A 31-year-old man whose pack of pill bulls mauled a woman to death in Littlerock last year has been found guilty of second-degree murder.

The jury on Friday also found Alex Donald Jackson guilty of cultivating marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale and possession of a controlled substance, psilocybin, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. The jury also found true an allegation that Jackson was armed with a shotgun during the commission of the offense.
The case stems from the brutal death of 63-year-old Pamela Devitt. On May 9, 2013, Devitt was walking in the desert near her Littlerock home when she was attacked and killed by four pit bulls belonging to Jackson, according to court testimony.
An autopsy revealed that Devitt sustained about 150-200 puncture wounds and died of sharp force trauma.
Evidence shown at trial proved that other victims had been attacked by Jackson’s pit bulls on several prior occasions.
Jackson also had a marijuana grow operation at his residence on the 37000 block of 115th Street E, as revealed during trial testimony. Eight dogs were seized from his house and four of them had Devitt’s DNA on their fur, prosecutors said.
Police testified that during a search of Jackson’s property they also found psilocybin.
Jackson is scheduled to be sentenced October 3 at the Antelope Valley courthouse.
He faces 24 years to life in state prison.
Previous related stories:
Dog mauling murder trial set for August
Update on area murder cases: Jackson, Shipley to stand trial for murder
Dog owner charged with murder in Littlerock mauling death
Victim ID’d in fatal mauling, fate of captured dogs uncertain
Eight dogs seized in deadly mauling of 63-year-old woman
Woman dead after vicious dog mauling
Bonnie witten says
do not and will not feel sorry for this looser. He knew his dogs were getting out and attacking people on horseback. He didn’t care and the only reason he is crying now is he is going to prison, poor baby, anyone who followed the story could see he was negligent, he cared about his drugs, and that’s it. The husband is a saint for not holding a grudge, as his wife is never coming back, but knowing how she suffered is heartbreaking, animal control had plenty of complaints and I hold them partly responsible for loss of life, it’s was only an emergency to get the dogs after this lady was already dead so sad. This looser got what he deserved and my heart goes out to the husband and her family members for their loss.
Ray S. says
Anyone who defends this criminal and/or his lack of TOTAL responsibility for these deadly dogs is an idiot (av chic). The ignorance and stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me. Law makers really need to wake up to just how deadly these dogs are. They KILL and brutally injure MANY people every year.
david G says
Dogs get out it happens I don’t think he should do 24 to life maybe just 24 I have had dogs get out also had a bite LAB bite a kid with no reason at all and he was a good dog one day in front of everyone he decided to chase down and bite a kid thank god he didn’t die or I’d be facing life in prison.
Nancy P says
I agree with you david G. This sentence seems a bit extreme. His dogs got out. It’s not like he trapped her and had the dogs attack her and kill her. Sex offenders, drunk drivers and murderers are getting less time that he is.
AV Resident says
Ok just think It was not that lady it was your MOM or one of your kids or Dad who got killed in that horrible way torn up in pieces by someone’s careless way when you know you have aggressive dogs you take action and secure them I have a lil Chihuahua and I make sure no kids get near him im there cause he is a lil attack dog but if im there he is nice Couse he knows ill smack him. So I Think this guy knew his dogs where dangerous but dint care. And on other crimes they should get more time than 25 yrs rapist child molesters LIFE or Execute them save on tax payers money.
DogOwner says
His dogs were regularly out of the yard and not fed well. His actions caused his dogs to hunt outside of his yard. So not controlling his animals and abuse of the animals.
It then escalated further when his dogs attacked a human. Killing that human, and attacking others that attempted to rescue the woman. His inaction of proper feeding and controlling his animals led to this.
The dogs were put down for acting as dogs will. So by extension of his inaction he led to the killing of his pets, some might call that murder.
So multiple counts of animal abuse, the death of a human, attacks on other humans and possibly unreported attacks and deaths of pets/wildlife in the area, plus as I recall drug charges for distribution. Add it up and he gets quite a few years to think about what is important and how to act as a responsible human being.
grumple says
I make sure to let people know that if their pitt bull attacks my child or children……
I will not only kill the dog but I will kill the owner of the dog with great pleasure for being so stupid as to own such a dangerous breed.
DogOwner says
The breed is really not all that dangerous as a whole. I would worry more about people that make huge judgement calls with little to no personal experience and threaten to kill others based on that. There is a dangerous breed – ignorant humans. There are plenty of them too. All different kinds.
AV Resident says
David keep your dog on a leash if your dog bit my kids ohhhhhh ill make sure he wont bite anyone again and if you where against that well then we would have to fix that another way ?
Trent says
I think this man is related to James Jackson whom was arrested and is a suspected white supremacist.
avchick says
wow both of you are ignorant people and make me sick , just cuase those were his dogs dose not mean it is his fault AND VERY SAD THAT HE GOT SUCH A HARSH SENTENCE! he is not a murdurer , justice system is so [removed] its sad way sad……..
Irena says
He was the owner of those dogs. He had been cited before for them roaming loose. How is he not responsible for their actions? Why didn’t he ensure that they couldn’t get out?
dogs says
avchick–I doubt you would be feeling the same way if someone you loved was ripped apart by a pack of dogs. This isn’t the first time they roamed loose and caused havoc. He was aware of what these dogs were capable of, and he didn’t care. This poor woman died a horrible death! It’s not the dogs fault it’s his fault.
j says
Ah he’s not just facing life for the dog attack/manslaughter alone he has multiple drug charges against him also plus he’s probably a ex felon just an uneducated guess on my part though. I have had 3 pit bulls none of them have ever been aggressive towards people one had issues with certain dogs but not all.
J says
Hope he gets life! Maybe they could just stick him in a cage of vicious dogs???
Dman says
Yeah again a stereotype you read the story and fault blame on the dogs try reading into it moron the woman didn’t deserve what happened nor did the owner want it to happen they got out it happens with all dogs. The woman had no business in the dessert anyway she was elderly and had the possibility of being killed by a mountain lion or even a pack of coyotes. Don’t say it isn’t possible because it has happened before she should have walked around her neighborhood even then she is at risk of any dog getting out. Something you should think about before calling some one a name those dogs were all rescued well nourished and loved very much
jim says
The woman had no business jogging in her neighborhood?
There have been no, none, Zero, ZIP, Coyote or Mountain Lion attacks here in the AV since I lived here for 20 years. That does not include Coyotes eating dogs and cats, of course.
My dogs have never “GOT OUT”, it only happens if the owner is lax on controlling his pets. And Pit Bulls are dogs that if not trained properly, or raised with love and compassion, can become brutal.
The owner deserves to be convicted by the jury, it was not the first time his dogs terrorized his neighbors. He did nothing right by his dogs. Now the wheel of justice turns.
j says
Jim I agree with you the owner was clearly careless but to say the breed becomes brutal if not given attention is not an accurate statement by any means! I have been around rescued pits that were used as fighting dogs and bait dogs and they were the some of the most loving affectionate dogs I have been around. Granted they are much more stable if properly bred and well cared for pit bulls were never bred to be aggressive towards people the were bred to fight bulls for sport and to fight other dogs in a ring but responsible breeders look for those negative traits and try to breed that out of their bloodline it’s back yard breeders who line breed their dogs (line breed = inbreeding) that make aggressive dogs. Look back to the 80’s when Doberman pinchers were the popular dogs they were the pit bulls of the 80’s due to poor breeding methods and the 90’s when rotts were the popular breed to have it was the same.
Done says
This is what happens when societies idiots have to be “gangster chic” and own miniature attack werewolves. He should get life without parole and pit bulls should be banned, rounded up and exterminated, they’re useless, just like people who own them to be “gangster chic.”
Irena says
She was attacked by a pack of dogs, not just 1 or 2. And this wasn’t the first time those dogs have attacked someone.
The owner was irresponsible. Why did he allow his dogs to get out on numerous occasion? Just because they are well taken care of doe not mean that they won’t become aggressive.
Why are you blaming the victim?
Bonnie witten says
Damon this looser will spend time in prison right where he belongs, he was a drug dealer and kept the dogs to keep people off his property, and last time I checked we live in America and this lady had ever right to walk her neighborhood. Not feeling sorry for jackson glad they gave him the sentence he so deserved.
Danny says
Good! Just another dirt bag
seimore says
your a dirt bag looser just cause his dogs did it dont make him a dirt bag
jim says
His dogs, his responsibility. Just the same as not teaching children from the time they are toddlers. Parenting and pet ownership are responsibilities accepted when you start the process.
Parents are very responsible for the children in their care. If they become punks, look to the parents for bad or negligent care.
Pets reflect the training and care the owner gives them.
I have had dogs all my life. No one was bitten by them.
One girl did fall over when my Lab drooled on her bare leg, I admit that. ( She was eating B-B-Q chicken at the time so she had some complicity in the actions of my dog).