PALMDALE – A 26-year-old motorcyclist was killed Wednesday after he collided with an SUV in east Palmdale, authorities said.

Nicholas Lanzetta of West Hills was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, which occurred around 11:52 a.m. Wednesday on Avenue S near 47th Street East, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
Lanzetta was riding his motorcycle eastbound on Avenue S when he collided with an SUV that was exiting the Walmart shopping center onto Avenue S, Sheriff’s officials said.

The SUV’s driver was taken away in a patrol car, but no arrests were made in connection with the collision.
Traffic on Avenue S was blocked off from 47th to 50th Street East for more than three hours to allow for the investigation.
No further information was released as of 6 p.m. Wednesday.
UPDATED 6/12/14:
The Jeep Cherokee broadsided the Yamaha motorcycle
The following is the LASD press release on the fatal collision:
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at approximately 11:48 AM, personnel from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station responded to a report of a vehicle vs motorcycle collision at the intersection of Avenue S and the Wal Mart Shopping Center parking lot exit within the incorporated area of the City of Palmdale.
The preliminary facts of this investigation indicated a black Yamaha motorcycle was E/B [eastbound in the] #1 lane of Avenue S approaching the intersection of the north exit of the Wal Mart shopping center parking lot, when a gold 2005 Jeep Cherokee was northbound in the parking lot.
The Jeep stopped for the stop sign at the entrance onto Avenue S and started to drive across the E/B [eastbound] lanes of Avenue S. The Jeep broadsided the Yamaha and the motorcyclist was ejected onto the pavement. The motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene by Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel. Alcohol or speed were not a factor in this collision.
E/B and W/B Avenue S was closed to routine traffic between the intersections of 47th Street East and Harlequin Way until approximately 2:55 p.m. while this incident was being investigated. This incident remains under investigation by the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station traffic detail.
UPDATED 6/20/14:
SUV driver’s license NOT suspended
Officials from the Palmdale Sheriff Station’s Traffic Unit have stated that neither of the motorists involved in this collision were driving with a suspended license; both parties had clean driving records; and neither speeding nor alcohol was a factor. Additionally, no arrests were made in connection with the collision. We have removed all comments that run contrary to this information, because it is against our rules to post “false information.” We appreciate your understanding.
Miji says
Nick, I can’t believe you are gone. Although I had known you for a short period of time at work, I will always remember you and the conversations we had. My heart is with his family and friends. I remember you had a tattoo that said “family”. You will be missed by many of us.
Matt McCollum says
Nick was one of my best friends. Rob and he are like brothers. Nick worked for me on weekends at village canoe rental in Milford Michigan. I will think of him everyday. Unfortunately a tragic accident has taken him away. In any event, he is gone. Putting blame on someone wont bring him back. As long as hes with his father, everything will be ok. I love you Nick. Always bros.
LoudBikeDidn'tSaveHim says
All the loved ones of riders take this unfortunate moment to shove this example of unfortunate happenstance in the face of your loved living rider. Ask them how they can be so selfish to risk such overwhelming sorrow to you and others just for a thrill?
Knowing what is known about the dangerous record of riding motorcycles on the street it is the riders who so cavalierly ignore these facts and offer their lives to imperially test the laws of averages and chance. In time the losers are always the family and friends who have to bury him.
@loudbikedidntsavehim says
Sounds like you are blaming the bike rider. And he WASN’T at fault. Just because they enjoy riding and the thrill of it doesn’t mean they are selfish, it means they should be ABLE to ride within the laws and know they will be safe. But because of hurried, distracted careless AUTOMOBILE drivers bike riders ate at risk asks UNFAIRLY so.
loudbikedidntsavehim says
It matters not who’s at fault as the motorcycle will always lose. To think one can safely coexist on the road indefinitely against vehicles or superior mass with the meager protection offered by a helmet and leathers is pure madness. By ignoring these blatant facts showing Motorcycle Street riding to be fatally dangerous, these riders demonstrate selfishness.
Parker says
It could have been a car crossing that intersection and it could have been just as fatal…. It’s to do with the carelessness of the driver who stopped, yes, but didn’t yield at he continued on. Your ignorance is disgusting. We take risks every day by walking out the door with fear of explosions and gun fire and stabbings and whatever else lays ahead of us every day. It’s not nicks fault the SUV pulled out too soon. A family lost a loved one and you want to post ignorance when it’s still under investigation. Sad.
AdBaTo says
My husband and I are so heartbroken to hear about Nick’s accident. We have been working together with Nick for years. Nick had everything going for him. He loved helping others, and he always wore a smile. He was funny and smart, and a pleasure to work with. He told me on many occasions what a cool girlfriend I was to let my now husband ride and not nag him to stop. Once a rider, always a rider, Nick. My condolences to his family and close friends. RIP Nick! You are deeply missed.
Tim c says
I went to school with Nick back in Michigan, and he was one of my best friends. Stand-up guy with a sharp mind, a kind heart, and a great sense of humor. My heart is broken at this loss. Unfortunately we lost touch over the past couple years, so I have no up-to-date contact info for his brother or his mom. If someone could help me out in that area, I’d be very grateful. Please pray for Nick’s family. castletimw@gmail.com
Tim c says
Got in touch. Thank you
Brenda says
R.I.P Nick …..
My boyfriend was one of many witness just as it happen he did say he saw some person trying to see if Nick would respond and as well that unfortunately the Suv driver cut him off slamimg together didn’t know he witness it til I told him if he knew of the incident because iI was just leaving Palmdale regional trying to go to get my daughter at my mothers who lives on Rockie Lane on S ..which i saw the whole intersection closed off due to incident but by this time only the cars were t there … But my Father who’s Hispanic has a View to the Word Accident which honestly makes sense to me an! I live by…..He Says An Accident is “An event or incident which could have been prevented if and only when your sharpness is always in 100% allowing this “Accident” an incidemt with no intention to be prevented!….. He says in spanish>> “Una accidente es un descuido deuna persona…que si pone atencion se puedo prevenir!…. Makes sense…. So just my thought is a Life could have been in no harm. So well my sincere
Brenda says
Condolences to the family Whos endured a harsh loss and pain…God bless you and give u serenity with time which heals all. Its not about forgetting but learning to live with the loss of a loved one. And to The other driver may all the truth be told by you so you may live in peace as well and God help you with what you have endured as well may you find peace ….
Kayla says
I am having a hard time at work today with out Nick. We all are in pain. So sorry for his loss. He was one of the most sweetest guys I had the pleasure of knowing.
Maree says
I just got to know Nick and I’m heartbroken he’s gone. This is a massive loss for everyone who knew him, and life will never be the same for those closest to him. He was loyal, driven, generous, so funny and just full of energy and enthusiasm. He had so much potential, a huge heart and a spark unmatched by anyone else. His family meant the world to him and I saw first-hand that he was the best kind of son, brother and boyfriend anyone could ask for. We love and miss you Nick. RIP.
Sammy says
Im at a complete loss for words. Nick, much love to you and your family. You helped me in so many ways even though you barley knew me. Thank you for everything. I’m so sorry man.
Madeline says
I’m in shock. I didn’t know Nick that well, but whenever I would run into him at work, he was always the sweetest guy – always had a smile on his face and taking the time to say hello to everyone. My condolences to his family and friends.
Germayne Garcia says
Terri says
My condolences to both families!!! I understand what your both going through! As a mater of fact I’m still going through the emotions, my cousin Oscar was a motorcyclist who passed a few weeks back from a traffic accident in Lancaster! Unfortunately a poor innocent 5 year old (Dorian) was killed as well. Witnesses to my cousins accident stated my cousin wasn’t speeding, so please try not take these harsh comments to the heart. Regardless who’s fault there’s nothing that could be said or done to bring this man back! Please have some respect for both families! I looked at the pics of thi accident & I think I might know the driver of the SUV. I hope it’s not who I think it is, cause he’s a really nice person with a good heart. God bless both families. Well now I must prepare for my cousins funeral this Saturday. May god be with you all.
Paula says
RIP Nick
Letty says
My condolences to the family & friends of the young man who passed away. I wasn’t a witness to the accident. My daughter & I arrived at Wal-Mart after they had laid the sheet over the body. We watched in disbelief, the coroner, drive over to pick up his body. I almost cried. I can’t fathom what his family was about to be told. My only thoughts shifted to the fact that this was someone’s son, someone’s uncle, brother, possible father….. I felt a tightening in the pit of my stomach. Out of respect for that precious life, I didn’t stay long enough to watch them pick up his body. I think regardless of who was at fault, 2 lives just changed forever. Show respect. Leave the fingerpointing to the investigating officials.
Elliot says
I’ve driven through that street wayyy too many times seeing close calls because of those lanes. I’m curious to see how many people have gotten in an accident there.
Earl Jackson says
To my man Nick and his family. Love and prayers to you for your lose. Nick was such a good guy. This is heartbreaking.
glennae davis says
ah, man this is a lost! I had the pleasure of working with Nick at UCLA…we are family at UCLA he will be missed and mourned. My sympathy to his family. I am sorry for the lost.
Claretta says
RIP Nick He was a Good worker.
My heart was sadden when I heard the bad news
today, He will be missed.
***AGAIN*** says
I’m very deeply sorry for Nick’s family. Sending my love and prayers.
***AGAIN*** says
Still can’t believe you are gone. It hurts me to see your brother hurting…
will says
To the friends and families of this tragedy and others reported on this website. . .You may want to keep this in mind prior to reading the comments section.
This is a news site with an associated blog in a country where we love to exercise our freedom of speech. People are going to extend their condolences as well as offer speculation, place blame, and render their judgments; debates will ensue. As insensitive as it may seem to you at the time, it’s how people behave, but it is beneficial to us by allowing an opportunity to discover and solve problems in our communities. If reading the comments makes you incredibly upset/uncomfortable, you have the freedom to stop scrolling/swiping once you reach the last line of the article.
My sympathies to all involved.
I am the son of motorcycle riding parents, and I cringe at the thought of them being in an accident. Living in and driving around the AV, I witness just as many irresponsible drivers in cages as irresponsible riders on crotch rockets (Harley riders included).
Distracted driving, speeding, running lights, and plain ignorance of the rules of the road are common among cagers here. Reckless lane-splitting, speeding, and using turn lanes improperly are common among crotch-rocketeers here. I drive an SUV and have to avoid other cagers who “don’t see me” (can’t figure that out) on a daily basis. I can see Ave K from my house, and I witness crotch-rocketeers doing 70+ mph on a nightly basis. I think all of us can benefit from a little less speed and a little more attention while operating our motor vehicles to avoid incidents like this, which are becoming too commonplace in the AV.
La Rue says
And as the adage goes but for the Grace of God go I! In both instances…
Sally says
Well said!
Danny says
We’ll said
Shaana says
I just wanted to send out prayers to the family of the Nicholas. I was so torn yesterday as I watched the firefighters and other first responder’s trying to revive him. It was truly sad to see as they fought for so long to try and save his life, and finally had to cover him up. It broke my heart. I have been thinking about it all night and still today. Since I was there so long yesterday, my heart has been close to this accident and has been heavy due to the circumstances of the aftermath. Truly I am sorry for the families lost.
Blu says
Two lives destroyed in one day.. TERRIBLE, but instead of being judgmental.. Send up prayers.. My mom was there, she didn’t see the accident, but she saw how they tried to save that young mans life, and it was just heart wrenching…
One family has to live without their son, and a man has to live with knowing he was responsible for taking that life.. Send up prayers..
La Rue says
Yes and Amen! I know this man and he would never do anything intentionally to hurt someone like this. Yes indeed a child lost is a horrific pain and the hell this man will have to live with the memory for the rest of his days. Some of the stuff we go through in this life so unreal!
Prayers for the family and all those involved and the many lives this has touched!
May this young mans life and death be not in vain! Merciful Jesus comfort the heart of this Mother and her loss and that of her families, and communities?
Kathi says
Prayers for all involved. The loss and pain and as it has been said a man has to now live with the results of this accident, no matter if he was at fault or not. Also prayers for strength and comfort for the families that must endure the loss and the families that must endure the pain and problems that lie ahead. So sad. God give them comfort and strength.
KW says
As a wife of a motorcyclist and a family friend of the man driving the SUV, I am kindly going to ask you guys to take your slamming on motorcyclists and “caged” drivers somewhere else. Both families are dealing with a horrific incident. We all make mistakes that effect others. My husband was just involved in an accident getting onto the 14 freeway at Palmdale Blvd. Two cars collided on the freeway and one flipped over in front of him. Thankfully his attentiveness and sharp thinking enabled him to lay his bike down rather than getting killed. I am lucky to have him alive because when he goes riding he has it in his mind that everyone is out to kill him which enables him to avoid colliding with other vehicles. Everyone should always be paying close attention and following the rules of the road. It is not in what we drive but in how we drive where tragic events like this can be avoided. Knowing the SUV’s driver’s family, they are in deep remorse. They do not need to come onto this site and be judged by people who do not know them. This was not a malicious attack on riders. It was a bad decision gone horribly wrong.
Blu says
Thank you.. I don’t know the victim or the driver, but I do know how wicked and judgmental folks can be when it comes to commenting…
Rev. Philip E. Evans says
I know the SUV driver and his family quite well. He is a God fearing man who has served both God and his country quite well all of his life. He is retired military and had also worked as a member of the Peace Corps. Though I no longer live in Palmdale, I do know that corner quite well. Ever since that Wal-Mart was put in, it was an accident waiting to happen.
I ask people to not be so quick to judge! One day it could easily be you! Though I do not know all the details, I do know how careful a driver the SUV driver is. Given the damage to the SUV in the photos, it would appear that after stopping in the parking lot, it to be moving at a slow speed as it had not even traveled across more than one lane. The bike collided with it on the front left bumper causing minimal damage to the SUV which means the bike was probably moving quickly through the intersection. But again, let’s wait until all the evidence is in!
Accidents happen. We never understand why. All parties involved are in shock right now and suffering grief. Ease up people, it could have been you or one of your loved one! Please keep both families in prayer.
Rev. Philip E. Evans C.J.
Touch of Compassion Ministries (TOCM)
Comanche, OK
La Rue says
Amen and Amen but for the Grace of God go I! I know him too and I pray for him and both families and communities and lives this has touched. I pray for both parties, that this young mans life and death with not be in vain!
It does appear to me he slammed into the SUV I pray the truth comes out…and for others not to Judge it’s such a terrible place to be for surly It could be anyone of us!
Lars says
La Rue – How does “It appear to [you] he slammed into the SUV”? That is a horribly ignorant and asinine comment!
You weren’t there, please don’t fill the internet with your stupidity. The motorcyclist was a close relation to me. You don’t have the slightest idea of what happened, so shut your goddamned mouth! The truth has come out, and it’s no secret that your acquaintance was completely at fault. How’s that for your God’s grace?
Why are all the “god fearing” individuals the most ignorant morons on the planet?
As says
Yeah it appears he slammed into the SUV. Because the driver of the SUV went on anyway where there is a stop at that exit and crossed into the the motorcyclists path. The motorcyclist had the right of way.
Blu says
I never use that exit to get home.. You are so right. It is an accident waiting to happen.. It needs to be a “right turn only” type of exit..
It’s just sad all around..
AdBaTo says
To Reverend:
Shame on you for speculating what happened in this awful accident. You of all people should be sending out prayers not taking sides. You don’t know any details about who was at fault, so how dare you speculate! You are vouching for this man’s driving skills, REALLY???? Check your compassion. I pray for ALL involved. RIP Nick!
Rev. Philip E. Evans says
Who are you people to question me? Do you question my background or what I did before becoming a minister? Well, I spent many years in the “intelligence” field collecting and analyzing data and I was also trained and spent many years in law enforcement (international and domestic). It doesn’t matter what I think or what you think either! Nor negative hostility by anyone. The forensic evidence will settle everything. Evidence speaks for itself. That particular corner has always been a problem and having a shopping center on both sides of the street certainly doesn’t help. As for the legality of making a left turn from the WalMart center, as far as I remember there has never been a “Right Turn Only” sign at that driveway, and it is legal in California to cross even a double line to make a left turn when exiting a driveway.
As for my religion, who are any of you to question? I am a “pastoral care” minister that primarily works with the terminally ill and their families, I do hospice respite care and I work in nursing homes and facilitate “bereavement / grief” support groups. That’s my ministry, not preaching Sunday sermons! So don’t be so quick to judge! Peace and goodness to all.
sandi says
instead of you being so malices and judgrmental why don’t you pray for all parties involved.
ty says
I dont know either of the two, but my prayers do go out to all of Nick’s family, and friends, you included.. But we have to think about the life that has been lost, im sure he wouldnt want people sitting on a computer arguing back and forth, about woulda coulda shoulda’s. Lets mourn the loss of a life, and not argue about everything.
Kathi says
Well said * Amen to that!!
Dixie says
@KW Thank you for being a voice of reason. Too many people respond emotionally without any facts or basis for their comments. It is painful for both families, and does nothing productive. I feel for both families involved.
KW says
It is very easy to turn to raw emotions in instances like these. My first response is to be angry that another motorcyclist lost his life (and I am). But the reality is judging and reacting harshly is not going to solve this problem. We all need to take the Motorcyclists vs. “cagers” mentality out of our hearts. I do not believe that people get into their vehicles with intent to cause harm. We were not created to be us vs. them people we should be loving on and encouraging these families in their times of desperation.
adrianna says
I was in back of ur husband n u r husband was in such a rush he didn’t see that accident. Lucky I did see it otherwise I would had ran ur husband over. Motorcycles need to reduce there speed….I’m sorry for both families n may God bless as all.
Db says
First of all I have to say my Thoughts & Prayers are with the family of the man killed in such a tragic way…I have lived in this valley for over 25 years and as of late I have witnessed some of the worst automobile drivers in my whole entire life just in this valley! I do not ride a road bike or does anyone in my immediate family and I have to say that I have never had a bad encounter with any from this area….but automobile drivers is another story….I have noticed that speed and narcissism rule the roads around here…people will jeopardize your safety and everyone else’s just to be first and they come in all genders, ages and makes. What is everyone is such a hurry for anyway!? Life is Precious and Short… so slow the heck down and find some common courtesy for your fellow drivers!
pops says
I was involved in kind of the same type of accident somebody making a left turn in front of me on January 24 the driver was 17 years old I do not have insurance or license sad to see that the law does it come down hard on the drivers all she got was a ticket for driving with no insurance and no license in her car towed away someone was watching over my shoulder that day I am fortunate to still be alive I’m deeply saddened and my condolences go out to the family
pops says
Sorry she didn’t have insurance or license
meggan says
My god father died the same way. By another driver not paying attention or not looking before pulling out. How dare you act like you know what happened. It’s people like you guys that make humanity so horrible. He lost his life. Maybe someone should have taught you respect for others.
Sang says
My heart goes out to the family… My prayers are with you during these difficult times.
Realist2014 says
However, I am sad for the fallen rider. May he rest in peace. My condolences to the family and friends effected by this tragedy. Life will never be the same for his mother, father, siblings…etc.K
Realist2014 says
Motorcyclists always bully other drivers. They speed up super vlose to you just to cut you off and the drivers ahead of you. Im sure this accident could’ve had a different outcome if the motocyclist wasn’t speeding and driving recklessly. People make mistakes driving everyday. If your paying attention and scanning 15 seconds ahead of you, you’d see another vehicle approaching and have enough time to maneuver. I’d think it’d be easier on a bike too. Anyway, it was an innocent mistake that cost one man’s life…. Both are at fault. Dont blaime the SUV. Im 100% sure the moticyclist wasn’t driving like an angel
Fernanda Villegas says
I’m 100% sure that the SUV driver wasn’t driving like an angel as well.
Sang says
You’re an idiot!! A life short lived is what the point to this story is. You have no idea what really occurred. Someone is to blame for this… But now is not the time to point fingers.
We as drivers make careless mistakes in out big boxed car and in a split second get into car accidents… Who’s to say he’s being careless. How dare you blame te motorcyclist so quickly.
Kind words should just be mentioned in these comments. Not your ignorant remarks!
J.Von says
The article states that the driver of the SUV was exiting on to the road. If that’s true, then the motorcyclist had the right-a-way. So what’s with the “motorcyclists bully drivers” BS?? And from the looks of it, the bike’s a cruiser, not a crotch rocket typically associated with wreck-less behavior. You could also argue that overweight, Walmart-shopping rednecks are also careless when driving. Besides, how are you 100% sure of anything? Where you a witness? Where you involved in any way? You’re not the guy pictured above being hulled off in a squad car, are you?
Either way, show some respect for the young man- he lost his life!
RR says
Ignorant people like you are why it’s unsafe for motorcyclists out there. To insinuate that all motorcyclists drive aggressively to deliberately cut you off is a blanket overgeneralization. Trust me, you’re not significant enough for us to maliciously cut you off individually. Just because your mommy wouldn’t let you have a motorcycle, doesn’t give you the right to justify wildly biased accusations like that. More often than not, its the vehicle drivers fault. Open your eyes and check your mirrors like they taught you in basic drivers education. Look twice before crossing an intersection. Look three times for gods sake. We’re not trying to take your mirrors off, we’re trying to ride. If the general four-wheeled public would pay attention, then things like this wouldn’t happen. I used to live on 60th east and Avenue R. Thats the walmart i went to weekly. Making a left turn out of that parking lot is not only illegal, but incredibly dangerous and requires the driver to cross over three lanes. This was the result of reckless, ignorant and inattentive driving and it cost a rider his life. The same thing happened to Oscar Garcia on Avenue K three weeks ago. An ignorant driver wasn’t paying attention and made a left turn in front of a motorcycle. He killed the rider, injured another rider, injured his pregnant wife, and killed a 5 year old boy.
Pay attention and things like this won’t happen. And thank you to those that do pay attention. Something as simple as scooting over to give us room on the freeway is a monumental deal to us and we take it to heart.
May the rider rest in peace.
As well as Oscar Garcia, Nicholas Wilson, Jimmy Lu, and Kirk Lane.
Rev. Philip E. Evans says
Opinion only. You don’t know! Wait for the full evidence and report to come out. Until then, all is just speculation! Pray for both families! Those that know the SUV driver, know that he and his family are suffering grief through this also! The hate and discontent that you spread now could come back on you later! Life has a way of working like that!
Lars says
Your assertion of some sort of cosmic retribution is not welcomed on this site, sir.
You are doing the God you claim to serve to great shame by your words, “Reverend”. Those who claim to be closest to God often turn out to be the most lost and confused.
Out of respect for the victim, please refrain from commenting any further.
auburn says
Thank RR …Oscar is my brother and he was killed my someone who didnt pay attention…we are taught that our actions affect other and when accidents happen people tend to brush it under a rug because its tragic. Sorry people need to pay for their mistakes even if they are ACCIDENTS….or else mistakes will be exceptable…
CforUS says
84% of these types of accidents are caused by the operator of the motor vehicle.
Tammany says
That is a bad area! when my oldest was 2 years old or so I was going north on 47 just above S when a women pulled out of Albertsons before it was turned into a Stater Bros. A woman pulled out in a dully making a illegal left blocking the whole road. I had nowhere to go and T-Boned her totaled my car. Luckily, my son and I were hurt but not severely. The Highway really needs to be studied for flaws.
G. Marrion says
93% of comments tossed out with a statistical percentage are made up on the spot to support comments with no basis. Unless you have a link to that traffic study.
Brian Wood says
There are bad motorcyclists just as there are bad car drivers (and a lot more of them). Lumping all motorcyclists together and assuming this guy was one of them is just wrong. “Motorcyclists always bully other drivers.” Seriously? I’ve been riding motorcycles for 35+ years and have literally put 100’s of thousands of miles on my bikes. I’ve never “bullied” any other driver, but I have certainly been pushed around, blocked, cut off and even side-swiped by countless cars. I’m sorry you’ve apparently had a bad experience with a motorcyclist, but that doesn’t excuse your bias against all riders, not your insensitivity to this rider’s demise.
HD Rider says
You don’t know Jack… We’re you there? Did you see what happened? You are about as ignorant as your stupid comments. We have to always be on the lookout for dumb drivers and more so for idiot thinkers like yourself.
Matthew Russell says
I saw the accident. It wasn’t the motorcyclist fault. It’s an unfortunate situation and their families lives are changed forever because the guy in the suv didn’t look back to his left before turning out of walmart. Such a small thing… Life is fragile and I think we should all be respectful of the families.
Paula says
Exactly Matt,you are the only one on this site who has made sense thus far KUDOS to you!!!!!!
G.M says
Rrealist.you sound lije a REALA$$
were you there fool’
I don’t think so
blank says
Motorcycles have more of the right away
Lars says
I’m astonished at the insensitivity by small minded morons like you. He was determined by the police to have no fault in the accident. If you are “100% sure the moticyclist wasn’t driving like an angel”, then you are either omnipotent – or a complete idiot and I’m “100% sure” I know which one you are.
Sharon says
It is heart breaking reading these comments where people are passing judgement on both parties. It was an accident. It could happen to any one. It’s awful and tragic. Both families with suffer. The driver of the SUV will have to life with this the rest of his life. I don’t wish that on anyone.
A mother lost her son and here people are passing judgement on a young man they don’t even know. His mother, brothers, family and friends are beyond heartbroken and devastated.
So before you judge stop and think how you would feel if you received the same call his mother did?
Aunt Sharon I am so sorry. My heart aches for you. I wish we could be with you right now. Sending all our love and prayers to you and the boys. Love you.
sjgranai says
Ride in Paradise… God bless the family of the fallen rider. Such a young life taken for no reason.
Tired of burying fellow riders because of cagers not paying attention. SOMETHING had to be done!
Realist2014 says
Im sorry to say this buy motocyclists are reckless, inconsiderate drivers. U guys expect ppl to move out of ur way. U guys speed, cut people off switch lane to lane…. U guys need to pay attention yourselves and always remember…. Ur on a bike. Any 4 wheel vehicle could kill u and ur bike
biker family says
You know what how dare you!!!!!! Just because you see it as them being
Reckless dont make it so! Have YOU ever been on a bike? Or been the driver?
How about this, have you ever read the dmv handbook for the rules for a bike?
Splitting lanes is not illegal for motorcycles. And if u ever been on one you would know that most of the time the bike is changing lns so is to not be stuck between
Those killer 4 wheeled autos because the bike can not move if they were to have
A car sliding behind them because THEY PHYSICALY HAVE TO MOVE”RIDE” THAT BIKE
G.M says
From a biker..here also.
anounmous says
That’s right man. I almost got smashed in between two trucks splitting the lane biker family for life
bird says
Realist2014—Just shut up please!
dennis says
Realist you really are an ignorant ass person huh? Hopefully u or your family are never invovlved in something like this ghetto scumbag troll
bird says
Realist2014—Well I guess you’re not a realist after all.
HD Rider says
Yeah your a real piece of work @Realist2014… Sound like a douche. You are the kind of person I would like to catch up with on the open road. I’m sure your mother is embarrassed of you.
@realist2014 NOT SO REAL says
The article CLEARLY states the automobile driver PULL OUT of the parking lot in front of the motorcycle. So how is that in ANY way the motorcyclists fault? You are cold hearted and hateful. You seem to have a vengeance against bike riders. They need to watch out for YOU, to bad you hide behind a computer screen. R.I.P to the bike rider and God bless the family
Nina says
I think you should take your preaching to a different platform. I came to this website to find more information regarding this tragic accident which took the life of my childhood friend. Instead, I am finding insensitive and ignorant comments which are leaving me in tears. Do not pass judgement or lump all motorcyclists into your narrow-minded category.
j vilas says
I just wanted to let the family know sorry I am for there lost .I was there doing what I could for him till the medics got there.
Angela says
I am sorry to bother you but wanted to know if you could email me what happened or what you saw? I am in Michigan, where the family is from, and my sister has been with Nick’s brother for 8 years so needless to say he is my in law. My sister called me yesterday just numb and really doesnt have any information.
Thank you for your response
J villas says
Sorry but no.
@ J villas says
Why mention you were there, doing all you could if you aren’t going to help this family with closure? You aren’t accountable for the loss, there’s a law called “the good Samaritan act” protects you from lawsuit. SMH in my opinion if you aren’t willing to give VITAL last moments of life info you shouldn’t have opened your mouth. They may just want to know something like what was his last words, or hear the voice of the person that held their family members hand while he passed.
Blu says
You’re an ASS.. Why even respond if you have nothing to offer?
Lars says
email gobluetoo@hotmail.com
I have info.
Arielle says
I am part of the family of the motorcyclist. Because you were at the scene we would love to speak with you. Please contact me and we will exchange contact info through email. His mother wants to talk to you about his last few moments. Please contact me. Thank you again for all you did for him. We greatly appreciate all you did for him.
Blu says
Truly sorry for your loss.. I can tell you one thing even though I was not there, but my parents were.. The paramedics worked endlessly to try and save Nic’s life.. Just know that all was done to try and keep him here..
They won’t be able to help in anyway because they did not witness the actual accident.. Again,, I am truly sorry for your loss.
BigPipesNoPP says
Big Pipes didn’t save him?
Eyes Wide Shut says
So very sad. My condolences to this poor young man’s family. R.I.P. Nicholas.
Scott Daly says
I notice more & more drivers now, when they are pulling out into traffic, either just look in the direction they are going or don’t look at all to see if there is anyone coming toward them.
John Doe says
And a lot of drivers do not drive defensively. I’m not saying it’s a drivers fault when they aren’t driving defensive, but it’s much safer when they do. This is especially true for motorcyclists. A three thousand or so pound vehicle is going to win almost every time against a few hundred pound motorcycle even if the motorcycle has the right of way. Many people don’t give themselves an out, tailgate and/or have no situational awareness.
Derrick says
@ Scott Daly man you are so right
Boot'z says
Prayers out to his family during this very difficult time…xoxo