ACTON – Two Palmdale residents were killed and an infant sustained major injuries Tuesday night when the vehicle they were riding in veered off the 14 Freeway and crashed into a guard rail and a large metal pole, authorities said.
The double-fatal collision occurred around 7:54 p.m., Tuesday, July 22, on the northbound Antelope Valley (14) Freeway, north of Santiago Road, according to a California Highway Patrol report.

A 31-year-old Palmdale man was driving a grey 2014 Ford Focus in the carpool lane, at an unknown speed, when the car traveled off the roadway onto the left shoulder and crashed into a guard rail, the CHP report states.
“The Ford continued forward and struck a large metal pole just west of the guard rail, causing major damage to the vehicle,” the CHP report states.
The right front passenger, a 31-year-old Palmdale woman, was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the CHP report.
The driver was transported by ambulance to Palmdale Regional Medical Center, where he died of his injuries.
An infant sustained major injuries and was flown by helicopter to the University of Southern California (USC) Medical Center, according to the CHP report.
The names of the deceased have not been released pending next of kin notification.
The deceased have been identified as 31-year-old Ivan J. Ramirez (driver) and 31-year-old Felicia Martinez (passenger), both from Palmdale, according to the California Highway Patrol.
gina louallen says
Im at the hospital with my son and I see the family pulling the beautiful lil princess in the hospital wagon n the halls and I finally had a chance to talk to the lill girls aunt while n the play room and when she told me what happened my heart broke. That lil girl is so beautiful and I want to tell her and the family that my heart really goes out to u! Thank god for the loving family that the lil princess has been left with she is really blessed that she has such a loving family to care for her now! Im so sorry u r going thru this tragic mishaps. My God Bless u and ur family and may this lil beautiful princess live a long healthy life. My heart truly goes out To u!
Donna says
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers . If you would like to help go to
Larry says
Hello, I would like to pay my respects to Ivan and Felicia. You see, I was one of the first responders and was one that helped Violeta out of her car seat and held her for the kind woman that wrapped the blanket around her. I spoke with Ivan as he gained consciousness, his first questions were how is my wife and where is my baby? I asked him if there was someone we could call and he said his mom and told us a phone number. The lady next to me looked like she was dialing, I am not sure if she got through. There was a nurse that was applying pressure to his right leg. We tried to keep him comforted, I am truly saddened by these two young parents losing there life. This was indeed an accident. I am just happy to hear that the baby survived. My thoughts are with their families. Take Care.
Natalie says
Thank you for helping, you don’t understand how much this means to our family!
Plz email me
Fatima says
Larry,I am Ivan’s sister and I would like to hear your story to gain some comfort for myself and family,please contact me…it would mean a great deal to us during this difficult time..god bless…
ana maria says
Hi Larry, Am the lady that wrap my towel around the baby and had her in my arms the hole time. In till the paramedics came and still had her in my arms while they were talking care of her cut in her right legs.. May rest in peace for Ivan , Felicia…
toni says
What people will do for notoriety. Larry you were not first on the scene, my two sons were. And what a coincidence the their cousin was there, she was the one wearing the Santa Monica Fire Dept jacket ( she a dispatcher) who was third to Rrive as was the lady that my son gave the baby to after HE cut the seat belt and handed the baby who was crying to the lady so he could help the man who kept saying ” get me out ” he was defiantly in shock. He couldn’t be moved because his leg bones were exposed. So how could you lie and say he gave you hisoms phone number when he wasn’t coherent. It would be embarrassing to you when the two other people who were there including my niece could identify my sons and not you. Why would you lie, are you so desperate for attention.
pocahontas says
Honestly sounds like a suicide, sorta.. just out of no where they go off the road? no drinkinging, that road is new, no holes.. idk just throwing thoughts out there because the car was new, those cars have awesome steering and breaking.. Not trying to be ignorant, but fishy ? I pray their souls are in the right places, and I hope the baby will turn out alright.. very glad the kid is too young to remember, but what a terrible start from a terrible ending..
Take care people..
I do hope it turns out to be a freak accident and no malicious play…
Natalie says
Wow how ignorant can you be, as ignorant as you just made yourself out to be! How dare you say that!! They were 2 hard working parents on their way home!
I hope your family never goes through something like this!
And receive unnecessary comments like yours!
C west says
what is the matter with you? LOSER! totally tasteless!
C west says
God Bless and send strength to the family of these beautiful people…so tragic
liz says
Seriously a suicice you jerk! he could have fallen asleep from being tired from work and you come up with suicide!!!! Dumba**…. May god watch over the parents and their child. May the baby get blessed with all the love she deserves.
Jay fig says
I heard from their relative that the 2014 ford focus had been taken in to dealer for the steering wheel locking up on them mid drive. Dealer fixed it and it kept happening over again.
Ivonne Flores says
My mom and I were on the 14 fwy for two hrs. that day, really hoping there were no fatalities, we passed the accident site. My heart goes to the family and friends of Felicia Martinez and Ivan Ramirez. I have a 2 year old myself and its just heartbreaking. Hope the little one heals soon.
Descansen en paz.
lopez says
Ella na mas bella!! Su frase preferida.
Mi sobrina tan linda, mi prima como ella me decia .
Te vamos a extrañar mucho, solo te nos adelantaste un poquito. Descansen en paz tu e Ivan.
Caroline Amaya says
I am deeply sorry for the Loss of Ivan & Felicia Life. May you find comfort during your time of sorrow. I praythat the baby Violeta heals soon.
maria says
Dios los tenga en su santa gloria , descanse en paz amiga Feliz y su esposo Iván . Siempre te vamos a recordar con tu hermosa sonrisa que alegraba a todos.
eddie says
Just got back from seeing baby girl in hospital god blessed there family and friends.
ana maria says
How is that baby. I was the one that had her in my arms I had her covered with my towel…please I would like to see her. Could you please email me back..
Leslie says
Please email me I am the baby’s aunt. Thank you so much for helping our baby girl. Our family is so grateful to you.
bianca says
Hey i was there niece and you held my cousin, my baby cousin is recovering, shes getting better lots of scratches. She needs surgery in her leg thank you so much for being there . It means a lot
ana maria says
Aww am so happy to know that she’s doing much better. Is there any way I could see her..plz.
If u could plz email me or call me at work I’ll be here in till 5:30 pm.
Davito Wopkin says
I was just on the 14 driving 70 mph. People passing in Carpool with no passengers. People tailgating trying to pass in the slow lane. CHP needs to crack down between Palmdale & Sand Canyon. We understand you commute but slow down follow the rules. That behavior makes that already dangerous fwy even worse
chap says
People are allowed to be in the carpool with no additional passengers after and before certain times. READ. And people usually going 55mph in fast lane (like they should not be) that’s usually why people have to go around. Instead, people should learn California law and move over to the slow lanes when they wanna do 60 the whole way.
Kebo says
I love the car-pool lane! But I often feel like I am the only one not crossing the double yellow whenever I catch up to a slower vehicle! I appropriately wait for the broken white exit/enter lanes to make my lane change… I can’t even count the number of times someone has jetted in or out of the diamond lane in front of me causing me to slam on my brakes! Way to Dangerous!
me says
I agree every morning and evening same bull! This morning a car was flashing his\her high be beems I made hand signals go around me!!! Lol I’m in no hurry..
for real says
The drivers here are crazy! I was merging into the Fwy and a guy sped up and was literally driving on the same lane I was and still honked at me, flashed his high beams and flipped me off…wth was that all about? But the carpool lane on the 14 allows you to be without other passengers from 9am until 5am the next day if you go south and 7pm through 3pm the next day if youre going north. Weekends solo drivers can drive in the carpool lane at any time (only in the 14 Freeway though).
Laura says
The traffic was a night mare last night but I didn’t pass the accident scene, cause I got off Santiago Rd I guess just a little bit before where it actually happened, this is so sad, my prayers go out to the families, and hoping that the little one will soon recover and be out of the hospital soon.
Jose L. Acero says
may they rest in peace, both my cousin and her husband. SAD NEWS..
lorena says
My plays for the families .is a very sad accident.
Lisa says
My nephew and his wife were killed in a similar accident almost 9 years ago. We are raising their son he was only 2. Very sad! Be SAFE and RESPONSIBLE drivers always for yourself and others!!
So sad says
So sad to hear of these accidents. My husband and I had traveled this same roadway about 3 hours prior and the speed of the drivers was very troubling. The CHP needs to infiltrate this freeway and start citing people . The speed is 65, we were doing 70 mph and being passed on both sides by vehicles traveling at least 80-90. Unnecessary, and if you are involved in an accident because of speed, you aren’t going to get to your destination any faster. Please, slow down.
lancaster commuter says
That’s the life of commuters I know we should all slow down but when you have a hour and half drive home at 80 mpg os very hard to go 55 mph. believe me I hate going fast on the 14 fwy, but sometimes i have to speed it up or else i would never get there.
chap says
Thank you. THIS is very true. It’s not that people are really speeding.. hard to do on the 14 at that time anyways, let’s be honest. It’s just that most people want to sit in fast lane going 55mph up hill. NO, they need to move over. Also, everyone commenting here is ridiculous mentioning speed and everyone else. Reports have specifically said THE FORD VEERED off for no apparent reason (probably texting) and for some reason, everyone is blaming everyone else. Typical.
gymmy says
Well said!
marcia-mars says
You may not get there at all if your speeding.. Be careful driving you take your life and anyone elses that might get injured or even die just by the need to speed
humm says
So sad. don”t assume that speed necesarely killed this people. I’m sure that you are aware that there’s several states with speeds of 80 miles an hour. it’s the possibility that the driver suffer a medical emergency or a mechanical problem that could have cause the accident. but you can allways stay on your right lane and stayed with the slow trucks.
Nikolas says
I didn’t nickname the highway 14 “The 14 Speedway” for nothing about 15 years ago.
If you aren’t doing 80-85 in either the carpool lane or “fast” lane, then you need to move over to the right or darn near get run off the road.
I have noticed though, that over the last 15 years, as the population has increased in the Antelope Valley, more people aren’t “with the program” and don’t understand the driving etiquette of the 14 Speedway, often plopping themselves in the HOV or fast lane, and doing 70mph. If you want to cause accidents, get flipped the bird or worse, sure, continue to do that. Otherwise, be happy to drive 65-70 mph,OVER in the slow lane. Thank you very much.
This accident is tragic indeed. I feel very sad for the family and especially for the infant who will grow up without a mother and father in their lives. :-(
But how do we know this accident was impacted or caused in any way whatsoever by the speed at which the driver was driving the vehicle? Could just have easily nodded/dozed off after a long day and drifted into the shoulder where he immediately would have lost control. :-(
chap says
Couldn’t have been written any better, THANK YOU. Not everyone on here is stupid and blaming everyone else for one person.
Marie says
I think they said speed limit 65. if people are traveling 80-85, they are considered reckless driving where I’m from. If going 15 miles and hour over the speed limit you will get a reckless driving ticket. And if you get 2 of them, that is 6 points on drivers license and it will get pulled. Why do people think that they have to fly to get where they are going? Slow down and enjoy life. Yes, if going 55 (below speed limit) get in slower lane. At least they care enough not to add chances (every extra mile faster) to be/cause an accident.
I do pray for the families that lost loved ones, and hope that they lil bit recovers. So sorry for your loss.
star says
my prayers are with this family I was right there I touched that little girl I seen her mom and dad laying there I just ask GOD to strengthen they family
Diana says
Did u take pictures?
Renee says
Are u kidding me? Pictures?
Tracie says
Some people are more concerned about the popularity they receive when posting gruesome photos than they are about the unfortunate people in them. Thank goodness for people like you, Renee, for doing the right thing.
Marshall says
Marie says
I cannot believe you asked that. The memories that Star will have is more than enough for remembrance of that tragic night.
Diana, I hope you never have to see anything that tragic – EVER.
Tammy says
My prays go out to the family, praying a speedy recovery for the baby girl.
michelle says
My prayers go out to their family… God is
Wth them….
Patricia says
Poor people im so sad that this has happened… god bless this baby for a safe and slow recovery
:'( says
So terribly tragic! My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the deceased as well as the infant!
question says
How did anyone live? That doesn’t even look like a car
answer says
My mom, aunt and 2 yr old sister were killed in a similar wreck. I was 6 weeks old and the guard rail ripped the car open allowing my car seat to be hurled. They found me down an embankment after my dad informed highway patrol I was in the car. Only scratches on my feet, hands and forehead.
renate says
That’s crazy and you are blessed to be here today.
omg says
My god bless u..u have a great purpose on this earth!