LANCASTER – California Governor Jerry Brown was among the dignitaries in attendance Monday as Build Your Dreams (BYD) unveiled its first American-made, all-electric rapid transit bus.
“This is a small beginning – a few buses – but it holds the promise of something very big and very important,” Brown stated.
The ceremony was held at BYD’s bus factory in Lancaster. Other speakers included Supervisor Michael Antonovich; Bill Allen, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation; Lanny Davis, Attorney for BYD and former White House Special Counsel; Micheal Austin, Vice President of BYD America; Lancaster Mayor Rex Parris; and Stella Li, CEO of BYD Motors.
“This event is truly historic with the unveiling of the first California-made, all-electric, long-range, 40-foot rapid transit buses lasting up to 24 hours on a single charge,” stated Li. “BYD has a long and solid commitment to provide zero-emission, superior technology transportation vehicles in the United States.”
“We are starting out here in Lancaster, California with the goal of providing clean energy electric buses throughout the United States,” Li continued.
BYD’s electric bus factory in Lancaster has created more than 60 new jobs for American workers, according to BYD officials. BYD expects to increase the number of new jobs created to 100 by the end of the year, while adding 200 more by the end of next year.
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Sue mendez says
The Toyota plant was a R&D for nascar engines. The BYD plant is viable future. It employed, and now provides residents. Fewer vacant houses, fewer places for meth labs, more local purchases without using food stamps. Not too bad at the end of the day.
William says
This is so great. Lancaster residents will be able to ride the new electric BYD bus to Palmdale to shop and dine and keep Palmdale’s air clean.
Thank you Rex Parris.
10dog says
How is Electricity make from, Coal, Gas , Atom power plants, some wind mill, (which are killing all kinds of birds) and a few Solar panels which we do not know how long they will last.
AV Truth says
Let’s not forget the 200 jobs our fearless mayor chased away when he sued Starwoods. Or the thousand Bank of America jobs gone. Then the jobs our fearless lay or tried to kill by opposing the power plant. Just wait till the aerospace jobs move outta here when our fearless mayor bring more communists to our community. Seems like he’s all to happy to trade good paying hi tech aerospace and military jobs for $1.50 an hour communist country jobs. Why does he hate the military and veterans so much?
Eric says
“60 new jobs” for “American” workers. Meanwhile, today, Toyota announced that it will move operations from Torrance, CA, to Plano, TX. 3000+ jobs. Why?
More business “friendly” climate in addition to closer proximity to production plants. Curious that when we were the state where these foreign companies first gained a foothold that production plants weren’t built here. Between taxes and some of the draconian “green” policies, better get used to it.
William says
As burdensome as California taxes and regulations are, would you rather live in Plano, Texas or anywhere in Texas or Alabama or any of those states with few regulations and low taxes and low everything else like wages and poor health care?
Whenever I think there’s something to complain about in California, I turn on the news and hear what is going on in other states and thank God I live here. In Georgia, the governor just signed a law allowing guns everywhere, in churches, bars, etc. No thanks. In states like that that pass such laws are going to be full of people who I don’t want to live around. It’s bad enough here in the AV with our own nutjobs. But, at least, they aren’t running Sacramento.
Db says
What no nut jobs in Sacramento!?…I must have missed that new memo…last time I checked the Peanut Gallery was running in full motion…your comments are hilarious…Thanks for the funny commentary…made my morning…LOL
Eric says
I can see now that the local election is over that we aren’t going to be friends anymore….
Seriously?! First of all, the right to bear arms is Constitutionally protected, I oppose all laws regardless whether they are in favor or against. I’d rather have the jobs staying here, rather than another surge in welfare cases it is likely to lead to. Keep in mind, Torrance just lost its largest property tax payer, and that loss is going to come back to bite us in the rear.
William says
Did it ever occur to you that if California had the tax structures and decreased regulations of some of those red welfare states, it would be pretty rotten living here?
The low or no taxes and fewer regulations would mean that there was a majority voting for such a state economy and those type of people are what make those low information voter havens in the south so ‘desirable’.
I don’t want California to look like Texas, Floriday, Alabama, Mississippi, etc.
All of California would be like Lancaster. “In God We Trust’ written everywhere. There were just be lots more Rex Parris’s with billboards saying how much money they made.
Eric says
Low information voter haven? How many Californians are really going to the poll “informed”? Plenty of corrupt, money grubbing thieves in the blue states as well. 535 treasonous “Representatives” sit on hill, and one by one, your freedoms disappear.
Someone who understands says
You’re really clueless aren’t you?
I guess you’ve never been to the Central Valley (Fresno, Madera, Stockton, Modesto) where living conditions are FAR WORSE than anywhere in the deep South states…because liberals like you have this nonchalant attitude with regard to jobs and industry — tax it to death and make it leave.
Matt K. says
Plano, TX may be ugly, but “ugly” doesn’t matter much when it comes to cost of living. California needs to relax it’s regulatory and tax burdens. This happened in Ted Lieu’s district, who is one of the most left-leaning legislators in Sacramento.
William says
When are people going to realize that it COSTS more to live in desirable places that also provide many social services and stricter environmental policies? Sheesh.
I want to live in Pebble Beach with a view of Spanish Bay. Who do I see about making that happen…..cheaply?
Eric says
Kind of hard to have a place being considered “desirable” when the only jobs available will be minimum wage retail positions. Of course those will go too once there isn’t enough disposable currency floating around.
California is not a utopia for rich people. Its one of the largest states in our Republic, and the apathy shown towards the degradation of our economy is horrendous.