Commentary by Sue Page, Executive Director, Children’s Center of The Antelope Valley
Child Abuse is a scourge. Most people would agree with that statement. No one wants to believe that a child would be intentionally harmed physically, sexually or emotionally. Yet it happens every day. What do we do about it? Childhood should be that special time of grace where everything is still a wonder and a joyous heart is the norm. Sadly, for some, it is a time of pain, confusion and horror.

Here, at the Children’s Center, we work against the simple premise that it shouldn’t hurt to be a kid. I say “simple”, conveying an idea to which everyone agrees, while acknowledging that the solutions are more difficult.
The founders of the Children’s Center, some 25 years ago, worked hard to establish a center that would exclusively address child abuse in the Antelope Valley. Statistics then, as now, were alarming and the justification for creating such a therapeutic facility seemed obvious. As our region has grown, so too has the problem.
So, just how many children are abused in the United States each year? The answer is…we don’t really know. Child abuse continues to be a silent crime. Significant numbers of child abuse cases do not get reported and data collection systems across the country collect information in different ways. Still, the most recent national data released by the national Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems indicates that child protective service agencies received and referred for investigation an estimated 3 million children in one year.
Shocking statistics in the Antelope Valley
Here in the Antelope Valley, where we have better numbers, the statistics are shocking. According to the Department of Children and Family Services, more than 880 children per month were reported to be victims of child abuse or neglect. This represents a 24% increase since 2005. Today there are over 3,600 open cases of suspected child abuse in the AV.
It’s no wonder we’re trying to draw attention to the problem. This is more than a problem. It’s a crisis.
The stories of child abuse appear in the paper consistently. But, often, by the time we read of the abuse, the case has already elevated to trial or burial.
At the least, we wish to advise the community of where to get help if child abuse is suspected. In an emergency or life threatening situation, call 9-1-1 and secure police assistance. For a non-emergency situation, call the Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-540-4000) at DCFS to a make a child abuse report. The Los Angeles county Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), the local child protective services agency, has the legal authority to “explore, study and evaluate” the facts surrounding a reported case of abuse or neglect. A Children’s Social Worker will be sent to investigate the situation.
For families where the risk of child abuse is high or where physical abuse has occurred, child abuse prevention and treatment services are available through the Children’s Bureau of Southern California (1-800-272-0438).
Treatment services for sexually and physically abused children are available at the Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley (1-661-949-1206). The Children’s Center takes a comprehensive approach to child abuse prevention and treatment. Programs include: enriched play; child abuse treatment; parent child therapy; family support; family preservation and parenting classes. As a stand-alone agency, we take pride in the idea that we are changing our community through our community.
Vigilance and education are the two words I’d most like to leave with the reader. But even more important is the concept that child abuse is 100% preventable. We all know that a healthy child makes for a healthy family, a healthy community and a healthy future.
April is National Child Abuse Awareness month. It is very much in all of our interests to be attentive to the child abuse problem and proactive in its solution.
Intrinsically, we all know, it shouldn’t hurt to be a kid!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Mark Pursel says
I am a 21 year police veteran and current police detective that has actively investigated hundreds of child abuse cases. I am also a victim of DCFS corruption. I offer the following advice: Do not ever speak to DCFS…When they come to your home, step outside and close the door behind you…Collect their business card and listen to the allegation against you…Then exert your right to reman silent and do so…Do not answer ANY questions. Do not allow them into your home. Do not allow them to see or interview your children. Do not sign anything. Do not provide them with ANY information about your children or family. If you have time, record the at the door encounter. If your children are old enough, teach them how to exercise their right to remain silent; children should exercise their right to remain silent if interviewed at school or if DCFS comes back to your home with an investigative warrant (school interviews can be avoided by home schooling your children). Any investigative warrant obtained solely on an uncorroborated anonymous allegation to the DCFS hotline is illegal; you should seek an attorney to file a federal civil rights violation lawsuit under 42 USC 1983 if DCFS serves an illegal warrant on your home.
s says
I have been an advocate/involved with the Gabriel case from the beginning. This type of abuse is disgusting and demands our attention but somehow fails to receive it. Then we have so many families that are accused of abuse and its simply not the case. From what I see, dcfs preys on those whom actually love their children and will do anything to get them back, while monster parents are left alone because they refuse service. So sad!
no name says
That is so true they mess with the wrong people the ones who really love and cares for they kids and try to do the best they can for their child but the people who is really beating and hurting there kids they are over looking not even paying attention to them they are worried about the wrong family taking kids from the wrong family the one who cares and even that they take kids and put them in a bad situation some foster homes are not good and sweet they have foster parents who beat and hurt kids emotionally physically and mentally I know from experience of being in foster care for 6 years of my life I got taking from a bad situation to be put in another bad situation foster parents should be looked at to.
I've seen it all says
The biggest problem is what constitutes child abuse? Well, that depends on who you ask. We all know the sex abuse pretty easy. But physical or emotional abuse has a wide range based on individual cases. Some say spanking is abuse while others say thats how they were raised and they turned out fine. Where is the line?
EducateEveryone says
I just don’t understand. It seems that lately you need a permit, license, certificate or degree for anything you do. Why not require proper training and psychological evaluation to become parents? Child abuse should not exist and people should not bring little angels into this world to collect a monthly check and receive food stamps. I also see too many “children raising children”……enough said. )’:
Better services I hope says
I sure hope the children’s center has new BETTER counselors than what was there 14 years ago. Back then the services were useless. And that from personal experience. It is so sad the rate of child abuse is so high. Something has to be done and these innocent babies need protection.
John says
It’s a statistical fact that the Antelope Valley is known “nation wide” as the child abuse capital of the USA. Even Readers Digest which is an international publication ran an article naming the AV as the worst city in the US in regards to child abuse. The AV: What a great place to live and raise a family.
Red says
@John, never miss an opportunity to be negative about the A.V. Why do you live here? Your such a victim and your none stop whining. You certainly are the injustice collector. Please leave Grumpy Old Person.
William says
John and Eric get parents all upset with their nonstop kvetching and then the parents take it out on their kids.
But, then again, the Antelope Valley has been republican for many decades.
Does that have something to do with it?
Red states are at the bottom of most statistics as far as quality of life issues, education, health care, etc.
But, if you hang a sign that says “In God We Trust” in the city council chambers, all is well. Right, folks?
Red says
@William, they’ve been in power for ever and now it’s not their fault. He’s an injustice collector who can’t move on. What a whiney baby, such a victim,
Eric says
Real classy, you two. This is perhaps the most inappropriate spot for you to start in with your pontificating, but there you go…
Rick Overdorf says
In what issue of Reader’s Digest did you find this information? I have heard this mentioned in the past, but real, dependable data is not easy to find.
Nancy P says
Any update on that monster Ingrid Brewer? Remember? She “adopted” 2 kids, left them tied up and/or locked in their rooms. Very little food and clothes. She worked all day in LA at some “health facility” while the little kids were locked in their rooms. They broke out of the house and were found in freezing weather huddled under a blanket in the street by the police. Any update????
Carmen says
Why does the court take such a long time to take action to prevent situations from happening. Mediation should put a stop for all contact for a child not to be placed with a parent who is already showing signs of violence around a child. Pay close attention to the parent who cares for the child, not the one who is putting on a show for the judge. I’m so upset with the way these courts handle these cases, and the child ends up not wanting visitation with the Dead Beat Dad and his Abusive girlfriend who can care less for the child. Just a Power Game for Control,…Let Grandma tell it like is really is, The Truth!!!!
Dax says
These people who hurt little children deserve to have their 8th amendment rights suspended. What they do is extremely cruel and unusual and they deserve medieval punishment!