PALMDALE – Forty-four nonprofit organizations will begin selling fireworks at various locations throughout Palmdale starting Saturday, June 28, city officials announced.
Fireworks will be sold during the following dates and times:
Saturday, June 28 – Noon to 10 pm
Sunday, June 29 to Friday, July 4 – 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday, July 5 – 10 a.m. to noon
The Palmdale City Council approved issuing permits for 44 nonprofit organizations to sell fireworks at its June 4, meeting. Only nonprofit organizations that have headquarters in Palmdale or have more than 50 percent of their membership residing in Palmdale and have a minimum of 20 members are eligible to apply for fireworks booths. Only one booth is allowed per organization.
The number of booths allowed is calculated at one booth per every 3,000 residents. Based upon current population estimates, a maximum of 51 booths would be allowed to be established in the year 2014, of which 44 have been filled by qualifying nonprofit organizations.
Organizations’ booths must pass an inspection by the Los Angeles County Fire Department before the City’s Code Enforcement Division will issue the fireworks permit. Fireworks may be purchased by those who are age 18 or older in the city of Palmdale. Proof of age may be requested for purchase.
The city of Palmdale is the only municipality in the Antelope Valley in which “Safe and Sane” fireworks may be legally sold and discharged on private property. However, the housing community Anaverde, all areas south of the California Aqueduct, and locations in the Rancho Vista area are “no fireworks zones” and may not use any fireworks at all since they are in high risk fire areas.
The “no fireworks zone” is generally described as the area within the city of Palmdale which lies along the following lines: beginning at the intersection of Rancho Vista Boulevard and 30th Street West, areas south and west of Rancho Vista Boulevard, north to Avenue N-8; south and west of Avenue N-8 from Rancho Vista Boulevard to 55th Street West; west of 55th Street West; and south from 55th Street West to 60th Street West (Godde Hill Road). View the “No Fireworks Zone” maps here and here.
“We’ve developed an interactive map on our Web site, www.cityofpalmdale.org, that allows residents to enter their address so they can see if they live in a ‘no fireworks zone’ area where ‘Safe and Sane’ fireworks are not allowed,” said Palmdale’s Communications Manager John Mlynar. Access the interactive map here.
Residents may also contact Palmdale’s Community Preservation office at 267-5234 or the Public Safety Department at 661-267-5181 for assistance on no fireworks zones.
The city of Palmdale is urging residents to not use illegal fireworks, and administrative fines starting at $2,500 will be in effect. “Safe and Sane” fireworks may be purchased at 44 booths throughout the City. City officials are urging residents to use the fireworks under safe conditions. Educational flyers are being distributed with each purchase of fireworks. For more information, call 661-267-5181.
Nonprofit organizations & locations approved to sell fireworks:
- Adorable Baby’s Jump Start – Parking lot at 1233 W. Rancho Vista Boulevard, west of Outback Restaurant across the Mall Ring Road
- American Indian Little League – 39626 10th Street West (parking lot along the east side of 10th Street West, south of Applebee’s)
- American Legion Post #348 – 39445 10th Street West (parking lot along the west side of 10th Street West between Panera Bread and Rubio’s)
- Antelope Valley Desert Divers, Inc. – 39522 10th Street West (parking lot along south side of Rancho Vista Boulevard, east of Sprint)
- Antelope Valley Soccer Club Ambush – 37716 55th Street East (parking lot at the southeast corner of Domenic Massari Park)
- Antelope Valley Youth Athletics, Inc. – 38118 47th Street East (parking lot along north side of Avenue R, east of CVS)
- Arch Rafael and St. Mina Coptic Church – Dirt lot at the northeast corner of Avenue S and 40th Street East
- AV Youth Maritime Association – Dirt lot along the north side of Rancho Vista Boulevard, east side of Town Center Drive
- Cornerstone Apostolic Church of Antelope Valley – 3027 W. Rancho Vista Boulevard (parking lot along the north side of Rancho Vista Boulevard, west of 30th Street West)
- Crosswind Community Church – 41337 10th Street West (parking lot along the west side of 10th Street West, north of Avenue M-14)
- Desert Opera Theatre, Inc. – Dirt lot 500 feet south of Rancho Vista Boulevard on the west side of Sierra Highway
- Desert Pride, Inc. – 37218 47th Street East (parking lot along the east side of 47th Street East, north of Avenue S)
- Eagle Vision Community Church – 200 W. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along south side of Palmdale Boulevard, northeast of Red Roof Inn)
- East Palmdale Foursquare Church – 5038 W. Avenue N (parking lot along south side of Avenue N, north of Albertson’s)
- Faith Community Church of Palmdale – 39100 10th Street West (parking lot along east side of 10th Street West, north of Auto Center Drive)
- Highland HS Instrumental Music – 2535 E. Avenue S (parking lot on the north side of Avenue S, east of 25th Street East)
- Iglesia Emmanuel Antelope Valley – 2419 E. Avenue S (parking along the west side of 25th Street East, north of Avenue S)
- Kids Charities of the Antelope Valley – 41520 10th Street West (dirt lot along the east side 10th Street West, south of Birdies Driving Range and Cafe)
- Kiwanis Club of Palmdale – 1803 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot north along Palmdale Boulevard)
- Littlerock High School Band Boosters – 4644 E. Avenue S (Southwest corner of Avenue S and 47th Street East)
- Marine Corps League – 3005 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot on the north side of Palmdale Boulevard, east of 30th Street East)
- Ministerios Salem, Inc. – 38050 30th Street East (parking lot along the east side of 30th Street East, north of Avenue R)
- Nueva Vida En Cristo Antelope Valley – 440 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the south side of Palmdale Boulevard, west of 5th Street East)
- Oasis Christian Church of the AV – 856 W. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the south side of Palmdale Boulevard, east side of Tierra Subida Avenue)
- Palmdale Chamber of Commerce – 40130 10th Street West (parking lot along the east side of 10th Street West, south of Avenue O-4)
- Palmdale Elks Lodge #2027 – 37959 47th Street East (parking lot along the west side of 47th Street East, south of Avenue R)
- Palmdale High School Band Boosters Club – Palmdale High School parking lot along Avenue R
- Palmdale High School Football Boosters – Palmdale High School parking lot along 20th Street East
- Palmdale High School Swim Boosters – 1233 W. Rancho Vista Boulevard (Antelope Valley Mall ring road parking lot between Carl’s Jr. and Chili’s)
- Palmdale Lions Club – 1215 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the north side of Palmdale Boulevard, east of 12th Street East)
- Palmdale Little League – 38137 47th Street East (parking lot along the west side of 47th Street East adjacent to Burger King)
- Palmdale Pony League – Dirt lot along the north side of Rancho Vista Boulevard just west of 25th Street West in overflow parking lot of Marie Kerr Park)
- Palmdale Repertory Theatre – 37140 47th Street East (parking lot along the south side of Avenue S, east of 47th Street East)
- Palmdale Youth Football – 2534 E. Avenue S (parking lot along the south side of Avenue S, north of Del Taco)
- Quartz Hill High School Baseball Boosters – Dirt lot at the southeast corner of Sierra Highway and Avenue S
- Raise Praise Ministries – 220 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the south side of Palmdale Boulevard, west side of 3rd Street East)
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church – 2616 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the south side of Palmdale Boulevard, west of 27th Street East)
- St. Stephen’s of the Valley Lutheran Church – 38727 Tierra Subida Avenue (parking lot along west side of 10th Street West approximately 285 feet south of Palmdale Boulevard)
- Temple of Deliverance Ministries International – 2520 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the south side of Palmdale Boulevard, east of 25th Street East)
- The Palmdale Aerospace Academy – 39940 10th Street West (parking lot along 10th Street West near Panda Express and Office Depot)
- Trinity Baptist Church – 2045 E. Palmdale Boulevard (parking lot along the north side of Palmdale Boulevard, east of 20th Street East)
- Victory Outreach – 37419 25th Street East (parking lot along the west side of 25th Street East, north of Avenue R-12)
- Word of Life Outreach Ministries – 5645 E. Avenue T (dirt lot along the north side of Avenue T, east of Fort Tejon Road)
- Youth Have Vision, Inc. – 37950 47th Street East (parking lot at the corner of 47th Street East and Avenue R)
tori says
It’s only 6pm Friday and the eastside is already banging like crazy. Why did the sheriff issue so many radio ads, press releases and even calling saying illegal fireworks won’t be tolerated. There’s no way of stopping this. Makes him look like an out of touch chump. On my small street alone there’s 10 houses. We probably have enough gun powder between us to blow up half of Palmdale.
Happy Independence Day America!
charmaine says
So their not doing any fireworks at Palmdale High school anymore?
Nancy P says
Locating illegal fireworks displays would be the perfect job for “the eye in the sky”. Since it’s a “crime” that is visible from the sky and the location can be immediatly (within seconds)sent to LASD cars, saving them the lag time between the citizens calling the station and them getting around this “vast” community.
Sameoldstory says
OH!! Good!!! Just in time for Fire Season…..
Now all those Lancaster fools will be going to Palmdale and bringing them back here and setting them off while the cops do nothing. If you call and tell them people are setting them off in the streets, and even give them the address, they never come…
Might as well sell them here….
William says
I grew up in Santa Cruz in the 50s and they had fireworks off the small speed boat pier. We’d lie on the sand and go to the boardwalk before and afterward.
It was fun.
I just don’t get grownups getting they’re jollies from a fireworks display, especially adult men.
What is with that?
“Oooh. Aaaah. Oooh. Aaaah” Fizzle. Are they waiting for the whole unused supply to accidentally explode such as what happened a few years ago somewhere?
EP says
Every year it’s the same old debate regarding the sale of ‘safe and sane’ fireworks within the city of Palmdale. We all know about the fire dangers associated with any form of device that emits sparks/flames, and the AV is a dried up tinderbox as usual. Regardless, even if Palmdale banned the sale of fireworks and use within the designated areas is null; fireworks have been illegal in the city of Lancaster for 30+ years and every year on the 4th everywhere you look there are fireworks being set off all over the AV. Even if Palmdale banned them, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference anywhere in the AV on the 4th as illegal and safe & sane fireworks are being set off everywhere;
Followed by the inevitable brush fires; The Sheriff’s Dept conduct saturation patrols to locate and cite people setting off the ‘illegal’ fireworks and the fine is hefty – Then of course here is the cue for people to vent and rant about how they called the sheriff’s dept last year and they never responded regarding the complaints – Remember the population of this valley and do the math when it comes to firework complaint calls in addition to normal call volume + with it being a holiday there is also an increase in overall volume with people boozing, domestic squabbles at the annual family BBQ as well as fights at parties (or worse) + increase in accidents – This year the 4th of July falls on a Friday, which also adds to the number of increases in people acting stupid and irresponsible – Why does the city of Palmdale continue to allow the sale of fireworks? Probably because it’s fruitless, pointless and no profit to be skimmed if they did ban them. The AV Fair’s display is a traffic nightmare logistics wise so maybe this year the city and fair managers will utilize some brain cells and re-think the parking and traffic strategy.
B says
Thanks, Palmdale City Council, for doing your part to make our neighborhood a little less safe, a little more worrisome, unpleasant and nerve wracking ….I hope you made lots of money on the deal… which neighborhoods do you all live in? That sounds like an ideal place for another impromptu fireworks extravaganza this year…
AV Truth says
Yes, B, yes. Because every year, thousands of acres burn and thousands of children are maimed due to these safe ‘n sane fireworks. Every year we read the tales of houses up in smoke, kids who lose limbs, thousands of acres lost due to safe n’ sane fireworks. Oops, sorry. I was drinking what I thought was regular kool aid, but it turned out the be the crap served at the Kool Aid Cafe on Fern Street.
Minddancer says
I also cannot believe that personal fireworks of any kind are legal in any part of the AV with such a high fire danger. They should all be banned. There are places to go and see professional fireworks shows and these should be all that are allowed.
doluf says
If everyone went to the AV Fairgrounds (Only place in AV) to see the professional fireworks, it’d take much longer than the two hours+ I waited in the parking lot to get out last time I went. The dangerous situations that people cause by pulling off the shoulder of the 14 freeway and side streets make for far worse conditions than those responsible people that use “safe and sane” fireworks at home do. Like all things that can be used irresponsibly, use them as intended and in a safe manner, and everyone goes home safely. I would rather watch a professional fireworks display myself, but I’m not going to take away someone else’s freedom to purchase their own fireworks if the law says they can and do it safely. If we ban everything that has the potential to harm us, we might as well live in a cave. Oh wait, cave-in’s Damn.
Eric says
When did you go last? I went 2012, and getting out of the parking lot was a nightmare, roughly 2 1/2 – 3 hours; that parking lot is far too short to take that long to exit.
chrlrss says
Living in Lancaster and having to deal with the fireworks over here which are ALL illegal, I look for this list every year so that I know which organizations not to support. Amazing that these are still being sold with the drought, red flag warning, etc.
John Howard says
Yes, a $3.5M Fireworks show would have been awesome at Palmdale High School.
sikntired says
You would not be invited.Where’s your buddy the astute attorney,missing in action?
Justthefacts says
Palmdale is the only municipality in the Antelope Valley???? What about Rosamond?
Irena says
Rosamond isn’t technically a municipality it is a census designated area. Rosamond doesn’t have a city charter is really just an unincorporated area of kern Co.
Justthefacts says
Ohhhhh. I didn’t know it wasn’t in the Antelope Valley. Sorry.. My bad.
So then Antelope Acres or Neenach aren’t in the AV. Got it. I understand now. Thanks for clarifying.
Irena says
Of course they are part of the AV What I mean is that some areas we assume are cities in their own right really aren’t. The article specifically said “municipality”, which Rosamond isn’t.
Justthefacts says
Ok. I get it. I just assumed the author was saying the only place in the AV to buy and use fireworks is in Palmdale. They are allowed in Rosamond
Chris French says
What if any PROFESSIONAL displays scheduled.
Would sure like to see them at Palmdale High School again.
Chris French
Deanna Green says
I agree
QT_1 says
They were the best, Lancaster couldn’t beat the display and fun there…we need that again.