PALMDALE – Public safety, 9/11 history and turtle fun will take center stage at Palmdale’s Thursday Night on the Square (TNOTS) event this Thursday, July 31, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Poncitlán Square (9th St. East between Ave. Q-9 & Ave. Q-10).
The City’s neighborhood services department will host its annual National Night Out, a special public safety event that features a variety of crime prevention and safety-related activities.

On display will be vehicles from the Los Angeles County Sheriff and Fire Departments, Animal Care and Control, California Highway Patrol and AV CERT. Representatives from these agencies, the City’s neighborhood services department and others, will be available to answer questions and share information.
Also on display will be the historic FDNY Rescue 5 Fire Truck. Rescue 5 was severely damaged during the 9/11 attacks on the United States of America but was restored by firefighters through the Rememberance Rescue Project. Los Angeles County Fire Department was selected by the Remembrance Team to have the vehicle in Los Angeles County to share with local communities to facilitate 9/11 educational programming, memorials and remembrance events.
National Night Out is a nationwide crime and drug prevention awareness campaign designed to generate participation in local anti-crime efforts. It strengthens neighborhood spirit and law enforcement-community partnerships and sends a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting crime.

Totally Turtles….Dude!
The TNOTS craft theme will be Totally Turtles….Dude. “Kids will be able to string together colorful turtle beads and make a stylish bracelet, craft a pet rock turtle, and create a mixed media piece of turtle art,” said Recreation Supervisor Annie Pagliaro.
Motown music will be provided by Frank Graves.
Now in its 14th year, TNOTS offers free live music, enticing food, free City activities for kids and an open-air market featuring specialty items. Each week, one lucky person caught “green-handed” – disposing of recyclable and non-recyclable waste in the proper container – will win a prize, courtesy of Waste Management
The remaining schedule of events is as follows:
July 24 | Truffalooza
Kids will love paying tribute to The Lorax™ when they craft a fuzzy dress-up mustache, a fluffy Truffula Tree, and a Barbaloot Bear. Discover what’s new at Washi World.
R&B by Lorena Mackey & The Hi-Lites.
July 31 | Totally Turtles … Dude; National Night Out
Calling all Dudes and Dudettes to unite in making totally awesome turtle gear! String together colorful turtle beads and make a stylish bracelet, craft a pet rock turtle, and create a mixed media piece of turtle art. Journey over to Washi World.
Motown by Frank Graves.
TNOTS will host Palmdale’s National Night Out, a special public safety event that features a variety of crime prevention and safety-related activities. On display will be vehicles from the Los Angeles County Sheriff and Fire Departments, Animal Care and Control, California Highway Patrol and AV CERT. Representatives from these agencies, the City’s Neighborhood Services Department and others, will be available to answer questions and share information.
August 7 | Dec the Walls
Time for some new décor? Kids can make a personalized ribbon photo board and collage their initial to hang on the wall, design a pocket mirror, and create some Rockin’ Art at Camp TNOTS. Wander over to Legacy Commons for a second showing of the ARTown Fusion Exhibit.
R&B by Tesserae.
August 14 | Scares on the Square
Kids don’t have to wait until All Hallows Eve to dress up in costume! Come join the fun, wear your costume and play the Musical Monsters game, create your very own mini-mummy, a vampire lollipop, and a creepy pinecone spider. Camp TNOTS will feature Rockin’ Art.
Latin Rock by Boulevard Knights.
For more information about Thursday Night on the Square call 267-5611 or visit www.cityofpalmdale.org.
(Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.)