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bird says
There is a reason President Obama wasn’t seen much on the campaign trail. The democrats were running from him! there are even a few that wouldn’t acknowledge they voted for him. The democrats couldn’t even stand united, and divided they fell.
William says
I’m predicting that neither Steve Knight nor Tom Lackey will produce any significant results that help the Antelope Valley in the next 2 years.
Of course, they’ll vote with the Rs but that’s about it.
Plus, the last 6 months, they’ll be campaigning for re-election.
So, there ya have it. Nothing. You voted for nothing.
This is a safe district for Knight, so not much is needed from the GOP majority to keep the Rs happy. They just want an R in office even if it doesn’t do them or the country any good.
Lackey will be in the minority in Sacramento and he’ll just be a seat warmer in the Assembly.
bird says
Wow! Someone hoping for failure, instead of hoping for better times for the A.V. No matter who is in office. Ahhh, the misery of it all for some people.
William says
Just going by past performance.
What has Steve Knight accomplished in all his years in Sacramento?
What has has distinguished Tom Lackey on the Palmdale City Council?
The republican voters in their great wisdom elected or re-elected>
-a hog castrator to the United States Senate. She’ll replace Michele Bachman as the nutjob who will be on Fox regularly saying amazing things.
-a governor who destroyed the ecoomony of Kansas and put it in debt by cutting taxes on the rich.
-a senator to head the environmental committee who wrote a book saying that climate change is a hoax and that ‘God is up there”, so I guess he’ll fix it..
-a congresswoman who has 20 indictments ready to go.
and so on. All republicans because republican voters don’t know any better.
This election really brought out the dumbest of the dumb.
We’ll see how they do the next 2 years.
If you are optimistic, just what the heck are you basing it on? “Hope & Change?”
Jason says
Does the dumbest of the dumb count towards thise who voted to pass Prop 47 based on its title and not what it actually entailed?
William says
If you say so.
Jason says
So passing the safe schools and neighborhoods act was despite the fact it releases criminals and decreases the penalties for theft of firearms and possession of hardcore drugs a smart idea?
bird says
I can choose to have a defeatist attitude, or I can hope for a positive change for the A.V. Since I can’t predict the future, then I will remain optimistic for the future. I will never call anything a failure before it’s time. Hoping for failure is just a dismal mind-set for the future. Whether a person likes or dislikes the outcome of the election, we should at least hope they will exercise sound judgment in all they do while they are in office.
Smidgen says
We The People Won on Tuesday, Liberalism Lost! YEE HAW! BTW has anybody seen William?
bird says
Be careful, the thought police are censoring.
AV[removed] says
Yeah OK, ‘liberalism’ was defeated today- until the next election when the rightwingers obvious incompetence is apparent and they get booted out again. I got news for ya, I live in a so-called liberal city and the Antelope Valley is a sad, sad place compared to it.
William says
The Rs don’t care, AV. They’ve been known vote AGAINST their own self interests time and again.
If Obamacare gets repealed or the Supremes mess with it, there will be republicans enrolled in Obamacare that voter republican this election that will lose their insurance.
And, guess what? They will blame President Obama. That’s part of why this country is in such a mess politically even when the economy has been slowly improving for the last 6 years.
William says
Not to worry, smidgen. The GOP with the help of the crazy tea nutjobs in the tea party will screw this up royally and lose big in 2016. They are already starting to fight with each other.
Did you ‘think’ the people won in 2012? Of course not.
sees says
Let’s not mince words here: the Koch Brothers reportedly spent $290 million dollars in the 2014 election — and it paid off. It’s a DEVASTATING blow for American democracy. It’s time to put an end to unfair campaign finance laws that have allowed the ultra-rich to rig our elections.
Jason says
A devastating blow for American democracy? Its not like one side has to play by the rules and the other doesnt, The Democrats have their ultra rich donors as well but for some reason they get ignored.
William says
Poor Jason.
Doesn’t seem to be able to distinguish what the big donors are ‘buying’ with their money.
It ain’t symmetrical, Jason.
Once again, in a 3-dimentional chess game, you bring your binary thinking.
Jason says
Both sides are buying elections and influencing votes but its only a bad thing when your side loses at doing it apparently.
bird says
Thank you Veterans! I come from a family of Veterans, with one buried at Arlington National Cemetery on a peaceful hill. I love you Veterans! A big hug for all the Veterans. Also a big hug to the Veterans at the Veterans Home.
bird says
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition! Patriotic words!
bird says
Well, it’s Wednesday, November 5, and the Republicans took it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jason says
Would you look at that. The supposed party of hate elects the first black Senator in the South since Reconstruction. I thought the right hated black people though?
The Republican need to remember that what just happened to the Democrats can just as easily hapoen to them if they dont do whats right for the country, not themselves and their party.
William says
So what? The republicans elected a black person while making it harder for hundreds of thousands of blacks to vote.
What do you think Black Americans will make of that?
Curtis says
Shame on you A.V. Times! Today is election day and there isn’t one story on this website reminding people of it and encouraging them to vote. One of the most important days of the year and you guys are still eating your Wheaties! We’re inundated for the month leading up to today about the candidates and now nothing. Everyone should vote, whether you agree with me or not on the issues! If you don’t vote, then stop your whining!
Curtis says
No results either? What a sorry excuse for a news outlet! I’m done with you guys!
bird says
Please people, don’t let liberal (leftist) lies turn you away from the constitution! The 2nd amendment that was ratified on December 17, 1791, along with the other 9, needs to stay intact, period!
John says
William, when will you stop believing media matters and maddow. All you do is lie and slander others. You spread the lies as long as it fits into your agenda of causing enmity towards Fox News. You’re pathetic.
William says
Why do you believe Fox ‘news’, John? You mean you don’t cause emnity towards MSNBC and Dr. Rachel Maddow like you just did. That’s called hypocrisy. You’re a hypocrite.
Rachel plays video clips and/or transcripts of what FOX/GOP does as does Media Matters.
Anyone who buys what Fox ‘news’, such as yourself, John, is pathetic.
Poor Fox ‘news’. Rachel and Media Matters puts their own words into their mouths. Oh, the horror.
John says
You are wrong. Maddow was just caught in ANOTHER lie that you totally disregard. I don’t come here everyday and cause enmity toward msnbc or media matters or maddow. YOU sit in front of your computer everyday and do that to the Mayor of Lancaster and Fox News.
maddow and media matters plays video clips that take what is said out of context or only shows a snip-it of the story and use that so some troll, like yourself, can spread it around as fact. Everyone knows this.
I believe Fox News before I will ever believe the lies and half truths from you, maddow and media matters.
William says
I notice you didn’t write what the lie was, John. Sum it up in a few of your own words.
That you are forced to defend the lyingest ‘news’ channel out there makes me happy. And, Jason and others jump in to defend it. Too funny.
You didn’t respond to my comment about Megyn Kelly telling that whopper a week ago about Colorado’s new voting law and she cried ‘voter fraud’ so people like you will swallow it.
Are you getting ready for Bill O’Reilly’s annual ‘War on Christmas’, John? I wish someone would do a take off on his ‘killing’ books and write a book called “Killing Dr. Tiller” with a picture of Billo on the cover. Do you watch the sexual harasser, John, for you opinions on everything?
Stephen Colbert mocked ol’ Billo by doing a ‘War on Halloween’ segment.
Why do you think so many people knock and mock Fox ‘news’ so you have to defend it? Because they lie and are simply a propaganda arm of the republican party. How many loser candidates have rotated through Fox’s employ between elections, y’know, like Scott Brown has done.
When you and a few others here build you own website, then you can tell people what to write. Until then, I’m thinking of posting a Fox lie every day to keep you busy. I’ll never run out.
Jason says
And thr hypocrisy continues. Try and attack people for doing the same exact things you do. Switching Fox and Republicans for MSNBC and Democrats and the statement is still true.
William says
Hey, John. What do Fox ‘news’ and Rx Parris have in common that I criticize both here frequently?
Take a guess.
valleygirl says
Both Fox and Msnbc are slanted politically. If you want to know the straight skinny watch CBS.
William says
@John. What did you think of the false (lie) story that Megyn Kelly told a week ago about Colorado’s new voting law and pushing the ‘voter fraud’ meme?
Did you swallow it when you heard it?
Nobody has to lie about Fox ‘news’. They do enough of their own lying. All one has to do is play the video.
Of course, you don’t like it. Fox viewers all get up on their hind legs when Fox is criticized. What did Harry Truman say about republicans. “I’ll tell the truth and they’ll think it’s hell”.
That applies to Fox and its viewers too. It really gets you upset when Fox’s lies and distortions are revealed. Why?
bird says
The idiom “beating a dead horse” might be said by someone who sees any further discussion on the topic to be meaningless.
William says
So, Jason and John
How do both you guys feel about the declining gas prices and possibly even further declines?
What do you have to say about falling gas prices on President Obama’s watch despite the conflicts currently in the Middle East? Usually, that causes prices to rise.
Of course, a refinery explosion and fire or a maintenance shutdown is likely any day now from past history.
Do either or both of you think that falling gas prices will hurt the economy?
I anxiously await your answers since you both reply to my comments when your replies aren’t solicited. This time they are.
We’ll see how that goes.
Jason says
Gas prices fluctuate all the time for differing reasons. Gas prices here are higher because of the blend we are required to use. Its coming up in the time where the switch between blends is happening and that always has an effect on gas prices here.
Reading the various different articles about falling gas prices and how it could effect the economy, theres potential for it. If it happens, who knows how it could go. There are alot of different factors involved
William says
You didn’t answer the questions, Jason.
We all know that gas prices fluctuate but that wasn’t the question was it?
Do you think falling gas prices will hurt the economy, Jason?
After 6 years of blaming President Obama for high gas prices, do you think he should get some credit for them falling on his watch, given that if they go up again, FOX/GOP will start blaming him for it? You know that don’t you?
Answer those 2 questions if you are at all able? You don’t have to provide any links, just your opinion will do.
Jason says
Actually I did answer the questions but way to over look the answers.
Why should he get credit for gas prices going down? Did he enact new laws or policies that mandated gas prices go down? He shouldnt get credit just like shouldnt get blamed for prices going up.
William says
But, he does get blamed.
He has been being blamed for 6 years.
By you what? We’ve been discussing ‘it’.
Jason says
Bush got blamed too, was that wrong of the left to blame him?
William says
Did Fox ‘news’ go off on Bush like they have done with President Obama?
Look at how Fox and its guests constantly repeat that half-truth about gas being $1.84/gal at the end of Bush’s last term when bashing the President.
valleygirl says
I have never heard anyone blame Obama for gas/oil pricing…ever. But I concur with all the complainants who think Obama has overachieved in the crappy President department.
bird says
Those evil, rich people that the Democrats are always wailing about, are actually Democrats. the liberals always want to spend other peoples money, while they keep theirs.
John says
William wrote:
“Low gas prices are a good thing but only Fox asks the question “Cheap gas hurting economy?” If gas prices rose, Fox would be saying it’s hurting the economy and blaming you know who.”
But only Fox is asking that question. As usual, you are wrong.
Fortune Magazine
Times Free Press
CBS News
The Seattle Times
And many more stories just this month alone…
Jason says
Nobody but Fox and the multiple links that have been posted from various other artickes that youve ignored have asked that question. Hhhhmmm I wonder why theyve been ignored?
William says
Do not fret, John and Jason, when gas prices go up again Fox will be blaming President Obama like they’ve been doing for going on 6 years.
And, that was the point of my original post. Gretchen Carlson on Fox suggested that the drop was somehow due to the election next week even though her guest said otherwise. Fox viewers know what to believe, the LIE.
Fox is always playing the game that no matter if the prices go up or down, it’s the President’s fault even if they have guests that say otherwise. They are doing that with ebola, ISIS or anything. No matter what he does it’s the wrong thing even when it’s what they were advocating previously. Obamacare was Romneycare based on the plan by the Heritage Foundation and the mandate was a republican idea until President Obama adopted it.
Are you too both so naive that you don’t know that by now?
John says
Hey William. Your hypocrisy is showing.
Obama and Democrats blast Bush for High Gas Prices.
John says
Fox is always playing the game that no matter if the prices go up or down? Are you so naive that you don’t know the Democrats and the liberal media do that to Republicans?
Democrats and media blamed President Bush for manipulating gas prices during his re-election campaign in 2004. Then again during the 2006 election.
According to a new Gallup poll, 42 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that the Bush administration “deliberately manipulated the price of gasoline so that it would decrease before this fall’s elections.” Fifty-three percent of those surveyed did not believe in this conspiracy theory, while 5 percent said they had no opinion.
Almost two-thirds of those who suspect President Bush intervened to bring down energy prices before Election Day are registered Democrats, according to Gallup.
William says
Oh, John. Oh, John, John, John
You’re comparing Democratic politicians and voters with a NEWS OUTLET that pretends to be ‘fair and balanced’ and you use links to the FreeRepublic. Give me a break.
Your links don’t disprove what Fox does, do they?
From the FreeRepublic showing the kind of site it is and what you read.
“Freepers Against Voter Fraud:
The whole point of this exercise is to get more conservative voters involved in changing the laws to close loopholes which make it easy to cheat, to promote the enforcement of existing election laws and to take part in the election process at the local level all with the goal of intercepting future fraud campaigns. In other words our goal is to STOP THE RATS FROM HIJACKING THE ELECTION PROCESS AND TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!”
They are fighting a virtually non-existent ‘voter fraud’ hoax; a handful of prove voter fraud cases out of hundreds of millions of ballots cast in the last 10 years.
Chris Christie suggested at a recent meeting that electing republican governors would give them access to the ‘voting mechanisms’ in those states. That sounds more like ‘election fraud’ to rig who does the counting and how the ballots are counted. They don’t even pretend to hide their motives any longer.
In Georgia, the filthy, rotten republcan Secretary of State disappeared 40,000 registrations while Texas is disenfranchising ~600,000 Texans with new voter suppression laws.
I’m guessing you are all in on that so-called ‘voter fraud’ hoax along with the other stuff Fox peddles. How American of you. Patriotic isn’t it?
And, Jason thinks both parties are the same while I suppose that you think that the GOP is the ‘good’ party. Really, John. The party of voter suppression is your party. Aren’t you ashamed of what they’ve done the last 6 years such as shutting down the government and getting our credit rating lowered for the first time in our history?
Fox’s constant hammering of the President over gas prices pales in comparison to their dishonest promoting of the voter fraud lie. Many elections are too close to call next week and I promise you that in the ones that the GOP loses, it and Fox will cry ‘voter fraud’ even if there is no evidence of it. There is more ‘election fraud’ in red states than in-person voter fraud but since it’s the republicans doing it, the GOP and Fox don’t care about that.
But, it’s good to know that FreeRepublic is one of your sources. That explains a lot.
That’s your GOP. If their ideas can’t win elections then CHEAT. And, does Fox expose that? No, Fox just plays along with the so-called voter fraud meme like Megyn Kelly has done recently re: Colorado. She was breathlessly fomenting outrage on a lie about the new law. Typical.
Bottom line. After trashing the President for 6 years about high gas prices and dishonestly comparing them to the low of $1.84 when he took office because of a world wide recession/depression even when they were over $4.00 a gallon the summer of 2008, when they dropped recently did FOX/GOP then give credit to the President as they blamed him for high prices What do you think?
You like links. I can provide a dozen links showing Fox lies and distortions from the last 2 weeks IN FOX’S OWN WORDS. And, that is just from the last week or two.
William says
Hey, Fox ‘news’ fans.
You know who you are.
When gas prices rise, FOX/GOP/TEA PARTY blames President Obama, right?
Now, that gas prices are dropping right before an election, Fox Business Network channel is saying “Cheap gas hurts economy?” Are they giving the President any credit?
Yeah, they’re at it again, talking out of both sides of their mouths and their loyal fans believe it.
‘splain that, those of you who have defended Fox before.
BTW Fox ‘news’ channel brags about their ratings but their business channel, FBN, has ratings in the dumpster. They are more people at the mall the day after Thanksgiving than watch that channel. I guess people like to get their red meat and outrage from Fox ‘news’ but don’t trust the business channel when it comes to their money. Too funny.
You Fox fans are suckers.
Jason says
Much like how the left treated Bush when the same thing happened? Guess all that hypocrisy is forgottten about when it happens to their side.
William says
We’re talking a news outlet. Can you cite a liberal news outlet that said the cheap gas was hurting the economy and blaming Bush for it?
Or are you blowing hot air again?
John says
Did Fox Business News blame President Obama for low gas prices? I think not.
How about NPR reporting the low gas prices could be bad for the economy. Even before Fox Business News mentioned anything about it.
William says
You failed again, John
Did a liberal news outlet blame Bush for low gas prices and that it would hurt the economy, which was in Jasen’s original reply?
No good news is good news on Fox ‘news’, John.
When will you get that?
William says
So, what’s wrong with deflation? Isn’t it the free market at work like you guys are always saying when jobs are outsourced and wages remain stagnant?
Corporations are making record profits, so they can incur some profit loss, right? Well, except for McDonald’s which has been putting out a krappy product for years.
Stock market keeps hitting new highs.
Unemployment.below 6%
Low mortgage interest rates.
Low gas prices.
Low inflation.
Job grow every month for over 5 years.
Millions more have health insurance.
Why isn’t President Obama getting any credit from the right?
Meanwhile, FOX/GOP are lying about voter fraud and pushing to suppress voting by likely Democratic voters.
And, making women’s reproductive health harder to access.
I say the President is doing a far better job than the GOP and Fox can’t stand it. Nor can you, apparently.
John says
I can see the Fox News headline now.
Gas Prices Lowest in 2 years…And it’s all Obama’s fault!
Really, William? That is funny.
Wiiliam says
John, I am sure that you, like many others, watch Fox ‘news’ especially because it trashes President Obama every hour, every day, every week, every month for the last 6 years.
I listed some of the major things that have improved since President Obama took office but it makes no difference to you or Fox ‘news’, does it? You and it will find something to find fault with including his wearing a tan suit recently while giving a speech. Unbelievable.
You and Fox judge him by a different standard than the previous presidents whether it’s vacation time or number of executive orders. It’s always worse with President Obama even if it isn’t.
If it really was ‘fair and balanced’, its ratings would drop. You must know that by now. You wouldn’t watch it, would you?
John says
Actually, I believe Jason meant that when gas prices rise, FOX/GOP/TEA PARTY blamed President Obama. The Democrats did the same to President Bush, including Obama.
I see no evidence that Fox Business Network ever blamed President Obama for low gas prices. Which I find extremely comical of your rage about it.
Why not the same rage toward NPR and all the other media outlets that reported on the “low gas prices is bad for the economy” crap. FBN was the last to even mention it. So where is the proof that FBN even mentioned President Obama and his shenanigans that is making us pay less at the gas pump.
Jason says
Nope a liberal news outlet didnt blame Bush just like a right wing outlet didnt blame Obama and say it would hurt the economy. Maybe if you paid attention and did actual research you would see they werent blaming Obama but Im sure you will ignore the third explanation like you have the first two.
William says
John and Jason, you guys are so easily fooled.
When the chryon says “Cheap gas hurts economy?” which is what I wrote in the original comment, you guys don’t seem to get that is how Fox rolls. They ask a loaded question on the order of “Do you still beat your wife?” It doesn’t matter what the guest says, now does it. The chron WAS the message on Fox. Fox viewers will go away with that as usual.
If you’ve noticed, Fox will have experts on discussing the ebole issue and immediately after, start in again with their panic-srticken hysteria which isn’t at all what the expert was saying.
Dr. Rachel Maddow played a montage of Fox hosts and republiicans blaming President Obama for the gas prices doubling from $1.84 to up to $4 a gallon which was a phony comparison due to the great recession causing a temporaty decline.
Then, when gas prices are going down now, why isn’t Fox praising the President after blaming him for their rise.
Remember, if you can, that gas prices were over $4/gallon in the summer of 2008 during the campaign but FOX/GOP uses the $1.84 number dishonestly.
Today, Neil Cavuto on Fox ‘news’ rambled incoherently about the declining gas prices instead of simply acknowledging that they are lower. They’ll go to any extreme to avoid giving the President credit for anything while blaming for everything including things that occured before he took office.
William says
This is a quiz for Jason and John, Fox viewers.
-Was President Obama born in the United States as documented by his short and long form birth certificates and 2 newspapers’ birth announcements at the time in Hawaii?
-Were there WMDs found in Iraq, not counting the old degraded chemical stockpiles from the 1980s that are useless.
-Are red state governors and legislatures deliberately trying to suppress voting by voters they think are likely to vote Democratic by moving polling places to hard to reach locations, limiting days for early voting and also limiting hours and placing other obstacles to suppress voting? Those 8 hour lines in Florida were voter suppression lines. Correct? I deliberately left out voter ID, so don’t bother going there. That’s called a ‘red herring’.
-Are laws by red state legislators and governors placing undue, medically unnecessary burdens, on women’s health clinics as in Texas accurately called a ‘War on Women’? If not, what would you call it?
-Are republicans who say that IUDs are abortifacients vigorously debunked by Fox ‘news’ anchors as being totally untrue according to medical experts?
-Did Fox ‘news’ vigorously criticize President Bush for his vacations at his fake ranch clearing brush the way they do President Obama for taking less vacation time?
-Has Fox ‘news’ accurately portrayed the ACA aka Obamcare as being constitutional when they are are discussing the subject? Have they ever interviewed a patient who has had their life saved by being insured now by the ACA? They sure put on a lot of people complaining that their former policies were cancelled and blah, blah, blah only to be later debunked by someone outside Fox ‘news’ who did the research.
-Explain why Fox ‘new’s quietly accepts that ‘corporations are persons’ (an nontraditional view) while opposing same sex marriages which are being supported by one court after another?
-Explain why the elimination of DADT didn’t destroy the military as predicted by many hosts and guests on Fox ‘news’ while the channel gave scant coverage to sexual assault in the military. Remember, this is the channel that tells you they report what the other channels don’t except when they ignore important stories that don’t fit their agenda. Fox doesn’t tell you that other channels report what Fox ignores.
There’s much more but I’ll let you both digest this as you complain about lengthy comments. Short attention spans, I guess. Fox ‘news’ counts on short attention spans from their viewers.
Jason says
William its fairly obvious you could care less about facts or context. The bashing of Fox while listing Maddow and her opinions make you the biggest hypocrite on this site. Never mind the fact shes been caught in lies multiple times, her word is good as gold regardless. All that matters is evil Fox and the reaching you do to prove how evil they are.
The President shouldnt get the blame when gas prices go up and they shouldnt get the praise when they go down, plain and simple.
Jason says
And another point of contention, since they were interviewing someone who was criticizing the article that asked that exact question, what should the chyron have said? Praise Obama for low gas prices?
William says
Gretchen Carlson, one of Fox’s so-called straight news anchors, said re: the lowering gas prices that she thought it was because of the election suggesting some kind of manipulation like Fox always does. If the unemployment goes down, FOX/GOP says the books were cooked. Dr. Rachel Maddow showed a montage of Fox hosts and republicans including Romney blaming the President for high gas prices for years. And, you’re here defending Fox and pretending you are some kind of independent. Really?
But, Jason, consider this.
You think Palmdale and Lancaster are no different.
You were all over the place regarding the ‘plans’ and the ‘contractors’ about that unfinished hotel. Is it still stuck?
You think that there’s no difference between the 2 parties even though one wants to suppress voting and the other wants more people voting. One wants to raise the minimum wage and the other wants to eliminate if they could and so on. One wants to keep Obamacare and improve it where needed and the other party has voted over 50 times to repeal it when it wouldn’t pass the Senate and the President would veto it. That party (GOP) is insane.
You always seem to get everything confused and backwards, so of course, after years of FOX/GOP blaming President Obama for high gas prices and basing the comparison on the artificially low $1.84/gallon due to the collapse of the world’s economy in 2008 when gas was over $4.00 a gallon during the campaign, if you’ll recall, and the gas prices are now falling Fox displays a chryon saying “Cheap gas hurts economy?” you miss the whole point as usual. Fox viewers will come away thinking that President Obama has something to do with gas prices being lowered before an election AND it’s hurting the economy. I promise you. It doesn’t matter on Fox if someone says it isn’t hurting the economy. That’s not what Fox viewers will be thinking. Just like Fox viewers will continue to believe Megyn Kelly’s lie about Colorado voters printing their own ballots despite her 5 second correction on Monday.
That’s why Fox viewers are more misinformed than people who don’t watch the news at all. You just don’t get the routine that Fox ‘news’ plays at all the time. 30% of Fox viweres have doubts about the President’s citizenship and, so, they will certainly have doubts about the low gas prices hurting the economy now. Fox puts all that stuff out there.
As for your other notions about Palmdale/Lancaster, the hotel plans/contractor confusion on your part, that both parties are the same, you don’t seem able to distinguish between 2 or more obviously different things.
Either that or you just like to argue for the sake of it.
Jason says
So proving your notion that FBN was blaming Obama for low gas prices and it possibly ruining the economy wrong is defending Fox? You went and severely reached on that wrong and got shown with evidence how you were wrong. Both Fox and MSNBC lie and misinform, you choose to ignore one while bashing the other.
Just like hoe you bash the GOP/FOX for blaming Obama for high gas priced while ignoring Democrats and the left did the same thing to Bush.
Ive explainrd multiple times why both parties are the same and you continue to ignore it to try and attack me. Just like continuing to try and attack me over your confusion about the hotel. My story never changed about what I was told by someonr involved with the project.
And when have I said Palmdale and Lancaster are no different. Ive acknowledged multiple times the difference betwen the two cities.
Its hilarious how you talk about FOX misinforming people while ignoring the examples provided showing MSNBC and its anchors do the same thing. I guess Maddow and Schultz bith being proven wrong multiple times and called out for their lies is something that doesnt matter to you brcause they arent FOX.
William says
Can you cite a liberal news outlet that said cheap gas was hurting the economy and blaming it on Bush?
Jason says
Whats funny is I cant find any articles besides those from left leaning outlets that say Fox is saying that when in reality Fox was asking if it did or not. But hey dont letthat little fact get in the way, because if you are you’ll have more than Fox to bash for asking the question.
Jason says
I will correct myself on this, FBN didnt even really ask that question to begin with.
Heres an article from a liberal outlet actually explaining what the context is.
“As it turns out, though, the screenshot here is deceptive, because despite the chyron, the segment in question is an interview with a guest who says that the Wall Street Journal is wrong when they say lower gas prices are bad for the economy.”
So it wasnt even FBN that asked the question, it came from the WSJ and someone refuting the WSJ saying lower gas prices are bad for the economy.
So you either ignored facts and context behind something or you did no research on what was going on to try and spin it to fit your agenda.
William says
“That’s a far cry from the doom that Fox News has been predicting throughout most of Barack Obama’s presidency, particularly during his 2012 reelection bid. Former Fox News employee Newt Gingrich tried to make it a huge campaign issue, as did the RNC, and the network eagerly came along for the ride. Here’s a refresher, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Why is a news channel ‘predictinig doom’ instead of reporting facts?
From the same article. You know darn well how Fox frames their ‘news’. They have these type of chryons all the time.
“Is President Obama the worst president ever?”. Just askin’ a question.
“Is Fox ‘news’ the worst news outlet ever?” Jusk askin’.
The good news is that Fox’s business channel isn’t seen by anyone who wants accurate advice on investing even though it’s owned by the same corporation that owns the Wall Street Journal.
As you can see from my other comment about Kelly’s false story, Fox puts out false stories or asks loaded questions that leave its viewers misinformed. I bet a survey next month will show a good percentage of Fox viewers think that cheap gas is bad for the economy just like they keep pushing ‘Obamacre bad’ even though it’s showing positive signs of working.
About 30% of Fox viewers have doubts about the President’s citizenship among other misinformation that has taken root in Foxland.
Fox never shows a person who has benefited from Obamacare and if it did, they would follow with a negative segment to neutralize it. That’s how they roll. Can’t you see that?
William says
“Do you still beat your wife?”
That’s the kind of questions Fox ‘news’ asks constantly. leaving their viewers misinformed in the end as usual. Their viewers are more misinformed than people who don’t watch the news at all.
In addition, they dishonestly say that gas was $1.84 a gallon when President Obama took office and it rose to $3 something forgetting one thing while blaming the President.
Well, the reason it was $1.84 was due to a worldwide recession that cut demand significantly. But, don’t you remember that it was over $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008 during the campaign? When Bush was still in office. Fox seems to ignore that as usual. $1.84/gal was an anomaly.
I remember. Fox is always framing issues to blame the President and that was just another example. Low gas prices are a good thing but only Fox asks the question “Cheap gas hurting economy?” If gas prices rose, Fox would be saying it’s hurting the economy and blaming you know who.
The Dow hits a new high. The unemployment goes below 6%. Mortgage interest rates still very low as is inflation. None of this is good news at Fox so-called ‘news-.
But, you buy it and that’s all they care about. Suckers. Low effort, low information voters.
Same with Megyn Kelly doing a segment one week on a false story about Colorado’s new law allowing voters to print their own ballots. On Monday, she did a 5 second ‘correction’ with no apology. If you sneezed, you missed it. Then, she had on some republican nut of a county clerk complaining that mailing battots to voters is bad because a union boss in the house might force them to vote a certain way. It was the wildest stretch imaginable but not on Fox.
So, Megyn Kelly replaces one false story with an even wilder allegation to keep the voter fraud meme alive. But, you knew that, didn’t you?
Bottom line. You wrote that is the same way the left treated Bush which you couldn’t back up, so you changed the subject. Find a story where the left asked the question “Chcap gas hurts economy?”.
Actually, the left would have had a better case to make saying that Bush’s bad economy lowered gas prices.
When you reply to my comments, Jason, you should come better prepared.
Jason says
I did come prepared and you still ignore it. It was put up during an interview by someone refuting a Wall Street Journal article which talked about that subject. Was FBN asking it just to ask it? No they werent but you ignore that once again.
The left never asked that question just like the right never asked it. Youre taking a screen shot and making it into something its not because the truth behind it doesnt fit your agenda of bashing the right and anything involved it with. You know damn well the left was all over Bush and blaming him for high gas prices during his Presidency. Yet when gas prices rise under Obama, its not his fault, its speculators or this or that. Well guess what? The same thing was happening during Bush’s Presidency. Its hypocrisy from both sides.
You call out Fox for lying while ignoring that MSNBC does the same thing. I guess Maddow getting caught lying about the Koch Bros being involved in the Florida drug test for welfare issue doesnt count though right? Or the latest uproar from her about this screen shot on FBN where she, shocker here, ignores the facts and context behind the screenshot. Doesnt even talk about what was actually happening. Guess that ok too right? Or how about her saying Bush never did an interview with the New York Times? Or the time she blamed the Pentagon for making up the Jessica Lynch story? Or the time she said Fox said the NBPP decided the election for Obama? Or how about Ed Schultz saying that Obama firing McChrystal was him fixing a problem he inherited from Bush despite the fact Obama was the one who placed him in charge of the war in Afghanistan? Or Schultz completely lying about the amount of money Sen. Landrieu of Louisiana got from BP? But youre right its only Fox that lies.
You go on and on about low effort, low information voters like they only belong to Fox. You dont think people are buying the bs MSNBC puts out? Youre a perfect example of that with this whole thing “cheap gas hurts the economy”
It took all of about 1 minute on Google to find out the truth about it yet you still ignore the facts of it to continue to go after FBN as though they were doing it to blame Obama. How about the WSJ article they were discussing? Or the few other articles by reporters in different cities asking the same question?
Are all those people blaming Obama as well or are they talking about a potential problem with falling gas prices?
bird says
You’re the only one that is obsessed with Fox news, and Bill O’Reilly!
John says
William is scared of Fox News. William lies about the content of their programming. Even when William is proven wrong he starts another long and exhaustive tirade about Fox News.
Thanks for being here, William. You make me laugh.
William says
Fox is the ”fear and outrage’ channel, Johnny.
Every segment is a ‘breaking news alert’ about someone stubbing their toe or whatever.
They lie. They distort. They misinform. And, you believe it all.
Did Megyn Kelly push a false story (with outrage) about VOTER FRAUD in Colorado that was a big lie? Voters can’t print their own ballots except for overseas military which was has
been in place for years.
Funny how you ignore that, John. I bet you are misinfomred on a lot things from watching Fox.
If your neighbor watches Fox ‘news’, watch your neighbor.
I love how you ‘self-identify’ as a gullible person. As you can see, I ain’t a scared of Fox or your silly comments.
So, why aren’t you and Fox praising the President for low gas prices. You know darn well, you’d be trashing him if they went up and that is called ‘hypocrisy’. Trouble is, hypocrites don’t see it when they practice it, do they?
Jason says
You mean much like the left ignoring the fact they blamed Bush for high gas prices while being outraged the same thing is now happening? That type of hypocrisy?
And MSNBC lies just like Fox does but you ignore that. How many times has Maddow been caught lying? What about Ed Schultz? You believe their lies while bashing Fox for for doing the same thing. Isnt that hypocrisy William?
frankrizzo says
The president does not set gas prices in this country. Gas prices go down this time of year.
Willima says
It’s Sunday.
Somebody’s been to church and is spreading the ‘word’.
The country is mostly the faithful.
So, it must be a small minority of non-believers that is causing all the problems.
I don’t think so.
bird says
Not all believers attend services on Sunday. Some believers keep the 4th Commandment, which is “Remember the Sabbath, and keep it Holy.” That would be the seventh day, which is Saturday. It is a non-denominational commandment.
bird says
Barack Obama calls himself a devout Christian, so this must mean according to your comment, that he is causing all the problems.
Gil says
AVTimes: you’re not doing your job! You stated that you would not ALLOW name calling. I guess that can be subjective. You need to read through these comments better. See “William”.
I’m sure “William” will chide me in return. Is Putz(spl?)name calling?
William says
I’ve been called a lot of names here.
I can handle it.
Some of those name callers are no longer here.
How ’bout that?
IRay says
Gil? Or is that Rex, just pissed off because there is finally a voice in this here Antelope Valley that you do can’t control. We need more of them fer sure.
William says
I recognized a familiar ‘handwriting’.
A username ‘Gil’ shows up out of nowhere and hasn’t written on any other articles yet somehow, well, y’know the rest.
We won’t see that name again as usual.
bird says
Big Brother is alive and well in Houston Texas!
bird says
Obama Administration scrapped CDC Quarantine regulations in 2010. Four years ago the administration of Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States.
G. Marrion says
Airline and civil liberties groups that objected to harsh regulations on airlines and breaches in passenger privacy rights praised the administration’s decision to scrap the new rules.
“We think that the CDC was right to withdraw the proposed rule,” Air Transport Association spokeswoman Elizabeth Merida told USA Today in 2010.
“The fact that they’re backing away form this very coercive style of quarantine is good news,” said American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel Christopher Calabrese, the paper reported.
But CDC officials said that the rules would only be used in rare circumstances in cases where a passenger posed a health threat and refused to cooperate with officials.
William says
Golly. Gasoline prices have been dropping somewhat which is surprising given the conflicts in the Middle East.
So, how come FOX/GOP isn’t praising President Obama for that?
Of course, the President can’t control gasoline prices.
But, you know darn well that if they went up 20 cents a gallon, those folks would be screaming and blamiing him for it.
That’s the way it is at FOX/GOP- whining when things decline and going silent when they improve. It’s always that way with them; a one-sided view of the world.
Their ideas are bankrupt, so all they have left is to screw up everything and cheat at election time. Even here locally, Lancaster has their elections at a time to discourage voting, Rex sends out nasty hate mailers and the elections seem to have something fishy going on.
On the national level, it’s much worse. Wisconsin’s republican attempt at making voting harder was ruled unconstitutional as were many other new laws in red states in the last couple years.
Steve Knight opposed funding for polling places on California’s state and university campus system. Why do you suppose? I’ll give you a hint. College students who are being educated tend to vote more Democratic. Educated people voting Democratic!!! That must be stopped thinks Steve Knight.
Trouble is, his opponent is another of the same ilk.
Eric says
I’m curious, Bill. Would you attack Democrat state politicians if they opposed polling places in country club communities? You know, where the majority tend to vote Republican.
My guess, no. I can’t attest to Knight’s motivation for that. But college campuses are far from neutral grounds for an election.
Willaim says
You lose, Eric.
“I can’t attest to Knight’s motivation for that”
No, you can’t.
I was at the town hall meeting and heard what he had to say and in context. When I told a friend, he made a comment that was funny and true.
What Knight had said at the meeting was not funny and not true.
That was before the FOX/GOP enterprise began their voter suppression in earnest. Don’t even bother with “You need an ID to buy booze, hic” (you’re favorite drink. BTW) Those 8 hour lines in Florida in 2012 ARE voter suppression lines, cupcake. The republicans in Florida saw to it that there were limited polling places.
In other states where there will be long lines in November, republlicans have cut back on polling places and numbers of voting machines as well to make it burdensome. That’s called cheating.
Nice try making a goofy comparision, though.
William says
Eric, you really don’t deserve to be taken seriously.
You know that, don’t you?
Eric says
So no; as long as it isn’t aimed at your party, you support voter suppression. About what I figured.
William says
No you can’t attest. I was at the town hall meeting and you weren’t.
I heard what Knight said and in context. It was laughable.
He said that college campuses can’t handle the crowds.
Eric says
Well, if he was honest, and said that they are generally full of professors who have implanted their own ideas into impressionable minds under the guise of “teaching” (forgetting to mention that he forgot to “teach” the other half of the argument), you probably would have thrown a fit about that too.
William says
Chime out.
We’re done, Eric
You keep going off the rails.
IRex says
Given the choice between Knight and Strickland I have to go with Knight. There isn’t a chance in hell I’d ever vote for anyone who is controlled by or endorsed by Rex Parris. Ever. Ever, ever, ever.
Fox Supporter says
Then I suppose you won’t be voting for Steve Fox either.
bird says
Dr. Ben Carson for president in 2016!
Jason says
Much like the left blamed Bush and Cheney for rising gas prices?
KE says
Gays can now get married in the Elvis Chapel in Vegas since Nevada passed equality laws. Hope the sanctity of marriage is not hurt by all this. (Inspired by Stephanie Miller Show this AM http://www.stephaniemiller.com/ ) – Kay E
Todd says
Stephanie Miller? I have a hard time getting past all the repeated sound clips OVER AND OVER OVER with little intellectual content. The “best” part of the show today was about a cricket in her genitals. I found that particularly…high schoolerish, I guess?
KE says
Obamacare kicked in just in time, with ebola arriving. If people don’t have good health care, they are more likely to die or spread the disease, so thank God for the ACA, lives will be saved. Well, except for red states like Texas, where they turned down the ACA ,. . .
Kay E
Todd says
So how does a program that forces people to engage in business and gives subsidies to people to buy insurance change the medical outcome of Ebola?
And how has the “lack” of Obamacare in Texas (it’s federal law, they can’t turn it down) changed the outlook for the dead patient?
KE says
Only thing bad about obamacare is rates went up a little for some people. That means they can afford to pay that rate. People complaining seem to me to be Grumpy Old People who don’t want to pay their fair share.
It’s astonishing to hear this complaint about a small rate increase, which is no more than selfishness and greed, plus it’s outright stupid.
Do we really want people to have no health insurance at a time of ebola and other epidemics? Really?
gemini says
Are you on Social Security? Do you have any idea what a pension pays?
It’s based on how long you’ve worked and how much you earned.
We’re not getting an increase again this year, so shut your trap about something you know nothing about!
Greg says
Small? Try doubled.
Todd says
If it’s your money, it’s a huge increase. If it’s someone else’s, and they complain, it’s just them being greedy, right?
And you can decide for others that they can afford it?
You do realize that patients go treatment at the hospital before Obamacare, right? They would not have turned away an Ebola patient because of lack of insurance. To do that is now and has been illegal.
William says
Somebody isn’t happy on this site.
What to do? What to do?
William says
Someone has been ignored for a while now and it’s really bugging that person because they can’t complain about replies to them.
Too funny.
Todd says
You don’t reply because you can’t. It’s ok, we know. But you can try to turn it into ANOTHER tired put down. You have nothing else.
William says
It wasn’t you but you thought it was.
Not everything is about you, Todd.
Todd says
Oh yeah? Who then?
William says
“It” knows and that’s all that counts.
You’re a nosy little busy body.
William says
The far right has so degraded language that words like ‘liberty’, ‘freedom’, ‘patriot’ have taken on questionable connotations.
Notice how often they use the word/s ‘truth’ or ‘the truth’ as only they know it. But, on closer examination, it’s just their opinions or even an distortions of actual events or facts.
That’s why Stephen Colbert has mocked them with his word ‘truthiness’.
Notice too, how all their organizations have the words ‘liberty’, ‘American’, ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ again. Heck, they are just as false in their names as the ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’ as it calls itself. Actually, North Korea.
From it’s webpage
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a genuine workers’ state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.”
From the Tea Party website
“The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America. From our founding, the Tea Party represents the voice of the true owners of the United States: WE THE PEOPLE.”
“beloved nation…”??? They shut down the government. Some of they talk seccesion.
Too bad the tea party is well funded by a few billionaires and conservative groups who try to keep themesleve anonymous. Funny how the crazier tea people have bitten the GOP in the rear after it sought their support. Ain’t that a hoot?
The tea party has 14 Non Negotiable Core Beliefs (note the word ‘belief’, something taken without evidence)
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
Tell that to Texas and other backward states that have INTRUDED into the private decisions women make regarding their own health care. I don’t see the tea people outraged about that.
Their list of 15 core beliefs contain the word ‘must’ 7 times. Quite authoritarian it seems as does non-negotiable.
Here is a portion of the Libertian Party’s mission
“The Libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government’s only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.”
Try to run a country of over 300 million as a free-for-all wild west frontier. Do Libertarians drive on the left side of the road to exercise their freedom? Try to run our military as a Libertarian paradise. A society needs rules and regulations to WORK just as a business, a family, a military, or any well functioning human institution. Wall Street crashed in 2008 because the rules were relaxed and/or not enforced. That’s what happens Libertarians.
Now, you’d think they would be the loudest voices supporting things like women’s abortion rights and same-sex marriage which are hot issues right now but I don’t hear that loud and clear from the Libertarians. And, those 2 are fundamental personal liberties.
The in-fighting between the establishment GOP, tea partiers and their libertarian associates is telling and they want to run the government. They couldn’t supervise an ant farm. The GOP had control of the House, Senate and the Executive branch from 2001 to 2007 and what a mess they were creating that we are still recovering from.
Remember that $300 tax rebate that Bush cut for you back then? Where’d that money go? Did you become rich from that? If all your taxes were eliminated, you wouldn’t be any richer. Do you realize that? The companies that can would simply raise their prices to capture all that ‘loose change’ in the economy. Prices certainly wouldn’t go down if taxes were cut, even on corporations.
Our taxes have been cut many times and are at the lowest point in 30 years, so why is everyone still complaining? Did it make any difference?
Kansas governor Sam Brownback (R) cut the taxes steeply on the rich and now Kansas is in debt and he might lose re-election because of that. B-b-but, he transferred Starwoods call center jobs from Lancaster to Kansas with big incentives. I wonder if those Kansas Starwoods employees are now wondering why some schools have been closed for their kids. One republican stealing a company from another (Rex) is too funny.
Todd says
Let’s begin a logical analysis of this diatribe….
The far right has so degraded language that words like ‘liberty’, ‘freedom’, ‘patriot’ have taken on questionable connotations.
Notice how often they use the word/s ‘truth’ or ‘the truth’ as only they know it. But, on closer examination, it’s just their opinions or even an distortions of actual events or facts.
That’s why Stephen Colbert has mocked them with his word ‘truthiness’.
*You have not given your definition of these words, nor have you really proved anything. You used the joke of a comedian. But, just for you William, here is the definition of Freedom:
“The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” So, does Obamacare fit that definition of freedom? Am I free to act and purchase the insurance which meets my needs instead of a policy that meets the needs defined by a politician? No. Do I have the freedom to NOT purchase insurance without the heavy hand of government coming down on me? No.
I would love you to show me the definition of those other two words and show me how the Democrats uphold those values.*
Notice too, how all their organizations have the words ‘liberty’, ‘American’, ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ again. Heck, they are just as false in their names as the ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’ as it calls itself. Actually, North Korea.
From it’s webpage
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a genuine workers’ state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.”
*William, compare the language used here with the language supported by the left. Do you not know the ideology you are supporting?*
From the Tea Party website
“The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America. From our founding, the Tea Party represents the voice of the true owners of the United States: WE THE PEOPLE.”
“beloved nation…”??? They shut down the government. Some of they talk seccesion.
*You can love the nation while disliking the Government. There is talk of secession because the Government is becoming overbearing. Shutting down the government does not equate to a hate of this country. Both parties were equally responsible. I love this country as much as the next person.*
Too bad the tea party is well funded by a few billionaires and conservative groups who try to keep themesleve anonymous. Funny how the crazier tea people have bitten the GOP in the rear after it sought their support. Ain’t that a hoot?
*This here is a hoot too:
Also, the current issue of Forbes has the Forbes 400. I would like you to look through those to find the Democrats and Republicans. You may be surprised to find that most of them are Democrats. Additionally, WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT WHO BILLIONAIES SUPPORT. Vote with your brain, not for who has the most or least money. All of this Billionaire crap is Democrat bogey man talk. And the GOP has abandoned the Tea Party. That’s why Romney lost, not because of some ideological shift, rather many of us just refused to vote for him.*
The tea party has 14 Non Negotiable Core Beliefs (note the word ‘belief’, something taken without evidence)
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
Tell that to Texas and other backward states that have INTRUDED into the private decisions women make regarding their own health care. I don’t see the tea people outraged about that.
Their list of 15 core beliefs contain the word ‘must’ 7 times. Quite authoritarian it seems as does non-negotiable.
*How have they intruded? You haven’t given any proof of anything. I will agree with you, transvaginal ultrasound is intrusive. However, giving women the actual, scientific information about what they are doing is not. But the latest issue in Texas is ensuring doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals. Is this really intrusive? To use the language of the left “If we just save one life then it’s worth it!”
My issue with abortions are twofold. What about the life and rights of the unborn? Additionally, the Federal government has no business dictating on this issue to the states. And it definitely has no right to take money from me by force to provide for an abortion.*
Here is a portion of the Libertian Party’s mission
“The Libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government’s only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.”
Try to run a country of over 300 million as a free-for-all wild west frontier. Do Libertarians drive on the left side of the road to exercise their freedom? Try to run our military as a Libertarian paradise. A society needs rules and regulations to WORK just as a business, a family, a military, or any well functioning human institution. Wall Street crashed in 2008 because the rules were relaxed and/or not enforced. That’s what happens Libertarians.
*Nope, it’s not huge, obtrusive government or none. That is a misconception. Libertarians are not anarchists. *
Now, you’d think they would be the loudest voices supporting things like women’s abortion rights and same-sex marriage which are hot issues right now but I don’t hear that loud and clear from the Libertarians. And, those 2 are fundamental personal liberties.
* Here you go William. Don’t care about gay marriage. Already made my points about abortion. And neither of those are mentioned in the Constitution. Marriage is a contract between two people. Not a Federal issue, other than to ensure that if the contract is accepted and legal in a particular state it is valid in all states regardless of those states laws. But it cannot force states to make it legal between two parties within the state. I hope you can see the distinction. *
The in-fighting between the establishment GOP, tea partiers and their libertarian associates is telling and they want to run the government. They couldn’t supervise an ant farm. The GOP had control of the House, Senate and the Executive branch from 2001 to 2007 and what a mess they were creating that we are still recovering from.
*In-fighting in the GOP, absolutely. The rest is meaningless putdown and Ignores the Democrats hand in the financial crisis. Ye, they had a hand in it to. So did the banks. And the citizenry who took loans they could not afford.*
Remember that $300 tax rebate that Bush cut for you back then? Where’d that money go? Did you become rich from that? If all your taxes were eliminated, you wouldn’t be any richer. Do you realize that? The companies that can would simply raise their prices to capture all that ‘loose change’ in the economy. Prices certainly wouldn’t go down if taxes were cut, even on corporations.
Our taxes have been cut many times and are at the lowest point in 30 years, so why is everyone still complaining? Did it make any difference?
*We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world PLUS we tax corporations on international business. And taxes are ABSOLUTELY passed on in the form of higher prices. You don’t seem to know how a business works. Businesses exist to make money. If taxes are raised, the business has two options: Raise prices or go out of business. Thats it. Raising taxes on corporations hurts us all and has no effect on the corporation itself and does not hurt the rich.*
Kansas governor Sam Brownback (R) cut the taxes steeply on the rich and now Kansas is in debt and he might lose re-election because of that. B-b-but, he transferred Starwoods call center jobs from Lancaster to Kansas with big incentives. I wonder if those Kansas Starwoods employees are now wondering why some schools have been closed for their kids. One republican stealing a company from another (Rex) is too funny.
* I don’t know enough about this to answer as to why these things are happening, and the only reason you know is because it fits with your ideology. But I’ll research and let you know what I find….*
William says
There is ‘natural’ climate change.
And, there is ‘man caused’ climate change.
It is the ‘man caused’ climate change that is speeding up the changes we are seeing now. And, because they are happening more rapidly than natural climate changes in the past, wildlife is disappearing because they can’t adjust fast enough.
Of course, many people who don’t believe in man caused climate change don’t accept evolution, so there ya go. Double down on stoopid.
The Wall Street Journal, not some liberal media outlet, said that half the wildlife on the planet has disappeared in the last 4 decades.
Just like there is a natural forest and there is also forest that has been planted by man. They both have impacts on the environment.
Some people are so amazingly dense that they have to have everything s-p-e-l-l-e-d out for them and usually they still can’t get it.
What to do? What to do? The bigger problem with ‘man caused’ climate change is the stubborness of the deniers.
Plus, I might add, Rex Parris talking about climate change is the worst possible messenger. Would you buy a used car from him? Or, have him design the main street of your town? Every time he says Lancaster is ‘business friendly’ think of all the businesses that have closed or left town. It’s like Bill O’Reilly giving a lecture on workplace sexual harrassment. Not good. It would be funny if they didn’t cause harm to others.
If you read Scott Pelka’s link to the article about Rex visiting Bend, Oregon’s city council to give his wonderful climate change lecture, the comments below it are priceless. I don’t think he’ll be invited back.
Jason says
Nice try at using the WSJ article as proof that climate change is the leading cause of wildlife disappearing. Im sure its more of a reason than the habitat destruction,commercial fishing and hunting that the article listed, which you conveniently left out.
On the flip side is the people that ignore millions of years of history of natural climate change to say that man caused it all. Theres plenty of those people around as well.
William says
No one is saying “man caused it all”. What is the matter with you that you make things up like that?
Didn’t you read the first few paragraphs of my comment before you typed?
There’s both ‘natural’ and ‘man caused’ climate change.
Geez. You are so, so je ne sais quoi.
I wrote>
“The Wall Street Journal, not some liberal media outlet, said that half the wildlife on the planet has disappeared in the last 4 decades.”
You wrote>
“Nice try at using the WSJ article as proof that climate change is the leading cause of wildlife disappearing.”
Where in my comment does it say ‘leading cause’?
Once again, Jason, you expose your poor reading and thinking comprehension.
BTW, Jason. I drove by that abandoned ‘hotel’ on I and 20th West. Oh, my God. The way people talked about it, I thought it was going to be the ne plus ultra of hotels in the Antelope Valley.
It’s behind an AM/PM mini-mart, next to the freeway. The front rooms have a beautiful view of a smog station and a couple gas stations and fast food joints. What a prime location. Was it gonna be a Motel 1?
It reminds me of that one rest stop on the east side of I-5 south of the 46 with a motel and a few gas stations and fast food joints and nothing else around it.
Is there a working brain in all of Lancaster? So, it doesn’t get finished. No big deal. What about the other developments that were to be built nearby it? Do they have ‘design’ problems too?
Oh, Jason. Jason. Jason. Jason.
Jason says
There are people that believe man and only man has caused climate change, just like theres people that don’t believe man has anything to do with it.
Its not my poor reading and thinking comprehension. Funny how you only quote one part of your comment that deals with wildlife.
“It is the ‘man caused’ climate change that is speeding up the changes we are seeing now. And, because they are happening more rapidly than natural climate changes in the past, wildlife is disappearing because they can’t adjust fast enough.”
Then you go on to add the part about the WSJ article. You talk about wildlife disappearing because they cant adjust to climate change fast enough then add in information from a WSJ article about the rate at which they disappeared while leaving out the main causes of why they are disappearing, which have nothing to do with climate change. You tried to insinuate something and got caught, it has nothing to do with my reading comprehension.
William says
Where did you get ‘leading cause’? I didn’t say that. Are accusing me of what others say in your Wonderland again?
Are the 90+% of climate scientists saying that man has caused ALL climate change? So, if a few nuts say it, that’s good enough for you to base your argument on.
Deforestation changes climate patterns over time. Hence, it is again caused by man.
Deforesting in the Brazilian rainforest is affecting the weather patterns, rainfall and ultimately the climate.
Doesn’t deforestation cause weather and then climate change over time? Isn’t deforestation man caused? What did I get caught in?
Have you seen the photos of the walruses on land because there is no ice for them to haul out on? Are they going to adapt in the next 10 years or start dying off?
So, what about that fabulous Motel 1 on 20th and I. What a waste of time discussing that thing. They should finish it and use it to house the homeless. Forget the fancy exterior design.
I’m glad you live in Lancaster. You deserve it.
Once again, I blame myself for even replying to you as it’s pointless, just like Todd. You say I say things I didn’t and then you do the Fox ‘news’ bit about ‘some say x,y & z’ without naming them. Well, ‘some say’ you walk on all fours.
William says
Google ‘deforestation causing climate change’
This abstract is from Trends in Ecology and Evolution. There are others.
At least three global-change phenomena are having major impacts on Amazonian forests: (1) accelerating deforestation and logging; (2) rapidly changing patterns of forest loss; and (3) interactions between human land-use and climatic variability. Additional alterations caused by climatic change, rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, mining, overhunting and other large-scale phenomena could also have important effects on the Amazon ecosystem. Consequently, decisions regarding Amazon forest use in the next decade are crucial to its future existence”
It’s all connected in various ways. But, you have to be able to see the big picture and not just a limited view of things.
Deforestation affects the climate which in turn affects the forests.
Jason says
You didn’t say it, you insinuated it.
Sadly its more than a few nuts but because it doesn’t fit your narrative, it cant be true right?
Is that 90% just like the 40% number the left tried to use for gun control until shown they were wrong?
I never said deforestation wasn’t playing a part in climate change. You got caught insinuating that climate change was the main cause for the rate of wildlife disappearing and then tried to blame it on poor reading and thinking comprehension. Saying wildlife is disappearing because they cant adapt fast enough to climate change then using a WSJ article as proof while leaving out other causes shows what you were trying to do.
Why leave out the main causes of what the report said? Couldn’t be that commercial fishing and hunting are having a much bigger impact than climate change could it? And you wonder where I got leading cause? Had you included the main causes this conversation wouldn’t be happening.
So I should follow the liberal media and believe the lies they push? Funny how they and the President pushed the 40% lie about guns bought without a background check until that was blown out of the water and they looked absolutely ridiculous. Yeah Im sure going to believe the left. Sure glad I believed that this would be the most transparent presidency in history, or that some would be able to keep their doctors or plans at a cheaper price or that the AG didn’t know about a failed gun running operation or the list goes on.
William says
Jason, name some people who are saying that man and only man has caused climate change. I’ve never heard that but maybe you hear voices that I don’t.
Now, you say I am ‘insinuating’. No, you are ‘inferring’. I did no insinuating.
Wildlife losses are one of the side-effects caused by climate change, (I didn’t say ‘leading cause that you said I insinuated) say, in addition to sea levels rising. When the polar bears are gone, it will be because of climate change and not because of hunting.
I did not say ‘leading causes’. You constantly misconstrue, misstate and misinterpret so much. And, then you double-down on it. I don’t get how you can make up things I didn’t say and then say I insinuate them.
Yet, on other occasions, when I’m obviously writing somthing ‘tongue in cheek’, you don’t get it. You’ve got those 2 concepts wired backwards.
Where did you learn to do that? And, how old are you?
Jason says
Of couse you never heard it, just like you havent heard Obama, Holder, etc lie.
You didnt say leading causes, the way you worded your comment though leads to that.
“And, because they are happening more rapidly than natural climate changes in the past, wildlife is disappearing because they can’t adjust fast enough.”
Making that statement followed up by using the WSJ article without using other facts is what leads to that. Why leave out the facts that shows climate change isnt the leading cause in wildlife disappearing? If you werent trying to insinuate, then what were you trying to do?
I dont constantly do any of things. Just like I dont misunderstand when you talk tongue in cheek. But coming from someone who constantly uses the left apparoach of denty and shift blame none of this surprises me.
William says
You never did name anyone who has said “man and only man has caused climate change”, have you?
Now you’re just dancing around a perceived insuation.
IRay says
William you are so right. Ol’ Rexie has to be the worst possible spokesman for global warming. For one, he’s a liar. Made a career out of lying, continues to lie, and always will lie. For two, he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about. He has no degree in science, climate studies or anything like that. He just parrots what he hears those who he agrees with. There are scientists, real scientists, who agree and disagree on this stuff. Smart people, not trial lawyers who think they’re smart. For three, he’s a hypocrite. He flies around in his private fossil fuel powered plane to all these conferences and tries to scare the bejesus out of people with his horror stories of how the world is coming to an end because of fossil fuels. He owns several big houses that use a lot of energy. He likes fast cars and drives a fossil fuel powered Audi.
Most common sense people think that we should use energy wisely, use clean sources of energy, conserve, integrate renewables, drive sensibly, and all that. But no one is accusing him of having common sense.
William says
@IRay. He has become a laughingstock here and wherever he goes.
He hasn’t been good PR for Lancaster as many folks simply will not do business there and besides driving away business, what’s left ain’t much.
There are 2 Walmarts in Palmdale so no one in Palmdale has to go to a Lancaster Walmart and that’s about it for shopping. What supermarkets are left now that Ralph’s closed and the Von’s on 20th and J and others I don’t know about leaving dying shopping centers.
So, even though energy conservation and alternate energy is great, Rex should hire someone else to speak for for it so people might listen. It’s just another ego trip for him.
I hope Rex doesn’t start promoting Mom and Apple Pie. That could ruin it for both.
bird says
Apparently it acceptable with your moderation committee to allow certain commenters to call others “stupid.” To use this word by some who feel they have the right to denigrate others is not conducive to the free flow of thought. Those that have taken it upon themselves to bully others with their condescending words, is abusive and should not be tolerated. Thank you
How says
Good job O’reilly!! Exposing Obama by way of Panetta. He couldn’t even handle the softball questions!!
How says
Is there anybody out there who actually thinks Obama is a great president? Incredible!!!
No More Lies says
R. Rex Paris is at it again. Another lie. This was sent to me from a post he made on his Facebook page and the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly page regarding Steve Knight:
“Yet, not too long ago he (Knight) demanded the Antelope Valley Fair remove rainbow flags put up to decorate the Fair. His reasoning was that some people might confuse this with the gay flag and be offended. Knight seems to have missed the whole point of our freedom of speech. It is not to protect people from being offended, but rather to proect every voice who wants to be heard. It is sometimes uncomfortable, but we have seen what happens without it.”
BULL$#!+. This is a total out and out lie. Mr. Paris knows who called the Fair and it wasn’t Steve Knight.
Shame on you, Mr. Paris. Shame on you.
IRay says
the mayor of Lancaster lie????? Noooooooo. Really? Let’s see the clown show some proof. What’s that? He has none? He was lying? Again? When will you stupid, stupid people learn.
William says
Rex lies when the truth would do.
I bet that beard is fake and he takes it off at night and puts it in his wall safe with all his loot.
rooney says
It’s terrible to see this big sign on the 14 fwy with him and his brother. Like who cares?
bird says
Arianna Huffington is a liberal right? Before Huffington Post she was a conservative demanding Bill Clinton’s impeachment! Waffle, waffle, waffle.
Eric says
No, she is not a liberal. She is a Statist.
bird says
@Eric—Actually the Huffington Post founded by Arianna Huffington is a liberal/left commentary outlet.
Eric says
I’m familiar with HuffPo, one of the sites I check daily. And I’m telling you, there is nothing “liberty” related being advocated there. It is a bunch of Statists and Authoritarians playing charades.
bird says
Always be on the look out for a biased newspaper!
Todd says
Your average HuffPo reporter who can’t believe that his “white privilege” didn’t allow him to refuse lawful orders by big, scary police.
Incidentally, the “reporter” (I use that term loosely in this case) mentioned the ongoing militarization of police. Under what administration do you suppose that happened? Why Barack Obama’s, of course. His administration approved the sale of surplus military equipment to local police, such as those in Ferguson. Additionally, the Governor of Missouri would have had to approve it as well. Who is the Governor of Missouri? Jay Nixon, Democrat. You know, the guy who ordered the National Guard INTO Ferguson and then expected praise when he ordered them out.
William says
Drink up and enjoy.
William says
Fox ‘news’ is now accusing the Olive Garden of being a terrorist organization when they noticed ‘al dente’ on the menu.
Whew! Saved by the bull.
Todd says
Well, I can assume that your average Fox News viewer will not know about this story. Thank god for Huffpo!
I can see why Fox News viewers are so dumb, how would they know about this very, very sorry dog. I heard that next week they will run a series on YouTube cat videos. Should be epic for those who are super informed!
I can’t wait for this weeks “this lady took naked pictures of herself and called it art!” Huffpo expose!
(For those of you who make up stuff about Olive Garden and Fox News, the preceding post is sarcasm. The article linked to above on Huffpo is pointless drivel, designed to distract from the real issues occurring in the world. Most content on Huffpo is pointless. John Stewart connoisseurs know little else but pointless drivel.)
I will ask again. Show me an actual scientifically conducted study, with examples of the questions asked, or really, any proof of the supposed “stupidity” of Fox viewers. Or will you keep repeating that same old “talking point” hoping that if you repeat it enough it’ll be true?
William says
I think your own comments are proof enough.
Todd says
Oh yeah? Which ones? Show me.
(You can’t and won’t)
William says
Here’s your fact free rant below. Remember the birthers that Fox promoted? I knew from the get go that no amount of evidence would convince them and sure enough when the long form birth certificate was produced by the republican governor of Hawaii, they said it was a forgery.
That’s just how you think. You demand a study and I promise you that if I provide one, you will dismiss it for one reason or another like a birther. I’ve gone round and round with people like you before and it’s pointless. I’m positive that if you’ve had this debate with others and they produced studies or surveys, you didn’t accept them, did you?
So, I’ll give you snark and if you don’t like my comments re: Fox ‘news’, there’s a wheel on your mouse and you can scroll past them.
As for Palmdale and Lancaster, there’s a BIG difference but you can’t see it. Do you work for Rex? Palmdale is leaving Lancaster in the dust.
Close the Metrolink station to ‘save the blvd’? How come the 4 year old blvd needs saving in a recovering economy while loads of new businesses are opening in Palmdale, near the Mall on on the Miracle Mile. Wasn’t the Metrolink part of a transit village that the new condos off the blvd were supposed to be part of for easy transportation access?
What a mess? If you can’t see the difference, get your eyes checked, Todd. And, stay angry if you like. What if that unfinished hotel project on 20th Street West is abandoned? Wouldn’t that be something?
I like giving it to Rex and the fools that voted for him. He’s suing my city to put money in his pocket and to try to get one of his guys on the city council, I suspect. So, I ain’t laying off him or his supporters. If you are one, and don’t like it, too bad. Fix it over there.
October 2, 2014 at 10:34 am
Talking points, eh? How about that tired Democrat talking point that “everybody who watches Fox news is dumb”. Been going around for years, yet I have never seen an actual study thats been done, nor examples of the questions asked, nor any other facts related to this. It is just repeated ad nauseam by those who have appointed themselves smarter because they get all of their news from John Stewart, MSNBC, Huffington Post, and “The Daily Kos”. They actually believe that this makes them intelligent and somehow more “intellectual” when they repeat the garbage that these folks spew and, when question, they respond with questionably obtained statistics, “John Stewart is just a comedian”, and, most often, with ridicule or some other put down (birther, tea bagger, Banghazi NOTHING TO SEE HERE, IRS NOTHING TO SEE HERE, ETC, ETC). At no time is there any actual dialog from the posters on those sites or those that consume their media. There is no search for the actual truth, they just accept what they are presented and ridicule those who disagree with meaningless put downs.
“Intellectual Honesty” is an important tool, and I believe, should be the goal of anybody who claims to be intellectual. Let’s look at some examples where this is lacking:
Palmdale vs Lancaster: Lancaster and Palmdale are both part of the greater Antelope Valley. Both communities have their plusses and minuses, and both have their fair share of problems. Claiming that one city is better than the other because of the existence or success of a mall is really irrelevant. The mall was not built in Palmdale because of who the mayor is or was (although I would like those who think that makes a difference to Google who the mayor of Palmdale was when the mall was built in 1990). The mall in Palmdale was built where it is because it made sense from a business perspective. Availability of open land, central location, proximity to the freeway would all be examples of WHY the mall was built where it is. Politicians may have some small amount of influence, but the location is first and foremost a business decision. If it didn’t make sense, it would not have been built. It was most definitely not built because someone lives close to it or so that people can claim arrogantly “Palmdale is better because I live here and the mall is here!”
The Democrats railing against the wealthy: We have a President who drones on and on about the rich having it to good. Yet he is one of the rich. Elizabeth Warren is one of the rich. Nancy Pelosi is one of the rich. Most politicians are among the wealthy. Yet all Democrats prattle on about the Koch brothers. But for every Koch brother, there is an equally as rich Democrat. But because the Democrats SAY what Democrat voters want to hear, people continue to follow like sheep, ignoring the fact that what their politicians do never affects the wealth of those very politicians. Lastly on this, we have a President who, as I said, drones on and on about the rich, yet he lives the lifestyle of the extremely wealthy ON OUR DIME. And this is why Republicans have such a hard time with his extravagant and frequent vacations. Its isn’t some deep seated racism, its because he lives the lifestyle he wants to take from others. You know, like a real hypocrite.
I have more that I can point out, but I have already exceeded the length that those who will attempt to refute what I have said will continue reading. Republicans are not guilt free when it comes to hypocrisy, but the Democrats hypocrisy is much more glaring and nearly their entire platform is built upon it.
To bring the intellectual honesty thing to a close, why would it be acceptable to list all of the crimes committed by Republicans while claiming that looking at criminal Democrats is “not my job”? Seriously, this is ok? You only have standards when it’s a Republican?
Awaiting the put downs and meaningless, snarky comments.
William says
@Todd. As for Lancaster, IRAY wrapped it up pretty well, better than I could.
October 6, 2014 at 8:06 am
Corrupt? Why, lots of cities run on nepotism, land deals for their friends, allowing elected officials to buy property in restricted areas, pay millions of dollars for needless crap like LEAPS so their pals can make some dough, pay millions for improvements to land owned by former city managers and political supporters, pay millions for infrastructure for church facilities located way out of town in exchange for votes, hold elections during April and count their own votes, use local churches and pastors to conduct political surveys, use housing money to build overpasses, and the like.
Todd says
BIRTHERS? BIRTHERS? I said nothing about birthers. You have not refuted anything I said. You can’t. And your response is to try call me names
Maybe the fact that the BLVD is not successful is because, contrary to popular belief the economy is NOT RECOVERING. The amount of people unemployed and not counted continues to rise, the number of people on Food Stamps continue to rise, and nearly all of the job “gains” are low pay, part time jobs. But hey, just keep looking at those shiny mall floors, but be careful on the west side of Palmdale after dark. Because, you know, Palmdale is the model metropolis…..
I am STILL not Rex or one of his employees or lackeys, just like I told you last time. I am my own man and form my own opinions.
I am not a birther, nor any of the other things you wish to label me as. I am informed and know how to articulate my opinion and I can point out the hypocrisy in both parties. What’s next, calling me a Tea Bagger(SNICKER SNICKER like a 5 year old)?
Again, proof of anything you say??? You can’t tell me how I will react to something I haven’t seen and which we both know does not actually exist. So maybe, in your next post bemoaning “talking points” you could actually write a few sentences before spewing one from the left?
Williamq says
@Todd How come all you folks that defend Fox ‘news’ sound almost exactly alike. I could take sentences from your comments and interlace them with comments from another Fox defender and they would be seamless as though they were written by the same person.
Yet, you claim to be your own man and form your own opinions.
You haven’t provided any ‘facts’ in any of your comments have you, just familiar sounding talking points dressed up as your ‘opinions’?
You are excusing the problems in Lancaster because of the economy. Well, Palmdale is doing great in the same economy. How can that be?
Macy’s and Yard House opened during the worst of the Great Recession in Palmdale, while restaurants were opening and closing within a year or so on blvd. There is an obvious difference between the leadership in the 2 cities with the attendant results produced and don’t try to make it seem like there isn’t, try as you might. (Forming your own opinions when they are demonstrably inaccurate isn’t something to brag about)
Here’s a poll that was on the Forbes site for starters with the link to the article unlike your silly link to a silly article on Huffington Post. There are countless nonsense segments on Fox if you want to go there. Fox even has a show with some people who think they are comedians. They aren’t.
A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.
I like this quote from the article.
“Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.”
You need to work on reading comprehension, Todd. I said that you think like a birther not that you are a birther and that you are predisposed to dismiss any evidence contrary to your firmly held beliefs LIKE a birther.
I was giving you the example of how birthers think. No amount of evidence that Fox ‘news’ puts out a bad product and that its viewers are misinformed by it will ever convince you. Isn’t that correct, Todd? You’ve already implied that.
Like I’ve said, you remind me of others who I’ve done this with. You misinterpret what I wrote and then run with it. I’m sure you’ll do it again.
William says
Instead of birthers, I coulda used as examples
-flat earthers
-holocaust deniers
-moon landing was a hoax
-we found WMDs in Iraq
-man caused climate change deniers
or any number of groups of people who deny reality, evidence, proof, etc. no matter how well documented.
Did you know that the Flat Earth Society was located in Lancaster, California? Is it any wonder then?
Maybe you can start a ‘Fox ‘news’ Gives Accurate Reporting Society’. I can’t wait.
That’ll put Lancaster on the map once more.
Todd says
Have you ever heard of “correlation vs causation”? What this refers to is the fallacy that because something is correlated, i.e Fox News viewers could not answer a question about Hosni Mubarak, that somehow that must be “caused” by their lack of intelligence. This is a common fallacy made by people who know nothing about actual science. You see, just because there is a correlation between two things does not mean that one is caused by the other. MSNBC viewers received similar scores. Funny how Forbes missed that. Here is a listing of the questions asked, as well as a quite funny coincidence that I will point out after the break-
Would love to point you to this conclusion- “The only people who ended up misinformed after watching Fox, on the other hand, were liberals.” Did you not claim that you watch Fox News William? Aren’t you a Liberal?
All that other flat earther non-sense is a typical Liberal grasping at straws. I have claimed none of those things but you wish I would. Once again you are projecting your biases onto someone you know nothing about. You really know nothing but insults and have no actual depth or intellectual reasoning. Stop repeating that crap and think. If you are against something I have said, refute the argument. All that other crap is just, well, crap. Meaningless, pointless, crap.
Jason says
Man caused climate change? Man has accelerated it but they definitely didnt cause climate change. Climate change has been happening on Earth long before man came around but dont let millions of years of that cycle happening get in the way of saying something that isnt true. Im still waiting for someone to explain how man caused climate change that led to the last Ice Age waning.
IRay says
If you wanna learn all about man caused climate change give a listen to Rex when he gets in his private fossil fuel powered plane and travels to places like Bend, Oregon to spew his uneducated nonsense. Rex’ll tell you all about it when he’s away from his oversized palaces and Audi gasoline fuel vehicle. But he won’t explain the “Pause”, that nasty little 18 year hiatus in the global warming. He won’t explain the growth of the Antarctic ice cap, the lull in hurricanes, the fact that while CO2 has increased over the last two decades the temperature hasn’t. Rex will scare you and used his grandkids to tug as your heartstrings. But a phoney, is a phoney and there is no one more phoney than Rex.
William says
The Blaze? Are you kidding me? Why not Breitbart?
I promised that you would dismiss the proffered poll.
Did you notice that from your own link the graph showed that liberals who watched MSNBC scored the highest of all the catagories by a long shot? I do watch MSNBC primarily because they have some smart people but I check out Fox too. So, according to the graph, I’m in the catagory of the most informed on the link you provided me. Thank you. Which catagory are you in?
I used to watch Fox more up to a couple years ago when it became so biased and dishonest, it was unwatchable after only a few minutes. They were bringing up ‘death panels’ the week before they whined that the President picked on them for their continuous portrayal of Obamacare ‘being a fanged threat to liberty….”. They are so sensitive to his criticism while they’ve called him every name in the book and then some. They are petty little hypocrites on Fox and proud of it.
Once again, you show your intellectual DISHONESTY by your comment “…Fox News viewers could not answer a question about Hosni Mubarak, that somehow that must be “caused” by their lack of intelligence”. If Einstein called information and was given the phone number, it’s not a lack of intelligence. It’s called being misinformed like a Fox viewer is. I have to explain everything to you in excruciating detail and I doubt that you will even get it now.
I didn’t say that. The survey don’t say that. You said that along with all your ‘actual science’ nonsense that the right doesn’t believe in anyway. The words used are usually mis- or uninformed but you went ahead and DISHONESTLY claimed it was being said that it was caused by a ‘lack of intelligence’. No. That didn’t happen in ‘reality’.
That is not ‘intellectual honesty when you play those kinds of games. Of course, it may also be true but the polls and surveys aren’t measuring intelligence. You lose that one just for being ‘intellectually dishonest’. Do you get that?
If you want to continue misstating what others and I say, which you’ve done several times already, I’ll keep calling you on it and pointing out your ‘intellectual dishonesty’. It’s a rotten job but someone has to do it.
There have been many other studies, surveys and polls that show Fox viewers are either more mis- or uninformed than other less watched cable news outlets and I don’t feel like taking the time to Google them all for someone like yourself who is already disinclined to accept anything contrary to your own thinking and you are dishonest to boot. That there is also ‘intellectual dishonesty’ being unwilling to accept any evidence you disagree with.
You don’t like my comments, scroll past them.
Talking points in > talking points out. You fancy yourself as having ‘intellectual honesty’. How so? Because you said so? I have just pointed out your dishonesty when you claim something no one is saying or misstating what I have said.
I can’t wait to hear you squirm, deflect, ignore and/or sidestep that simple example that you, yourself, provided.
Palmdale still wins in almost every category; lower crime rates, lower unemployment, higher bond rating, higher property values, more and better shopping and dining, better location, future transportation center for the Antelope Valley, better and more HONEST leadership and so on while being in the same overall economy as the entire Antelope Valley as well as the nation. Again, you earlier tried to play that ‘intellectually dishonest’ game of your blaming Lancaster’s woes on the economy while Palmdale is in the same economy. What does it take to get through to you?
And, your saying they’re the same is not ‘intellectual honesty’.
I’ll let you think you won so you can sleep tonight.
But, tomorrow, see if you can put in some ‘intellectual honesty’ in your discussions with me. You can play your games with others if you like and if they are clueless. I don’t care. It only reinforces it for you and, in the end, you’re the worse off for it if they don’t call you on it.
Your turn.
Todd says
A rather inconvenient article regarding climate change and Al Gore-
Democrats have decided that the science of global warming has been settled. Not scientists, but Democrat politicians, Liberals, and their supporters. They ignore the science that is not consistent with their beliefs, which is the exact opposite of how scientists conduct themselves.
Of course, when your idea of intelligence is to ignore anything that does not fit your idea of the world, you can just declare that something is true. Like Flat Earthers, moon landing deniers, and most Liberals.
William says
Did you notice that liberals watching MSNBC were the most informed of all in the graph in the link you supplied?
Pretty cool. Why would that be, Todd?
Todd says
The Blaze? Are you kidding me? Why not Breitbart?
*Meaningless putdown. Does not address any off the issues pointed out.*
I promised that you would dismiss the proffered poll.
Did you notice that from your own link the graph showed that liberals who watched MSNBC scored the highest of all the catagories by a long shot? I do watch MSNBC primarily because they have some smart people but I check out Fox too. So, according to the graph, I’m in the catagory of the most informed on the link you provided me. Thank you. Which catagory are you in?
*MSNBC has smart people? Let me show you one of those people-
And once again, you have appointed yourself the smartest. What a surprise.*
I used to watch Fox more up to a couple years ago when it became so biased and dishonest, it was unwatchable after only a few minutes. They were bringing up ‘death panels’ the week before they whined that the President picked on them for their continuous portrayal of Obamacare ‘being a fanged threat to liberty….”. They are so sensitive to his criticism while they’ve called him every name in the book and then some. They are petty little hypocrites on Fox and proud of it.
*Death panels, eh? Here is an article with a link to a paper by one of the architects of Obamacare-
How do you suppose they will decide who gets to die at 75? I guarantee you it won’t be anybody named Obama.*
Once again, you show your intellectual DISHONESTY by your comment “…Fox News viewers could not answer a question about Hosni Mubarak, that somehow that must be “caused” by their lack of intelligence”. If Einstein called information and was given the phone number, it’s not a lack of intelligence. It’s called being misinformed like a Fox viewer is. I have to explain everything to you in excruciating detail and I doubt that you will even get it now.
*Einstein calling information? What? And more put downs. This is getting boring.*
I didn’t say that. The survey don’t say that. You said that along with all your ‘actual science’ nonsense that the right doesn’t believe in anyway. The words used are usually mis- or uninformed but you went ahead and DISHONESTLY claimed it was being said that it was caused by a ‘lack of intelligence’. No. That didn’t happen in ‘reality’.
*I fell like this was cut a pasted out of order because it doesn’t make sense in this context. But of course, since someone is on the right, your biases claim that they have no idea of science. That is a false generalization. And its doesn’t, not don’t.*
That is not ‘intellectual honesty when you play those kinds of games. Of course, it may also be true but the polls and surveys aren’t measuring intelligence. You lose that one just for being ‘intellectually dishonest’. Do you get that?
*What games? I don’t lose “that one”. You cant just prattle on and say “I WIN”. The real world doesn’t work that way.*
If you want to continue misstating what others and I say, which you’ve done several times already, I’ll keep calling you on it and pointing out your ‘intellectual dishonesty’. It’s a rotten job but someone has to do it.
*Give me a list of what I misstated. Without putdowns.*
There have been many other studies, surveys and polls that show Fox viewers are either more mis- or uninformed than other less watched cable news outlets and I don’t feel like taking the time to Google them all for someone like yourself who is already disinclined to accept anything contrary to your own thinking and you are dishonest to boot. That there is also ‘intellectual dishonesty’ being unwilling to accept any evidence you disagree with.
*Show me the other polls.*
You don’t like my comments, scroll past them.
Talking points in > talking points out. You fancy yourself as having ‘intellectual honesty’. How so? Because you said so? I have just pointed out your dishonesty when you claim something no one is saying or misstating what I have said.
*What dishonesty? Where? Give me a 2-3 sentence description of it without putdowns.*
I can’t wait to hear you squirm, deflect, ignore and/or sidestep that simple example that you, yourself, provided.
*Squirm, nah. Laugh, yes. Your biases are very entertaining.*
Palmdale still wins in almost every category; lower crime rates, lower unemployment, higher bond rating, higher property values, more and better shopping and dining, better location, future transportation center for the Antelope Valley, better and more HONEST leadership and so on while being in the same overall economy as the entire Antelope Valley as well as the nation.
*Proof of any of this?*
Again, you earlier tried to play that ‘intellectually dishonest’ game of your blaming Lancaster’s woes on the economy while Palmdale is in the same economy. What does it take to get through to you?
And, your saying they’re the same is not ‘intellectual honesty’.
I’ll let you think you won so you can sleep tonight.
*Palmdale vs Lancaster is nonsensical. Creates nothing, fixes nothing. What the rest of the world thinks:
But, tomorrow, see if you can put in some ‘intellectual honesty’ in your discussions with me. You can play your games with others if you like and if they are clueless. I don’t care. It only reinforces it for you and, in the end, you’re the worse off for it if they don’t call you on it.
*Meaningless putdown.*
Your turn.
*Now its yours*
William says
Nah. You’re crazy. You don’t get analogies. Look it up.
I promised you would dismiss any poll or survey and you did.
Your first comment had this putdown and then you accuse me of putdowns. That makes you a hypocrite. Look it up.
“John Stewart connoisseurs know little else but pointless drivel.)”
I’m done with you because I AM smarter than you.
Todd says
Nah. You’re crazy. You don’t get analogies. Look it up.
I promised you would dismiss any poll or survey and you did.
Your first comment had this putdown and then you accuse me of putdowns. That makes you a hypocrite. Look it up.
“John Stewart connoisseurs know little else but pointless drivel.)”
I’m done with you because I AM smarter than you.
*Typical liberal. I am smarter than you and I don’t have to prove it. But because I vote for that person with the “D” by his name, I win.”
Emotional crap, outright dismissal without any facts to the contrary (I told you you would dismiss it), and intellectual bubble gum (Bill Oreilly loofa day) mean nothing in the real world.
I didn’t “dismiss” the poll. I gave a link with reasons why the entire things was suspect. And then pointed out how the reasoning may be flawed. But you didn’t want to argue that. You couldn’t back it up. You dismissed me. Based upon your biases.
How about, instead of spouting Rex did this and Palmdale has the mall with white floors and has BLAH BLAH BLAH, we forget all of that nonsense that hurts THE ENTIRE AV. Maybe work together as a region?
Todd says
I am going to make this easy for you William. Read through my posts and yours. It appears that only one of us actually watches Fox News…..
I don’t watch Fox News. Or MSNBC. Or CNN. Or any pay television services. I cut the cord quit some time ago. Mostly because I got tired of being forced to support garbage that I didn’t want. I highly recommend that others do the same.
And I do not identify as Republican. I am a Libertarian.
So which group, based upon that narrowly defined poll, the poll that mistakes correlation with causation, would you like to place me in?
I’ll just leave this here:
JR says
it is hard to “work together” as a region when you have one nefarious lawyer-slash-politician doing everything he can to hurt his neighbors. Lawsuits, lies, badmouthing, and hurtful policies do not bring a community together. Not to mention the fact that it is impossible to recruit businesses to a region when the mayor of that city likes to sue businesses. Until he and his ilk are gone, the other cities and towns are best served to keep away from him and his destructive ways.
William says
As much as he’s done to harm Palmdale with his lawsuit and interference with its elections, he’s ironically hurt his own city the most.
Now, THAT’S poetic justice.
William says
Assuming you live in Lancaster, do you have any idea why so many people don’t vote?
Are your friends and neighbors not paying attention, too busy commuting (I know when I commuted, I didn’t have time to keep up), are they satisfied with things, or what?
It’s obvious that there is a certain base of voters who keep Rex & Co. in power but the biggest mystery of all is why aren’t 100,000 or so voters not participating.
I’m guessing on the number of a city of over 150,000, Even if it’s half that, they could still replace the gang of idiots who have ruined the city and its reputation and probably the reputation of the entire Antelope Valley by association.
I bet if Jonathan Ervin had been elected this past election, there would have been some benefits to his election by now, if only to call attention to the behind the scenes shenanigans or at least put the gang on notice.
Even though I live in Palmdale, Rex has caused problems for my city as well as for Quartz HIll where I have friends. so it is my business to comment here about him.
I know some don’t like my comments about Rex. Too bad. They are part of the problem. And, they know who they are.
I don’t see their actions to improve things. How can things improve if you ignore the problems and the problem in Lancaster is Rex & Co. Things will never improve as long as they run things. You can bet on that.
Todd says
All of this is WHY there is a problem. It’s can’t always be “those guys over there are the problem”. Both communities have their problems. It is the thinking by residents of both cities that cause the problems. Yes, Rex is causing his fair share of issues. But blaming everything on that one person ignores that you have essentially the same attitude. Since Rex is the public figure that embodies that attitude, he is the scapegoat. But all these posts are the same thing, the same attitude, the same stuff that poisons the well for all of us.
William says
Ask Fox ‘news’, CAP’N LANCASTER. They’ll make up something and blame it on President Obama or Jimmy Carter or Hillary’s new baby granddaughter.
Maybe the hotel builders have heard that Rex is happy to sue them for thinking bad thoughts about him while on the job. Would that surprise you?
William says
Funny how most things in Lancaster have ‘issues’ of one sort or another. The only thing in Lancaster that goes smoothly is how slick Rex slips out of town to his other residence, like a well greased eel on a Slip & Slide.
Also funny, how some people can’t get sarcasm because their heads are so far up where there is no sunshine. You know who you are.
I love baiting a hook with a snarky remark about Fox ‘news’ to see what ‘fish’ I catch. Fox ‘news’ viewers are more mis- and/or uninformed than people who don’t watch teevee news at all.
Amazing, isn’t it? It’s on 24/7 and they all spew the same talking points so you’d think if they were providing accurate information, their viewers would be the best informed after hearing ‘accurate’ information repeated over and over all day long.
Todd says
Talking points, eh? How about that tired Democrat talking point that “everybody who watches Fox news is dumb”. Been going around for years, yet I have never seen an actual study thats been done, nor examples of the questions asked, nor any other facts related to this. It is just repeated ad nauseam by those who have appointed themselves smarter because they get all of their news from John Stewart, MSNBC, Huffington Post, and “The Daily Kos”. They actually believe that this makes them intelligent and somehow more “intellectual” when they repeat the garbage that these folks spew and, when question, they respond with questionably obtained statistics, “John Stewart is just a comedian”, and, most often, with ridicule or some other put down (birther, tea bagger, Banghazi NOTHING TO SEE HERE, IRS NOTHING TO SEE HERE, ETC, ETC). At no time is there any actual dialog from the posters on those sites or those that consume their media. There is no search for the actual truth, they just accept what they are presented and ridicule those who disagree with meaningless put downs.
“Intellectual Honesty” is an important tool, and I believe, should be the goal of anybody who claims to be intellectual. Let’s look at some examples where this is lacking:
Palmdale vs Lancaster: Lancaster and Palmdale are both part of the greater Antelope Valley. Both communities have their plusses and minuses, and both have their fair share of problems. Claiming that one city is better than the other because of the existence or success of a mall is really irrelevant. The mall was not built in Palmdale because of who the mayor is or was (although I would like those who think that makes a difference to Google who the mayor of Palmdale was when the mall was built in 1990). The mall in Palmdale was built where it is because it made sense from a business perspective. Availability of open land, central location, proximity to the freeway would all be examples of WHY the mall was built where it is. Politicians may have some small amount of influence, but the location is first and foremost a business decision. If it didn’t make sense, it would not have been built. It was most definitely not built because someone lives close to it or so that people can claim arrogantly “Palmdale is better because I live here and the mall is here!”
The Democrats railing against the wealthy: We have a President who drones on and on about the rich having it to good. Yet he is one of the rich. Elizabeth Warren is one of the rich. Nancy Pelosi is one of the rich. Most politicians are among the wealthy. Yet all Democrats prattle on about the Koch brothers. But for every Koch brother, there is an equally as rich Democrat. But because the Democrats SAY what Democrat voters want to hear, people continue to follow like sheep, ignoring the fact that what their politicians do never affects the wealth of those very politicians. Lastly on this, we have a President who, as I said, drones on and on about the rich, yet he lives the lifestyle of the extremely wealthy ON OUR DIME. And this is why Republicans have such a hard time with his extravagant and frequent vacations. Its isn’t some deep seated racism, its because he lives the lifestyle he wants to take from others. You know, like a real hypocrite.
I have more that I can point out, but I have already exceeded the length that those who will attempt to refute what I have said will continue reading. Republicans are not guilt free when it comes to hypocrisy, but the Democrats hypocrisy is much more glaring and nearly their entire platform is built upon it.
To bring the intellectual honesty thing to a close, why would it be acceptable to list all of the crimes committed by Republicans while claiming that looking at criminal Democrats is “not my job”? Seriously, this is ok? You only have standards when it’s a Republican?
Awaiting the put downs and meaningless, snarky comments.
bird says
Todd—No put downs from me Todd. Thank you for your comment.
Jason says
Building stopped because of design issues. It wasnt built to the design the hotel chain wanted so now changes have to made.
William says
Let’s go back to the beginning before we went down the ‘rabbit hole’ with JASON IN WONDERLAND.
September 30, 2014 at 3:56 pm
Building stopped because of design issues. It wasnt built to the design the hotel chain wanted so now changes have to made.
Those 2 sentences contradict each other……………plus, Jason later said it had nothing to do with the architect or engineer who designed the design.
and away we went trying to set Jason straight. Eric fell for Jason’s ‘logic’.
October 1, 2014 at 2:23 pm
““Design issues can cover a multitude of different things including the contractor not building to design standards.”
Maybe you should have drawn it with a crayon for them, Jason.”
The design was OK. Jason pulled that sentence Eric quoted out of his butt and Eric was right there to grab it.
The contractor didn’t build to the design. The contractor didn’t even design the design. Why are you 2 knuckleheads so stubborn?
It’s not a ‘design issue’ if the contractor doesn’t build to the design no matter what Jason makes up to justify his initial contradictory comment.
Is there intelligent life in Lancaster? Jason and Eric illustrate the same kind of confusion that affects everything in Lancaster from Rex on down and including stopping the building of the hotel. If those involved in building the hotel think like Eric and Jason………….well, no wonder.
It has been asked a million times “What is in the water in Lancaster?”.
Jason says
William, the only one in wonderland and the only knucklehead being stubborn is you.
Clear as Mud says
if it is just a matter of ‘design issues’ why has it been vacant so long? it is beginning to look like an eyesore in the neighborhood. not that it is located anywhere special. but it looks abandoned. wonder if the hotel bailed on it. maybe the av times can do a story on this.
William says
How so, Jason?
You just say things w/o any backup examples.
Let’s try something simple for ya.
What is ‘2 + 2’?
William says
You lost this round, Jason. Give it up. Now, you’re just flailing about.
I see your remora is back also known as ‘suckerfish’. Doesn’t add anything to the discussion, just feeds off your scraps.
William says
Looks like Eric gave up on you.
Jason says
Ive lost this round? Thats funny considering youre the one taking something and twisting it around into something its not. Saying the same thing over isnt contradictory no matter how many times you say it is jusy because it doesnt fit your narrative.
Its funny how when I back up what I say with examples you flat out ignore it, especially when you are proven wrong. But thats whats to be expected of you.
Clear, quite possible its in legal hands now as to why no work is ebing done. If thats the case who knows how long it will sit in its current state.
William says
I pointed out your self-contradictory statements and explained why they were contradictory.
You haven’t shown what I was twisting around at all. I posted your exact comments/quotes and pointed out why they didn’t make sense. You’ve done no such thing about my comments other than your unsupported ‘claims’.
This was my second comment on this thread before you started down the ‘rabbit hole’. It still holds true.
“Funny how most things in Lancaster have ‘issues’ of one sort or another.”
Such as the blvd, (it’s only 4 years old and needs SAVING already despite an improving economy), birth tourism flub, solar farms and valley fever, unwanted roundabouts, lowered bond rating, fishy local elections, Rex suing a local business, closing the Metrolink station proposal to stop the homeless influx, businesses closing or moving to Palmdale, higher crime and unemployement rates than Palmdale even though the cities are about the same size and right next door to each other, BYD employee controversy (Gee,how come Rex didn’t sue BYD for underpaying its employees like he did with Starwoods? Fascinating), adversarial relationship with neighboring cities Quartz Hill and Palmdale and so on. I might have forgotten a few things. Oh, that empty ‘outdoor mall’ across from the park on 10th Street West. Maybe Rex can make it a preserve for the panhandlers.
Face it, Lancaster is a ‘failed city’ thanks to your mayor and the only people who make out are Rex & Co. and the ‘good ol’ boys’ who manage to make great land deals with the help of the city’s resources.
So, Jason, is it any surprise that a new hotel construction in Lancaster is suspended given all the problematic issues I listed above? It seems to go with the territory and here we are debating ‘design issues’ versus ‘poor contractor performance’. Either way, it illustrates how things roll in Lancaster. Not very well and this debate is a distraction from the far bigger problem called Lancaster’s leadership.
Do you really think things will improve in Lancaster as long as Rex is running it for his own ego and benefit of his buddies? Palmdale is leaving it in the dust and Palmdale will only keep surging ahead in the future.
Back to your comments.
Your proof? Somebody told you. Really?
You made up that nonsense that a design issue includes a contractor doing his own thing and not following the design.
Where is that written? What is your backup evidence for this comment you posted?>
“Design issues can cover a multitude of different things including the contractor not building to design standards.”
Who or what is your source for that statement. You just made that up, didn’t you? And, it doesn’t make sense. In fact, it proves MY point about your comments.
Like I said. You lost this round. Give it up. Your last comment was empty of any convincing facts or evidence as usual.
It still amazes me how your thinking processes operate. You should be studied.
Clear as Mud says
now it’s legal issues? what is the real story here? can we get to the bottom of this? it is an eyesore and something is not right.
William says
@Clear as Mud
It’s called ‘moving the goal posts’.
Jason comes up with a new ‘explanation’ every few hours to stay ahead of the game.
When I try to pin him down on something he wrote, he moves the goal posts every time. By, the time we’re done with this discussion the goal posts will be in Tehachapi or maybe in Nevada. He’s a stubborn little guy.
Give it a try, Clear as Mud. Try to pin him down on one of his comments/replies and watch what happens. It’s fascinating.
Like you wrote, now it’s a ‘legal issue’ whereas before, Jason said it was a ‘design issue’. But, it wasn’t an architect or engineer issue (who did the design then?) Ask him what the ‘legal issue’ is specifcally since he has ‘inside information’ that isn’t availabe to us. LOL
Do ya think Rex is gonna sue the hotel, the contractor or Jason? Somebody has to be sued.
Bottom line. It’s LANCASTER. Everything is tainted there. Can you think of any project that has gone cleanly in Lancaster without some fishy nonsense involved?
Sure, projects always involve breakdowns and changes as you go along, if you’ve ever had your home remodeled, but in Lancaster, it’s usually something a little shady or worse. I listed them in another comment on this thread.
Here’s the deal. When you have integrity, things work better. Rex & Co. seem to struggle with their integrity and, hence, projects don’t work as well. It’s physics.
When all your car’s tires are properly inflated and still have the minimum tread depth, wheels aligned (integrity), the car runs as designed. It’s really simple.
There was integrity missing somewhere along the line in the contractor’s work and so, the project was halted until the integrity was restored.
Or, maybe the hotel chain has decided to abandon the project altogether and is using the contractor’s changes as an excuse. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? Maybe the hotel chain has looked at the crummy performance of things in Lancaster and decided it wasn’t such a good idea after all.
I could be wrong but then again, I predicted that the blvd was going to be a flop early on as did many others.
Jason says
Youve shown nothing that my comments were self contradictory. They have said the same thing multiple times. Ive said from the get go it was a contractor not following plans. You tried to take a statement of mine where it was very clear about what I was talking about and make it seem like I was contradicting myself.
Like I said the person who told me this information was someone involved with the project. Someone with 20+ years in the business and someone who knows what hes talking about.
As far as moving the goal posts, I said its quite possible, not that it is for sure legal issues. Things like this have a tendency to end up going through legal motions because of contracts and such.
You want an example of twisting my words, there you go. Unless you have no clue of what the meaning the word possible can have, you went deliberately out of your way to twist my words into something they arent.
And its absolutely hilarious you say I try to move the goal posts. Coming from someone who, when shown they are wrong, goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with whats being discussed or completely ignore the post. Doesnt surprise me coming out of you.
Jason says
Ill tell you the same thing I told William. I said its quite possible, not that its for sure. I dont know whats going on currently and why no work is being done.
bird says
It’s about design issues.
Jason says
Nothing to do with the architect or engineer but rather the main contractor building it different than the chain wanted.
William says
You mean, the contractor did not follow the design of the architect and/or the engineer?
How can you say on one hand it “…was stopped because of design issues” and then turn around and say “Nothing to do with the architect or engineer…”
Well, who was responsible for the design? Did the contractor not follow the design as it was ‘designed’ or was it the design itself (design issues) that were designed by the designers, the architect and engineers, not what the hotel chain wanted.
Once, again, Jason. You are confused. Doesn’t your use of the term ‘design issues’ imply that it was the design itself that wasn’t what the chain wanted and that the contractor followed them correctly?
Otherwise, the design would have been fine and OK with the hotel chain as far as the design they wanted but the contractor didn’t follow it. In that case, it wasn’t ‘design issues’ but ‘contractor issues’.
You’re comments didn’t help.
Jason says
Lol saying twice it wasnt built to the Hotels design standard is confusing? Especially after saying it had nothing to do with the architect or engineer but rather the contractor not following the plans?
Design issues can cover a multitude of different things including the contractor not building to design standards.
Clear As Mud says
let me get this straight. An architect/engineer designs a hotel. the hotel approves the design and hires a contractor. the contractor has the plans or specs or design and says screw it I will build it my way. while the contractor is going rogue there is no inspector from the hotel? no one is checking on how the work is going? no plan checks? no inspections? what kind of hotel does this because if this is how they pay attention to the details their service must suck too.
William says
Your comnents did not make that clear. Maybe in your head. Read CAP’N LANCASTER’S reply.
He also read your ‘design issues’ as referring to the architect or engineer and the ‘designs’ themselves (needing to be ironed out) not being what the hotel chain wanted and not the contractor who didn’t follow the blueprints.
Once again, in your alternate reality you think that ‘design issues’ mean something other than what everyone else does.
You do that all the time with every issue.
“Lol saying twice it wasnt built to the Hotels design….”
That’s NOT what you wrote intitially and now you are rewording your comment to CYA.
So, the design itself was what the hotel wanted and approved but the contracter screwed up by not following the design/blueprints. If that is correct, that’t not what you were saying. The ‘designs’ were fine then. There were no ‘design issues’. There were fulfillment issues.
If an architect designs a round patio and the contractor builds a square patio, IT’S NOT A DESIGN ISSUE, JASON.
If the architects and engineers ‘design’ a hotel that meets the chain’s exact specifications and then the contractor builds something different, IT’S NOT A DESIGN ISSUE, JASON.
Do I have to s-p-e-l-l it out any more clearly for you to get it?
Get a clue or more. A lot more. They are everywhere, well, except for your ‘associate’. Look at who your comment attracts in agreement. Yikes!
And, having a remora attached to you and your comments, feeding off the scraps doesn’t make your comments any more valid or coherent.
But, like our other discussions you conflate things and think things are all the same just because you think they are. Your English comprehension has a ‘design’ flaw or a ‘fulfilment’ flaw. Take your pick.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL and LOL some more for good measure.
William says
@Clear as Mud
Now, you’re catching on.
Jason would have you believe>
-an architect designs a hotel according the hotel’s wishes.
-the hotel chain approves the ‘design’ as presented.
-the contractor and/or sub-contractors don’t follow the blueprints (design) exactly as drawn and approved by the hotel chain and the hotel doesn’t accept what the contractor has done that doesn’t match the approved design.
-therefore, it’s a ‘design issue’ according to Jason.
The question remains “Who designed Jason?” Sarah Palin?
Here’s Sarahkins giving a drunken speech a few months before her family was involved in a drunken bar brawl. She’s one of the GOP’s ‘leaders’ and Fox ‘news’ employs her to give her expert ‘opinion’ on word salads.
I’m fascinated by the way Jason thinks. How does he find the door to exit a room?
Stay tuned while Jason comes up with a fantastic explanation. I can’t wait.
Jason says
William, thats exactly the way it was explained to me by someone involved with the project. So Im supposed to take your explanation over someone with 20+ years of doing this type of work, I dont see that happening.
William says
Well, Jason. They must think like you.
Was it someone who worked for the contractor who then blamed it on the ‘design’?
How convenient and you fell for it.
You do realize, it still doesn’t make any sense, don’t you?
If the contractor now has to fix it so it matches the ‘design’ it wasn’t a ‘design’ issue.
Bottom line. It’s a ‘Jason’ issue. That’s what someone explained to me.
Ask your ‘person’ if the ‘fix’ it being done to have the work match the design that the architect drew up and the hotel approved in the first place.
September 30, 2014 at 6:33 pm
“Nothing to do with the architect or engineer but rather the main contractor building it different than the chain wanted.”
Doesn’t the ‘design’ have something (a lot) to do with the architect or engineer?
Either the contractor didn’t build to the ‘design’ or the ‘design’ wasn’t what the hotel wanted and, therefore, it DOES have something to do with the architect or engineer.
Your first 2 comments/replies contradicted each other and your remora tagged along mindlessly to boot.
I guess when you’re in a riddle inside a paradox, you can’t see out, Jason. I knew your explanation would be ‘fantastic? Someone ‘explained’ it to you. Well, that let’s you off the hook.
Clear as Mud says
sounds like someone was blowing smoke up your keester with that explanation. sounds like someone is hiding what really happened.
Jason says
So the general not building to design specs is someone blowing smoke and hiding what really happened?
Clear as Mud says
how can you not build to design specs when you have the design specs in front of you? did they hire a contractor, throw down some wood and nails and say build a hotel without providing specs and blueprints? what about inspectors? total incompetence and-or someone is lying-or both.
Jason says
Because the contractor did it differently than what was on the plans, despite being told they were wrong to do it that way. The change was caught and now we see the result of that, the hotel sitting unfinished while things are hashed out.
Clear as Mud says
i call b.s. what contractor who builds for a living would take the plans they have been given and told to work with and says, hell no i’m going to build what i want. something fishy is going on here.
Jason says
Call what you want. Someone asked why construction stopped and I answered with info that came from someone directly involved with the project. You would be surprised at what happens in construction at times.
William says
October 1, 2014 at 9:42 am
So the general not building to design specs is someone blowing smoke and hiding what really happened?
You keep undermining yourself, Jason, as usual.
If the contractor didn’t build to design specs, it WASN’T a design issue. The design was fine. (that rhymes)
Then, you say
October 1, 2014 at 10:10 am
Because the contractor did it differently than what was on the plans, despite being told they were wrong to do it that way. The change was caught and now we see the result of that, the hotel sitting unfinished while things are hashed out.
“..despite being told they were wrong to do it that way.”
Well, then, what was wrong- the design? If so, then is was an architect or engineer issue that you said it wasn’t yesterday. See below.
September 30, 2014 at 6:33 pm
Nothing to do with the architect or engineer but rather the main contractor building it different than the chain wanted.
Don’t you get how self-contradictory your string of comments has been?
This whole discussion has nothing to do with the hotel, the design, the contractors, the architects or the engineers BUT YOUR OWN CONFUSION ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE WRITING.
Sheesh. Even your remora detached.
Oh, well, Keep digging, Jason.
Eric says
“i call b.s. what contractor who builds for a living would take the plans they have been given and told to work with and says, hell no i’m going to build what i want. something fishy is going on here.”
That simple, huh? Never heard of contractors cutting corners, or you know, thinking he knew better than the architect and doing something that he might have thought worked better?
As far as “no inspector catching it”….well, work was suspended, changes are being made, that would seem to imply an inspector did catch it.
William says
So, it wasn’t a design issue after all?
Eric says
“Design issues can cover a multitude of different things including the contractor not building to design standards.”
Maybe you should have drawn it with a crayon for them, Jason.
Jason says
William, self contradictory? Saying every time it was the contractor that built it wrong is contradicting myself? Youre taking things and, once again, trying to spin them to fit whatever point you are trying to make.
Trying to take a statement about the contractors doing it differently despite being told they were wrong and making it seem like Im contradicting myself and confused about what Im writing is hilarious.
The only confusion is you purposely misreading what I wrote and trying, and miserably failing, to make it seem like Im contradicting myself. Saying the contractor built it differently than plans despite being told they were wrong to do it that way is in no way shape or form saying it was an architect or engineer issue. Its the contractor screwing up and not building to plans like Ive said all along
But hey keep digging and trying to make whatever point youre trying to make.
Clear as Mud says
contractors who cut corners and go rogue on plans are not contractors for long. was this a new outfit? the plot thickens as does the b.s. on this.
Clear as Mud says
cutting corners is not a design issue. a design issue is not cutting corners. deeper and deeper is the b.s.
Eric says
Not sure if that was a serious comment…
The shady contractor “stereotype” did not develop out of thin air. There are plenty. Considering quite a lot of people choose contractors based purely off bids, quite prevalent.
Jason says
Corners werent cut. It was one certain part of the design that the contractor built differently than the plans called for. Has nothing to do with the safety of the building but the aesthetics of it that the chain requires.
Clear as Mud says
what national hotel chain would hire a shady contractor? in addition to bids they require references. especially with a large hotel chain they are not going to choose a fly by night contractor. what part of the design did the contractor decide to change on his own? the framing was pretty far along for this not to be caught. who was the contractor?
spittin nails says
Sounds like the the contractor didn’t build to code, the inspectors busted them and shut the job down.
William says
@spittin nails
B-b-but, Jason says that’s a ‘design’ issue when the contractor doesn’t build to the design.
But, if the design itself wasn’t to code then it’s an ‘architect and/or engineer issue’ but Jason says it wasn’t that.
A dontractor not building to the design aka blueprints isn’t a ‘design issue’.
That’s why I called it a ‘rabbit hole’ and Jason in Wonderland.
He keeps doubling down on that nonsense.
William says
When I re-post Jason’s own comments/replies, he says I’m twisting his words. Copy and paste is now considered ‘twisting words’. He sounds like Bill O’Reilly complaining about Media Matters playing video clips of his comments.
He then insists I’m wrong but never provides any quotes of mine.
He just ‘says so’ just like he says that a contractor not building to the design is a ‘design issue’. Because he said so.
Both political parties are the same ‘because he said so’.
I wish he’d say “I can fly” and jumps off the roof of that unfinished hotel. Because ‘he said so’.
It’s the same failed ‘Jason logic’ from a mind that produces such stuff over and over.
Now, he’ll prove me right with another silly comment from his failed ‘Jason’ logic.
I’m starting to think that ‘because Jason said so’ it means the opposite. So far, it has.
It’s Jason in Bizarro World now.
Jason says
Ive provided you examples twice in this discussion alone that you’ve twisted my words that you’ve ignored. Just like Ive done in the past only to have you try and call out for not doing something and that get ignored as well for you to try and make snide comments and attack not just me but others as well. Seems to be your M.O when proven wrong.
Since you’ve ignored it before Ill post my examples once again.
October 1, 2014 at 10:10 am
Because the contractor did it differently than what was on the plans, despite being told they were wrong to do it that way. The change was caught and now we see the result of that, the hotel sitting unfinished while things are hashed out.
“..despite being told they were wrong to do it that way.”
Well, then, what was wrong- the design? If so, then is was an architect or engineer issue that you said it wasn’t yesterday. See below.
September 30, 2014 at 6:33 pm
Nothing to do with the architect or engineer but rather the main contractor building it different than the chain wanted.
Don’t you get how self-contradictory your string of comments has been?
How is saying that the contractors building it differently despite being told they were wrong to build it that way contradicting that I said they didn’t build according to design and then inferring that Im saying it was something different than what’ve said not twisting my words?
“Like you wrote, now it’s a ‘legal issue’ whereas before, Jason said it was a ‘design issue’. But, it wasn’t an architect or engineer issue (who did the design then?) Ask him what the ‘legal issue’ is specifcally since he has ‘inside information’ that isn’t availabe to us. LOL”
This was in response to this statement by me
Clear, quite possible its in legal hands now as to why no work is ebing done. If thats the case who knows how long it will sit in its current state.
Notice the use of the words possible and if? Might want to look up the definitions of those words. Saying its POSSIBLE and IF that’s the case is saying that MAY be the case and theres doubt there that the case is going through legal issues, not saying that is what is going on as you tried to infer that I said it was certainly going through legal issues. I don’t know whats going on with it and my statement reflected that saying its a possibility.
You completely ignored that to try and say that I was moving the goal posts and its something I do all the time. That’s a hilarious statement coming from someone who does it all the time when shown facts that disprove whatever point you are trying to make or goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with what was being discussed.
William says
Adjust your BS meters. Here’s an article from the AV Times from January 2013 about how great things are going in Lancaster.
Ask yourself “Why so do many Lancaster residents complain about lack of this or that in Lancaster and general complaining about stuff like unwanted roundabouts, etc?”. Still???
Or “How many businesses have closed or left Lancaster since then?”
Or. “Why is The Rex talking about closing the Metrolink station to stop the influx of homeless panhandlers to the fabulous blvd. And, what happened to the blvd hotel?” I would have heard glowing words about it by now. And, why were they talking about “saving the blvd”, only 4 years old, at a recent council meeting?
The stalled construction of the hotel on 20th West is a perfect metaphor for The Rex and his great leadership of a ‘stalled city’. Doesn’t matter if it’s a ‘design issue’ or a ‘contractor issue’, it’s STALLED.
I’m doubting The Rex will run for re-election again. On HIS record.
Or, don’t ask yourself anything, John, Jason, Eric et al. Cover your eyes and ears.
If you don’t like my comments, get off your rears and do something about The Rex and Lancaster. Then, my comments will stop. So far, they’ve been pretty accurate predictors. I’m not making stuff up. Oh, wow!!! They were going to expand Chipotle. STOP THE PRESSES!!!! and check your BS meter. Lancaster is a boom town or is it ‘bum town’?
Mr fed up says
Besides the hotel, what are they going to do about the old Walmart, Kmart, circuit
City buildings, cause the big isores
William says
@Mr fed up,
Ask Jason. He knows everything.
Mark says
From what I read on here William, it would appear you are the one that knows everything and anyone that doesn’t agree with your thinking is a right wing fox news watching maroon. just my observation.
William says
Thank you. That’s very accurate especially about the ‘right wing fox watching maroons’.
Haven’t you noticed that the ones that go off on me defend fox and its right wing nonsense?
Do you watch fox ‘news’?
mark says
@ William, no I stopped watching the news years ago. I could not take anymore of the lies and twisted story lines. we no longer have real news in this country. my blood pressure is a lot better now.
William says
Mark. I keep an eye on Fox ‘news’ because it is what causes so much divisiveness in this country.
Currently, they have former Rep. Allen West, who had to resign the military to avoid a court marshal and was voted out of a strong republican district after 1 two year term as a contributor.
He was recently urging active generals to resign in protest of President Obama.
That’s just for starters. Their viewers are more uninformed than people like you who don’t watch the news at all.
Their viewers vote. Fox promoted the tea party and look at all the nonsense they caused such as shutting down the government and ‘primarying’ moderate, reasonable republican congress members and replaced them with real nutjobs.
So, it’s a good idea to keep track of such a feature in this country as Fox. It’s like keeping alert to Mojave Green rattlesnakes here in the Antelope Valley. You don’t want to not pay attention.
If you read the Valley Press letters to the editor and notice some really idiotic nonsense from the far right, it’s almost word for word, Fox ‘news’ stuff.
Birtherism was heavily promoted on Fox.
The Benghazi ‘scandal’ was featured hundreds of times for 2 years on Fox. But when the House Intelligence Committee released its classified report a few weeks ago, saying there was no wrong doing, no cover up and no stand down orders given, Fox gave it scant coverage that day.
They had guests on talking impeachment till the GOP relealized that the Democrats were raising lots of money from that threat, then FOX/GOP dropped it and said “What? We never said nuttin’ ’bout no impeachment”.
And, so on. There’s an important election coming in November and all that misinformation and distortions will affect how people vote.
74% of republican who’ve enrolled in Obamacare like it according to a Commonwealth Fund survey but recently, Fox revived the ‘death panel’ myth.
Now, I get that information from sources that show actual video clips with transcripts exposing all that Fox lying and misinfomation.
Are you aware of any of this?
Curtis says
Was this the same contractor who built the Hotel on 20th West and Avenue J-8? They took for ever to build that hotel and there were several times I thought they had been shut down because of lack of activity. Took forever to complete! That was supposed to originally be a shopping center. Guess the city council has abandoned their original plans and are shooting from the hip, build anything you want, as long as it brings in tax dollars. We don’t care.
Mr fed up says
@curtis, it may bring tax dollars, but the citizens want shopping and dining. We deserve it, what happen we use to be the shopping destination in the antelope valley
William says
@Mr fed up
You do realize that there are people on this site who think Lancaster and Palmdale are the same.
You were the shopping and dining ‘capital’ of the AV 25 years ago. What happened?
Now, it has reversed and your current leadership is either unwilling or unable to do anything about it. Someone like Jonathan Ervin needs to get more support to be on the council to stand for people like you and others who are dissatisfied with things in Lancaster.
Otherwise, it will be more (or less) of the same, whichever way you look at it.
Curtis says
Lancaster just gets another franchise after Palmdale introduces the original (i.e. Chipotle …) I just wish Lancaster had a vision beyond the BLVD. Lancaster needs to be an original in their thinking, go out and bring in some new stores. Stores that compliment what Palmdale has done. I try not to see this as Palmdale/Lancaster, but as the Antelope Valley. I shop everywhere. I feel the city council is just trying to manage what we have, not looking to grow any. Did you see Lancaster is getting a new Carl’s Jr, oh wait, that’s just a remodel.
William says
The Palmdale/Lancaster ‘Cactus Curtain’ had been a fairly friendly rivalry UNTIL Rex Parris made it something else.
He has such animosity towards my Mayor, Jim Ledford, that it borders on a pathology. He avoids even saying the word Palmdale at Lancaster council meetings.
He’s one sick ticket. I’m not the only one who has limited my business in Lancaster. I’ve seen others here and elsewhere say they are boycotting it.
We don’t dislike the businesses but we don’t want to give our sales tax dollars to Rex. He is responsible for the bad public relations and he’s proud of it. Unbelievable.
Rex can’t seem to help himself. He went to Bend, Oregon to do a climate change talk to their city council and every comment on the article was extremely negative towards Rex and Lancaster, using words like ‘armpit’ of California. I’m sure they don’t want him back ever.
No desirable major retailer or upscale restaurant will ever locate in Lancaster in our lifetimes. That’s why Lancaster’s defenders have to go with the ‘mom & pop’ business meme while they trash large franchise chains like BJ’s Brewhouse and other places on Restaurant Row whose parking lots are full most days and nights while the blvd is dead. Are all those Walmarts, especially the one planned for the Quartz Hill area, ‘mom & pop’ Walton businesses?
That’s why they have to hold events on the blvd, to keep it afloat. They talk about he Christmas parade and the Boolevard and the go kart race year round on their local channel. LOL Because, day to day, nothing. Nada.
For a town of 150,000+ in a valley of 500,000, that sure is one small farmer’s market. I wonder if Barstow has one. It’s probably bigger.
bird says
No convictions you say William? Doesn’t mean they’re not corrupt! I might give you an example of no convictions for someone locally, R. Rex Parris. So it really doesn’t matter whether they’re Democrat or Republican, corrupt is corrupt.
William says
Just another partisan Daryl Issa witch hunt like all the others. No convictions yet in the Obama administration after 6 years. But, they’ll keep trying.
I am surprised that Jason and Eric don’t consider ‘Operation Wide Receiver’ and ‘Fast & Furious’ the same thing like they do with EVERYTHING ELSE.
Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler issued this statement about the Republican allegation that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about his knowledge of the controversial ATF program known as Fast and Furious:
“The Attorney General’s testimony to both the House and the Senate was consistent and truthful. He said in both March and May of this year that he became aware of the questionable tactics employed in the Fast and Furious Operation in early 2011 when ATF agents first raised them publicly, and at the time, he asked the Inspector General’s office to investigate the matter.
“The weekly reports provided to the offices of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General are compiled each week from entries submitted by 24 divisions and components with offices around the country. These routine reports provide general overviews and status updates on policy and legislative issues, public events, news clips, ongoing cases and investigations as well as key filings, hearings and expected rulings.
“As the documents provided to Congress show, not a single one of these reports referenced the controversial tactics that allowed guns to cross the border, and in fact, in one example provided to Congress consisted of a single sentence referencing a Phoenix-based operation. These reports are compiled to provide regular updates to Department leadership and can contain references to hundreds of cases, investigations, filings, court opinions and initiatives going on around the country at any given time. None of the handful of entries in 2010 regarding the Fast and Furious suggested there was anything amiss with that investigation requiring leadership to take corrective action or commit to memory this particular operation prior to the disturbing claims raised by ATF agents in the early part of 2011.”
Considering how fiercely the republicans have pursued ‘scandals’, they’ve been as ineffective at that as they are at governing.
Jason says
Kind of hard to get convictions when they don’t pursue anything and people allowed to resign isn’t it?
You surprised we don’t consider them the same? Ill explain the differences once again.
Under Wide Reciever, started in early 2006 and went to late 2007. Less than 500 guns were involved in this operation. Majority of guns were lost when they made it to Mexico. Cooperation involved the ATF Mexico City Office and the Mexican government and formal ATF contracts were used with cooperating gun dealers. When the operation was found to not be working it was stopped.
Fast and Furious started in Oct 2009 and went until its failures became public knowledge. Around 2000 guns were sold with less than half recovered. There was no contracts with gun dealers, and ATF Mexico City and the Mexican government weren’t notified of the operation. Agents were not allowed to even attempt to arrest straw buyers. Now heres the kicker and total difference between the two operations. Guns sold during the operation were found at the murder scene of Two Americans and over a hundred murder scenes, as well as other violent crimes, in Mexico. Guns sold during this operation are still turning up at murder and violent crime scenes in Mexico as well as crime scenes here in the United States. The same cant be said about guns sold during Wide Receiver. Kind of hard to say the operations are one and the same right?
The statement about Holder not knowing is hilarious and spin at its finest. Holder denied knowledge of the Operation saying on May 3rd 2011 that he had only learned of the operation a few weeks prior which he later changed to a few months earlier. This is direct contradiction of his own words from November of 2009
Heres a direct quote from Holders own mouth at a gun trafficking conference.
Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion. DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.
Notice the part where he brings up committing 100 new ATF personnel to supplement the ongoing Project Gunrunner? Why would he commit personnel to an Operation he had no knowledge of? While he may not have known the tactics used, he knew of the Operation the month after it began and spoke about it. Just like the memos sent to him long before that that destroyed his claims of no knowledge of the Operation before 2011. And that’s not even counting the wiretap applications he signed that detailed the tactics used.
Obama, Holder and company have stonewalled every effort involved to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Holders many lies about his knowledge? Remember Obama invoking executive privilege to keep documents behind closed doors? Kind of hard to get any truthful answers when key documents are blocked from being seen and people lie about it under oath. And what a coincidence that two days after a judge orders those same documents to be released that Holder all of a sudden resigns.
And you want to go on and on about no convictions with these guys in charge of doing that.
William says
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
You wanted ‘answers to your questions’ like the typical FOX/GOPer and I answered. “Yes” and “Yes”‘
Then, I asked you a couple of questions and of course you didn’t answer because that whole ‘question machine’ routine is a one-way street for you guys. Not only do you constantly ask questions that have already been answered but, by now, it has become obvious that you will only accept predetermined answers.
It’s a mental thing with you guys iike a jealous wife constantly asking her faithful husband if he’s having an affair. No matter how many times he denies it, she’s determined that it’s true because it is ‘in her mind’. That’s how the FOX/GOP mind works. Of course you can’t see that if you have the typical FOX/GOP mind. It’s their blind spot.
BTW The FOX/GOP complex has been trying every single thing they can come up with to hang on this Administration and either they are totally inept (absolutely) or they don’t want any conclusions so they can keep the ‘scandals’ alive.
Which is it, Jason? They are even suing the President for not doing what they didn’t want done in the first place. They are insane.
If you aren’t aware that this batch of republicans is the most insane, partisan and non-productive in recent history, you are totally without the ability to perceive the obvious.
I am positive that given Daryl Issa’s perverse notion of justice he could find something in your work history or personal life and make it a BFD when it was actually nothing. You do realize that, don’t you? He would release cherry picked portions of his investigations to further his agenda but refuse to release the whole thing as it would undermine him.
Don’t you know that? Anyway, all these investigations have been witch hunts and you know it. You’re still hoping for something, aren’t you?
AG Eric Holder is gone. Now what is your next thing to fuss over?
The ‘Latte salute’ or the ‘tan suit’ scandal?
On a side note, I love how the republicans are eating their own like they did by offing Eric Cantor, their Majority Leader in the House. Too funny.
They are so crazy that they keep doing things to sabotage themselves. The Democrats just need to get out of their way and let them do the work.
Meanwhile, they, like you and Eric, are ankle biters picking about less significant things. While you guys feign concern over the guy killed in the Fast & Furious issue, notice how the murder of dozens of children in Sandyhook got swept under the rug quickly by the FOX/GOP/NRA complex. Or, haven’t you noticed that?
I love how you guys ignore the really horrible stuff to find somethng to criticize the Administration with. Typical.
I’ve commented many times in different sites that up to 17,000 Americans will die this year because red state governors refused to expand Medicaid according to a Harvard study. Those are preventable deaths because of republican intransigence. Does that even register on your ‘concern meter’, Jason?
Crickets from the right which are so very concerned about the 4 deaths in Benghazi. Yeah right. They fake concern pretty well.
Jason says
William, you just love being proven wrong dont you? I answered your questions, so either you didnt see it or you ignored it. So here it is copy and pasted with time and date of reply so you can scroll down and ignore it again.
September 25, 2014 at 5:51 pm
William, once again you don’t answer the easy questions while trying to call us out for not answering questions. You want answers fine Ill give them. Your message that there were no convictions is hilarious considering who is in charge. You honestly believe Holder is going to prosecute anyone in the administration?
No its not acceptable, if they want to call it a war then they need to declare it a war, plain and simple. Just like it wasn’t acceptable when the left was doing the same thing to Bush.
And yes Im satisfied. All I wanted as a citizen was answers and we got them.
I could care less what Gowdy finds. It will go by the wayside just like everything else because Obama is allowed a free pass by MSM as shown time and time again.
Now that Ive answered your questions will you finally answer the questions I posed to you or will you still ignore them while trying to preach from your supposed high horse?
Seems like I really avoided answering your questions there.
Ive never said the Republican werent insane, non productive and partisan so Im not sure where they came from.
Fast and Furious is a witch hunt now too? You just got shown exactly why its a big deal and its because the sitting AG FLAT OUT LIED to Congress about it but its just a witch hunt? You dont see why an Operation he knew about the whole time that has ended up killing a couple hundred people, including Two Americans, would upset people and cause an investigation?
How was Sandy Hook swept under the rug? 20 kids got killed by a murdering psychopath with known mental issues who broke multiple laws in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country. What did this administration want to do? Thats right, push for more gun laws while ignoring the major issues behind shootings such as this. Real concern by the Democrats there. Make more gun laws and ignore mental health issues.
What other really horrible stuff has been ignored have we ignored to criticize the administration with?
Typical is you down playing anything bad this administration is done while acting like everything the Republicans do is the end of the country. Typical is you ignoring questions and trying to call out other people for not answering questions. Typical is you ignoring facts in a post that prove you wrong and going off on tangents that have ZERO to do what was being discussed.
Weve already been over the medicaid deaths issue multiple times. But once again, Ill give an answer that will be ignored. Yes it bothers me and it registers on my concern meter. It registers on my concern meter just like Americans dying in a terrorist attack or killed in a border shootout.
Thats the difference between you and I. Ill call out both parties for their wrong doings while you will ignore facts that show your precious administration has dirty hands. Youre a typical partisan Democrat who will ignore the multiple lies and claim witch hunt while trying point the microscope and blame elsewhere.
bird says
Barack Obama lied! Obama took office in January of 2009. Fast and Furious inception was October 2009. There was a similar operation called “Operation Wide Receiver” when Bush was in office but had absolutely nothing to do with “Fast and Furious.” If you lie once then everything after that lie is suspect.
Eric says
Bill works in the Left Twix factory. He is adamant they provide a different product than the Right Twix factory.
William says
You just can’t get it. The folks who did all kinds of questionable and disastrous things are now complaining about the folks who are trying to clean up the messes.
It’s like an arsonist criticizing a firefighter for putting out the fire he started.
But, that is too complex for your mind, I guess. You demonstrate that in every single one of your replies and comments.
And, that Twix comment wasn’t even funny or apropos. You’re not even trying any more.
You know what they say about someone not being able to tell ‘s*** from Shinola’, dontcha? They are talking ’bout you.
Why do you want to represent yourself in such a way? It’s not a sign of intelligence. An uneducated 3rd grader might think that both parties are the same like you and Jason do. But, a mature adult can tell the difference. A mature, intelligent adult can tell the difference BECAUSE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.
But, you keep on eating the yellow snow because all snow is the same. Right?
Sheesh. You must use the ladies room half the time because they’re both the same, right?
Eric says
“It’s like an arsonist criticizing a firefighter for putting out the fire he started.”
You justify Obama as just “finishing” Bush’s wars….yet criticized Nixon for “continuing” Johnson’s war. Yeah, big difference.
William says
Well, history buff (LOL). Nixon lied when he said he had a secret plan during the campaign and then continued the war for a few more years costing more lives. He coulda just pulled out the day he was inaugurated and the result would have been the same. We lost the war but he would have saved American lives.
Sheesh. You seem to have intermittent knowledge of just about everything in life. You look at one leaf on one tree and think you know the whole forest. Or are you just smoking that leaf?
We’ve been going around and around like this for months. You think everything is the same as everything else. It ain’t. Don’t put water in your gas tank. They are both liquids but they aren’t the same, Eric. Can’t you get that? Sheesh and sheesh again.
What happened to you that you think like that? A trauma? A jilted romance? Wednesday?
Eric says
Obama must have upheld the truth when he said he’d bring our troops home from Iraq. He just crossed his fingers behind his back and claimed the technicality of “I brought them home, we are just sending them back on a new mission now.”
And before you start in with “Only airstrikes”; 1st ID just announced they will be deploying their headquarters company. Add to that, 1st ID maintains a combat team in Kuwait on yearly deployment. Add to that, essentially a battalion worth of Marines have been sent to Iraq since June to “reinforce and secure” areas. Add to that, SOCOM has maintained operations in that area for years. Add to that, “Advisers”.
For the unaware, “Advisers” generally means the men from SFOD-A (aka Green Berets) whose primary mission in addition to combat is the training of indigenous troops. Combat troops hit Syrian soil in search of a journalists, engaged enemy, and wound up with another wounded American.
Sure sounds an awful lot like we have boots back on the ground, huh?
William says
Meanwhile, the republicans are doing nothing.
William says
Once again, you conflate ‘advisors’ with ‘troops on the ground’. Everything is like everything else.
And, stay out of the the ladies room. It’s not the same thing, really.
William says
Republican congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) was shown in a video clip on Rachel Maddow’s show that he and ‘others’ have been urging generals to resign from the military in a ‘blaze of glory’.
BTW He is a member of the Armed Services Committee. Hopefully, not for long.
His Democratic opponent is a retired general.
You can’t make this stuff up. You don’t have to as the republicans are doing it themselves.
William says
Since I’m a Democrat, I get emails from the Democratic Party and others such as the Daily Kos. Here’s one showing the absolute hypocrisy and sleaziness of the republicans which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
“William, Wisconsin Republicans have taken hypocrisy to a whole new level.
Wisconsin law says that the party that wins the previous statewide election will appear at the top of the ballot in the next election. Republican Scott Walker won the governor’s election in 2010, so Republicans were on top of the ballot in 2012—and Republicans had no complaints. But since President Obama won the state in 2012, Democrats are set to appear on top of the ballot in 2014—and Republicans are suing!
Their lawsuit is effectively saying: “Ballot placement is only fair when we’re on top.”
This is similar to the tricks Kansas’s republican Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, is pulling to force the Democrats to put a candidate on the ballot to dilute the votes for the Independent who will possibly beat the republican for the Senate seat.
I don’t understand how Mayor Jim Ledford can be a republican. He is too honest and has too much integrity for that rotting party that will likely go out of existent in a few more election cycles if they keep up their current ways. I guess he became a republican back when the party still had some integrity, principles and class. He is one of the few left in the party with any of that. No wonder the local GOP doesn’t like him. He makes Parris, the Runners and the ‘good ol’ boys’ look like exactly what they are.
Look over the Cactus Curtain to see how well the republican ideology and practices work………or actually ‘don’t work’. Lowered bond rating, businesses fleeing Lancaster and new businesses locating in Palmdale instead of ‘business friendly’ Lancaster. And, Parris illustrates how hypocritical they are. The GOP hates trial lawyers yet they make a really sleazy one their mayor. How can that be? You tell me, John.
Of course, my ‘featherless biped’ friend here on the AV Times site complains that I’m biased and the Democrats are more corrupt than republicans. But, she’s not at all biased, the hypocrite that she is.
This comment is especially for my ‘cuckoo’ friend since she hasn’t specified which avian species she actually is, I’ll assume ‘cuckoo’ until further notice. ‘Parrot’ would also be a likely catagory for her. We can exclude ‘dove’ and other such likable fowl.
Jason says
William, Is that like the hyprocrisy showed by Leland Yee, you know the Democratic State Senator for Californias district 8, who was one of the biggest gun control advocates in the state, getting indicted for arms trafficking?
And you calling anyone else a hypocrite is hilarious. You’re easily the biggest one on here. You call out for Rick Perry to go to prison for doing something well in the scope of his powers while anything happening to a Democrat is a witch hunt. You call out Republicans for their “sleaziness and hypocrisy” while completely ignoring examples of it by Democrats. Yee, Wright and Calderon are examples just from California that show sleaziness and hypocrisy from Democrats that are totally ignored by you. Or how about the sleaziness and hypocrisy of Illinois State Democratic Rep Keith Farnham, a guy who was known for his tough stance on child porn, getting arrested for, wait a minute, possession of child pornography? Then theres the blatant hyprocrisy showed by Pelosi and Feinstein on multiple issues. Seems there are a lot of do as I say, not as I do type people in the Democratic party.
Neither party has the footing to call out the other as hypocritical and sleazy as both parties have multiple examples of those things, yet you trumpet one and degrade the other. You choose to ignore examples of this by your party, because you have no obligation to do so, while calling out Republicans for doing the same thing. You then follow this up with all the name calling you do when someone doesn’t agree with you and refuses to conform to your ideas.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again, both parties are the same. Idealogically they are different, but the means and methods are the same. Both lie and spin, neither care about their voters and only care about who gives them the most money.
Eric says
Hey hey! I brought up Leland Yee, as well as Harry Reid’s erroneous “gift” of $17K to his granddaughter out of campaign funds; Bill didn’t make a peep about either.
William says
That’s not my job.
William says
So, Eric, what do you think about Wisconsin’s GOP suing to change the order of names on the ballots to favor republicans when the law states that the party that got the most votes last time gets to be on top?
President Obama won Wisconsin in 2012, so the Democrats get to be at the top of the ballot according to the law.
What about the SOS in Kansas that is trying every trick including changing the date of the election to November 12 to help the republican win the Senate seat. He is desparate.. Unbelievably so.
Speaking of Kansas whicre Starwood’ call center moved to because of nice incentives, the state is a mess with a $300+ debt, schools closing and 100 moderate republicans endorsing the Democra for governor because the tea party Brownback’s tax cuts for the rich blew up the states finances.
Illegal immigrants, foreign terrorists, atheists, gays and lesbians who want to get married, women, minorities, etc. didn’t shut down the government. The tea party republicans did and lowered our credit rating for the first time in history because they are infants having temper tantrums when they don’t get their way.
Pretty sleazy dontcha think in addition to all the other voter suppression tactics the GOP has been up to for the last couple years.
I’m not defending Reid or Yee or Nagin or Blogojaveich or any of the other ones. But, Bob McDonnell was convicted of corruption and he gave the rebuttal to the Presdient’s SOTU speech a couple years ago and was a potential candidate for POTUS. Who the heck is Leland Yee? You really have to scrounge around to make a comparison.
Still no convictions of anyone in the Obama administration after 6 years. Reagan had 21 convictions, many of top officials in his administration. Does Fox ‘news’ ever mention that when they gush about Ronnie?
Dontcha think messing with the voting process is more significant than some corrupt state politician’s behavior? Or, is everything the same to you. That’s why we say the republicans have reptilian brains. They snap their jaws on everything in sight whether it’s a meal or a 2×4. They can’t seem to be able to make distinctions between 2 dissimilar things.
Benghazi worse that Watergate? Please. The party of Iran-Contra has a lot of nerve, dontcha think?
The party that inherited a surplus and left the biggest depression in 80 years is now kvetching about a slow recovery and people on food stamps that are the result of that collapse on Bush’s watch. That is rich.
The party that held both Houses of Congress and the Presidency in 2001 when 9/11 happened and then went to war in Iraq on lies now wants to dictate what President Obama must do while they oppose anything and everything that he does or they imagine that he will do. That too is rich.
Right now, the inept GOP is fussing over the use of the word ‘war’ to describe our action in the Middle Ease when they are out of town and haven’t or won’t vote on a ”war declaration’. So, they insist that Barack use the word ‘war’ while refusing to declare ‘war’ themselves and will likely have a fit if he takes any action they don’t approve of AFTER THE FACT. Is that acceptable to your way of thinking?
Are you sure you want to make comparisons between the 2 parties?
Leland Yee? Please. You’ve got Rex Parris (R) right here up close if you want corruption.
Jason says
“Still no convictions of anyone in the Obama administration after 6 years. Reagan had 21 convictions, many of top officials in his administration. Does Fox ‘news’ ever mention that when they gush about Ronnie?”
Do you honestly believe Holder is going to go after anyone with his track record and history?
“Dontcha think messing with the voting process is more significant than some corrupt state politician’s behavior? Or, is everything the same to you. That’s why we say the republicans have reptilian brains. They snap their jaws on everything in sight whether it’s a meal or a 2×4. They can’t seem to be able to make distinctions between 2 dissimilar things. ”
Is taking bribes to vote a certain way less significant than the messing with the voting process? Both are screwing around with the process of democracy.
William says
I love how Jason’s reply to me in the ‘Recent comments’ column on the right side of the home page reads>>>
““Still no convictions of anyone in the Obama administration after 6..
Too funny. He unwittingly, as usual, has my comment leading as the ‘headline’.
Thanks for reinforcing that message, Jason.
Oh, well. Whaddya expect?
Jason says
Reinforcing what? That you refuse to answer simple questions when they are posed to you?
Oh well whaddya expect?
William says
My message was that there were no convictions.
You unwittingly led with my quote which appeared in the right hand column titled ‘Recent Comments’ so you ‘reinforced’ my message by repeating it and someone had to click on it to read your disagreement or they could just take it at face value which undermined your whole reply.
You want answers. Yes. Yes. There.
You like to ask questions?
Are you willing to answer questions yourself?
I notice you haven’t, Grand Inquisitor.
You have to have everything explained to you in excruciating detail.
Here’s a question for ya. Or two.
Did the republican led House Intelligence Committee’s conclusion the the Benghazi tragedy that found NO WRONG DOING, NO COVER UP AND NO STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN satisfy you? The republican led majority in the committee could ask any questions they wanted and they still found the above conclusions.
That’s 2 questions for you to answer since you insist on asking questions yourself, I would expect you to be willing to answer some.
I’ll throw in 1 more question for 3 total.
Are you ‘hoping’ that Trey Gowdy will find something, anything to hang on this Administration or are you neutral since both parties are the same?
Your turn.
Jason says
William, once again you don’t answer the easy questions while trying to call us out for not answering questions. You want answers fine Ill give them. Your message that there were no convictions is hilarious considering who is in charge. You honestly believe Holder is going to prosecute anyone in the administration?
No its not acceptable, if they want to call it a war then they need to declare it a war, plain and simple. Just like it wasn’t acceptable when the left was doing the same thing to Bush.
And yes Im satisfied. All I wanted as a citizen was answers and we got them.
I could care less what Gowdy finds. It will go by the wayside just like everything else because Obama is allowed a free pass by MSM as shown time and time again.
Now that Ive answered your questions will you finally answer the questions I posed to you or will you still ignore them while trying to preach from your supposed high horse?
William says
FOX/GOP is going nuts because the President of the United States exited Air Force One and saluted while holding a cup of coffee. You know how crazy they are on the right.
The President is a civilian and civilians do not salute officers in the military. It’s a silly thing that Reagan started because he’s a phony, a ‘B’ actor at best. Remember how he and Nancy put on their best formal attire while he began the destruction of the country’s middle class. That’s rich.
In response, there have been photos of Bush saluting while holding his dog but that’s OK because ‘he’s a republican’. A week or two ago, they were whining that President Obama wore a tan suit because they are crazy.
From http://www.amnation.com>
“No President should presume the military honor which the salute conveys. Even General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower stopped saluting and receiving salutes when he became President. The logical continuation of the Reagan precedent would be for Obama to design a six-star dress uniform for himself, and start wearing a saber.
Be glad that he’s not saluting.”
Once again, FOX/GOP shows their absolute stupidity. Ike must be spinning like a lathe if he’s watching today’s GOP. He was too good for today’s republican party.
Thank you, FOX/GOP. You do our work for us.
Eric says
Boy, it didn’t take them long to get that picture of the dog salute out, huh? Staying consistent with the logic of “The other guy did it first, so it is OK”. Kind of like they are doing with Iraq/Syria right now, right Bill?
The difference between the Bush “Dog Salute” and Obama “Latte Salute” is minor, but very important. Of course, none of the pundits bothered reading the regulations governing proper procedure on how to execute a salute or they might have noticed as well. Bush’s salute, while complete slop, was done with an empty right hand, holding the pooch in his left. Obama, saluted with an item in his right hand. BFD, right? Yeah, maybe; though you would have a hard time explaining that to a 19-year old kid who will be spending the rest of his day on latrine duty because he failed to execute properly.
As far as it not being custom, yeah, Reagan penned it. Participation is entirely optional. It would be nice to see it done correctly though, from Presidents of either party. Fortunately, this won’t be a problem when we put General Mattis in charge in 2016.
Eric says
Duffelblog nailed what a joke the whole thing is though.
William says
Well, well, well. It didn’t take you long to invent an ‘important’ difference.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower stopped saluting when he became President of the United States, a civilian elected position.
It is not protocol for any civilian to salute.
But, you know FOX/GOP, they have a hissy fit over every single little, itty bitty thing even if they have to make it up.
New York Rep. Peter King (R) got upset because the President wore a tan suit while giving a speech.
Fox’s weekend ‘anchor’, not an opinion person, so don’t even go there, said the other day that when she heard about the White House fence jumper said : “I couldn’t help but let my mind just flow…….. to Benghazi in Libya.”
And, so on. FOX/GOP is an insane echo chamber of nonsense and then you join in with your ‘important’ distinction.
The only important distinction, once again, is that civilians don’t salute but that went over your head.
As for Reagan, the ‘B’ actor lied about being in Europe at concentration camps apparently mistaking his movie roles for the real thing as he remained stateside throughout the war.
What a phony that the republicans have crowned their ‘king of kings’.
It’s really hard keeping up with the crazy FOX/GOP BS and more BS masquerading as ‘news’.
As for the photo of Bush with the dog the point, which you missed as usual, was the hypocrisy of the right every single time whether it’s….
President Obama’s-
-vacation time compared to other presidents
-number of executive orders compared to other presidents
-his use of the words ‘kinetic action’ that FOX/GOP had another hissy fit during the attack of Libya when videos were shown that Bush used the term as well as several generals on Fox ‘news’. It’s an actual military term that isn’t used often in the news media but nonetheless…….FOX/GOP went nuts.
-yesterday, some Fox cretin was accusing the President of using the Syrian airstrikes as a pre-election October surprise ….. in SEPTEMBER. They just make it up.
-I’m sure they are going to make some conspiracy out of Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation even though they’ve wanted him gone for 6 years.
-FOX/GOP insisted that the Administration uses the word ‘war’ when the republicans in Congress won’t initiate a Declaration of War, a document with legal ramifications. Who would they serve the declaration to? Who would sign the peace treaty at the conclusion? Will the rules of war be enforced as far as treatment of prisoners and all that other stuff?
The republicans speak their own language and it has no written rules. They just make up the rules AFTER THE FACT to make the President wrong. They wait till he says ‘acts of terror’ then have a fit because he didn’t use the FOX/GOP approved term ‘terrorist acts’. FOX/GOP thinks all Americans are as dumb as their viewer base.
The Clinton campaign had the slogan “It’s the economy stupid”
The Obama Administration should use the slogan “It’s the hypocrisy stupid” so people like you, Eric, would get it.
Now, where is Jason to argue that both parties are the same? I guess Jason thinks ‘apples and oranges’ are the same and that William Tell shot an arrow at an orange on his son’s head and Jason orders ‘Apple Chicken’ at Panda Express. I bet he isn’t even surprised when he takes his first bite.
You make ridiculous ‘distinctions’, Eric, and Jason isn’t able to make any obvious ones. What a pair. You two perfectly represent the schizoid personality of FOX/GOP.
For Stephen Colbert’s brilliant response to the ‘Latte salute’, click the link below. You like links, dontcha? I especially like dummy Elizabeth Haselbeck’s ‘unintentional intention’. God, what a bunch of dumb couch potatoes and their equally dumb audience.
Enjoy, if you can.
William says
Uninsured rate among Latinos drops significantly.
“The uninsured rate among Latinos aged 19 to 64 fell from 36 percent to 23 percent after Obamacare’s first enrollment period ended earlier this year, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund. That’s a bigger drop than in the U.S. overall, where uninsured rates fell from 20 percent to 15 percent.” from today’s Huffington Post
Good new, eh? I bet it isn’t for FOX/GOP and their ‘fans’.
This should help the AV Hospital, shouldn’t it? Any decrease in the uninsured should help every hospital unless…………
William says
Wow! During President Obama’s announcement of AG Eric Holder’s resignation, he mentioned that since he’s been in office the crime rate has gone down 10%.
I wonder if Fox ‘news’ will mention that.
Nah. They are more concerned with the ‘scandalous’ Latte Salute.
Right, Eric? Not Holder, the other Eric.
Eric says
Interesting, I didn’t see that. Curious; did they happen to mention what percentage of firearm related murders went up in Mexico due to Holder? Did they note that the 10% crime drop unfortunately included the murder of Brian Terry?
Isn’t hard to drop the crime rate 10% when you increase the flow of military hardware to police departments…
William says
Of course you didn’t know that. That’s why I posted it.
BTW. Fast & Furious was started by Bush and ended by Holder. Didn’t you know that either?
From Wikipedia>
“”Gunwalking”, or “letting guns walk”, was a tactic of the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011.”
For a look at unethical behavior check this out>
From The Atlantic>
“In March 2004, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales made a now-famous late-night visit to the hospital room of Attorney General John Ashcroft, seeking to get Ashcroft to sign a certification stating that the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping program was legal. According to people familiar with statements recently made by Gonzales to federal investigators, Gonzales is now saying that George Bush personally directed him to make that hospital visit. ”
Now that was a real scandal that republicans choose to ignore while persuing fake ones with this president.
Gonzales wanted Ashcroft to sign something that Ashcroft thought was illegal and while he was heavily medicaled.
The GOP; rotten to the core.
Eric says
It is OK if we do something wrong or illegal because the guys preceding us did it too! – Mantra of politics
Jason says
William, Fast and Furious didnt start under Bush, it started in Oct 2009. Why did you not bring up that fact, its all in the Wikipedia article you quoted. Knowing you though, you read it all and ignored that to try and make a point.
Operation Wide Reciever occured under Bush and had a different set of rules that Fast and Furious. They had the cooperation of the Mexican governtment, trackers etc that Fast and Furious didnt. The operation was shut down when they realized the efforts to track them werent working and shut down the operation. Less than 500 guns were sold in that operation and none to date have been found to have been used in crimes on either side of the border and most of the guns havent been recovered.
Under Fast and Furious, no tracking devices were used, the Mexican government had no clue what was going on, agents were discouraged from arresting buyers, guns sold have been found at crime scenes and only about 700 have bren recovered, with many being found at crime scenes and continue to turn up.
Want to continue to try and tell us how Fast and Furious started under Bush and Holder ended it?
William says
Addam’s Family Values
“It has been reported that the famous Alaskan brood traded blows with the family of an ex-boyfriend of Willow, the third eldest Palin child.
According to witnesses, the eldest Palin child, 25-year-old Track, exchanged punches with his younger sister’s ex-boyfriend, Connor Clearly.
Clearly’s father, Steve, was seen trying to break up the brawl leading to Sarah Palin’s husband Todd apparently getting him into a choke hold.
One witness described the former Vice Presidential candidate ‘nearly crawling on top of people’ to get involved.
When Palin’s eldest daughter Bristol was asked to leave the party by the host, Korey Klingenmeyer, she allegedly punched him repeatedly in the face.
Police spokesperson, Jennifer Castro said of the incident: ‘At the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made.
‘Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident.’
The Palin family have not yet commented on the case.” from metro.co.uk.
The Palins sound like they could be in one of the stories here on the AV Times site for those who like to compare the Antelope Valley to a ghetto. Their ‘activities’ would fit right in in some parts of Lancaster.
Well, we knew Sarah was an idiot but worse than that was the guy who picked her, John McCain, who is still bitter, after 6 years, over his loss to President Obama and shows it every day with his insane criticisms, sometimes contradicting himself. But, so what as long as he’s criticizing the President. That’s all that matters to some people.
Then, there’s republican Bob McDonnell, former ‘vaginal probe’ governor of Virginia who threw his wife under the bus to avoid convictions for brides but they both got convicted anyway.
Then, there’s Mark Sanford, former republican governor of South Carolina who said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail while he was really in Argentina hooking up with his new girffriend while his wife and 4 sons didn’t know where was.
Well, ol’ Mark, got divorced but the dumb republicans voters elected him to Congress anyway and then he recently broke up with his girlfriend, I mean ‘soul mate’, on Facebook. What a piece of work.
You can’t make this stuff up. And, these people want to run your lives with their ‘family values’ that they think you should live by but not them.
It all sounds like the hypocrisy in Lancaster with the prayers before council meetings and “In God We Trust” facing residents during the meetings but Rex and his council minions can’t see it because it’s behind them. It’s meant for the residents not them. Rex & Co. trust in $$$$s above all else and it shows.
While his city is going to heck in a handbasket, Hizzoner is raking in big bucks from suing Starbucks and Palmdale and Santa Clarita. Does Lancaster get any of that loot? Of course not. But, Lancaster suffers from Rex’s giving the city a lousy reputation for craziness which will really attract business and a lowered bond rating while Rex flies out of town to his ‘other’ home so he doesn’t have to mingle with the fine folks on the fabulous blvd.
How come no one admits to having voted for Rex on this website?
Meanwhile, in other news, the President wore a tan suit while giving a speech which upset a republican. I don’t know why that was ‘news’. Republicans are upset constantly. It would be news if they weren’t.
Old Timer says
It didn’t used to seem like Lancaster was all that crazy a short time ago. Things changed for the worse and got downright crazy when Paris took over.
William says
I remember going to Lancaster a lot in the early 90s-buying a TV from Duke at Duke and Slim’s and other stuff. I was a regular at Aven’s furniture as I was filling up a new house and was taken care of by a great saleslady who is now retired. I miss her.
I took cooking classes from Mitch at Cake’s n Company back then. Mitch made it so much fun. I ate regularly at Katz n Jammer’s; the California omelet was the best breakfast.
There was the best ‘soul food’ restaurant for a short time around the corner from Lancaster Boulevard on Sierra Highway. I was depressed when they closed.
I worked at Lancaster Community hospital for a short time. Lancaster wasn’t overlaid with ugly politics back then and Palmdale didn’t have much anyway at the time.
Rex Parris becoming mayor ruined it for me. His nasty politics and his antagonism toward Mayor Ledford and Palmdale was just too much.
Rex eventually made it easier to think twice before I took my business to Lancaster. And, after a while, I made it my business to call attention to his rotten politics such as his hit mailer about Jonathan Ervin even though I can’t vote in Lancaster.
It seems that his mouth has finally done him in as Lancaster is now suffering due to words and actions while Palmdale moves ahead as the ‘place’ in the Valley for many things. It seems that having gentlemen with integrity as a mayor and council members is a real asset and attractive to potential businessmen. They knew it when they see it and they know a sleazy character when they see Rex.
It’s too bad if some people don’t like my comments. They should take it up with Rex.
Business Repellant says
I wonder how many people do not patronize Lancaster businesses on account of Paris. Someone should do a survey. Keep it anonymous because Paris will use retribution if he knows who is on the list. Probably more people than you think.
bird says
The founding fathers were correct: political parties have a corrupting influence on political discourse because members will compromise their own principals for the broader good of the party. The system is corrupted.
William says
I thought the Metrolink station/homeless issue sounded familiar from a while back so I Googled it and came across an article from 2009 on the ‘intheav’ website with this interesting comment.
02/28/09 – 04:30 PM
newage says…
“Former Mayor Roberts and Hearns pushed for a downtown plan that is using all types of non-profit partnership grants to build new offices for these organizations to provide services to a group that needs help at all levels of low income. The plan counts on this type of investment as the only way to create a new downtown Lancaster. Who would have thought that this plan would create a magnet for all of the So.Cal region to use with convenient access by rail.Now add that all of the investment now is based on low income housing projects from seniors to families and guess what you have.A out of balance plan that no community should have to bear on it’s own.I wonder who owned the land and had the poliutical horsepower to motovate our Republican leadership to turn a blind eye to the obvious result of this downtown vision. ”
The whole blvd/transit village/low income housing plan was a bad plan from the beginning. It’s fine to get investments to provide much needed social services but to tie that to a redevelopment of a downtown as an upscale destination wasn’t smart. Somebody made out financially and the city is stuck with the problems now. Who was it and how did that happen given all of our modern information technology that left everyone somehow clueless to the inevitable outcome.
Meanwhile, Rex made it sound like a ‘world class ramblas’ thingy that was going to bring people from all over to visit as though it was the Champs-Élysées in Paris, France. Instead, the ‘Paris’ got mixed up with ‘Parris, Lancaster’, a big boo boo.
Anyone who had the brains to see that the blvd project was a problem waiting to happen got torn a new one over the last few year from Rex’s supporters. Where are those folks now admitting they made a mistake?
ke says
thanks for posting very informative
lRay says
Yeppers. We were sold a bill of goods. Why anyone trust a damn thing Parris says is beyond me.
zz says
So why do people vote for him?
William says
It’s a mystery. The turnout is low because the elections are purposely held in March or April to keep the turnout low instead of in November with other elections.
A local church congregation is reported to provide reliable support to Rex and his ‘picks’ for the for council. At election time, Rex has lots of money to throw around in order to win and send out disgusting hit mailers. which appear to be effective.
Either the rest of the voters in a city of over 150,000 are happy with what Rex had done or just don’t care and don’t bother to vote.
Which brings up the point “Exactly what are they happy about?”, the BS he feeds them or what they actually see and experience for themselves daily as they go about their lives in Lancaster.
It really amazing that in a county where people can vote for their leaders, many don’t and live as though they don’t have any say in how things are run in their city, state or country.
There is a lot of complaining from Lancaster residents here on the AV Times site and in other local media but it doesn’t seem to be directed at putting in leaders that would address the problems that they complain about.
It’s also a mystery why a good candidate like Jonathan Ervin didn’t win a council seat recently. Did intelligent voters in Lancaster really believe the vicious nonsense in that hit mailer Rex sent out? If so, then they deserve what they’re getting, the possibility of the closing of the Metrolink station which will only hurt the blvd which is not fulfilling all the exaggerated promotion it got the first couple years, the homeless issue, businesses like the Ralph’s and others closing or relocating to Palmdale.
When the Ralph’s closes, it going to leave a large vacant building in one more Lancaster shopping center and negatively affect the remaining stores. It’s sad, but what is Rex doing about it?
It seems that nobody likes traffic circles but Rex goes ahead anyway. The streets are in disrepair but Rex doesn’t seem to have it as a high priority. What good are all the solar panels if nobody wants to live in a city with few so amenties for its size?
IRay says
Good question. They most likely vote for him because they fear their jobs, because their pastors are conducting surveys for him rather than taking care of the Lord’s work, because their church compound was provided infrastructure at not cost and its payback time, (and to make it more convenient, they hold elections are in April with precicts in easy to get to locations like Lancaster Baptist Church), they are uninformed, and above all, they are ignorant. I find it hard to believe that one city can collectively be this blind. But then again, fear and bullying in backwoods communities has long been a means of controlling and maintaining power.
William says
Does it strike anyone as being ironic that Lancaster, a ‘Christian community’, with a “In God We Trust” banner in the city council chambers, a city that fought and voted to have prayers before its council meetings has had so many scandals related to its religious institutions? Child molestion being among the worst. You can bet that they are more bad things happening than we know or will ever know about as well.
Meanwhile, Palmdale, Quartz Hill and other Antelope Valley communities which have repectful but appropriately separate relations (from local government) with religious insitutions in their communities don’t have all the scandals that Lancaster does.
Maybe some of the more religious people that comment on this site can explain that paradox. Some of them are always either scolding us or preaching to us about God and Jesus and the Holy Book but look at the example of what all that religious talk has produced in a community like Lancaster.
A outside observer might conclude that religion causes more problems than it solves. Lancaster and its leaders ‘talk the talk’ (religious talk) but stumble when they walk and fall flat on their faces.
William says
I was hoping some of the more religious folks who comment here would explain why Lancaster has so many scandals in their religious institutions compared to the rest of the Antelope Valley communities.
After all, Lancaster is a ‘Christian community’ that prays before council meetings and all that.
KE says
I was homeless in L.A. and no one gave away tickets to Lancaster. Is claim by Mayor and Council members at last meetings true, or is it an urban legend that has gone on for years that L.A. gives homeless persons one-way tickets to Lancaster? I can’t believe any official in L.A. lets go of a seven dollar ticket, bk a homeless person could just trade it for something else.
Plus when I am in Union Station, people are begging all the time, saying they need money for train fare. I just don’t believe anyone in L.A. is buying homeless people tickets here, I think homeless people come here on their own, and it bothers me that city council and mayor can repeat that story over and over without any fact behind it.
The Mayor and vice mayor sound like they are paranoid and delusional to me, claiming this.
Or is what they say true? I’ve lived here two years, so need educating. There are a lot of homeless here, as there are in every other city in America.
Can anyone tell me where a homeless person goes at Union Station to get their free ticket to Lancaster? Please I want to know if this is true or just a factoid our Mayor has pulled out of one of his own … orifices
-kay e
Ray says
It is pure BS that is being spouted by the King of BS, the Mayor of Lancaster. There was a radio interview recently on public radio where they asked about the study behind the claim that 67 people a day were coming to Lancaster. No answer. One if these days the Mayor of Lancaster will tell the truth but probably not in his lifetime.
ETP says
Ray – I agree that the numbers are inflated BS – (I’d like to know how they came up with 67 a day and just how in the hell they conducted this study) – However it isn’t total fiction that homeless and transient individuals are shipped up here on the Metrolink quite frequently. The origin being Union Station, the destination being anywhere else along the line – It’s origin based, and the quick solution is to place a few bodies on trains leaving Union Station – There isn’t concern where the transient population wind up – It’s a fast solution and easy way to thin the herd and purge the area of an unwanted commodity that is always in abundance. 67 people a day? Probably never – A few at a time, a couple of times a week, 1-2 a day – Absolutely. They ride under a quid pro quo arrangement and while destination Lancaster isn’t an ultimatum, it’s usually ‘suggested’ and quietly recommended as the best place to go for quick access to resources that are within walking distance from the Lancaster Metrolink station. Union Station is policed by the Sheriff’s Department’s Transit Service Bureau under contract with the MTA. In the event that anyone is caught for fair evasion while en route, a citation is simply issued so it’s not that hard for someone to climb aboard and stay on board – With or without ‘encouragement’ from anyone at Union Station. Word of mouth among the homeless circle further increased the influx of people coming up here to take advantage of abundant resources that were readily available with little waiting time. Being homeless isn’t a crime, but plenty of transient criminals came up here too via the Metrolink. Nobody on that end was going to protest or discourage a system that takes the problem 60+ miles away; it’s a simple solution that is foolproof, quick and requires little or no effort other than the threat of going back to jail if one doesn’t go along with the program and get on the train and move on – Basically a ‘not my problem anymore’ mentality at that end. It works out for all parties involved. Those tasked with managing and policing Union Station are able to disperse people quietly and for a homeless individual or transient criminal the AV is a good place to relocate. People are slicing throats for squatters rights to cardboard shelters on skid row corners and shopping carts in downtown and in an effort to revamp downtown and turn skid row into luxury condos and rebuild and maintain a ‘new’ image for downtown LA and generate revenue, putting the riff raff on a 2 hour train ride was the perfect solution. The AV afforded resources that LA cannot keep up with; a vast area to set up camp, a shelter within walking distance and a gold mine of resources in the form of food banks, motel vouchers and emergency public assistance and medical care that one could never dream of obtaining in downtown Los Angeles in an expedient manner, if at all. The good came, got on their feet and either stayed or moved on – The bad arrived and resorted to criminal activity and when caught they head back up here when released from the county jail, which is also within walking distance from Union Station – They usually bring a buddy or 2 and this creates a snowball effect with each return trip. Transient criminals are just that – They have no address, other than LA County – The minute they apply for resources with DPSS or other county and social services at any Lancaster or Palmale office it creates a legitimate and ‘justified’ trail and ties the applicant to the Antelope Valley and creates a catch-22 for local law enforcement. They are now a local problem with ties to the AV and that’s all that is needed to justify the multiple return trips when one is caught and sent to county jail; this shady paradox creates a cycle that ensures that once released they can be sent back up here with no grounds for scrutiny or needs for a hush-hush ride. If anyone thinks that doesn’t happen and is purely urban fiction or classic Rex invented propaganda, you need to wake up – 67 people a day might be crap – However I guarantee you that every time a Metrolink trains pulls into Lancaster there is at least 1 or 2 passengers that got a comped ride. LAPD and County USC Hospital security routinely dump off people like stray animals on skid row and some of them wind up adopting the AV as their new home. That isn’t an urban legend, and it’s been happening for 20 years now courtesy of the Metrolink, long before Rex was ruling the city – Remember that the Antelope Valley is a place most of the powers in Los Angeles know (and care) little about, other than it’s a convenient place far enough away from their backyards to not have to worry about a quick turnaround yet close enough in the sense that we are still within LA County on the map. Problem solved on their end. Problem created on this end. It happens all the time – Rest assured it’s not that big of a secret nor is it just limited to Union Station – Glendale PD, Burbank and other police agencies and cities and areas are part of the problem as they either add to the manifest or discourage these types of riders from jumping off before they reach the end of the line. It’s a shell game played by city leaders, jaded overworked social workers and law enforcement who are left with either taking care of the problem by throwing one back into jail or sending them up here. There is little or zero protest since the bad guys know that they will be pressured until they move on or face going back to jail, either way it’s part of a system to keep the blight and problems mobile and pushed either up here or back to LA, and it works pretty well without a lot of effort – However once one reaches Lancaster under this system It’s harder to use that type of policing at the end of the line up here. You can return a person to sender but the tables are turned once they arrive here and it’s not in local law enforcement’s favor. Yet again, just another classic demonstration of how Los Angeles deals with it’s problems – A quick flush and the problem flows up here for us to deal with, with zero assistance, concern or guilt from the guys on the throne with their hand on the flusher. In time the problem spills over to Kern County with Rosamond and Calif City seeing their crime rate soar – The majority of this can be attributed to the criminal element who came north, settled in Lancaster or Palmdale and discovered the next county and towns over. Not to be outdone, Kern County took a page out of the manual and drops them back up here – A never ending cycle with no viable or responsible solution other than passing the buck back and forth between law enforcement agencies, cities and counties – Simple and efficient – Since 1994.
John clarke says
The homeless population here in antelope valley is getting to big i can’t walk into ampm or others stores without being asked to give spare change and also seeing the homeless beg customers at the blvd restaurants and the metro-link. Everyone should boycott the business on the blvd to prove a point to the mayor about the problems the homeless and gang members drug user around the blvd.
ETP says
Paperless ticket Kay – At one point there was paper involved; a convenient xeroxed travel brochure complete with map with all of the resources highlighted – Ask around – There was a time when transients were found with paperwork on them that they were given in LA to guide them around town once they arrived – Grace resources, St Vincent’s, the shelter and other resources and local #’s were highlighted and in some cases these people were given a book of food stamps and hotel vouchers to local dives on sierra highway and even bus passes to AVTA – All before they even left Union Station. That backfired as it was proof that the arrival of these people was no coincidence – The city of Lancaster can cry all they want, but they became part of the problem when they let greed override their common sense on this issue – This enabled additional funding and created a platform to debate and use as a tool to get more funds into the pockets of the powers in charge – In theory it sounded and looked good, but while one hand was banging on a podium for emphasis, the other hand was elbow deep in the $$$ jar.
Eric says
House Republicans shot down an amendment to a bill today that would’ve granted equal benefits to spouses of gay service members. I find it completely disgusting.
Shame our Congress has no respects for basic humanity.
John says
I agree with gay marriage and they deserve to have the same rights and benefits as straight couples but your comment is a little misleading. It was not the House of Representatives nor was it an amendment to a bill.
“The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs voted 13-12 to continue to deny equal benefits to gay veterans who live in states without gay marriage. Currently, all active service members and their same-sex spouses receive equal benefits—no matter where they live—under an order from the Department of Defense. But a statutory quirk instructs the Department of Veterans Affairs to look to veterans’ state of residency to determine their marital status. Thus, a gay service member who marries in California but resides in Texas will be denied access to various benefits.”
Eric says
Yeah, I’ll admit that. I extrapolated from this;
“Every Democrat on the committee supported the bill, but only one Republican, Rep. Jon Runyan of New Jersey, broke ranks to join them. “
John says
After doing a little more research and found an article on Huffingtonpost.com, I have to say the you are right that it was an amendment to the Our Vets Deserve Better Act bill.
Why did all but one Republican on the committee vote down the measure?
“Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) argued that the House lacked the constitutional right to bypass existing state laws barring same-sex marriage.
Deference to the state is not motivated by hostility, it is motivated by adherence to the Constitution,” Miller said Wednesday. “As such, I believe that it is not appropriate to usurp the states’ power to democratically define marriage for their citizenry — not for personal belief, and not for bureaucratic convenience.”
Jason says
You mean the equal rights they already have? This amendment would have forced states that dont recognize same sex marriages to change their definition of spouse that was voted on by its citizens. Also it was an amendment to a bill that it had nothing to with. Its a politcal game both sides pull that needs to stop.
John says
I agree, Jason. This measure had absolutely nothing to do with the Our Vets Deserve Better Act. Even some of the Republicans on the committee said they would support the measure as a separate bill.
Our Vets Deserve Better Act – Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), within 30 days after this Act’s enactment, to meet with specified advisory committees to receive administrative and policy recommendations to improve the VA health care system.
Eric says
2 very critical issues face any efforts we are to make in Syria.
1) Hezbollah – With President Obama making it very clear that we are not going to align with Assad, it is undoubted that our airstrikes will not just be used to assist FSA against IS, but also in their battles with government forces. With Lebanon agreeing to assist us, how will we treat Hezbollah? If we strike them, we risk losing support of Lebanon, which will only reopen one conflict area in Syria.
2) Turkey – Turkey refused to cooperate after Kerry’s visit. The main crossing into Syria, for IS members, is Turkey. As long as they have a base to operate in, in an area we won’t encroach, it limits options.
These are two, of many, issues we now face.
Jason says
I cant wait to see MSM ignore and the DOJ try to spin a senior aide to Holder mistakenly calling Issa’s office to release IRS scandal documents to selected reporters so the aide could comment publicly on them. Nothing like trying to leak documents only to get caught.
William says
I just got an email from the Democratic Party requesting that I commit to voting this November which I did.
Then, if had the option to go to the website for your particular state and gave you all the information you’ll need as far as voter ID requirements and anything else to comply with the new ‘voter suppression’ legislation that some red states have passed to discourage and/or burden likely Democratic voters.
I think it’s brilliant. In the 2012 election, there were more votes for Democratic candidates in total for the House of Representatives than for republicans.
However, due to gerrymandering the republicans won a majority of the congressional seats in the House.
So, we Democrats have the numbers and we just need to get out and vote in this mid-term election with the same enthusiasm that we did in 2012 in the presidential election that we won.
Voters, such as in Florida, waited in lines for up to 8 hours to vote and even after the election was called for President Obama. So, there’s no excuse not to vote if they can do it.
The Koch brothers’ ridiculous commercials showing an Uncle Sam character performing a pelvic exam to generate opposition to the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare backfired in some states where it played because it heightened awareness of the issue and actually enrollment in the ACA INCREASED.
It may turn out that the republican efforts to suppress Democrats from voting wherever they can will also backfire and result in a higher than normal turnout for a midterm election BUT ONLY IF THE DEMOCRATS GET OUT THE VOTE.
We put Steve Fox (D) in the State Assembly in this conservative Antelope Valley, so it does work when enough people get out and vote.
John says
Fox News was never banned from Canada for lies and false reporting.
John says
William wrote:
“Is Fox ‘news’ allowed to operate in Canada now because their conservatives in government kept pushing for it even though Canada has a law that doesn’t allow for false reporting of news.”
Fox News first bid for broadcast in Canada — filed by private Canadian operators, along with HBO, ESPN, and other American channels — was rejected by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the federal body that regulates the airwaves, in 2003. But the regulators were concerned with the effect of foreign competition on Canadian networks, not with Fox News’ truthfulness.
The meme claims that Fox News is “banned from operating in Canada” because it violates a law that “prevents ‘news’ channels from lying to their viewers.”
That’s incorrect.
Fox was denied broadcast in 2003, but not because Canadians found it to be untruthful. And Fox News got its approval to broadcast via satellite in 2004 and certainly has a dish presence up north today.
John says
Sorry for the repeat posts. Nothing was posting and I thought The AV Times banned me.
William says
Since you like to use ‘snopes’, John… this is from snopes
“Subject: FOX can Legally Lie
FOX News has legally argued in court that they have the right to LIE and
OBFUSCATE and won!
TAMPA, INC., versus JANE AKRE Case No. 2D01-529.
This is interesting and SCAREY!
Excerpt below:
“In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an
assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or
falsifying the news in the United States.
“Fox” argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right
to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox
attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to
broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to
do so.”
Please go to link above and read whole story if you’re concerned. ”
Isn’t it interesting, John, that Fox argued for that right in court. So, how do you know when Fox is lying and distorting and when it’s telling the truth?
John says
William said Fox News was banned in Canada. So, how do we know when William is lying and distorting and when he is telling the truth?
G. Marrion says
What I had head was that Fox is on cable and dish in Canada, but does not broadcast to conventional antenna viewers because their content would violate the law.
William says
@G. Marrion
People don’t just watch Fox. They BELIEVE IT.
Therein lies the problem.
John says
Fox News is not banned in Canada.
“Fox News first bid for broadcast in Canada — filed by private Canadian operators, along with HBO, ESPN, and other American channels — was rejected by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the federal body that regulates the airwaves, in 2003. But the regulators were concerned with the effect of foreign competition on Canadian networks, not with Fox News’ truthfulness.”
“The meme claims that Fox News is “banned from operating in Canada” because it violates a law that “prevents ‘news’ channels from lying to their viewers.”
That’s incorrect.
Fox was denied broadcast in 2003, but not because Canadians found it to be untruthful. And Fox News got its approval to broadcast via satellite in 2004 and certainly has a dish presence up north today.”
This claim rates Pants on Fire.
bird says
equivalent retaliation is a child’s game. Have a nice day.
bird says
Actually the “Culture of Corruption” leans more toward the Democrats than the Republicans. The list is too long to mention. It’s all there for anyone who is interested.
William says
21 members of the Reagan administration, some very high up, were convicted of crimes.
So far, no convictions of any crimes in the Obama administration.
Vickie says
That’s because the Obama administration investigates itself! What a joke. They are so corrupt with some many scandals, Fast and Furious, Bengazi, The IRS and more. Eric Holder is investigating himself. Do you think he will find that he himself broke the law. So laughable. Obama is an IDIOT!! The sad part is there are a few people who still support him.
bird says
You see, it really doesn’t matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat. It matters if you are morally upright, and it seems to be lacking with both parties.
William says
Not only did former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and his lovely wife get convictef of most of the charges of corruption, but in trying to defend himself, he threw his wife under the bus in a gallant show of ‘family values’. The Addam’s family values.
McDonnell was a rising star, potential presidential nominee for the GOP who gave the rebuttal to the President’s 2010 State of the Union speech.
He ran on ‘family values’. He wanted women seeking a legal abortion to be forced by the state of Virginia to have unnecessary vaginal probe ultrasounds against their will.
He was also anti-same sex marriage. So, hopefully when he goes to prison he’ll get a first hand experience of ‘probes’ and same sex ‘sex’. He’ll have to learn to like it.
There is such a thing as poetic justice, isn’t there?
On deck is Rick Perry, governor of Texas and in the hole, governor of New Jersey, Orca.
When all is said and done, the GOP will have to dig up Reagan to run in2016 because all their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on choices will be in prison or will have crashed and burned simply by opening their mouths once too often.
Orville Redenbacher will have to put on extra shifts to keep the popcorn flowing for the 2016 GOP campaigns and debates as they will be ‘must see and laugh’ teevee.
Jason says
Do you honestly believe Perry is going to prison? If the roles were reversed and it was a Democrat being charged you would be up in arms about Republicans playing games. Perhaps if Lehmberg actually had any ethics she would have resigned from her position considering she was 3x the legal limit.
bird says
Jason—Spot on!
Sungate Dr. says
Breaking into mailboxes and touching others mail IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE. So to the big short lady who was driving a Dodge Durango in Rancho Vista neighborhood and broke into mailboxes we got you on video!!!!
Brisa Drive says
At 3:45 am. We got you! Drive back to ghetto east side. Dummy!
bird says
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (Democrat), is due to report to federal prison to begin a 10-year sentence for corruption. Now he is whining because he is nearly penniless, and has to have a court appointed attorney. It really doesn’t matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat, but it does matter if you are morally upright.
bird says
William—The media failingly ignores the actual data, and therefore transmits a message which gives a false (faux) impression. Biased people leave out the truth.
bird says
Read, watch, and listen to all sides of the news. Do as much homework as you can before you form an opinion. Bigots are people who steadfastly maintain a biased or prejudiced outlook, one based on their personal viewpoints rather than on fact, consensus or accommodation.
James Stouvenel says
What do you think of prop 47? Good idea to reduce certain drug offenses down to a misdemeanor? Or no. Bad idea?
John says
Prop 47 is a bad idea. I would like to see the decriminalization of marijuana but proposition 47 will make gun theft a misdemeanor, possession of heroin, cocaine, and date rape drugs a misdemeanor.
Prop 47 will…
1. Mandate misdemeanors instead of felonies for crimes such as grand theft, daytime commercial burglary, shoplifting, receiving stolen property, and check forgery if the amount stolen is worth $950 or less, unless the defendant has prior convictions for murder, rape, or certain sex offenses.
2. Redefines grand theft so that certain crimes that are currently always a felony — such as thefts from the person of another, thefts of a firearm, and thefts of horses and other farm animals — will be misdemeanors if the value of the stolen property is $950 or less.
3. Permit re-sentencing for anyone currently serving a prison sentence for any of the offenses that the initiative reduces to misdemeanors. About 10,000 inmates would be eligible for re-sentencing.
Proposition 47 is a bad idea, please vote NO on it.
Jason says
Sounds like another AB 109 cluster#&^/. Its cracks me up how Democrats want to lessen punishments for people breaking the law yet continue to try and limit law abiding citizens who are gun owners because said criminals dont follow the law.
John says
Fox News still the #1 cable news network and the third-most popular cable channel in August, behind only sports juggernaut ESPN and USA Network.
Cable News Nightly Viewers in August
No. 1 – Fox News avg. 1.8 million viewers
No. 2 – CNN avg. 629,000 viewers
No. 3 – MSNBC avg. 571,000 viewers
Eric says
You know what those 3 have in common? Their entertainment, not news.
Al-Jazeera is about the only reputable operation left.
John says
Fox News is the most trusted news source in America, MSNBC is the least trusted.
Business Insider – June 10,2014
Eric says
LOL at anyone who thinks the big 3 are trustworthy. Read a comment from a media big-whig who placed MSNBC on the same tier as Fox News. Which tier? Entertainment. Ain’t no news to see on any of those 3.
William says
I’m sure readers of the National Enquirer regard it as the most trusted news source.
So, how come Fox viewers tend to be the most mis-and uninformed in various studies and surveys?
How come Mitt Romney and Karl Rove thought that Mitt had won the 2012 election based on their viewing habits which were mostly Fox ‘news’.
How come about 30% of Fox viewers have doubts about the President’s citizenship status? Where did they get that idea even after he produced 2 birth certificates. Well, actually, the state of Hawaii did.
After pushing the Benghazi fake scandal for 2 whole years, Fox gave the report from the House Intelligence Committee scant coverage the day it was released.
They just spent the whole weekend pushing a special ‘smoking gun’ with 3 guys who said they were there that night and blah, blah, blah. You can be sure that this ‘special’ not under oath will get many more hours of airtime than the results of the House Committee’s conclusions that there was NO WRONGDOING, NO COVERUP AND NO STANDDOWN ORDERS GIVEN.
Remember Dylan Davies who got busted for a false story on 60 Minutes. You bought that story didn’t you, John just like you’ll buy this new story? Fox bought it.
I can’t wait till some Democrats get to ask these 3 characters questions under oath during Gowdy Doody’s new committee investigation provided he subpoenas them and lets the Democrats ask them questions. You know how crooked Issa’s hearings were when he leaked some documents but wouldn’t release all of them if they contained information that contradicted his agenda.
I’ll bet you that in another month, a survey would show that Fox viewers have bought the whole story from these 3 guys in the special while not even knowing the conclusions of the House Intelligence Committee.
You keep defending Fox and I’m here to debunk your notions. Is Fox ‘news’ allowed to operate in Canada now because their conservatives in government kept pushing for it even though Canada has a law that doesn’t allow for false reporting of news.
So, bring it on.
John says
Fox News has never been banned from Canada for lies or false reporting.
William says
Hey, Tim
The declassified Nixon tapes are on HBO right now.
He’s one of you guys, isn’t he?
Or, Ronald “I don’t remember nuttin’ Reagan?
Or. George ‘Crawford’s Village Idiot’ Bush’?
Yeah, you guys got the real ‘A’ team to be proud of.
You askef for it, Timmy.
Remember, “There’s no crying on the ‘internets'”.
Your ‘bait and switch’ reference makes absolutely no sense, but, hey, that’s you.
William says
That’s your resonse to>\
Fox not being allowed to operate in Canada because they lie.
Rupert Murdoch’s scandals in Engand for hacking.
Fox arguing for the ‘right’ to lie when reporting the news under the First Amendment.
No wonder you are so misinformed.
McDonald’s sells more junk food and is the lowest rated burger joint in a Consumer Reports survey than the 4 Seasons sells high quality food.
But, we now know where your taste lies. And ‘lies’ being the operative word.
Fox has trained you and its other sheep to always quote its ratings in defense of it to distract from the misinformation. Reminds me of those signs in front of every McDonald’s saying ‘Billions and billions served’.
So, John, you like quantity over quality. Thanks for letting us know.
Fox is doing a ‘special’ this weekend to add confusion to the House Intelligence Committee’s report with their typical “There are unanswered questions” BS that they add to every issue even though the GOP majority on the Committee could have asked any and all questions.
They’ll give more time to that special than they gave to the findings of the report itself and surveys will again show that its viewers are misinformed about the Benghazi report once Fox is doing massaging that story. That’s how Fox rolls. And, you swallow every last lie.
William says
Were you also fooled by Faux ‘news’ that Mitt Romney won the 2012 presidential election like Karl Rove and even Mitt was from watching Faux ‘news’. Ol’ Mitt had a fireworks display ready to go but no concession speech. He was such a fool.
They never had Nate Silver on Faux ‘news’ who predicted it correctly. He was on MSNBC, that liberal fact-based channel and even on the The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
But, you keep on watching Faux ‘news’ and read the Daily Caller,too, John. Faux ‘news’ helped the GOP win the last 2 presidential elections with their all out efforts at biased reporting.
Here’s hoping they’ll keep up the ‘good’ work for the Democrats.
William says
Just 142K new jobs for the month of August, John. That means President Obama is ‘cooking the books’ again, right?
Because, when the jobs reports are great and the unemployment rate drops, it means that President Obama is ‘cooking the books’. So, he must be ‘cooking’ them with they go in the other direction too.
Isn’t that how Faux ‘news’ analyzes everything, John-a one-sided partisan view pretending to be ‘fair and balanced’? That means they present a ‘fact’ and a ‘lie’ and leave it up to you. That’s why everything is up in the air at Faux. That’s why they weren’t allowed to operate in Canada. Nothing is certain. There are always ‘unanswered questions’ that have been answered but Faux doesn’t report the answers.
Where’d ya go, John? Why aren’t you here defending Faux with Faux’s own contributors as sources and the Daily Caller,LOL, as another source.
I’m waitin’.
Then, there’s Eric, who thinks his sources are the best. That’s why he thinks both political parties are the same. Ask minorities, women, gays and lesbians, those on Social Security or other social services, teachers, minimum wage workers, union members and so on if both politcal parties are the same.
Eric has the intelligence of a Faux ‘news’ viewer and he doesn’t LIKE me. Boo hoo. What’ll I do with that information?
William says
“Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 142,000 in August, and the
unemployment rate was little changed at 6.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in professional and business
services and in health care.”
That number was directly from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Sometimes, the numbers are adjusted up or down in the following month/s as more information comes in. And, there is more detailed information along with that number. But, that’s been how job creation numbers have been reported far longer than President Obama’s 6 years in office.
My point in my previous comment was when the news reports are good, Fox ‘news’ or it’s invited and very biased guests will sometimes say the books are ‘cooked’ by the Administration, a typical practice at Fox ‘news’.
On the other hand, when the numbers aren’t good such as the job creation numbers in August, Fox ‘news’ will accept ‘bad’ numbers from the very same sources and use them to blame the Administration.
Bottom line. They like to play it both ways and each way they play it, it’s critical of the Obama administration.
Fox is not an honest ‘news’ outlet even if the people who faithfully watch it believe what it says. I’m sure readers of the National Inquirer and the Globe feel the same way about those ‘news’ outlets.
Heck. Mitt Romney watched Fox and believed he was going to win the 2012 election. He had an 8 minute fireworks display at the ready over Boston Harber and a victory speech but no concession speech.
Can you imagine how Romney would have run the executive branch relying on Fox ‘news’ for his information on everything? That’s what happens when you swallow the bull that Fox presents daily. It really embarrassed Karl Rove too….live…on camera for all of us to enjoy.
But, true to form, Karl Rove and Mitt Romney are still featured on Fox as though they are reliable sources of anything as are Sarah Palin, Mark Furhman, Scott Brown, Tucker Carlson, Dennis Miller, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Mike Huckabee, and many other losers and neer-do-wells who land at Fox after being unloaded from other outlets. It’s hard to keep track of all of them.
Sean Hannity had Phil Robertson, head ‘quack’ of Duck Dynasty, on last week to discuss foreign affairs. So-called Christian Robertson said of ISIS/ISIL that we should convert them or kill them, a brilliant foreign policy proposal. Why not have SpongeBob on as well?
So, I do watch some Fox ‘news’ shows to see what the leading purveyor of misinformation is feeding fellow citizens who vote accordingly as well as watching other more honest and reliable sources of news.
I know that Fox’s audience of ‘believers’ don’t like to hear it criticized by having its lies and distortions exposed. Fox’s personalities such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelly like to play the victim if other media outlets expose their lies or mock them.
Meanwhile, those same people have no problem criticizing and trashing many other media outlets, Hollywood, comedians such as Jon Stewart and so on.
It’s funny that Fox is ‘debating’ comedians who criticize it, forgetting that they too are regarded as ‘comedy’ and not serious journalists.
It’s true that ‘bigots are biased’ and Fox ‘news’ is loaded with them.
I am to say the least flabbergasted when I had a conversation with a cashier at a local box store and was told that EBT users can buy designer bags and jewelry with their cash allowances…I called the store and yes the manager confirmed it…They can purchase whatever they like with their cash portion whether it be designer bags, jewelry, expensive perfume, alcohol, cigarettes…you name it they can buy it….ALL AT THE COST OF THE HARD-WORKING, TAX-PAYING, AMERICAN CITIZEN…I AM DISGUSTED TO SAY THE LEAST…I was told that the fraud of this nature has been going on for some time now since they changed to a debit card format…since this is happening in our local town…What are our local representatives in government doing about it!!!??? I would like some answers from McKeon, Antonovich and Knight!!!???….So while my family struggles to earn a good income and pay our bills and our own medical and food…freeloaders get to keep abusing the system!!!When is SOMEONE going to do something about this and bring it to the National Spotlight…I’m sure there are a lot of people who don’t realize this fraud is taking place!
RealityCheck says
Before the EBT cards recipients would get their money in the form of a check. That check would often be taken to a check cashing shop and turned into cash. Take a wild guess what the cash was used for. Yeah same stuff is right, this has nothing to do with EBT cards, it has ALWAYS been a problem.
The only solution, which was shot down by ACLU a very long time ago, is to have all rent, and common bills paid through the government office. But cash would still have to be given to them to cover any expenses that may crop up like fuel, clothes for kids, etc. Since voucher systems were proven to be too burdensome and filled with problems of their own.
It bothers me more that food money is traded for cash at a two for one ratio. The person with the food credits goes out and buys food for the person with the cash and gets cash in return. Impossible to stop this.
William says
I suspect President Obama has already developed a strategy for ISIS and will spring it on them shortly as well as on the republicans.
Remember how he was telling jokes the night before at the White House Correspondents Dinner knowing that a Seal team was on their way to get bin Laden?
Of course, you don’t remember.
Jason says
We can only hope he has a strategy. ISIS/ISIL have been around for how long? How many reporters need to be beheaded before something is done other than talk?
William says
If wouldn’t surprise your would it, if he pullled a rabbit out of a hat like that after saying he didn’t have a strategy?
I don’t know that he does, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
Whaaa? says
Obama’s new plan… Do everything he said he wouldn’t do. Or… Just pretend it’s opposite day.
William says
House republicans are now saying they don’t want a government shutdown.
They denied that they wanted a shutdown last time after they shut down down the government even though there are many videos of them saying “Shut ‘er down” or words to that effect.
Now, they want to preemptively say they don’t want a shutdown so they can once again deny that they wanted a shutdown when they once again shutdown the federal government.
Boy, oh boy. They have really lost their minds. The problem is most of the Antelope Valley agrees with their crazy talk.
ed says
someone received a notice from DMV to come in for license renewal. it states vision test, no driver exam and payment for renewal. but someone had to get an eye exam and lucky to have insurance, this could have been costly. next, they want someone to take a driver test. the driver test was not mentioned on the notice. someone has been driving for decades. DMV targeting older drivers?
William says
Which city do you live in?
Where do you shop?
Eric says
Hope you are ready for the barrage Jud, you didn’t speak of Palmdale in above-sainthood status, so Bill is on offense.
I tend to agree with Jud about the mall. Not much there for me, or any other male between the ages of 20-60. I’m not really sure there is much for you there Bill, besides a few restaurants and your morning walks. I certainly don’t shop at any of the 20+ female clothing stores jammed in there, nor in any of the overpriced shoe stores. So, aside from the occasional bit of food,and well, Dick’s once it opens, kind of a limited market.
Now, if they’d put in a gun range and a pornography store…
William says
Hey, Eric. It works for me to acknowledge and praise Palmdale and its leaders from time to time as they keep on producing excellent results for the city that I live in.
Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m just praising what is happening or by praising Palmdale’s Mayor, council and city staff, I’m ‘causing’ the excellent results. Bottom line. It doesn’t really matter does it as long as the results get produced? Too bad all the boasting by your mayor doesn’t cut it no matter how often and how loud he does it, does it?
As for Lancaster, I’m just telling the truth and commenting on observable facts and behavior over yonder. I don’t have to make anything up. The Mall does just fine without you or Jud. The Mall doesn’t have ‘feelings’ even though you think you’re hurting its feelings. Too funny, you guys.
MEAN WHILE INTHE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY ( just in case any one is interested)
chrlrss says
Last week or so I have been watching the destruction and elimination of Carl’s Jr at 15th West & Ave K. Not seeing anything thru Lancaster about problems with it, new business coming, etc. Can’t imagine they would be doing this just because it closed or to do remodeling. Anyone know?
chrlrss says
Hoping this isn’t to widen the intersection for a roundabout!!!!
Eric says
I doubt its for a round about. It was a rather odd sight though. One day I drove past, the Carls Jr was there and open, could see employees and customers inside. Less than a day or two later and the entire building was demolished.
None of the other buildings were taken down though. I’d like to know what is going on there.
William says
Didn’t Home Town Buffet acrros the street close down a while back?
Maybe they are going to demolish everything in that rundown area and put in a solar farm.
It’s odd. For one the the busiest intersections in Lancaster, there really isn’t anything valuable there.
Maybe they’ll put in another CVS or Walgreens. I’ve never seen so many shopping centers anchored by a drugstore on the prominent corner lots. Is Lancaster a retirement communtiy?
chrlrss says
That whole shopping center is empty except for Toy R Us. Remember taking the bus to that intersection to shop at Gemco when I visited my grandmother. Noticed Wendys didn’t bother to rebuild on 10th St so guess now Lancaster can’t even keep the fast food either.
William says
How’s the old Factory Outlet doin’? Haven’t been there in years. I don’t even know what it’s called now.
All the focus on a couple of blocks of Lancaster Boulevard while the rest of Lancaster is returning to desert is quite fascinating, Rex Parris.
There are only 2 or 3 blocks of the BLVD that are really ‘used’. The rest is pretty much what it was before except for the the landscaping. For a city of 150,000+, that’s pretty pathetic. I mean, it would be great for Barstow.
Remember, lawyers are trained to argue either side of a case if they want to. So, having a lawyer for a mayor is worse than having a used car salesman as mayor.
What were the voters thinking? Or, are they?
Consider that even if there was going to be some big, grand development at 15th Street West and Avenue K with stores and restaurants and bird sounds and it was actually done well, it would just suck business away from the BLVD.
What a bind. I wonder which ‘good ol’ boy’ has bought up the property around there, cheap, and then the city will spend money to put in some special infrastructure and the ‘good ol’ boy/s’ will make some big bucks. Whatever happened to the outdoor mall idea across from COSTCO. And, the location for the new Kaiser hospital is horrible. Avenue L is like a freeway right in front of it. Is it even accessible on foot?
How come planning in Lancaster seems to be not very smart? Maybe ‘John’ has the answer. He doesn’t like my comments re: Parris and Lancaster.
Son of The Anti Rex says
Voters haven’t ‘thought’ in Lancaster for a while. The Lancaster Baptist crowd votes as they are told. The so called Republicans still support Parris even though he sues and tries to stop businesses from growing. I have often wondered if there was something in the water. One city can’t be this collectively stupid.
William says
@Son of the Anti-Rex
It is a mystery. Aren’t there 10s of thousands of Lancaster residents fed up yet.
I was watching a rerun on TWC27 today, Palmdale’s channel and Mayor Ledford and others were giving an update about all the new things coming to Palmdale.
A couple more restaurants in the new Dickie’s building. Ritter Ranch is going to restart building homes again.
The High Speed Rail station, Desert XPress and other transportation modes at the transportation center.
The new housing complex featured here a while back with veteran’s preferred.
New roads, businesses, restaurants and on and on. More stuff than I usually catch here or in other news. I was really amazed.
Meanwhile, has the custard shop opened yet of the BLVD? I guess between BYD and the solar farms Lancaster will be like some of those cities down below that are just for a few specialized (think srirachi) industries and the residents have to travel outside the city for everything.
Once again, when are the Lancaster residents going to wake up? While Rex is busy suing and putting money in his pocket as mayor, hizzoner is doing a lousy job for the residents.
Lancaster and Palmdale have been like the tortoise and the hare, Lancaster being the hare that was ahead for a long time, boasting and bragging, ha ha ha, stopped to take a nap, but the tortoise plugged along and guess who one that race?
I can’t imagine Rex staying in Lancaster after this term is up. There’s no there there. I guess he’ll leave the mess to Marv, Ron and whatsherface. That will be something.
If anyone sees Rex, be sure to tell him about that fable. It really applies here.
Nancy P says
I think the Pharmacy business is booming in areas with lots of MediCal type services. Lots of people taking anti anxiety meds, pain pills and sleeping pills and kids being treated for ADD and ADHD. Paid with our tax dollars.
William says
@Nancy P
It’s not just that there are a lot of pharmacies, it’s that they have these prominent locations on the corner of a shopping center that seems weird.
Usually, it’s a fast food place or other type of business on the corner lot.
But, then again, everything is a little weird in Lancaster. I noticed that in the early 90s. I attributed it to which good ol’ boys owned which properties and not what’s best for a city.
Look at the difference between the Cinemark in Lancaster out in the middle of nowhere and the one in the AV Mall next to restaurant row and a hotel. That’s just another example of Lancaster’s weird planning.
Is there anywhere on the BLVD that has a Sunday brunch or is it only geared to alcohol and nightlife? You’d think it would be perfect with all the outdoor dining for weekend brunches if it’s the ‘heart of the Valley’ as Rex once said. Or. twice. Or. thrice.
Not A Good Ole Boy says
Lancaster has been built around who owns the property not what is best for the people. If there is any city more haphazardly designed please do tell. We could have been the center of the high desert if we only had leaders who planned on what is best, not which good ole boy owned the land. Now we sit and watch Palmdale leave us in the dust. It should never have happened. But that is what you get with leaders like Parris, Gilley and Visco.
William says
@Not A Good Ole Boy
Exactly. I moved to Palmdale in 1990 and within a year or two of doing most shopping in Lancaster, I noticed that something was odd.
Only then did I hear about the ‘good ol’ boys’. I didn’t think that up for myself but it certainly explained it.
I couldn’t figure out, if Lancaster was the center of business in the Valley years ago, why aren’t there on and off ramps to Lancaster Boulevand when they built the 14 freeway? That’s one odd thing for starters.
They have them further north on avenues where there is nothing.
They can landscape all they want in Lancaster and it only affirms the saying “Like putting lipstick on a pig” and Farmer Rex is the one doin’ it.
The BLVD probably peaked about a year ago and will be on the decline from now on. Nothing grand will ever be built there and how long can it survive on teeny tiny little 1 or 2 person shops. I doubt if the sales tax revenue is worth the time and expense put into it.
anonymous says
Lancaster Blvd is only open and functioning on the week days. Tried going to the jewelry store on Saturday.. guess what? It was closed. Not to mention that half the dumb a$$ stores don’t open till 11 or noon and close at 5. Can’t shop the “BLVD” if you have an 8-5 Mon-Fri… so who are they catering too…….?? Needless to say I took my business to Palmdale
William says
Like I wrote somewhere, how much sales tax can they be making on the BLVD with a couple little shops, especially if they are closed on the weekends? The west end is banks and a church and offices.
I’d get rid of the parking in the median. The street is too narrow for that design and it just feels clausterphobic or it is ‘clusterfubic’?
I used to comment a couple years ago about the bad design and caught all kinds of static from people who are no longer commenting here on the Times. Too embarrassed, I guess.
There were supposed to be big plans for parking structures and a hotel, etc.
Did they hire professionals to research and design the project or was it just amateur hour? Why would the theater turn it over to the city instead of holding on to it?
Anonymous says
The whole “BLVD” is a joke for a lack of better words. When I first heard the news of the re-design I must admit I was excited to hear that Lancaster was going to have a nice, clean, and neutral setting where I could shop, walk my dogs etc.
That was short lived. The traffic and the parking are FAR from “friendly” and to make a left at anyone of the poorly designed “intersections” Good Luck!
I soon realized that this whole “BLVD” is a scam to pad certain peoples pockets! No need to mention any names as most of us are well aware of who is profiting from this poor excuse of “shopping and attractions”
Eric says
That parking situation is terrible. I used to used that section of Lancaster Blvd when going from 25th west towards Sierra Highway; no more, now it is down to J or up to I. I got caught driving down it the other morning by mistake, far from a good flow.
As far as hotels; we don’t need any more. There are plenty near the Kaiser center off the 14, more by the Jethawks stadium, plus Sleaze Row down Sierra Highway. 40-50 years from now, the “BLVD” will go down in Lancaster infamy.
William says
50 years from now? I don’t think so.
I think the ‘blvd’ (I’m done capitalizing it) is already on its way downhill.
Rex is gonna leave Marv and Ron holding the the empty bag when he retires and lives in his ‘other’ house. There’s nothing for him in Lancaster to do now that he’s ripped off all the money he can from his neighbors and even hometown businesses.
I recall around the time the blvd was was built, there was an article in the Valley Press by a columnist describing how renovated ‘downtowns’ were being abandonned once again. I think one of them was Fresno’s ‘Old Town’ but that’s just from memory.
So, Rex zigs while every other town zags. He also predicted the demise of traditional malls such as the Antelope Valley Mall. Tell that to Dickies Sporting Goods and all the new businesses going in there.
In a place with 100 degree summers, an indoor mall is not a bad idea. Remember that ‘outdoor’ mall planned for that empty desert across from the park on 10th Street West that the city paid to have the creek covered? Whatever happened to that brilliant idea and just who benefited from that?
Even if they did build anything there, it would suck business from the blvd.
Lancaster is in a hopeless downward spiral. The good news is that it’s being fueled by solar power. That’s like boasting about Lancaster’s new solar powered buggy whip factory. What’s wrong with that picture?
ERIK says
A Carls Jr. employee told me that they are going to rebuild it as a Carls Jr./ Green Burrito hybrid. I do not think it is a big deal. God forbid it becomes a roundabout.
anonymous says
Saw a lead mold and asbestos removal truck there one day. Their intention might have been to remodel but found out otherwise… It’s hard to tell. Maybe Rex needs a new office with freeway access…. : P
Done says
The detainees at Gitmo are lucky that I’m not in charge. If I were, in retaliation for the beheading of the American journalist, I’d have all remaining inmates paraded out into the yard, lined up single file and have all their heads removed on video with a chainsaw. Send a message, two can play at the game of crazy. To hell with Allah’s Nazis!
William says
Just got back from running errands, stopped at the Mall. It was so nice and refreshingly cool inside, shiny granite floors, wonderful clean smells every few yards, no bums, music but no birds. Darn. I like the fountain outside Claim Jumper’s and their Widowmaker Burger. But, I digress.
I really appreciate city leaders who had the foresight to have it here in Palmdale. It’s really nice and keeps getting better. I like nice things. Every city should have one.
Then, stopped at Trader Joe’s to get some fixin’s for dinner. They have so many tempting things there. Every city should have one.
Until next time, John. Have a nice day. :)
Peg says
I agree with you William, I like nice things too. Unfortunately, if you live in the AV this benefit is exclusive to Palmdale. I live near Valley Central Trash Way. Imagine how the fast food employees feeling watching the homeless make more money than them. How about having neighbours who are too dang lazy to put their trash cans up after trash day, park their trailers and boats on their lawns, leave their yards sale signs up long after their sale. What to do? Complain to the Mayor? Lol
William says
William says
Remember ‘Benghazi’? It was ‘Breaking News’ for 2 years on Fox ‘news’. You remember.
It was the worst thing since the Great Flood and the color ‘avocado’ in the 1970s.
Well, a couple weeks ago, the Republican majority led House Intelligence Committee released its classified report and guess what?
Anyway, on the very day the report was released, Fox ‘news’ went almost totally silent, barely reporting the findings. How ’bout that?
After reporting ‘Breaking News’ on Benghazi almost every day for 2 years when there really wasn’t anything that newsworthy, they forgot to report the conclusion.
But, that was predictable. Haven’t heard much about Benghazi lately have you? Now, it’s on to more serious stuff at Fox like the President’s vacation at Martha’s Vineyard.
Boy, the Pony Express delivered information more reliably than Fox ‘news’ does now. If you read the Valley Press, so many people swear by it in their letters to the editor.
“You can fool some of the people all the time” – A. Lincoln, famous person.
CB says
That’s interesting. I have heard nothing about this report from any news source. Can you tell us where you obtained this information from?
William says
I heard it on MSNBC the day it was released, read about it in Media Matters and the Huffington Post.
Google ‘House Intelligence Commitee Benghazi’ and there’s a whole list of sites about it.
My point was the Fox ‘news’ deliberately downplayed it after spending 2 years calling it a scandal 7 days a week.
That’s why Fox viewers are more uninformed and/or misinformed than people who don’t watch the news at all according to a University of Maryland study.
Many of those Fox viewers voted in tea party members in Congress and we’ve had nothing but problems since then; government shutdown, lowered credit rating for the first time, etc., etc.
Fox ‘news’ has pushed one fake scandal after another and when they don’t pan out, Fox simply ignores the conclusion.
CB says
From what I have read there are many things to question regarding Benghazi.
Unfortunately our media, be it newspaper, magazine, tv, radio, internet is a joke. They have ALL fallen prey to poor journalism, bias or out and out lies. That goes for EVERY news source
William says
You can’t be serious. A majority republican led House Intelligence Committee concluded>
And, still you write ‘there are many things to question
regarding Benghazi’.
What questions? I am shaking my head. The republicans in the committee could have asked whatever questions you think they should have asked. They’ve had it in for the President since the day he was inaugurated. Oh, they were holding back, I guess.
What the news media should be reporting in a headline in giant fonts on the front page is what the committee concluded.
Isn’t interesting that you didn’t know about the report till you read my comment days later.
From whatever it is you’re reading, did they report the conclusion of the committee or just that more questions needing to be asked in a never ending ‘scandal’ mongering that the GOP and Fox ‘news’ are good at.
I told you it was on MSNBC, the Huffington Post and Media Matters but hardly at all on Fox ‘news’ and you’re telling me that they have ALL fallen prey to poor journalism, etc. Not those 3 sources on that one important issue.
What would it take for you to be satisfied regarding Benghazi? I’ve asked that of birthers and they never reply because nothing will satisfy them but they still insist on asking the questions that they won’t accept answers to. Does that describe you in this case, CB?
They remind me of a small child asking a question and the father answers it and the child says “But, why?”. The father answers again and the child says “But, why?” I’m sure you’re familiar with that scenario. It’s quite common for children to do that but we’ve got grownups in the republican party and on Fox ‘news’ that act like children.
“But, why?”
“But, why?”
Speaking of ‘why?’, why aren’t you asking why the republicans on the committee didn’t ask your questions instead of blaming ALL news media?
William says
I forgot. What sources were you referring to that said that more questions needed to be asked about Benghazi?
William says
Here’s a link explaining it further.
Nancy P says
Where are the arrest logs? Nothing since 8/4?
Son of The Anti Rex says
Thats because there is no crime in Lancaster anymore. It all went away just like Parris said it would when he started playing birdie sounds on the BLVD and launched the Eye inThe Sky Spy plane. No more crime. Those sirens and gunshot you hear and police cars you see are just sound effects and holograms.
Nancy P says
Let’s all bow our heads and say Amen and Praise the Lord!
Done says
Comparing what happened to Saint Skittles and what happened to Michael Brown is very disingenuous. One thought he was a super badass, picked a fight with the wrong person, and had a final realization that he wasn’t tougher than a bullet. Self defense, and the jury agreed. If Dorian Johnson’s story pans out to be the truth, then Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood by someone who was tasked with upholding the law, an authority figure. Huge difference, and if Johnson’s story is the truth, then the officer who murdered Brown should spend the rest of his life in prison.
Jason says
With more and more facts coming out about the incident, its apparent someone isn’t being honest. Now it comes out that Brown has just committed a strong armed robbery minutes before with the same friend that has told his story. Makes a little more sense now in regards with the officer allegedly being assaulted in his vehicle. Here you have a teenager who’s supposedly going to start college in less than a week involved with an incident with a police officer minutes after committing a crime. Maybe he got scared and decided punching the cop and running was a good idea, and if he didn’t get caught and went to college, it would be behind him. Punching a cop isn’t something that should get you killed, but if the story about the officer being assaulted and the person assaulting him going for his weapon is true, then everything changes.
William says
I don’t know what to think anymore. I was really shocked to see how militarized the local police department was for such a small town.
Of course, the police need to be prepared for the worst. I recall that Bank of America shootout in North Hollywood in the 90s with just 2 well armed guys with assault weapons and wearing lots of body armor even on their legs. The LAPD were out gunned and some were injured by gunfire.
So, on one hand, we have the Cliven Bundy supportor types with assault weapons that the police have to be prepared to defend against.
On the other hand, we had protestors throwing rocks and bottles in the Ferguson case. I think the police were overdoing it like they were up against the NRA type nutjobs with the assault weapons instead of average citizens upset about an unarmed kid being killed by a cop. Do you blame them?
I don’t think any violence was justified but come on, folks, if the citizens didn’t protest at all, this would have just been swept under the rug like what happened in the Trayvon Martin case when the police didn’t handle the case appropriately and pretty much said “Oh, well. Stuff happens’ until the public pressure made them bring Zimmerman to trial.
Jason says
Yes you do blame them. They are the ones that resorted to violence, arson and looting in “protest”. They didn’t even wait for the investigation to be done and facts to come out before resorting to destruction and violence.
Somehow the officer being assaulted right before the shooting gets ignored. Either he did it or his friend did it. Not like his friend would cop to it, considering he left out the part where the person that got shot has just committed a strong armed robbery not too long before the incident took place. The more that comes out about this incident, the more it seems things fall in place and make sense. Things such as the officer making contact with them out of the blue, like his buddy made it seem like.
As far as it being swept under the rug, I go back to my point about the violence and destruction starting before an investigation was completed. This incident is going to turn into a media circus just like the Trayvon Martin case did.
Sensibility says
Rocks and bottles when thrown at a target become assault weapons using the very loose terminology of Diane Feinstein.
A military grade weapon has the ability to fire many rounds on one trigger pull (machine gun), bursts of three rounds or single round(like a M16).
Civilians are limited to what is termed a semi-automatic rifle (one trigger pull equals one round fired). Unless they are judged to be very responsible/trained/sane and go through an application process with the Federal government to purchase and own fully automatic weapons like those used by militaries around the world.
Peaceful protesting uses chants and signs. Blocking streets, and sidewalks. Jamming the phones with calls and writing letters to leadership in higher positions.
William says
Help is on the way.
Peacekeepers from Israel and Gaza are going to Ferguson to negotiate a peace treaty.
Eric says
MSNBC, FOX, and CNN were all licking their lips Saturday night; nothing a sensationalist media loves more than another firebrand issue to pull in viewers. Why? More viewers = More $ per advertisement.
So now they can all go and play up their side to start raking in the extra dough. Gross. Untruthful, unreliable media is one of the worst plagues in the US today. Al-Jazeera is about the only national/global news worth trusting anymore.
Letlow says
What issue are you referring to? The riots in Ferguson over the teen shooting? If so, I don’t see how that situation could be sensationalized. The whole situation is pretty damn sad.
Lifelong AV Resident says
Actually what’s “pretty damn sad” is that normal people have to live their lives trying to dodge criminals all of the time while these same criminals get special “civil rights” groups to speak for them and issue demands. The American public is getting sicker by the day about this.
CB says
Lifelong Av Resident, I agree with you 100%.
Done says
My favorite part of the riot coverage was msnbc’s Chris Hayes being pelted by rocks by the people he so loves and defends. Did he have a reality check that those people don’t care if considers himself an obedient, social-warrior, good-honkey? I doubt it. The only thing that would have made my heart smile more is if it were Rachel Maddow being pelted.
KayDee says
Ledford – 1 gazillion, Parris – 0
That is all.
Karl Hungus says
Up vote. :)
I’m in Lancaster now and hate that damn plane…one of the many annoyances.
Connie says
I agree it flies over my house about 20 times a day and we have to pay for them spying on us
Turd Ferguson says
We have now had LEAPS for 2 years.We have now had LEAPS for two years.What do we have to show for it?What do we have to show for it?A couple Wal-mart shoplifters that would have been caught with the Sherriffs helicopter.A couple Wal-mart shoplifters that would have been caught with the Sherriffs heliocopter.All for $90,000.00 a year.All for $90,000.00 a year.For 10 years.For 10 years.That is $10,800,000.00. That is $10,800,000.00.Of wasted taxpayer money.Of wasted taxpayer money.Whose sums idea was this?Whose dumb idea was this?the same numbskull who thinks bird chirping on the BLVD will lower crime.The same numbskull who thinks bird chirping on the BLVD will lower crime.Koo-Koo!Koo-Koo!No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
William says
Now, now, Turd. Rex knows best. That’s why he has another home so he doesn’t have to spend all his time in Lancaster.
Do you blame him after what a mess he’s made of it?
Son of The Anti Rex says
Aw, c’mon now. Give T-Rex a break! He’s piled up massive debt in our city and now he’s trying to help the poor law students at Pepperdine by donating the money he gets from Palmdale and Santa Clarita to their ethics school. And to show them ethics he’s suing two American Legion posts in our valley. He get points for that don’t he?
Karl Hungus says
Minus points perhaps
He’s grade A turd that’s for sure