PALMDALE – A 21-year-old man was shot in the face outside a Palmdale liquor store Thursday night, authorities said.
The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. at Pyramid Liquor, located in a strip mall on the 1600 Block of East Palmdale Boulevard.
“A call came in of a male gunshot victim. Deputies responded to the scene and found the victim,” said Lt. Lecrivain of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station. “The victim was transported to the hospital and he is alive.”

Lecrivain confirmed that the victim was found outside of the location and had been shot in the face, but could not give specifics on the victim’s condition as of Friday.
The shooting was not the result of a robbery, Lecrivain said, adding that she could not divulge any further details because the incident was still under investigation.
No suspects were in custody as of Friday morning, Lecrivain said.
A Palmdale Sheriff’s Station broadcast Thursday night stated that the victim had been confronted by a group of males, and that deputies were searching for four Hispanic males in connection with the shooting.
No further details were available Friday.
Anyone with information on this incident is urged to contact the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2400. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
UPDATED 4/18/14 @ 6:30 p.m.
Close friends have identified the victim as Daniel, and they say the 21-year-old is an amazing father to his young son. Daniel and his brother were standing outside the liquor store talking to a homeless man when the shooting occurred, his close friends say.
Daniel was shot in the face with a shot gun; he is currently in critical condition and the prognosis is not good, his close friends say.
This information has not been confirmed by sheriff’s officials. We will continue to follow this story.
UPDATED 4/21/14: Victim passed away April 19
Daniel Pensamiento-Galdamez was pronounced dead around 9:16 p.m. Saturday, April 19, at Antelope Valley Hospital, according to Assistant Chief Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. His autopsy is still pending, however, Daniel sustained a gunshot wound to the face, Winter said.
angie and john chris says
Our prayers go out to the family of the victim we got to know him and his twin brothers who were very respectful and never thought they would be going threw something like this hope they find the person who did this. Just know that one day u will see him again , may he RIP Daniel
Ali Baba Hussain says
Sad Story indeed. This is an indicator of the further decline of Palmdale. Its sad that this culture is so mainstream and common nowadays, even off duty police officers exhibit gang traits and actions. And this happend so close to the Sheriffs Base. This is the consequence of uncontrolled greed based growth without an economic foundation and poor cultural ties/outlets. People usually are less violent and have a lot more to lose when their is more food on the table. Example Beverly Hills. Sad Indeed, Best thing to do is leave the AV.
William says
William says
I will. After All, the police didnt pay me for keeping mum about their Fake reports and street gang ties. Batman selling out for a 100K after the police and gangs tried to kill his father and used his daughter, sure AV. Passing military files too UC police and civilians too, that taboo.
Bye Bye
bird says
Ali Baba Hussain—Thank you for your input. God Bless.
William says
Oh, bird. It’s really pathetic when you invoke God’s name to bless someone who is saying it’s better to leave town instead of working to make it better.
But, that’s you.
Maybe, you should leave too. THAT would make the AV better.
bird says
William—God Bless you and God Bless America. It saddens me that you’re so bitter. Making things better for a community is not about insulting and making cruel remarks. It is about bringing people up with encouraging words. You have no idea what this persons path has been. This person has a right to comment without your insulting words. But that’s you.
William says
You invoke God, then turn around an bash me and others.
God’ll get ya fer that.
I’m guessing you are a hypocrite in life and you use God as a shield. The problem is that it is an ‘invisible shield’ and I can see right through it.
I’m a happy camper living in Palmdale with a great Mayor, Council and city staff, great neighbors and great amenities in this city. Yet, you jump to the ‘you’re bitter’ because that’s what you are.
As for my comments about Rex and the corrupt gang that is running Lancaster into the ground, I won’t stop pointing that out as long as he’s mayor and his gang and religious cult puts their interests above the community.
God knows what you are even if you pretend otherwise. Every time you use his name on this site the word ‘Hypocrite’ flashes on my computer monitor because I have a software program called ‘BS Wizard’ that catches it like an anti-virus program. And, it has caught you more than anyone else. Congratulations.
bird says
William—God Bless you William and have a peaceful day. You are being a bit confusing William; you tell one person they should stay in the A.V., and demean him for wanting to leave, and then you tell me it would be a better place if I leave. Now that just isn’t very nice of you William. Now you’re projecting William. Do something positive in the community instead of trying to make people feel bad with your cruel words. I not invoking God, I’m asking God with a humble prayer. I love you William!
William says
You bless someone who advocates leaving the AV as a solution to its problems.
Well, I bless you and advocate that you leave too.
God bless you too.
dumbass says
just your average religious hypocrite. too bad church doesnt help you with your incompetence.
Shane says
I’m not sure but I believe I knew Daniel when we were kids and lived on 47th st in south central LA. I’ve lost touch with him since then back when we were both little kids. My aunt mentioned something about seeing his family here in the AV not too long ago but never really got back in touch with him. If anyone could please let me know if this Daniel was my friend from back in the day, my number is 661-839-7718, my name is Shane Lampaya. Thank you
curious 1 says
can we get an update please? Anyone arrested? Anyone they might be looking for etc?
2 says
Friends and family need help with anything text me ASAP 661-368-8824
Stop the violence says
Whatever country whatever race whatever religion or if you are female or male should not matter be a problem enough hate crimes! We need to stop violence! We have more people dying from stupid shootings or wreck less driving then there is solders dying in the war!?? America country of freedom! Is it really? Hate crimes are committed every 30 seconds rather the person dies or not it’s still a crime! We need to think of our children or parents or nephews or neices or whoever matters to us the most and think is it worth it? If I do it and go to jail is it really worth it in the end? Life is already short now we have to make it even shorter? Yeah I get it man will kill man over dirt”land” man will kill man over oil but now it’s for what color shirt your wearing or what zip code your from?
albert says
Rest in peace daniel we spend 3 days in a cell and all you talked about was your son. I promised you a job and you said first let me grow my hair and when i was bailed out you said my boy wait till we both see the judge because of u albert time has passed by quick. I spend 3 days with u daniel and knew u had a good heart and wanted 2 work with u with my promise and the next time i see you is in the paper rip . If anyone knows his family i would like 2 help them. 818 674 7675
Melissa says
Heavily on my mind Daniel,Looney…
a couple days before this tragedy I was chillen with the pensamiento brothers talking,laughing n smilen away. Overall the mistakes Daniel made in life, didn’t change who he was. As we all know once we got to to know Daniel he was a kindhearted beautiful loving person.
It’s still hard to believe you took God’s hand when you heard him call. Your missed more and more as another day passes by… my boy while your watchen us from a better view keep your son , brothers , sisters , mother n father and REAL friends safe. and give them strength and and I pray there.good in health.
My condolences goes out to his mother n father , son and two twin lil big brothers. I feel for you…
We all miss you dearly Daniel.
You may be gone visually but at heart and mentality you will never be forgot… much love now you may rest in paradise. Your an guardian angel now«3 we love you DANIEL n miss you so much!!! Rest n heaven. You’ll remain n my prayers. I’ll take care of your loved ones Now your parting has left a void then fill it with remember joy. Rip handsome.
Daniel you will be missed dearly by family and friends. To the world, he was just one person, but one person like Daniel can mean the world.
woke.up.a long time ago says
THERES A MOVIE I THINK EVERY GANG MEMBER SHOULD WATCH ABOUT A GANG MEMEBER WALKING DOWN THE DTREET SAW LAMES AND RAN HEBSAW GUY )HIS ENEMY AS TBEY SAIDANYWAYS CARRYINGHIS LITTLE SISTER OUT.OF A BURNIMG.HOUSE HE PUT HIS SISTER DOWN.BOTH STARING A ECHOTheR ANYWAYS TBEY.BOTH NODED THEIR HEads and he walked away theybwould pass ecother on , the street anyways the one whonhis sister was saved was walking with his homeys.when.tllsaw the guy who saved baby on streets.the.guys homeys attacked this guy and were fonna kill him anyways he stood up for him they wouldnt listen sonhe stabbed his own hood homeys.to deatb to.hmm elp the ‘m man who.saved his sister theybtried blaming the guy dor.killing his enemys.so he then turned him.self in the guy he saved from his homeys visit him.all the time.and.now.speaks.on gangs and gg iplence
know the feeling says
All of u u will know who this reguards i am a mother of twoboys who are in gang activitys and every time they leave the house my stomache drops and ibwonder when iam gonna get that call or visit telling me just as happend to.daniel.when tbeybare not at home i can not sleep it sucks and they dont know whatbitbdoes to.menor.just dont care they have a 10 year old sisterwho adores them.and frars they r gonna not come home
TRUTH says
This guys was always in the streets looking for trouble banging 18th trying to be a gangster. Idk who killed him and I don’t think it was right. I’m only being real.
Jonathan says
I’ll never forget you Daniel. Best cousin/big brother I ever had! You’ll forever live in my heart. I love you and will see you soon.
tessie surratt says
either way this a tragedy!
How Dare You says
Really? Who are you to judge? Who doesn’t have tattoos these days?
You sit there and thrash his character did you even really know him?
Im guessing the answer is NO!
Bearer of Truth says
Well, a sad story for sure. But with one exception: the REAL victim here is the young son. It will hurt all of you boo-hooing for this guy to hear this, but those who know him, know the truth: this guy is a criminal. I’m guessing the reason these particular photos were submitted to this site are because they are the only ones not showing the big gang tattoo on his head. Wasn’t he just in jail just a few weeks ago? Sure, this could have been anyone…..I guess. Of course your chances are severely smaller when you don’t associate with gangbangers and hang out in front of liquor stores at 9:30PM, instead of being home being “an awesome father” (as one poster called him)to his son. So, my condolences to the son that now has to grow up without a father who chose hanging out with low-lifes instead of his real responsibilities.
Diana says
Who are you to judge him !!! You don’t even know him!! I hate stupid people like you to come and write [removed] you don’t even know. Let’s see when they do that to you or someone you love! Tattoos has nothing to do with this stupid ignorant! Just because you go in the night to a liquor store doesn’t make you a gang related person! IDIOT!!!!! Just so you know he was just getting home with his dad and just went to get something real quick! You have nothing nice to say well [removed] off!!!!!
TOC says
No matter if he had TATS, gang ties or was a criminal…who are you to be passing judgment on this man?
Looks like in both pictures he has hair covering what ever Gang he was associated with, how do you know he was not trying to change his life? No one deserves to be shot or killed in cold blood, while talking to a transient outside a liquor store or anywhere else for that matter.
You need to keep your smart azz comments to yourself and pray for the son and family instead of causing more hurt with your words!
You sound like you know his criminal history…you must be LE…
rw lancaster says
You are a complete idiot. All life is precious. My prayers are with his family and friends. A senseless loss.
bigboy says
May you rest in peace lil homie I’ve none your crazy ass since highschool I know you left a lil boy behind. Can anyone close to his family or son hit me up 6612369718
Endure with Gods Help says
I am so sorry to hear he has passed away! Prayers for strength and endurance for all the family members left behind. I hope you can find some comfort in the scripture at John 5:28 . You will see him again.
Diana says
I still can’t believe or accept you are gone.How i wish it was a dream.
i will always love & miss you Daniel :(
cesy says
Thanks for ur prayer for my brothers and for the family
heartbroken says
I miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much <3
wondering says
Did the victim die?
Diana says
yes ! :(
frank says
O im sorry for that ..prayers for gis family
scifi.fan says
Did the victim Die?
heartbroken says
I pray that justice be served for Daniel. =[
He will never ever be forgotten
Jamie Lynne says
Just heard news from someone who knows him that he has passed away. I find this so disappointing and disgusting, I didn’t personally know him but I know he knew a lot of people I consider neighbors who live in my area, and I go to that liquor store all the time they have a really good selection of interesting beer. It could’ve been anyone, I’m so sorry it was you Daniel. I’m praying for your little boy. -your neighbor on earth and in the afterlife
rhavae says
This is one of my good friends he use to live around the corner from me this my boy this is real sad man if any family members respond to this please give me a call to check up on my boy please and thank you -vae 6615268177
mcervantes says
Dammm I can’t believe it…I went to middle school with him….he was always laughing and full of joy :'(….prayers go out to u and u fam Daniel. ….
Mike C says
Just checking in from up here in South Dakota Daniel. Never met you before but I am still praying for you brother. Hang in there. Just reading about this makes me sick to my stomach. We’re praying for your family too.
heartbroken says
He passed away hes now in heaven watching over all he loved thank you though
Mike says
I was praying for him yesterday at church during Easter services. This is so sad. Everyone up here that I talked to about what happened feels the same way. I’ll say another prayer for him tonight.
pinky says
heavily on my mind daniel
god give him strength
rhavae says
Do you know daniel?
pinky says
brown eyes says
RIP daniel u will always be in our hearts fun times in the old days ur in a better place know god will take care of the rest
Rooney says
I will pray for Daniel’s complete recovery. Family, be strong. God is with you all.
I pray they catch the shooter and deal with them to the fullest extent of the law.
Mike C says
I don’t know this guy but he’s got prayers coming from Rapid City South Dakota. Hang in there buddy.
Nancy P says
echo, Seattle Wa.
Pinky says
Im rooting for you….. I <3 ya You have a lil boy whom needs you. Prayers to all of you during this time <3 Life is to precious as you can see. Im praying you make it thru <3
Joe says
What’s the guys name?
pinky says