they cited the parents too for allowing her to drive while unlicensed. Yep Samuel, that’s in the vehicle code too!
Bob says
I don’t know about that particular Shop, but most shops have their camera on and running as soon as the lights and sirens are activated. Hopefully the video will help clarify what happened. I wish it was released publicly.
callitasitis says
I concur. All emergency vehicles should have a DAS CAM. It would cut down on kind of false statements by all parties involved. High problems intersections should have cameras also NOT for citations only but for unbiased evidence. Like Joe Friday just the facts.
Captain Not So Obvious says
Sorry to you but you are aware that cops CAN NOT just run right through an intersection without making sure it’s clear first right? Apparently you must not be too informed with the law either.
Sorry captain not so obvious, you must be a cop.
callitasitis says
News flash Captain, not a cop ( Prior military NCO). I concur you can not just drive through without any regard to safety but they get the right of way ( legally) DMV pamphlet which reference vehicle codes. I have seen to many people just engaged in other stuff and not focus on their driving, Captain. Hope they do not drive into you, Captain
Sammy says
Like I said. I was there. You weren’t. No lights or sirens.
J says
An employee of mine was at the intersection at the time of the collision. His description was of a squad car crossing the intersection without lights sirens or blinkers. The girl had the green light.
IF the girl has no license, it is her fault simply because she shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.
miffed american says
Well, driving without a license is not good and financially it’s going to be a burden to that family if it turns out she was at fault.
Rankin says
What exactly is the law about stopping on YELLOW light? Everyone here speeds up on yellow….
Just Saying says
If your rear wheels have cleared the crosswalk (or limit line), before the light turns red, you are legally in the intersection. Cross traffic is required to allow the intersection to clear before entering. Speeding up is not illegal if you were below the speed limit to start with. Otherwise, speeding is speeding, intersection or not.
callitasitis says
Slow down and prepare to STOP. What most people do is risky speeding up to get through.
Greg says
If the driver has to speed up then they had time to brake.
Confused says
I’m glad we have so many traffic investigators, and Attorneys on this page it is absolutely great you all can represent her. Pretty comical coming to these pages and seeing all the know it alls determining the outcome of a situation. three sides to a story your side, there side and the truth. Let the professionals handle it. CHP will do the investigation because one agency cannot investigate if they are involved. truth will come out. Ya’ll have an awesome knight.
callitasitis says
Yes, let these be a teaching moment. Do not driving unless you are licensed and insured. The insurance company if the parents have one will NOT cover the cost of these mess. Thank you Confused, hope you are unconfused now.
robert says
It’s because cops think they could do Whatever they wants since they’re cops and nothing ever happens to them because they’re the law. I mean they talk in the phone while driving they don’t use there blinkers to turn and when you call for help they come and harass you at your own home
dumbandblind says
Cite the father of the unlicensed driver with a misdemeanor!
salvador says
thats a lie about vehicle colliding into patrol it was patrol colliding with vehicle, i was a witness of the scene cop tried beating red light with just emergency lights on no sirens !!! SHERIFFS FUALT
crooked cop says
Crooked cops cant even drive
Concerned Nana says
I don’t care WHO was at fault, what concerns me is that the driver of the Honda was unlicensed. What in the world was she doing driving a car without a license???
Marshall says
What concerns me is that she was driving without a license. She will be found automatically at fault because she had no right to be driving the car. I’m pretty sure she will be cited.
Ivette says
Even though she wasn’t licensed it doesn’t automatically make it her fault. But I’m sure they will use that to keep blame off the officer.
rolling_eyes says
Even tho she wasn’t liscensed…are you freaking kidding me???????? I guarantee, if it was you that got hit..from an unlicensed driver, you wouldn’t be saying what you just said…there are reason for the law..follow them
J says
If a person is unlicensed, any accident they are in IS their fault automatically. Simply by default.
If you are not licensed, you are not allowed to be driving therefore, any collision IS your fault because you should not have been there to begin with.
schnopps says
She might have a permit they never mentioned that. The male pasanger coyluld of had a license.
Just Saying says
With a learner’s permit, teens may practice with a parent, guardian, spouse, driving instructor or an adult 25 years or older, who has a valid California driver’s license.
BecausePhysics says
I’m not going to say it wasn’t the Sheriff’s deputies fault, but I can tell you it is extremely hard to collide the side of your vehicle into the front of someone elses car. The Honda CLEARLY collided into the cop car.
I don’t doubt the rest of what you were saying though, as I see cops do this all the time.
SecretSquirrel says
Learn how to [removed]
Always quick to pass judgement. Of course “crooked cop” is a law abiding citizen. Get over yourselves and judge yourself before you judge someone else.
Irena says
If the father was so worried, why did he let his daughter drive without a license in the first place?
Having a license may not have prevented the accident but now she could be liable for medical and repairs for all persons involved if found to be at fault. And if the car was registered under the parents, they may also be financially responsible.
Not a great way to start your adulthood.
gemini says
Hope all involved will be fine. Dang, I wish she had used her head and not driven. What a shame.
LL says