LANCASTER – Four people were arrested and detectives are still searching for the second vehicle involved in a car-to-car shooting Thursday morning in West Lancaster, authorities said.
The incident occurred a little after 10 a.m. near 40th Street West and Avenue J-8, according to Deputy Deloof of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.

“It appears that there was a shooting between two vehicles, and one of the vehicles that was involved crashed into two light poles and a fire hydrant,” Deloof said.
The vehicle, a dark-colored BMW, was headed southbound on 40th Street West, Deloof said.
The BMW crashed into a hydrant, sending water spewing into the sky, before jumping the center divider and coming to rest at a light pole on the corner of Avenue J-8.

At least three bullet holes could be seen on the passenger side of the BMW, and there were at least four bullet holes in the back windshield.
Three males and one female were inside the BMW during the shooting, and none of them were hit by gunfire, Deloof said, adding that no other injuries were reported in connection with the incident. The BMW’s occupants were detained at the scene and then taken to the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station, where they were booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.

Arrested were 29-year-old Albert Perryman of Lancaster; 25-year-old Dwight Thomas of Los Angeles; 24-year-old Percy Moore of Los Angeles; and 22-year-old Aja Moore of Los Angeles, according to Deputy Deloof.
He said a firearm was recovered at the scene, but not inside the BMW. An early Lancaster Sheriff’s Station broadcast stated that deputies were looking for a Gray Buick.
No further information was immediately available late Thursday afternoon. Anyone with information on this incident is urged to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station’s Operation Safe Streets Bureau at 661-948-8466. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
youdonthaveaclue says
To you fraudulent’s, kibitzers, and make believers who dare to speak Upon this matter,
Your stupid as possible because you know that you know nothing whatsoever.
And if you really knew what was going on You wouldn’t even be commenting .
Also, none of you people know me, my character, capacities, and statue of self.
Like the mayor of lancaster (he’s a history drug user and racist ), you people are color – blind
And lackeys
supabad says
[removed] says
your probably just a hater who he rejected lmao-or a girl who wanted hem but couldnt get her way -lmao u people tryed to say hes a drug dealer,gangmember n more noe u talkin get lost loser
Concerned Citizen says
I live down the street from where this incident took place. It is litterally a block away from an elementary school and many small children live in the surrounding neighborhoods. For those saying get a life and mind our business apparently do not live in this nice quiet area. We have children here MANY children elementary, jr. High, and high school age that we love. And when this nonsense is brought into our neighborhood it is made out business! It is a blessing that a bullet did not miss and fly through someone’s home and strike their child or them. I am glad these people were apprehended I can only hope they apprehend the person or persons in the second car!
pisceslover says
the guy getting arrested in the picture lives right across the street from the elementary school in those apartments ….i know him and his house is right their….so he is closer than u think….but i stopped talking to him because he stole my friends ssn and used it to get phones…but he is a con artist for real and needs to be investigated…
youwillgetgot says
ay ur a [removed] girl. i know albert and you [removed] are mad because he dont [removed] with yall. albert is a baller y the [removed] would he need ur ssn for a phonedumb asssno ur just mad because he didnt let you work for his cellphone company we know its you [removed] that want to [removed] all the time but he wouldnt let you the same [removed] that live on j and 25th west lmao now if we go to your house to [removed] we would be rite for doing that osirus is a business man and a intellectual genius a one of a kind man u never met [removed] yall talkin about that is why he dont [removed] with u read the report …the police dont know [removed] osirus is real n wont tell them nothin…u still made huhe fake [removed] i invested with osirus network and got 10,000 back but u want to talk about a phone [removed] ..get the [removed] out of here -u haters just just keep payin attention because he willl show u how much your under hem osirus we really appreciate you -from your friends and business partners. we need new financial programme…jason society
Nancy P says
Derrick says
Look on Albert Perrymen facebook page flashing money and in that same bmw
scifi.fan says
They are known drug dealers. They are scum and I ma glad they got caught.
youwillgetgot says
Whattheheck! says
Did you notice that 3 out of 4 are from Los Angeles? Why are they running up here to the AV to have a shoot out? Maybe they think the Police here in the AV won’t shut them down… here’s a suggestion — take that drama back to Los Angeles!!!
Dunn says
To be honest the av is known for more strict cops than LA
JipJoe says
Ghetto $500 rims on an old 7 series choke full of electrical issues and a Buick. Gee, no surprise there. Did someone open a GhettoRus in town?
sikntired says
jipjoe is [removed] says
$500 rims? Old 7 series? What do you drive. Does it matter what kind of car it is? I think the article said “Three males and one female were inside the BMW during the shooting, and none of them were hit by gunfire” They where shot at so how are they the THUGS? I think they are the victims. Someone stated the driver of the car was from west Lancaster so maybe he was the target??
Please read the article correct before you make STUPID COMMENTS!
Wowza says
Victims? Well the article also states that all four were arrested? Are we reading the same article?
Ohmy says
And a gun recovered! Or maybe you thing they were set up?
bird says
jipjoe—You really like arguing with yourself!
krista says
All of yall who talking [removed] go get a life before you start discriminating people you dont know what happened mind your damn business….
bird says
krista—you wouldn’t happen to be a friend of Deon would you? The one who is trying to pin this caper on Mexicans. This is a public forum, that means this is our business. I would suggest you get a life; something that has a positive outcome.
Wowza says
If people are shooting each other up like the ‘wild west’, it becomes the business of the community. What if one of those stray bullets struck a child?
Goon23 says
Crime happens anywhere and everywhere day light or night doesn’t matter what country,state or city there will be crime ! Everyone is quick to judge like we live in the safest city in the nation be thankful instead for waking up and having another beautiful day to spend with family and love ones u can be here today and be gone tomorrow god bless!
ja says
so because crime is expected,we have to accept it? that is a flawed concept. We need more citizens to be vocal. We need more citizens to report this behavior, to call those committing these crimes out into public view. Stop turning a blind eye and DON’T EVER accept this as the normal routine just because it is going to happen somewhere at sometime anyway. Stand up for your community! take it back! own it! be proud of it and let those that want to bring it down with crime and corruption know that for everyone of them out there thinking they can operate like criminals without consequence there will be more things to worry about than the sheriffs. Time to cut the snitches get stitches fear out, that only protects criminals.
GuardianAngel says
You do not have to accept the crime itself, but accept the fact that it will forever exist, I assume that is what -Goon23- meant.. If not, that is my attitude towards it..
wow says
Remember R Rex Parris Quote Everybody from his mailer :
” Do you remember how bad things were in Lancaster only four and a half
years ago? Gang crime was out of control. We heard gunfire at night from our
homes. Families were afraid to go out after dark. Thankfully, things are much
better today “
:( says
Really, now we hear gunfire during the day. Oh for the good old days before Rex!
PA says
Oh BS, It’s still bad…
GA says
The owner of this vehicle lives at the premier apartments in west Lancaster. I see his car there all the time. He is an ill tempered individual that is ALWAYS down in the leasing office getting chummy with the apartment manager. I am sure he has had noise complaints against him since he likes to play his music real loud with no regards to others in the complex. If you live at the premiere these are the kind of neighbors you might have. If you live in a house close to the premiere these are the kinf of neighbors you might have. Think about that.
Eric says
Compelling argument.
Mickey says
When you hear someone use that word, it usually means they’re losing an argument or have run out of things to say. It’s the last refuge of someone who is truly ignorant.
bird says
When you’re a criminal, it doesn’t matter what color you are.
Mememe says
This is so sad and scary. I hate that a couple of scumbags can ruin our neighborhood. I live in Palmdale and it’s not a lot better than Lancaster but I feel a lot safer. I only go to Lancaster to go to Costco and the Ladies Gym. However, we do have to keep in mind that this type of stuff happens everywhere. Yesterday there was a shooting in Thousand Oaks and today in Mar Vista. Scum is everywhere.
Jim Jameson says
This is horrible! This drug dealing trash needs to leave the antelope valley nobody wants them here! The family is very digusting as well check their facebooks!
Bob says
Just another “typical” day in the good old AV! Want to live longer? Want a safe place to raise your kids?, then run don’t walk to get the he%* out of the AV!
Deon says
These wasn’t thugs, People don’t even know the facts
jaxx says
If they are shooting guns on the street at cars THEY ARE THUGS
Monique says
Amen!, Jaxx.
ohmy says
Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well then it must be a duck. Duh. Facts are there was a shooting period!!
Deon says
How where they the “thugs” when they the ones that got shot at! Come on people. It probably was some Mexicans trying to rob him for the car
Mememe says
Wow!! And they just happened to have gun and shot back? We’re you there? A thug, is at thug, is a thug no matter what color or ethnicity.
bird says
Deon—Really nice Deon! Trying to pin this on Mexicans trying to rob them of their car. Then I guess they wouldn’t be shooting the car full of bullets would they.
bird says
Deon—Who would want a car that’s a sure roust.
Angie says
Or some of the AV’s accepted Meth heads trying to rob them…The Meth Heads are acceptable out here…I love the way that they pick and choose what they want to get out of the article..THEY were not shooting, there was NO gun in the BMW…duh..But last weeks Pedophile was MISUNDERSTOOD and trying to work, come on folks!!
fed up says
ya not thugs but they r on here threatening a witness to watch their back…hmmm sounds like a p.o.s thug to me! I can’t stand this valley, better move before my kids start school! so disgusting these people are!ugh
bogodean says
my son-in-law came to visit and wanted to know why the av looks like the getto or south los angeles. he moved away 2 years ago. why do we have all this trash moving here and making the area so scary and unsafe
Bob says
You say your son moved away? He is one of the smart ones-he’ll live longer.
quartzhill says
I pulled up to the accident at about 9:55am. I saw one of the passengers running and hiding something in the bushes. I thought it was drugs. Didn’t know there was shots fired. Ridiculous.
Quartz Hill resident 20 years and counting
Watchyourback says
Thanks for the info blue Acura we done saw you.
lisa says
Is that a threat? Wow
Wowza says
Yeah really, can anyone say IP address?
bird says
watchyourback just threatened Quartzhill on March 28,2014, at 1:43 pm. This absolutely needs to be addressed! Go to the police with this information!
Friend of Qh says
You guys need to relax this was an inside joke a (simple joke)between the person who left the comment and a friend referencing the increased crime and trash that has camme and stayed in the AV. I don’t think the criminals have acess legally to internet in jail. This is a quick example of how everyone’s quick to assume!
Friend of Qh says
*came *access
bird says
Never thought this threat came from internet in jail! No assumption here, it is a threat from watchyourback! This is a written threat and will be addressed!
Friend of Qh says
Let me clarify this because it seems like people are going to too far with this and trying to instigate something other/bigger than it really is. I’m a friend of quartzhill and was speaking with him after he put his comment up and it was a simple joke between us he is a friend of mine and that is why he hasn’t responded so others don’t make it out bigger than it was suppose to be. Those who believe the first comment by “watchyourback” was real it was fake and repeat a joke to my own friend discussing our unsafe streets and increased crime since we live locally in quartz hill.
WRONG time/place says
Ever heard. . There’s a time AND place to play/joke? ? Maybe with how serious this topic is he made a poor decision all the way around. SMH some things aren’t meant to be joked about
LASD- Detective says
Quartzhill, Call Lancaster Station and ask to speak to Detective Ellis in Operation Safe Streets Bureau.
As says
I hope the others are found! I was just driving down 40th this morning a little before 10. This is so scary. They obviously didn’t care about other vehicles on the road. And it’s always the innocent people who get hurt. Thankfully no one was shot, but I can’t believe the stupidity.
QHR says
Typical Ghettocaster!
Smart says
Look at me I have giant wheels and little tire on a performance car. I am not smart, I am a dumb criminal. I call attention to myself when I shouldn’t. What a waste!
soapbox journal says
I wonder what the mayor rexey poo would have to say about this.
Db says
I’m not sure what is going on in Lancaster!?..but the last few times I have done errands around this town (I don’t live in Lancaster)….I have noticed a quite obvious change in the scenery…it is downright scary…I see nothing but spaced-out and drugged-up panhandlers at nearly every store you go to…I see gang-members with their tattoos galore that reveal everything about them all over their face, neck and arms…to say the least this town is at the worst I have seen it and I have lived in the valley for over 30 years!…I now avoid it all at costs!
Scott Pelka says
Wait didn’t Rex say we don’t have a gang problem anymore, or maybe their just friends of the mayor’s.
Irena says
Same here. I live in Palmdale and though we have our problem areas, I feel much safer here then when I have to go to Lancaster. I work a few days a week in Lancaster and when I go to lunch I will only visit a few places, not wanting to drive too far afield.