LANCASTER – A 22-year-old man and a 24-year-old man sustained non-life-threatening injuries early Saturday morning, after both were shot multiple times outside a Lancaster nightclub, authorities said.
Gang detectives responded to help investigate the shooting, which occurred around 1:37 a.m. outside a nightclub in the 1200 block of West Avenue I, according to Lancaster Community Relations Deputy Miguel Ruiz.
“Deputies responded to 10th Street West and Avenue I regarding a call about a gunshot victim. A short time later, deputies received a call from the Antelope Valley Hospital about another gunshot victim in their Emergency Room,” Ruiz stated.

“The investigation determined that both victims were injured from the same shooting… The victims received several non-life-threatening gunshot wounds,” Ruiz continued.
Responding deputies found at least a dozen shell casings in the nightclub’s parking lot, Sheriff’s officials said.
Witnesses at the scene said a gunshot victim ran to 10th Street West before collapsing in a Taco Bell drive-thru.
The second gunshot victim was transported by friends to Antelope Valley Hospital, witnesses at the scene said.
Both victims are Lancaster residents. Detectives are still looking for the gunman, and there is no suspect information at this time, Ruiz stated.
Anyone with information on this incident is urged to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.
Bob says
“They told me flat out “you don’t want to live in this area”.
Don’t believe the realtor. Always ask a deputy.
joe says
They may not have named the location, but at least they covered the story. They don’t even cover the stabbings that occur at 2797 West Avenue L.
lorilori says
Who cares where it was! Everyone is focusing on the location and not what really happened. There was a shooting and ppl were injured. Focus on the crime not the location.
c'mon says
LOL The Back Door hasn’t got this much publicity in years. I bet they are eating it up. Listen up both of the victims made statements that they was at either places. One of the victims friend said ” we took a short cut threw the alley going home. One of our enemies was standing in the parking lot on side his car before we could run gun shots rang out and we ran.”
Dorthy says
Like one poster said we go from Patron down there to dance. The lies are the underage drinking & no security guard. I support this young black man business like I do Patron. If this is an employee of Patron please stop telling lies. How would you know if they had no security guard or underage drinking unless you was there??? So you admit you where at Pratron and went down there?
ugh ppl says
First of all.. you all sound so stupid. If u don’t know what happened dont sit there and try to figure it out by putting wat u hear or mite have hear together to make up a story.. I dont know the story but I work at av hospital and I am taking care of the victims. . And he told me the whole story as to wat happen and why it happened and who it was but im not going to sit here and tell it to you but cuz thats none of your guys business. . But just know all of your stories are wrong
yes-I-did says
Patron is a ghetto club, lets be honest about it its as ghetto and gay as it gets. I know the other place did have a few private parties and fashion shows and events for customers for the store to help clebrate their anniversary and Patron customers get drunk at Patrons and try to go over there because Patron is ghetto. When the Patron crowd get turned away they get upset and try to offer money to get in. When they get in and realize you cant drink or smoke like at Patrons they tend to party outside in the parking lot. If you lived in Lancaster awhile you know that most parking lots become gatherings for hanging out. I live right behind both stores and I can tell you the owner of the clothing store is very nice man and I still owe him money. He actually helps everyone out in the community when he can. How many of you seen Patrons helping the community out? I heard the shots and went over to his store and it was closed and I called him to tell him what happened. He showed up the next day and I explained to him what happened. What happened was their was a fight in the parking lot, the guy left and then came back some people was sitting out in the parking lot a fight broke out and then shooting. The new owners of Patron shouldn’t try to place blame on anyone and to say that nothing has ever happened back there is a lie. I live right across from you. I cant tell you how many times I called the cops to come out because of fights. Now if Patrons want to talk about something lets talk about how many people got sick from those tacos they was selling out the front of the window.
Dorthy says
First of all if you are going to speak up on something speak the truth. Both shooters was from Patrons. But you did get have of it right. The owner of the clothing store let his nephew have a birthday party there. It was suppose to be at a cousins house but she has house parties all the time and his mother didnt want him to have it there. It was mostly family and friends and then other people starrted showing up and then the mother who was there with her sister montioring everything noticed people started showing up that wasnt invited and showed his mom so flyers on their phone and she noticed it had the cousins address on it and the crowd was coming there. She pulled the plug and called the owner and the party was shut down before midnight. But some people decided to stay in the parking lot and not go home. Two guys walked up the alley was walked over to another guy coming out of patrons who had to be at least 40 with his wife and son and thats when the shooting started. there was a guy filming the entire incident and I’m pretty sure it will show up on youtube or world star some time soon. But when it does you can see it clearly started outside of Patrons and the other place was already closed down. The very next day the nephew had his party in Palmdale. If you look under master mind on facebook you will see him and the DJ that was there that night and that he continued his party on Saturday. So quit blaming the owners of either establishments. This was crazy ghetto people acting a fool like always.
Rated R says
It was not La Cantina Del Patron which use to be known as the backdoor. So for all those misleading previous comments from individuals who were neither there and possibly upset that the club is no longer classified as a gay bar. The new La Cantina Del Patron is open to all and offers something for everyone. Every night is not exclusive to hip hop and it never will be. The incident took place at the opposite end of the parking lot were a store owner who turns his retail store space into a club on certain desired nights attemlted to open a new club known as Club 661. The flyer for the event is circulating on facebook as evjdence and has been given to local authorities. A press release from a representative at La Cantina Del Patron will be released next week clearing the clubs name from the incident. We have never had a incident since the name switched 5 months ago…
While it was unfortunate that two men were shot, it had nothing to do with the club. Last night the club was open for business and had an extremely successful night. So until you entertain a evening at the all new La Cantina Del Patron please do not speak negatively with regards to the club.
The incident took place at CLUB 661 NOT LA CANTINA DEL PATRON…
SLG says
Just so yall know the shooting was not at Patron it was in the same parking lot at a clothing store that had a 18 and over party with no security guards and selling liquor to minors. I was at Patron that night and there was no drama at all. I’ve been there frequently lately and there has been no drama. I wish the reporters & police would do their job and report the incidents accurately as to not burn the character of an establishment that is doing their thing to have something nice for adults to do in this dry valley. I know tonight is going to be a nice lingerie party for the Grown & Sexy with armed security drama free not the same type of crowd.
Dorthy says
Clearly you wasnt there so please be quite…… I was at both places. I went to the party first and since there wasnt any drinks we went to Patrons and got drunk and went back to the party to dance before getting kicked out somewhere around 11:30 There it is not from the horses ass but from the horses mouth.
SLG says
First of all Dorothy me and my wife were at Patron.We were there promoting our lingerie party for Sunday why we wouldn’t we be there. You can’t get in Patron without proper ID my question to is why would go to patron to drink(meaning you are over the age of 21) then go down to the other establishment to party with 18 and over crowd. Answer this for me and make sure it’s an educated answer because you really sound like you don’t make any sense at all. Why would club clothing store 661 have on the flyers $3 foam cups and $1 clear cups. What were they selling empty cups? (Remember an educated answer). They say it was suppose to be a birthday party but nowhere on the poorly made flyers mentioned anything bout a birthday party but it does say PME & TCE PRESENTS CLUB 661 HOSTED BY THE HON3YT3AM” OH NOT MENTION IT WAS “CLUB 661” GRAND OPENING. ..WELL MY EDUCATED GUESS AS AN ADULT THIS WAS NOT GOING TO BE THE LAST PARTY.SO WHEN WAS GOIN TO BE THE GRAND CLOSING BEFORE OR AFTER SOMEONE GET HURT.Its like this if a business is to sell clothes then that business needs to use its business license for what it was licensed for.Wouldnt u agree? But u were down there freaking on the kids.But that’s none of my business. I’ve been to many clubs all over Hollywood Los Angeles Lancaster Las Vegas and Chicago and never seen on any flyers “No Hang Banging”…As a matter of fact show me one flyer from Hollywood that says “No Gangin”.
Lancaster Resident says
Wow talk about not making any sense. Did you actually go into the place of is this a personal vendetta against the owners of the clothing store. You talk as if you was there inside partying with them. If you wasn’t then you are assuming what goes on inside. But the bigger question for me is , Is the Cantina doing that bad it has to have lingerie parties? Because I heard that is what the clothing store was doing. If the Cantons has a license to be a bar why don’t they stick to that. I mean you said it first so what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander? Besides where is your store and why are you in bars trying to sell lingerie? Guess business is bad for all 3 of you. Quit knocking each other down and start helping each other. It’s obvious the Cantons can’t throw a good party so get with those who can . And you SLG your product is so off base people have to be drunk to buy it.
Dennis says
No surprise here, this is NOT the Lancaster I grew up in, that was just 1 of threasons I decided to leave Lancaster and California for the free state of Texas. Where I moved to, there is no crime like this.
Drainwaters says
is my screen name you?
Common Sense says
No crime in Texas? Yeah, sure… Dallas/FW and Houston are more dangerous than LA and are getting worse every year.
William says
From a September 19, 2013 TIME article based on FBI information.
“The South is America’s most violent region. The sixteen states and one district in the Southeast (Maryland, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas), make up America’s largest region with just over 37 percent of the population. It is also the most violent. The Southeast accounted for nearly 497,000 violent crimes, 41 percent of all reported violent crime in the U.S. The South also led the country with the highest violent crime compared to population, followed by the West, and Midwest, and finally the Northeast.”
Interesting. Ah, the tea party republican stronghold leads the way.
CB says
This is one of worst areas in the Antelope Valley. When I went house hunting I looked at this area. While I was looking at the homes, Sheriffs deputies pulled me over and asked me what I was doing. I showed them the real estate listings. They told me flat out “you don’t want to live in this area”.
That was all it took. Even during the daytime, I avoid the entire area…
Matt K. says
Very smart! Good for you for listening!
Too bad real estate agents are forbidden by law from being honest with people.
Mr. Binks says
I spent years on and around ave.I and always felt safe and relaxed…
Had the best times in My life on that block and at the parkinglot behind those businesses!
Lisa says
Jenn says
Ummmmmm, why would ANYONE go to a Night Club on Avenue I?? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!!!
Old timer says
And this is why your next restaurant in Lancaster to close down will be Barone’s. That is the absolutely worse area there behind those businesses. Parking in front is almost non-existent and parking behind is a death trap. Maybe Barone’s can find a safer location elsewhere.
Yo Merito says
Ok, it wasn’t at the old backdoor or related to the backdoor, or in the parking lot behind it and it had nothing to do with the new bar as well. It wasn’t the Britisher or Maxdons either. Stop assuming if you don’t know all the details.
William says
They tried the fabulous BLVD for a short time. The owner said it didn’t work because there wasn’t enough traffic on the ‘heart of the Valley’.
CB says
I believe you’re right Old timer. Barone’s is a great place BUT the area is terrible. They had a second location on “The BLVD.” but it’s closed.
Lisa says
So was it the Britisher or not?
Kristi says
No it was behind The Back Door or whatever it’s called now.
Son of the Anti Rex says
How could this be? Our mayor told us that piping bird sounds on the BLVD , which is just a block away, would get rid of crime. Then he told us his piece if crap spy plane that is owned by his pal would keep us safe. Then he slaughtered 2,000 pit bulls to rid our city of crime. Rex, save us. Save us. Pipe bird sounds on Avenue I. Send the spy plane down Avenue I. Kill the pit bulls on Avenue I. Save us Rex. We can’t survive without you………….
tini says
Ha!! I love you whoever wrote this!
nottomention says
Fareals though lol
Agree with this guy ^^^^ says
Son of the Anti Rex……….I couldn’t agree more!!!!……..And let us not forget how many Constitutional rights he has violated all for the almighty dollar, in the name of security…..anyone in Lancaster feel safer yet?……….eh hem!!!…haven’t we heard this before people??????………….just sayin……….those that refuse to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it……………
CB says
There is a lot of “trash” that needs to be removed from Lancaster. While I don’t feel safe in certain areas of Lancaster, I do feel safer overall.
If you have any constructive ideas on how to improve Lancaster, why don’t you post them?
Turd Ferguson says
Here is a constructive idea.Here is a constructive idea.Get rid of LEAPS, save $90,000.00 a month, and hire more Sherriffs.Get rid of LEAPS, save $90,000.00 a month, and hire more Sherriffs.We are spending $10,800,000.00 over 10 years for this piece of crap.We are spending $10,800,000.00 over 10 years for this piece of crap.We could hire more Sherriffs.We could hire more Sherriffs.That would lower crime.That would lower crime.And keep us safer.And keep us safer.Do you think our mayor would be smart enough to do that?Do you think our mayor would be smart enough to do that?Do not count on it.Do not count on it.His backer owns LEAPS.His backer owns LEAPS.He gets rich and we get crime.He gets rich and we get crime.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
william says
First off it wasn’t club patron. There is another club right next to Cliffs liquor store now. That’s where the shooting took place.
Lory says
What? A Night Club in Lancaster?? Were What’s the Name? Why don’t I know anything about a Night Club out here!!
socaleaglesfan says
its called the Britisher 849 west ave i
Billie says
1200 block would be Maxdons, Britisher is 849
socaleaglesfan says
maxdons would be I and 13th so i guess they and I made a mistake
Tom says
The new owner of the gay club that used to be known as “Back Door” decided to turn it into a hip-hop bar…go figure!
You get what you ask for!
nottomention says
It’s called “Patron” where the gay bar use to be
Kimi says
Should of kept it a gay bar….we don’t shoot each other.
Jen says
Lmfao right!
william says
It wasn’t club patron. There is a new club next to Cliffs liquor store.
mimi says
So agree!!!
Bob says
well said
Eyad says
OH MY GOD. A shooting in Lancaster, No Way
Wow says
LOL. “I can’t wait to go dancing at that awesome club in Lancaster” said me never.