LANCASTER – A 54-year-old Lancaster man accused of punching and body slamming a puppy in an incident that was captured on cell phone video has pleaded no contest.
Robert Emmett Martin pleaded no contest Wednesday to one felony count of cruelty to an animal, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced. A no contest plea has the same legal effect as a guilty plea.
Martin was immediately sentenced to five years formal probation, 90 days of community service and 24 animal cruelty prevention classes. He also was prohibited from having any animal for 10 years.

On Aug. 8, Martin was captured on video brutally abusing his six-month-old pit bull mix named Daisy near 5th Street East and Lancaster Boulevard.
The video (see below) shows Martin swinging the wailing puppy in the air by its leash before slamming the puppy onto the concrete.
Martin can also be heard shouting racial slurs at the man who shot the video, 46-year-old Lindsey Cooks.
At a preliminary court hearing last month, Cooks testified that he began recording Martin after he witnessed Martin cursing at the puppy while punching and kicking the puppy several times in the head.
Cooks said when he warned Martin about the abuse, Martin called him a “ni**er.”
Cooks recorded the incident, then called local deputies to the scene and showed them the video. Minutes later Martin was arrested at his home in the 500 block of East Lancaster Boulevard.
Animal Control officers took custody of the puppy, which was dragging one of its legs and walking with a limp, according to testimony at the preliminary hearing.
“Daisy” spent time in foster care to recover from the mental trauma before she was adopted by a person in San Juan Capistrano.
“She is so sweet, she is now running, jumping playing, eating, drinking… she doesn’t cry in her sleep anymore and finally plays with her toys,” the new owner stated.
Martin will return to court Oct. 2 for a restitution hearing.
**Warning: Video contains graphic images and offensive language**
Previous related stories:
Man ordered to stand trial in Lancaster animal abuse case
Lancaster man pleads not guilty in animal abuse case
Danny says
Looks like the dog was trying to run into the street and he pulled it back or maybe the dog had it coming.
John says
Ya right, Danny. Why let the dog run into the street when you can just yank the dog into your arms and body slam the dog onto the street.
The dog had it coming? I hope you don’t own any animals or have any children because you are a sadistic SOB.
Maria says
Had it coming????? You are as big of a POS as the jerk in the video.
Joan says
Ok slamming the dog on the ground has nothing to do with him going in the street. Did you watch the same video that I did…..Hope you don’t have any dogs.
Barbara says
What was the judge thinking that poor dog got hurt and for the guy that took the video, good job and I am so sorry for what he called you see there are white people who give white people bad names and there are black people who gives black people bad names so yes thank you. That poor dog
makesmesick says
And who’s going to make sure he can not get another dog??? Courts and cops don’t care!!! He’s probably already on the hunt for another poor little victim.. that kind is like that, they NEVER change. He needed jail time or community service working in a shelter cleaning up the dog crap…glad his name and picture is out on the internet at least…hope he gets what’s really coming to him!!! Just saying…
kristen winger says
WHAT?? probation???? its a slap on the wrist……..AGAIN no example set…..and it just proves that it doesn’t matter if it feels pain or is scared……if its not a human its ok. WAY to go!!!!!!!!! not surprised though .
brian says
Seriously!!!! Man judges are pretty much worthless today
Connie Bennett says
Why was the kid laughing? Shouldn’t the adult there also take time to explain, how wrong it was for the old guy to abuse the dog and that it wasn’t funny? Glad it was recorded but, kid laughing is disturbing?!
Iridescent says
Yes that child laughing was very disturbing to me also and Lancaster is the devil’s island. The punishment system there is straight a joke. I am glad my son will be leaving that hell hole today. Poor puppy…
judy smith says
Well his sorry arse face is plastered all over facebook now….he can’t own a dog for 10 years…he got 5 years probation (too bad no jail time) and BEST of all….the puppy has been adopted and will have a great life…..Let this jerk think about the fact that the dog came out the winner!!!!!
His pumishment should have been to wrap a collar around his neck and hang him from a leash from the 4th floor of the court building. Douche bag!
Rigo lopez says
He shud of got 5 years in jail that’s bs probation some one shud do that to him
dottie says
That was one trial on which I would have loved to serve. Too bad the sob plead out.
ThatOneChick says
Please do not allow this man’s community service be anywhere NEAR animals.
Mike C says
Hey Robert Martin, you are a coward. A punk. A b-tch. I wish I would have been the one that witnessed you abusing this dog. There wouldn’t have been any court date for you because I would have smashed your b-tch ass on the spot and took your dog.
Thinisha Magallanes says
So disgusting. He needs help!! Who knows how many innocent animals he has done this to.
Marcy says
To the person who adopted her. . . Thank you for provided us with an update on her well-being. She’s a very lucky dog to have you :)
James Stouvenel says
That video makes me sick.
Horrible treatment to Daisy. Glad she is better now.
James Stouvenel says
Found out the guy is mentally disabled. If he gets that angry. He should be in therapy for his anger. I’m sure if he is regional center client. They will fund it.
gemini says
I agree James. They should have ordered 2 years of anger management classes also.
Mark says
anyone that pulls socks up that high while wearing shorts has some mental issues