LANCASTER – A 50-year-old Lancaster man who allegedly pointed a rifle at court deputies trying to serve an eviction notice was taken into custody Tuesday evening after holding police at bay for several hours.
After firing several rounds at deputy personnel, Stephen Donald Haynes finally surrendered around 7:15 p.m., and he was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for a non-life threatening, self-inflicted, gunshot wound to his jaw, according to a press statement by the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.

During the more than eight-hour standoff, surrounding neighborhoods were locked down and nearby schools evacuated as dozens of deputies swarmed the area near 4th Street East and Avenue J in Lancaster.
It all started around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday when deputies from Court Services went to a Lancaster home in the 44300 block of 4th Street East to serve a court-ordered eviction notice, according to Lancaster Community Relations deputy Miguel Ruiz.
“They were confronted by a male adult, believed to be the resident, who pointed a rifle at them,” Ruiz stated. “The deputies retreated and called for assistance while they contained the home.”
After learning that the suspect had access to several rifles, deputies evacuated the Kinder Care across the street as a precaution. El Dorado Elementary School was locked down and students were eventually released to their parents from the northwest corner. Joshua Elementary was also placed on lockdown during the incident, parents said.

Family members and friends of the suspect began showing up at the scene in an effort to talk the suspect out of the house, witnesses said.
“For several hours, there were numerous attempts to have the suspect exit peacefully. The suspect, however, fired several rounds at deputy personnel,” Sheriff’s officials said in a statement.
As the hours ticked by, the Sheriff Department’s Armored Personnel Carrier arrived on scene with the Special Weapons Team, while a Sheriff’s helicopter hovered overhead.
Deputies from the Sheriff Department’s Crisis Negotiations Team were also on scene attempting to establish contact with the suspect in an effort to bring the incident to a peaceful conclusion.
“The situation concluded after tear gas was deployed into the location. The suspect then surrendered to deputy personnel without further incident,” Sheriff’s officials said in the press statement.
No deputy personnel were reported injured.
Editor’s Note: Story was updated to reflect the latest information.
Bobby says
My family has lived in this neighborhood for almost 50 years and we have known Steve for all his 25 years on the block. Steve is by far the most truest guy on the block. He drank, a lot. So what? Did he ever cause any problems with anyone in the neighborhood? No. He has helped just about everyone around in some fashion or another over the years. The only reason why his dirt bag, puppy abusing neighbor complained about non existing dogs barking is because Steve stopped driving the douche across town. Steve helped a lot of neighbors, but he’s not a push over either. Steve is a very intelligent man, but some people just look at him and judge. Steve told it like it is, one of the most honest, off the cuff guy there. It was a pleasure to have him as a neighbor and a friend. It deeply saddens me that he reached his tipping point of life’s [removed] and made a really, really bad decision. For those neighbors who are hating on him….it’s probably because he knew you were doing something shady.
muchtodoaboutnothing says
Why wait so long? If it started at 10:30, tear gas should have been deployed into the house as soon as he fired the shots….what a waste of man power and money. If they were waiting to evacuate the schools and it took that long…must have been Lancaster cops in charge…soooo slow respond/do anything!!!
Me says
They first tried to talk him out without using bodily harm…Tear gas was fired into the property once he fired the shots. He came out approx. 45 minutes after the first tear gas canister was fired into the property.
Jo says
Wrong there were not ten shots fired.. Need to get the facts ….
Me says
The crazy thing is he was actually offered cash to help him relocate before it went this far. So it’s not as if they (the bank) were throwing him out on the streets. I know it sucks to lose your house, but no pay no stay.
Bailey says
Mr. Haynes was not offered cash to move out of the residence that he owned for over 25 years. So where ever you got your information is incorrect. How about you have more respect for the family as they are grieving right now. The police escalated this not Mr. Haynes. I mean… 3 swat armored vehicles, 30 tear gas rounds, 2 command posts, 3 suicide negotiators, over 100 personnel, a battering ram, a bear cat to pull off the door, really? All for one 50 year old man who was depressed, a known alcoholic with a severe demons that none of us can even fathom. NO one knew what he was going through because he too busy taking care of his neighbors, friends, co-workers and anyone who needed his help. I can guarantee you that after the original individual left who was serving him left he would have succeeded in taking his life… and he still might have.
Me says
Believe me I know way more than you think! “WAY MORE” I don’t care to discuss why or how I know. If he would have been paying his mortgage he would not have been in this position. When you pull a .22 rifle on innocent people/sheriffs you get what you ask for period! So what would you do if a person pulls a rifle to your chest? Just leave? I’m not just posting about [removed] I don’t know! I post only facts. YES he was offered cash to relocate!
Bailey says
If you know so much, then why don’t you enlighten the family as they were completely unaware. Apparently you know his wife (not)… call her and tell her what you know. Steve didn’t talk about this with anyone not even you. So stop making people think you know so much. And my information comes directly from his wife… whose name was on that property and was never notified of any impending action . So again, he was not offered money to move. My facts trump your facts of which are alleged.
Me says
They didn’t know what was going on.. lol I can’t count on my hands and feet how many times I’ve heard that one. You are being told only what they want you to know! Quit telling me to call her. lmao. I could give 2 [removed] if you believe me or not. I’m just tired of all this sugar coated bull. The locksmith and the sheriff were not the first people he held at gun point…but you already knew that right? Let see if you could guess who I’m talking about…. it was a family member! If you do know who I’m talking about why would you not bring that up in any of your comments.. Lets be honest! :) Hell they didn’t even tell you the correct firearm Steve owned. I’m 100% sure he was offered a Cash for relocation! It was offered in English and Spanish! By the way she doesn’t have to be notified its the current occupant that needs to be notified she didn’t live there.. But you already knew that to right? Again I’m not on here trying to make Steve look like [removed] But also I’m not on here to make him look like an angel. It is what it is. Period! Don’t call me a liar. Like I said I know a lot more than you think.
Me says
So you were making false Statements when you wrote this comment “Mr. Haynes was not offered cash to move out of the residence that he owned for over 25 years.” because you then said “And my information comes directly from his wife… whose name was on that property” Looks like you are the one that is trying to make people think you know more than you really do?
Me says
I really don’t want to sit here and go back and forth about these peoples life. So take it for what its worth. I know the true isn’t always nice to hear, But Regardless of what he did or was in the past its what is going on currently and its really bad! :(
notrubpc says
I have read all the comments regarding this incident. I must say your comments really stand out. I’m curious how you have so much information on Mr Haynes. Are you a member of the family, a member of the law enforcement community (bless their hearts for all they do), a neighbor, friend of the family or relative?
Everyone is entitled to voice their comments in this format. Your comments seem to garner the most responses. I am really curious. If you don’t feel comfortable responding to me in this open format, my e-mail is notrubpc@yahoo.com. Look forward to hearing from you soon…
Me says
You know I’m not sure as to why they want to argue or why they are commenting so much about what I say. I simply stated “he was offered help to relocate and not just being thrown out on the streets”. I never talked bad about the man in any of my comments. Everybody has hard times some worst then others. As for how I know about the whole situation I’m none of the above.. I have been dealing with this property and Steve for a awhile now. I was the one that Steve pulled his .22 rifle on as I was accessing (drilling out the locks) the property for the sheriffs dept. so they could serve the eviction notice. I witnessed the whole thing from start to finish. Even after being held at gun point I do not hold any resentment towards Steve and have not put him down in any way. Like I said I have no hard feelings towards Steve or his family and I really wish them all the best.
bast says
Are you serious!!? “No pay no stay” what do you call 25 years paying tribute to the demon bankers? Why are public paid employees doing the bankers’ dirty work? This story stinks on so many levels! Pushing a man and his family out of house and home Is heinous, given these circumstances..
Me says
I am very serious! He never paid the property off so I don’t care if it was 50 years he paid! So what your telling me is along as you pay for 25 years you should be able to stay the rest of the time for free? “Demon bankers” are you serious? Shows what you know. There is a lot more that you do NOT know so maybe you should try and prevent yourself from being an internet wise guy ;) So tell me…. if you owned a house and rented it out for 25 year and then all the sudden your renters stopped paying? would you let them keep the house for free? While you pay property taxes and all other fee involved? I Bet not! lets not forget that it wasn’t a month or two that he wasn’t paying. I will not discuss much more with you but it was a long time since he paid. You speck with no facts.
danette says
Hey me, I find myself wondering how you seem to have all the so called info. Whether the so called info be right, wrong,or indifferent you will spit it out.I noticed your name is me, well my turn to be right, wrong or indifferent .Man-up! you say your filled with the truth yet your called me, that’s the real truth. I will say it again big fingers, little brian. Respect is something you lack, makes me wonder what you yourself have to hide, big skeletons in your closet I bet.
Me says
Nothing to hide. :) I Just don’t need the added attention. My fingers are not big that’s for sure. Man-up?? Because I wont tell you my name? Why do I need to give my name to speck the truth?? I lack respect? How? I’m not sitting on here down grading Steve? If I have please quote me.
Al says
I applaud the police for their exhaustive efforts to handle this carefully and successfully. I will gladly testify to their good police work. If Steven Haynes would have left in the first place none of the expense of all this would have had to occur. The drama unfolded as it did because of Stephen Haynes’ own choice to terrorize the police and the neighborhood with firearms and endanger many lives including his own. Stephen Haynes did not own the house he refused to get out of. The actual owner had to file a legal eviction to get him off his property and Mr Haynes was first given time and opportunity to move on his own. The police were simply doing their job getting him out, it was nothing personal. Anyone who points guns at police is committing a felony and the police endangered their own lives confronting Stephen Hayne’s out of control behavior. After all don’t forget 2 children’s schools had to be evacuated and the whole neighborhood on lockdown. People lost whole days of work taking off for fear about the safety of their own families. The police tried every possible alternative measure with Mr Haynes before forcefully removing him. They tried for 9 hours in hot sun without bathrooms, without water (except for what local residents shared) all just trying to negotiate with Mr Haynes and give him every opportunity to come out peacefully without harming himself or others. It was Mr Hayne’s own fault they had to resort to forcible means to get him off the property so the rightful owner could get his property back. Who would enjoy having to go through all that with a house you owned? A non paying person who had to be foreclosed on refusing at gunpoint to get off the property. How long would you tolerate a drunken freeloader on your property who in the end would endanger whole neighborhood including children by shooting firearms out of your house. The poor property owner now has a house damaged with teargas and the front door ripped off. I and many other people do not find Stephen Haynes to fit the definition of a “nice guy” at all. We are thankful he has been finally removed from the neighborhood. People with behavior like his get locked up because they fit the definition of being a menace to society.
Debbie says
The “poor property owner” is undoubtedly the bank who foreclosed on this man after he lived and paid his mortgage for over 20 years. Did Mr. Haynes make wrong choices on the way he handled this? Yes. I do wonder, however, if any of this is related to the mortgage loan practices of the recent past. Again I wonder if Mr. Haynes tried to work with the bank for years to get this resolved only to face a maze of poorly trained bank employees who would lose paperwork, emails, and files and other bank employees would rewrite rules as they went along.
Maybe some of us can with a bit of humanity can still find a smidgeon of compassion for Mr. Haynes.
Bailey says
Mr, Haynes was not a free loader. All the news stories did not even give the correct details. Ask a family member what really happened and you will have a completely different perspective. The police took this event to the extreme. As the “WE” from the neighborhood… I have spoken to every neighbor with the exception of Dominic and “Paula” and everyone has told me he was the most generous person they have ever known and he would do anything for them and not even charge them for the work. Stephen was an exceptionally intelligent man who would do anything for anyone… even Dominic his neighbor. OH and as for the police doing everything possible to get him to come out peacefully… you are SO WRONG. The police wouldn’t even allow his family to speak to him. They would have resolved the issue before even the first officer arrived. The only firearm Mr. Haynes had was a small caliber hand gun that he undoubtedly took his life with. So again, the police escalated this not Mr. Haynes
Shay says
Did he even take his own life? No reports say that he is deceased. Says he was treated for a non-life threatening wound.
Bailey says
Mr. Haynes is still in the ICU unit with life threatening injuries. The man is on a machine that is breathing for him. So while he may not be deceased the injuries sustained are critical.
Me says
Sorry but you are Wrong again. He had a .22 rifle! The same one he pulled on the locksmith and officer. I think you may have spoken to the wrong family because your facts are pretty far off. That’s like saying “ask the bank robber what happen”…. he’ll tell you he didn’t rob the bank. A lot of people fail to mention all the facts in fear it will make the person look bad. Sorry to call you out like this but it had to be done.
Me says
Please enlighten me on how the police escalated this situation? The last I remember he opened the door with a .22 rifle drawn. Sorry but once again I had to challenge your facts? Or lack there of.
Bailey says
Again, call his wife and she will tell you. Oh, I forgot you don’t know her so how can you possibly know what really happened.
Me says
I have her Number and Actually I know her pretty well. I also know her daughter and son as well. So Think again. You haven’t the slightest idea who you are talking to.. lol. Like I said I know a lot more than you think. I don’t have to call her and ask her anything I already know the situation first hand.. So take it for what its worth. I don’t want to blast their personal info on this website.
JO says
Maybe they should of let the family talk to him and this wouldn’t have blown up to a big fiscal. If you have been ever been involved with someone depressed and unable to cope with life itself you would realize that maybe just maybe it could of been or should have been handled a little differently.
I actually have worked with people in this state of mind and feel there probably would have been a better outcome if his family could have talked him out. But they wouldn’t allow this, FACT.
I know the facts probably better than your do. Your probably one of those neighbors that think they know everything but have very limited facts unless fed to you by another busy body.
Judgemental day will come for all of us. We will see how perfect we all are at that time.
Maybe we should ask Steve who “me” is since he thinks he knows so much about is personal business.
"Big G" says
Sir, (Al). you are typical of the “Past” society. You passed through life learning almost nothing of what it takes to contribute. You are probably one that never ever served his country, his spouse, the community or a neighbor. Your type past your driving test, past some menial qualifications some where and received some sort of “I have arrived” employment. More then likely some one helped you. You past through this situation unscathed also, not offering any assistance to your fellow man accept this poor analysis of unfounded crap! Crap because you did not know him, you did not take the time. He was, and still is( regardless of what you spew) a man with a “good” heart, “a valleyite!” A hard working man who cared to share his intelligence and experience with others. It is sad sir, for you….that you did not get the chance to shake his hand, for I believe you would of had to look into his eyes, feel his grip and acknowledge his unwavering commitment to helping you. He helped, and cared about others in his work for sure. I do not even know him well, but in contrast to your ideas, he shines like a diamond! He has problems, he knows that! You kick a man when he is down! You do not even know! People…in this valley love him. Just not you!! As for the police, they have a job to do, money to make and the bureaucracy of a ungrateful nation on there back. They do what they are directed. Overkill on this one, I say “hell yes!!!” A terrible man “hell no!”Now go back to your easy chair and T.V., we’ll handle it from here!
Turd Ferguson says
Good thing we had LEAPS.Good thing we had LEAPS.How else would we know a contained man surrounded by dozens of Sherriffs was in the house?How else would we know a contained man surrounded by dozens of Sherriffs was in the house?Are you kidding me?Are you kidding me?Paris made them write a story saying LEAPS helped?Paris made them write a story saying LEAPS helped?What a crock of poo.What a crock of poo.The Sherriffs heliocopter could have done that for free.The Sherriffs heliocopter could have done that for free.But we pay $90,000.00 a month.But we pay $90,000.00 a month.For what?For what?To take video of a man trapped inside a house?To take video of a man trapped inside a house?Here is a hint.Here is a hint.If he does not come out a door or window he is still in the house.If he does not come out a door or window he is still in the house.You do not need a $90,000 worthless LEAPS to tell you that.You do not need a $90,000 worthless LEAPS to tell you that.That is $90,000.00 for 10 years.That is $90,000.00 for 10 years.Which is $10,800,000.00.Which is $10,800,000.00.That goes to a Paris cronie.That goes to a Paris cronie.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.The birdie sounds are not working.The birdie sounds are not working.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Not A Criminal says
Bummed he didn’t take any cops out :(
dumbandblind says
What a thing to say! How about you do the job of the LASD and see if you could have done better. You must be a friend of this dirtbag. Too bad you weren’t involved or else it probably could have made CNN.
lu_cat says
Well said!
AVHC says
I agree.
You're a punk! says
You can always step up to the plate and suffer the consequences! Why wait for someone else? You step up and be a hero….
lu_cat says
Impressively smart thing to say.
Jt says
What a Douche NOZZLE! do society a favor and don’t breed! it is ignorant dumb A&& people like you that is the problem with society! obey the law(s) and you will never have to worry about the cops!
bird says
Jt That halo you’re wearing must be weighing pretty heavily on you these days. Oh that’s right people that are self-righteous don’t wear halos.
William says
The most ‘self-righteous person’ on this website just replied to you calling you self-righteous.
Isn’t that hilarious if not the most hypocritical comment in days?
bird says
William—Now you know that isn’t true William. You are universally obnoxious and vile to everyone therefore I could never be offended by your comments. I know how you bully and abuse everyone you come in contact with online. Have a nice day, actually I don’t think you know how to.
bird says
William—I forgot to mention that you really need to stop projecting. People that have read your comments know that you are the most self-righteous, hypocrite.
Bailey says
Mr. Haynes was not that kind of person. He actually had many friends in the sheriffs department here in Lancaster and they are all as confused about the events as his family. My understanding is that he hit his tipping point and snapped. It could happen to anyone. He was not a violent man he wouldn’t have hurt anyone but himself… and that’s what happened.
Henry Taylor says
God as we know him is a super nice guy. Don’t pass judgement on people you don’t know. My heart goes out to his dad don, and his daughter. I’m sorry god, I know what you were feeling losing your home, wrong approach for sure, but you’ll survive I promise!!
sandy says
I agree Henry… He is a great guy.. and Loved by many
Paula says
It should be emphasized that this guy has an extreme case of alcoholism spanning decades.. There has never been an occasion over past five years that we have seen him when he was not red faced drunk. He even showed up at neighborhood watch meeting drunk and belligerent. One of his direct neighbors, a senior, said they had been tormented by Stephen Haynes’ refusal to subdue the barking at night coming from the caged dogs he kept outside..and as a result of this indifference to his making his neighbors life miserable, that neighbor was planning to try to sell his house and move. Pointing a rifle and shooting rounds at police just demonstrates clearly this guy should have had no right to posess any firearms to begin with. As far as myself and several other neighbors feel, we are more than thankful to have him out of this neighborhood. It is pathetic that his neighborhood “friends” knew of his extreme alcoholism and yet allowed him to hang out drinking in their garage on a regular basis, in front of their own children. As I said, good riddance from our neighborhood in any case. I am tired of seeing him stumble drunk up and down the street, setting a bad example for the neighborhood’s young people. I hope they do drug and alcohol testing while he is in jail, and I hope his plan includes addiction counseling and treatment from a psychiatric facility for his own sake.
Sandy says
It is pathetic that you are so judgmental on a guy that would give his shirt off his back if you needed it. I have know this guy for 25 years and he would do anything for anyone.
Yes he was an alcoholic. If you read any medical lecture you would know that it is a disease. There are 13 million people in our country that need treatment for alcohol disorders. Approximately 50% of people have a serious mental illness have a substances abuse problem. So read up on the subject before you cast stones at your neighbor.
Maybe if more people had compassion for one another our world would be a better place.Were you present when he “shot the gun”. No so please don’ make accusations on facts you no nothing about.
Yes he does need Medical help in which he will get now. God is his judge not you.
An another thing he had one dog and it was loved along with his cat both were in inside.
I’m sure glad I don’t live in your neighborhood such a loving and complaisant person.
Al the "Neighbor in Garage" says
Paula, I have known Steve for over 20 years and he is considered a great family friend. Yes, Steve has left my house a little tipsy but has never hurt anybody. As a matter of fact Steve has probably helped all the neighbors between his house and my house, Dominique being one of them. Once Steve told Dominique that he was no longer taking him to the store, then Dominique started to complain about the dogs.
Paula, come on over and I’ll tell you some of the great stories that I shared with Steve. But once Steve is available, you can be sure that there will always be a seat in my garage for my Brother Steve.
Sandy says
Wow your a little ignorant on the subject. Alcoholism is a disease. There are over 13 million Americans with problem with Alcoholism and 50 % of them have some sort of mental illness sometime in their life time.
If you were educated in this matter you would know that the person has to want help in order to seek help.
I knew his guy for over 25 years. He is a great and kind person. He would give the shirt off his back if you needed it. There were several occasion I can personal say that on a daily bases he has helped someone with something and ask for nothing in return. I glad I’m not in your neighborhood do you talk about and pass judgement on all your neighbors? Sounds like it..
Did you actually see him shoot the “gun”? Don’t make accusations unless you have facts.
Remember God will judge him not you…
And another thing he didn’t cage his animals he was good to his animals and took very good of his blind cat.
Ya and no worries he will get the help he deserves Medically and from God.
Anonymous says
Paula, maybe you should keep your mouth shut because you don’t know the entire situation. Alcohol problems or not, he was the nicest person you will ever meet and as for the next door neighbor. He’s the biggest asshole and liar that I have ever meet. Steve has lived in that house for 25 years. That’s his block. If you have a problem, kick rocks.
Anonymous says
Hey Paula, btw this is slander and defamation of character which by itself is a reason for a law suit. I’ll be sure to make sure the family sees this and don’t worry I’ve already printed this.
Irena says
Before you go off about lawsuits, understand what it is all about.
None of what Paula wrote would be considered grounds for a lawsuit
Can't accept the truth hug! says
Since when is the truth slander? Just because you don’t like the fact that the truth, as she know it, is being said doesn’t make it slander…..you should be sued for spewing ignorance……he’s lucky he wasn’t killed! He was obviously so out of it, he failed at trying to kill himself. Yeah, he’s a nice guy!
Bailey says
Mr. Haynes may not have failed to do what he intended and yes, he is a nice guy. as for Paulas truth… Mr. Haynes did not actually fire on police. And let’s talk about the neighborhood watch meeting… Mr. Haynes was upset because a select few neighbors wanted to have a program and he believed that ALL the neighbors should have been invited. He was standing up for equality and wanted everyone to be involved and not just the select few who were the busybodies of the neighborhood. So again, why are you people believing what one individual is saying over those who actually knew him is the ignorance. And as for the “senior” this man who moved in a few years ago, he was not being terrorized by the barking dogs as “Paula” states. So while it may not be slander there are sure a lot of statements that are not true.
Debbie says
If you had taken the opportunity to get to know this man you may have discovered that he is generous, kind and smart. Yes he has his demons and yes he needs help, but unless you know and understand his background don’t judge him. As one the neighbors who has known him for decades, I am not thankful to have him out of the neighborhood and I am deeply saddened by this turn events.
Sandy says
Paula your the kind of neighbor that people like to stay away from.. Your probably the busy body of the neighborhood.
Steve was a GREAT GUY. He wasn’t himself on Tuesday and if you knew him you would not make those unkind remarks about him. He has kids that are grieving right now and other loved one, so reading your unkind thoughtless remarks is uncalled for.
So until you walk in some else shoes that is such a dark place and can’t get out, you should keep your comments to yourself.
Also, by the way the other neighbors he used to visit, he treated them like family. They are also great people and made Steve know his friends loved him for who he was and did not prejudge him, like his other neighbor.
CHILD of "pathetic neighborhood “friends.”" says
You sure have something big to say when you know so little behind the man “Paula”. A bad example for neighbors and young people? Like Lancaster isn’t already upside down because of gangs and violence. If he was really as bad as you claim in this comment “Paula” you would of said something and complained BEFORE this happened. I could disappear tomorrow and people would come out the next day saying all the bad things I did. That wouldn’t make me a bad man. You should speak for yourself and not “several other neighbors” because I see several of my neighbors on here telling you opposite. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed “Paula”.
lu_cat says
Your willingness to be honest and outspoken is appreciated! Ignore the low-lifes who’ll dump their misplaced sympathy for their low-life friend here, and their lack of common sense on you.
Bailey says
It’s interesting that those of you who are commenting on this site are so willing to believe a single individual who apparently did not even know Mr. Haynes over the individuals who knew him best. Yes, this was a terrible event but just because someone may not do what you think is right doesn’t mean they were not a great person. Paula does not have common sense, or honesty. She is just ranting about an individual she did not like for what ever reason. These “Lowlife friends” are teachers, city workers, nurses, doctors, sheriffs, and upstanding citizens. I wonder if “Paula” is on state aid and we are paying for her just as Mr. Haynes was paying for her. Mr. Haynes never missed a day of work in his life and he never had any legal issues. Maybe we should not judge him before we know what really happened to this man.
Mark says
He can live in the big house now. I’m figuring this guy must have been white or the cops would have just killed him.
Mzs says
Well just another good old day in the the great city of lancaster.
lisa douglas says
Great Job to All The Lancaster Sheriff Dept. For Protecting&Serving Yesturday.You Guys&Gals are Awesome!God Protect Your Lives Each&Everyday Forward!
gemini says
I ditto that Lisa!
AVHC says
Give it a rest. When was the last time an AV cop was killed. Sometime around the 5th of never?
AVer says
We’ve lost several AV deputies over the years. Can’t remember… wasn’t Sorenson the last one?
You're a punk! says
You spew so much hatred about cops, yet you hide behind your computer. How bout you do us all a favor and go kill yourself! The cops are out there trying to make it safe for punks like you, yet you can’t appreciate their sacrifice. You are no doubt THE disgrace to your family!
lu_cat says
danette says
I have known Steve for many years, to sit here and read all the negative remarks from such an ignorant group of people is disgusting. Big fingers, little brains. This is a time for prayers. find example of mans kindness. Get a life!! Steve,s heart is filled with love and although he has a problem with alcohol, that does not take away all the kindness this man has always shown. This man was asking for help, his friends stand by him. The neighbors whose garage steve visited are great people. Some of you should be so lucky to have such remarkable friends.I close these comments with this, love thy neighbor, glad paula isn,t my neighbor because I would have to really work hard to accomplish love that neighbor. My love to Steve and his family, Danette