LANCASTER – The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!), an innovative program that transforms local middle school students into real entrepreneurial successes, is coming to Lancaster! Antelope Valley College will pilot the program this fall.
“We are excited about launching this expansion and specifically chose the Antelope Valley College because of its reputation for academic excellence,” said Gayle Jagel, the CEO and Founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. The program is currently introducing sites in colleges, universities and high schools across the country.
YEA! is a cutting-edge program that takes middle school students through the process of starting and launching a real business or social movement over the course of an academic year. By the end of the class, students own and operate fully-formed and functioning businesses, which may be carried on after their graduation from the program.
YEA! aims to teach students at an early age how to make a job, not just take a job. It is the ONLY pre-college program developed by an entrepreneur, at a university, with support from a major entrepreneurial foundation, the Kauffman Foundation and the United States Chamber of Commerce.
“We are so thrilled to be the next college in the nation to adopt the Young Entrepreneurs Academy,” said Antelope Valley College President Ed Knudson. “This program will enhance business education of our local middle school students, and provide a unique, challenging, and fulfilling experience for all participants.”
Students at various Lancaster middle schools are already heavily involved in student-body activities and pride themselves on hard work, which bodes well for the program, since it requires a nine-month commitment from its young executives.
In this time, students will brainstorm and form their enterprises, make pitches to real investors, obtain funding, file their DBAs, and by the end, actually launch their own business or social movement!
Business mentors and local entrepreneurs across a variety of industries will support the students throughout the program. All of the learning is real and experiential.
“One of the most interesting components of the YEA! program is the actual ‘behind the scenes’ knowledge that local business leaders are able to share with students,” said Lancaster Chamber of Commerce CEO Sandy Smith. “This experience is something they will be able to apply to any field they choose to enter, and will provide them with the necessary skills to become future leaders of their industries.
“The entire community is on board with Antelope Valley College’s plans to pilot the program in the fall,” adds Jagel. “We encourage local business leaders to become involved with the program and to act as mentors to the budding entrepreneurs.” By partnering with YEA!, both large and small businesses can volunteer their time as business mentors, field trip hosts, guest lecturers, graphic designers, web developers, attorneys, and more. Community support strengthens the program, and the academy strengthens the community.
For more information on the program, visit or contact the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce at 661-948-4518.
jim says
Koch Brothers propaganda
Eric says
Won’t somebody think of the children! How will the State succeed in brainwashing these kids with the sense of entitlement and Marxism they’ve been pushing for so long if somebody starts interjecting money into it?!
Get real dude. The worst things about public schools are the schools themselves; doesn’t matter where they dig the curriculum from, its all about indoctrination and a steady supply of mindless oafs. They are really good at that!
William says
That’s so amusing. When I was in high school in the early 60s, the big word was ‘non-conformist’ a few years before the ‘hippies’ became a noticable phenomenon.
The funny thing is that all the ‘non-conformists’ looked alike, talked alike, walked alike, etc. You get the picture. They were conforming.
So, when someone talks about schools indoctrinating students in Marxism, socialism, etc., they seem ignorant of the fact that the people doing that want to ‘indoctrinate’ children with creationism, biblical fallacies like Noah’s ark and other stuff like that.
So, the ones accusing schools of indoctrinating students are themselves the ones that want to do the indoctrination… the schools. Think Texas.
How little human nature has changed since my high school days. They whispered that my 10th grade home room/history teacher was a ‘communist’. She didn’t say the pledge of allegiance with us but she had great legs. We could stare at them when she was sitting behind her desk.
Anyway, so what? I don’t ever recall any of my fellow students talking about communism or socialism as though they were ‘indoctrinated’ the way young people who are evangelicals do with their ‘indoctrination’. The teacher never said anything about communism in a HISTORY class, for crying out loud.
Have you noticed, Eric, that the Communist Party in the United States is almost non-existent after all these decades of ‘indoctrination’. Are you blind?
So, your whole comment reeks of your own indoctrination while hypocritically accusing the school system of it. When you repeat the same stuff we’ve all heard a million times before on Fox ‘news’ and in the Valley Press editorials, it’s an indication of your own indoctrination. How ’bout that? That’s what indoctrination is- ‘getting everyone to think alike’ which they’ve succeeded with you.
Did you really think your comment was generated by your own critical thinking? Indoctrination has that effect on people. They think the stuff they are repeating is their own. How insidious is that? People who have been indoctrinated don’t go around saying “This is what I’ve been taught to believe and to spread the word”. That would be too obvious.
Like I said, “Too funny”. Of course, you’ll deny you’ve been indoctrinated. That’s part of the indoctrination. It’s a real trap. You have to acknowledge that you’re in the trap to escape it. It’s like those Chinese fingercuffs. You have to do the opposite of what your instincts tell you.
Good luck, Eric.
Eric says
I’m always surprised you don’t trip when you walk, considering how high you point your nose in the air. Of course, the above rant brought to you by the guy who is unable to spout a thought that doesn’t bear the Democrat’s stamp of approval.
I’d argue with you Bill; but you already accused me (and every other veteran) of having been brainwashed by the military. You know, how they lock us in a room all day and allow us nothing but Fox News.
I find it highly amusing that you always know exactly what these supposed Fox News talking points are; you must watch a TON of it. Wouldn’t that be something. The majority of Fox News viewership being composed of nothing but foaming-at-the-mouth Dems. Funny, it almost seems like their programming is aimed more at inflaming the audience they “oppose” instead of educating the one they supposedly cater to. I keep telling you Bill, turn the damn TV off.
And of course you don’t see the “indoctrination”. You are part of it. You support the majority of methodology that is being pushed from these places.
So you were cognizant in the ’60s? Tonkin, Tonkin, Tonkin. But by all means, blame Bush.
William says
Wow! Where to start with you, Eric and your silly meanderings. We’re you drinking when you wrote that disjointed reply? You give yourself away when you start talking Marxism. Why not ‘fluoridation’ in the water while you’re at? My dear old grandfather used to complain about the Bolsheviks back in the last 60s. You yapping about Marxism reminds me of that. Stuck in time, you are.
As for Fox ‘news’. Did you notice that on the day that the House Intelligence Committee released a de-classified report on the Benghazi hearings once again said that there was NO WRONGDOING, NO COVER UP, NO ‘STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN’, Fox ‘news’ had an almost total blackout on that report? A blackout after spending 2 years and hundreds of on-air hours promoting a faux scandal. When there was no wrong doing, they went dark. But, you know darn well that Fox’s fans will continue pushing the lies.
Were you aware of that or do you still believe that there is a ‘Benghazi scandal’?
I check out Fox frequently to see what they’re feeding you since your rants sound just like every other Fox ‘news’ fan’s rants. That’s indoctrination. Maybe you get it indirectly through Breitbart or elsewhere.
You do realize that many Fox ‘news’ fans are more misinformed than people that don’t watch teevee news at all, don’t you and they vote accordingly. That’s the problem. That’s why I pay attention. They are ‘indoctrinated’ to hate Obamacare but a poll showed that 74% of REPUBLICANS who enrolled like it.
So, it’s useful for me to know what the heck they’re feeding y’all. As a result, I become better informed by researching the lies they spout. Do you ever read the letters to the Valley Press from the local crazies here in the Antelope Valley. It’s Fox ‘lying points’ every day.
You never say anything that I haven’t heard before from others like you. Isn’t that the very essence of indoctrination if you actually read my comment above?
Isn’t it true that Fox ‘news’ is broadcast round the clock on military bases?
Wait till you hear about a real scandal.
A report posted by Media Matters re: veterans
“In an exposé for ProPublica and The Daily Beast, reporter Kim Barker lays out how Move America Forward (MAF), a charity that collects millions of dollars purportedly to send care packages to troops overseas, “has repeatedly misled donors and inflated its charitable accomplishments, while funneling millions of dollars in revenue to the men behind the group and their political consulting firms.”
The list of conservatives who promoted this scam go from Breitbart to Limbaugh to Liz Cheney to Ben Carson to Greg Gutfeld to Laura Ingraham to Sean Hannity to Sarah Palin to Allen West and many more.
Y’see, Eric. The republican party has actually given up on governing, which they don’t do well, and instead use, I mean ‘con’, their dumb base as an ATM machine constantly raising money but not spending it on what they say they do.
The republicans must be watched carefully because they are charlatans. If your neighbor watches Fox ‘news’, watch your neighbor.
BTW I learned a new word to describe people like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson and other grifters-‘mountebank’.
It’s important to keep track of their nefarious schemes, don’t ya think so?
Eric says
I don’t even bother reading your replies anymore. Always the same. Blah blah Fox News, blah blah Republicans, blah blah Bush. Its just such standard nonsense from the left wing; no solutions, just complaints and finger pointing. Hey! That is the same thing the other party does too! You guys should really hang out.
I guess CNN and MSNBC in all their integrity filled ways have never failed to report something that runs counter to the view they promote, right?
Sandy Smith says
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce is proud to bring this program to Lancaster! We would like to thank Antelope Valley College for being the host site and would also like to mention that we have a lot of terrific businesses that have stepped up to sponsor the program. We look forward to Lancaster middle school students applying for this exciting opportunity!